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ok, so playing with the latest patch, i really like the fact that we can now choose from a list of the characters alter ego's when on the character page. but when creating a new alter ego as i have done for Eric Tyler, Marc Speed, and "Shooter" Sean Deeley, it seem as though I am unable to save the details of this new character. This would be really useful, for example in my storyline with Eric Tyler in SWF, i have made him Enygma II for an Enygma vs Enygma storyline. He will soon unmask and turn back to Eric Tyler, which is fine, i just set his character back to default...but if i then want to make him Enygma II again when Enygma retires, I will have to completely rewrite everything up that I have already written. So is there anyway to save this data other than notepad? or is that all that can be done?
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I think this is a great idea. If you rename someone at the beginning of their career, and make them a star using the new persona, it'd be neat if they could keep using it when they move on to other feds. Of course, if you wanted to force the issue you could just make it their default name in the editor; not that that would make sense in his original example.
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