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Couple of Questions

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I'm a player of TEW 2005, and I haven't bougth tew 2007. I'm planning on buying TEW 2008 but I have couples of questiions. Can we be promoter,booker and Wrestler at the same time? Like can we book ourselfs in matches? In advance booking can we put like " 1-1 CAGE match"? Can we Run more than 1 promotion at a time(with the same caracter)? and can we put logo for our shows and ppv? that would be sweet Thank you :D Pat
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[QUOTE]Can we be promoter,booker and Wrestler at the same time? Like can we book ourselfs in matches?[/QUOTE] Yes. [QUOTE]In advance booking can we put like " 1-1 CAGE match"?[/QUOTE] No. [QUOTE]Can we Run more than 1 promotion at a time(with the same caracter)?[/QUOTE] No.
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[QUOTE=pat666;432670]I'm a player of TEW 2005, and I haven't bougth tew 2007. I'm planning on buying TEW 2008 but I have couples of questiions. Can we be promoter,booker and Wrestler at the same time? Like can we book ourselfs in matches? In advance booking can we put like " 1-1 CAGE match"? Can we Run more than 1 promotion at a time(with the same caracter)? Thank you :D Pat[/QUOTE] Your avatar/user character can particpate in wrestling matches, announce, referee or any other activity you care to book them for. Although if your avatar isn't very skilled at wrestling it could be dangerous for both the avatar and his opponent. I believe advanced booking does not include special match types, but I could be wrong. In the 2007 it did not include type of match, just that you were booking 1v1 or tag, etc. And sadly, each avatar can only run one promotion. However, if you wanted to use the editor you could create 2 identical avatars with names like Derf Avatar and Fred Avatar, and let each one take a promotion in a 2 player game. After all there is no rule against you playing as multple people.
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[QUOTE=pat666;432670]Can we Run more than 1 promotion at a time(with the same character)?[/QUOTE] No - but running different brands is basically the same thing now. You can run up to three brands and change the focus of each one if you want to, which ultimately can make them more like separate entities anyway.
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Just to add a few more questions rather than starting a different thread - for various reasons, I haven't played TEW since TEW04, I never had the time to buy 05 and I was a bit concerned because the first game wasn't supported for very long (and I've lost the install file so many times) and then I upgraded to Vista which precluded me from getting TEW07. However, I love the TEW08 demo and will be buying it upon release, but if somebody could bring me up to speed - - What, specifically, does the momentum stat affect, and how do you change it? I understand this has been a feature since '05, and I can't really find an explanation. Does it decline or improve if a worker isn't used? Do workers always debut a D+, or am I just rubbish at booking? - Is there anywhere (be it in the game or in a separate guide) to find out which types of matches and angles suit particular types of promotions? I read elsewhere that TCW requires something like a 70/30 split in terms of matches and angles given their style of promotion. I also played as USPW in the trial, and couldn't get high match ratings bringing in guys like Acid and Steve Flash, possibly due to the promotion's style. From what I can tell, this is different to TEW04, where the formula was more simple - bring in guys who can work, and you get good ratings, largely irrespective of the promotion. Even still, I'll be damned if I can get a good match out of Jim Force and Captain USA, no matter how short. Also, I have read the Developer's Journal, but I assume these questions pre-date this version of TEW, hence why I'm asking them here.
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[QUOTE=Poison;432919]Just to add a few more questions rather than starting a different thread - for various reasons, I haven't played TEW since TEW04, I never had the time to buy 05 and I was a bit concerned because the first game wasn't supported for very long (and I've lost the install file so many times) and then I upgraded to Vista which precluded me from getting TEW07. However, I love the TEW08 demo and will be buying it upon release, but if somebody could bring me up to speed -.[/QUOTE] I'll try [QUOTE=Poison;432919]- What, specifically, does the momentum stat affect, and how do you change it? I understand this has been a feature since '05, and I can't really find an explanation. Does it decline or improve if a worker isn't used? Do workers always debut a D+, or am I just rubbish at booking?.[/QUOTE] Momentum is basically showing the general trend of fan interest in the wrestler. A Wrestler with A momentum has been beating other high overness main eventers and the fans are buzzing about them. A wrestler with F overness probably hasn't won a match in weeks and the fans just aren't popping for them when they appear. Momentum goes up when you have a good gimmick, a well planned turn, wins against wrestlers with better overness or momentum. Momentum declines if a gimmick goes stale, a turn flops, the wrestler loses matches that are boring, or to lower momentum wrestlers. As for how workers debut with momentum. that depends on the promotion. A small promotion with only E level popularity is going to see few workers, especially new ones get to A or B levels of overness on their debut, unless you are bringing in a new main event worker, who happens to be an aging star and wins a titanic first match. Since I don't know what promotion and worker you are debuting I can't say what momentum they should start with. [QUOTE=Poison;432919]- Is there anywhere (be it in the game or in a separate guide) to find out which types of matches and angles suit particular types of promotions? I read elsewhere that TCW requires something like a 70/30 split in terms of matches and angles given their style of promotion. I also played as USPW in the trial, and couldn't get high match ratings bringing in guys like Acid and Steve Flash, possibly due to the promotion's style. From what I can tell, this is different to TEW04, where the formula was more simple - bring in guys who can work, and you get good ratings, largely irrespective of the promotion. Even still, I'll be damned if I can get a good match out of Jim Force and Captain USA, no matter how short..[/QUOTE] Every promotion has a "product" this includes factors like match/angle ratio (TCW is 90% matches, BSC is 40% matches) and style. The style determines what kind of matches are going to be most desired, and helps determine what your fans look for. If you go to [B]Control room > Business > Product [/B]you can see the product settings, as well as a quick analysis of the product. the analysis will tell you if overness or in-ring performance is more important. USPW and TCW both lean towards overness as the governing factor. This also will show the style as Hardcore, Lucha Libre, and Daredevil are all considered product types and have level settings. Obviously a promotion that has lucha libre set to very low, and hard core set to key feature will struggle to put on great shows if they are doing all their hiring in Mexico. [QUOTE=Poison;432919]Also, I have read the Developer's Journal, but I assume these questions pre-date this version of TEW, hence why I'm asking them here.[/QUOTE] No problem, some of us are glad to help.
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