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TCW: The Darkside of the Business

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A few weeks... That was all the time I had to prepare. For I would be packing my things and heading to Total Championship Wrestling. As the booker no less. It's amazing what knowing someone who knows someone who knows someome can do for your life. They say it's a small world and they weren't kidding. My name is Michael Wayne. Writer, singer, avid wrestling fan, and former "e-fedder". I spent most of my life "imitating" the "game". Pretending to, and yet - wishing to do what the very men who left me in awe did.... wrestle. Little did I know that word travels fast. Esp on the internet. Word indeed had traveled fast. A friend of mine who had kept his "fedding" a secret, came across my work. Neither of us knew the other did it. Until one day I got a phone call. That was the day that changed my life. ____________________________________________________________________________________ A conference call. The first voice I heard was my friend Jeremy - followed by the sounds of what seemed like a "corporate meeting". Jeremy was cut short. Cut short by a voice.... A voice I knew all too well. Tommy Cornell: Hello Michael. My name is... Michael Wayne: With all due respect, there's no need for introductions. I know who you are. And judging by the fact I'm talking to you - you obviously know who I am. Tommy Cornell: Indeed. I'm sitting here, and I'm looking at some papers of yours that made their way to my office. It seems your friend Jeremy knows a lot of the right people to get this passed on to me. (I listened...) Tommy Cornell: Potential, Mr. Wayne. Potential. And I see a great amount of it in you. Am I safe in believing you watch TCW? Michael Wayne: Yes, of course. I grew up watching wrestling. It's one of the only things I know for sure in life. Being a part of it is all I've ever wanted to do. Tommy Cornell: Well then you know what the deal is. You know what's going on. And most certainly, you know that what I'm about to offer you is one of the biggest opportunities. And at the same time, one of the biggest responsibilities. Next to mine of course. And that means that failure doesn't bode well for you. The last few years, I've taken what was HGC and turned it into one of the major promotions in America, possibly the world. I turned it into TCW. I worked hard to put this company where it is. I worked hard to shape it, to build it. To keep my vision in place. Tommy Cornell: With the industry having been shaking up quite well over the last year... Including the closure of DAVE, and the acquisition of Edd Stone, among many bits of news - I want to shake up TCW. To breath new life into it. To draw even more attention to it. I believe, that with you skills... YOU are that shake up. Tomorrow at 3pm, a limo will arrive to pick you up. I want to meet with you in person. Don't answer me now. Let what I've told you sink in for the evening. We'll be in touch. And like that, it was over. The sound of the phone tone bringing me back to my senses. I couldn't believe it. OMG! Dude! I was so chill... hahaha.. yeah. "With all due respect, there's no need for introductions." Oh yeah. Who was I kidding? I was a total nerd. A total nerd trying to be Joe Cool in front of one of the greatest wrestlers in the world. ugh.. Such a tool. But still... ME? Head booker of TCW? There was just no way I was going to sleep at all tonight. [SIZE="4"]To Be Continued...[/SIZE]
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The day seemed to come and go as any day really. That was, until the limo arrived. A knock at the door.... Michael Wayne: Hello? Man in Suit: Mr. Wayne.. Would you come with us please? Nothing was said. The chauffer stood at the door, waiting as they do until I was inside to close it. The man who greeted me at the door walked to the other side and entered. The one thing I noticed was no champagne. Don't these things usually have them? Esp when you're going to see a wealthy promotor? I'm no freeloader, but I was kind of expecting the bucket of ice and the bottle inside in the middle of the limo. Oh well.. The car ride was filled with one giant long pause. Which really made me uncomfortable. Thankfully the ride was only about 20 minutes. The chauffer opened the door and out I stepped. Soaking it all in. Hey! Wouldn't you? I mean, after all... It's not every day I get to ride in a limo. Boy, this is some fancy place I thought to myself as I headed inside. The doorman opened it, said hello which in hindsight I which I had acknolwedged. But in my defense I was very distracted. Boy, if you could have seen me, I bet I looked like a kid on his way to detention, walking up the stairs to the doom that awaits. I approached the hostess and said in a rather quiet voice.. Michael Wayne: "Cornell..." Hostess: Ahh yes. Right this way. Another person led me around the building as I passed what seemed to me, a rather high society. She stopped at table and motioned I sit. Tommy Cornell: Welcome Michael. Please sit. Normally I don't do business like this, but I wanted to take the opportunity to get to know you. I realized I hinted at the opportunity of you running MY company. I want to understand your vision, and you the person before I actually decide to offer it to you. Having a creative mind is all well and good. But this is no backyard fed. And certainly no "online promotion'. Michael Wayne: I understand. It seems to be no big secret that TCW is in pretty rough shape. And with Troy out injured, a gap needs to be filled in the meantime. And while we're discussing, I see an opportunity to expand the midcard scene which seems rather lacking. Stone doesn't really have a lot of guys to work with that are his size. There's a few heavyweights, some cruiserweights, but I see the bulk of it being middleweights. When you take into account Edd's position on the card, most of the lighterweight fellows aren't on the same level, (on paper), as say, the main event scene. The roster looks small. So that needs changing. And btw, getting Stone was huge news. Tommy Cornell: Thank you. And I believe you're right in much of what you're saying. Here, take a menu. No need for this interaction to be totally based on business. "WAITRESS", he shouted... A waitress quickly appeared at the table. Waitress: Can I help you? Tommy Cornell: This gentleman would like to order. Waitress: What can I get you sir? Michael: Cseasar Salad and an order of bread sticks please. Thank you. The waitress took the menu and walked off. Cornell paused, looking at me in a serious tone. Tommy Cornell: Have you ever traveled the world? [SIZE="4"]To Be Continued...[/SIZE]
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I recall what it was like, spending the those several hours with Mr. Cornell. Me picking his brain, him picking mine.. It's all relative. I can still remember the conversation in my head. Including but not limited to me talking with a mouth full of salad and bread on several occassions. Tommy and I seemed to hit it off fairly well I thought. And then he asked me the words I'd been waiting for. "when can you start?" "Immediately!", I thought. I can still remember jumping up, shaking his hand in an excited manner, and almost taking him by surprise. Yet despite all that, the King of Cool, Mr. Rough Justice Tommy Cornell remained serious. And I gave him my assurance whatever rules he set were cool with me. I just had one condition. I was movin' on up. JEFFERSON STYLE! :-) So now here I am. A week later and backing up my things to move into a place not far from TCW headquarters. Ironically enough, Mr. Cornell made sure to "pay" for my place. At least when I talked to his secretary, I was assured it was "taken care of". I need to report so I can get aqquianted with the staff and the guys and start running over plans. I had a big day coming up. My first committee hearing. I had a lot to do in the meantime. I could tell it was gonna be a loooooong flight. [size=4]To Be Continued...[/size]
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I had spent the last half a day thinking to myself and taking notes on what plans I had, and how best to run TCW at this point while on the plane ride. After we touched down, I made my way through the airport, grabbed my bag and headed to the location where the limo driver was waiting. "TCW: Michael Wayne" it read; it big letters. Driver: Michael? Michael Wayne: Yes, that's me. Driver: Come with me. I was escorted to the limo which took me to TCW headquarters. Not a long drive really. About the same as the one to the restaurant. Champagne was waiting for me in the limo this time. However, I wasn't in the "drinking" mod. When we came to a stop, the door opened and there I found myself staring at one magnificent looking structure. The warm sun cast a shadow just ahead of my feet. And I couldn't help but think about how many people stood where I stood at that moment in time. Ahead I pushed. One step, then another, then another until I reached the glass doors of TCW HQ. I stepped inside, taking everything in. Man, was this place huge. "can I help you?", came a voice... "can I help you..?" I turned my attention towards the secretary. Michael Wayne: Michael Wayne here to see Mr. Cornell. Secretary: One moment please.... She picked up the telephone, dialed his extention and told Tommy I had arrived. Secretary: He'll see you now... 10th floor, Mr. Wayne. I made my way to the elevator, pushed the button and waited until the elevator opened. Up, up, up.. Within a few moments I had reached the top level. The door opened with a *ding* and a *whoosh*. The only thing before me were two oak doors. With initials on them that read TC in gold. I knocked twice. "come in, Michael"; a voice said. I pushed the doors open to find Tommy sitting behind his desk, dressed in typical Cornell fashion. A suit worth more than my salary. Tommy Cornell: Please, have a seat. I made my way to the desk and sat in the first available chair. Michael Wayne: Tommy.. I've had the last few hours on the plane to sit and look through everything. We're not in a very good position as a national promotion. We still haven't "established" ourselves. One bad show and we can lose some of our grip on the country. We need a string of really stellar shows to get to where we're not in "danger". Michael Wayne: I've been looking over the roster, and while solid, it has some fat that needs trimming. I'm gonna be making phone calls to talk to the guys and get to know them a bit. Find out what the locker room scene is like. I have a hunch there's a few troublemakers in there. I think it'd be beneficial if we were to "weed em out". I have some potential names I want to discuss about who we need to bring in. And trust me when I say that I think you'll agree. [size=4]To Be Continued...[/size]
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I was running out of time. We were rapidly approaching the first show with me at the helm and I had to admit I was quite nervous. I spent the better part of the early morning and into the afternoon talking to staff, putting the show together, meeting the production crew.. I spoke to Cornell earlier that day with the list of people I had deemed expendable, or problems to the backstage area. I realized ANYTHING I did had the potential to start a chain reaction, or alter the current storylines. So I did my best to present a small list. Sumitted for termination were Arnold Westberry Rober Oxford Kyle Rhodes Billy Jack Shearer Randall Hopkirk While in Cornell's office previously, I had pitched several names. Some big, some small. All I thought had something big to bring to the table. Mr. Cornell seemed to agree. Who are those names? You'll just have to wait and see. TCW Total Wrestling [I]Live from the Friedman Building[/I] Joel Bryant vs Aaron Andrews The Machines vs The Young Guns Edd Stone vs Chance Fortune Danny Fonzarelli vs Texas Pete American Buffalo vs Giant Tana Tommy Cornell vs Ricky Dale Johnson Wolf Hawkins vs Joey Minnesota [size=4]To Be Continued...[/size]
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Guest cmdrsam
Hey good luck with this bud. I am running a TCW diary myself so hopefully between the both of us we can do them justice. Joel Bryant vs [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [B]The Machines[/B] vs The Young Guns [B]Edd Stone[/B] vs Chance Fortune Danny Fonzarelli vs [B]Texas Pete[/B] [B]American Buffalo[/B] vs Giant Tana [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] vs Ricky Dale Johnson [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs Joey Minnesota
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[B]Joel Bryant[/B] vs Aaron Andrews [B]The Machines[/B] vs The Young Guns [B]Edd Stone[/B] vs Chance Fortune [B]Danny Fonzarelli[/B] vs Texas Pete [B]American Buffalo[/B] vs Giant Tana [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] vs Ricky Dale Johnson [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs Joey Minnesota
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All seemed well and good. Production said they were ready. And the fans were starting to enter the arena. I knew there wasn't going to be any downtime for me tonight. None whatsoever. Nerves of fire, and my heart in my throat, I got up out of the chair and went for the door. Just as my hand reached the knob, Hawkins burst in. [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/MichaelWayne.jpg[/IMG] Michael Wayne: Can I help you Wolf? Wolf Hawkins: You sure can. Joey Minnesota? Are you a dumbass? Michael Wayne: Excuse me? Wolf Hawkins: Maybe you forgot who runs the show around here. The Syndicate runs the show. Anyone who gets in our way gets trampled. What I'm saying is, if you want Joey to continue wrestling here, you better change the match. Michael Wayne: I'm not changing the match. You're gonna face Joey because [B][U]I[/U][/B] said you're facing Joey. I, yes, I, run this show. I booked the match because there's big money in Minnesota/Hawkins. Understand? You're gonna go out there and put on the best match possible. Now if Cornell or your crony friends have any problems with it, let them come do something about it. In the meantime, you better get ready. Because Joey is. Wolf Hawkins: DAMNIT! Watch and see what happens. Just you watch. *Wolf slams the door behind him.* Michael Wayne: As if my nerves weren't already high enough. I opened the door, turned right, and headed down the hallway. Our roadie was going over the matches with some of the workers. Hopefully this card would be a way of me getting my foot in the door. Showing the world what I could do. I continued walking when I bumped into Edd Stone. [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/EddStone_alt4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/MichaelWayne.jpg[/IMG] Edd Stone: I don't know what you said to Wolf, but he stormed off yelling a bunch of stuff and talking about what he's gonna do to Joey tonight. Michael Wayne: And what are YOU gonna do tonight. Edd Stone: Win of course. And you know that you want me on top. You know I'm the future. Winning's in my blood and wrestling is what I do. Michael Wayne: Just make sure you show up on time while I'm the boss... Edd Stone: grrrr.... *Edd walks away obviously annoyed by Michael's comment* Michael Wayne: This just gets better and better. Continuing down the hall, I spotted the locker room for Minnesota. I knocked, then stuck my head in... Michael Wayne: Joey?? Joey Minnesota: Yeah boss? [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/MichaelWayne.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/JoeyMinnesota.jpg[/IMG] Michael Wayne: I spoke to Wolf... He's none too pleased about facing you tonight. He said something about pehaps "doing something" to you. I'm just giving you a heads up. Watch your back. Joey Minnesota: Thanks for the heads up. Michael Wayne: See ya out there. I turned around and shut the door. Just as I started to walk away, a member of the production crew approached. Production Member: It's almost time sir. [size=4][B]To Be Continued...[/B][/size]
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[center][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/TCW-1.jpg[/IMG] TCW Total Wrestling Live from the Friedman Building [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG][/center] Editor's Note: I sent Joel out to work with the more inexperienced Andrews. As it stood, I didn't have anything planned for Joel within the immediate future, but rather than put him on the back burner, I saw an opportunity to give him an easy win while giving Andrews some tv time. I wasn't expecting much out of the opening match, and the end result more or less confirmed this. [center]Winner: Joel Bryant D+[/center] I stood by the curtain, waiting for the two to return from the ring. Things, couldn've been worse, but they could have turned out much better. Hopefully the rest of the card would hide this match in the shadows. My debut to TCW was off to a rocky start. This scared the crap out of me. And I was certain it wouldn't look good on me to Tommy. I patted Joel on the back with one of those "it's alright. Maybe next time" look on my face. Joel wasn't feeling too good about the match either. I was obviously going to have to make it up to him. I turned to Andrews Michael Wayne: Soak it up kid. You're gonna have a lot of these before the TCW fans rally behind you. Put in your time, keep your head up. [center][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/HumanArsenal_alt2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/BrentHill_alt2.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/HarryAllen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/SteveGumble.jpg[/IMG][/center] Editor's Note: These two teams certainly delivered a solid match. Much better from the previous one. Harry and Steve are a reliable team and yet still have it in them to prove that they can Syndicate and give them a run for the money. I could see why Cornell chose Hill and Johnson to be in the Syndicate. Both of them with their tremendous promise and talent. Both men walked through the curtain, looked at me and wiped their hands together as if to say "piece of cake". They both chuckled, and turned their heads, walking back to the locker room. Was I missing something here. Was the whole "Syndicate" storyline (or at least I thought it was one) not just a storyline? Seems to me there's more to that than meets the eye. [center]Winners: The Machines C- [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/EddStone_alt4.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/ChanceFortune.jpg[/IMG][/center] Editor's Note: Edd's always wanted a chance to prove himself. And after breaking away from the Stone family and coming here, I was content to give him one. Against the up and coming Chance Fortune. The two put on a pretty good match, much like the earlier tag match. I didn't expect it to be something the crowd would eat up since neither are really very over with the US crowd. Yet from an action standpoint, neither disappointed me. "Hmmm." I thought to myself. So far, two decent matches. Maybe I could make this work afterall. Hey, if all else failed, Tommy couldn't put ALL the blame on me. After all, he was the guy with National promotion and a handful of unknowns. Edd walked past me and threw me a thumbs up. Michael Wayne: Hey, Stone.. If you can do that every week and still get here on time, you might actually be a star here. Edd's arrogance turned to anger as he stormed off in a huff. It seems I had easily deflated that nice victory he pulled out. [center]Winner: Edd Stone C-[/center] *Elsewhere backstage there was something else happening. Something heinous. Something evil." [center][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/TommyCornell_alt3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/JoeyMinnesota.jpg[/IMG][/center] *A nearby camera catches Cornell and Hawkins beating down on Joey Minnesota. Fans in attendance are livid. They're booing the Syndicate. Those rotten bastards! How dare they attack the babyface.. grrr...* ATTACK C+ [center][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/DannyFonzarelli.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/TexasPete.jpg[/IMG][/center] Editor's Note: TCW seemed to be filled with a good number of "big men". I attempted to utilize two of them and pair them off figuring that the similar size would be right up their ally. Obviously my logic was flawed as this match blew up in my face. And to make matters worse, I got a report that Joey'd be jumped by the Syndicate. Wait a minute.. I didn't authorize any angles. Much less any Syndicate attacks... [center]Winner: Danny Fonzarelli D+ [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/AmericanBuffalo.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG][/center] Editor's Note: A step up from the previous match. Even though Tana can't go very long in the ring, he really seems to connect with the fans and keeping the match short seemed to do wonders for him. With the show mostly over, I began to understand at a greater depth what was wrong with TCW. And what was wrong with some of this card. I didn't have much time to slip into this job to begin with. I can see why TCW's always teetered when it came to being a powerhouse in the US market. [center]Winner: Giant Tana C [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/TommyCornell_alt3.jpg[/IMG] *HYPE SEGMENT*[/center] Editor's Note: Tommy cut a promo to hype the match tonight with his longtime nemesis Ricky Dale Johnson. Tommy def showed me why he's the key player here. The crowd ate it up. They wouldn't piss on Cornell if he was on fire. B [center][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/TommyCornell_alt3.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG][/center] Editor's Note: Knowing full well the history of these two, and the design of TCW at the moment, I gave the fans a top notch match on free tv. And these two certainly delivered. Hey, at least I did something right... Interference and cheating gained the Syndicate another victory which left fans ready to riot. [center]Winner: Tommy Cornell B [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/HumanArsenal_alt2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/BrentHill_alt2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/TommyCornell_alt3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG][/center] As soon as the match was over the Syndicate hit the ring to beat down Johnson. I'm going to have to have a talk with Cornell. Something isn't right about this. I didn't approve any beatdown... C+ [center][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/JoeyMinnesota.jpg[/IMG][/center] Editor's Note: I had a hunch these two would deliver and while it didn't quite live up to the previous match, it was great. My only regret was not having swapped the two matches. Syndicate proved their force and skill when Wolf knocked off Minnesota for the win. Interference and tights. The actions of the Syndicate have me believing this is more than just an "fan angle". Could the Syndicate really be taking over TCW? And if so, what could I do about it? [center]Winner: Wolf Hawkins C+ Overall C+[/center]
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[center][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/TCWbanner.jpg[/IMG].com[/center] [I]Effective Today, TCW would like to announce the signings of the following superstars to the TCW roster. We wish them the best and welcome them with open arms.[/I] [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/Acid.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/ChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/JohnnyStones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/JossThompson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/KirkJameson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/RemmySkye.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/TrentShaffer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/tcwmichael/UKDragon.jpg[/IMG] [I]We would like to take this time to announce that Randall Hopkirk and Kyle Rhodes have been released. We wish them the best in their future endeavors. TCW would also like to take this time to welcome a new road agent to the backstage area. Noneother than Duncan Kendall. In other news, TCW is happy to announce that it has come to terms with Rivera Pay Per View Television to air our monthly events south of the border.[/I]
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;435567]You brought in some interesting new guys. While I can understand Champagne Lover, and Joey Poison there are guys I dont yet understand like UK Dragon.[/QUOTE] Enhancement talent that is young enough to be useful if he gets over and/or has good chemistry with other wrestlers.
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I really liked the opening set-up to this diary, but a big thumbs down to a massive, inorganic influx of indy talent. It may be a good strategy as far as playing the game, but it's not interesting to a reader when you replace the promotion's existing talent with a bunch of extremely talented workers. Where's the challenge? Where's the fun in making a bunch of guys with incredible workrates into stars? I'm not saying you can't sign new talent or that you have to keep your existing roster as-is, but it's jarring, not realistic, and looks like long-term it will take away the challenge of the game to immediately bring in nearly 20 guys, only one of whom has any experience in TCW. If you were forming an ROH-style indy promotion, I would be totally impressed with this roster. I just don't think it's a great idea for a TCW diary.
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Well, in his defense, in TCW Creative meetings in the game they'll often point to young indy guys as being worthy of signing up to TCW. That plus the lower end of the roster is a little lacking in bodies, and more well known free agents like Eric Tyler and Chris Caulfield always end up getting signed by the SWF. So signing most of those guys is really the only route to take.
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I'm going to have to agree with Razorbeak. I hate the "BUY UP EVERY BIT OF TALENT POSSIBLE" thing that diaries seem to go with (it was awful with 2007 with people like Cal Sanders, Kashmir Singh etc appearing in almost every diary). Bit of a shame.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;435604]but it's not interesting to a reader when you replace the promotion's existing talent with a bunch of extremely talented workers. Where's the challenge? Where's the fun in making a bunch of guys with incredible workrates into stars? [/QUOTE] who have I replaced? Maybe 5 people and a road agent... With all due respect, if you think the people I released were "extremely talented", then that's your perception. Not mine. I see otherwise. I see expendable guys who are stifling the roster and lack any real star power. Which is one of the many reasons TCW is in the shape it's in. Look at some of the people I brought in. Rolling Johnny Stones, K-Squared, Kirk Jameson.... Without a doubt people I see as future stars of TCW. Another interesting fact that you're overlooking, is people on the roster like Edd Stone don't have people really his style and size to work with. Most of the roster are heavyweights or bigger. Would you prefer I fire Edd instead? I brought some of these names in to not only expand an otherwise small roster, but to enhance the midcard/lowmidcard scene. Which to me, TCW really lacks. [QUOTE=lazorbeak;435604]I'm not saying you can't sign new talent or that you have to keep your existing roster as-is, but it's jarring, not realistic, and looks like long-term it will take away the challenge of the game to immediately bring in nearly 20 guys, only one of whom has any experience in TCW. If you were forming an ROH-style indy promotion, I would be totally impressed with this roster. I just don't think it's a great idea for a TCW diary.[/QUOTE] TCW or otherwise, there are a select few that are my personal favorites that I sign regardless of the promotion I play as. Acid, Fumihiro, Joey Poison, etc.. And some of them are guys I used in the ACWA diary. Instead of crapping on it out the gate - why don't you see where I go with it. For all you know, some of these guys may have short stays. You have no idea where this is going to go. I do. Hence why I wrote the diary in the first place. I had a plan for everything. Instead of complaining, why don't you watch and see what happens. Who knows. You might just like it. If you came here thinking this diary was supposed to be some big success story of a small time booker who "got lucky" and took a National company on the verge of falling to Cult - to Global and it being what other diaries set out to do, then you're reading the wrong diary. There's a reason the diary is called what it is, there's a reason the story has what it has, and there's a reason everything that's happened so far has happened. I've not only taken a route with TCW nobody has ever dared to take from a diary standpoint, I'm taking the diary a route nobody has dared to take from a diary standpoint.
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I never meant my comments to be taken like that. I dont mind so much that you brought a lot of guys in. I just meant that I was curious to see how you would use the other guys. Whether through storylines or whatever that is all. Sorry if my earlier post started to make people complain. I like this diary and cant wait to see more of it.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;435775]who have I replaced? Maybe 5 people and a road agent... With all due respect, if you think the people I released were "extremely talented", then that's your perception. Not mine. I see otherwise.[/quote] I said the guys you signed were extremely talented. Which, if you read my post again, was part of my complaint. Basically, I don't like that: 1) you signed 18 guys without a good story purpose at the time of signing, and 2) every one of the guys you signed is an "indy darling," extremely talented worker. [QUOTE=Michael Wayne]I see expendable guys who are stifling the roster and lack any real star power. Which is one of the many reasons TCW is in the shape it's in. Look at some of the people I brought in. Rolling Johnny Stones, K-Squared, Kirk Jameson.... Without a doubt people I see as future stars of TCW.[/quote] Half those guys would be stars in any promotion they worked in. [quote=Michael Wayne]Another interesting fact that you're overlooking, is people on the roster like Edd Stone don't have people really his style and size to work with. Most of the roster are heavyweights or bigger. Would you prefer I fire Edd instead?[/quote] Or you could at least TRY to have Stone compete with heavyweights and incorporate him into the roster, gradually introducing more comparable talent instead of signing a division out of nothing. Or if you needed a division (to compliment Huggins, Chance, Bach, and Andrews), you could sign two or three guys and I wouldn't be at all bothered. [quote=Michael Wayne]Instead of crapping on it out the gate - why don't you see where I go with it. For all you know, some of these guys may have short stays. You have no idea where this is going to go. I do. Hence why I wrote the diary in the first place. I had a plan for everything. Instead of complaining, why don't you watch and see what happens. Who knows. You might just like it.[/quote] So wait, if I like it, should I leave feedback immediately, or wait and see until if I like the next show? Why should a complaint be any different, especially when I give you supporting reasons to explain myself. I will always think it's an easy out to sign 18 of the most talented guys all at once, for any reason short of "look at my indy super-roster!" [quote=Michael Wayne]I've not only taken a route with TCW nobody has ever dared to take from a diary standpoint, I'm taking the diary a route nobody has dared to take from a diary standpoint.[/QUOTE] I'm not criticizing the master plan of the diary. Read my comment again if you think otherwise; I'm just "crapping all over" the decision to sign a ton of talent for no real purpose other than "I need a new undercard." But if you think it's new or original to sign a bunch of hugely talented guys all at once, there's about a thousand EWR diaries I can link you to. "Then I told Vince McMahon to sign AJ Styles, Low-Ki, CM Punk, Colt Cabana, CIMA, Alex Shelley, Aidan Nathans, Paul Birchill, and Christopher Daniels" happens all the time. Like I said before, there's nothing wrong with that, from a game point of view. It's good strategy to have the best talent. BUT is it challenging for you and interesting for the readers? Personally, if I'm reading a TCW diary, I want to see problems like how Stone fits in with the roster or how Rocky Golden gets turned into a star despite not being very good. A good booker can put on good cards and push the most talented wrestlers, but it takes a great booker to make stars out of the guys he already has, and to make the audience (here the readers) care about those guys that will never be world champs. More then the matches, that's why people STILL have fuzzy feelings about ECW, a roster that was mostly populated with misfits. On a somewhat unrelated note, recognize that all I did was provide some feedback about one specific thing I disliked. There really isn't a need for you to be defensive or to tell me you have a plan- I'm sure you do. I would be perfectly contented with a "yeah, that is a lot of guys, but I wanted to form a cruiserweight division and maybe went overboard," (or something like that) instead of telling me to stop complaining and to wait for the plan. I have every right to not like big, inorganic talent raids, and it's up to you as the booker to SHOW me how you're going to handle it in a positive way, instead of TELLING me that I shouldn't complain.
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Things weren't looking very good for us right now. Well actually, I should say "things weren't looking good for me." That would be the more appropriate statement. I spent the night after the show at some hole in the wall bar. God, my head hurt. I really didn't want to get out of bed. One of those days you know? If Tommy hadn't called my cell phone yet, I'm sure was going to hear from him within the next few hours. .... It was then that I heard the phone ring. Michael Wayne: Oh crap... With my face buried in the pillow, I reached out with my hand fumbling for my phone. Michael Wayne: "hello"? Tommy Cornell: We need to talk. How soon can you meet me downstairs? Michael Wayne: uuuuhhhh 10 minutes? *click* Michael Wayne: aww shyte! I rolled out of bed.. More like fell off of it. My head still hurting from the hard liquor I'd drank the night before. I stumbled into the bathroom, turned the water on and splashed water onto my face. "What time is it?", I asked myself aloud... Peaking my head out of the bathroom to look at the clock near the bed. Michael Wayne: [I]9:40am??? Aww.,, You have GOT to be kidding me.[/I] I got changed as quickly as I could and went downstairs. Hopefully I could get some breakfast before they closed. I pushed the button, put my hand on the wall and hung my head. Boy, I was in rough shape. "boy, you're in rough shape!", a voice said. It was then that I felt a hand on my back. I lifted my head and turned to see who it was. It was Ricky. RDJ: Late night drinking huh? MIchael Wayne: Yeah... RDJ: Fighting the Syndicate makes me want to drink. I mustered out a chuckle. RDJ: Breakfast? Michael Wayne: Cornell.... RDJ: Eesshh.. Michael Wayne: Thanks for the vote of confidence.. The elevator door opened with a *[I]ding*[/I], and the two of us stepped inside. I pushed the button for the first floor and the door closed. Within moments the door opened again and the two of us stepped onto the marble tiled floor of the hotel lobby. I looked around and didn't see Tommy anywhere. "hmm.." I thought. Lemme check with the front desk. I walked over to the reception area. Woman: Can I help you? Michael Wayne: Looking for Tommy Cornell... Woman: Ahh yes. He's expecting you in Conference Room C. Michael Wayne: Thank you. Good thing that I took some time the day before to look around the hotel room before the show. Otherwise I woulda' had no idea where it was. I made a left by the elevators and an immediate right. Continuing past Conference Room B, I could see the third room at the end of the hall. My hand took the handle as the other scanned my hotel room card in the slot. The light blinked green and I turned the handle and pushed hard, walking inside. I could see Cornell sitting in a leather chair, with his laptop. It appeared as if he was viewing some wrestling website. He turned his head just long enough to acknowledge me and tell me to join him. Which I did. Tommy Cornell: The reviews are in Mr. Wayne. My throat went dry. Tommy Cornell: Look at this! He turned the laptop so I could see what he was looking at. Obviously reviews of the show. What I saw was lukewarm responses about last night's event. He turned the laptop back to him. Tommy Cornell: [I]"After what seemed like two poor matches back to back, TCW turns the show around with a stacked card. So stacked that it fell over like a Jenga pillar. Mediocre by TCW's standards. Hopefully next week doesn't leave me running for SWF with my head down." [/I] He cast a cold stare at me after reading the review. I took a deep breath. I knew there was more. Fortunately he decided not to read it all to me. Instead he clicked his mouse, clicked again and turned the laptop back towards me for me to see again. This time the screen showed a different set of feedback. Tommy Cornell: Do you know what this is? I looked at him and shook my head with a blank stare. Tommy Cornell: It would seem that people are none too pleased about the signings YOU made. Signings I worked hard to get. Wait... Signings [I]HE[/I] worked hard to get? That didn't make any sense to me. I waited for his followup. Tommy Cornell: These are the people you wanted. Any fed, like me would be reveling at the opportunity to throw this in the face of the rest of the wrestling world. And personally while I like the signings. YOU have some fans to win over. Not me. I'm Tommy Cornell. I could tell now wasn't a good time to bring up what happened at the show with the unexpected segments... Tommy Cornell: I realize the role you have isn't an easy one. But you have to understand what MY role is in all this. Do what you have to do to make all this right. Go on, get outta here. You have a busy few days ahead. Michael Wayne: yes sir. I stood up from my chair and walked over to the door. I needed to figure out how to turn this all around. And FAST. [size=4]To Be Continued..[/size]
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