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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;593739]Nice I am a big Brook mark and find he is generally underutalized as he is one of the best big men out there. Be quirious what you do with him.[/QUOTE] I concur. Westybrook is a very underrated guy, it seems. He's a guy I've always wanted to land with one of the American promotions and haven't managed to. Interested to see what he does here, JC.
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[I]OOC: So am I, so am I... And we're back up to speed now, so the update rate will fall off a bit now. Should still be five or so times a week, with a bit of luck.[/I] * [COLOR="Purple"]“So, how do you reckon he’ll do, kid?”[/COLOR] Rip asked, as Tim tentatively mingled with the rest of the roster. I shrugged. [COLOR="Green"]“He’s a great wrestler. The fans seemed to enjoy the reveal, and in terms of the fundamentals, I think he’s the most solid worker we have.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“You’re still looking worried, though.”[/COLOR] I nodded, and rested my chin on top of my cane. [COLOR="Green"]“You saw the workout he had with Kirk.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“There’s ways to work around that kind of chemistry,”[/COLOR] Rip said. I nodded. There were, but finding that Kirk and Tim had no chemistry during a pre-show workout was a disappointment. [COLOR="Green"]“Well, we were never going to make Tim and Kirk a focus of the feud,”[/COLOR] I said, with a shrug, hauling myself unsteadily to my feet. It was a source of some comfort that Katie – with her noticeably expanding stomach – was beginning to have as much trouble getting around as I did. [COLOR="Purple"]“And the women?”[/COLOR] I frowned. There, I was at something of a loss. [COLOR="Green"]“I can’t see any reason why they shouldn’t get over,” I said, at last. “I guess, ultimately...”[/COLOR] I thought hard. [COLOR="Green"]“It’s just down to popularity. If we ran a show in the North West or something, they might get bigger reactions, but it’s a slow building process – no different than if we hired Duberry Excess or Swoop McCarthy or whoever.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“You want to stick with it?”[/COLOR] Rip asked. [COLOR="Green"]“Ye-es,”[/COLOR] I said, slowly. [COLOR="Green"]“I think so. Jaime’s deal is up soon enough anyway, so we should keep it going a few months more. I’ve got a couple of ideas...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“You always do.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I think we made a mistake in going just for workers who could work matches. You need that, of course, but we signed Deborah Young, and she’s no McFly... At the very least, I want you to give Sam a call. We could use one or two of the women he has under contract.”[/COLOR] Rip nodded. [COLOR="Purple"]“I’ll see who I can get. In the meantime?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Let’s mix things up a bit. I certainly think that having inter-gender matches can work. For a start, Ota and Makiko is a natural pairing.”[/COLOR] Rip nodded again. [COLOR="Purple"]“They do travel together. I’m sure they can work together as well.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“So let’s make this more than just about the women,”[/COLOR] I said, as I watched Thea and Kirk chatting. We’d alluded to a relationship between the two a couple of times, and Thea was a sort of de facto leader for the women’s division. [COLOR="Green"]“Let’s try and find each woman a regular partner or two among the men. Mixed tag matches should help them get over, be they normal tag or six-m... person matches.”[/COLOR] Rip smirked. [COLOR="Purple"]“You never want to admit you’re wrong, do you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Does anyone?”[/COLOR] I asked, quirking an eyebrow. [COLOR="Green"]“And no, I don’t. I’ve made some moves in the past that didn’t work out – fine. So does everyone. But I always try and find a way to make things work. I don’t give up. Hell, I’m still trying to get Raphael over.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Thanks, boss,”[/COLOR] Raphael said, sounding a little stung as he wandered past on his way to the buffet table. Rip guffawed as I hung my head. [COLOR="Green"]“I need some sleep,”[/COLOR] I said, for want of anything better to say. [COLOR="Green"]“Let me know what Sam says.”[/COLOR] Rip nodded, and I went in search of Katie. The baby was keeping us both awake at nights, Katie because she was being kicked to pieces, and me because Katie was making sure that I was awake when she was awake. We’d developed the habit of going to bed almost before sunset, and on show nights when we were generally out past midnight, the extra hours were a killer. [COLOR="Green"]“Rip’s going to see if we can get anyone in from the USPW Women’s division,”[/COLOR] I said, as we drove home. Katie looked up quizzically from her bump. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Why?”[/COLOR] she asked. [COLOR="Green"]“Well, the women aren’t getting over, so-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“No, I noticed that... But haven’t you heard?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Heard what?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Heard who else has been cut loose by the Stones?”[/COLOR] I glanced across, and shook my head. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Well, I’ll wait until we get home before I tell you,”[/COLOR] she said, her smile clear from her tone of voice. [COLOR="Magenta"]“I don’t want you swerving off the road in excitement.”[/COLOR] But my mind had already jumped ahead to the obvious conclusion. [COLOR="Green"]“J-Ro.”[/COLOR] * Joanne Rodriguez is one of the most in demand workers on the planet. Having made her name in Mexico, she cracked the States before heading off to Japan, and then heading west once more for her most recent venture, a fifteen month run with NOTBPW. Her pedigree was clear – wherever she went, she was a star. In fact, she’d managed to jump ahead of all but our top two or three most over men in the pecking order. [COLOR="Blue"]“Those are my demands,”[/COLOR] she said, as we negotiated her contract. They were far from unreasonable, and she seemed to know this as she smiled bewitchingly at me. She was one of the most attractive women I’d ever seen, and she seemed to know this. Not in a bad way – she wasn’t flaunting it, or even using her looks to try and win me over, exactly. But it sweetened the deal. [COLOR="Green"]“I’m willing to accept, on one condition,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Blue"]“And that is?”[/COLOR] I hesitated for a second, but ploughed on. From Sam to Rip to myself... [COLOR="Green"]“We need you to go and work in USPW as part of the deal.”[/COLOR] She frowned. [COLOR="Blue"]“USPW? They don’t have a women’s division worth speaking of. All they have is-“[/COLOR] She stopped short, and I nodded. [COLOR="Green"]“Alicia.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Then we have a deal?”[/COLOR] she asked. I extended my hand, and she shook it. [COLOR="Green"]“We have a deal.”[/COLOR] * SOTBPW have risen to National, putting it clearly in the lead when it comes to the Mexican feds. Whether this will mean a declaration of war against the other four companies – OLLIE, WAM, MHW and MPWF – remains to be seen, but they have a clear advantage at this time, and we could be on the verge of seeing what has recently been a highly competitive scene becoming a one-horse race. * Second (Again!) in the regional battles. Misplaced pride on my part – but hopefully as we’ll be booking actual matches featuring the new talent, we might just eke ahead of the curve next time. As for finances... February was an expensive month. The sub-1,500 attendance at the second Biker Museum show meant we took in more than $10,000 less than in January. Coupled with an additional $20,000 in wages, it doesn’t take a genius to see that the $30,000 profit from January was reduced to almost nothing in February – a three figure profit. Of course, that’s sustainable. We could get by on four figure losses for a long time. Nonetheless, I’ve begun preparations on a contingency plan if the economy and business continue to tank. I’m hoping for a recovery, of course, but I have to be alive to the fact that the guys (and girls) we’ve signed don’t come for free. Certain workers with... potential, rather than fully developed talent might find themselves running down their contracts. A few names spring to mind. In entirely unrelated news, the contracts of Casey Valentine and Antonio have come up for renewal. I’m leaving Rip to handle them. If he wants to... * [CENTER][B]MAW Third Time's The Charm[/B] Amazing Fire Fly vs. Firebird “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith and Debbie Rose vs. Providence and Deborah Young Brooke Tyler and “Dogfight” Donnie J vs. Huntress Makiko and The Great Ota Bradford Peverell (c) vs. Raphael – MAW Traditional title Kristabel Plum vs. Joanne Rodriguez Harry Allen vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer Kirk Jameson and Eddie Powell vs. Tim Westybrook and Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Firebird[/B] [I]Fly may finally be starting to get over but I don't feel he is ready to go over the Firebird just yet.[/I] [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith and Debbie Rose[/B] vs. Providence and Deborah Young [I]Mixed Tag one, goes to the faces[/I] Brooke Tyler and “Dogfight” Donnie J vs. [B]Huntress Makiko and The Great Ota[/B] [I]Mixed Tag two, to the heels[/I] [B]Bradford Peverell (c)[/B] vs. Raphael – MAW Traditional title [I]Don't see Peverall losing this in his first defence, no matter how desperate you are to get Raphael over.[/I] Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [I]No way J-Ro loses on her debut.[/I] Harry Allen vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] [I]Allen's only around temporarily, so I see him doing the job to Windameer. Still not convinced on the Lord as a main event player though, even if is USPW World Champion.[/I] Kirk Jameson and Eddie Powell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook and Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Even though it's less unthinkable than with J-Ro's debut, given the quality of the opposition, I just don't see Westybrook losing his debut match.[/I]
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7/7 yesterday :D [B]MAW Third Time's The Charm[/B] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Firebird[/B] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith and Debbie Rose vs. [B]Providence and Deborah Young[/B] [B]Brooke Tyler and “Dogfight” Donnie J[/B] vs. Huntress Makiko and The Great Ota [B]Bradford Peverell (c)[/B] vs. Raphael – MAW Traditional title Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]Harry Allen[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer Kirk Jameson and Eddie Powell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook and Aaron Andrews[/B]
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Amazing Fire Fly vs.[B] Firebird[/B] [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith and Debbie Rose[/B] vs. Providence and Deborah Young [B]Brooke Tyler and “Dogfight” Donnie J [/B]vs. Huntress Makiko and The Great Ota [B]Bradford Peverell (c)[/B] vs. Raphael – MAW Traditional title Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]Harry Allen[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer [B]Kirk Jameson and Eddie Powell [/B]vs. Tim Westybrook and Aaron Andrews
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Third Time's The Charm Friday, 5th March 2013[/CENTER] Amazing Fire Fly vs. Firebird[/B] Damn and blast. Once before, I trialled this match, and it got a D rating, and in checking my records I thought that was just a popularity issue. No. These two have chemistry problems, and booking them to open the show was tantamount to saying that that the show was going to blow. Damn. Firebird won with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. Winner: Firebird (D) * A video of Tim Westybrook was shown, highlighting him training at a level well beyond normal human limits, and demolishing various jobber types (Fun Fact: I put myself under a mask to help it look good). The result was pretty much our best angle ever, and helped make Westybrook look like a monster. * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith and Debbie Rose vs. Providence and Deborah Young [/B] In the absence of Sean Deeley, Haley Buck has been recruiting – and her new client is none other than Deborah Young. Buck did her usual match-enhancing act out there, which is why it was a huge shame that the fans, again, turned away from the match in droves. It was short, at least, and Rose paid the price of setting herself against the monstrous Young when she ate a Sit-Out Powerbomb for the loss. Winner: Providence and Young (E+) * In what is rapidly becoming a familiar scene in MAW, Debbie Rose barely had time to rise to her feet before she was knocked down again by an intruder who leapt agilely over the security rail and slid into the ring. The woman put the boots to Rose, before sweeping back her hair to reveal the beautiful – but sadistically twisted – features of Joanne Rodriguez. [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JoanneRodriguez_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Before Rodriguez and Young could co-ordinate a double team attack on Rose, however, Kristabel Plum hit the ring and took down the Amazonian woman with a dropkick, before facing off with Rodriguez. [COLOR="Blue"]“I don't like you, J-Ro,”[/COLOR] she snapped, as she paced back and forth between her fallen colleague and the smirking Rodriguez. [COLOR="Blue"]“Thea brought me into this company to help watch people’s backs, but if you aren’t even going to stick to the most basic concepts of honour, then I think that it's best to stop you before you even get started. I want you in the ring – tonight!”[/COLOR] * [B]Brooke Tyler and “Dogfight” Donnie J vs. Huntress Makiko and The Great Ota [/B] This was a significant step up from the previous effort, but hampered noticeably by a total lack of chemistry on the part of the heel duo (figures). It was a case of the parts being greater than the sum, then, as Huntress and Ota at least recognised the problem early on and adapted the match to suit. The result, given Makiko's zero overness in this part of the world, was actually pretty decent, and gave me a little more hope for the future of the women's division. In the end, Tyler caught Huntress with a Tradition Lift for the win. Winner: Tyler and J (D) * Bradford Peverell made his first appearance since capturing the Traditional title, riding down to the ring on his bike, the Traditional title draped over his shoulder. He huffed on the belt, and polished it as he stood in the centre of the ring, smiling at those around him. [COLOR="Blue"]“I don’t give up,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“I get knocked down, but I get up again. You can’t keep me down. All through last year, I was learning about my opponent, and when the time came, I was able to strike. Coming from where I did, I learned all about how to be patient, how to wait for the right moment... And that’s what I’ve done. 2012 wasn’t my greatest year, but as I stand before you now as your Traditional champion, I can promise you that I may not be the most technical of fighters, but no-one will value this title more.”[/COLOR] Raphael’s music played, and the monosyllabic blonde emerged from the back. [COLOR="Blue"]“A title would mean recognition, even for one who might otherwise be ignored.”[/COLOR] With that, he dropped his mic, and made his way to the ring. * [B]Bradford Peverell (c) vs. Raphael[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] How about this? Neutral chemistry, and one of the workers is an Opener, but still: A very good match indeed. I'd almost suspect that the fans were desperate for a match to get involved in, after the leaden opening, but I suspect they were keen to see what the new Traditional champion had to offer as well. Certainly he's not a traditional fighter – but then, he doesn't necessarily have to be, so long as he gives his all. The match was an enjoyable affair, brought to an end when Raphael walked into a Dream Left Hook. Winner: Bradford Peverell (C-) * Joanne Rodriguez came down to the ring, a supercilious sneer on her face: [COLOR="Blue"]“Every woman in this miserable federation seems intent on beating every other woman. That’s fine with me. You see, you can bring it against J-Ro, but there’s only one thing that’s gonna happen, and that’s you getting carried to the back. If you don’t know my name, then you’re an idiot... But for those poor unfortunates among you, let me educate you. I am Joanne Rodriguez. I am the best female wrestler in the world. You can talk about your Alicia Strong, or your Fuyuko Higa, or your Wanda Fish... I’m better. And the sooner everyone recognises that, the better it will be for them. Kristabel Plum, you may be top-rated in AAA, or wherever you wrestle... But that’s because I haven’t competed in America for almost five years. Now I’m back, and it’s time to remind everyone just what J-Ro can do.” [/COLOR] * [B]Kristabel Plum vs. Joanne Rodriguez[/B] Now we're talking... J-Ro and Plum put on a very good match here, far exceeding anything else our women have managed in recent weeks (or at all). A big part of that is down to Rodriguez, who's worth the money we're paying her, no question. Plum is no slouch either, and kept up with her opponent throughout the match. But there was only going to be one winner, and when the J-Rocker was landed, the debutant international star came out on top. Winner: Joanne Rodriguez (C-) * Jenny was backstage, and walked up to Harry Allen, who was stretching before his match. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Harry, do you have a moment?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Why, sure thing lil’ lady. What can old Harry do fer you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“I think some of our fans are confused... Are you really not involved with Aaron Andrews in any way?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Andrews? Andrews? That crazy coyote? Heck, no. Ah came to MAW to fight, an’ I figured I’d start at the top. Now, heaven knows Kirk Jameson ain’t got no shortage of challengers, and that’s fair enough. Everyone and their grandpappy wants a shot at the big belt. Jes’ because Ah came in and asked for my shot up front, well, that don’t make me no collaborator.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“So the timing was all coincidence?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Heck yes! Now, Ah see that there’s some confusion arisen from what Ah done, and Ah’m truly sorry about that. Ah don’t regret anything Ah mean to do, but it seems that mah appearance from outta nowhere may have caused Kirk Jameson to drop his guard. Well, Ah’m sure as shootin’ sorry about that, so to make amends Ah’m ready to take on this Westybrook fella, and ol’ Aaron hisself to show my true intentions.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“And if you can beat them, you’d be in line for another shot at the title.”[/COLOR] Allen grinned. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now, you don’t think Ah’d let a detail like that escape mah notice, do you? You’re right, lil’ lady. When Ah take down the big fella and his boss, well, Ah gotta figure I’ll be at the top of the list-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“A position you do not deserve,”[/COLOR] Lord Geoffrey Windameer said, inserting himself prominently into the scene. [COLOR="Blue"]“Come now, hick. You lost to Jameson. Give up. Move on. Let your betters have their turn.”[/COLOR] Allen raised an eyebrow. “[COLOR="Blue"]Who’s this fella?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“This is Lord Geoffrey Windameer,”[/COLOR] Jenny replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“A lord? A lord? [I]Mah[/I] lord, an’ saints preserve us too.”[/COLOR] Allen beamed at Windameer, who looked confused. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah knew you looked familiar! You wuz the fella I saw a few weeks back, saying all about how he likes to fight show how good he is!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Er, yes, but-” “Well then, you an’ me, we got something in common! Ah love to fight, an’ I figure that you and me can have a great fight, right now, tonight!” “Well-“ “That’s settled then. Mah lord, I’ll see you there. Nice to meet you, lil’ lady!”[/COLOR] * [B]Harry Allen vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] As much as I enjoy Windameer's character, he's time and again involved in disappointing matches – he's almost the new Stevie Grayson. It's too soon to judge Harry Allen, but it's a damning indictment of the pair that they couldn't match up to Peverell/Raphael. In the end, Windameer fell to a Flying Fist Drop to give Allen his first win in MAW. Winner: Harry Allen (D+) * Aaron Andrews and Tim Westybrook came down to the ring. Andrews exuded confidence with Westybrook looming beside him. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I’m here to challenge Kirk Jameson. Now, I know that spineless little ---- won’t accept my challenge because he doesn’t think I ‘deserve’ a title shot or something, so here’s the deal: Me and Westybrook, against you and whatever loser you can drag up. Or do I not deserve that, either?”[/COLOR] Jameson emerged, title around his waist, his face grim. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ll give you your match, Aaron. I want a shot at your hired help. You’ve pulled that scam before – remember Lockdown? They got sent packing, and so will he. But first, I want him to understand that every action has its repercussions. In this case, if you attack me, you have to answer to me.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Your sheriff act is getting old, Kirk. But I don’t care. If I get to smack you around, I’ll take any ---- you care to spew. Now, who’re you teaming up with?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Whoever wants to fight you – I’m issuing an open invitation.” [/COLOR] Eddie Powell’s music played, and he emerged from backstage. [COLOR="Blue"]“You want to fight these two?” [/COLOR]Kirk asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“I want to show I can match up against them,”[/COLOR] Eddie replied. Kirk shrugged. [COLOR="Blue"]“Good enough for me.”[/COLOR] * [B]Kirk Jameson and Eddie Powell vs. Tim Westybrook and Aaron Andrews[/B] A steady, but not spectacular, main event. Tag matches rarely do that well, if I'm honest, so closing the show with one almost guaranteed a lower result. The format of the match saw Westybrook throwing his two opponents around with some ease, before Andrews tagged in to try and finish them off. The babyfaces would rally against the smaller man, who would eventually tag Westybrook back in. Lather, rinse, repeat – until Jameson walked into a Westybrook TNT Whirlwind and was pinned to give the heel duo the win. Winner: Westybook and Andrews (C) [B]Overall: C-[/B]
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After the show, Aaron played a prank on Dwight Kumas, our referee. Next to the announcers, there’s few people stupider to play pranks on. I trust Dwight to be professional in the way he handles matches – any revenge he takes on Aaron would rebound on his opponent as well – but I had to take Aaron aside and give him the proverbial slap on the wrist. Ultimately, I need a happy Aaron Andrews more than I need a happy Dwight Kumas – but I also let Aaron know that his behaviour was unacceptable, and that he’d be punished worse if he kept it up. Aaron promised that it wouldn’t happen again, which I doubted, but I guess we’ll see. * The last of SWF’s superstars is taking the long walk – Christian Faith, Mr. SWF himself, won’t be renewing his deal with the Eisens when it expires. Given that TCW have snapped up Marc DuBois, Rich Money and Remo in recent weeks, I expect Faith to follow suit. However, he may go north to avoid being in direct competition to his old boss, as CGC have picked up Steve Frehley, and a Faith/Frehley pairing or feud could be fantastic for the growing fed. * And following Faith’s lead, sort of, is former MAW mainstay Jean Cattley. Cattley’s signed a pay per appearance deal with the Eisens. That means he’s available to other companies to sign... just not us. In accordance with Rip and Richard’s poker deal, Jean’s off limits. Still, the deal should work out great for him – more than one appearance each month would, I imagine, more than equal what he was being paid under his written deal. * [CENTER][B]MAW The Cliffs Of Insanity[/B] Bradford Peverell vs. The Great Ota The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. The Second Sons Thea Davis vs. Joanne Rodriguez Harry Allen vs. Tim Westybrook Eddie Powell vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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[B]MAW The Cliffs Of Insanity[/B] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] Thea Davis vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] Harry Allen vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] Eddie Powell vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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Bradford Peverell vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] [I]Maybe this isn't for the Traditional Title, in that case I'll take Ota for the win[/I] The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] [I]I think WTP are little bit lower on the jobber rung than the Second Sons.[/I] Thea Davis vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [I]I forsee J-Ro going undefeated for some time.[/I] Harry Allen vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [I]Westybrook seems to be a more long term investment than Harry Allen[/I] Eddie Powell vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Eventually Andrews and Jameson will have one more showdown, so I don't see Powell going over in this one.[/I]
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[B]Bradford Peverell[/B] vs. The Great Ota [I]Peverall can use the rub and Ota is also one of the non complainers[/I] The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] [I]Second Sons are slightly better[/I] Thea Davis vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [I]J-Ro is a lot better[/I] Harry Allen vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [I]Both are good but Brook is better[/I] Eddie Powell vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Seems Andrews might resign afterall so[/I]
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[B]MAW The Cliffs Of Insanity[/B] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] Thea Davis vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [I]I think Jo-Ro is going to be the centerpeice of the women's division. [/I] Harry Allen vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [I]Gotta keep the big guy looking dangerous. [/I] Eddie Powell vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Like TK, I think this builds towards Andrews-Jameson.[/I]
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[I]OOC: Right, so I missed out on a promotion in work today. Good a time as any to get writing, right? :p Anyway, I have the coming week off, so I'm intending to get an awful lot of simming and writing done. J-Ro's definitely going to be the focus of the women's division - with the amount she earns, and the results she gets, she pretty much has to be. And not to sound like I'm begging for votes, but don't forget to nominate in the February DotM topic.[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: The Cliffs Of Insanity Tuesday, 8th March 2013[/CENTER] Bradford Peverell (c) vs. The Great Ota[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] This was a great match, and I was almost worried that we'd peaked too soon. Ota brings out the very best in Peverell, who has looked good in recent weeks. He may have fluked into a title win – I didn't want to put the midcard Traditional belt on Ota, a main eventer – but he's shown great form since taking the title, and I may have just proven that perseverance can be worthwhile. Of course, Ota is a star anyway, and even in his late thirties has yet to show any sign of decline. The two have had a number of matches, but continue to make each other look good, as was the case here with Peverell showing previously unknown technical skills before landing a Dream Left Hook for the big win. Winner: Bradford Peverell (C+) * Peverell took the mic: [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m gonna keep trying,”[/COLOR] he said, sounding out of breath. [COLOR="Blue"]“Anyone who wants to step foot in the ring with me, they can. I’m not backing down from a challenge any time soon.”[/COLOR] * [B]The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. The Second Sons[/B] This was never anything other than an excuse to give the Sons a win as their contracts run down, as they've been grumbling backstage about their win/loss records of late. Antonio scored the win over Marshall Dillon with an Italian DDT in an average tag match. Winner: The Second Sons (D-) * Joanne Rodriguez took to the ring, but before she could say anything, Thea Davis emerged from the back. [COLOR="Blue"]“Joanne, I didn’t get the chance to welcome you when you snuck in the back door. I suppose you’d feel more at home that way, unlike most people. For whatever reason, you’ve come to MAW and stuck your nose where it doesn’t belong. That’s fine – the more the merrier. You see, I hear that you’re a big shot, Jo, so beating you would count as an accomplishment. And as Jaime Quine isn’t here tonight, well, I guess that getting to beat you will have to serve until I can get my hands on that scrawny cow again.”[/COLOR] * [B]Thea Davis vs. Joanne Rodriguez[/B] This was J-Ro's match, as she led the comparative neophyte Davis through a series of entertaining exchanges, before scoring with the J-Rocker to end what was a good match, considering how little the fans know (or care about) Davis. Winner: Joanne Rodriguez (D+) * Tim Westybrook was backstage, beating the stuffing out of a punchbag. Literally. Every thunderous strike, whether delivered with fist, foot, elbow or knee, ripped a hole in the heavy canvas of the bag before a spinning roundhouse kick snapped the chains holding it to floor and ceiling and slammed it against the wall, leaving a noticeable dent before Westybrook leapt up into the air and delivered a thunderous splash that split the leather ends and left the bag flattened on the ground. Without a word, Westybrook got up and walked over to where Aaron Andrews was sitting. The bigger man wasn’t even sweating as he took up a sentry position by Andrews’ chair, as the former champion turned to look at the camera. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Strangely enough, I’ve been asking Tim here to go easy on Kirk Jameson. You see, I don’t want Kirk to be injured before he can give me my rematch. I want the satisfaction of beating him when he’s at one hundred percent. “But be warned, Kirk. My patience is growing thin. Either give me my rematch... Or I will have Kirk face you in the ring. And I won’t ask him to go easy on you. And when you’re carried out on a stretcher, and old man Chord has no option but to vacate your title... Then I’ll take that belt back for myself. “And Kirk, believe me, when you come back I’ll barely hesitate to give you your title shot. The first time you make your request to the championship committee, it’ll be yours. But if I were you, I’d think long and hard about when that would be. You see, you’ll want to be at your best. You’ll want to have spent your convalescence researching new ways of winning matches, new ways of beating me. Because the next time we meet in that ring with the title at stake, one way or another, it won’t be me leaving without the belt – not unless you’ve got a miracle up your sleeve.”[/COLOR] [I](For the record, Andrews entertainment skills, plus Westybrook's menacing appearance, made for the most entertaining angle we've ever put together.)[/I] * [B]Harry Allen vs. Tim Westybrook[/B] Allen did his best, throwing himself at Westybrook from the bell, and staggering the bigger man on a number of occasions. He used his fancy footwork to elude Westybrook's defences and unleash some hard punches, but these barely seemed to register with the monstrous former NOTBPW man, who delivered a series of clubbing clotheslines to tenderise his foe, before moving on to deliver a thunderous sequence of slams and suplexes, culminating in a TNT Whirlwind to give him the win. Winner: Tim Westybrook (C) * Earlier tonight, Aaron Andrews was arriving for the show backstage when his way was blocked by Eddie Powell, who was stretching out. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Hey, get out of my way.”[/COLOR] Powell didn’t move, other than to lengthen his stretch fractionally. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Move it!”[/COLOR] Powell ignored the ex-champion, whose face was turning an interesting shade of red. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Listen, freakshow, either get out of my way, or-“[/COLOR] Before Andrews could finish his sentence, Powell spun around and grabbed him by the lapels, slamming him into the wall. [COLOR="Blue"]“Or what?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Save it, boys,”[/COLOR] Rip said, emerging from an adjacent office. [COLOR="Purple"]“This is a fight that I want to see in the main event. Powell, let him go.”[/COLOR] Powell released Andrews, who sneered at him. [COLOR="Purple"]“Andrews, your employee has been headbutting a wall for the last hour. The landlord’s worried about structural damage. Go and sort him out.”[/COLOR] Andrews left. Powell stayed where he was, motionless and apparently emotionless, watching after his opponent for the evening with a blank expression on his face. * [B]Eddie Powell vs. Aaron Andrews[/B] Powell showed a real fire in this contest, which was an RCI quarter-final rematch. The two men brawled around the ring, with Powell getting the upper hand as he pinned Andrews in the corner, before unleashing a wild series of stomps to Andrews' chest. He was unable to capitalise on the advantage, though, and the former Heavyweight champion made his way back into the match, shifting gears to bring his technical skills to bear on the former DaVE star. The action went back and forth, with each man controlling the action for spells, before the momentum shifted. In the end, Andrews was able to land a Twisting Face Crusher to score the win after a thrilling contest. Winner: Aaron Andrews (B-) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I](C! That should have been a C+! Hell's bells...)[/I] * [CENTER][B]MAW March Madness[/B] "Dogfight" Donnie J vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer Team Honor vs. Smith & Singh vs. Ford & Speed Amazing Fire Fly vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Providence (c) – MAW All Action title Natural Storm and Brooke Tyler vs. Always Breakin' Hollywood and Deborah Young Thea Davis and Kristabel Plum vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Jaime Quine Harry Allen vs. Aaron Andrews Kirk Jameson (c) vs. Firebird vs. Tim Westybrook – MAW Heavyweight title[/CENTER]
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[B]MAW March Madness[/B] [B]"Dogfight" Donnie J[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer [B]Team Honor[/B] vs. Smith & Singh vs. Ford & Speed Amazing Fire Fly vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. [B]Providence[/B] (c) – MAW All Action title [B]Natural Storm and Brooke Tyler[/B] vs. Always Breakin' Hollywood and Deborah Young Thea Davis and Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Jaime Quine[/B] Harry Allen vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] (c) vs. Firebird vs. Tim Westybrook – MAW Heavyweight title
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[B]MAW March Madness[/B] [B]"Dogfight" Donnie J[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer [B]Team Honor[/B] vs. Smith & Singh vs. Ford & Speed Amazing Fire Fly vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. [B]Providence (c)[/B] – MAW All Action title [B]Natural Storm and Brooke Tyler[/B] vs. Always Breakin' Hollywood and Deborah Young Thea Davis and Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Jaime Quine[/B] Harry Allen vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson (c)[/B] vs. Firebird vs. Tim Westybrook – MAW Heavyweight title
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[B]"Dogfight" Donnie J[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer [I]Never been much of a Donnie J fan but he's been pretty solid for you and help of alot more deserving of a focused push than Lord Geoff. [/I] [B]Team Honor[/B] vs. Smith & Singh vs. Ford & Speed [I]Aren't Smith & Singh supposed to be concentrating on singles these days and Ford & Speed have that jobber stench about them.[/I] [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Providence (c) – MAW All Action title [I]Call me crazy but I'm going to call the shock title switch...as Amazing Fire Fly scores the upset victory...you know you want to ! [/I] [B]Natural Storm and Brooke Tyler [/B]vs. Always Breakin' Hollywood and Deborah Young I see the face trio winning here to strengthen Natural Storm's chances of a shot at the tag belts. Thea Davis and Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Jaime Quine[/B] [I]If J-Ro's going to lose anytime soon it will be in tag competion, that being said I still don't see if happening at this stage.[/I] Harry Allen vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Everything points towards Andrews finally getting his re-match with Kirk Jameson[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson (c)[/B] vs. Firebird vs. Tim Westybrook – MAW Heavyweight title [I]Firbird takes the fall as Jameson retains but Westybrook will be the one left standing.[/I]
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[I]OOC: Hoping to hit 1,000 posts tomorrow, so a few responses would be welcome - don't make me double post ;)[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: March Madness Friday, 12th March 2013[/CENTER][/B] Lord Geoffrey Windameer started the show off in-ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“I have, of late, been subjected to gross indignities at the hands of my fellow competitors. I refuse to leave this ring until I receive a formal apology!”[/COLOR] Donnie J’s music played, and the lightweight star made his way down to the ring. He stood toe to toe with Windameer. [COLOR="Blue"]“My [I]lord[/I], you’ve got a lot of nerve,”[/COLOR] Donnie said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Every wrestler in the back knows that you’ve got to take the rough with the smooth. If you get beaten, you don’t whinge about it – you get on with things and try harder next time. I’m taken my lumps in the past – probably more than a lot of people as I’m not the biggest guy around. But anyone who gets in the ring with me knows that they’ve been in a fight, and it’s always the better man that wins. Now, if you want to try and reverse your fortunes, I’m standing right here, and I’m willing to give you a match. And I’ll show you that it’s true what they say about the size of the fight in the dog.”[/COLOR] * [B]"Dogfight" Donnie J vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] Just 1,358 in attendance for the show, but they saw a very good opening match between two workers who finally lived up to their promise, after a couple of disappointing collisions. Windameer had the better of the match for long spells, as he cheated liberally via clever distraction tactics to the referee. However, Donnie came back strongly, using springboard attacks to throw Windameer off his game, and ultimately landing a Death On Miami Beach to score the win. Winner: Donnie J (C) * [B]Team Honor vs. Smith & Singh vs. Ford & Speed[/B] A standard tag match, mainly existing to give the six men something to do. Smith and Singh aren't reuniting permanently, but they have an option of working together and this keeps them in practise. However, they were the first team out as Singh got blasted with an Ace In The Hole from Ford. The two full-time teams then went at it for several minutes, before Speed caught Johnson in a Cross Arm Breaker for the win. Winners: Ford & Speed (D) * [B]Natural Storm and Brooke Tyler vs. Always Breakin' Hollywood and Deborah Young[/B] A third match on the bounce may have been too much for our fans – that, or they just weren't that into a six-person match with these competitors. It was quite short, with the contest effectively comprising uncontrollable chaos as the six workers went at it without much control from the referee, who didn't have enough hands or eyes to try and keep control. In the end, Lenny Brown was caught in a Storm Damage that allowed DC Rayne to take the win. Winner: Natural Storm and Brooke Tyler (D-) * Before the faces could celebrate, Young ran over Tyler with a leaping clothesline that flattened the young woman. ABH tackled Rayne and Howard, and the two teams brawled out of the ring and up the ramp as Young picked Tyler up and drilled her into the mat with a DDT. She turned and beckoned to the crowd, and a young woman in a hooded sweatshirt vaulted the rail and scrambled to the top turnbuckle. Leaping off, she landed a high legdrop across Tyler’s throat. Tyler thrashed on the mat as the woman rose smoothly to her feet, sweeping back her hood to reveal... [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/LaurenEaster.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ...Lauren Easter. * [B]Thea Davis and Kristabel Plum vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Jaime Quine[/B] This was an above average tag match, with J-Ro standing out as she always does. With her on side, the heel team was mostly in complete control of the contest, and the end came when Plum was nailed by a KO Kick from Quine to end the contest. Winner: J-Ro and Quine (D+) * The victorious duo were swiftly joined in the ring by Lauren Easter, who had lingered at ringside during the match. The three women annihilated Davis and Plum, with Rodriguez and Quine drilling them with stereo backbreakers and holding them in place as Easter took flight once again, nailing a double legdrop across the womens’ throats as they were held in place by Rodriguez and Quine. The three women were joined in the ring by Deborah Young, and they raised one anothers’ hands before Easter took the microphone. [COLOR="Blue"]“My friends are deeply offended by the idea that they cannot dispatch the challenge of such easy foes as Davis and Plum here. I mean, you've seen how they were dealt with tonight. So offended were they that they asked me to come in and punctuate their point. Kristabel, Thea, all you other little tramps back there, I'll be watching over the coming weeks, and if you start to get too big for your boots, if you start to think that you might actually deserve to even share the same ring as my friends... Well, I'll make you very sorry."[/COLOR] * Backstage, and Amazing Fire Fly, Rudy Velasquez and Providence were arguing. Eventually, Providence challenged both the other two men to a fight, which they were quick to accept. * [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Providence (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] Just a wild contest between three of our best young talents. The match quality was good, and the personalities of the workers meant that there were no lengthy 2v1 stretches. In the end, Providence was in the right place at the right time, as Velasquez was felled by a Sky High Fire Fly. Providence pounced, taking out Fly before he could score the pin, and drilling Velasquez with an Eye Of Providence to make sure of the defence. Winner: Providence (C-) * Tim Westybrook loomed threateningly behind Aaron Andrews as the former champion addressed the camera. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I certainly don't want to cramp my employee's style, so when he was handed the chance at a title shot tonight, I told him to go for it. I won't need his services to defeat Harry Allen – the cowboy may think that he's a tricky character, stirring things up and sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, but I know that by the end of the night he'll learn what happens to people who pry where they're not welcome..."[/COLOR] * [B]Harry Allen vs. Aaron Andrews[/B] Harry Allen's one man quest to take down the Andrews/Westybrook duopoly was always a hopeful rather than a realistic one. He showed considerable promise in this match, pushing Andrews to the very limits of his ability. The result was a very good match, in the right place on the card – something of a rarity for me – that showed Allen can be a real threat now he's completed his bedding in period. In the end, Andrews had enough class to put Allen down with a Twisting Face Crusher for the win, but it was a narrow win, and afterwards he looked more drained than he had since his I Quit loss to Jameson several months before. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C+) * Firebird was backstage, half in shadow as he sat on an elaborate chair in a darkened room. A golden goblet was cradled in one hand, and he took an occasional sip from it as he stared at the camera. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"I said, once, that I had no interest in allying myself with others. Too often, I have been let down by those that I have placed trust in. Tonight, instead, I have decided to enter into a financial relationship, as at least I can be sure of getting my money's worth... from this man."[/COLOR] The unmistakable form of Tim Westybrook loomed out of the shadows, smiling faintly. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Kirk Jameson... I know you feared the prospect of facing two men, each of whom wanted your title. You must have taken comfort in the idea of exploiting the natural enmity between us as we each sought to prevent the other from becoming victorious. Tonight, after paying this man an extortionate amount of money, I have resolved that situation. Tm Westybrook is for hire, Kirk Jameson. And you, unfortunately for yourself, are a valid and valuable target."[/COLOR] * [B]Kirk Jameson (c) vs. Firebird vs. Tim Westybrook[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This was twenty minutes of blistering action. I think I've managed to settle on a character for Firebird, who's been wavering a bit since The Fallen folded. Basically, he'll be one part comic book villain (He has a lair!) and one part evil preacher (Which is what I was going for with Father Johan, had he not been largely worthless and been signed in a rate talent mistake by SWF). Anyway, the early phases of this match saw him perched on the top turnbuckle, directing traffic as Westybrook manhandled Jameson once again. The action wasn't all one way, as Jameson had clearly learned some tricks on handling Westybrook from the previous match, and was able to use his superior speed and technical skills to do some damage to the bigger man. But whenever it looked like Jameson might have the momentum swinging his way, Firebird would intervene as Rock went ballistic on commentary. Eventually, Firebird got dragged into the match as Jameson simply would not stay down, even reversing a Powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana. The two men tried to double-team the champion with some success. Although Jameson got his licks in, there seemed to be no chance that he could overcome the odds. In the end, Westybrook scored with a Powerbomb, but before he could add a second, Firebird stopped him. He paraded his dominance to the fans for a spell, before going to the top and taking off with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. Unfortunately for him, Jameson had moved and Phoenix hit nothing but Westybrook, who had been trying to grab Jameson as he scrambled clear. Westybrook was sent sprawling, and Firebird looked at him in horror as he pushed himself upright, only for Jameson to grab him and nail the Backcracker, before clamping on the Kirkhold for the popular victory. Winner: Kirk Jameson (B-) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I](That's more like it.) Next: Guess who's in trouble? And some potentially awful news for MAW... (No, Rip's not dead.)[/I]
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[QUOTE=Candyman;597608]Hooray for Lauren Easter! One of my favorite women in the Cornellverse. Good job on the C+.[/QUOTE] Agreed on both parts. I don't know how I missed predicting this card, but I probably would have screwed it up some how. ;)
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Is Mr. Andrews acting up again per chance? Been catching up with this diary recently, still really enjoying it and I love how you lay your results out. I don't feel I deserve to be post #1000, I could've waited but I settle for #999 but what the heck!
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