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GWF: One Strong Chord Can Last Forever

Guest .SVA

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Guest .SVA
[RIGHT][B][I][SIZE="3"]SEGMENT[COLOR="Gray"]1[/COLOR] | a chord so strong[/SIZE][/I][/B][/RIGHT] [CENTER][IMG]http://xs128.xs.to/xs128/08234/strong_head589.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://xs128.xs.to/xs128/08234/chord_head586.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A single blot of sweat slowly ate its way down the forehead and cheek of Sam Strong, before reaching the chin and finally leaping off, hitting the floor and splashing into a thousand salty liquid spots. Strong nearly cringed at that fact, feeling that the singular drop of sweat had been the most noisy happening in this cubicle of a room. Opposite to him was one of his more famous acquiantances, a man with whom he had made history. Rip Chord stared directly into his eyes, looking as if he could sense the anxiousness that surrounded Strong and that had just taken form in the single bead of sweat that had peeled its way down his skin. Chord tapped his fingers together, emitting a most overconfident demeanor. He was a patient man who knew that he wanted his answers and knew how to get them. Strong was not a pushover himself but when staged against Chord he would surely crumble if this nigh interrogation continued the way it had proceeded thus far. Rip Chord then slowly raised from his chair but the sudden intention of movement was enough to startle Strong somewhat after the prolonged sentence of silence had engulfed the room for so long. He turned to the left and took slwo steps towards the mahogni desk. Another intimidation tactic from Chord's side and it was making its marks. After running the tip of his index finger over the wooden surface, and finding not a grain of dust on it, he turned to look at Strong. Holding his hands on his back he progressed, slowly, across the carpet covered floor until he was but half a metre away from the USPW owner. Strong had kept face, not showing his excessive fear of Chord's provoking and interrogative acts. "So my friend", he muttered with his rusty yet forceful voice, "What will it be?" Chord sat motionless in front of Stong, almost coming face to face with him. He could feel his minted breath in his notrils, vaguely tingling his nasal mucosa. He held back the need to sneeze and went through the facts in his head without taking his sight from his crouched friend. True, the two icons of the 80's were working to conclude different goals and objects in this business but they seemingly, at least according to Rip Chord, shared the knowledge that in this new year the business was slowly crumbling and becoming populated with older, stagnant and rigid performers that had had their share of the cherry on the top. Fans were slowly fading from the arenas, begrudgingly denouncing their fandom as the two top federations on American soil, TCW and SWF, continued with their same old product. But this fault was what Strong hoped to rectify with USPW. Until he saw what Rip Chord not only had in store for the future but also gave him a prognosis on his rosters longetivity in terms of staying and drawing prowess. Chord had already missionaried for a new generation of solid grapplers to be trained but his promotion had been at a slow stand still from the get go and despite producing some of the finest prospects in the last two years he had need for more. A new way of promoting his honorable product, his mission of rebuilding. Sam Strong was intrigued. With what Chord had suggested the idea in itself was enough to challenge the more wealthier products in the more populated areas. It would be a way for both to promote and predict their way into a new era of wrestling and the names of Sam Strong and Rip Chord would once again go down in the annals of history as two men that had revolutionised the modern wrestling world when it was at it highest, yet lowest, point to date. Since the suggestion had been mouthed by Chord, Sam Strong had toyed with it and thrown it around in his head to eventually solve the imminent hole in the logic that Chord thought to be so unbreakable. Would the populace accept it? That was the one struggle that had repeatedly bit a brick wall in Strong's head. As an experienced business man he knew that even the greatest and most innovative of ideas would be in dire straits and instantly be put on the shelf should the legions of dedicated fans be against it. As flawless as it appeared this gaping abyss of unstability could not just be skipped over in a single motion. It had to be worked out, covered and eventually bridged. This lengthy train of thought seemed to last endless hours but the test of time it stood was merely a few seconds as Sam Strong was not a dull minded individual. He thought on his feet, so to speak. "Should we do as you have suggested", he began as he could see a smile slowly forming on Chord's face, like he almost sensed that this discussion was heading his way, "Our main roster would be comprised of the same people we trying to distance ourselves from." Chord raised himself up, spun around on his heel and still showed that chuckling grin he had acquired just earlier. "That, my friend, is something I have already arranged for. You see for the last couple of months, I have had feelers and scouters out." He turned and sat down on the comfortable, stylish and yet old fashioned couch that had been his priority seat for this whole affair. "Let's just say that I have made several beneficial agreements going into this venture." Once again a broad, strangely manipulative and devillish smile saturated Chord's facial muscles. Something still seemed off about this deal. A point that Strong could not locate, a loophole he could not pinpoint. Agreeing to this would mean that his business venture in United States Pro Wrestling would have only served as a base for a bigger operation. It would mean that Danny Jillefski's brainchild would be usurped. But become part of a much larger scaled plan at that point as well. The time for decisions was now. Sam Strong quickly arose from his chair, pushing himself up to a standing position before sticking his open hand out for an agreeing handshake from Rip Chord. Chord was not one to wait now that he had everything in hand so to speak, and also elegantly stood up to return the handshake. "So Sam, we have a deal?", he asked in an almost rhetorical fashion. "Yes. Yes we do. Let it not be in vain", Strong answered with a certainty in his voice. Rip Chord ventured over to the telephone, situated at a small table. He picked up the receiver, dialed a number and once again looked at Strong. "Remember those beneficial agreements I mentioned?". The call was apparently answered as Strong temporarily forgot about his previous conerns in favor of this new project that would apparently root itself in several operaitons. "Hello Mr. Steinman, this is Rip Chord speaking. You remember the deal I brought for you earlier? How would like to open 2008, a primetime showing with all the wrestling fans watching, with Sam Strong against Rip Chord?". Suddenly everything fell into place. [quote]Thank you for reading this far. If you have not already noticed this dynasty is very much inspired by sebsplex, my great master and tutor, old TEW2005 diary "Tommy Cornell Goes For Broke". Despite me not letting it slip very often, I am a great fan of his work and have been very much into all his epic dynasties and I really hope that he will somehow and somewhere return with another great piece of writing art in the future. In th mean time you will just have to deal with me as a replacement. GWF is short for the Gigantic Wrestling Federation, the project and topic of discussion in this initial backstory post. As sighted it is a collaborative effort done by both Rip Chord and Sam Strong. Now in order to get this all to work I have fiddled around with the original data, made USPW into the national promotion GWF and made MAW the developmental federation for them just for realism sakes. Also the roster will seem somewhat incoherent but, almost, all the wrestlers I have chosen are people I know I would have fun booking and writing for. Therefore people like T-Rex and Peter Valentine are planted on a roster that includes Bryan Vessey, Jack Marlowe and Stevie Grayson. So since I suck at booking I thought I would try my hands at a story driven diary. I hope you will enjoy this and I hope that you wont be disappointed by the outcome. Also I am not trying to plagarise sebsplex's work at all, this it firstly a herald to his great writing and to show that I am greatly inspired by him.[/quote]
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