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any real world mod done for teh release?

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There isn't one out for 08 yet. Everyone is still working on the mods they are making for 08. probably will take about 2-5 weeks for a good mod to come out and they is probably for a converted version.
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I'll be a space-saver and use this thread for a question: What's it like using a converted mod? I always guess that it wont take advantage of the new features properly, will probably have the data's balancing damaged by the conversion, and generally be a bit crummy compared to something produced for TEW 08. I ask as I'm not really in the mood for the CVerse, but i'll make an effort to stick to that if using a converted RW mod wont be much fun.
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[QUOTE=theaddicane;433802]I'll be a space-saver and use this thread for a question: What's it like using a converted mod?[/QUOTE] I've converted my '07 homebrew mod, which uses TZone as its base, and it seems to play alright in the short term. Granted, I did have to do some personality tweaking. One especially weird thing I noticed was that a lot of workers with "Normal" personality settings in '07 get translated with super-high flakiness. I fixed that on the people I use most often, and my game with them seems to run pretty well. So i'd say it's worth a shot, if you really want to play a real-world scenario.
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