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Ok i have read the help files on this. Basically i wanna create a new company about the same size as USPW, but i want it to be fast paced with hardly any emphasis on gimmicks but mostly just about the wrestling. i plan to set my match to angle ratio at 90%. Not too interested in Hardcore. So what settings should i have because i've tried different ones. And i keep getting a conflict in my product. It keeps saying Wrestlers will be judged on performance rather than popularity which is what i want. But i can't understand the gimmick bit. 1. Fans will expect proper gimmicks 2. will attract fans that wont like gimmicks 3. Fans wont like risky gimmicks 4. Fans won't like one-dimensional gimmicks 5. Gimmicks should be subtle and complex now 1 & 2 seem to conflict as does 2 & 5 and what is a subtle but complex gimmick? so far i have this Traditional - Medium Mainstream - Medium Comedy - None Cult - Heavy Risque - very Low Modern - Key Realism - Medium Hyper - None Hardcore - Medium Lucha - None Pure - Low Daredevil - Low so what do i need to change?
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i am by no means an expert on product settings, however in my experience it does mean that you will attract some fans who like gimmicks and some who do not like gimmicks...giving both wrestlers with and without gimmicks a chance to get over. a subtle but complex gimmick would be a gimmick with a high subtlety score and a high difficulty score
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Depends on what you'd like changed. Reduce the cult to medium if you want to get rid of the "fans will expect wrestler to be packaged with a proper gimmick" Or you can reduce the realism to low if you want to get rid of the "attract fans who won't be keen on gimmicks" EDIT: I forgot to mention that despite the "gimmick conflict", you can still be successful. Take a peek at TCW's product for proof.
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It looks like you do have a bit of a conflict. 1 makes it clear that the product you have created will cause most to expect your wrestlers to have proper gimmicks. However, fans who want performance over popularity don't care for gimmicks. Actarus pointed out what you can do to remove some of the conflict.
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If you want a promotion that doesn't need gimmicks, turn down "mainstream" and "cult" aspects of your promotion. Heavy cult is what's giving you the subtle gimmick note (and subtle gimmicks have nothing directly to do with difficulty). As far as #1 and #2. Yes, they conflict. SOME of your fans won't care about gimmicks. The fans that are there to see modern, fast-paced action don't care about gimmicks. But SOME of your fans are attracted to the cult, "underground" aspect of your promotion, which requires gimmicks. Your fans are not a unified body that all respond identically to everything. The result is going to be it will be very hard for you to have great gimmick ratings, as some people in the audience won't care, and the rest will want gimmicks like mysterious, lawyer, occult, franchise player, or whatever, and they tend to come with a high degree of difficulty.
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