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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[B]The West Texas Peacekeepers[/B] vs. Ford & Speed [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Antonio The Young Americans vs. Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] vs. JD Morgan Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Ford & Speed The West Texas Peacekeepers Kid Arachnid vs. Antonio Antonio The Young Americans vs. Smith & Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes Smith & Singh Randy Bumfhole vs. Jay Chord Jay Chord Hugh de Aske vs. JD Morgan Hugh de Aske Kirk Jameson vs. Black Eagle Kirk Jameson “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Aaron Andrews Aaron Andrews
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[I]OOC: :p Daftness aside, we're past 500 posts, so thanks to everyone who's replied on here over the last four months or so - I've had a blast writing this. I think, whatever happens, I'll take a break after WiABA. I'm having fun writing this but, with one thing and another, a chance to recharge and plot out the next year or so would be good.[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Fall Of The King Friday, 26th September 2011[/CENTER][/B] [B]The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Ford & Speed[/B] An average start to the night. As far as tag teams go, the Peacekeepers re real prospects, while Ford and Speed are probably about the best we have. That was shown by the decent tag match rating earned by this match in the opener. Ford and Speed both looked impressive while in the ring, but the Peacekeepers kept up their end of the match before Dillon was snared in Fallen Chances to give the heels the win. Winners: Ford & Speed (D) * [B]Kid Arachnid vs. Antonio[/B] This was a tester for both men, and we found that they have great chemistry – but it was still only an average match. Antonio seems to have peaked where he is, as he can't lead a match despite being something like a ten year veteran. Arachnid is promising, but the big interest is in who's under the mask – not what he does while he's wearing it. Still, a serviceable match – capped with a Cradle Piledriver to give Kid the win. Winner: Kid Arachnid (D) * [B]The Young Americans vs. Smith & Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] With five blondes in the match, is it any surprise that the show started to pick up a notch? In all seriousness, we're making slow, but steady, progress with the tag division and this match came out almost perfectly, with the Young Americans eliminated fairly early on, leaving the two remaining teams around seven minutes to tear into one another. In the end, Flash Savage took the win over Brandon Smith with an O, Canada! but the champions left the ring knowing that they'd been in a real match – and had only just escaped with their belts. Winners: The Canadian Blondes (D+) * Backstage, and Firebird and Kirk Jameson came face to face. Jameson held up a hand to forestall Jameson’s question. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“No, Kirk Jameson, there is no match for you tonight. If you wish, you may face my own mentor, the Black Eagle. My guide, my leader, my reason for Falling... Think carefully, Kirk Jameson, for he is a test you are not ready to fa-“[/COLOR] Jameson grabbed Firebird, and slammed him against a row of lockers. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ll break him, and then I’ll find you,”[/COLOR] he growled. With a grunt of effort, he tossed Firebird onto the floor. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ll find you.”[/COLOR] Jameson stalked off, leaving Firebird to look after him with a slightly concerned expression on his face. A pair of feet walked into frame, and the camera panned up to reveal Aaron Andrews standing over him. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Well, that was something to see,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I must say, I’m glad you’ve drawn his attention. I don’t mind admitting that he could be a problem – at least, if he ever learned to control that temper.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah guess you think he’s the only one who can beat you, huh?”[/COLOR] Andrews turned to find himself face to face with a sweaty Brandon Smith, with Sensational Singh lurking in the background. Andrews wrinkled his nose and took a step back, nearly stepping on Firebird as the masked man got to his feet. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I don’t think he can beat me – but I do believe he could be a problem if he were to focus on me. I don’t think anyone can beat me.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah’ll take that bet. It’s time someone rammed your teeth down your lyin’ throat. I don’t claim to understand why Kirk hasn’t taken action against you, but maybe he thinks you can start acting right again. Maybe you can – but ah think that first you deserve a whuppin’ like the ones my daddy used to give me when ah did something wrong.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“You’re challenging me? After you already lost a match tonight? Well, who am I to turn down an easy title defence? You have your match, you hick cretin – and it’ll be one more notch on my already impressive resume.”[/COLOR] * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Black Eagle[/B] This was a match that was far more about the story than the action – which is good, as Black Eagle tends to go missing a bit in the high profile matches. The action was all Jameson as the youngster tore into the seasoned veteran with unbridled aggression, venting his considerable fury on the masked man in lieu of being able to do the same to his colleague, Firebird. Jameson could have ended the match with his first Bullseye, which sent the usually inexpressive Eagle into paroxysms of agony. But instead he mounted the ropes once more and took flight, dropping his elbow directly onto the centre of Eagle's chest, crushing his opponent and leaving him limp on the mat. Seemingly not satisfied, he went to the ropes again, shoving the referee out of his way before he went airborne for a third time, crashing down on Eagle, who was too hurt to even move much, before covering for the academic win. Winner: Kirk Jameson (C-) * Jameson slid out of the ring and stormed over to the announcers’ table. He grabbed Rip by the front of his shirt, and yanked him across the table so that he was nose-to-nose with the owner of MAW. [COLOR="Blue"]“Give me Firebird, old man,”[/COLOR] he snarled. [COLOR="Blue"]“Give me him at the next show, or I’ll make what I did to Black Eagle look like a hug and a kiss – and I’ll do it to you.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Smith seemed to realise early on that he was in over his head, and he tried to mix things up by going to the top rope just a few minutes into the match. Although he hit a perfectly serviceable lariat, he seemed to do himself more damage on the landing than he'd inflicted on his opponent – and for the merciless Andrews, that was just like a red rag to a bull. Andrews zeroed in on Smith's wounded leg, taking the already tired big man down and blunting his offence to the point where he was just toying with the former NFL star, eventually putting him down with a Twisting Face Crusher for the win. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C) * I can't trust many workers to hold the fans' attention for long periods in a promo segment, but Jay Chord can do it. He stood in the centre of the ring, head bowed, microphone in hand. Raising the microphone to his mouth, he began to speak: [COLOR="Red"]“Of late, I’ve been misguided, lost in translation, spinning my wheels... Whatever. I should have been focused on regaining my Heavyweight title, but I’ve allowed myself to be distracted by some idiot using my old mask. It was... foolish of me.”[/COLOR] Chord paused, and the fans watched on, uncertain what to make of this unusually reflective Jay Chord. [COLOR="Red"] “I’m used to being the focus of the show. The best worker. The main event. The star. Well, that’s not been the case of late. Tonight, I want to prove that I am all these things, and more. And if I can’t prove that... “Randy Bumfhole, everyone knows that you’re on your way to being a legend. I know that the buzz on the streets and online is all about when you’re going to challenge for the MAW title. Well, I don’t want to see that. I don’t want you holding my title. So I’m going to offer you a challenge: Face me tonight, and the winner of the match gets a guaranteed title shot. I think I can expect my father to honour that promise. After all, I know that he wants the best for his son.”[/COLOR] The camera cut to Rip, whose expression gave nothing away. * [B]Hugh de Aske vs. JD Morgan[/B] Slightly jinky match ordering tonight in order to go for the maximum bang at the end of the show. Hugh was on his way to the ring when he passed Black Eagle being wheeled out on a gurney, Sienna trailing in the medics' wake. He appealed for her to join him at the ring, and she was clearly torn, but as the ambulance's siren began to wail she bit her lip, and made a bolt after Eagle. All this made Hugh somewhat distracted as he entered the ring for his match with JD Morgan, giving the vicious heel a free shot as he turned his back to hand his pirate regalia out through the ropes. Morgan dominated the first several minutes of this excellent match as a result, throwing Hugh around easily before the Dread Pirate rallied after a missed clothesline left Morgan open. The two men showed tremendous chemistry throughout this match, transitioning smoothly between exchanges and seemingly reading each other's minds during a chain wrestling sequences that held the crowd rapt for almost two minutes as counter met counter. Morgan came out on top when he reverted to his East London roots, nearly caving in Hugh's face with a vicious headbutt that drew blood from de Aske's nose, and leaving him vulnerable. Morgan showed no hesitation in exploiting the weakness, unleashing a barrage of hard punches that had Hugh staggering, before capping the match off with A Shot Of JD to score a big win over the popular pirate. Winner: JD Morgan (C+) * [B]Randy Bumfhole vs. Jay Chord[/B] to name the [COLOR="Purple"]#1 contender for the MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] These two stars tore the house down for nearly twenty-five minutes. It wasn't a matter of chemistry, just star-power and all-round talent, both of which these guys have in abundance – at least in terms of a Regional fed, anyway. Chord was wild and uncontrolled, costing him valuable ground in the early going as he tried to outbrawl the popular Bumfhole. But Randy was raised in the SWF, and if there's one thing he knows how to do, it's brawl, and the advantage was his as we passed the ten minute mark. On commentary, Rip was growing increasingly agitated about his son's sloppiness in-ring, and eventually downed his headset to take his place at the side of the ring, leaving Rock to call the match on his own. Rip's presence seemed to hinder Jay as much as help him, though, and there were a number of occasions when he turned to Rip – whether for advice or to tell him to beat it was unclear – only for the lightning-quick Randy to seize the momentary advantage and inflict some more punishment. Jay rallied eventually, falling back on heelish tactics after his father got him the advantage with a trip as Randy went to the ropes. The cheap shots and low blows rained in on Randy, keeping him down as Rip warned the referee not to disqualify him. Chord broke off his attack to showboat to the crowd, and Rip's face went slack in horror as he saw it, for Bumfhole clambered quickly to his feet and, as Jay turned to resume his attack, Randy scored with a picture-perfect Bumfhole Buster to take the win and guarantee himself a shot at the Heavyweight title. Jay was left in the ring, looking down at his hands in disbelief as Randy celebrated. Looking across at Rip, Jay seemed to be asking what he could do – but Rip pointedly turned his back on his son, leaving the younger Chord very much alone in the ring. Winner: Randy Bumfhole (B-) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I]Next: A son abandons his father...[/I]
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To cut a long story short, Jay and Flash Savage had an argument backstage after the show. As I can't fire Jay, I was stuck with fining him. Given what he earns from his work with us, TCW and USPW, taking 25% of his show fee barely dents his bank balance – and he made sure to make that perfectly clear to me as he handed over the cash. Morale backstage, I think it's fair to say, is not great right now. Only the abundance of presence of the undisputed locker room leader in the form of Steve Flash, and the abundance of positive influences in the likes of Marshall Dillon, Amazing Fire Fly and Matt Hocking help keep things ticking over – without the bomb going off... * In positive news, we were the #1 promotion in the Tri-State area last month. * Scuttlebutt and hearsay – that is to say, what Katie managed to worm out of Jenna – have revealed that while Rip may be going insane, he's not actually mad. When the balance sheets for September came in with a near twenty-five thousand dollar loss, the Moment Of Madness shows were quietly dropped from the MAW schedule. I wasn't consulted, of course, but that's okay – I didn't want them in the first place. * MAW On Tour Wednesday, 3rd October 2011 – Great Lakes The Canadian Blondes (c) def. The Young Americans to defend the MAW Tag Team titles (E) Jonnie Perez and max Mayhem def. VIP Wallace and Raphael (E) Ernest Youngman def. Jared Johnson (E) Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Probably needed a fourth match to spread the load a bit[/I] * Rip favoured me with a smile as we passed in the corridor this morning. The reason was clear – Eric Eisen has announced that he will not be re-signing with SWF when his contract runs out this month. I think Rip is going to make some mischief and try and sign him – but if he's not going to sign for SWF, he's not going to sign for us. Still, it's fun looking through the various notional tables assembled on tew.com showing the supposed most influential and most important companies in the world. SWF is, apparently, the 30th most influential company in the world right now – RIPW, their development territory, ranks at #16, with us just behind at #17. At least SWF is the most important company (apparently). Perhaps it's a case of them being an object lesson in how not to go about things? Whatever the case, RIPW is down in 34th (of 35) in that category. * MAW On Tour Wednesday, 10th October 2011 – South East Jared Johnson def. Hugh Lee – E- Jonnie Perez def. Oscar Golden – E+ Max Mayhem def. Flash Savage – E- Ernest Youngman def. Roderick Remus – D- Overall: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR] [I]Notes: None[/I] * [CENTER][B]MAW All The Leaves Are Brown[/B] Steve Flash vs. Jared Johnson Bradford Peverell vs. JD Morgan “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Providence Sensational Singh vs. Oscar Golden The Firm vs. The Second Sons Kirk Jameson vs. Firebird Randy Bumfhole vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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[B]MAW All The Leaves Are Brown[/B] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Jared Johnson Bradford Peverell vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Providence Sensational Singh vs. [B]Oscar Golden[/B] [B]The Firm[/B] vs. The Second Sons [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Firebird Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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MAW All The Leaves Are Brown [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Jared Johnson [I]I give the edge to experience, but this one should be a great opener.[/I] Bradford Peverell vs.[B] JD Morgan[/B] [I]Morgan, and the rest of the Fallen, are on fire right now, and I see him running right through Peverell.[/I] [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Providence [I]Really no good reason, I just see Smith as having more momentum. Could go either way though.[/I] Sensational Singh vs. [B]Oscar Golden[/B] [I]The Blondes have been great lately, whereas Singh has been more or less spinning his wheels as of late.[/I] [B]The Firm [/B]vs. The Second Sons [I]Just to spite Rip. :D[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Firebird [I]Jameson finally gets the win in what has been one of the best feuds of the year.[/I] Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Andrews gets the win to retain. Should be an amazing match.[/I] This has been easily the best dynasty I've read, and I've been glad to have been reading it since its inception. I look forward to whatever comes after this, although I'll be honestly sad to see this one go. Tremendous work, my friend.
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[B]Steve Flash [/B]vs. Jared Johnson Bradford Peverell vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Providence[/B] [B]Sensational Singh[/B] vs. Oscar Golden [B]The Firm[/B] vs. The Second Sons Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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Steve Flash vs. Jared Johnson - Steve Flash Bradford Peverell vs. JD Morgan - JD Morgan “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Providence - Bulldozer Sensational Singh vs. Oscar Golden - Oscar Golden The Firm vs. The Second Sons - The Second Sons Kirk Jameson vs. Firebird - Kirk Jameson Randy Bumfhole vs. Aaron Andrews - Randy Bumfhole
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[QUOTE=hrdcoresidebrns;509928]This has been easily the best dynasty I've read, and I've been glad to have been reading it since its inception. I look forward to whatever comes after this, although I'll be honestly sad to see this one go. Tremendous work, my friend.[/QUOTE] Thanks! I've had a lot of fun, and I have to thank Adam for rewriting the personality part of the game for this version as it's added so much to the diary - almost [I]too[/I] much on occasion... [QUOTE=Nightshadeex;510003]Jeez, did SWF's prestige totally tank?[/QUOTE] Yeah, I mean, [U]yeah[/U]! At one point they were down to F prestige, which was a heck of a tumble. They're putting on shows around B- or so now, and are up to a E-, so it should be steady progress for them. They're popular enough to jump right back up to National (maybe even International) when they leave the six month cooldown period but in the meantime they're losing some big names. And yes, I [I]could[/I] have saved them :p * Show tonight, I hope - some backstage stuff to go with it. Guess who's gone AWOL... :rolleyes:
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There was a fair amount of hubbub as I entered the locker room. Rip was scooting around the room with an anxious look on his face, holding thirty-second conversations with everyone he encountered, Jenna trailing in his wake with a clutch of cellphones clipped, tucked and held about her person. I beckoned Steve Flash over to me as Rip buttonholed Casey Valentine. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What’s the matter?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“Jay’s not here,”[/COLOR] Steve said. [COLOR="Blue"]“You know he was in the segment with the other Sons tonight – but he’s not shown up.”[/COLOR] I frowned. Jay wasn’t scheduled for a match, but he was supposed to take part in two segments during the show. Our plans weren’t significantly affected by his no-show, but it was... unprofessional of him, no question. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Oh, what happened at that meeting Rip called?”[/COLOR] I asked, as Steve laced his boots. He looked up with a troubled expression on his face. [COLOR="Blue"]“Rip basically said that there’ll be some changes in the way the company runs,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“He didn’t come out and say anything specific, but reading between the lines...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I’m on the outs. Yeah, that’s about what I figured. Never mind. It may be for the best.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You don’t sound surprised.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I’m not,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“To be honest, it’ll be a relief when the other shoe drops.”[/COLOR] Steve gave me a tight smile, and I limped back out of the locker room. [I]Two more shows,[/I] I thought, as I pulled out the call sheets and set about redacting Jay from the card. [I]Just let me make it through this month, and I can walk away happy.[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: All The Leaves Are Brown Friday, 12th October 2011[/CENTER][/B] [B]Steve Flash vs. Jared Johnson[/B] A straightforward opener, with future star Jared Johnson tying it up with veteran Steve Flash. The two men ran through a series of technical exchanges and kept the crowd interested through to the finish, which saw Flash scoring the Flash Bang for the win. Winner: Steve Flash (D+) * Bradford Peverell rode down to the ring atop his bike, treating the fans to some extra loud revs before entering the ring and taking the mic: “All my life, people have looked to me for help. They see me as a leader, as someone who’ll protect them. I arrived backstage a few weeks ago, and there were a lot of people causing trouble. A lot of people making life unpleasant for decent folk. And that’s where I come in. You see, I’ve always believed in standing up for what’s right. My father always told me that it’s the duty of the strong to stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. And so here I am – defending those who, for whatever reason, can’t or won’t fight back. Tonight I face JD Morgan, a thug and a bully. He’s not the worst in this company, but a man who helps others to inflict misery and suffering on decent people. So JD, come out and face up to justice – delivered one,” he raised his right hand. “Two,” he raised his left. * [B]Bradford Peverell vs. JD Morgan[/B] I'll have to check, but I suspect that Morgan may be our most consistent worker. Apparently taking exception to Pev's promo, Morgan thrashed the youngster from the bell, and while the plucky Pev fought back with some hard punches, Morgan remained in control for much of the match, before nailing A Shot Of JD for the pin. Winner: JD Morgan (C) * In The Firm’s locker room, Randy Bumfhole was looking focused. [COLOR="Blue"]“Two weeks ago, I won the right to a Heavyweight title shot at any time of my choosing. I could wait and cash that in at any time, but instead I went to Rip as soon as the show finished and told him that I was cashing in that shot tonight. I don’t want Aaron to have any excuses when I take that title away – I just want him to admit that he was beaten by the better man.”[/COLOR] * Backstage, and once more Kirk Jameson and Brandon Smith came face to face. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah guess you’re off the hook tonight,” [/COLOR]Smith said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Randy beat you to challenging Aaron – not that you were gonna anyway, Ah bet.”[/COLOR] Jameson scowled. [COLOR="Blue"]“You know, you talk a lot, Brandon, about what other people choose to do – but if you think I should challenge Aaron, why haven’t you done anything about Providence?” “What?” “The guy who looked up to you. The guy you were mentor to. The guy who’s running around, beating people up for fun. The guy who’s sick in the head. Ring any bells?”[/COLOR] Smith scowled. [COLOR="Blue"]“If anyone should be taking responsibility for another person’s turn to the bad, I think it ought to be you, shouldn’t it? And anyway, I’ve finally got Firebird in the ring tonight. That’s all I’ve wanted since day one.” “Fine. I’ll go after Providence. But you need to look at the real reason you’re not fighting Andrews – or are you going to be too busy trying to beat Firebird into a bloody pulp to admit the real reason you’re losing your temper over anything and everything of late?”[/COLOR] Smith stalked off, leaving Jameson to look after him, his expression half a scowl, half confused. * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Providence[/B] I had a weird feeling about this one, and I was right – these two don't click. That's a shame, as it's hard to imagine two people with more of a built-in storyline. Still, for what it was, it was acceptable – a high-powered brawl with little finesse that saw a spell of action at ringside as the two battered each other into near-insensibility. Back in the ring, the two exchanged heavy blows before Providence was able to catch his one-time mentor with the Eye Of Providence to claim victory. Winner: Providence (D+) * Providence took the mic, and looked down on Brandon Smith with half a smile tugging at his lips. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"I'm sure you noticed that your down-home, simple country way of life didn't do much for me,"[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"I know that's why you wanted to hold me back for so long, in case I did something you didn't like. Well... I guess you didn't like that too much. I, on the other hand, thought it was... just dandy."[/COLOR] Providence made his way backstage, and Smith trudged after him. Reaching the Gorilla position, he came face to face with Oscar Golden. [COLOR="Blue"]“When was the last time you won a match, eh?”[/COLOR] Golden asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“I mean, the change to blonde hair was very flattering to myself and Flash, but it takes more than blonde hair to make a truly superior wrestler.” “Both my friend Brandon, and myself, understand that,”[/COLOR] Sensational Singh replied, stepping out of a locker room. [COLOR="Blue"]“It would be nice if you did. You see, Oscar, you have carried around the tag team titles for many months now, and you act as though the golden colour of your hair entitles you to carry the prestigious gold belts. Well, I can assure you, it does not. In fact, I will show you that now if you dare to step into the ring with me.” “The Music Man wants a match to show he’s more than just a fan of show tunes? Sure, why not?” “Oh, and if I win, we get a title shot at the next show.” “Fine.” “Fine.”[/COLOR] * [B]Sensational Singh vs. Oscar Golden [/B] A first singles meeting for these two, who are much more often involved in tag team battles. Singh has spent a lot more of his career working singles, though, and that showed dividends as Golden seemed to automatically look to the corner whenever he hit trouble – meaning Singh had a number of opportunities to exploit, and that gave him more than enough time to catch Golden with the Cal-Cutter, and earn his team a title shot at Where It All Begins Again. Winner: Sensational Singh (D+) * The Second Sons pairing of Antonio and Casey Valentine emerged from backstage and came to the ring. Valentine looked angry and Antonio was trying to placate him. [COLOR="Sienna"]“I guess I should have known that Jay Chord couldn’t be trusted. As soon as things take a downturn for him, he’s gone – just like that. Jay, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, you can forget us helping you any time in the future. We could have been champions tonight, but then you decided not to bother showing up for the show. Well, screw you.”[/COLOR] Antonio took the mic. [COLOR="Sienna"]“We’ve contacted an old friend to come in and help us out at the next show, where the Trios titles will be on the line. But for now, we’re demanding that Chance Fortune and Kid Arachnid come out and face us in a tag team match, so we can get a start on beating you.”[/COLOR] The Firm’s music played, and Chance Fortune emerged from backstage. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah, sorry, not going to happen,”[/COLOR] he said, shrugging. [COLOR="Blue"]“I mean, once the Kid heard that Jay wasn’t here, turns out he had a date with a local girl that he could get to a little early by not hanging around all night. Well, what could I say to that? So, sorry – but no match tonight. See you next show.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“What the hell? We’re booked for a match, and if you don’t come down here and fight, we’ll-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You’ll what? There’s two of you, and Randy and Steve can be here in two seconds. The numbers aren’t on your side boys.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Still, if you’re that desperate for a fight, I guess I can accommodate you. Randy’s had an old friend in town, and I figure he won’t mind joining in. Well, I say friend – he’s actually a member of the family...”[/COLOR] The crowd popped once, and then an even louder second time as they caught on to the implication – and were delighted by the arrival of Zimmy Bumfhole to MAW. Zimmy shook hands with Chance, and the two charged the ring. * [B]The Firm vs. The Second Sons[/B] This match was all about the Zimmy – and how often do you hear that? The other Bumfhole flew around the ring like he'd been taking his vitamins, sending the Sons flying with every move. He was almost unstoppable, although the Sons had some luck working together to wear him down. When the referee managed to restore order, however, Zimmy was back to his effervescent best, eventually catching Antonio with a Bumfhole In One to score the win. Winners: The Firm (C) * With the match over, Fortune and Zimmy celebrated in the middle of the ring. But before the party could get started, they were jumped from behind by a man in a hooded sweatshirt who used a kendo stick to beat down the two popular fighters. He was quickly joined by Antonio and Casey and the three men left Fortune and Bumfhole down and wounded. The newcomer pulled back his hood, revealing himself as Cameron Vessey. Vessey exchanged a handshake with Antonio, before sharing a back-slapping hug with Valentine. The three men looked down at their handiwork before departing through the crowd as Flash and Randy appeared at the top of the ramp and hurried down to the ring. * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Firebird[/B] Firebird had learned from The Fallen's previous matches against Kirk Jameson not to let the youngster get into his stride, and as soon as he entered the ring he went after the fan favourite. But he was met with a superkick that nearly took his head off – or, at least, the mask off his head. Staggered and left adjusting his headgear, Firebird was crushed against the turnbuckles by a Jameson leap, before nearly being broken in two as Jameson followed back in with a crushing high boot. Jameson continued his methodical dissection of the masked man, and the crowd grew steadily quieter as they watched Firebird only offer token resistance to the assault. When the referee tried to intervene, Jameson shoved him down hard and, as referees are made of spit, tissue paper and glass, he stayed down. The match seemed to turn with Firebird on his knees by the ropes. Jameson charged in with an attempt at a Shining Wizard, but Firebird dropped out of the way, and Jameson landed astride the ropes – a spot that drew mixed reactions from the crowd. Firebird pushed himself upright and shoved Jameson through the ropes, before waving to the back. Still on his knees, he stayed in the ring, sucking huge breaths of air as JD Morgan made his way down to the ring. Morgan went straight after Jameson, and smashed him into the ringsteps, before hauling him up and pitching him hard into the ringpost, splitting him open across hi forehead. Firebird, meanwhile, retrieved the microphone. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"This is it, Kirk Jameson. This is your moment. Your future. We have been watching you for so long. This is your life. The eternal realisation that your hope and your faith in humanity have left you... hanging,"[/COLOR] he said, as Morgan used his belt to choke Jameson. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Join us. Complete your Fall. You are so close, Kirk Jameson. Admit the truth to yourself. Embrace the darkness that lurks in the heart of all mortal men. Only then,"[/COLOR] Morgan picked Jameson up and threw him into the timekeeper's table, sending miscellaneous staff flying, [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"can you hope to see the light."[/COLOR] Morgan pursued his prey, bending down into the wreckage to grab him. But suddenly he stood bolt upright, a glazed expression on his face for a second before he toppled backward like a giant redwood collapsing. Jameson slowly rose from the wreckage. He was armed, the ring bell in his hand and sporting a visible dent from where it had impacted against Morgan's skull, and he was wounded, blood streaking his handsome face and dripping down onto his chest. His steps were heavy, and unsteady, the bell hanging limply at his side as he climbed the steps and entered the ring. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Yes,"[/COLOR] Firebird breathed, caught up in the moment. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Yes. Come to me, and I will guide you. Join me, and I will help you Fall. Kirk Jameson, my greatest triumph, the evidence that even the purest of men can-"[/COLOR] He was cut off with a hard boot to the gut, doubling him over. Jameson pounced, firing off a snap DDT that crushed Firebird's skull into the canvas with a sickening thud. Not satisfied, Jameson hauled him up once more, and hoisted his opponent into a brainbuster, holding Firebird aloft for several long seconds before dropping a second time, smashing the masked man into the mat. Firebird was done, and once more Kirk Jameson looked down on his opponent with an unsettling expression on his face. Turning on the spot, he looked to the top turnbuckle and everyone in the arena could read his mind – that Firebird would receive the same series of crushing Bullseyes as Black Eagle two weeks ago. But instead Jameson let his gaze drop to the object lying on the mat between him and the post: The ring bell. Picking it up, he turned to face Firebird, who was starting to struggle onto his hands and knees. Crouching down, Jameson smacked the mat once, twice, three times with the edge of the bell, each time striking harder. Firebird slowly raised his head, with Jameson raising the bell at the same time. The two men paused for a long second, frozen in place as Jameson debated striking. And then Firebird began to laugh. His body bruised and battered, a trickle of blood visible through the eyehole of his mask, on his knees, open to a strike that might have ended his career, Firebird laughed. Jameson's face beneath the blood changed slowly, as Firebird beckoned him on. With Firebird begging, no, pleading for him to strike, Jameson let the ring bell topple from his fingers. Abruptly, Firebird's laughter stopped as Jameson dragged him into a quick cradle, just as the referee regained his faculties and counted to three, giving Jameson the victory both actually and, perhaps more importantly, morally. Firebird stalked from the ring, collecting a groggy JD Morgan along the way, and pausing only to turn his furious gaze on the triumphant Jameson once more before vanishing behind the curtain, leaving Jameson to celebrate his win. Winner: Kirk Jameson (B-) * Jameson took a mic: [COLOR="Blue"]“I need to make some apologies,”[/COLOR] he said, wiping ineffectually at the blood coming from the cut across his head. [COLOR="Blue"]“Firstly to Brandon Smith, who’s been trying to point me in the right direction for a while now. Secondly to my fans, who’ve had to watch me going crazy as I tried to make sense of what the hell has been happening these last few months.”[/COLOR] He paused, and looked around. [COLOR="Blue"]“I need to apologise to someone else, too – Aaron Andrews.”[/COLOR] The crowd, who had been cautiously positive, didn’t like this idea. [COLOR="Blue"]“Aaron, please, come out.”[/COLOR] Andrews emerged from backstage, an uneasy expression on his face. Noticeably, he stayed at the top of the ramp, not approaching the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“Aaron, apparently I did something to anger you. I’ve got no idea what. I’ve spent the last several months going around in circles, letting The Fallen prey on me, letting them come within an inch of turning me into one of them because I thought that they’d got to you first... But they didn’t, did they?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“No. They had nothing to do with it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You chose to turn your back on me of your own free will.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Free will, hell. You pushed me into it, Kirk. You wanted the limelight. You wanted the glory, you took everything that should have been mine for yourself!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I never wanted glory,”[/COLOR] Jameson replied, his voice calm, even a little sad. [COLOR="Blue"]“But that’s why you turned on me, why you brutalised me? Because you thought I was after your spot at the top of the company?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I know you were! Every time I turned around, you were staring at my title. All those times you asked for my help, all those times we teamed up, you were trying to work out how to replace me!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“No.”[/COLOR] The single word dropped across Andrews’ rant like a lead slab across a line of ants. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I said no. I never wanted to replace you. I wanted to help you. I wanted to be a better wrestler so that I could be your ally, so that I could try and reach the standards you set, and be as good a wrestler as you.”[/COLOR] Andrews said nothing, but the expression on his face spoke volumes. Slowly, he walked down the ramp and entered the ring, never taking his eyes off Jameson as he did so. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Bull.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s the truth.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Why wouldn’t you want to replace me? I’m the champion. The man at the top.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“And I never wanted that. I was happy just being me.”[/COLOR] Andrews had a bewildered expression on his face, as though this were a foreign concept. [COLOR="Blue"]“I wanted to be the best wrestler I could be – but not at the expense of our friendship. Aaron, I’m asking you... I’m willing to forgive you for attacking me. Just please, for whatever I did that made you think I was waiting for a chance to take the title off you, please accept my apology.”[/COLOR] Jameson extended his hand, and the two men locked gazes. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Go to hell,”[/COLOR] Andrews said, turning his back on his former friend. Jameson sighed, and shook his head. [COLOR="Blue"]“Stop.”[/COLOR] Andrews paused, halfway through the ropes, and turned back. [COLOR="Blue"]“You and me, in two weeks time. Where It All Begins Again, for the Heavyweight title.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I knew it!”[/COLOR] Andrews exploded. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I knew you wanted this title.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“No, not like this,” [/COLOR]Jameson said. [COLOR="Blue"]“I never wanted to fight you, Aaron. But you leave me no choice. You’re obsessed. Being the champion has poisoned you. The way you used to talk about the Chords when you were chasing the belt, the way you act like everyone’s out to stab you in the back... Everything I nearly was because of The Fallen, you are. “And you know what? You’re right. All those questions, all that time teaming together... I just wanted to be a better wrestler, and you were the best person I could lean from. But it also meant that I learned everything there is to know about you. I know all your strengths, and all your weakness. I know exactly how to beat you. And if I have to take that title off you to make you realise how crazy you are, I will!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“You can’t!”[/COLOR] Andrews roared, right in Kirk’s face. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I will never accept your challenge, do you hear me? Never!”[/COLOR] He backed off, smirking, as Kirk shook his head again. [COLOR="Blue"]“You have to,”[/COLOR] he said, quietly. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m the Invitational champion, Aaron. You can’t refuse my challenge. It’s guaranteed. And I’m cashing it in. In two weeks time, at Where It All Begins Again, it’ll be you and me for the Heavyweight title – and everything that it represents.”[/COLOR] Andrews backed away, looking at Jameson in shock, clearly having forgotten his former friend’s guaranteed title shot. He looked around as though looking for help, and his gaze settled on Rip, who shrugged. Finally, he met Jameson’s gaze again. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Fine,”[/COLOR] he said, his voice a low growl. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I suppose, deep down, I always knew it would come to this. The one person in this company who might be able to beat me is you. So when I put you down everyone will have to recognise that I can’t be beaten – so they may as well just accept that this title is mine for ever.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“But first you’ve got a match,”[/COLOR] Kirk said, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. [COLOR="Blue"]“Against Randy Bumfhole. And as Jay doesn’t seem to be on commentary tonight, I might just take his place and watch this match from ringside. You never know, Aaron, our match night not be for the title after all...”[/COLOR] * [B]Randy Bumfhole vs. Aaron Andrews[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] It's always difficult to entrust a quarter of a show to one match – but I had a reasonably good feeling about this one. Sure enough, these two stars of the future (shame it's probably TCW's future, but...) tore into one another from the bell. Unlike the previous match (and, for that matter, the other Bumfhole match of the night), this was an evenly contested match, with both men going all-out throughout the entirety of the match. To start with, Andrews seemed somewhat distracted by the news that he would have to face Kirk Jameson in two weeks time, and kept looking to ringside where his future opponent was firmly ensconced at the announcers’ desk, a bandage hastily wrapped around his head the only medical attention he’d accept until the match was over. Randy took advantage of Andrews’ distraction with an early period of dominance. But Andrews was bound and determined to hold onto his title, and fired back with gusto once he found his footing With two such talented workers in the ring, it was incredibly difficult to separate them, and both gave equally good accounts of themselves. It was no surprise, then, when the match reached its time limit with now winner. The fans were slightly disappointed with the outcome – but it was clear that they were more than satisfied with the quality of the match, and the prospect of more to come between the two of them in the near future. Winner: No-one (B+) [B]Overall: B-[/B] [I](Think we might re-visit that main event at some point...)[/I] [I]Next: Setting the scene...[/I]
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[B]MAW On Tour[/B] Wednesday, 17th October 2011 – Great Lakes Joe Benning def. Flash Savage – E VIP Wallace def. Hugh Lee – E Oscar Golden def. Max Mayhem – E Jared Johnson def. Jonnie Perez – E Overall: [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] [I]Notes: No chemistry in the first match[/I] * [B]MAW On Tour[/B] Wednesday, 24th October 2011 – South East VIP Wallace def. Matt Hocking and Nelson Callum – E+ Joe Benning def. Jared Johnson – D- The Canadian Blondes (C) def. The Internet Favourites to retain the MAW Tag Team titles – E Roderick Remus def. Jonnie Perez – E Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] [I]Notes: Knew I should have switched the singles matches ... Remus is supposedly our most over On Tour worker, but it never shows ... And Perez is less consistent then pretty much anything, really[/I] * Apropos nothing, there have been seventeen disciplinary incidents in MAW this year: Jay Chord, of course, tops the list with five. Xavier Reckless has a strong showing with four. Bret Graveson (fired several months back) rocks up with three, while Super Sonic and Evil Spirit have two and Black Eagle has one. It's a lovely atmosphere backstage. * Erik 'Dark Star' Strong has been called up to SWF again. Yeah – that's pretty much it Can you tell I was skimming through the days between the last big show and this one? Here's the card – but as you may have guessed, there's some business to attend to before we get to the show itself. * [CENTER][B]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/B] Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Jared Johnson Steve Flash vs. Roderick Remus Ernest Youngman vs. JD Morgan Hugh de Aske vs. Black Eagle Fumihiro Ota vs. Providence Bradford Peverell vs. Primus Allen for the MAW Traditional title Smith & Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes for the MAW Tag Team titles The Firm vs. The Second Sons for the MAW Trios titles Kirk Jameson vs. Aaron Andrews for the MAW Heavyweight title [I]OOC: Start the countdown...[/I][/CENTER]
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[B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] vs. Jared Johnson [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Roderick Remus [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] vs. JD Morgan Hugh de Aske vs. [B]Black Eagle[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Providence[/B] [B]Bradford Peverell [/B]vs. Primus Allen for the MAW Traditional title Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] for the MAW Tag Team titles [B]The Firm[/B] vs. The Second Sons for the MAW Trios titles [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews for the MAW Heavyweight title
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Well, how can I not do predictions for this card... [B]MAW Where It All Begins Again[/B] [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] vs. Jared Johnson [I]Love me those Bumfholes...[/I] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Roderick Remus [I]Roderick sucks[/I] [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] vs. JD Morgan [I]Bigtime win for Ernest[/I] [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] vs. Black Eagle [I]Story seems to have run cold but there is still plenty between these two[/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Providence[/B] [I]Because I've picked against the fallen so far[/I] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] for the MAW Traditional title [I]Even though you've dressed him up as a biker, hes still nothing special[/I] Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] for the MAW Tag Team titles [I]The hardest one for me to pick, uhhh.....Blondes to retain?[/I] [B]The Firm[/B] vs. The Second Sons for the MAW Trios titles [I]Every diary seems to have trouble maintaining momentum for Trios titles[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews for the MAW Heavyweight title [I]New champ![/I]
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MAW Where It All Begins Again [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] vs. Jared Johnson [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Roderick Remus [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] vs. JD Morgan[B] Hugh de Aske[/B] vs. Black Eagle Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Providence[/B] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] for the MAW Traditional title Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] for the MAW Tag Team titles [B]The Firm[/B] vs. The Second Sons for the MAW Trios titles[B] Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews for the MAW Heavyweight title
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[B]MAW Where It All Begins Again [/B][B] Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] vs. Jared Johnson [B] Steve Flash[/B] vs. Roderick Remus Ernest Youngman vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] [B] Hugh de Aske[/B] vs. Black Eagle Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Providence[/B] [B] Bradford Peverell[/B] vs. Primus Allen for the MAW Traditional title [B] Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes for the MAW Tag Team titles [B] The Firm[/B] vs. The Second Sons for the MAW Trios titles [B] Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews for the MAW Heavyweight title I suck in predictions, but there you go. :p Can't wait for the show.
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[QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Trouble backstage in MAW?[/B][/CENTER] Our exclusive sources with access to the backstage have reported to us there has been an explosive confrontation between owner Rip Chord and head booker James Casey. The two are believed to be locked in discussions regarding the outcome of several key matches and storylines at tonight’s Where It All Begins Again event, and our sources claim to have heard the men exchanging not just opinions but blows as well. We have previously reported that Casey and Chord have clashed in the past regarding issues such as the hiring and firing of backstage and in-ring worker, and Casey is believed to have issues with Chord’s son, Jay. Most recently, we reported the rumour that James and Jay nearly come to blows after Jay made a pass at Casey’s girlfriend, Katie Cameron. Casey has been notable by his absence from recent MAW DVDs, with Jay instead providing commentary. It seems that the ongoing rivalry between the two sides may have come to a head, with Casey understood to have been recently been offered positions with NOTBPW and TCW, while USPW owner Sam Strong has held off from offering him a job due to his friendship with Rip Chord – something that would not come into play if Casey were to leave Chord’s company. Will Casey walk? Will he be pushed? Stick with TEW.com for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. [RIGHT]-Jay Reso[/RIGHT][/QUOTE] [I]OOC: I debated doing this post or not... but what the heck. Dirtsheet websites often have a pre-show drama story, so why not for this show? Still time for predictions and comments - and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about the diary as a whole, as well.[/I]
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MAW Where It All Begins Again [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] vs. Jared Johnson [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Roderick Remus [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] vs. JD Morgan [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] vs. Black Eagle Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Providence[/B] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] for the MAW Traditional title [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes for the MAW Tag Team titles [B]The Firm[/B] vs. The Second Sons for the MAW Trios titles [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews for the MAW Heavyweight title
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MAW Where It All Begins Again Zimmy Bumfhole vs. [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [I]Zimmy is arguably the better worker, but I see Johnson as being more of the homegrown talent.[/I] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Roderick Remus [I]Remus has never really lived up to his potential, and Flash is... well, Flash.[/I] Ernest Youngman vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] [I]Possibly two of the biggest unsung heroes of MAW, and I see Morgan coming out on top.[/I] [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] vs. Black Eagle [I]Aske wins the feud and the girl. My favorite storyline of this dynasty.[/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Providence[/B] [I]Providence gets the win in what should be a very good contest.[/I] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] for the MAW Traditional title [I]Peverell hasn't really been up to much, and so Allen gets the victory to retain.[/I] Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] for the MAW Tag Team titles [I]I see The Blondes retaining, if only for D-Lyrium's sake. :D[/I] [B]The Firm[/B] vs. The Second Sons for the MAW Trios titles [I]The Firm takes the victory as a last dig at Rip.[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews for the MAW Heavyweight title [I]It would be crazy to go any other way, and this one would be fitting to go down as the best match in MAW history.[/I]
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My day could have started better. I’d been late getting up, and had hurried through my usual morning routine before heading to the arena, late. Arriving rather later than I’d intended, I’d caught the handle of the cane getting out of my car, and an all-too-familiar cracking noise had made me stop and wince. Looking down, I sighed. The handle of the cane had splintered, almost splitting completely in two down the centre. It would need replacing – which would mean sending away to an out-of-state supplier, the only one in the country that carried the model of cane I used. My mood was, therefore, somewhat sour as I made my way into the arena, and the suite of offices we maintained there as our headquarters. My battered cane went well with my battered desk and creaking chair, at least. I threw myself into my chair, and put my own troubles aside. I had a show to book, and fans to send home happy. Ultimately, nothing else mattered. * [COLOR="Purple"]“James?”[/COLOR] I was putting the finishing touches to the layout of the show, and ignored Rip until I’d typed out the last detail. The booking sheet was a wonder to behold – to my mind, anyway. Each match was laid out on it, in greater or lesser detail: Signature spots, segments to work in, results, turns... Mickie Starr had introduced me to the idea back in the SWF and I’d always found it helpful. Some of the matches had more points than others – Flash versus Remus just had the result and time allotted written down. I mean, I was hardly going to tell Steve Flash how to wrestle, was I? [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What’s up, Rip?” [/COLOR]I asked, looking up after a pointed few moments. Our relationship had deteriorated of late. Everyone knew it. I wasn’t exactly blameless – but I wasn’t going to make the first move to mend any bridges. At times I seemed to be about the one person in Rip’s life who told him ‘no’ occasionally, and I wasn’t about to cave in after all this time. [COLOR="purple"]“I’m not happy with the finish of the main event,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What about it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“I don’t like who you have winning. I want it to go the other way.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Tough,”[/COLOR] I said, and turned back to my computer. [COLOR="purple"]“This is my company,”[/COLOR] Rip began, his voice already descending into a deep growl. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Pull that ---- and I’ll-”[/COLOR] I said, half-rising out of my chair. [COLOR="purple"]“You’ll what?” [/COLOR]Rip demanded, glaring down at me. I sat back down, my gaze resting on the battered, scarred table. [COLOR="purple"]“That’s what I thought,”[/COLOR] Rip said, his voice, no, his whole body one big sneer. [COLOR="purple"]“This is my company, and I’m ordering you to change the result of the main event.”[/COLOR] I saved the booking sheet and closed the program down. Switching off the monitor, I rose slowly to my feet, leaning carefully on my cane as I did so. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“No,” [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I quit.”[/COLOR] [CENTER][I]To be continued...[/I][/CENTER]
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