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21CW - Rise of the UK 2008

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[CENTER][SIZE="6"]21CW - Rise of the UK 2008[/SIZE][/CENTER] [I]So once again I'm doing a 21CW dynasty, I'm doing it all in a simlar fashion to last time. I'll try to update it as often as i can. ENJOY![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/issue1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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hehe got to love MS Paint lol No, its photoshop. I was gna do it in Adobe inDesign but Photoshop is easier as I'm alot more familiar. The newsletter will begin to become more flashy as i add features to it :)
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Best of luck, Richy. Have started to play around with 21CW in the demo...not easy!! A cult promotion with one wrestler at D overness and another at D- overness and the rest struggling below that. Very hard to get ratings at first. Hopefully you'll do well with this though. :)
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[CENTER][B]21CW Livewire – Week 1, January 2008[/B] [B]Held at Edgeware Hall, UK in front of a Sell OPut 2,000 crowd[/B] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/21CWLivewire.jpg[/IMG] [I]A countdown begins from 10, the crowd instinctively join in 3… 2… 1… The arena goes dark… … Bang! … 2 thunderous pyros stream into the air and the new head booker, Richard Garlick walks down the ramp to the ring area. Garlick takes up a mic and prepares to address the fans[/I] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Richard:[/COLOR][/B] “I just want to say how happy I am to be here with your wonderful fans!” Crowd Pops [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Richard:[/COLOR][/B] “…and to be taking over the greatest show on earth!” Crowd Pops [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Richard:[/COLOR][/B] “… now your all wondering…” [I]Richard is interrupted as The Takeover’s music starts[/I] [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: F+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Kathleen Lee along with Joss Thompson and Leo Price make their way out to the ring.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Kathleen:[/B][/COLOR] “OK Mr. Big Shot ! You obviously haven’t been introduced to those who are actually taking over here in 21CW…” [I]Crowd Boo[/I] “So we’re gna have to put you in your place and show you exactly what your up against!... You’ve to face up to the might and power of Leo Price! … and try to tackle the sheer class of Joss Thompson!” [I]… The two parade around the ring to the sound of jeers…[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Kathleen:[/B][/COLOR] “…and I should introduce you to the fourth member of our takeover!... The 21CW World Champion Jonathan Faust” “… Are You Scared?” a voice rips over the tanoy followed by laughter before Faust enters the ring to his music… [COLOR="Red"][B]Kathleen:[/B][/COLOR] “You see, we’re an unstoppable force! I’m looking forward to seeing you struggle here in the 21CW… I hope you last a month so I can see the anguish in your eyes!” [I]…Kathleen stares down at Richard Garlick as the music of The Takeover begins…[/I] [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: E[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #1[/U][/B] [B]Nate Manchester vs Davey Celtic[/B] Both men had decent bouts of excellence but the win came in favour of Celtic after he landed a Cannonball Legdrop! [B]Winner:[/B] Davey Celtic [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: F+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Adam Matravers, Daniel Black Francis, Phoebe Plumridge and Richard Garlick are on camera talking but the camaraman can't get close enough to hear the discussion. [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jeff Nova:[/COLOR][/B] “Could this be the sign of a new alliance?” [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Steve Smith:[/COLOR][/B] “I don’t know Jeff but I’m not gna say I’m disappointed after Kathleen Lee’s performance earlier!” [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #2[/U][/B] [B]Davey London vs Mister King[/B] London took it to King all guns blazing, King got certain mounts of offence but London came out on top when he landed the London Bridge for the 3 count! [B]Winner:[/B] Davey London [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Richard Garlick enters the ring and takes up the mic…[/I] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Richard:[/COLOR][/B] “Well your all desperate to know what I’m planning here right?... Well I’ve got us a little tournament prepared!... and its for the 21CW World Championship Number One Contender’s spot!... The Brackets are as follows…” [CODE]Adam Matravers v Stevie Stoat Chuck Frisby v Nate Manchester Daniel Black Francis v Rolling Johnny Stones DJ Reason v Nightmare Joss Thompson v Phillip Cooper Leo Price v Red Dragon Luke Cool v Richard Garlick Mister King v Pit Bull Brown[/CODE] “Lets see how you like that Miss Lee! … In addition I should announce that I’ve formed a new group proudly named The Unity! Introducing the two men that are going to head up the new face of 21CW… Adam Matravers and Daniel Black Francis!” [I]Crowd Pops[/I] “Mr. Garlick Out!” [I]Richard Garlick leaves the ring…[/I] [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: E[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #3[/U][/B] [B]The Assassin’s Guild vs The Elimination Agents vs The Ivanoff Brothers[/B] For the number one contendership to the 21CW Tag-Team Titles In this elimination bout, The Ivanoffs and the Assassins’ Guild teamed up to try and take out The Elimination Agents. Igor and Ivan let the Assassins go to work but eventually the Agents took over and eliminated Louie and Stefan. With the 2 teams left in the ring, The Elimination Agents made good progress in taking out Igor. Suicide reentered the ring only to be stopped by Ivan who hit a killer blow to Suicide and covered him for the pin-fall while Genocide was unawares. [B]Winner:[/B] The Ivanoff Brothers, they are the number contenders for the 21CW Tag-Team Titles. [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [I]A Video promoted Leo Price[/I] [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #4[/U][/B] Tournament Bout [B]Red Dragon vs Leo Price[/B] A real Wales vs England bout! Both took turns to dominate the other but the interference from Thompson allowed Price enough time to set up the Price Drop and cover the Dragon for the 3 count. [B]Winner:[/B] Leo Price, advances to quarter-finals [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Video hypes Joss Thompson vs Phillip Cooper[/I] [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #5[/U][/B] Tournament Bout [B]DJ Reason vs Nightmare[/B] Nightmare showed his dominance in a match he really took control in! Despite showing signs of fatigue, Nightmare took Reason up for the Darkness Chokeslam sealing his position in the quarters. [B]Winner:[/B] Nightmare, advances to quarter-finals [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: E[/COLOR][/B] [I]Matravers and Phoebe Plumridge are interviewed about the upcoming tournament bout with Stevie Stoat[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Adam:[/B][/COLOR] “I’m confident in my match, I plan to pick him apart and show why Richard Garlick has so much faith in my ability to become the next 21CW Champion” [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #6[/U][/B] Tournament Bout [B]Joss Thompson vs Phillip Cooper[/B] Thompson really ripped Cooper apart, a true red streak filled Thompson’s eyes as Cooper was thrown from rope to rope. Thomspon locked in a vicious Boston Crab and Cooper had no choice but to tap out. [B]Winner:[/B] Joss Thompson, advances to quarter-finals [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Cooper is down and out but Thompson continues to beat down Cooper after the bell until he pulled away by security.[/I] [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Plumridge is interviewed ahead of her Boyfriend’s tournament match with Stoat[/I] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]Phoebe:[/B][/COLOR] “This is going to be a truly one sided affair! Stoat is a nobody hiding behind those daft glasses! … tonight its gna be Mile High Matravers showing what he’s all about at Stoats expense!” [COLOR="#000080"][B]Grade: D-[/B][/COLOR] [B][U]Match #7 – Main Event[/U][/B] Tournament Bout [B]Adam Matravers vs Stevie Stoat[/B] Stoat tried to keep Matravers grounded as much as possible but Mile High’s pace and ability proved too much for the ground base technician. Matravers finally put Stoat away with a Mile High Moonsault. [B]Winner:[/B] Adam Matravers, advances to quarter-finals [B][COLOR="#000080"]Grade: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Navy"]OVERALL RATING: D-[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] OOC: Yeh 21CW are a seriously tough fed to keep up! Gna have to bring in some heavy hitting names to keep the fed going! I'm actually an event ahead of this report due to the forums being down.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/issue2a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/issue2b.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/issue2c.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/issue2d.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Predict the Tournament Winner! Who do you think will win the tournament and become the number one contender? The Final match will be played at our debut PPV "Battleground UK" Contenders left: [B]Adam Matravers[/B] (high flyer who defeated Stoat first round) [B]Chuck Frisby[/B] (a skilled midcarder with alot to prove) [B]Nate Manchester[/B] (a youngster touted to be a rising star) [B]Daniel Black Francis[/B] (current 21CW UK Champion) [B]Rolling Johnny Stones [/B](experienced middleweight whos only title has been in ROF) [B]Nightmare [/B](a big heavy menacing youngster with alot going for him) [B]Joss Thompson[/B] (a former 21CW World Champion looking to regain his prime slot) [B]Leo Price[/B] (long time since last holding any gold, that being the ROF Tag Titles in 2005) [B]Luke Cool[/B] (an underated hot prospect) [B]Richard Garlick[/B] (the boss! little ring experience but lots of natural aptitude) [B]Mister King[/B] (another young prospect whos growing with age) [B]Pit Bull Brown[/B] (another former 2 time 21CW World Champion, last held in October 06)
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The best thing to do, from everything I've seen and heard: any of your stars who can get good ratings off angles, milk them for all they're worth. You only have to pay them once per show, so get three, maybe four long segments out of them? And get Jeff Nova on-screen. Get him talking, because the crowd like him!
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[QUOTE=Regis;433605]The best thing to do, from everything I've seen and heard: any of your stars who can get good ratings off angles, milk them for all they're worth. You only have to pay them once per show, so get three, maybe four long segments out of them? And get Jeff Nova on-screen. Get him talking, because the crowd like him![/QUOTE] That aint a bad suggestion... I noted that Nova is popular but wasn't sure how to use him. I think I may add a little segment called Nova's Natter or something where he interviews other highly rated stars.
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[CENTER][B]21CW Livewire – Week 2, January 2008 Held at Edgeware Hall, UK[/B] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/21CWLivewire.jpg[/IMG] [I]A Video opens the show hyping the group known as The Takeover, featuring segments of action from the 4 members.[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #1[/U][/B] Tournament Bout [B]Richard Garlick vs Luke Cool[/B] Garlick’s lack of in-ring experience was apparent as Cool took the Welshman apart. Joos Thompson came down to ring side and it was enough to catch Garlick off guard and allowed Cool to land the Cool Cutter for the win! [B]Winner:[/B] Luke Cool, advances to quarter-finals [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Joss Thompson starts to depart from the ring area when Richard Garlick grabs a mic from ring-side as Cool celebrates.[/I] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Richard:[/B][/COLOR] “Ha… Thompson! Wait up!...” [I]Joss turns around looking angry…[/I] “…I got a little gift for you… since your so eager to get into my plans for this evening you can have yourself a little match…” [I]Joss looks on intrigued…[/I] “… You and Faust are gna team up tonight against Adam Matravers and Red Dragon…” [I]Joss looks white as the Matraver’s name is mentioned…[/I] [I]… Garlick’s music hits as a smirk from Joss dominates the camera…[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]A short video is show detailing the exploits of 21CW’s new signings Glen Ward and Harry Wilson.[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: F+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #2[/U][/B] [B]Louie Peyton vs DJ Reason[/B] A great match between the two made an impression for Louie Peyton but it was all too much as DJ Reason scored the win after finishing with the Edge of Reason. A good comeback after Reason’s tournament loss last month. [B]Winner:[/B] DJ Reason [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E[/COLOR][/B] [I]The Takeover trio of Joss Thompson, Leo Price and Jonathan Faust take out Red Dragon backstage. He’s left looking worse for wear as the three walk off scoring insults at Dragon’s expense.[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [U][B]Match #3[/B][/U] Tournament Bout [B]Chuck Frisby vs Nate Manchester[/B] Frisby dominated the match, throwing Manchester from post to post. Frisby’s confidence grew and grew and failed to put Manchester away. He paid the price as Manchester rolled Frisby up for a quick 3 counts. [B]Winner:[/B] Nate Manchester, advances to quarter-finals [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Kahtleen Lee cuts a quick promo for the next issue of “Best of British Wrestling”. She’s on the cover and poses for the camera.[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: C-[/COLOR][/B] [I]The video detailing the upcoming match between The Elimination Agents and Ward & Wilson is played.[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #4[/U][/B] [B]The Elimination Agents vs Glen Ward & Harry Wilson[/B] The Agents were vowing for a comeback after losing out in last week’s tag-team #1 contender match but it wasn’t to be. The makeshift team managed to divide the Agents allowing Wilson to score a pinfall victory. [B]Winner:[/B] Glen Ward and Harry Wilson [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E[/COLOR][/B] [I]The Ivanoff Brothers appear in a short interview hyping their upcoming title shot against the champions Davey Celtic and Davey London.[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #5[/U][/B] Tournament Bout [B]Mister King vs Pit Bull Brown[/B] Brown’s first match of 2008 was a good and successful one, he progressed to the next round after he scored a Dog House Piledriver to lay out King and score the victory. [B]Winner:[/B] Pit Bull Brown, advances to quarter-finals, advances to quarter-finals [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Adam Matravers and Phoebe Plumridge are backstage with DBF as he prepares for his tournament match with Rolling Johnny Stones.[/I] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Adam:[/COLOR][/B] “Its time to stick it to this guy… Mile High Style!” [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Phoebe:[/COLOR][/B] “…what he means is your gna go out there and kick that waster into next week!” [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]DBF:[/B][/COLOR] “Don’t worry mon! I got this… I’m gna ley him out Rasta style mon!” [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Phoebe:[/COLOR][/B] “Well you deal with the threat in the ring and we’ll keep your back covered outside the ring…” [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Adam:[/COLOR][/B] “Yeh! We got your back!” Adam pats DBF on the back as their exit the locker room [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Joss Thompson and Rolling Johnny Stones are backstage when the camera finds them. They spot the camera and start yelling! Joss Thompson threatens the cameraman before it cuts out.[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #6[/U][/B] Tournament Bout [B]Daniel Black Francis vs Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] RJS looked about ready to progress to the second round when Joss Thompson rushed to the ring. He looked to distract DBF but was thwarted when DBF dropkick Thompson off the apron, RJS became distracted and peered to check on Thompson. DBF took full advantage and grabbed the leg of Stones before locking the Rasta Lock. Stones gave in and left DBF to progress to the quarters! [B]Winner:[/B] DBF, advances to quarter-finals [B][COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Grade:[/B] D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the break, Kathleen Lee was backstage with the recovering Thompson and his partner Jonathan Faust.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Kathleen:[/COLOR][/B] “Despite what just happened out there, it isn’t going to be that creep Garlick’s night!... We’re gna crush his little make shift team and show just why we’re the real takeover!” “… and we just heard… your little red faced freak friend is unable to compete after a certain… mishap… good luck finding another partner chumps… we’ll be in the ring… with you?!” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #7 – Main Event[/U][/B] [B]Joss Thompson & Jonathan Faust vs Adam Matravers & ???[/B] Thompson and Faust made their entrance first looking very smug. Matravers enter second, looking very psyched up and determined to win… … The Takeover members laughed to each other as Matravers stood there alone… “got no friends left Matravers?...” Adam just smiled back as the music of Phillip Cooper rung over the speakers… [B][COLOR="Purple"]Steve Smith:[/COLOR][/B] “haha! Of course Cooper will be wanting some payback after Thompson took him out of the tournament!” [COLOR="#ffff00"][B]Jeff Nova:[/B][/COLOR] “shows that Richard Garlick knows where to find more men when he’s looking low!” The bell rang and the match got underway… Both teams went hell for leather, with little concern for the match as the battle raged to outside the ring… the ref counted up and up but there was little needed as both teams began to use parts of the ring set-up as weapons… The ref called a no contest as the teams continued to pummel away at each other until security could finally pull them apart! [B][COLOR="Yellow"]Nova:[/COLOR][/B] “this rivalry isn’t about to die yet I don’t think… its getting personal!” [B][COLOR="Purple"]Smith:[/COLOR][/B] Too right but its great to watch!” [B]DRAW:[/B] Double DQ [B][COLOR="Blue"]Grade: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]OVERALL RATING: D-[/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/issue3a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/issue3b.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/issue3c.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/issue3d.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Remaining Torunament Contenders: [B]Adam Matravers[/B] (high flyer who defeated Stoat first round) [B]Nate Manchester[/B] (a youngster touted to be a rising star) [B]Daniel Black Francis[/B] (current 21CW UK Champion) [B]Nightmare[/B] (a big heavy menacing youngster with alot going for him) [B]Joss Thompson[/B] (a former 21CW World Champion looking to regain his prime slot) [B]Leo Price[/B] (long time since last holding any gold, that being the ROF Tag Titles in 2005) [B]Luke Cool[/B] (an underated hot prospect) [B]Pit Bull Brown[/B] (another former 2 time 21CW World Champion, last held in October 06)
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Well, I wish you definite success with the diary and it's been a good start but it's also somehow good to see that I'm not the only one struggling for ratings with 21CW!! My shows so far have been D- or D, so we're in pretty much the same boat. Oh, and boooo for Patterson winning the MOSC belt off Jones. And it looks like you're going hardcore with your potential signings!
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[CENTER][B]21CW Livewire – Week 3, January 2008[/B] [B]Held at Irish Eyes Records Auditorium, Ireland in front of a 1,668 crowd[/B] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/21CWLivewire.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Pre-Show[/B] [B][U]Pre-Match #1[/U][/B] [B]Glen Ward vs Davey Celtic[/B] A pretty back a forth match but the one half of the tag-team champions came through to win the day. Put an end to any kind of run Ward had in mind. [B]Winner:[/B] Davey Celtic [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [B]The Main Show[/B] [I]Phillip Cooper stands ready to give an interview with Phoebe Plumridge at his side.[/I] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Phillip:[/COLOR][/B] “Many ask why I’ve gone and got myself wrapped up in all this business with The Takeover…” [I]Cooper Pauses[/I] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Phillip:[/COLOR][/B] “It’s because of jerks like Leo Price who don’t know when to retire… It’s cus of unworthy champions like Jonathan Faust!” “…but mostly its cus arrogant pigs like Joss Thompson, who will scrape and cheat their way in order to lay claim to titles and glory…” [B][COLOR="Magenta"]Phoebe:[/COLOR][/B] “…basically it means Phillip here believes in what’s right! …and right is where Richard Garlick is taking us!” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #1[/U][/B] [B]The Elimination Agents vs The Assassin’s Guild[/B] The Agents could get right back on track with a win here and a win they got! Genocide wrapped this one up when he landed a Hanging Powerslam on Stefan Raynor. [B]Winner:[/B] The Elimination Agents [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Leo Price and Kathleen Lee stand ready to give an interview ahead of his match Nate Manchester[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Leo:[/COLOR][/B] “This match is a forgone conclusion! The kid got this far simply by sheer luck!...” [B][COLOR="SandyBrown"]Kathleen:[/COLOR][/B] “Nate, kid, go home now and let the big boys do their thing and maybe there’ll be a lollipop in it for you…” [I]Leo and Kathleen walk off laughing…[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #2[/U][/B] Tournament Quarter Final Bout [B]Leo Price vs Nate Manchester[/B] Leo Price took Manchester out but not without a fight. The youngster looked good despite his loss and could be a key contender in the future. [B]Winner:[/B] Leo Price, advances to Semi-Finals [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E[/COLOR][/B] [I]Miss Lee and Jonathan Faust give an interview ahead of Faust’s cage match with Cooper.[/I] [B][COLOR="#f4a460"]Kathleen:[/COLOR][/B] “Its time to take out the man in the hat… or is that ‘cat’ in the hat?...” [B][COLOR="Red"]Faust:[/COLOR][/B] “whatever he is, he’s gna have his face all mashed up as I grind his skin into the cage over and over and over and over…” [B][color="#f4a460"]Kathleen:[/COLOR][/B] “Jon!... cool it… you don’t need to wait much longer…” [B][COLOR="Red"]Faust[/COLOR][/B]: “That’s what I’ve been wanting to hear…” [I]Faust gives sinister eyes to the camera as it fades to black[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #3[/U][/B] [B]Mister King vs DJ Reason[/B] DJ Reason scored the win here in a good mid-card battle! It took an Edge of Reason to finish off Mister King. [B]Winner:[/B] DJ Reason [B][COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Grade:[/B] D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]A video hypes up the carnage that will ensue in the following cage match between Faust and Cooper[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Grade:[/B] E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #4[/U][/B] [B]Jonathan Faust vs Phillip Cooper[/B] CAGE MATCH It took 12 minutes to find a winner. Faust and Cooper were both rushing to the top of the cage to get out with Phoebe Plumridge egging Cooper on from ringside! Faust seemed to slip something out of his trousers before nailing Cooper in the head which sent him crashing to the mat below. Faust took advantage and climbed over the top. [B]Winner:[/B] Jonathan Faust [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Faust is celebrating on the ramp when Red Dragon comes rushing out and attacks the world champion from behind. Fuast manages to slip away so Dragon frees Cooper from the cage and helps him to the back.[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Grade:[/B] E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #5[/U][/B] Tournament Quarter Final Bout [B]Adam Matravers vs Luke Cool[/B] A poor showing from Luke Cool allowed Adam Matravers to land an implant DDT before moving up to the top rope to land a Mile High Moonsault [B]Winner:[/B] Adam Matravers, advances to semi-finals [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Joss Thompson and Rolling Johnny Stones are backstage.[/I] [B][COLOR="#ff0000"]Joss:[/COLOR][/B] “I know it didn’t go well last week but we can make it better… stick with us and you’ll be draped in gold! We’ll get you that UK Title from that screwy DBF… What do ya say?” [I]Stones pauses and looks into Thompson’s eyes…[/I] … … [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Stones:[/COLOR][/B] “No!” [I]Stones proceeds to pummel Thompson, throwing him from wall to wall before security break it all up and pull Stones away![/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #6[/U][/B] Tournament Quarter Final Bout [B]Pit Bull Brown vs Nightmare[/B] Brown took it to Nightmare, seemingly annoyed that he’s being overlooked as a true contender for the title. He scored with the Dog House Piledriver and laid the giant sized Nightmare out for the win! [B]Winner:[/B] Pit Bull Brown, advances to semi-finals [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]DBF is backstage with Richard Garlick and Phoebe Plumridge as he gets ready for his tournament bout[/I] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Richard:[/COLOR][/B] “You know you can’t let Thompson go through here! He is defiantly their toughest guy and if you can take him out then the World Championship will be coming home to the unity…” [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]DBF:[/B][/COLOR] “No sweat mon!... I got this mon! ???? mon! I’m gna ??? in ??? ??? mon!” [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Richard:[/COLOR][/B] “Right yeh I knew you’d be ready! Lets go bro!” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #7[/U][/B] Main Event Tournament Quarter Final Bout [B]Joss Thompson vs Daniel Black Francis[/B] The UK Champion made a sure clear attempt to progress to the next round but was held back by Thompson’s brilliance. Faust’s music rang over the tannoys as he appeared on the ramp near the end of the match. The distraction was enough for DBF to look away for 3 seconds, which Thompson took advantage of to score a Clean Cutter and the win! [B]Winner:[/B] Joss Thompson, advances to Semi-Finals [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Thompson celebrates in the ring rubbing it in the faces that their hero has lost![/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Overall Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B]OOC:[/B] Man what a bad show… The Matravers vs Cool and Brown vs Nightmare matches sucked compared to the heat their getting. Plus the main event was let down as the two didn’t click very well. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]21CW Livewire – Week 4, January 2008 Held at Edgeware Hall, UK with 2,000 fans in attendance[/B] [B]Pre-Show[/B] [B][U]Pre Match #1[/U][/B] [B]Richard Garlick vs Psycho[/B] Psycho makes his debut to a mixed reaction. He made easy work of Richard Garlick and laid him out for the pinfall victory. [B]Winner:[/B] Psycho [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: F+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Main Show[/B] [I]TIMBER!! The music of Larry Wood begins.[/I] [I]Larry Wood makes his way to the ring with a mic in hand, many people were left guessing who this big menacing bloke was apart from the clued up fans in the crowd who’d seen his matches from Canada.[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Larry:[/COLOR][/B] “Its time to meet me! The woodsman! I’m gna clean up here in 21CW and you just watch anyone try to stop me!” [I]Genocide has had enough of the small talk and quickly makes his way to the ring.[/I] [I]Wood takes off his jacket and the match begins.[/I] [B][U]Match #1[/U][/B] [B]Larry Wood vs Genocide Agent[/B] A slow fight between two brawlers was snatched by Larry Wood as he hit a Running Big Foot as Genocide got to his feet. [B]Winner:[/B] Larry Wood [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [I]The Ivanoff Brothers stand together backstage hyping their upcoming title shot.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Igor:[/COLOR][/B] “It be time to take titles back to the motherland…” [B][COLOR="#ffa500"]Ivan:[/COLOR][/B] “Yes brother… too long have titles been in hands of incompetent team of England man and Scotland man” [B][COLOR="#ff0000"]Igor:[/COLOR][/B] “We take whats ours and bask in the glory that 21CW fans will give us!” [B][COLOR="Orange"]Ivan:[/COLOR][/B] “Why worry bout fans my brother… they not matter” [B][COLOR="#ff0000"]Igor:[/COLOR][/B] “HA! You right brother!... see you at Battleground … our losing friends!” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #2[/U][/B] [B]Ivan Ivanoff vs Suicide Agent[/B] Ivan gives his team a momentum boost ahead of their title match by defeating Suicide Agent with the Red Curtain. [B]Winner:[/B] Ivan Ivanoff [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [I]A video is shown detailing the events of last week involving Red Dragon when he assaulted Jonathan Faust after his cage match with Phillip Cooper and showed good shots of him and cooper showing strong friendship in the name of The Unity.[/I] [B][U]Match #3[/U][/B] [B]Phillip Cooper and Red Dragon vs The Assassins’ Guild[/B] Cooper and Dragon showed some good teamwork as their first outing together was successful in defeating Raynor and Peyton. [B]Winner:[/B] Phillip Cooper and Red Dragon [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Jeff Nova hypes up the upcoming PPV Battleground UK[/I] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jeff:[/COLOR][/B] “What a debut PPV we have for you!... The conclusion to the #1 one contender tournament to the World Championship to face Jonathan Faust next month!... …The Anglo-Scots connection are going to defending their titles against The Ivanoff Brothers… …Daniel Black Francis defends his title against an opponent to be decided at tonight’s Livewire… …we have a grudge match set-up by Joss Thompson for his Takeover partner the world champion Jonathan Faust to take on Rolling Johnny Stones… …as well as the playoff match between the losing semi-finalist that will be found out tonight…” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: A[/COLOR][/B] “…plus we’re gna crown the first ever Jeff Nova Invitational Battleground Champion in a 10-man Battle Royale featuring DJ Reason, Mister King, Harry Wilson, The Ripper and our Ring of Fire guest contender, Walter Morgan…” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] “…So its going to be a cracking event that you should not miss for the world! Tune in this Sunday night on United Kingdom Choice!” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: B[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #4[/U][/B] [B]Davey Celtic vs The Ripper[/B] Celtic sealed a win for his team ahead of Sunday’s title show down. A Cannonball Legdrop put an end to The Ripper’s chances of a debut win. [B]Winner:[/B] Davey Celtic [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Celtic celebrates his victory as Igor runs down and tries to get in a few shots against Celtic before he is pulled away.[/I] [COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E-[/COLOR] [B][U]Match #5[/U][/B] [B]Davey London vs Harry Wilson[/B] London made sure his team were well prepared ahead of their title defence this Sunday. The win seals a clean sweep of wins for the champions so far this month. The Connection look strong ahead of their defence. [B]Winner:[/B] Davey London [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E[/COLOR][/B] [I]A video promotes the recent efforts of Stevie Stoat ahead of this 21CW UK Title #1 contender match.[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #6[/U][/B] #1 Contender’s Match for the 21CW UK Title [B]Nightmare vs Nate Manchester vs Stevie Stoat vs Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] The Competitors paired off with Nightmare picking on Manchester leaving Stoat and Stones to fight their own battle. Nightmare got so eat up on bating up Manchester that by the end he was obliviously the Super Kick Stoat landed on RJS and covered for the win! [B]Winner:[/B] Stevie Stoat, will face DBF for the 21CW UK Title at Battleground UK [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Jeff Nova and Steve Smith are at the announcer’s desk and hype up the following match between Matravers and Leo Price[/I] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Jeff:[/COLOR][/B] “Well this one is going to be a fantastic showing to see what this up and coming high flyer Matravers can do against a seasoned veteran like Leo Price” [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Steve:[/COLOR][/B] “Its going to be a damn good match pitting a high flyer against a ground based fighter like Price” [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Jeff:[/COLOR][/B] “…and here they come Steve” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #7[/U][/B] Tournament Semi-Final [B]Adam Matravers vs Leo Price[/B] In a match that didn’t match the hype, Matravers saw victory come his way as Price’s experience could do nothing against the skill of Adam Matravers. [B]Winner:[/B] Adam Matravers, will face either Thompson or Pit Bull Brown at Battleground UK [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jeff:[/COLOR][/B] “Well we’re gna see Adam Matraver take on one of these two men at the PPV on Sunday” [COLOR="Lime"][B]Steve:[/B][/COLOR] “Yes that’s right Jeff and which ever of these two men it is we’ll be rewarded with an excellent Main Event at Battleground UK” [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Jeff:[/COLOR][/B] “My money is on Joss Thompson here, I know they’re both former champions but he has that little something extra that champions are made of” Steve: “Well I’m gna have to disagree and go with the Pit Bull… A long seving 21CW veteran like him is sure to come through fighting strong” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #8 [/U][/B] === Main Event === [B]Pit Bull Brown vs Joss Thompson[/B] Pit Bull and Thompson both shoed why they’ve each been champions before, with the match potentially going either way. Nearing the end of the match Pit Bull landed 2 successive Dog House Piledrivers but the sheer guts of Thompson allowed him to break free on both occasions… he went for a third but Joss broke free and landed the Clean Cutter… the sheer pace of the moment took Brown out and allowed Thompson to pick up a hard fought win! [B]Winner:[/B] Joss Thompson, will face Adam Matravers for the #1 contender spot at Battleground UK [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]OVERALL RATING: D[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B]OOC:[/B] Ok better but its still so hard to put on anything better than this level of event. I’m taking hits all the time to my popularity so my hope lies in getting on or two of the main-eventers really over soon. If the Matravers v Price match was better I think I could have got a D+ here but they didn’t click.
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[CENTER][B]21CW Battleground UK – Week 4, January 2008 Held at Kent Racecourse, UK with 5,000 fans in attendance[/B] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/battlegrounduk.jpg[/IMG] [B]Pre-Show[/B] [B][U]Pre-Match #1[/U][/B] [B]Richard Garlick & Red Dragon vs The Assassins’ Guild[/B] The two Welshmen teamed well, cheered on by manager Phoebe Plumridge. Dragon led the line and finished it with a Moonsault onto the unfortunate Louie Peyton. [B]Winner:[/B] Richard Garlick and Red Dragon [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Main Show[/B] [I]Richard Garlick comes out to open the main show and it seems he has a message for the fans[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Richard:[/COLOR][/B] “Since this is such a special night in the history of 21CW, we’re upgrading the final match of this evening’s events... tonight the #1 contender match between Adam Matravers and Joss Thompson will be a 30 minute Iron Man Match!!” [I]Crowd Pops with delight as Richard Garlick leaves the stage area.[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Jeff Nova cuts a short segment detailing tonight’s run-down[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Jeff:[/COLOR][/B] “Oh what a special night this is! The debut PPV event of 21CW’s history and what a way to begin the PPV lineage with this line-up!” [I]The screen cuts to feature tonight’s matches[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Jeff:[/COLOR][/B] “We open tonight with the Jeff Nova Invitational 8-man Battleground Rumble to crown the first ever Invitational Battleground champion…” “…We have the Tag-Team titles on the line as The Ivanoff’s prepare to challenge the Anglo-Scots…” “…we have the grudge match as Joss Thompson has elected Jonathan Faust to get his revenge for him on Rolling Johnny Stones…” “…The 3rd/4th playoff between the losing semi-finalists Leo Price and Pit Bull Brown” “…for the 21CW UK championship Daniel Black Francis defends his title against the challenger Stevie Stoat!...” “…and the main event… Adam Matravers and Joss Thompson compete to decide whos the first challenger of 2008 for the 21CW World Title to be featured at the next PPV event…” Screen cuts back to the ring “…and now I introduce the 10 challangers in this Battle Royale match for the crown of Battleground champion 2008!...” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: B[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #1[/U][/B] The 10-Man Invitational Battleground Rumble For the Title of the 21CW Jeff Nova Invitational Title Featuring [B]Chuck Frisby, DJ Reason, Mister King, Glen Ward, Harry Wilson, The Ripper, Psycho, Larry Wood, Walter Morgan (invited from ROF) and Phillip Cooper[/B] All ten men battled hard, Ward and Wilson tried to avoid each other not to spark off their tensions gathered from their earlier insults. Chuck Frisby was the first to go, he was nailed by a DJ Reason dropkick over the top rope. …Chuck Frisby Eliminated… Psycho and The Ripper were trying to push Larry Wood over the rope in the corner, soon after Mister King tried to help too, seeing the monster as a major threat. Wood managed to grab both King and Psycho by the throats and launch them over the rope behind him. … Mister King and Psycho Eliminated… The Ripper face up the giant but he was floored by a big boot by Wood. Wood literally rolled him out by kicking him. … The Ripper Eliminated… Wood was at the edge of the ropes when Harry Wilson took advantage and beat Wood from behind before hitting a wonderful superkick which sent him over the ropes. …Larry Wood Eliminated… Five men remained, Cooper and DJ Reason were separated. Morgan was left standing in the middle of the ring wondering what to do and began shrugging to the crowd. Ward and Wilson seemed to turn their attentions towards Morgan at the same time, but Morgan broke free and it left Wilson and Ward facing each other in the centre of the ring. The three other men let them stare each down. They went at it hammer and tong will Wilson finally getting the other hand, he whipped Ward towards the rope and Morgan simply lowered the top rope so Ward crashed to the floor! … Glen Ward eliminated… Wilson wasted no time and turned to attack Cooper, Cooper seemed really tired by this point and Wilson pushed Cooper further and further towards the corner, they both leant against the ropes until DJ Reason came along and clothesline them both. … Harry Wilson and Phillip Cooper Elminated… It left DJ Reason and the ROF guest, Walter Morgan, to try and complete the match. An even contest between two very skilled competitors end up with Morgan forming some kind of modified Wigan Wrench against the tope onto Reason. Reason was riding in agony and went limp. Morgan proceeded to clothesline Reason overt the ropes to score the win and become the 2008 Jeff Nova Invitational Battleground champion. [B]Winner:[/B] Walter Morgan, crowned 2008 21CW Jeff Nova Invitational champion [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E[/COLOR][/B] [I]Morgan celebrates his title clinch in the ring.[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: F+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Jeff Nova and Steve Smith hype the upcoming 3rd/4th playoff match between Pit Bull Brown and Leo Price.[/I] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Steve:[/COLOR][/B] “well these two may have been the losing semi-finalists but they’re still both strong championship material in my eyes” [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jeff:[/COLOR][/B] “…well Steve they’ve both tasted gold before and I’m certain they’ll be gunning to get back in that title frame…” [B][COLOR="#2e8b57"]Steve:[/COLOR][/B] “…well this match could mean all the difference as the title race for March heats up…” [I]Leo Prices music starts[/I] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Jeff: [/COLOR][/B] “…and here we go…” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #2[/U][/B] 3rd/4th Playoff Match for the #1 Contender Tournament [B]Pit Bull Brown vs Leo Price[/B] The Pit Bull was always the favourite in this match, a former champion with ambitions to be at the top once more he really showed the 21CW fans that hes not out of the picture yet. He left Price reeling for most of the match but in the end he had to finish Price off with a Dog House Piledriver. None of the Takeover group were even in sight and leaves you wondering where Joss Thompson’s loyalties really lie. [B]Winner:[/B] Pit Bull Brown [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]A video cuts a promo of the recent week’s events featuring Rolling Johnny Stones and Joss Thompson’s brawl and also Jonathan Faust’s involvement in the saga[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #3[/U][/B] [B]Jonathan Faust vs Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] An absolutely quality match in which both men saw grand portions of offensive action each. In the end, Stones was tiring and made a mistake allowing Faust to lay up Stones for a Devil’s Drop. [B]Winner:[/B] Jonathan Faust [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]The Ivanoff Brothers took the ring area early in preparation of their match against the champions, Davey Celtic and Davey London.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Ivan:[/COLOR][/B] “…this be night that new champions be crowned…” The crowd react by booing the “Russian invaders” [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Igor:[/COLOR][/B] “BE QUIET PIGS!” [B][COLOR="Red"]Ivan:[/COLOR][/B] “… listen not to their idle woes brother… for tonight we take gold back to motherland!!” [B][COLOR="#ff8c00"]Igor[/COLOR][/B]: “Da!... we take…” [I]The brothers are interrupted as Celtic and London make their way to the ring[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #4[/U][/B] For the 21st Century Tag Team titles [B]The Ivanoff Brothers vs The Anglo-Scots Connection[/B] The champions took and early beating as the Ivanoffs seemed very well organized with frequesnt tags. Celtic became the focus of countless double team maneuvers and was begging for a tag. Celtic managed to wriggle free and made a tag to Lodnon who laid into the two challengers but it was to be in vein as London was almost behind by an Ivan clothesline! Celtic was wasted at ringside by London had to tag him in… Celtic wandered gingerly into the ring as was caught out when Igor hit him with a Soviet Missile and sent him crashing to the floor, London was on the floor at ringside and let Celtic be pinned for an Ivanoff Win! [B]Winner:[/B] The Ivanoff Brothers, The New 21CW Tag Team Champions! [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: E[/COLOR][/B] [I]London and Celtic were not impressed as The Ivanoffs paraded around the ring with their newly claimed belts and attacked the new champions. They had to be separated by Security before things turned ugly.[/I] [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Jeff Nova and Steve Smith set-up the next match with a short segment detailing their recent efforts.[/I] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Jeff:[/COLOR][/B] “well Stevie Stoat had to win a 4-way brawl this week in order to get this title shot but many believe its below his station” [B][COLOR="#2e8b57"]Steve:[/COLOR][/B] “well with that being said he should win this hands down right?” [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Jeff:[/COLOR][/B] “… well you could say that but I know DBF… hes a fighting champion and will be looking to use this match to set and example as to why he’s the champion and not someone like Stoat!” [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Steve:[/COLOR][/B] “Stoat’s a nasty character and I can see a whole host of naughty tricks entering the fray here tonight!” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #5[/U][/B] For the 21st Century United Kingdom title [B]Daniel Black Francis vs Stevie Stoat[/B] Stoat opened the proceedings by some ****y brawling and weak submission moves. He had total control over the champion and looked the favourite but his ****iness came back to bite him as DBF landed some good moves. Stoat seemed to slip something out of his pocket and nailed DBF. He covered DBF with just a foot on the chest… 1… 2… Kick Out! Stoat looked angry… he aggressively applied a variated Figure Four Leg Lock to DBF but DBF countered it and turned it into an agonizing Rasta Lock… … Stoat tried to hang on but couldn’t and had to tap out… [B]Winner:[/B] Daniel Black Francis, Still 21CW UK Champion [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Jeff Nova and Steve Smith round up the match and hype the upcoming main event. [/I] [B][COLOR="#2e8b57"]Steve:[/COLOR][/B] “Well you’ve been through 2 hours of non-stop 21CW action and it all leads to tonights main event” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Jeff:[/COLOR][/B] “… that’s right it’s “The Complete Package” Joss Thompson against “Mile High” Adam Matravers in a match to determine the #1 contender to the 21CW World title at the next PPV.” [B][COLOR="#2e8b57"]Steve:[/COLOR][/B] “This one is too close to call but do you think Thompson is going to have a problem if he’s to face his group mate, Jonathan Faust?” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Jeff:[/COLOR][/B] “knowing Thompson, he’s going to insist Faust allows him to take over the title and expect Faust to lay down and take it” [B][COLOR="#2e8b57"]Steve:[/COLOR][/B] “… but I can’t see Faust being one to just lie down as he’s an impeccable wrestler himself…” [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jeff:[/COLOR][/B] “…well it could be all academic if Adam Matravers can pull out a win here!” [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #6 – Main Event[/U][/B] To determine the #1 contender to the 21CW World Title [B]Adam Matravers vs Joss Thompson[/B] In a match had some great fluidity between the two competitors it was an outstanding match that truly graced the essence of 21CW’s top performers! Joss Thompson claimed the first fall after 7 minutes. He clean took out Matravers with a Clean Cutter and covered him for the first fall. He tried to quickly cover Matravers again but Matravers fought back and pushed Thompson away. Thompson was all over his English counterpart for another 10 minutes but could get another fall. It was Matravers that then leveled the scores. He managed to drop Joss to the mat long enough to climb the top rope. He then landed a flying Huracanrana that took the American clean out long enough for Matravers to cover him and score a pin fall. It was pretty tentative towards the end of the match… 29minutes clocked up and crowd were on edge. Matravers managed a burst of energy and took it to Thompson and got him floored after a devastating DDT. He climbed the rope and set up a Mile High Moonsault, it was enough and the pinfall was scored with 5 seconds on the clock. Matravers gestured to the crowd for the final 3 seconds as he won the match! [B]Winner:[/B] Adam Matravers, will meet Jonathan Faust for the 21CW World Title at the next PPV. [B][COLOR="#0000ff"]Grade: C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]OVERALL RATING: D+[/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER] [B]OOC:[/B] I’m not displaeased with this result. Its another step in the right direction and maybe an indication of how the next PPV will pan out. Morgan winning the invitational title wasn’t really planned as I wanted Larry Wood to win it but he had creative control that I didn’t check for! The main event had awesome chemisty and its going to make for a good fued!
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[CENTER][B]21CW Livewire – Week 1, February 2008 Held at Edgeware Hall, London with 2,000 fans in attendance[/B] [I]Jeff Nova and Steve open the show[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jeff:[/B] “Welcome 21CW fans! We have an early announcement to make that Walter Morgan is unfit to compete tonight, he was set to take on Mister King but hes in hospital tonight with a torn stomach muscle…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]Steve:[/B] “Our thoughts are with him and we await his return eagerly but stepping into Morgan’s boots is Nate Manchester, a young rookie with a lot to prove!”[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jeff:[/B] “…and here comes Glen Ward to open tonight’s matches”[/COLOR] [I]Ward makes his way to the ring and awaits his opponent[/I] [COLOR="#2e8b57"][B]Steve:[/B] “wait who’s that coming out?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Jeff:[/B] “Its Harry Wilson… these two haven’t been getting along since they teamed together just weeks ago…”[/COLOR] [I]Wilson takes a seat near the announce table[/I] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: F+[/COLOR][/B] [I][B]Match #1[/B][/I] [B]Glen Ward vs Larry Wood[/B] Wood dominated this match for the most part. Ward’s demise wasn’t helped as Wilson run into the ring when the ref was dealing with Wood’s showboating. Wilson hit Ward with a reverse DDT. As Ward got to his feet Wood hit a Running Big Foot and it was all over. [B]Winner:[/B] Larry Wood [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Ward is out cold but Wilson and Wood continue to hand out punishment to Wrds body before leaving him to the medics.[/I] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: F+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Richard Garlick heads to the ring as Wood and Wilson start to leave[/I] [COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Richard:[/B] “Hold up you two!... what you have done is completely against what I have planned for this company!... as punishment you two will have to tag up next week and face my up and coming tag-team Cooper and Dragon!”[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Jeff:[/B] “Well that was something else wasn’t it!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]Steve:[/B] “Yeh… but that’s what bullies like them deserve!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Jeff:[/B] “Well next up Nate Manchester will get to prove his desire to get a shot at the 21CW UK title in a match against Mister King!”[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #2[/U][/B] [B]Nate Manchester vs Mister King[/B] Manchester looked small and outclassed for much of this match. King, larger and more experienced, scored shot after shot on Manchester. However, King went for his signature move when Manchester rolled King up 1… 2… King can’t escape 3…!! [B]Winner:[/B] Nate Manchester [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [I]The announcers talk over an image of Joss Thompson stating he something to say later tonight.[/I] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Red Dragon is back stage with Cooper[/I] [COLOR="Green"][B]Dragon:[/B] “ok boyo you’ve got to do this one for Team Unity! The boss is counting on us to get the win and go on to bigger and better things for the sake of 21CW!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cooper:[/B] “The Man in the Hat is always ready!”[/COLOR] [I]Cooper tips his hat to Dragon and he leaves for the ring…[/I] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: E[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #3[/U][/B] [B]Phillip Cooper vs Psycho[/B] Cooper did his stable mates justice as he walked all over Psycho to pick up the win with the Cooper Fly Splash! [B]Winner:[/B] Phillip Cooper [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Jeff Nova enters the ring[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jeff:[/B] “Its my great pleasure to introduce “The Complete Package” Joss Thompson!”[/COLOR] [I]Thompson makes his way to the ring.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Joss:[/B] “Thanks for that gracious introduction Jeff… although its not necessary… I’m more than good enough to introduce myself just by being in everyone’s presence here!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Jeff:[/B] “he he yeh… ok… you failed to speak out yet about your tournament final defeat… how…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Joss:[/B] “stop right there Jeff!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Jeff:[/B] “… but I…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Joss: [/B]“shut it has been!!... That stinking Richard Garlick set me up in that frickin’ Iron Man match! … I pinned Matravers in that ring! … I’ve done it once and I can do it again!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Jeff:[/B] “…those were the rules…”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Joss:[/B] “I don’t frickin care!!!... Matravers your going down! … I want you here tonight!!”[/COLOR] [I]Joss looks pissed off and walks out the ring area a very angry man![/I] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Stevie Stoat enters the ring mic in hand[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Stoat:[/B] “…”[/COLOR] [I]Stoat laughs to himself[/I] [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Stoat: [/B]“I had to prove I was good enough for a ‘UK’ title match… which I did… when in truth I’m world class…” “…that Rasta talking jabamouth got a lucky win on me and now I’ve got start from the bottom again and face ‘Davey Celtic’”[/COLOR] [I]Stoat looks confused as if he has never heard of him[/I] [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Stoat:[/B] “What? Who?... well whatever I’m here to prove im world class tonight and take this nobody out of the picture!!”[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #4[/U][/B] [B]Davey Celtic vs Stevie Stoat[/B] Stoat was really fired up against the former tag-team champion. He threw the lightweight from here to there landing numerous close falls. In the end it took a Stoat Supper Kick to finish the job! [B]Winner:[/B] Stevie Stoat! [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: E-[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Joss:[/B] “I want Matravers tonight damn it!”[/COLOR] [I]Joss Thompson and Jonathan Faust have cornered Richard Garlick and are in his face[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Richard:[/B] “hey cool it boyo! I’m not having some yank up in my face!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Joss:[/B] “yeh well deal with it!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]Faust:[/B] “You will give him Matravers tonight or we will finish you!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Joss:[/B] “NOW!!!”[/COLOR] [I]Garlick takes a breath and begins a reply[/I] [COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Richard[/B]: “yeh you can have Matravers tonight… but!!... you both will as he’s going to be teaming with Red Dragon in a tag-team match!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Joss:[/B] “Good!”[/COLOR] [I]Thompson and Faust walk off with Thompson obviously still irate…[/I] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Steve Smith and Jeff Nova hype the next match[/I] [COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Jeff: [/B]“Well I guess that’s going to be tonight’s main event Steve?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]Steve:[/B] “That Garlick is a genius, we’re actually gna see a small preview of this month’s PPV and last Sunday’s main event in the same ring… tonight!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Jeff:[/B] “…yes but more immediate matters are afoot as we prepare for our next match between DJ Reason and Chuck Frisby”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#2e8b57"][B]Steve:[/B] “both these guys are pushing for the 21CW UK Title and I can The Reason scoring major points in getting that chance here tonight!”[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #5[/U][/B] [B]Chuck Frisby vs DJ Reason[/B] This was a night for Reason to prove his place in the UK title hunt! It took him 12 minutes to get the breakthrough but eventually did with an Edge of Reason! [B]Winner:[/B] DJ Reason [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Jeff Nova hypes up the next PPV[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jeff:[/B] "We’re 4 weeks away from 21CW’s 2nd ever PPV. In what promises to be a classic main event, Adam Matravers will be the challenger against World Champion, Jonathan Faust. Both men are excellent High Flyers and is bound to be a contender for match of the year!"[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: B[/COLOR][/B] [I]A video promotes Takeover team members, Thompson and Faust[/I] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Match #6[/U][/B] === Main Event === [B]Adam Matravers & Red Dragon vs Jonathan Faust & Joss Thompson[/B] A long fought match saw both teams go near for the victory. The final minutes aw Rolling Johnny Stones run in and blindside Thompson outside the ring. It took Thompson out of the match long enough for Matravers to set-up a Mile High Moonsault and pin the World Champion! [B]Winner:[/B] Adam Matravers and Red Dragon [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: E+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Jeff:[/B] “Well what a finale!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][B]Steve: [/B]“haha yes! And it looks like Thompson has become a key target on RJS’ agenda!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000ff"][B]Jeff:[/B] “I guess we’ll have to see what happens next week on Livewire!!”[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="#4169e1"]Grade: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]OVERALL GRADE: E+[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B]OOC:[/B] I had a strong feeling this event wouldn’t work! Dragon and Matravers didn’t combine well and Dragon was kinda out of place in a main event match-up… The midcard didn’t help towards the grades either leading to a weak overall grade…
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/issue6a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/issue6b.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/issue6c.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/richyg13/tew08%20dynasty/issue6d.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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I got fired from 21CW on Thursday Week 2, March 2008 becuase I failed an owner Goal, dropping from Cult to Regional. I'm currently skipping through to 2009, If I can't get a job with a promotion by then I'm gna edit in my own promotion with a backstory to co-incide with it.
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[QUOTE=Richyg;441898]I got fired from 21CW on Thursday Week 2, March 2008 becuase I failed an owner Goal, dropping from Cult to Regional. I'm currently skipping through to 2009, If I can't get a job with a promotion by then I'm gna edit in my own promotion with a backstory to co-incide with it.[/QUOTE] Shows how difficult 21CW really is! I've given up on the idea of running them myself for now while I figure out how to play the game properly first. They must be one of the hardest promotions in the game for a first go. Hope you come back strong again in future, Richy.
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Not once did I reach an Overall Grade worthy of matching the level needed to remain steady at Cult... A very tought task indeed... turns out the night before I lost my job that Adam Matravers was quitting 21CW too :( probably my biggest show stopper!
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