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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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Mr. Casey...long-time reader, first time commenting. I've enjoyed what you've done with MAW, and the addition of the women's division is a nice touch in my opinion. The backstage segments continue to shine and I try to catch up on this dynasty on a regular basis. With that said, I had to re-read something to try to make sense of it: [QUOTE=James Casey;600143] Lauren Easter made her way to the ring with Joanne Rodriguez alongside her. She taunted the fans, and the duo looked confident as they waited for [B][U][I]Alicia Strong[/I][/U][/B] to emerge, which she did... accompanied by a tall, slim, blonde woman: [COLOR="Blue"]"Lauren, Joanne, you may recognise my friend. You see, we've been attacked once too often, we've turned around one time too many to find one or other of you waiting to ambush us. So we brought in the one woman in the industry, Joanne, who can counter you beyond a shadow of a doubt: [B]Alicia Strong[/B]."[/COLOR][/quote] Now, please feel free to chastise me if I'm wrong here, but weren't they supposed to be waiting for Kristabel Plum to come out...who was accompanied by the tall, slim blonde (Alicia)? That's what I gathered out of the context, but I just wanted to be sure. Still a good story going, and since I'm here, I might as well add my voice to the growing list of predictions: [CENTER][B]MAW Spring Fever[/B] Alicia Strong vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [i]Via shenanigans[/i] Natural Storm vs. [B]Always Breakin' Hollywood (c)[/B] – MAW Tag Team titles [I]If it were closer to WIABA or the Invitational, I'd say that's when the change will be made. As it is, I'm giving the Storm until about July before giving them the nod for the tag belts. ABH retains until then.[/I] "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith vs. [B]Casey Valentine[/B] [i]Complaining in the locker room about his W-L record will necessitate this.[/i] Amazing Fire Fly and Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer and Lauren Easter[/B] [i]Again, via shenanigans[/i] Bradford Peverell (c) vs. [B]Rudy Velasquez[/B] – MAW Traditional title [i]Normally I don't go with a championship title exchange, but I'm thinking maybe Rudy gets a belt and becomes that which he accused Kirk of being last show, sparking the regrowth of the Fallen.[/i] [B]Kirk Jameson (c)[/B] vs. Providence – MAW Heavyweight title [i]Not Kirk's time to give up the belt just yet.[/i] [B]Eddie Powell and Harry Allen[/B] vs. Aaron Andrews and Tim Westybrook [i]Picking an upset here as Tim costs Aaron the match, leading to those two facing off in the near future.[/i][/CENTER]
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2013? Wow. And to think I've only played up to Oct 2011 for NEO. [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Joanne Rodriguez Natural Storm vs. [B]Always Breakin' Hollywood (c)[/B] – MAW Tag Team titles "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith vs. [B]Casey Valentine[/B] [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Kristabel Plum[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer and Lauren Easter [B]Bradford Peverell (c)[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez – MAW Traditional title [B]Kirk Jameson (c)[/B] vs. Providence – MAW Heavyweight title Eddie Powell and Harry Allen vs. [B]Aaron Andrews and Tim Westybrook[/B]
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[I]OOC: Baring in mind we've been going for nine months now, 2013 isn't that big a stretch, I think. I know of one guy at least who's into the 2020s, although that may not have all been [U]employed[/U] game time... Interestingly (or not), 2013 was where my '07 game came to a halt - admittedly with an extra year of game time at the start. Still, it's a little spooky how close some parts of this game have been to that one - and how different as well.[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Spring Fever Friday, 19th April 2013[/CENTER] Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez[/B] As strong a match as their previous encounter, there was still no separating these two. In contrast to their previous encounter, this was a wild brawl that covered every centimetre of the mat, and even ascended the turnbuckles on a couple of occasions as they fought to prevent each other asserting aerial dominance. In the end, the bell rang and the two women were frustrated once again. Winner: No-one (B-) * J-Ro didn't take the result well. Alicia turned to leave the ring, and was run over from behind by J-Ro, who put the boots to her before signalling to the crowd. Lauren Easter sprang over the crowd barrier and joined in the attack on the blonde woman. The two brunettes laid waste to the USPW mainstay, Rodriguez nearly snapping her in two with a spinning backbreaker, before holding her in placed across her knee as Easter dived off the top with a legdrop that turned Strong inside out, leaving her folded in half. Easter then held her in place, smiling sadistically as J-Ro wound up and kicked Strong in the face as hard as she could. The duo smirked at their fallen foe, unmoving and bloodied as they left the ring. * [B]Natural Storm vs. Always Breakin' Hollywood (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] This was a good tag team match, as the experience of the challengers meshed well with the vibrant champions. The four men went back and forth, exchanging power moves and even some technical offence, but in the end the match was the second draw of the evening as the time limit expired. Winner: No-one (D+) * Although the bell had rung, the two teams kept fighting, the brawl spilling out into the ringside area, where Primus Allen picked up a chair to swing at Eddie Howard. But DC Rayne intervened, grabbing the chair as Allen swung back, and planting a boot in Allen's gut as he turned round. Rayne then wound up a swing, but Lenny Brown grabbed the chair from him in turn. Brown swung, but Rayne was pulled back by Howard and the chair slammed into the ringpost. Brown yelped in pain, and dropped the chair, leaving the way clear for Howard to jump on him as Allen and Rayne went at it before the ringside area was flooded with bodies preventing the two teams from doing even more damage to one another. * [B]"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith vs. Casey Valentine[/B] Just curious about this one, really. It was an okay singles match, with neither man showing much to suggest they could be ready to move out of their current midcard berths. Smith won out with a Backdrop Driver. Winner: Brandon Smith (D+) * Lord Geoffrey Windameer was backstage, reading a copy of Twurp's Peerage when Lauren Easter strode up. [COLOR="Blue"]"You, I need a body to stand in the corner while I kick the crap out of Plum. Let's go."[/COLOR] Windameer lowered his book, his expression indignant. Then he took in Easter's leather ring attire which, while perfectly decent, also had strong hints towards indecency. [COLOR="Blue"]"Yes ma'am," [/COLOR]he said, and followed her out to the ring. * [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Kristabel Plum vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer and Lauren Easter[/B] A basic tag match, fought under the usual mixed tag rules. The men were really there to keep the fans' interest, of course. In the end, Plum picked up the win over Easter with a Plum Tucker to exact a measure of revenge for her assaults on the babyface females. Winner: Fly and Plum (D) * After the bell, Easter leapt to her feet and went after Plum, but her target was ready for Easter's now inevitable assault, and a drop toehold sent Easter crashing throat-first on the middle rope. She rebounded upright, clutching at her throat and Plum was right there to seize her around the waist and plant her with a huge back suplex that left her folded in two, almost identically to Alicia Strong. [COLOR="Blue"]"Let this be a lesson to you, Lauren,"[/COLOR] Plum said, as Easter toppled slowly onto her side. [COLOR="Blue"]"Tuck your tail between your legs, and run back to USPW. We don't stand for ambushes in MAW."[/COLOR] * Backstage, and Jenny approached Bradford Peverell. [COLOR="Blue"]"Bradford, do you have any thoughts on your opponent for tonight, Rudy Velasquez?" "Yes, I do."[/COLOR] Peverell stood up and composed himself, clearly wanting to express himself in a manner that would reach his opponent. [COLOR="Blue"]"Rudy, I applaud your dedication to your family – I started fighting professionally for the same reason. And I won't deny that being the champion brings in more money. So tonight's your chance to make it big, because no-one likes a whiner, and that's what you are. If you kept your mouth shut, and used the considerable talent at your disposal, then I think you'd be even more successful then you have been thus far. Consider it, Rudy, because even if your methods aren't what they could be, I can understand that your intent is noble – and I know that tonight you're going to give me as hard a fight as any I've had since my days on the streets."[/COLOR] * [B]Bradford Peverell (c) vs. Rudy Velasquez[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] This was a decent little brawl, that came across well to the live crowd. Although Velasquez is starting to show signs of an ego – he objected to the finish – his performance was unaffected as he and Peverell fought tooth and nail around the ring, mostly slugging it out but mixing in some more orthodox wrestling moves as well. In the end, Peverell drilled his challenger with a Dream Left Hook for the win. Winner: Bradford Peverell (C-) * Providence was backstage, watching a series of images flickering across a monitor. Rip noted the similarity between the images and those viewed by Alex in A Clockwork Orange – but that Providence seemed to be enjoying the show. He paused the video and turned to the camera. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Tonight I go up against the champion. I'm not one to get obsessed by titles, I mean, I don't really recognise the authority of the people awarding them. I don't really recognise any authority. "But I do respect Kirk Jameson. I mean, here's a man who's fought his whole career with the handicap of wanting to be liked. Here's a man who doesn't give in to providence to guide him, who relies on his own moral code. "I respect that, I understand that. Giving yourself over to another is terrifying, and for many people it would be too much. Kirk Jameson has done well under his own limitations, and I admire that. I can only wonder what a Kirk Jameson unchained, and in the hands of Providence itself would be like... But I suppose that I will never know for sure. "Well, probably not. But, maybe, one day..."[/COLOR] Providence's eyes gleamed as he considered the prospect. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"...well, who knows what darkness lurks in the heart of man?"[/COLOR] * [B]Kirk Jameson (c) vs. Providence[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This was also a brawl, but a more varied one as Jameson is one of the more talented all-rounders in the business today. This was a bit thrown together, as the two haven't had much storyline involvement, but it was still an entertaining match highlighted by Providence's wild offence, and capped by The Bullseye from the champ as he retained. Winner: Kirk Jameson (C+) * After his win, Kirk took the house mic: [COLOR="Blue"]"Aaron, it's time. You'll get your re-match in four weeks from now, at Mother, May I?"[/COLOR] * [B]Eddie Powell and Harry Allen vs. Aaron Andrews and Tim Westybrook[/B] What seemed on paper to be a mismatch in the heels' favour turned into an even match as Andrews was clearly thrown by the promise of the title match. His mind was elsewhere throughout the contest, and he was unable to keep up with either Allen or Powell. Westybrook was able to keep the heel squad in the fight, but even he had to tag out and that left Andrews to fall victim to a Motion Censor from Powell to gives the faces a major upset win. Winner: Eddie Powell and Harry Allen (C+) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I]Next: A largely superfluous post...[/I]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;600432][I]OOC: Baring in mind we've been going for nine months now, 2013 isn't that big a stretch, I think. I know of one guy at least who's into the 2020s, although that may not have all been [U]employed[/U] game time...[/I] [/QUOTE] Currently in earlyish 2014 in one of my non-diary games. There are times when I feel a game doesn't get properly going in the first year and a half or so; it generally takes that long for an event to really shift the wrestling world outside your promotion. (In the above, admittedly, GCG going bust five months in managed it. Still no idea how that happened. )
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[QUOTE=James Casey;600432][I]Lord Geoffrey Windameer was backstage, reading a copy of Twurp's Peerage when [B][U]Lauren Easter [/U][/B]strode up. [COLOR="Blue"]"You, I need a body to stand in the corner while I kick the crap out of [B][U]Lauren Easter[/U][/B]. Let's go."[/COLOR] Windameer lowered his book, his expression indignant. Then he took in Easter's leather ring attire which, while perfectly decent, also had strong hints towards indecency. [/QUOTE] Poor Kristabel Plum...that's two shows in a row. :)
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[I]OOC: *Cough* Yeah yeah... One day I'll do a flawles spost and you'll all be [U]so[/U] shocked...[/I] * Kirk Jameson has signed a contract extension – he'll be with us for the next twelve months, unless someone comes along and pinches him. That's obviously a big deal for us, but more so than might immediately be realised. Kirk's work with NOTBPW has seen his America-wide popularity rise to the threshold of him becoming just too big for a regional company such as ourselves. With things set to unfold over the next twelve months – more on that soon – that should play to our strengths, it's just possible that MAW's current figurehead may be with us for a very long time to come... * [B]MAW On Tour – Puerto Rico[/B] Lenny Brown def. Josh Jones – E DC Rayne def. Antonio – D- Quentin Queen def. Flash Savage – E- [B]Overall: E[/B] [I]Notes: Too few matches, running too long... Back to four matches next time... Worth trying, though[/I] * [CENTER][B]MAW Americana[/B] MAW All Action title Scramble featuring: Providence, Harry Allen, Aaron Andrews, Eddie Powell and Rudy Velasquez[/CENTER]
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Great news that Kirk's staying with you. [B]MAW Americana[/B] MAW All Action title Scramble featuring: Providence, Harry Allen, Aaron Andrews, [B]Eddie Powell[/B] and Rudy Velasquez [I]I'm guessing this is for someone's contratual obligations, either Rudy or Eddie I think.[/I]
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*Cough* [COLOR="Blue"]"That's a nasty cough you have there sir, you should see a doctor about it..."[/COLOR] * The Scramble match tends to the contractual obligations of almost [I]everyone[/I] involved. The trick is working out who ends up with the belt at the end :p It actually works out quite well for us as a company, given what's coming in the next few weeks.
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Americana Tuesday, 23rd April 2013[/CENTER][/B] Providence stood in the centre of the ring as the show began. He had a microphone in his hand. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Americana, how appropriate, for I truly do love this country. It offers such wide variety, such amazing choice... Such opportunity for one such as I. Tonight was my idea, a show-long, falls count anywhere match for my All Action title. I've cherry picked my challengers to give me as great a test as they can. I do not duck from challengers unlike others – I relish the opportunity to become stronger, faster... better. Should I lose tonight, well, I will learn from my errors. And next time, with providence guiding me... I will be better. "As for my challengers, well, they are an eclectic selection, and I am proud of them. The former champion, Aaron Andrews, from whom I suspect there is much I can learn. Harry Allen, about whom so little is known, but who seems to know so much about the others in this match. The irrepressible Donnie J, stopping whom I understand to be akin to stopping a rabid dog. Rudy Velasquez, who fights for those he loves, and who is driven by the haunting fear of what may happen if he fails them. And lastly, but by no means least, Eddie Powell – a man haunted by the suspicion that he does not belong, a man who believes that he will never be good enough, and who will never stop trying to improve. Just like me. "I look forward to fighting each and every one of them – and this evening, that is exactly what I shall be doing."[/COLOR] One by one, the challengers made their way down to the ring, until five of the men were gathered within the ropes. Providence stood in the centre of the ring, with four of his challengers occupying the corners. Andrews lurked on the outside, clearly biding his time until he was ready to join the match. The bell rang, and the match began. The five men brawled wildly, with the two faces coming in for a fierce pounding in the early going, only for Velasquez to try and ambush Providence, fracturing the tentative alliance between the three heels. Andrews hung back and let the two brawlers tear into one another, before Harry Allen came out of nowhere with a dual Flying Fist Drop that took both men down, and before anyone had a chance to react, Allen covered Providence for the pin! [B]New All Action champion: Harry Allen (C)[/B] Aaron Andrews immediately leapt into the fray, trying to score a quick win over Allen to take the title from him before he had the chance to enjoy his win. Allen fought back, and Donnie J leapt into the fight as well as the three men traded blows, with Powell appearing almost from nowhere and nearly scoring with a Motion Censor on Allen before Andrews interrupted and pitched Powell from the ring. Before Andrews had the chance to capitalise, though, Velasquez leapt onto him with a crossbody block, only to be drilled with a DDT by Providence who in turn ate a back suplex from Allen. But as Allen regained his feet, Andrews spun him around and blasted him with a Twisting Face Crusher that was enough to snatch the win in turn. [B]New All Action champion: Aaron Andrews (C+)[/B] Donnie J grabbed Andrews and pulled him upright, setting him up for a Death From Miami Beach. Andrews scrambled free, and backed up while swinging wildly in defence of his new title. However, he backed straight into Velasquez, who drilled him with a Street Cutter and went for the pin, only for Donnie to interrupt the count with a boot to the head. Donnie and Rudy threw hard punches at each other as Aaron stared at the ceiling, but the return to the match of Powell distracted Velasquez, who ate a Superkick from Donnie, who quickly scored with a Death From Miami Beach on Andrews for the pin and the title. [B]New All Action champion: Donnie J (C+)[/B] Powell and J traded blows as Providence and Harry Allen tangled outside the ring. Andrews rolled out of the ring and nursed his head on the arena floor, leaving Velasquez to leap forward and nail Powell with a Street Cutter. Springing upright, he attacked J before the new champion had a chance to adjust to the sudden change in circumstances. J fought back as best he could, but quickly found himself trapped in the corner. Velasquez unleashed a thunderous barrage of strikes, including a spinning back elbow that brought J staggering out of the corner, where Velasquez drilled him with a Street Cutter to take the title. [B]New All Action champion: Rudy Velasquez (C+)[/B] While Velasquez was still on the mat, he was jumped by Allen, who tried to roll him up for a quick win, but Velasquez shook the recent arrival off and drilled him with a hard kick. Allen staggered back, and Providence grabbed the top rope, pulling it down and dropping Allen to the floor. Providence slipped into the ring, and went after the current holder of his former title, only to be cut off by a Superkick from Donnie J that staggered him. He turned his attention to the interloper, leaving Velasquez free of an opponent momentarily as Andrews and Powell were brawling on the outside of the ring. Velasquez appeared momentarily confused, before light seemed to dawn on him. He bolted from the ring, grabbing the belt, and dashed for the aisle, seeking to escape the match with his title intact. Unfortunately for him, he was intercepted by Harry Allen, who caught him with a drop toe hold that sent him crashing forwards into the ground, where his outflung hands served only to bring the title in front of his face. Allen pushed himself upright, and clambered on top of the crowd barrier, from which he dropped a Flying Fist Drop that allowed him to score the pin and regain the title in the middle of the aisle. [B]New All Action champion: Harry Allen (D+)[/B] Allen stood, and reached for the title, but he was stopped short by Providence. The painted man sent the new champion crashing into the crowd barrier with a flying tackle that nearly crushed Allen's ribs. Providence then walked away from the downed man, taking care to step on Velasquez as the downed man began to stir. Providence stopped to beam at the battle unfolding before him as Donnie J and Eddie Powell were scuffling with Andrews, who was warding them off with a chair. Providence steamed into the fray, drilling Powell with a lariat and throwing J into the ringpost. Andrews took a swing at him with the chair, but Providence grabbed it in mid-air, and yanked hard, pulling Andrews forward, face first into his lowered forehead. Andrews staggered back, clutching at his bloodied nose. Providence smiled eerily at his new-found possession, turning the chair this way and that, smiling as the light gleamed on the glossy, black steel. He turned back to Velasquez and Allen, the latter of whom was using the guardrail to pull himself upright. He was in no position to protect himself as Providence swung the chair like a railworker trying to drive a spike into the ground. The steel seat slammed into Allen's head, dropping him to the ground in the blink of an eye, and allowing Providence to drop on him and retain his title. [B]New All Action champion: Providence (C-)[/B] Providence immediately stood up and picked up the title belt. He turned to look at his fallen challengers, and was immediately met with a dropkick from Eddie Powell, the one member of the group still upright. Powell followed his attack up with a series of kicks, striking high and low and keeping Providence on the back foot. The painted man tried to shield himself with the title belt, but with a ghost of a smile Powell cracked it into his face with a well placed kick, before catching him with a Motion Censor for the pin. [B]New All Action champion: Eddie Powell (C-)[/B] Not that Powell would have celebrated his victory, but before he even had the chance to reject the idea, Velasquez was on him, rising from the floor like a phoenix from the flames. He blasted Powell with an elbow smash, before attempting a piledriver. Powell had enough about him to backdrop his aggressor, and he dived into the ring as Velasquez rolled through the move. Velasquez was quick to follow, and the two embarked on a series of high-speed exchanges, and quick-fore counters. The last men standing, their personal battle took in the full area of the ring, with Powell even managing to springboard off the ropes to land attacks. But this approach proved to be his undoing as Velasquez lay on the mat after a suplex, and Powell ascended to the top turnbuckle. As he leapt off, Velasquez sprang to his feet and landed a Street Cutter that allowed him to score the pin and capture the title for the second time in the night – and it was the final change, as the bell rang to signal the end of a long, hard night for all involved. [B]New All Action champion: Rudy Velasquez (C-) Overall: D+[/B] [I](Rise, rise, rise, peak... descend... I hadn't expected much from this show, but I must admit that after the first few matches my hopes were up. Oh well...) Next: Odds and ends...[/I]
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[I]OOC: Thanks for all the votes in DOTM. It's always amazing to know so many people are reading and enjoying the diary.[/I] * My good leg was propped up on the desk, and I was sunk deep into my office chair. It was the end of a long day, where I'd fielded a lot of calls from a lot of angry workers, demanding to know why they hadn't been on the shows of late. I'd made a lot of promises to try and prevent a riot backstage at the next show. More than a dozen workers felt that they'd been underutilised, more or less, and while some of them – thank you, Burn – were more easily dismissed, others – Kashmir Singh – had more of a case. My intercom buzzed, and Jenna announced that "Ms. Cameron is here for her contract negotiations." I sighed, and asked her to come in. I didn't want to deal with any more business – even with Katie. She came through the door, and I felt my spirits lift. [COLOR="Green"]"Hello,"[/COLOR] I said, and waved her into a chair. [COLOR="green"]"So, what can we offer you this time?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]"Same again?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]"Done."[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]"Good."[/COLOR] We smiled at each other. [COLOR="magenta"]"You look tired."[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]"It's been a long day. We've got a big roster, and not everyone's getting the time they want – and deserve, in a lot of cases."[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]"Are you thinking of cutting numbers?"[/COLOR] The thought had crossed my mind. Burn, Ford, Speed, Golden, Savage, Smith, Queen... There were a lot of workers who hadn't impressed me, but how much of that was down to my inability to find the right thing for them? Until I could answer that, I couldn't justify cutting the roster back. I shook my head, and sank back in the chair. I heard her chair scrape back, and she walked around behind me. Her fingers sunk into my shoulders, and I exhaled through my nose as I felt the muscles starting to melt under her touch. [COLOR="green"]"Remind me to give you a pay rise at some point,"[/COLOR] I said. She laughed, and let go of my shoulders. I made a noise of objection, but as she settled her petite frame into my lap, I smiled. [COLOR="magenta"]"Here,"[/COLOR] she said, taking my hand and putting it on her stomach. We sat in silence for a moment, me enjoying the warmth of her against me, and the more ephemeral sensation of communing with the new life growing inside her and then- [COLOR="magenta"]"Did you feel that?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]"Was that..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]"Our baby."[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]"That's what you've been feeling all this time?"[/COLOR] She beamed at me, and I stared back at her with an expression she would later describe as 'gobsmacked'. The baby moved again, and I watched as my hand shifted where he or she had kicked. [COLOR="green"]"Wow."[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]"I thought you might be able to feel it today. It's seemed a lot more noticeable to me the last few days."[/COLOR] I shook my head, everything else forgotten. [COLOR="green"]"That's amazing."[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]"Well, it's a little later than most dads get to feel it, but-"[/COLOR] I nodded. Katie was small, and I could well imagine that the baby whose kicks I could feel was going to be small as well. It didn't surprise me that he or she was late in making their presence felt. [COLOR="green"]"That's the important stuff, right there,"[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Magenta"]"I'm glad you agree. Now, about that pay rise..."[/COLOR] * Lassana Makutsi is staying with USPW, Harry Allen has signed with NYCW (seemingly as Aaron Andrews' replacement), Jared Johnson and Quentin Queen have signed with CZCW... Almost everyone in MAW works for someone else, and while we tend to use them better than anyone else, NYCW still have the edge there. * Well, in the Mid Atlantic and Great Lakes we came second... But in Tri State we were top in the Regional battles as going On Tour has given us entry to that market. We're putting our shows back online to help crack that region as well as Puerto Rico. * Unfortunately, it was a quite expensive month. Although Americana was a deliberate attempt to address that – only six workers used, less than an On Tour show – we still ended up $20,000 down on last month. Now, that'll improve, and the popularity gains from running eight shows a month should be decent. I just hope that the improvement is quicker rather than slower... * [B]MAW On Tour – Tri State[/B] Thea Davis def. Lenny Brown – E- Oscar Golden def. Debbie Rose – E Quentin Queen def. Antonio – D- DC Rayne def. Flash Savage – D- [B]Overall: D-[/B] [I]Notes: No chemistry in match one, pretty good chemistry in match three ... Already up to 50 fans from 9 two weeks ago ... Rip's closing monologue did well[/I] * [CENTER][B]MAW May The Force Be With You[/B] "Sensational" Kashmir Singh vs. The Great Ota Thea Davis and The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Jaime Quine and Ford & Speed Team Honor vs. The Canadian Blondes Burn vs. Raphael Kirk Jameson and Kristabel Plum vs. Tim Westybrook and Nadia Snow Brooke Tyler and Harry Allen vs. Deborah Young and Aaron Andrews "Dogfight" Donnie J vs. Firebird[/CENTER]
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"Sensational" Kashmir Singh vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] [B]Thea Davis and The West Texas Peacekeepers [/B]vs. Jaime Quine and Ford & Speed Team Honor vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] Burn vs. [B]Raphael[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson and Kristabel Plum[/B] vs. Tim Westybrook and Nadia Snow [B]Brooke Tyler and Harry Allen[/B] vs. Deborah Young and Aaron Andrews [B]"Dogfight" Donnie J [/B]vs. Firebird
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[B]MAW May The Force Be With You[/B] "Sensational" Kashmir Singh vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] [B]Thea Davis and The West Texas Peacekeepers[/B] vs. Jaime Quine and Ford & Speed [B]Team Honor[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [B]Burn [/B]vs. Raphael Kirk Jameson and Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Tim Westybrook and Nadia Snow[/B] Brooke Tyler and Harry Allen vs. [B]Deborah Young and Aaron Andrews[/B] [B]"Dogfight" Donnie J[/B] vs. Firebird Congrats on the DOTM win this month. Well deserved.
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"Sensational" Kashmir Singh vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] [I]Has always emjoyed the stronger push out of these two and will continue to enjoy the stronger push.[/I] [B]Thea Davis and The West Texas Peacekeepers[/B] vs. Jaime Quine and Ford & Speed [I]Time for the face women to start fighting bck and Thea and her boys can definitely take this one.[/I] [B]Team Honor[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [I]Have become the more legitimate Tag Team Title challengers over the past year, the Blondes aren't quite jobbers but are pretty close to it nowadays.[/I] Burn vs. [B]Raphael[/B] [I]You're determined to get Raphael a bit more over, and this is a win he can definately pick up a W in.[/I] [B]Kirk Jameson and Kristabel Plum[/B] vs. Tim Westybrook and Nadia Snow [I]Plum came out looking pretty strong after the last show and I think you'll continue that here, when she pins Snow with Jameson-Westybrook cancelling one another out.[/I] Brooke Tyler and Harry Allen vs. [B]Deborah Young and Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Heels need to win one of these mixed tags, so I think they'll take this one.[/I] "Dogfight" Donnie J vs. [B]Firebird[/B] [I]Donnie's recently had his shot at the belt, so I see Firebird pulling out a much needed victory.[/I]
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[B]MAW May The Force Be With You[/B] "Sensational" Kashmir Singh vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] Thea Davis and The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]Jaime Quine and Ford & Speed[/B] [B]Team Honor[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Burn vs. [B]Raphael[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson and Kristabel Plum[/B] vs. Tim Westybrook and Nadia Snow Brooke Tyler and Harry Allen vs. [B]Deborah Young and Aaron Andrews[/B] [B]"Dogfight" Donnie J[/B] vs. Firebird
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"Sensational" Kashmir Singh vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] Thea Davis and The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]Jaime Quine and Ford & Speed[/B] [B]Team Honor[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Burn vs. [B]Raphael[/B] Kirk Jameson and Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Tim Westybrook and Nadia Snow[/B] Brooke Tyler and Harry Allen vs. [B]Deborah Young and Aaron Andrews[/B] "Dogfight" [B]Donnie J[/B] vs. Firebird PS try out Speed as a solo worker hes better then Ford imho.
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: May The Force Be With You Friday, 5th May 2013[/CENTER][/B] A sell-out crowd had packed the North Carolina Biker Museum to the rafters, and they erupted at the sight of Rip, Aaron Andrews and Kirk Jameson in the ring as the show started. [COLOR="Purple"]“Thank you all for coming out tonight. This month is a very important one in the ongoing story of Mid Atlantic Wrestling. For one thing, tonight will see the contract signing for the Heavyweight title match to be held here in three weeks times between these two men.”[/COLOR] The crowd erupted again as Kirk waved to them, and Andrews stonily ignored them. [COLOR="Purple"]“Secondly, next week will see the start of a tournament dedicated to crowning the first every MAW Women’s champion. Eight women will compete, and in three weeks time we will se the first champion crowned. “Gentlemen, please step forward.”[/COLOR] Andrews and Jameson stepped forward in unison. [COLOR="Blue"]“Before I sign, I want to add something to this match. Aaron, you set the terms when you were champion. Now it’s my turn. I want this match to be an Ultimate Submission match. Thirty minutes, and the man with the most submissions at the end of that time is the winner.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Fine by me. I always did enjoy making you beg for mercy. Now, can we hurry this up? I’ve got someone to meet tonight...”[/COLOR] Rip picked up the contract and scratched the amendment on the paper. [COLOR="Purple"]“There. Gentlemen, please.”[/COLOR] Aaron signed first, and then Kirk. Rip checked the contract and nodded. [COLOR="Purple"]“That’s all in order. Thank you. “Now, before you go, I’d just like to announce that whoever wins this match in three weeks will be the leader of MAW as we enter a new era. On the 5th of June, at 10pm, you will be able to see MAW wherever you are in the mainland United States on National Pride television. [B]MAW Nationwide[/B], ladies and gentlemen, and I’m relying on you all to be there and make some noise!”[/COLOR] The crowd obliged with a roof-raising roar. * [B]"Sensational" Kashmir Singh vs. The Great Ota[/B] An okay start to the show. Every match tonight featured one or more workers who've been feeling underused of late, so this was kind of a case of two slightly out of practise workers getting back into game shape, with Ota taking the win with a Ninja Strike. Winner: The Great Ota (D+) * Jaime Quine was backstage with Greg Ford and Marc Speed looming behind her as she addressed the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s fitting that I’ve chosen as my partners tonight the two most under-rated men in this company. These men have the talent to win titles, and so do I. These men have been shamefully ignored since joining this company. So have I. These men will make their opponents tonight suffer. “So will I.”[/COLOR] * [B]Thea Davis and The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Jaime Quine and Ford & Speed[/B] This was a remarkably strong match considering the relative overness of the competitors – I don't think the Peacekeepers or either woman has been in as good a match at this level. It was a good, back and forth match with just about enough time for everyone to show a little of what they can do. I left the call for the finish up to the workers – as I did in a lot of the matches – and they surprised me by giving Sheriff Blaze the win. Winners: Davis and the Peacekeepers (D+) * The Canadian Blondes were shown backstage. It’s been so long since they had promo time that we’ve mislaid their Canadian dressing room, but it’s okay – they have Kristen Pearce to brighten up the scenery. Unfortunately, that’s pretty much all she does. Haley Buck may cost four times as much, but she always adds to segments like this – and the matches themselves. Without that help, the Blondes ending up cutting an awfully generic promo on their opponents, Team Honor. * [B]Team Honor vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] Just a so-so tag match, and I really don't expect much more from the Blondes, who've been near the bottom of the tag division pretty much since the end of their last title reign. They're okay in the ring, and never turn in a really bad performance, but they never turn in a really good one either. Team Honor have shown they can do better than this, of course, and took the win when Lassana Makutsi pinned Flash Savage with the Code Of Honor. Winners: Team Honor (D-) * [CENTER][IMG]http://s134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/?action=view¤t=Random_Male071.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Burn made his first appearance under his new mask, highlighted by a fancy cape trimmed with gold and silver. It was all a bit gaudy, but Burn’s unshakable confidence somehow carried it and made it that much more impressive. [COLOR="Blue"] “I am Burn, and I am hot,”[/COLOR] he declared. [COLOR="Blue"]“Watch me to see the hottest thing going.”[/COLOR] Raphael interrupted the pageantry and got right in Burn’s face. [COLOR="Blue"]“Glory will be [I]mine[/I].”[/COLOR] * [B]Burn vs. Raphael[/B] This was really just a short match to introduce Burn (the former Blue Shift) to the masses in his new guise. As much as I like Raphael, he's not over enough to be anything but an enhancement talent right now. He does the job well, though, doing enough to make Burn look dangerous – and suggesting that this might be a match worth revisiting on TV one day, to help build both men’s overness nationwide. Burn took the win with an Acid Rain Bomb. Winner: Burn (D+) * Backstage, and Kirk Jameson was getting ready for his match when his partner, Kristabel Plum, approached. [COLOR="Blue"]“Kirk? I was just speaking to Thea. She says you guys are heading up to the lake after the show.”[/COLOR] Kirk flushed, but nodded. [COLOR="Blue"]“You must be getting serious, huh?”[/COLOR] Kirk’s colouring grew deeper still. [COLOR="Blue"]“I... She...”[/COLOR] Before he could go any further, though, the duo were attacked from behind by Nadia Snow and Tim Westybrook, who picked up the champion and threw him into the row of lockers. Nadia took time out from stomping on Plum to answer her phone. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yes, Aaron, we just did it. Yeah, Jameson got it bad. Don’t worry, I’ll have him back to you in one piece – thanks for the loan.”[/COLOR] * [B]Kirk Jameson and Kristabel Plum vs. Tim Westybrook and Nadia Snow[/B] This was a very strong tag match – so good that I was wondering exactly what we could expect from the final two matches. On past form, I was expecting a let down. An atypically good undercard usually gets spoilt by a weak finish, so I was racking my brains to try and remember if there were chemistry issues to prepare for. I couldn't think of anything, so I sat back and enjoyed the match. We'd arranged for a pretty busy contest to cover for the chemistry issues between Jameson and Westybrook, and their confrontations largely consisted of wild brawling that either man could do in their sleep. The meat of the match was consisted between Snow and Plum, and the fans seemed to be interested enough to stick with it after the previous attack, with the face team obviously weakened. In the end, Snow’s use of Wanda Fish's Blonde Ambition was enough to take the win for her team. Winners: Westybrook and Snow (C-) * Jenny was in the parking lot as Aaron Andrews pulled up in a gleaming Aston Martin. She approached cautiously as he got out, looking in an uncharacteristically good mood. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Aaron, do you have time for an interview, please?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“A quick one, I have a match in a minute.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“How are you preparing for your match against Kirk Jameson in three weeks time?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Simple – I’ve just been speaking to someone to set up a warm-up match for next week – for Kirk. You see, as Kirk named the stipulation for our match, I thought I should have something for myself. So Kirk, next week, I have a challenge for you. And I’m sure you’ll want the same, so in two weeks time I’ll fight whoever you pick – a tough challenger, no doubt, but I don’t think you have it in you to choose someone as challenging as I’ve picked for you...”[/COLOR] * [B]Brooke Tyler and Harry Allen vs. Deborah Young and Aaron Andrews[/B] Of the seven cases of poor team chemistry in MAW since I joined, four have been male/female pairings, and two have involved Aaron Andrews – one of which was here. Without Andrews to cover up her shortcomings, Young was badly exposed in this semi-final spot. The match was okay, but had it been shorter and earlier, it would have gone down better. In the end, Young took the win over Tyler with a Sit-Out Powerbomb. Winners: Young and Andrews (D) * Firebird was shown in his lair, perched on his ornate throne, swilling a deep red liquid around a crystal goblet. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Once more I am summoned into battle. I continue to explore the depths of the human condition, but my studies are continually interrupted. Such as I can learn from fighting has already been learned. Short work, therefore, must be made of this match – and then I can return to solitude once more.”[/COLOR] * [B]"Dogfight" Donnie J vs. Firebird[/B] This was a straightforward contest between two of our better and more popular performers. The two men match up reasonably well and have a decent understanding built more on experience then any innate bond between the two. The result was, basically, a good singles match that didn't especially stand out. Firebird's antics were more worthy of note, as he acted disdainfully to both his opponent and the referee from the off, as though he were unwilling to fight his own battles. Eventually, he got down to business and ended up picking up the win with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. Winner: Firebird (C) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I]Next: TV, telly, the idiot box...[/I]
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[I]OOC: TVs fun - but I'll say now that I need more time...[/I] So, TV, huh? Basically, the negotiations went as follows: Once or twice a year, we spam the smaller TV networks around the world with promo tapes showcasing the best of the promotion's efforts. Although we keep them updated, we do still feature workers like Steve Flash and Randy Bumfhole on there. We make it clear in the bumph that accompanies the tapes what the current roster is... but a little misleading never hurt anyone, right? Anyway, we normally get polite rejections, so when Jenna buzzed through on the intercom to announce that National Pride were on the phone, looking for a time to meet where we could discuss a potential show on their network, well, I thought Rip was having a joke at my expense. A few days later, we all gathered in Rip's office. I was very conscious, as thirteen network execs filed into a room that can comfortably hold ten people, that we looked like a two-bit operation. There wasn't much point in denying this, though, so I went with it. [COLOR="Green"]"Gentlemen, ladies, welcome to the North Carolina Biker Museum. I'm James Casey, and this is the owner of MAW, Rip Chord."[/COLOR] We exchanged cards, and I made a joke about having a decent poker hand once I had everyone's in my hands. They smiled politely, and we got down to discussions. A few hours later, we were getting closer to an agreement. The main sticking points was the time slot and the split in proceeds. National Pride wanted all the money, and a graveyard slot. We wanted some of the money, and the late evening slot. [COLOR="Purple"]"Please, a moment,"[/COLOR] Rip said. [COLOR="Purple"]"I think what I'd like you to consider is this – you've led our horse to water, but now you're trying to make us swallow a very bitter pill."[/COLOR] There was a collective pause as they considered this. [COLOR="Purple"]"What you're proposing would be the straw that broke the camel's back, and with that kind of weight on our shoulders, every step would be on a winding road to nowhere."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Er, I'm not sure..."[/COLOR] one of the executives began. [COLOR="Green"]"How does this sound,"[/COLOR] I cut in. [COLOR="Green"]"We take on all the costs, and you get the proceeds – but we get the late evening slot. That's a one season deal, low risk, and open to negotiation or cancellation in three months time."[/COLOR] This was the absolute minimum we were prepared to accept. Losing out on any money was a pain, but the exposure from a late evening slot was – we hoped – worth more than 10% of the profits from a graveyard slot. [COLOR="Purple"]"This could be our holy grail,"[/COLOR] Rip pressed. [COLOR="Purple"]"But if you keep us on a short leash, then we'll just be on the outside pi-"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Okay,"[/COLOR] a different executive said. [COLOR="Blue"]"We have an agreement, for review in one season's time if the show proves to be a success."[/COLOR] We shook hands, which took some time, and they left. I turned to Rip. [COLOR="Green"]"Holy grail?"[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="Purple"]"It worked, didn't it?"[/COLOR] Rip asked. [COLOR="Purple"]"Although I don't know why you put me up to that, kid. It's not like I make a habit of mixing my metaphors."[/COLOR] I decided not to comment. "Let's work out what this means for our schedule and the wrestlers. We've only got one hour a week, so that probably means three or four matches at most..." The talks continued for some time. The timing was good, with the Andrews/Jameson feud finally coming to an end just in time for television to begin. It would be interesting to see who'd catch on where, and with National Pride covering everywhere but Hawaii, I felt sure that we were going to see some new stars made in the coming months. Either that, or trying to keep everyone happy would see us making the sort of loss that would kill us quickly. * [B]MAW On Tour – Puerto Rico[/B] Antonio def. Jared Johnson – E- Lenny Brown def. Josh Jones – E+ Quentin Queen def. "Twilight" Michael Ferdinand – E+ Kristabel Plum def. Flash Savage – E- Overall: E [I]Notes: Flash shouldn't main event[/I] * I finished supervising the packing up of the ring at just after midnight. Katie never made the trips to the Tour shows, so a late night didn't especially bother me. I knew that, in time, and if the TV shows worked out, a full road schedule would be something we'd have to work around as it was likely that MAW might be up to two or three shows every week. For now, we were still wondering how to fit our roster onto a single hour of television each week. It seemed, if I were honest, that it was just not possible – we'd have to cut back on the numbers and just use the best of the best every show. That would quickly lead to repetition. I'd toyed with the idea of focusing the TV shows on the less over members of the roster, temporarily sabotaging our overness in the three core regions to build up awareness elsewhere – in essence, what we were doing with the Internet shows anyway. I didn't know if that was working, exactly, but I figured that raising our profile nationwide had to be better than raising it region by region. I mulled the idea over in my mind as the roadies hoisted the last ring post and slid it into the truck for the trip to the airport. Doing spot shows in Puerto Rico was always slightly odd, but I enjoyed making the trip to the islands. I spun – slowly – in place as I heard shouting erupt from inside the high school gymnasium. One voice I recognised – Antonio – and one I didn't. I made my way to the gymnasium door, but as I entered, I could see that the situation was already in hand as Kristabel and Flash were shepherding Antonio away from our newest signing, FCW's Midnight Prowler, a recently turned professional who was working for us under the slightly less creepy name "Twilight" Michael Ferdinand. Well, I call him FCW's, but in truth he'd just had his first professional match for us despite signing on with them a few days before. I found it amusing that we may have helped him get over in Puerto Rico – or not – with the match he'd just had. All this flashed through my mind as I stood in the doorway, mouth ajar as I looked at the man easily pinning Ferdinand to the wall, one arm across his throat. [COLOR="Green"]"Jean?"[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] He turned to me, and smiled. [COLOR="Navy"]"Hello James, long time, no see."[/COLOR] [I]Next: The sons of the father...[/I]
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