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Postfix numbering/lettering?

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ok, i have searched the forums, and haven't been able to find anything, and I have searched the help file, and again, couldn't really find the answer to my question. I am setting up an event. I want the event to be numbered. How exactly do I do this? What exactly does "Next Postfix Number" mean? Is that what the number will be next year? No matter what I put in that spot, the show does not show up as "Carribean Chaos '08" All it shows is Carribean Chaos. So, how do I get the system to number it correctly? And, what does Next Postfix mean and what is the proper way to use it? Thanks Chris
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Postfix means an item added to the end of something. So if you postfix a number to a wrestling event you get the "WrestleMania style" of WrestleMania 1, WrestleMania 2, etc, etc. If you want the year to be after an event, you select the option entitled year. This will give you "Event Name 2008", etc. If you want a number to be after an event, you select the "postfix" option and type in the next number you wish to see in the box provided.
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