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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[I]OOC: Show should be up sometime tonight or tomorrow - it's been a busy few days. I figure I can take a few moments to comment on predictions, though...[/I] [QUOTE=Briskout;627978] Eddie Powell vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] - Windameer is awesome [/QUOTE] [I]I have to admit, I'm coming around to this idea - the upper-class twit role is a fun one to write, even if his matches are, er, nothing to write home about...[/I] [QUOTE=Hyde Hill;628048] “Machine” Jean Cattley (c) vs. [B]Zimmy Bumfhole[/B] vs. Tim Westybrook- To set up zimmy vs Cattley and especially Zimmy vs Westy[/QUOTE] [I]If only! Zimmy has one appearance left, and I'm not sure who it should be against...[/I] [QUOTE=Mattlore Devious;628129] [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] (c) vs. Joanne Rodriguez – MAW Women’s title [I]Champ retains - the faces need overness[/I][/QUOTE] [I]True - the face women (1 ME, 2 MC, 1 LMC) are a lot lower down the card than the heel women (2 ME, 2 UMC)[/I] [QUOTE=Mattlore Devious;628129]Primus Allen vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] (c) – MAW Traditional title [I]One of these two is Swoop McCarthy[/I] [/QUOTE] [I]Undeniable :p[/I]
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[B]Suzanne Brazzle (c)[/B] vs. Joanne Rodriguez – MAW Women’s title [I]Brazzle retains when Snow gets some form of revenge by costing J-Ro a chance at winning the title.[/I] [B]The Canadian Blondes (c)[/B] vs. The Second Sons – MAW Tag Team title [I]The Blondes retain as you look to continue with re-establishing them as a force in the tag ranks[/I] [B]Eddie Powell[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer [I]Powell seems more likely to challenge for a title anytime soon, Lord Geoff stays over with his character and wins/losses really don't matter with him so much.[/I] Primus Allen vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] – MAW Traditional title [I]Swoops title run is still quite young and I've got a feeling you're not that high on Primus these days.[/I] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]???[/B] [I]I'll tip the debutant to win[/I] [B]El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Firebird [I]El Heroe takes this, to sort of end his feud for now with Firebird and to put himself in title contention.[/I] “[B]Machine” Jean Cattley (c)[/B] vs. Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Tim Westybrook – MAW World title [I]Cattley retains for now, as I feel that Westybrook will win the belt in a straight one on one match. But I'm not sure how much longer Cattley's reign will last for as I feel you have more stronger faces right now, than stronger heels. Then again the penalties on face-face aren't really that noticeable (if at all) compared to heel-heel.[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Iron Saturday, 20th August 2009[/CENTER][/B] [B]Suzanne Brazzle (c) vs. Joanne Rodriguez[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Women’s title[/COLOR] The fans had been waiting on this match for a long time, with the two women being possibly the most recognised female competitors in the country. They tore into one another from the bell, neither giving the other any quarter. Rodriguez went airborne again and again, and was able to gain an advantage as she bossed the slower Brazzle. But Brazzle retaliated by reversing a missile dropkick into a Boston crab, trapping J-Ro in the centre of the ring as she wrenched back on the hold. Rodriguez suffered, trapped in the move, until she was able to pull one leg free and break the hold. Rodriguez resumed her attack, but it was clear that she had been slowed by her time in the crab. Brazzle focused her attack on Rodriguez’ back. This had some effect , but J-Ro did her utmost to defend, stalling Brazzle as much as possible, the difference in their technical skills so slim that Brazzle was unable to break down the challenger’s defence. From nowhere, Rodriguez tackled Brazzle and tried for a Boston crab of her own, but as she arced back on the hold her back gave out and she crashed to the mat. As she tried to get back to her feet, Brazzle was there to meet her with a Miracle Connection to score the pin and make the first successful defence of her title. Winner: Suzanne Brazzle (B-) * After the match, Suzanne celebrated with her title only to be blindsided by Rodriguez, who snatched the title belt away before smacking it into Brazzle’s face. Dropping the belt across her fallen opponent’s body, Rodriguez stalked off, a vicious scowl contorting her face. * The Canadian Blondes were backstage with Kristen Pearce, their Tag Team title belts secured firmly around their waists. [COLOR="Blue"]“We don’t usually have a great deal to do with The Second Sons,” [/COLOR]Oscar Golden said. [COLOR="Blue"]“We swim in the same direction, you might say. But when you’re the champions, everyone’s your enemy.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“We’ve been here before, so it’s not new,”[/COLOR] Flash Savage said. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’re the most experienced team in the company. There’s nothing that we haven’t seen. Sons, you’ve earned a shot, so tonight we’ll fight – but try not to be too disappointed when you don’t win, eh?”[/COLOR] Kristen Pearce smiled sultrily. “My boys are prime specimens,” she said. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Experienced, talented, and in our time together I’ve honed their will to succeed. Sons, whoever this mentor of yours is, whatever it is you feel he’s done for you of late, Oscar and Flash are ready for you.”[/COLOR] * The Second Sons stood either side of a high-backed leather chair, the back facing the camera. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Our mentor has guided us well these last several weeks,”[/COLOR] Casey Valentine said. [COLOR="Sienna"]“We’d been abandoned, and lost, but when he took an interest in us, we were able to show what it was that we were capable of.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“We stand on the brink of capturing gold. It would be my first title in a very long time,”[/COLOR] Antonio said. [COLOR="Sienna"]“I intend to make the best of this opportunity.”[/COLOR] The chair turned around, revealing a man shrouded in black, a thick cowl obscuring his features, the only point of light hanging at the tip of a cigar just visible beneath his hood. [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/TheGrandAvatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Olive"]“These boys needed guidance – and they weren’t receiving that. They needed direction – and they had none. They needed focus – and I gave it to them. “You don’t know me. You wouldn’t recognise my face, you wouldn’t know my name. Who I am is unimportant. What I can do... will be legendary. And it will start tonight.”[/COLOR] * [B]The Canadian Blondes (c) vs. The Second Sons[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team title[/COLOR] With The Mentor at ringside, the Sons looked confident going into the match. In the early going, they seemed to be justified as The Mentor directed things with hand gestures and an unlit cigar from outside the ring. Kristen Pearce seemed to grow more and more agitated, ordering the Blondes to be more aggressive, a tactic ruled out by the referee, who prevented the Blondes from double-teaming – which allowed the Sons to cheat with impunity. The Blondes’ greater experience allowed them to pick up some points as they fought to retain their titles, but it seemed that for every gain The Mentor had a counter. The Blondes tried their utmost, but it seemed that the Sons were on their way to the titles – until Oscar Golden brought his team a lifeline with a Golden Shower on Valentine. With Valentine down, the Blondes bulled over the referee’s objections to score with O, Canada!, leaving Valentine down. Antonio charged in to try and save the situation, but Golden rose sharply to his feet and pitched him up and over the top rope, as Savage wrapped Valentine up in the Canadian Crab. Valentine bellowed in pain as Savage cinched the hold in, contorting Valentine’s whole body with his knee planted in Valentine’s back as the challenger stared beseechingly at The Mentor, who stared back at his charge, his shrouded face giving nothing away as he watched Valentine’s struggles grow weaker as he focused on controlling the pain... until even that wasn’t enough, and he had no choice but to tap out. Winner: The Canadian Blondes (D) * On commentary, Rip noted sourly that The Mentor’s guidance didn’t seem to be worth squat – but then the hooded man entered the ring and took down Flash Savage with a lariat clothesline. Rip subsided into silence as the Sons and The Mentor tore into the battered champions, ramming Golden into the ringpost and drilling Savage with a double DDT. Without breaking step, the three men turned their attention to Kristen Pearce, who had been panicking at ringside at the sight of her charges being decimated. Too late, she realised that she was in trouble and tried to make a run for it – but Valentine grabbed her by the hair and dragged her into the ring, where she knelt before the three men, looking petrified as she sought mercy from any of them. [COLOR="Olive"] “Don’t worry, I don’t condone violence against women,” [/COLOR]The Mentor said. [COLOR="Olive"]“Unless they choose to stand against us, anyway. “No, Ms. Pearce. You can do us all a favour by telling those in the back who choose to ignore what we have done tonight that this is only the beginning. Ruin is coming to MAW. We will take your livelihood. We will take your titles. We will take the whole company. Inside knowledge, outside forces... A man must be judged by his accomplishments, and mine are legion, but I assure you all, they will be as nothing when my students take this company and bend it to their will.”[/COLOR] * Backstage, and Lord Geoffrey Windameer stood ready. As the camera turned to him, he began to lead it along the corridor. [COLOR="Blue"]“Welcome, one and all, to another edition of Windameer’s Wonders. Tonight I have been selected, or ‘booked’ to use wrestling parlance, to face one Edward Powell.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Now, anyone who has been watching this company for more than a few minutes will know of young Edward. He is quite the aerialist, and after a spell where he sported a rather splendid afro and wore polyester disco suits, he has now focused himself on becoming a successful singles wrestler. I applaud his intent. My researchers claim, and I assume therefore that it’s true, that he has the talent to succeed. “However, I can exclusively reveal to you what Powell’s weakness is. You see, one day, whilst out riding with Father, he said to me something truly profound. He told me that a man will always show you himself as he wishes to be seen. “When Powell joined this company, he portrayed himself as an outrageous character, larger than life, life and soul of the party... Well, it will surely come as no surprise to you, now that I’ve shared my late Father’s words with you, that Powell is considered to be quite the dullest soul one could ever dread to spend so much as a minute with. “Nowadays, he presents himself as this focused, unstoppable force. Of course, he has been defeated on a number of occasions – and one can scarcely fail to notice the pattern that Powell almost invariably loses when he is faced with an opponent who is stronger than he. I am stronger than he, and therefore...”[/COLOR] He stopped, and knocked on the door to Eddie Powell’s locker room. [COLOR="Blue"]“I will win.”[/COLOR] The door opened, and Powell peered out, his face expressionless. [COLOR="Blue"]“Saddle up, old chap,”[/COLOR] Windameer declared. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s time to find out if my researchers have been earning their coin.”[/COLOR] * [B]Eddie Powell vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] These two have met before, and didn’t click. And it didn’t happen here, either. The two have talent, and tried their best. The match was decent for what it was, and had some genuinely entertaining moments when they managed to chain together a string of simple – but effective – sequences. Powell seemed to have the edge as he went airborne, but equally Windameer did some damage as he outmuscled his opponent, at one point clotheslining him out of the air with an impact so hard it folded Powell in half around his arm. With Powell down and stunned, it was easy for Windameer to lift him up and drill him with a High Society for the win. Winner: Lord Geoffrey Windameer (C-) * Swoop McCarthy stood in the centre of the ring. [COLOR="Teal"]“It seems like this Traditional title is a passport to oblivion here in MAW – Stevie Grayson, Matthew Gauge, Jonnie Perez, Hugh de Aske... Almost everyone who wins it disappears from the company a few months later. “Now, Swoop beat Bradford Peverell for the belt. Tonight, you’ll all get to see Primus shown up as being sub-Primus, and then that’s it – there’s no-one left under contract who’s held this belt. It’s not much, but Swoop will have been proven as the best around. “Still, if anyone else who’s held this belt wants to take up the open challenge, go ahead. Swoop’s going nowhere.”[/COLOR] On commentary, I groused about Swoop challenging people who weren’t even with the company any more – and assuming that he would beat Primus. Rip countered by saying that Swoop was confident in his own abilities, which he was always keen to encourage in anyone. * [B]Primus Allen vs. Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] This was a straightforward power battle, unusual for MAW but not completely rare. Still, this was one of the better offerings, if not quite of the standard of Smith/Westybrook. The jury remains out on Allen, who continues to seem like he could be worth the time, but is probably on his way out of the door. McCarthy at first seemed a little stymied by the oft-underrated technical skills of his chosen opponent, but used his flashy power moves to break down Allen’s defences en-route to drilling him with the Running Powerslam for the win. Winner: Swoop McCarthy (C-) * Bradford Peverell stood in the centre of the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“Mr. Chord called me during the week and said that he had someone for me to fight. I don’t back down from fights as a rule, but when he wouldn’t even tell me who I was fighting, I wondered if I was being set up. However, Mr. Chord told me that he didn’t know who it was – that he was bringing this guy in on a recommendation-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]“My recommendation,”[/COLOR] said The Mentor, stepping out from backstage. [COLOR="Olive"]“Oh yes, Rip Chord is in the know. He knows what I am capable of, he knows what my word is worth. He knows that when I make a promise, it is kept. I promised Mr. Chord that I would bring someone outstanding to MAW... What Mr. Chord did not know is that I was bringing Ruin to MAW. That I would be the means by which MAW would go from what it [I]is[/I], to what it [I]will[/I] be. “Ladies and gentlemen of the Mid Atlantic... look upon your Ruin!”[/COLOR] A tall, powerful looking man strode slowly out onto the stage. A wide-brimmed hat, trimmed in purple, obscured much of his face as he stared down the ramp. A heavy, black trenchcoat hung on his frame, emphasising the height and clearly powerful build of the wearer. [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/TexasPete_alt5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As The Mentor led Ruin down to the ring, Rock asked Rip whether the hooded man could really take over MAW from him. [COLOR="Purple"]“Of course not,”[/COLOR] Rip replied. But he didn’t sound entirely sure. * [B]Bradford Peverell vs. Ruin[/B] Bradford Peverell did his absolute best, charging at Ruin from the bell. But he ran directly into Ruin’s up-raised boot, which left Peverell down and in a broken heap. Without any visible sign of effort, Ruin hauled him upright and hooked his arms, before driving him into the mat with a Descent Into Hell, getting a quick and undisputable victory as The Mentor looked – insofar as one can tell – satisfied at ringside. Winner: Ruin (C-) * As the trainers tended to Peverell, we cut to a short video recapping the recent history of El Heroe Mexicano and Firebird: [QUOTE] [I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]...Firebird takes life so seriously, and he's got lost in his own darkness... [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]...people keep trying to save me...[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]...Firebird, you were a hero of mine growing up... [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]...to show me the error of my ways...[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]...a symbol of how you can be a success in life by being honest, and decent...[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]...I already have a way into your soul...[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]...I knew someday I'd have to try and turn you back to the good...[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]...does he want to be a hero? [/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]...it shows you had one night where you outfought me...[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]...does he truly wish to show me the ‘error’ of my ways? [/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]...if you win, I’ll accept that you’re as good as you are because of the path you’ve chosen...[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]...whatever his reasoning, he will be disappointed...[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]...if I win, you take the time to look at yourself and ask if all this talk of darkness and falling has come about because you lost faith in yourself...[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]...I accept...[/COLOR][/I] [/QUOTE] * [B]El Heroe Mexicano vs. Firebird[/B] The two masked high-flyers circled one another warily during the opening moments of this contest. Heroe jawed at Firebird, who waved his words away like he was swatting at flies. They tied up, and went through a series of intricate technical exchanges that ended in a stalemate. Firebird snarled, and slapped his foe, but Mexicano grabbed his wrist and flipped him into a hammerlock before driving him into the turnbuckles. Heroe attacked at speed, keeping Firebird on the back foot as he unleashed a barrage of flashy attacks. Firebird retaliated with hard clubbing blows, forsaking his own typically speed-based attacks for trying to pummel his opponent, yelling at him about the strength that he had gained from the darkness even as Mexicano reversed an assault into a Side Effect. With Firebird down, Heroe locked in the Mexican Mutilation, rolling back to put his adversary under pressure. Firebird refused to submit, even undergoing the one-two-three arm drops before finally elbowing his way clear. Forcing Heroe back into a corner with a series of hard, knife-edge chops, he charged, only for Heroe to evade the attack, and Firebird to run into the turnbuckles, cracking his head on the exposed steel. Heroe planted his opponent with a German suplex, before scaling the turnbuckles to take flight with a Flying Headbutt for the win. Winner: El Heroe Mexicano (B-) * Zimmy Bumfhole was shown backstage: [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m the reigning King of the Indies. Now, there’s no guaranteed title shot with that trophy, but it’s a very pretty trophy. It also says that I am the King – and in this case, the King can take the crown. It’s not that I don’t respect Jean and Westybrook, but I’m just better.”[/COLOR] Sara Silverman watched with her back to the camera as Tim Westybrook punched holes in a wooden panel, leaving a clear dollar sign: [COLOR="Gray"] “It’s all about money – money, and status. And status is only of use because of the money that it brings in. For some, the whole goal of becoming a champion is reward enough, but my client and I have made great strides in this industry by exploiting for money what so many seek to achieve for pride alone. Make no mistake, my client excels and would be a... worthy champion,”[/COLOR] she said, as though the concept were alien to her. [COLOR="Gray"]“It makes him more valuable.”[/COLOR] Jean Cattley was in his locker room, the World title belt hanging behind him. [COLOR="Navy"] “All my life, I’ve wanted to be respected for what I can do. I don’t ask for big money. I don’t ask to be called the best. I just want to show what I can do. What I can do is pretty good, it seems. It’s got me this far. I’ll find out tonight if it gets me any further.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley (c) vs. Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Tim Westybrook[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW World title[/COLOR] There really is no way of describing this match in anything like a coherent order, so first we’ll note a couple of things: The Mentor stayed lurking at ringside to watch the match, which seemed to irritate Sara Silverman, who threw repeated annoyed glances in his direction. Additionally, although there were two fan favourites and one bad guy in the ring, the action flowed so fast and loose that no-one was on anyone’s side – Cattley doesn’t roll that way, Westybrook couldn’t care about anyone but himself, and Zimmy... Zimmy made it clear early on that he wasn’t out to make friends as he nailed Westybrook in the form after working with him to nail Cattley with a double flapjack. Selected highlights included: Zimmy flattening both men with a corner splash. Westybrook taking a pounding at one spell, only to retaliate with a duel TNT Whirlwind – only to be too beaten down to make the cover. Jean immobilising Westybrook with a leg lock, ducking under a Zimmy clothesline and grabbing Zimmy to deliver a neckbreaker – at the same time as snapping Westybrook’s leg back and nearly clean off. Each worker tried for their patented finishing moves at several points during the match. Cattley had a Mood Swing on Bumfhole blocked by Westybrook, and promptly swung around and locked the big man in the move, planting him and hooking the leg – but Bumfhole was able to break it up. Zimmy later tried for a Bumfhole In One on Cattley, but Westybrook snatched him out of the air and tried for a TNT Whirlwind, only for the move to be reversed into a near-Mood Swing from Bumfhole. Cattley seemed to take offence at the tribute, and hauled Zimmy up into a credible Powerbomb, although Westybrook cut the move off before Cattley could score a second. There were also some innovative double-team moves. Westybrook hoisted Cattley up on his shoulders as he tried to superplex Cattley, gaining extra leverage for a stacker superplex. Zimmy used Westybrook as an unwitting springboard, leaping from the top rope to the bigger man’s shoulders and from there into a crossbody to take out Cattley – although Westybrook angrily snatched Bumfhole up and planted him with a side slam before he could make the pin. Also, Bumfhole and Cattley went through a mini one-upmanship contest as they each took down Westybrook with an impact move (dropkick and clothesline, respectively), a submission hold (ankle lock and chokehold) and suplex (belly-to-belly and belly-to-back) before getting into a shoving match. Seemingly peeved by all this, Westybrook nearly knocked both men out with a brutal double lariat, before hoisting Cattley up for a Double Powerbomb – on Bumfhole. In the end, Bumfhole was mounted on the top turnbuckle, preparing for a dive onto Westybrook, who had been taken down by a Mood Swing before Bumfhole jumped Cattley from behind. However, before Zimmy could leap, Cattley blocked the way and scaled the turnbuckles, where the two men traded punches and chops. They teetered above the ring, before sensibly climbing down a run so that they were on more even footing. However, in this time, they were once more attacked by Westybrook who had had time enough to recover. Scaling the ropes himself, Westybrook unleashed a brutal elbow strike to Bumfhole’s head, leaving him struggling to cling on as Westybrook tried to deliver a back superplex to the champion. Cattley, however, delivered a series of elbow strikes of his own, catching Westybrook again and again on the side of the head and, as Bumfhole regained his balance, Westybrook lost his and was left hanging from the top rope by one hand... as Cattley and Bumfhole united in intent one more time to each grab the powerful challenger by one arm and drag him upright, the three of them teetering dangerously on the top rope, each one relying on the other two to hold them upright... until Cattley and Bumfhole gave an almighty heave, pitching Westybrook off the top turnbuckle, down, onto, and through the timekeeper’s table below with a crash that echoed through the arena. Bumfhole and Cattley stood unmoving, holding each other aloft as they stared down at the prone Westybrook, lying absolutely still in the wreckage of the table beneath them. On commentary, we noted that Bumfhole had previously put an opponent through a table – Eddie Powell as he won the King of the Indies battle royal the previous October. Slowly, as the crowd reaction began to die down, it dawned on Bumfhole and Cattley that they were holding one another on the top rope. They moved as one, Zimmy trying for a Bumfhole Buster – but Cattley moved faster, cinching Bumfhole in close and scoring from the top rope with a Mood Swing that made the whole ring jump several inches to one side. A weary Cattley rolled on top for the pinfall, and his hand was raised as he lay across Zimmy, too tired to move. Winner: Jean Cattley (B) [B]Overall: B-[/B] [I](That’ll do – for now...) Next: Moment Of Madness, and product changes...[/I]
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[I]OOC: Page 3? Page [U]3[/U]? This forum has a page 3? Wow... In the last few days, I've been to my nephew's 4th birthday, had lunch with the in-laws, been to the ballet (for my wife's birthday) and begun re-ordering the flat for the arrival of our baby. Note 'begun' because what we were planning as a one day job will take at least two - maybe more. So when I'm not around for a few days, just tell yourself: 'This is what it will be like when JC's baby arrives...' I've been lead to understand that 'But I have a show to post' cuts no ice with either mother or child :( ... ... ... :p On with the show![/I] * After the show, I caught up with Rip backstage. [COLOR="Purple"]“Hey kid,”[/COLOR] he said, his voice a little raspy, as it always was after a long night of talking. [COLOR="Purple"]“What can I do for you?”[/COLOR] I pointed at Tim Westybrook, who was being checked over by the docs for concussion, and Heroe, who was having his chest tended to after being lit up by some vicious chops from Firebird. [COLOR="Green"]“I think we need to tone down the match intensity,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Green"]“Just a little. Some of our guys are working full schedules for three companies, and they’re putting too much on the line.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Just a little,”[/COLOR] Rip said, frowning. [COLOR="Purple"]“That’s okay – most won’t notice a little. What’s really bugging you?”[/COLOR] I started, and Rip raised an eyebrow. [COLOR="Purple"]“C’mon, kid. I know you’ve had a bug up your ass these last few days, and when that thing bites, it’s like shaking off a rabid dog.”[/COLOR] I blinked, before going on. [COLOR="Green"]“You’re right. Rip, I want to change something else about the product.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I want us to be a little more mainstream.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Meaning?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Run-ins, DQs, cheap finishes-”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“No.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Bear with me-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“No.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Rip-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“No, kid. I respect our customers, and I won’t give them that kind of crap.”[/COLOR] I frowned. [COLOR="Green"]“Rip, I’ve spent the last six years or so booking feuds around matches that can only finish clean or by a draw. I’m not talking about having a DQ every night, but we’re giving away great matches on TV and sending them to clean finishes. Can we really justify that?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Besides, think how the Mentor storyline is going to play if there’s no interference...”[/COLOR] Rip frowned. The Mentor character and storyline were his brainstorm – a way of getting Casey and Antonio back into the spotlight, and debuting Ruin – the former Texas Pete – who was a known face, a talented worker, but death on the mic. [COLOR="Purple"]“Let me think about it, kid. Try it out tomorrow night with the job guys, and we’ll see how we go.”[/COLOR] I nodded. It was probably about as much as I could hope for. * [QUOTE] [I][CENTER]MAW.com show report – Moment Of Madness in... Sunday, 21st August 2013[/CENTER] Hi everyone, this is your friendly neighbourhood announcer, James Casey, coming to you from deep in Colorado, where the Springs Bar was host to Moment Of Madness. In our first match, Jefferson Stardust made his return to the company in opposition to Christian Price. It wasn’t a happy return for the wannabe rock god, who fell to a Price Check. Fellow rocker Tempest Appleby was up next and had better luck as he took on Cal Sanders. Appleby was able to score the win with a Power Chord. Next, Justin Sensitive – complete with simian companion – went one on one with the red-haired Spike, who is another one who likes his music loud – although in his case, it’s punk that’s his choice. The high-flying Sensitive had his monkey buddy screeching and clapping with delight as he took the offence to the down and dirty Spike, eventually putting him away with a move that he has dubbed the Full Sensory Experience. Our semi-final was a closely fought contest between sometime MMA star Warren Technique, and the returning MAW star Ricky Douglas. Technique has great technical skills, while Douglas prefers to brawl, and the two men’s styles largely cancelled one another out. However, Douglas learned a lot during his first spell with the company, and was able to pick up the win with a Figure Four Leglock. Our final match was a battle of sizzle against beef – or, if you prefer, style against substance. The brash and brazen trio of Dazzlin’ Dave Diamond, Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol had a lot to say for themselves before their match with the trio of Atlas, Bear Bekowski and Findlay O’Farraday – but in the ring they found themselves time and again overpowered by the monstrous trio. They fought back hard, and had the bigger men on the ropes, but then Bear threw off Diamond and Idol, who had been holding him for Jordan to hit, and when Jordan’s blow landed he bounced off the big man, who picked him up and flattened him with a thunderous Belly-to-Belly Suplex for the win. Fans, that’s all from us for now, but don’t forget that MAW will be near you soon, so don’t miss out on the chance to catch some of the great action, either with this crew, On Tour or live on National Pride with Nationwide! Christian Price def. Jefferson Stardust – F- Tempest Appleby def. Cal Sanders – F Justin Sensitive def. Spike – E- Ricky Douglas def. Warren Technique – F+ Atlas, Bear Bekowski and Findlay O’Farraday def. Dazzling Dave Diamond, Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan – E- Overall: E-[/I][/QUOTE] [I]Next: Guess who's coming to dinner?[/I]
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I would say for Dinner a last name starting with an E or a C(h/o) lol. And on Pete's mike skills he doesn't need em much as his menace is very good. I am a Warren Technique mark btw too bad he is probably a bit old to push atm and not over enough in the us for good grades but he should make a good undercard trainer.
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Backstage, and after just two shows the attitude of Bear Bekowski has upset people. He’s a main cause of problems, niggling over small things and getting in peoples’ faces over nothing. I’ve given him a stern warning as, let’s be honest, I’m doing him a favour by having him and the rest of the MOM crew on board. I’d lose no sleep canning him, and the sooner he realises that he’s drinking in the Last Chance saloon, the better for everyone. * After seventeen months as champions, Jay Chord and Darryl Devine (The Tag Team Masters) have dropped the belts to The New Wave. The titles were defended twelve times before they changed hands. Of course, generally a title changes hands in TCW because the bookers have plans either for the winning team, or the team that’s lost them. As great as The New Wave are, another tag title reign for them really isn’t that big a deal. It seems more likely – to me, at least – that Tommy has plans for Jay and Darryl. I’ve actually not heard much from Rip’s lad since there was that business in Vegas. Maybe – just maybe – he’s knuckled down and got his act in order. Maybe an International title reign is in his future... Or, maybe, TCW have plans for Devine. It’s rare that a tag split means big things for both members, after all. Or, maybe, the two will keep tagging, and it was just time for a title switch. Despite Jay’s undoubted talents, there’s no guarantee that he’ll ever get beyond the midcard for Tommy’s lot. * [COLOR="Purple"]“Did you hear?” [/COLOR] I nodded. I was already looking for caterers, entertainment, everything. [COLOR="Purple"]“Last year was pretty big, kid. A lot of people were saying that it was the best yet. We’ve got a hell of a lot to live up to.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I know, Rip, I know. When does the cash start arriving? And can we siphon any off to pay the bills?”[/COLOR] Rip scowled at me, then laughed. [COLOR="Purple"]“You can bet Eisen’s accountants will be looking over the books, kid. We’ll have to spend all the money on the show.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Any chance we can get Tommy to do a guest appearance on TV?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“You think we can afford him?”[/COLOR] I laughed. [COLOR="Purple"]“Sure. We’ll promote it as our final show, but we can afford one night out of him.”[/COLOR] Rip grinned, and so did I. MAW had just been chosen as the host of the 2013 wrestling convention. The whole world – well, the whole world of wrestling powerbrokers and their hangers-on – would be coming to North Carolina in a few short weeks, in time for Fall Of The King and the other festivities. [COLOR="Purple"]“We can get a few loanees in, I think. But we’ll have to be careful – it’s King of the Indies a few weeks after. We don’t want too many of the same guys appearing on both shows.”[/COLOR] I nodded. The battle royal the previous year had done so well that we were keen on revisiting it, with some new and some old faces. I steepled my fingers, and pondered. [COLOR="Green"]“Okay, here’s what we’ll do,” [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="Green"]“Get on the phone to Sam. Beg, steal or borrow to get Alicia in for a few shows. That’ll be the big thing. I’d love to get someone else in from Supreme, if Richard will play ball. We’ve got a TCW guy, so we’ll see if our agreement with Richard will extend to helping us out this month.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Don’t bet on it,”[/COLOR] Rip interjected. [COLOR="Green"]“I’m not – but if my maths is right, the agreement may come into play anyway.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Oh?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Someone’s contract is coming up soon who used to be with us. If I’m right, it might be just in time for this show.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“And if not?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Well, Jean and Windameer are still SWF employees. Otherwise, we can pit our TCW guy against someone from one of the other feds. It’s not a big issue – we wouldn’t be promoting it as an SWF/TCW match, anyway...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Who would you want to win?”[/COLOR] Rip asked. [COLOR="Green"]“If we could book it, the TCW guy is much more over.”[/COLOR] Rip nodded... then shook his head. [COLOR="Purple"]“TCW guys are booked on Saturdays, remember?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Oh, yeah... nuts to that, then.”[/COLOR] Rip nodded. [COLOR="Purple"]“We could run it on the Friday, though – have the TV show be the intro to the big show...”[/COLOR] We tossed ideas back and forth for the next several hours, energised and enthused by the chance to put on a show in front of some of the biggest names in wrestling. [I]Next: On Tour[/I]
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[QUOTE][I][CENTER]MAW.com show report – On Tour in Puerto Rico Thursday, 25th August 2013[/CENTER] Hello grapple fans, this is Rip Chord, bringing you the 411 (apparently) on a wild night down in Puerto Rico with the guys and girls On Tour. We kicked off the night with some classic tag team action as Two Smoking Barrels challenged The Second Sons. The Mentor earned his money out there tonight, as he directed Valentine and Antonio in the overcoming of the youngsters’ challenge, with Antonio pinning Josh Jones after an Italian DDT. Before their match against The West Texas Peacekeepers, Team Honor’s new mouthpiece Jenny warned the newly-disposed cowboys that even sneak attacks and beatdowns wouldn’t be enough to overcome her clients’ sheer talent and hard work. In the match itself, the cowboys – who Haley Buck announced to me should be referred to as [U]Lawmakers[/U] – took their lumps, but Buck proved to be the difference maker. As Jared Johnson set up Marshall Dillon for a big move, Buck distracted him by grabbing his ankle, allowing the Lawmakers to score with a Volcanic Repeater on Johnson for the win. Managers getting involved in matches doesn’t sit too well with me – I wouldn’t want it to become a trend. After the bell, the Sons hit the ring, Mentor in tow, and went straight after the worn-out Johnson and Makutsi. With their beaten opponents down, Dillon and Blaze joined in, putting the boots to the crowd favourites. The fans in attendance cheered at the sight of Josh Jones and Quentin Queen hitting the ring, chairs in hand, but after seeming to tee up on Valentine and Dillon, the two chairs came down on the heads of Makutsi and Johnson. The six attackers looked at one another warily – after their match, the tension between the Sons and the chair-wielding Barrels was palpable – but it was interrupted by the return to MAW of an old face, that of Ernest Forthdyke-Hume. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now I say, I say, you will not, I repeat not, take any further action tonight, do you hear me?” [/COLOR]The Barrels settled down, their chairs no longer ready for swinging. [COLOR="blue"]“Joshua, Quentin, you have done well. You have shown yourselves to be able, able, I tell you, to make an impact. Now, I would advise you to save yourselves, yes, save yourselves. For there will be much more work ahead of us all...”[/COLOR] So, after a busy few weeks, the Blondes are good guys, the Barrels and Texans are up for cheating and chairshots, and then there’s this Mentor guy? Anyone got a scorecard? On to more simple things, as Kashmir Singh and Delirium had an argument backstage, leading to their having a match where we all could enjoy it – Singh taking the win over the masked man with a Bombay Duck. Next up, the flamboyant masked man Burn, accompanied as always by the gorgeous Dawn, was in action against Raphael. Burn’s exciting tricks and flips gave him the advantage in the early going, but when Raphael scored with the Turnbuckle Exploder, the match was over. After the bell, Raphael had this to say: [COLOR="blue"]“Only trust what you know to be true.”[/COLOR] You know, I’ve given up trying to fathom that kid out... Next it was time for six-person tag action, with Brandon Smith, Kristabel Plum and Thea Davis squaring off with GB Wood, Deborah Young and Jaime Quine. Before the match, Smith warned Wood about getting to comfortable telling people how good he was – it might have been true elsewhere, but here in MAW the competition was at a whole other level. Still, Wood seemed to hold his own as he countered the strength of Smith with speed and impressive technique, keeping Smith on the back foot throughout. Meanwhile, Young seemed to take great pleasure in throwing Davis around the ring at Quine’s behest – while Quine avoided her old partner but did find time, when the match broke down into uncontrolled chaos at the end, to land a vicious KO Kick on Plum for the win. Bradford Peverell took a few moments to address his opponent, Marc Speed. He acknowledged that Speed had been more dangerous since splitting with Greg Ford, and that he knew a thing or two about lone wolfs like Speed, with no-one to control them or even try and keep them in check. But Peverell had been there, done that – and Speed was just another challenge, to be respected but not to be feared. Straight out of the blocks, Speed showed Peverell why he should be respected, twisting the street fighter up in knots in the early going. Peverell fought back hard, swinging his fists hard and fast. The action went back and forth, with either man capable of taking the win – only for Peverell to land a Dream Left Hook to score the win. The Second Sons def. Two Smoking Barrels – E The West Texas Lawmakers def. Team Honor – E+ Kashmir Singh def. Delirium – E Raphael def. Burn – E+ Young, Wood & Quine def. Smith, Davis & Plum – E+ Bradford Peverell def. Marc Speed – D- Overall: D-[/I][/QUOTE] [I]Next: Swings and roundabouts - and it's a tag team revolution...[/I]
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[I]OOC: Been waiting for this for a while. And yeah - Hitchcuck, not, well, Hitchc0ck...[/I] * Swings and roundabouts. That was the thought running through my mind as I hopped the red-eye back home. Your average wrestling fan can be a lot smarter than your average booker. A cheap finish in MAW, coupled with the recent increase in the way managers are presented, meant that we were making a shift towards a more mainstream product. It was noticed – and the fans had issues with it. Let’s be honest, no-one cared about gimmicks in the ‘old’ MAW. MAW before the last big show was all about what happened in the ring. But the fans have their expectations, and they’re going to be expected to care about managers and accept the odd cheap finish, then they were going to need me to care about gimmicks. If I wasn’t going to treat the matches as being fought purely between two/four/six/whatever guys/girls, if I was going to get managers involved (and, by extension, partners, feud opponents, debuting workers...) well, if I was going to move us towards SWF or USPW territory, then the fans wanted the pluses as well as the minuses. Call them gimmicks, call them characters, call them what you will – I’d always tried to give workers distinctive personas, not always successfully. However, given that some of the guys were still working under the same gimmick they’d had when I took over five years and eight months ago, it was definitely time to spruce things up somewhat. Someone like Kashmir Singh was easy enough – he really does love show tunes, he really does hit Broadway whenever he’s within shouting distance. Someone like Josh Jones is harder – he’s so bland that it’s hard to hang a gimmick on him. I pencilled the word ‘Whatever’ in the list next to his name and stared at it for a long time. Ultimately, he might be one of those guys who didn’t use a discernible gimmick, at least until he got over enough to need that bit more character definition. Sometimes that worked, sometimes it didn’t. Antonio and Casey Valentine were key figures in the upcoming Mentor storyline, of course, but for them to be accepted as a legitimate tag team meant that they needed to be seen as one. Antonio’s ring gear dates back to his days as a yuppie, while Casey’s isn’t much newer – he last got updated when The Firm collapsed. So now they’re due a revamp, in line with their big-dogs-on-chains schtick that they’re trying to get over with. The Mentor, of course, holds the chain... Marc Speed was overdue a gimmick update as well. In his case, the words of Bradford Peverell came to mind – Speed was cut loose from a static tag team that had lost its allure when they lost their masks. The former Ricochet was on his own... And I remembered the plans for Bobby Thomas, the Canadian technician par excellence who had been canned by us after having bad chemistry with something like two-thirds of the guys he faced in his short stay. The plan for him had never fully developed – but Marc Speed had all the talent I was looking for to fulfil that gimmick. And who else was going to need updating when the fans laid eyes on them in the coming weeks? A lot of guys had been around long enough to get updated – through turns, through changes in direction and so on. Although gimmicks weren’t vital to the running of a fed like MAW, I liked to have our workers differentiated somewhat... and there was a world of difference between the way that Joanne Rodriguez and Nadia Snow were filling out the generic b---h role, for example. Still, some updating would be required. Some workers could keep a gimmick going indefinitely, others were likely to need more in the way of fine tuning. It was another thing to keep track of, and even if I could now have run-ins and DQs, I had to worry about who might be going stale in their current role. All this, and Rip’s little comment during his show report kind of suggests that he’s not won over by the idea of managers getting involved in the matches. For now, the intent is that it will be a tag teams-only thing – the division really needs all the help it can get. But I guess that could change – maybe... Swings and roundabouts... * Easy to miss, but AAA hit Cult about six months back – they’ve focused on the Mid West and North West, and had a big head start over us, but they’re without question the best of the ‘smaller’ feds in the US right now – even if the shows of late haven’t measured up to their peak at the start of the year. Interestingly, they’ve focused solely on those two areas – they have virtually nothing outside them. One show a month means progress is slow – but steady. * And now, because I can, and because there’s no way I’m giving all of these guys this sort of mic time on our shows in the immediate future, here’s the scorecard we were looking for during On Tour this week. [QUOTE] [CENTER][I]MAW.com Exclusive Welcome back... to the tag division[/I][/CENTER] Hello, everyone. I’m Rip Chord, and I’d like to thank you all for joining me in this look at what’s been going on of late in the MAW tag division. Recent weeks have seen a shift in the MAW tag team ranks. Former champions Always Breakin’ Hollywood have split, with junior member Lenny Brown already enjoying singles success as he became the All Action champion. The legendary pairing of Natural Storm have moved on, having been unable to crack the division that they once dominated. After several years together without any significant success as a team, Ford & Speed have separated as well, with Greg Ford leaving the company, and Marc Speed declaring his intent to focus on the All Action title. Elsewhere, The Canadian Blondes have been hearing the cheers of the fans for the first time in their eight year run with the company after being brutalised by The Second Sons and their mysterious Mentor. Seemingly following the Sons’ ruthless lead, Two Smoking Barrels and the newly-renamed West Texas Lawmakers have taken it upon themselves to shirk the restraints of the rulebook. Meanwhile, the Wilkes Brothers have debuted at the bottom of the rankings – and seem to have realised early on that even that means they’re swimming in deep, shark-infested waters. Only Team Honor have weathered the storm largely unchanged – although they have taken on our backstage interviewer, Jenny, as their mouthpiece, claiming to be too busy training for their next title shot to attend the interviews we’ve arranged with each team. Still, five of the six regular teams here in MAW made time to speak to us here at MAW HQ, as they made preparations for the upcoming shows. You can mainly catch the tag division when the On Tour shows hit your area, although sometimes some of the teams will pop up on the Moment Of Madness shows, or even on our Nationwide television show each Friday on National Pride. [CENTER][COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team champions:[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Canadian Blondes[/COLOR][/B] Five-time tag team champions “The Originals” [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/FlashSavage.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] with [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/KristenPearce.jpg[/IMG] Flash Savage and Oscar Golden with Kristen Pearce[/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]"Gentlemen, Ms. Pearce, thank you for joining us."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"The pleasure is ours, I assure you."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Oscar, Flash, for the first time you've got the fans behind you. How does that feel after so long being hated?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Weird."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Very weird."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"You know, for a long time we've been a part of this company, and we've been hated for who we are, for what we've done,"[/COLOR] Oscar elaborated. [COLOR="Blue"]"We were okay with that - we could say that we were successful, four time champions and all."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Then we won that crazy championship scramble a few weeks back, and we actually heard a few people cheering for us. I guess maybe they preferred us to ABH."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Hey, we're a lot of things, but delusional isn't one of them. Did you ever see any of the films Allen and Brown were supposed to be in?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"I think I saw Haley Buck in a film when I was in Holland a while back," [/COLOR]Flash said, with a laugh. [COLOR="Magenta"]"I wouldn't be surprised,"[/COLOR] Pearce said, smirking. [COLOR="Magenta"]"We were never friends..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"So now you're the champions again. You've already fought off The Second Sons once, and now the fans are fully on your side..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"And we're grateful for it. It's weird to walk out to the cheers, and I can't promise that we'll always do things they like..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"...our first priority would always be retaining these titles,"[/COLOR] Flash finished, slapping the championship belt around his waist. [COLOR="Blue"]"But going up against Antonio and Valentine, especially now they have that weird Mentor on their side..."[/COLOR] He tailed off, and looked uncomfortable. Golden picked up the slack. [COLOR="Blue"]"The fan's support is welcome. We won't pander to them, like some people, but if they're prepared to support us, we're pleased."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"How much of an impact do you think The Mentor can have?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Well,the Sons didn't lose between him backing them and their facing us, if I recall correctly,"[/COLOR] Savage said, thoughtfully. [COLOR="Blue"]"And Valentine beat me, eh?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"So he's good, I guess. But he won't make the difference in the ring. Talent and experience will make the difference there."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"And what do you think of the other teams in the division?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Well, assuming that things have started to calm down a bit, I'm looking forward to facing Team Honor again one day. They live up to their name - and that gives us an edge."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Too right. We don't have much honor when it comes to keeping our belts,"[/COLOR] Oscar said with a smile. [COLOR="Blue"]"The Wilkes' will be interesting to face – any time you go up against brothers, they have that understanding that can make up for what they lack in experience."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"I believe that the Sons are the biggest threat – but I'm not ready to count out the Lawmakers. I may not like Haley Buck, but she knows what it takes to manage champions, and that could take them from also-rans to challengers soon."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Who else is there?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Two Smoking Barrels."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Oh, yeah..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"What's their deal?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"We don't underestimate anyone – but do they have any wins yet? Even with Ernest Forthdyke-Hume managing them, well, my boys know what he can do, and they fired him."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Maybe he learned something while he was out – but he's come back and fixed Josh Jones and Quentin Queen, so whatever he's learned... "...he doesn't seem to have learned it very well."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Thank you all for your time."[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]The Second Sons[/COLOR][/B] “The Legacy” [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Antonio.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/CaseyValentine.jpg[/IMG] with [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/TheGrandAvatar.jpg[/IMG] Antonio and Casey Valentine with The Mentor[/CENTER] The Mentor sat detached from his charges during this interview, offering a few words, but mainly reviewing match footage. [COLOR="Purple"]"Casey, Antonio."[/COLOR] "Rip." [COLOR="Purple"]"You boys have been making waves recently."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"We're men, Rip. You always called me 'kid'-" "Me too."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"I always call everyone 'kid' - it's not demeaning, Casey. It's a sign of affection."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"A lot of good it did us. We spent years trying to impress you. Now we have our Mentor. Rip Chord doesn't matter anymore."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Setting that aside, we're here to discuss your prospects in the tag team division."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Devastatingly good,"[/COLOR] Antonio said. [COLOR="Sienna"]"Between my Roman Conquest, and Casey's Heartbreaker, we have all the tools we need to be the Tag Team champions – and, one day, more than that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“You renamed your finishing moves,”[/COLOR] Rip said flatly. It was a statement, not a question. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Yeah, we did. I know you gave us the names, but it was time for a change. A clean break – a sign that we’re not content to coast along any more. This is about us pushing ourselves to be the best that we can be,”[/COLOR] Casey said. Rip was silent for a moment, and then said, [COLOR="Purple"]“Well, I guess I’m glad for you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“You should be. But don’t worry, it’s good for you, Rip. The more successful we are, the more successful MAW will be – and that’s good for you, right?”[/COLOR] Antonio said. The Mentor cleared his throat. [COLOR="Purple"]“Something to say?”[/COLOR] Rip demanded. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Let’s not get distracted here,”[/COLOR] Casey said, quickly. “You had something else you wanted to ask us?” [COLOR="Purple"]“How did you meet your new manager?”[/COLOR] Rip asked, sounding as though he were speaking through gritted teeth. [COLOR="Sienna"]“He approached us, in fact. He set out a series of steps for us to go through in order to improve our performances. When they worked, we agreed to hire him full time,”[/COLOR] Antonio said. [COLOR="Purple"]“And what do you think of the other teams in the division? For example-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“Worthless,”[/COLOR] Valentine cut in. [COLOR="Sienna"]“It’s a matter of time before we’re on top,” [/COLOR]Antonio added. [COLOR="Sienna"]“We don’t rate our opposition – in fact, we’d value the chance to prove ourselves against more impressive foes.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Right. Well, I’ll let you get back to your planning,”[/COLOR] Rip finished. [CENTER][B][COLOR="Blue"]Team Honor[/COLOR][/B] Former tag team champions “The Technicians” [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JaredJohnson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/LassanaMakutsi.jpg[/IMG] with [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Random_Female040.jpg[/IMG] Jared Johnson and Lassana Makutsi with Jenny[/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]“Hello, Jenny.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Mr. Chord, hi.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Johnson and Makutsi had better things to do?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Well, they’re very focused,”[/COLOR] Jenny said, apologetically. [COLOR="Magenta"]“I handle the media side of things. They concentrate on the fighting.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“How do they rate the other teams in the division?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“They have a lot of time for... Well, no-one, really. They think that Casey Valentine and Antonio are unrepentant egotists who sought to take advantage of their connection to them and now have latched on to the first snake oil salesman to show any interest in the. They don’t trust the Canadian Blondes, and after the way that the Texans and Jones and Queen have been acting of late, they know that it’s just a matter of time before things heat up between them. As for the Wilkes Brothers, they’re too new on the scene for Mr. Johnson and Mr. Makutsi to have any opinion of them yet.”[/COLOR] Jenny paused, and Rip smiled. [COLOR="Purple"]“They talk a lot more behind the scenes, then.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Well, not really – that’s just what I’ve been able to pick up from how they act.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I see. Do they intend to challenge for the tag team titles again?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“I think that they’re biding their time. Everything’s been so hectic of late that they’re waiting for things to settle down. They’ll decide then what their next step will be.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Okay. Thank you, Jenny.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Thank you, Mr. Chord.”[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]The West Texas Lawmakers[/COLOR][/B] “The Brawlers” [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/MarshallDillon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/BradleyBlaze.jpg[/IMG] with [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/HaleyBuck.jpg[/IMG] Marshall Dillon and Sheriff Blaze with Haley Buck[/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]“Miss Buck.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Mr. Chord.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Gentlemen.”[/COLOR] Blaze and Dillon said nothing. [COLOR="Purple"]“Do they speak?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“I have advised my clients that I should be the one to handle the dialogue in this interview. Doubtless you will wish to ask about their recent alliance with me, and therefore it is sensible that I be the one to whom you address your comments.”[/COLOR] Blaze nodded. Dillon continued to stare unblinkingly ahead. [COLOR="Purple"]“I see. Well, would you mind telling us how you convinced the Peacekeepers-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Lawmakers. They are now known as the West Texas Lawmakers.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Right. Well, how did you get Dillon and Blaze on side? You’ve not exactly been friends in the past.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“The past is the past. With the demise of the last team that I guided, a position was open – and I contracted the Lawmakers to fulfil the role.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Just like that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“I explained to them that I could help them fulfil their unrealised potential.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“There seems to be a lot of that going around,”[/COLOR] Rip said. [COLOR="Purple"]“Some would say that these two men are not exactly championship calibre material.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Some may, but I can see deeper than that. I assure you that the titles will soon be around the waists of these men.”[/COLOR] The camera focused on Blaze and Dillon. Dillon was still unmoving – he might almost have been carved from stone. Blaze had one leg crossed over the other, his foot jiggling as he stared ahead. [COLOR="Purple"]“And what do you and your clients make of the opposition in the tag team division?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Credible in some cases, less so in others,”[/COLOR] Buck said. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Despite the changes of late, I know the tag team division very well indeed. There is nothing for me or my clients to be concerned about, I assure you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Not even the tag team champions?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Especially not the tag team champions.”[/COLOR] Buck smiled conspiratorially. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Mr. Chord, you have bee around this business for a very long time. As for myself, I am a keen student of this business. I think we can both see that although the Canadian Blondes have a great deal of experience, their chances of retaining the titles for much longer are very slim indeed. In fact-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Your damn right, lil lady,”[/COLOR] Blaze cut in, jumping from his seat and leaning right into the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now listen here, all of you other teams who think yer goin’ to git in our way. You can ferget it, right now. Me and the Marshall here will be dishin’ out our very own special brand of justice soon as the lady here says we can. Don’t go startin’ any long books, you hear me?”[/COLOR] He subsided as Buck held up one hand, sharply. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Thank you, Sheriff,”[/COLOR] she said. She turned to Rip. [COLOR="Magenta"]“My clients will soon rise to their natural place as tag team champions of this company. That is all that needs to be said.”[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]Two Smoking Barrels[/COLOR][/B] “The Future” [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JoshJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/QuentinQueen.jpg[/IMG] with [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/ErnestForthdyke-Hume.jpg[/IMG] Josh Jones and Quentin Queen with Ernest Forthdyke-Hume[/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]“Greetings, Mr. Chord.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Mr. Forthdyke Hume, welcome back. Gentlemen.”[/COLOR] As with the previous interview, Queen and Jones were sitting behind Forrthdyke-Hume, seemingly content to let him do the bulk of the talking. [COLOR="Purple"]“So, why are these two now associated with you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, after so many years away from the Mid Atlantic I came back to find that things were very much as you were. The Canadian Blondes are the champions. Casey Valentine is chasing the belts. Natural Storm are freshly up and gone from the company... I felt right at home, you might say.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“But why Queen and Jones?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Mr. Chord, my speciality has always, I say always, been the improvement and enhancement of teams who are, shall we say, not quite there yet. No-one will deny that my clients are yet to ascend the heights of the tag team division. But equally, no-one, no no-one, can say that these two men are not talented, that they are not deserving of the chance to become the champions.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I see. Well, how do you rate the other teams in the division.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Good question. I’m very pleased that you asked that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Do you have an answer?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I do.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Would you care to share it with us?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Of course, yes. Now listen to me closely, Mr. Chord, as I am about to share a secret with you that I don’t think anyone else – besides my boys here – are aware of. You see, every other pairing in this... division, lacks my boys’ talent.”[/COLOR] He sat back, chest puffed out so far with pride that it nearly matched his stomach for size. [COLOR="Purple"]“That’s it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“What more is there to know, my boy? Talent will out. And if it doesn’t...”[/COLOR] He raised his cane in a salute, flourishing the solid steel handle meaningfully. With a quick tug on the brim of his top hat, he got up to leave. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now boys, don’t tarry too long – we have much training to do.”[/COLOR] He left, and Rip raised an eyebrow as he looked at Queen and Jones. [COLOR="Purple"]“Do you think you’re better than everyone else?”[/COLOR] he asked, sceptically. [COLOR="Blue"]“Damn right,” [/COLOR]Queen interjected immediately. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’re the future of this company, Mr. Chord. In five years time, we’ll have held every belt here, we’ll be seen as the best tag team ever to grace this company or any other, and we’ll have brought in a whole new era of awesome.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Really? I’m quite happy with this era. But Josh, what about you? Do you agree with your manager and partner?”[/COLOR] Jones, who had been staring into space throughout, turned his head fractionally. [COLOR="Blue"]“Sure.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“You think you can be the tag team champions? Even though you’ve not really had that much success so far?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Okay... Well, thank you, gentlemen.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Whatever,”[/COLOR] Jones replied, as the two stood and left, Queen with a visible spring in his step, Jones trudging along in his wake. [CENTER][B][COLOR="Blue"]The Wilkes Brothers[/COLOR][/B] “The Newcomers” [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/LeftieWilkes.jpg[/IMG] with [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AnnieHitch.jpg[/IMG] Jorge Wilkes and Michael Wilkes with Anne Lee Kubrick[/CENTER] The camera follows Rip up to the locker room door of the Wilkes Brothers, where younger brother Michael is standing. [COLOR="Purple"]“Hello Michael, is your brother in?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“He is, sir, but he asked not to be disturbed right now,”[/COLOR] Michel replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’ve got us a new manager, sir.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Oh? Anyone I know?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“She’s this lady from Las Vegas, and she’s a movie director too! She’s really something.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Oh... er,”[/COLOR] Rip paused for a moment, clearly trying to think of the name. [COLOR="Purple"]“Anne Lee Kubrick, right?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s here. Gee, she’s amazing. She took one look at Jorge and told him that they needed to workout, and she had some new moves to show him. I hope she teaches me – she must be good at teaching, because I can tell that Jorge is doing really well.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“You can?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh yeah! She’s agreeing with what he’s doing really loudly! You just missed her yelling at the top of her voice...”[/COLOR] He paused, and looked thoughtful. [COLOR="Purple"]“Yes?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s just, he must be really throwing her around in there. There’s all this banging and slamming and stuff – I didn’t think that Jorge would ever get physical with a lady like that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Oh, she’s not a-“[/COLOR] Rip stopped himself. [COLOR="Purple"]“I mean, she’s a trained wrestler. She can take it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Gee, I hope so. She’s a real firecracker, that’s for sure. She was calling him a bad boy earlier, and-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Okay, kid. What say you tell us about the teams you’ll be facing?”[/COLOR] Rip asked, hurriedly. [COLOR="Blue"]“Sure thing, Mr. Chord! Well, wow, we definitely want to give those Lawmaker characters what for. And after what the Two Smoking Barrels did last time, well, I think that they need to be taught a lesson. Maybe Miss Kubrick can do it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“If what I’ve heard about her is right, I’m sure she’ll get to them sooner or later,”[/COLOR] Rip said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, good! And...”[/COLOR] Wilkes looked nervous. [COLOR="Blue"]“Then there’s your sons, sir.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Michael, they’re not actually my sons – they just call themselves that. I trained them – we’re not related.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh,” [/COLOR]Wilkes looked confused for a moment, but then brightened up. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well good! It means if we get to fight them, we can give them a good beating, and I don’t have to worry about offending you at all.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Right...”[/COLOR] Rip passed a hand across his forehead, as though suffering a headache. [COLOR="Purple"]“Well, what about Team Honor? And the champions, the Canadian Blondes?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“What about them?”[/COLOR] Michael asked. [COLOR="Purple"]“Well, do you have any plans for fighting them?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Why would we?”[/COLOR] Michael asked, looking genuinely bewildered. [COLOR="Blue"]“They’re good guys, same as us.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I see. Well, I’ll let you get back to your... lessons.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Thank you sir. I’m sure there’s a lot that I can learn from Miss Kubrick.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I’m sure there is...”[/COLOR] * So there you have it, fans. Six very different teams, six very different managers... And honestly, I think it’s pretty close. Annie Hitchcuck might just find a way to motivate the Wilkes’ to greatness. I’ve been looking into The Mentor’s background, and he might be the one to make my boys into stars. Team Honor have the background, and take it from me, Jenny’s pretty sharp – she might just be the X factor they’ve been lacking. The Blondes and Kristen Pearce have got experience and they’ve got the belts. As for Two Smoking Barrels... Well, they’re the wild cards. Don’t take any team managed by Foghorn-Hume lightly – he may bluster, but he’s as smart as a tack. Be sure to catch us On Tour, and look out for tag matches elsewhere as well – you never know who might pop up on our shows... [/QUOTE] * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow vs. Joanne Rodriguez – non-title Bradford Peverell vs. Tim Westybrook Primus Allen vs. Ruin Eddie Powell and “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer and Swoop McCarthy[/CENTER]
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Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] – non-title [I]It's non title, so surely one of the heels wins here. J-Ro for the win, to set up a one on one shot[/I] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [I]Big Timmy to stay strong, after coming up short in his title bid.[/I] Primus Allen vs. [B]Ruin[/B] [I]Texas Undertaker to win in his full in-ring debut and besides you really ain't that high at all on Primus[/I] [B]Eddie Powell and “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer and Swoop McCarthy [I]Wouldn't be too surprised if it went the other way but I reckon you'd want to keep your champion looking strong.[/I]
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Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez [/B]– non-title [I]I agree with TK's logic here. [/I] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [I]Westybrook is someone I'd love to see headlining for you...[/I] Primus Allen vs. [B]Ruin[/B] [I]Why not throw some love Pete's way...[/I] Eddie Powell and “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer and Swoop McCarthy[/B] [I]Via shenanigans, me thinks. [/I]
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Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] – non-title Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] Primus Allen vs. [B]Ruin[/B] Eddie Powell and “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer and Swoop McCarthy[/B]
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] – non-title Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] Primus Allen vs. [B]Ruin[/B] [B]Eddie Powell and “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer and Swoop McCarthy
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] vs. Nadia Snow vs. Joanne Rodriguez – non-title Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] Primus Allen vs. [B]Ruin[/B] [B]Eddie Powell and “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer and Swoop McCarthy
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[I]OOC: I should say, I'm not wedded to Hitchcuck for Annie's surname, so if anyone comes up with something better, please let me know...[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 26th August 2013[/CENTER] Bradford Peverell vs. Tim Westybrook[/B] Deprived of the World title once more, a banged up Westybrook entered the ring gingerly, and Peverell wasted no time in attacking him. Rip noted that it was ound strategy – and that Peverell hadn’t survived growing up on the streets by being a fool. But although he had Westybrook in trouble initially, the bigger man’s supreme strength allowed him to make the comeback, and in fairly short order he delivered a series of punishing strikes before crushing his opponent with a TNT Whirlwind for the win. Winner: Tim Westybrook (C-) * Sara Silverman joined Westybrook in the ring, but before she could say anything, The Mentor came down the ramp, closely followed by Ruin. The two men climbed into the ring, and Ruin and Westybrook came face to face for the first time. The crowd grew hushed as the two monsters stared one another down, Westybrook’s face betraying a hint of eagerness, Ruin’s face absolutely emotionless. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“One day, perhaps, Miss Silverman,” [/COLOR]The Mentor declared. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“But not today. I would rather that you and your client did not intervene in our affairs.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"]“We have no plans to,”[/COLOR] Silverman said. [COLOR="Gray"]“It’s not in our interests – so long as there’s no money to be made.”[/COLOR] Ruin turned his head to look at Silverman, who sensibly put Westybrook between her self and the big man as Mentor laughed roughly. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]“Wise move. Do let me know if anyone should happen to make you an offer, Miss Silverman. At the very least, I want to know what stopping my client is worth to those he might destroy...”[/COLOR] * [B]Primus Allen vs. Ruin[/B] This was, from the outside, a more even contest that the previous match. But while Allen has incredible strength and may even be stronger than Ruin, he had no chance to display that as he was taken down by an almighty clothesline in the opening stages of the match. After that, Allen had no chance to fight back as Ruin methodically demolished the former tag champion, before pinning him with a Descent Into Hell. Winner: Ruin (D+) * Backstage, and Nadia Snow was being prepared by her butler and hairstylist, every last touch being honed to perfection. [COLOR="Blue"]“Wonderful, darlings,”[/COLOR] she drawled, admiring her reflection in the well-lit mirror. [COLOR="Blue"]“A look fit for a queen – or a champion.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Then your servants can redo my hair and makeup after our match,”[/COLOR] Suzanne Brazzle said, stepping into the room, title belt securely around her waist. [COLOR="Blue"]“I don’t want to seem arrogant, but I am the champion, and even if tonight wasn’t a non-title match, I still don’t think that someone who care more about her looks and coverage in the gossip rags will be able to take me down. Besides, don’t you have a score to settle with Joanne?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“She does – and I have a score to settle with you,”[/COLOR] Rodriguez said, appearing in the doorway with a scowl across her beautiful face. [COLOR="Blue"]“Don’t make any plans for Saturday night in a few weeks time – you’ll need to book yourself in for medical treatment.”[/COLOR] Brazzle laughed. [COLOR="Blue"]“As much as I respect your talent, that’s not going to happen. I’ll tell you what: Let’s make tonight a number one contender match – if either of you win, you get the title shot. If I win, I can take the night off and watch the show with my fans.”[/COLOR] * [B]Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow vs. Joanne Rodriguez[/B] This was a non-title match, with Brazzle facing her two most persistent challengers. With all pretence of friendship between Snow and Rodriguez gone out of the window, this enjoyed an unusual dynamic as they tore into one another far more than Brazzle, who never had to worry about them uniting against her – any time they inadvertently teamed up, they would immediately break off their attack to go after one another again. As the match came to an end, Snow had Rodriguez trapped in a full nelson, but Brazzle rose from the canvas and swooped down, catching the former champion in a Brazzle Dazzle to score the win. Winner: Suzanne Brazzle (C) * Backstage, and Lord Geoffrey Windameer was shown in classic Windameer’s Wonders pose, but on this occasion he was accompanied by Swoop McCarthy. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Normally I would take a moment to speak about my opponent for the evening, but on this occasion I believe that I really need to analyse my tag team partner.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]“G’day.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“And a good day to you, Mr. McCarthy. This man has made a remarkable impact in his time in MAW. Already a Traditional champion, he will one day soon be among the most dominant men in this company – along with myself, of course...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]“Yeah, right.”[/COLOR] Swoop winked at the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]“Tonight we face Eddie Powell, who I have previously beaten. His partner, and with all due respect to Mr. Powell, our main focus tonight will be Jean Cattley – the World champion.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]“No worries,”[/COLOR] Swoop cut in. [COLOR="Teal"]“Look, Swoop knows what Jean Cattley means in this company. And if it came down to a one-on-one match... Swoop isn’t certain he could win. But it would be a great match, and it will happen, sooner or later. Know this, Jean Cattley, tonight you go one on one with the Great One, the man destined to be the biggest name in all of wrestling. Tonight, for the first time, you will face Swoop McCarthy!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yes, thank you, Swoop,”[/COLOR] Windameer replied, slightly testily. [COLOR="Blue"]“I think we’ve heard enough. Jean, one of us will beat you tonight – and when we do, I believe that you can expect us to make a challenge for your World title at, oh, how appropriate, Fall Of The King...”[/COLOR] * [B]Eddie Powell and “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer and Swoop McCarthy[/B] This was a straightforward tag team match, with nothing special taking place in-ring. In part, it was a trial to see if there was anything worth pursuing in the pairings, and there may be a little something there, as neither team had poor chemistry. Partly it was just to get all four on screen – even if I should have followed the appreciation index’ lead and put the three-way on last – and mainly it was a chance for the champion to up against two men who could soon be in contention for his belt. It was basic tag action, with the four men largely working as singles, although Cattley and Powell had a nice spell of quick tags that gave them the advantage before Powell was caught from behind by a sneaky double-team, leaving him vulnerable. He played face-in-peril for several minutes before he was able to make the tag to the champion, who blitzed both opponents to the delight of the crowd, before nailing Swoop with a Mood Swing for the win. Winner: Powell and Cattley (C-) * The bell rang, and Powell and Cattley celebrated their win. Shaking hands, they saluted the crowd, their back to the entrance. This proved to be a critical mistake as, without their noticing, Ruin appeared almost from nowhere, sliding into the ring. Powell turned into a single uppercut that had the former Adrenaline Rush man hitting the deck like a felled redwood. Cattley had more of a chance to react, but even as the champion fell back into a defensive stance, Ruin steamed in, sandwiching him in the corner as The Mentor stood on the outside, somehow managing to look smug and superior even behind the cowl that completely shrouded his face. Ruin took two steps back, allowing Cattley to topple forward. The huge attacker grabbed the champion before he hit the mat, turning Cattley’s fall into a crushing Descent Into Hell. As The Mentor watched on, Ruin rose to his feet, a limp Cattley held easily in his hand. Even as a mass of wrestlers and staff burst out from backstage, Ruin hammered Cattley with a second Descent Into Hell. The ring flooded with bodies as Ruin rose to his feet, his expression hidden behind his long hair, but his gaze fixed clearly on the unmoving form of Jean Cattley as the show went off the air. [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I]Next: Back to school, and one stays, one goes...[/I]
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Just wanted to chime in and say that I love this diary. This reads like a good book for me. Meaning, that when I read your write ups, I no longer read it, I can acually visualize what's going on in my head. It plays out smoothly and you have a way of explaining everything without getting long winded. So, without getting long winded myself, keep up what your doing and can't wait to see where you go with everything. Makes me hope you ask for another custom title for this diary... R
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[I]OOC: Thanks, ReapeR. And if you're offering, I'll head over to the request thread... :p[/I] After the show, we left the ring set up for longer than usual. With the crowd long since departed, Rip and Katie took their seats at the announcers’ table, each holding one of the twins. I entered the ring carefully, hooking my cane over a turnbuckle. I shook my weaker knee out carefully, staring across the ring at the three men in the far corner: Jean, Tim, and Eddie, three of the safest men I knew of in this business. [COLOR="Purple"]“You sure about this, kid?”[/COLOR] Rip called. [COLOR="Green"]“I’m sure,”[/COLOR] I said, rolling up my sleeves. [COLOR="Green"]“If I’m going to have a match, I have to know what I can do before that bell rings...”[/COLOR] * Nationwide pulled a 0.01 rating – not much down on the previous 0.02s, I hoped... * The decision has been taken not to renew Primus Allen’s contract. Allen is a great talent, in his way, who’s doing big things in USPW – and that’s kind of the problem. The workers who excel in USPW, with a very few exceptions, will not excel in MAW. I’m somewhat surprised that SWF have never taken a look at Allen. He’d be ideal in an entertainment-oriented fed (as he’s shown in USPW), and with a bit of work on his mic skills could be a legitimate midcarder or better for the Eisens. In MAW, he’s just wasted potential. He’s been here almost five years, been the Invitational champion, Tag Team champion, Trios champion and the Traditional champion on two occasions. He’s one of the most decorated workers in the company and, with the right opponent, he can put on very enjoyable matches. However, with the right opponent I could put on an entertaining match – and I’m about as likely to. Allen’s style, full of flashy power-based moves that just don’t play in MAW, is designed to get him over. However, MAW fans want back-and-forth matches, and Allen has never quite worked out how to make his opponents look good. Some of our workers have been good enough to overcome that – they look good anyway. Most of our talent needs help, though, and that’s something that Allen just can’t do. In an ideal world, our roster would be talented enough to accommodate someone like Allen, but this isn’t an ideal world, so rather than canning two-third of our roster and trying to track down the one or two available people who might be able to drag a good match out of him, we’re just going to let him go. Besides, I keep coming back to the fact that he had a bad match with Steve Flash. It was two years ago, but I can’t quite get my head around it. Steve Flash, for heaven’s sake. Conversely, Bradford Peverell is also in line for a contract renewal, and is likely to be re-signed. Although he’s several years older than Allen, he’s a lot cheaper, and generally has better matches (consider, for example, the results of their matches against Ruin). He’s been sat on the cusp of the main event for a long time and, I suspect, if I were to commit to a push for him he’d get over quickly enough – but he’s happy enough being a recognisable worker who generally beats the guys below him and loses to the guys above him – and if I’m honest, that as much as anything else is the reason for his likely contract renewal. * [QUOTE] [I][CENTER]MAW.com show report – Moment Of Madness in Mid West Sunday, 28th August 2013[/CENTER] Hello, everyone, this is James Casey reporting from the Mid West, where our Moment Of Madness show tonight gave our fans a taste of what they can expect when MAW hits your town. We started with wild tag team action, as The Wilkes Brothers – accompanied by an interestingly clad Anne Lee Kubrick – took on the pairing of Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol (known to some as Rich And Famous), Tempest Appelby and Jefferson Stardust, and Findlay O’Farraday and Atlas. All eight men had their opportunities to strut their stuff, and at one point the giants military pressed both Wilkes’ out of the ring and onto the other four competitors. The rockers did their best to keep the match moving fast, as Appleby and Stardust flew around the ring as much as possible, but all too often crashed and burned. The supremely confident pairing of Jordan and Idol performed well, but were too often distracted by themselves. In the end, the Wilkes’ took the win when Appleby fell victim to a Boston Whiplash. Next up, “The Leaping Lumberjack” Cal Sanders took on the rookie luchadore, Delirium. This was a fast-paced match with counters exchanged at such speed your reporter could barely keep up. In the end, Sanders fell victim to a Delirium Tremens. In our next match, the self-proclaimed “Pride Of The South” Kentucky Bill went up against Christian “The Stud” Price. The two exchanged taunts at the start of the match, mocking one another’s respective claims to greatness. The match itself was an enjoyable brawl, won by Kentucky with a Pride Of The South. Justin Sensitive and Ricky Douglas teamed up for our main event, taking on Remmy Honeyman and newcomer Phil Jerome. Sensitive was accompanied, as always, by a monkey although, when Douglas asked about the primate, Sensitive seemed to have no idea what his partner was talking about. The match was an entertaining tag affair, with Haley Buck directing matters for Honeyman and his partner, while keeping a wary eye on the monkey. Sensitive handled the bulk of the work for his team, and took a beating for it until Douglas was able to make the tag, barrelling into the ring and taking Jerome out and over the top rope before trapping Honeyman in a Figure Four Leglock. Before Honeyman could tap, Haley Buck distracted the referee, and Douglas scrambled to get his attention back on the match. When he did, Honeyman had been ambushed by Sensitive, who had been wise to Buck’s ploy, and now had Honeyman wrapped up in a move he dubs the Full Sensory Experience for the submission win. Fans, it’s been a great night of action here. Don’t forget to come and share in the fun when MAW comes to your town! The Wilkes Brothers def. Rich And Famous, Jefferson Stardust and Tempest Appleby and Findlay O'Farraday and Atlas – F+ Delirium def. Cal Sanders – F Kentucky Bill def. Christian Price – F+ Justin Sensitive and Ricky Douglas def. Phil Jerome and Remmy Honeyman – E+ Overall: E[/I][/QUOTE] [I]Next: On Tour, and more contract news...[/I]
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;634479]What about other directors for Annie? Annie Coen, Annie Carpenter, Annie Coppola, Annie something-that-doesn't-begin-with-C...[/QUOTE] Annie Spielberg, Annie Fincher, Annie Woo, Annie Scorcese....or in reference to the director of a pretty naff movie adaptation of a popular 70's TV show you could call her Annie McG and bring in Charlizze Angelle as her assistant.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;634744]Annie Spielberg, Annie Fincher, Annie Woo, Annie Scorcese....or in reference to the director of a pretty naff movie adaptation of a popular 70's TV show you could call her Annie McG and bring in Charlizze Angelle as her assistant.[/QUOTE] Annie Scott, Annie Polanski, Annie Daldry, Annie Jackson, Annie Eastwood, Annie Shyalaman, Annie Cameron, Annie Mann, or my personal favorite...Ann Lee Kubrick.
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[QUOTE=Candyman;634752]Ann Lee Kubrick.[/QUOTE] [I]OOC: Winner! Editted the previous couple of posts, as I love the way that sounds. Thanks for all the suggestions, guys, especially as I was coming very close to changing her to Hitch[I]crock[/I] given the reason why she retired... And ampulator, thank you![/I] * Cal Sanders was spreading rumours backstage about Delirium after their match. Despite having great chemistry, the two put on a low-end match. That’s only to be expected with maybe twenty people present, none of whom had heard of either man before they were announced. With Cal still suffering from ring rust, an F+ is probably about as good as we’re likely to get in that situation. Cal didn’t see it like that, though. He told everyone who’d listen that Delirium was the dead weight that he, Cal, had carried from bell to bell. When the news got back to Delirium, the masked man was apoplectic. I warned Cal about letting things like that happen. He’s a decent talent, but once again, I won’t cry if I have to let him go. This time, it was just a warning, but in all seriousness, the MOM shows are an expense that MAW can’t really afford – we do them to try and develop talent, but in the event of us having to cut costs, they’d be the first casualties. * We made a $25,500 loss in August, compared to $27,000 in July. Considering we ran three extra shows, that’s not bad. Admittedly, we’ll still be broke in three months at this rate, but I had hopes that September would be better, and October better still. By my reckoning, there was a very real chance of us hitting Cult by the end of the year. I’d decided to arrange our TV schedule so we hit the South East twice a month, and went On Tour in Great Lakes twice a month. Previously it was one of each show in each region, but our TV shows are our best ones, so holding them twice a month in the South East would hopefully boost our popularity that much quicker – not to mention the fact that we were borderlining being big enough to move to the 2,000 seat venues in both areas. That would be very useful when we hit Cult... We were involved in five regional battles in September. NYCW had us beat into second in Great Lakes and New England, but in the Mid South, North West and Tri State we were top. * Amazing Fire Fly has decided to leave MAW to concentrate on his career in Mexico. Although he never received a concerted push from us, he was often involved in entertaining matches. Ultimately, his diminutive size and ultra-lucha style held him back a little too much, but he remains one of my favourite workers and one I’d love to see join us once more. * Former Firm member Ryan Powell has rejected the chance to rejoin the company after his SWF deal expired. The former Trios champion is a two-time former CGC World champion, and told me that he was looking for a move back to Canada – so CGC or NOTBPW – as he would be worth a lot more back in his home country. * [QUOTE] [I][CENTER]MAW.com show report – On Tour in Great Lakes Thursday, 4th September 2013[/CENTER] Hello everyone, this is Rip Chord bring you the latest in On Tour action from the Great Lakes. We kicked things off with all-female tag action as Brooke Tyler and Kristabel Plum tangled with Deborah Young and Jaime Quine in a tightly contested match. In the end, the wily Quine scored with a KO Kick on Plum for the win when Plum was entangled with the incredibly strong Young. Before the next match, Ernest Forthdyke-Hume hyped up Two Smoking Barrels, who were in action against The Wilkes Brothers. Quentin Queen looked hyperactive as EFH talked, while Jones appeared lost in his own world – right up until the bell rang. The newly villainous duo appear to have benefited quickly from EFH’s guidance as they demolished the brother duo, who clearly have a lot to learn. Michael was all too trusting in his treatment of Quentin Queen, who nailed him with a low blow that effectively ended his involvement in the match. Jorge, for his part, was distracted by the presence of Ann Lee Kubrick at ringside, leaving him open to a Canadian Backdrop from Jones for the win. Our tag champions were in singles action tonight with Flash Savage tangling with Marshall Dillon. The cowboy didn’t make any friends in the audience as he was ready, willing and able to put the boots to the newly popular Savage from the off, on several occasions testing the referee’s patience in a way that, I have to admit, made this old warrior’s heart proud. Savage did his best to fight back, but seemed a little out of his depth in a singles match, eventually falling to a Powerbomb. Next up, Savage’s partner, Oscar Golden, went one on one with Antonio after the former RCI champion called him out. It wasn’t a good night for the champions, as with The Mentor at ringside, Golden fell victim to a Roman Conquest as Antonio apparently followed the cowled man’s hand gestures throughout. Backstage, and Brandon Smith and Lenny Brown got into an argument. Brown taunted Smith about his ‘supposed’ desire to improve himself. Brown told Smith that he would never be as good as him, so what was the point? Smith responded by challenging Brown to a match for his All Action title... in a steel cage so they could see who was better. This, ladies and gents, is what the All Action title is all about! Inside the cage, Smith was in his element, bouncing the young champion from steel wall to steel wall, trying to make Brown pay for his arrogance. Brown fought back, using his impressive agility to take the fight to Smith, culminating in a Star Treatment that gave the champion the win. Young and Quine def. Tyler and Plum – E Two Smoking Barrels def. The Wilkes Brothers – E Marshall Dillon def. Flash Savage – E+ Antonio def. Oscar Golden – D- Lenny Brown def. Brandon Smith in a cage match – D- Overall: D-[/I] [/QUOTE] * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Suzanne Brazzle vs. Jaime Quine – non-title Primus Allen vs. Rudy Velasquez Amazing Fire Fly vs. Ruin Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Firebird[/CENTER]
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[B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] vs. Jaime Quine – non-title [I]If neither J-Ro nor Snow can beat Brazzle in non title action, I'd highly doubt Quine can either. [/I] Primus Allen vs. [B]Rudy Velasquez[/B] [I]Primus came out of the ABH break up looking like the weak link and you seem fairly keen to push Velasquez[/I] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Ruin[/B] [I]Even without announcing that Fire Fly would be leaving, I would have had this down as a squash anyway.[/I] Zimmy Bumfhole vs. [B]Firebird[/B] [I]Not entirely sure what Bumfholes situation is with MAW, is he a full time roster member ? Does he have creative control ? Could easily go the other way but I'm going for a Firebird win.[/I]
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