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TCW: The Darkside of the Business

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I spent the next couple of days doing everything I could to understand what it was I needed to change. And who I needed to push. I certainly had an idea on who I wanted where as far as the new talent went - But I had to do something the booking. As this wasn't going to get it. I'd been with the company for two weeks and so far I'd managed to make the fans angry, having Cornell sit me into his office, and to make it all worse... I booked two rather unsuccessful cards. I was feeling like the Titanic after hitting the iceberg. I occured to me that the remainder of the month was going to be "sink or swim" so to speak. So there I sat. In the chair of my office, a pile of books on the desk. Wrestling for Dummies Booking 101 So You Want to Write A Story? Food For the Creative Mind Playboy Okay, okay.. So maybe the last one wasn't so much "required reading". I mean, it's not like some of us hire people out of modeling mazagines and whatnot. ;) Knee deep in Booking 101 when there was a knock at the office door. Thinking quickly I shoved the Playboy magazine until one of my desk drawers. "Come in", I spoke. Immediately the door opened. It was Remme Skye. He looked nervous. Remme Skye: You wanted to see me? Michael Wayne: Yes, please. Sit down. I opened another drawer to the desk and pulled out a piece of paper. Michael Wayne: Remme... In my hand are the papers from your drug test. He sighed and sunk in his chair. Michael Wayne: Remme, I've been a big fan of yours, and I want to see you succeed. But that's not going to happen when you're testing positive for drugs. Do you understand the position I'm in? Having drug users in the company doesn't bode well for our image, and it makes me look bad having been the one who pushed for you to be signed. Remme Skye: I understand. I'll do my best to get clean. Michael Wayne: Remme, if you need any help in getting clean, let me know. Now getta outta here! We've got a show tomorrow. Remme stood up from his chair, made his way to the door and closed it behind him. I picked up the book again and continued taking notes when the phone rang. "UGH!" I yelled aloud. I could tell the day was going to be one of distractions. And I still had all these books to read. And I still hadn't even worked out this week's card. I put my hand on the phone, and put it to my ear. Michael Wayne: Yes boss? [size=4][B]To Be Continued..[/B][/size]
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