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Tales from an unknown booker.

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So what does an unemployed relatively unknown booker do? He mopes around all day and makes little notes on the side. Or at least that is what I did. You see I have worked for a few of the lower level promotions here in the states. The last one was D.A.V.E. Now I make no claim that I could have single handily turn it around for them, because frankly I just could not do it. But it would have been nice for a chance. When word spread that Mitch Naess was going to keep "the tradition" going by starting Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, I waited patiently for a phone call. It never came. Why was no one calling? What did I do that was wrong? Now what do I do? My severance package was dwindling dangerously low. And I've got mouths to feed. Guess its time for me to bite the bullet and go get a real job. So I head out to the local sports bar. With my laptop in tow as I pondered how the hell do I glamorize my experience as an unknown member of several booking committees. As I walk thru the door I see the bar has SWF Supreme Wrestling on. Great, the good times keep rolling. I take a seat and a couple of my old friends who had no connections in the wrestling business sat next to me. I started to work on my resume as they talked about the show on the TV. They asked my why I wasn't watching and I responded that I already knew what was going to happen before. I was asked to prove it. Ok, what is the next match. Enforcer Roberts and Elmo Benson. Easy, 4 maybe 5 minutes, Roberts starts out hot. But misses probably an easy move, Elbow drop perhaps. Elmo goes on the offense for about a minute. Elmo goes to the top rope, he leaps and lands squarely on to Roberts raised knees. Roberts then covers but adds insult to injury as he uses the ropes for leverage as he pins Elmo. Then it happened exactly like I said it would. My friends make fun of me for knowing that but it all in good nature as I know they are trying to encourage me to not give up my dreams of being a head booker some day. The bar erupts in a smattering of boos as one well dressed man entered the bar. It was no other than Tommy Cornell. Why would he be in such a small town like this, let along stop and be in the same building as me? Mr. Cornell is a huge enough star where even the casual fan knew who he was. Cornell took a seat close by and my friends wanted to talk to their new found friend. I told them under no means were they to bother him. He doesn't want to sign autographs, he doesn't want to share some light hearted wrestling story. And no he has no tips for them to enter the business. They proceed to call me a buzz kill. I stare at Cornell for a bit, wanting to totally disregard my own advise and start a conversation with him. But I think better of it and go back to working on my resume. But it was Cornell who started the conversation. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Excuse me mate. I couldn't help but wander something. Why does your face look familiar. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] I don't have a clue. Maybe I just have one of those faces. [COLOR="blue"][B]One of my friends:[/B][/COLOR] Come on Mike, tell him who you are. You know what? Never mind, Tommy, this here is Mike Cooper. And he was with D.A.V.E. when they closed. If they would have listened to him they still would be in business today. And yes he is looking for a job, and yes you should hire him. [B]The table erupts in laughter as even if I am embarrassed it was to the point.[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Ah yes, D.A.V.E. Sorry bout that mate. Mike Cooper, wasn't you on the booking committee? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] I was, but in a low level capacity. Nobody really listened, I was there just to pick my ideas, then they would twist it into their own and take the credit. Unfortunately the way they twisted it nobody in the audience base bought into it. The booking became so bad even if we did have a great idea, it got crapped on anyways because the base were used to booing us anyways. Then it got to a point were the base would just show up and give us heat. Why you might ask? Because the day ended with a y I guess. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] What do you think of our product? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Honestly? You are dead wrong. The name on the marque says TCW, Total Championship Wrestling. If we want to watch legit fighting, we will watch MMA. Tell some freaking stories outside of the ring. You have the mouth pieces to do it. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] If I still wanted Sports Entertainment, I’d still be working for Eisen. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] I’m not talking about Sports Entertainment. I’m talking about wrestling, that is slightly faster paced than what you are doing now, with the added flavor of using your best guys on the stick to spin a story. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] That’s why I showed up here tonight. I’m tired of being stuck on #2. I need someone who is hungry, but can use his head for something other than a hat rest. When can you start? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] What do you mean when can I start? You offering a job? [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] I am. You girlfriend wrote an email to me. How she got my address I’ll never know. But I had actually talked to Nemesis the day before he shut down. And he said his biggest regret was not listening to you, and burying you the way he had done. I would of contacted you before your woman emailed me, but I have to admit, I was to bull headed to give you a shot. I am doing well, but it feels like it could be so much better. Here are two tickets, pack for a couple of days, bring your woman with you, and meet me to sign a contract. Oh, and by the way, here is a small advance. Get a couple of drinks for you and your lads, collect your thoughts and be there tomorrow.
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[CENTER]Photobucket [B][COLOR="Blue"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/COLOR][/B] [B]With a new head booker in place. What changes does he have to make? Who is the mysterious new head booker? Scheduled to appear.[/B] PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket [B]The Syndicate, who have been on a roll since forming last year. Hold most of the titles here in TCW. What are their objectives this year? [/B] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket [B] Huge over seas star "The Kobra" looking to add to his impressive resume battles the "24 hour party animal" Edd Stone.[/B] Photobucket [B]Tyson Baine is scheduled to appear.[/B] Photobucket [COLOR="Red"][B]TCW All Action Title[/B][/COLOR] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket...VS...Photobucket [B]Sammy Bach defends against Chance Fortune and Eddie Peak for the TCW All Action Title[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Plus much more. GNN is proud to be the official channel where you can see great Total Championship Wrestling.[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;433421]I enjoyed the little backstory however it isn't quite realistic. However I can go with it cuz your writing is very good.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the reply. I know it was a little far fetched but it was the only thing that came to my head. No excuse but I am going to run with it.
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[QUOTE=dojifuchi;433448]Not to quibble, but Eddie Peak is too heavy to compete for the All-Action title isn't he?[/QUOTE] Yes he is but I modified the title to a no restriction on weight. I still want it to be a low level title but I have my eyes on a couple of people who I want challenging for the title if not holding it in the future.
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[CENTER]Photobucket [B][COLOR="Blue"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/COLOR][/B] [B]Week 1, January 2008 Attendance: 15,000 Utah Park Reservation[/B][/CENTER] We open with a video showing stock footage of the TCW wrestlers and we cut to the pyro. [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes and Shawn Doakes sit ringside and briefly discuss the mysterious new head booker. They then proceed to tell us that who ever it is they have a big night in store for us tonight. PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket The Syndicate’s music plays into arena and all five members appear, making their way to the ring. Tommy Cornell takes center stage and rips into the crowd who reply with chants of a-hole. He proceeds to claim to be the real icon. But looks back at Sam Keith and changes his statement. Sam Keith then takes the mic and says that before coming here in TCW he was promised great matches. So far he hasn’t seen one competitor on the TCW roster that is worthy of facing him. So he is going to focus his attention to advising The Syndicate. [CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Suddenly the arena speakers blare out Rick Law’s music. And out come Rick Law and Rocky Golden. Rick Law explains that he has a message from the new head booker. He goes on to tell us that The Machines will square off tonight against the Young guns in a non title event. The Machines act as if it’s no big deal. But Rick Law says that is about the only easy match for you criminals tonight. Wolf Hawkins, your opponent for the evening is non other than, me and it will be for International title. Rocky Golden grabs the mic, oh and Tommy, your *** belongs to me tonight.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]CUT TO COMMERCIAL[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket [B]Koshiro Ino VS Edd Stone[/B][/CENTER] Good opening match Stone actually had Ino down at one point but decided to play ****y instead of going for the win. That was the opening Ino needed and landed a Kobra Bite at 5:47 [B]Winner: Koshiro Ino[/B] [/QUOTE] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket We cut to back stage where we see Randall Hopkirk, Billy Jack Shearer and Ronnie Pain engaged in a verbal battle. Randal Hopkirk tells Ronnie he is the reason why The Painfull Procedure isn’t holding the TCW Tag Titles. Ronnie starts to defend himself when Billy Jack nails Ronnie from behind with a chair that drops him. Randall and Billy lay the boots to Ronnie Pain. Finally help arrives as it is apparent that some major damage has been done to Ronnie Pain. We see Pain now being stretchered out of the arena as our announce team talk about what a heyness act this was.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket [B]Tyson Baine VS Charlie Thatcher[/B][/CENTER] In a better than expected match. Thatcher did a good job tonight. He was able to muster a few kick/ punch combos on Baine. But the most impressive part of the match was when Baine landed the Hades Bomb at 5:46 to pick up the win. [B]Winner: Tyson Baine[/B][/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Cut to Commercial[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket We come back from commercial where we see Randal Hopkirk and Billy Jack being interviewed by Jasmine Saunders. Hopkirk tells us since they have disposed of Ronnie Pain this week. Those washed up wanna bees The Tag Team Specialist are next. Look out because its gonna be a painfull procedure.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [B]All Action Title PhotobucketPhotobucket...VS...Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Sammy Bach w/ Karen Killer VS Chance Fortune VS Edd Stone[/B] [/CENTER] Great match. All three men went after each other with some real fireworks. It looked like Chance Fortune was going to pick up the win and the title when Freddy Huggens comes running from the backstage area. He attacks not only Chance Fortune but Edd Stone also. The match is declared a draw. But all four men don’t seem to care as they continue to battle each other to the backstage area. [B]Winner: Draw[/B][/QUOTE] PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket The announce crew hypes up Malice in Wonderland for later on this month. A video is played shortly after highlighting past events. [CENTER][B]Commercial[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket [B]The Young Guns VS The Machines[/B][/CENTER] The Machines had this match well under control. They took turns pummeling Steve Gumble then Harry Allen. The Machines just about had it won when Harry was able to duck a clothesline and then hit a drop kick on Brent Hill. Harry tags to Steve who nails John Anderson with a dropkick of his own that sends Anderson out of the ring. Steve then rolls up Brent with a sunset flip to pick up the huge upset. But before the Guns could celebrate The Machines attack them from behind. And boy are they ticked off. [B]Winners: The Young Guns[/B][/QUOTE] PhotobucketPhotobucket We cut to backstage as we see Rick Law getting ready for his match. Jasmine Saunders asks for a minute of his time. Rick Law says for to long now that the crime organization called The Syndicate has been running around unchecked. Tonight marks the first night of many arrests in the new year for the lawman. Wolf, I’m gonna bring you to justice. [CENTER][B]Commercial[/B][/CENTER] PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket We come back from commercial and our announce team tells us the next match is for the TCW International Title. We see Wolf Hawkins being led by Sam Keith as they make their way to ringside. Wolf paces inside of the ring while Sam asks for a mic. Sam Keith says no way will some over paid meter maid take Wolf’s title tonight. Wolf chimes in and announces it’s showtime. Get out here now Law. [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [B]TCW International Title PhotobucketPhotobucket...VS...Photobucket Wolf Hawkins w/ Sam Keith VS Rick Law[/B][/CENTER] Rick Law started out as a house on fire. He dropped Wolf down numerous times early in the match with some stiff punches. Sam tries to intervene but gets dropped as well. But his involvement was all Wolf needed to low blow Rick and regain the offense. The end saw Wolf stagger Rick with a leaping forearm shot that dropped Law. Wolf used a hand full of tights to secure the win at 15:12. Wolf And Sam are seen walking to the backstage gloating on how they beat Rick Law. Law is in the ring complaining to the referee Wolf used his tights illegally. [B]Winner: Wolf Hawkins[/B][/QUOTE] Photobucket Genghis Rahn is backstage watching the events unfold on the monitor. He tells us that is the crap that is going on with this Syndicate. It’s never a fair fight. Maybe we should play by the same rules. Maybe I know someone else who wants some of Cornell and his cronies. [CENTER][B]Commercial[/B][/CENTER] Photobucket Tommy Cornell is in the ring. Pacing around the ring searching for just the right words. He tells the audience to shut the hell up and they respond right back with A-hole, A-hole.I am keeping Sam and the boys in the back, since there are some of you who don’t think I can take Mr. Golden by myself. Well I got news for you idiots. Bring me my sacrificial lamb. [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [B]TCW World Heavyweight Championship Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Tommy Cornell VS Rocky Golden[/B][/CENTER] The match breaks down into a brawl early on. Genghis Rahn comes down to ringside but doesn’t actively interferes, but its enough for Cornell to be distracted. Sam Keith comes running down with a chair and drops Rahn like yesterday’s news. Wolf Hawkins comes sneaking into the ring from the opposite side and secures a low blow on Rocky while he and Referee Sam Sparrow was distracted by Keith and Rahn’s brawl out side of the ring. Tommy then locks on a Guilt Trip on Rocky Golden. Who after a few moments trying to fight his way out of it finally taps out. Cornell, Wolf Hawkins, and Sam Keith start the beat down. But Rick Law comes running down to try and make the save. But it still is a numbers game as they beat down Law as well. Genghis Rahn tries to recover and get in the ring but its to no avail. Rocky Golden finally muscles Wolf out of the ring and starts firing off stiff right hands to Sam Keith as Rick Law and Tommy Cornell are punching away at one another. But here comes The Machines to put the numbers again to The Syndicates advantage. The lights start to flicker, can it be, o god, is it, the distinct music of Ricky Dale Johnson is heard thru the sound system. He comes down to ring side with a ball bat. He drops Wolf first, Then Brent Hill, John Anderson is his next victim. Sam Keith sees what is happening and tackles Tommy out of the ring. We come to the end of the show as all of the members of The Syndicate make a slow and methodical retreat to the back. As RDJ attends to his fellow comrades and points his bat to Cornell and his group as we come to the end of the show. [B]Winner: Tommy Cornell[/B][/QUOTE]
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Being called into a meeting after your first even cant be a good thing can it? [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] What in the bloody blue hell did you do with my product? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Tommy it will work. [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Work? Work? It will work us straight to the unemployment line. You better tell me this is fixable or your stay here is gonna be a short one. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] First of Tommy, you hired me because you are tired of the me always telling you yes all the time. This is my first shot at being the second in command, so I sure as hell am going to make it count. [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Don't pin this on experience. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] I am not, now as far as explaining myself. Didn't the matches go allot quicker? The fans ate up the fact that there was more action in a shorter time span. Yes I had more angles. Yes I did more story telling out of the ring. Guilty as charged. But ask your self this. When was the last time you had anything meaningful out of The Painfull Procedure? Let alone that wasn't crapped on by the fans. [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Go on kid, I don't have an answer. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] All I'm asking for is one month to test these water than if we don't feel comfortable we can revisit this and change accordingly. I have eyes on some new talent, but to make them useful we have to build what we have here alittle stronger. That means building interest on some of the forgotten talent, Harry Allen, Steve Gumble, hell for that matter even your old head booker himself, Joel Bryant. [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] But at 20% faster work rate in the ring, we are going to hurt somebody and I'm gonna take the hit, not you. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] The 20% is just a standard. Of course we slow it down for the old timers. We have certain points in the match where we have a rest point, lets say meaningless head lock or something. Sure to the casual viewer it don't mean much, but to our workers it gives them a chance to catch their breath and we can move on to the next series of moves. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Alright son, you bought yourself one month. Have you seen the ratings? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] I have, virtually deadlocked with Eison but a head by percentage points. Minor victory I feel. [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] But a victory non the less. Now don't you have a card to get ready for? Get the hell out of here. I did indeed have a card to get ready for. I used most of the talent on the last card. But still have a few other I need to get worked in. Things to do today. Call some prospective new talent. And call Rip Chord, lets see if I can make one more sale for the day.
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[CENTER]Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"][B]TCW Presents Total Wrestling on GNN the Total Sports Channel[/B][/COLOR] Scheduled to appear. PhotobucketPhotobucket Coming of the heels of attacking their former partner Ronnie Pain. What do the Painfull Procedure have up their sleeves this week? PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket After having Ricky Dale Johnson foil their plans last week. What will be on The Syndicate's minds this week? Photobucket...VS...Photobucket The Hardcore Assassin Eddie Peak goes up against the International Star Koshiro Ino. PhotobucketPhotobucket TCW All Action Champion Sammy Bach will defend his championship. Photobucket Joey Minnesota will be in action. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Plus more. Come see exciting TCW action only here on GNN the Total Sports Network.[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Jaded;434239]R-D-J! R-D-J! Very nice first show.[/QUOTE] Thank you sir. One of what I hope is many to come.
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[CENTER]Photobucket [B][COLOR="Blue"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/COLOR] Week 2, January 2008 Attendance: 9,423 Minnesota Colosseum[/B] [/CENTER] PhotobucketPhotobucket The show opens and we see just the backside of a chair and Charlie Thatcher standing in an office. Charlie says he doesn’t understand. He is being released as a wrestler but is going to remain in TCW as a, errand boy? The man in the chair who we can not see says no, you will remain here in TCW as my assistant. I do wish have my face shown, not just yet. Will you do it? Charlie asks does it involve a raise? The unknown man, chuckles, then responds with a yes. We open with a video showing stock footage of the TCW wrestlers and we cut to the pyro. PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes and Shawn Doakes sit ringside and talk about what has just happened and why won’t the new booker show his face? They also announce a match has been signed earlier today. Tonight’s main event will be Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith battle Tyson Baine and Ricky Dale Johnson. PhotobucketPhotobucket The Syndicate’s music plays into arena and Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith make their way to the ring. Tommy Cornell rips into the crowd who reply again with chants of a-hole. He proceeds to tell us that Ricky Johnson had no business interfering with The Syndicate’s business last week. Sam takes the mic nobody has the right to interfere with his plans and somebody is going to pay. And that somebody will be Ricky Dale Johnson, tonight. [CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Suddenly the arena speakers blare out RDJ’s music hits. And out walk Ricky Dale Johnson and Tyson Baine. Ricky tells us its damn glad to be back in action, and he thanks all of those fans who wrote to him while he was away after being put on the shelf, by those two gutless cowards there in the ring right now. Sam and Tommy look at each other and laugh. Ricky says go ahead and yuk it up, because later tonight, they wont be in a laughing mood. Tyson grabs the mic and promises to send the Syndicate straight to HADES! [CENTER][B]Cut to Commercial[/B] [QUOTE]Photobucket...vs...Photobucket [B]Koshiro Ino VS Eddie Peak[/B][/CENTER] Ino again gets the call to be in the first match. And again he doesn’t disappoint. Peak did a great job as the heel and dominated the first half of the match. But once again the master of the Kobra Bite prevails. [B]Winner: Koshiro Ino[/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] We cut to back stage where we see Floyd Goldsworthy being flanked by American Buffalo and Texas Pete. You see it’s just going to be that easy explains Floyd. While TCW and The Syndicate are locked in a personal war against each other the time is right now for us to make a move. Floyd continues to say he as a few other surprises for us later. PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket We cut back to the announce table where we see our announcers talk about what an exciting night it has been so far. They go on and denounce the attack by the Painfull Procedure and what they did to Ronnie Pain last week. They replay the footage from last week. Where we see Hopkirk and Shearer just dismantle Ronnie Pain. And afterwards Pain being stretcherd out of the arena. They then proceed to tell us the damage done to Ronnie Pain has been extensive and they have no idea if or even when Ronnie will be ready to compete again. [CENTER][B]Cuts to Commercial[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [B]All Action Title: PhotobucketPhotobucket...VS...Photobucket...VS...Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Sammy Bach w/ Karen Killer VS Chance Fortune VS Freddie Huggens VS Eddie Stone[/B][/CENTER] The All Action Title lived up to its name. Inside and out all four men battled. Chance Fortune and Eddie Stone seemed to come in with a plan as they seemed to work with one another. But a miscue by Eddie ruined that idea and they were soon at each others throats. Sammy Bach picks up another win as he pins Huggens at 12:11. [B]Winner: Sammy Bach[/B] [/QUOTE] PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket The announce crew hypes up Malice in Wonderland for later on this month. A video is played shortly after highlighting past events. They then proceed to tell us a match has been announced for next week pitting Painfull Procedure against the Tag Team Specialists. PhotobucketPhotobucket With that being said Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford make their way to ringside. They tell us that they haven’t been a 3 time world tag team champions for nothing. And they are nobody’s push over and that they will be glad to hand The Painfull Procedure another loss to their resume. [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Photobucket TCW International Title Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Wolf Hawkins VS Joey Minnesota[/B][/CENTER] Wolf and Joey do not disappoint and gives the crowd a great performance, Wolf kicks out of an Empire Spiral then hits his Full Moon Rising to earn the win. Wolf is in the ring celebrating when Rick Law comes down and challenges Wolf to a rematch next week. Winner: Wolf Hawkins [/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Comercial[/B][/CENTER] PhotobucketPhotobucket We come back from commercial and find Brent Hill and John Anderson in the ring. They talk about how they were dooped into losing the match last week. It was unfair for them to be lined up in a match at the last second. They could beat The Young Guns again if given the chance. And to prove it, they are even willing to put the titles on the line to get that rematch. With that being said The Young Guns come out and say they accept. PhotobucketPhotobucket We cut too backstage where we see Genghis Rahn being intervued by Jasmine Saunders. Rahn says that 2008 will be a year of hardcore Rahn Style. This will be his finest year yet and those no good Syndicate wussys better beware. [QUOTE][B][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket...VS...Photobucket Texas Pete VS Aaron Andrews[/B][/CENTER] Pete crushes Andrew within 3 minutes finishing him with a Lone Star Drop. [B]Winner: Texas Pete[/B] [/QUOTE] PhotobucketPhotobucket Ricky Dale Johnson is seen going into the dressing room where Tyson Baine is getting ready. Baine stops what he is doing and says you know Ricky, you and I haven’t always been on the same page thru our lives. I just gotta know one thing. You got my back? Ricky responds, your right we haven’t been on the same page, but this thing is bigger than us personally. If we don’t stand together, we sure as hell will fall one by one. So yeah big man. I got your back. Tyson finishes up, well then I guess we got something to do. Let’s send them to Hades. [CENTER][B]Commercial[/B][/CENTER] PhotobucketPhotobucket Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith are walking down the hall way obviously arguing about something. Cornell can’t believe Sam has gotten him into this mess. Sam says what do you mean, I’ve gotten us in this mess. I told you we should have recruited Ricky instead of you know who. Tommy says it doesn’t matter, let’s just get this over with. [QUOTE][B][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket Ricky Dale Johnson/ Tyson Baine vs. Tommy Cornell / Sam Keith[/B][/CENTER] RDJ and Baine eventually take upper hand. RDJ takes on Tommy Cornell outside the ring trading blows. Inside, Baine battles with Sam. Sam eventually gets the upper hand and starts to punish Baine. Sam applies a nasty abdominal stretch on Baine, applying the pressure, trying to make him submit. Keith works on Baine's ribs and kidneys, keeping the hold locked until Baine makes it to the ropes. Baine is able to hit wicked clothesline on Sam and tag in Ricky Johnson. Ricky comes in and cleans house on Sam, hitting his usual power moves, and then knocking Cornell off the apron. Ricky eventually lands his Southern Justice to pick up the win. [B]Winners: Ricky Dale Johnson and Tyson Baine[/B] [/QUOTE] PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket RDJ and Tyson Baine celebrate in the ring as Cornell and Keith slowly retreat back to the backstage area when Floyd Goldsworthy, Texas Pete, and American Buffalo attack them. The rest of the Syndicate come out to make the save but Floyd orders his troops to go thru the crowd and retreat. What is Goldsworthy doing? Is this the first step of a total war here in TCW? Things are getting hot before Malice in Wonderland. Let’s see if we can get some answers next week.
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;435584]Good show I felt. I really like how you wrote it up too.[/QUOTE] Thanks bud, hope you like the rest that are coming also.
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Things just didn't seem right after the show was over. As I was walking down the hall way going over my notes just to make sure I hadn't missed an angle or something. Thats when I heard it. The sound that all is not well in the locker room. I briefly saw a head pop out then right back in the room. The profanity was definitely flying. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] What in the hell is going on here? The room starts to clear out abit as nobody wants to name names. I see Eddie Peak and Steve Gumble being held back and pretty much throwing eye daggers at one another. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Will somebody please enlighten me here on what is going on here or am I just gonna stand here. [COLOR="blue"][B]Steve Gumble:[/B][/COLOR] It's nutin man. I'll deal with it later. [COLOR="blue"][B]Eddie Peak:[/B][/COLOR] Lighten up dude it was only a joke. I call Eddie out in the hall to find his side of the story. His explanation was it was a joke that got carried to far, and Gumble blew up. I tell Eddie I'm all for good hearted humor. But there is a fine line. Don't cross it again because I have got to many things going on than to watch over romper room. Eddie tells me it was only a joke and assured me it was nothing more. Still something just didn't go over right in my gut. It was so bad I asked for the raw numbers to be faxed to the hotel as I wanted to analyze it that night. Yep it was that bad as my gut fore told the news. I dropped almost a full point. This wont settle well for my argument. And it sure was a rough morning with Mr Cornell. He absolutely unloaded on me. But I was still able to maintain my protect settings. It wasn't easy, but now I have to pull out the stops now or I will have to make some changes. Rip Chord did accept my offer of being a feeder league for me. I immediately made plans to send down Clark Alexander. He is good worker with talent. But I just don't have any plans for him. So instead of releasing him, he gets paid to help train some of the younger talent in MAW. The Dirty White Boys signed with me, as well as Nomad and The Big Problem. I contacted Rip and advised him that these four would be available for him to use as well for the time being. Now I have a card to plan for so I don't get my butt ate out again.
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[CENTER]Photobucket.........Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"][B]TCW Presents Total Wrestling on GNN[/B][/COLOR] Scheduled to appear. Photobucket...VS...Photobucket The Hardcore Assassin Eddie Peak battles the veteran Genghis Rahn. PhotobucketPhotobucket...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket The Painfull Procedure after dumping their long time partner Ronnie Pain battle The Tag Team Specialists. Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"][B]TCW World Tag Team Championship.[/B][/COLOR] PhotobucketPhotobucket...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket After losing in a non title match The Machines are set to defend against The Young Guns. Photobucket [COLOR="blue"][B]TCW International Title[/B][/COLOR] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Can the currant International Champion Wolf Hawkins continue his winning streak against TCW's resident lawman and "The Elation Sensation" Sammy Bach. [B]Plus more. Remember you can only see great TCW action right here on the Total Sports Network, GNN.[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Photobucket..........Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"][B]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/B][/COLOR] [B]Week 3, January 2008 Attendance: 15,126 Garden Park Fields[/B][/CENTER] PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Before the opening video segment we see The Syndicate gathered together. They are obviously discussing a battle plan for this evening. Sam Keith tells the Machines they know what they have to do tonight. The Machines nod in agreement. Keith also tells Wolf he has a tough assignment and he may be by himself but he has faith in him in retaining. Wolf looks confident and says he is ready. Tommy Cornell tells Sam he wants to address Floyd the backstabber. We open with a video showing stock footage of the TCW wrestlers and we cut to the pyro. PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes and Shawn Doakes sit ringside and welcome us to the show. They give us a brief run down on tonight’s action. They also talk about why did Floyd Goldsworthy, American Buffalo, and Texas Pete get involved against The Syndicate? Also they announce that two matches have been added tonight. Tommy Cornell defends the TCW Title against Tyson Baine. And also Ricky Dale Johnson battles Sam Keith. If Ricky wins he gets a title shot at Malice. [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Eddie Peak VS Genghis Rahn[/B][/CENTER] These two men put on a show of brutality and they battled every where. These two just have no regard for rules and just want to hurt someone in the process. Referee Sam Sparrow had no other course of action but to rule this a double count out. It didn’t matter as they continued to brawl all the way backstage. [B]Winner: Draw [/B][/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Cut To Commercial[/B][/CENTER] PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket We come back from commercial to see Floyd Goldsworthy being flanked by American Buffalo and Texas Pete. He goes on to explain why he got involved in the TCW/Syndicate war that has been raging the last several months. He says the timing was right as both sides have been weaken for a power grab. With that Sam Keith and Tommy Cornell make their way from backstage. Tommy tells Floyd who the hell does he think he is? Power Grab, We have all the power you little worm. Floyd tells Tommy and Sam that they have the power now, but it will be a temporary thing as he has two of the biggest powerhouses right here. Keith doesn’t like it and starts to make his way down but Tommy grabs him and tells Floyd we will deal with you another time. PhotobucketPhotobucket We cut too backstage where we see The Young Guns making their way into the building and carrying their gear. The Machines attack and lay the boots to them. See ya later tonight boys. [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Fumihiro Ota VS Aaron Andrews[/B][/CENTER] Andrews has got the talent just not the experience as Ota picks up the win. [B]Winner: Fumihiro Ota[/B][/QUOTE] PhotobucketPhotobucket We cut too backstage and see The Painfull Procedure getting ready for their match. You think what we did to our former partner was bad. Wait till you see what we do to those old men tonight. [CENTER][B]Cuts to Commercial[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket The Painfull Procedure VS The Tag Team Specialists[/B][/CENTER] The Tag Team Specialists still have talent and they carried this match. If that is what you want to call it. The Specialists seemed to be fighting for their very existence. Both teams got frustrated and started fighting outside the ring and got counted out. They continued to fight after the bell. Billy Jack Shearer used a steel chair on Joel Bryant knocking him down and out. TCW officials come down and finally get the two teams separated before anymore damage can be done. [B]Winner: Draw[/B][/QUOTE] PhotobucketPhotobucket Wolf Hawkins and Tommy Cornell are seen talking backstage. Wolf wants to know what did Sam mean last week by when he said you know who? Cornell responds, Wolf don’t worry about it kid. You have a big match to get ready for tonight. Here is what I want you to do with Law. And the scene fades. [CENTER][B]Commercial[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]PhotobucketPhotobucket...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket The Young Guns VS The Machines[/B][/CENTER] Even after being jumped by The Machines earlier, The Guns try desperately to put up a fight. But The Machines dismantle them piece by piece and pick up the win. [B]Winner: The Machines[/B][/QUOTE] PhotobucketPhotobucket Rick Law is backstage being interviewed by Jasmine Saunders. Rick tells us two weeks ago the outlaw Wolf Hawkins escaped apprehension. Tonight it won’t be so easy for him to run. He will be brought to justice. Bach you too will be rounded up. With that being said Law exit’s the stage by signing, Bad boys bad boys watcha gonna do. [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Koshiro Ino VS Joey Minnesota VS Freddy Huggens[/B][/CENTER] Just announced previously to the match. The winner gets a shot at the International title next week. That seemed to fire up the three. Very fast paced match. In the end it was Koshiro Ino who picks up the win and a shot at gold next week. [B]Winner: Koshiro Ino[/B][/QUOTE] PhotobucketPhotobucket Sammy Bach is seen getting ready. Karen Killer tells Bach everybody has discounted him. Bach fires back, nobody, and I mean nobody, discounts a Rock and Wrestling God. [CENTER][B]Commercial[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"]International Title[/COLOR] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Wolf Hawkins VS Rick Law VS Sammy Bach[/B][/CENTER] Early in the match Wolf Hawkins got knocked out of the ring, and he pretended to be hurt, "recuperating" on the outside.. Sammy Bach and Rick Law battled on in the ring. When Law landed a Squad Car Slam, Wolf came back in and broke up the pin attempt. The end saw Rick Law battle his way back and not only landing another Squad Car Slam on Bach, but a Long Arm of Justice on Hawkins. WE HAVE A NEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION. [B]Winner: Rick Law[/B][/QUOTE] Photobucket Ricky Dale Johnson is backstage walking down a hallway he passes the camera crew, stops and says all that stands in his way of gaining a title shot at Malice is Sam Keith. Sam I hope you are ready for a fight. Because I am. [CENTER][B] Commercial [/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Sam Keith[/B][/CENTER] These two warriors have been in many a war. Keith went to work almost immediately on Ricky’s legs. Chop blocks, kicks to the knees, and on numerous times trying to land the Proton Lock on. But it was Ricky’s never say die attitude that saved the day as he scored a surprising win with a roll up to gain the win. [B]Winner: Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Commercial[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"][B]TCW World Heavyweight Title[/B][/COLOR] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Tommy Cornell VS Tyson Baine [/B][/CENTER] This became an unofficial street fight brawl as they went all through the arena. Battling each other everywhere. Referee Ray Johnson got knocked down when Tyson accidentally throw Cornell onto him. Tyson Baine was about to go for the Hades Bomb when Tommy low blowed him preventing it. Eventually Cornell landed a Rough Ride on Tyson to secure the win [B]Winner: Tommy Cornell[/B] [/QUOTE]
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