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when sam strong retires/dies she will be the owner, then you can sign her in ppv same as Alex De Colt (also at times with Jeremy Stone). But if their promotion is National or bigger they will be in written contracts as owners. Even if you have them in written, if they become an owner they will leave the written contract in a week, like Jay Chord, Seiji Jimbo, Alex de Colt and at times Jeremy Stone
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[QUOTE=pepper2008;639655]when sam strong retires/dies she will be the owner, then you can sign her in ppv same as Alex De Colt (also at times with Jeremy Stone). But if their promotion is National or bigger they will be in written contracts as owners. Even if you have them in written, if they become an owner they will leave the written contract in a week, like Jay Chord, Seiji Jimbo, Alex de Colt and at times Jeremy Stone[/QUOTE] Like I said before, I KNOW that. But I rather not sign her to a PPA contract, especially if I'm already able to do written contracts. I think I managed to sign Bookers on a PPA contract in non-national promotions before, and then build them enough to steal them for a written contract.
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[I]OOC: It remains an annoyance that Sam hasn't retired - but then, neither has Rip and you'd think he'd want to spend some more time at home, enjoying his last years. I do wonder whether the two have been given an extra 'desire' stat by Adam, as discussed many times over the years...[/I] * The rumour mill has it that "Regular" Joe Benning will not be offered a contract renewal by FCW. Joe is a former MAW Tag Team champion, with Thomas Morgan, and has worked for FCW since their creation – but after six years in which 40 matches yielded just 6 wins, he's not really progressed as Puerto Rican Power and Shawn Gonzales would have hoped. Once thought to be a comparable prospect to Kirk Jameson, his best match in over 100 contests in the last six years remains a one-off Traditional title shot against Hugh de Aske, which he lost. * I’d been on hold for almost ten minutes, and had spent the time sorting through pictures of Patrick and Katie Jnr. The twins were three months old now, and already showing signs of what may be their future personalities. Katie was quiet, always watching what was going on around her. Patrick was the boisterous one, much happier being passed from person to person backstage. Katie was devoted to her parents – and Rip. Only Kristen and Heroe, for some reason, were acceptable substitutes. Patrick, on the other hand, practically leapt into the arms of anyone willing to hold him. I had a feeling that keeping an eye on him would turn out to be a full time job once he started moving. He was already ‘swimming’ in place, and I was assured that it would be days rather than weeks before he was crawling. I sighed, covering the mouthpiece just in case. Fifteen minutes now, and- [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“James?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Mr. Eisen, hello.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“Sorry to keep you waiting. We’ve been getting ready for this year’s bash.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“That’s fine, sir. I wanted to speak to you before you came down, though – I have a request to make of you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“What’s that?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“It’s regarding our deal – I would like to ask for permission to approach one of your workers.”[/COLOR] There was silence on the other end of the line. I counted one Mississippi, two Mississippis, three Missi- [COLOR="darkorange"]“I know who you want. Let me think about it. This deal was supposed to be absolute.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“You changed the terms of the deal when you offered us Jean and the others who’ve left us for you,”[/COLOR] I said, carefully. [COLOR="green"]“I’m hoping that there’s room for us to make the odd exception. I’m guessing that this guy isn’t someone you value too highly.”[/COLOR] Silence. More Mississippis. [COLOR="darkorange"]“No,” [/COLOR]he said, at last, drawing the word out as though unsure. [COLOR="darkorange"]“Okay, James. If he wants to talk to you, he can do. He may not want to, of course. He’s much more popular in Canada.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“He’s signed to you, and he’s just left FCW – Probably because they couldn’t afford to pay his wages, at a guess...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“And you can?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“If we can’t, we’ll go the same way as 4C.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“Or APW. How’s that boy Swoop doing, anyway?”[/COLOR] I shut my eyes. Swoop McCarthy wasn’t someone I wanted Richard paying too much attention to – he was a perfect fit for SWF, even more so that Kirk Jameson had been. I didn’t want him stolen before I had a chance to put him in the main event. [COLOR="green"]“He’s fine, Richard. Misses home, of course, but he’s a good kid.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]“I’m pleased to hear it. Well James, I’ll see you on Friday.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“I’m looking forward to it. Take care, sir.”[/COLOR] * [QUOTE] [I][CENTER]MAW.com Show Report – On Tour in Great Lakes Thursday, 18th September 2013[/CENTER] This is Rip Chord reporting to you from The Asylum here in Michigan We kicked off the show with a bang as tag champion Oscar Golden went toe-to-toe with Quentin Queen. Golden was able to outclass the youngster, eventually picking up the win with a Golden Shower. Next up, Flash Savage was in action as well, going up against Casey Valentine. As the match played out, Two Smoking Barrels and their manager Ernest Forthdyke-Hume, and The West Texas Lawmakers and their manager Haley Buck came down to ringside. Even with the potential for distractions, this was an even contest. However, it seemed that the champions were on a roll, with Savage picking up the win with a Golden Shower as The Mentor looked on unmoving. After the match, Valentine snatched at a microphone and, with The Mentor watching on, issued a challenge to the champions. [COLOR="Sienna"]“In the last three weeks, there’ve been six matches with you two against us, the Lawmakers, and Two Smoking Barrels. You’ve won three, and lost three – so why not face all three teams this Saturday with the titles on the line?”[/COLOR] In the ring, Golden, Valentine and Kristen Pearce looked around, finding the ring surrounded by their previous opponents, all of whom looked set to storm the ring if the Blondes didn’t agree. Antonio emerged from the back. [COLOR="sienna"]“Let’s turn it up a notch,”[/COLOR] he said, smirking. [COLOR="sienna"]“Let’s make it a ladder match.”[/COLOR] Golden, Valentine and Kristen Pearce conferred briefly before nodding – and fans, that’s the kind of match I like, so at Fall Of The King this Saturday, that’s the match we’ll have! Antonio seemed particularly eager to prove himself to The Mentor after his partner lost his match. With Valentine and The Mentor watching on, he took the fight to Kashmir Singh, keeping the Indian favourite on the back foot through liberal use of chokes and cheap shots. Singh tried to fight back, showing off his impressive strength, but in the end Antonio went to the air with a dropkick from the top rope and, looking very smug, smashed Singh into the mat with a Roman Conquest for the win. Backstage, Jared Johnson got into it with Lenny Brown as the All Action champion mocked Johnson’s technical style of wrestling, claiming that it wasn’t up to the job in today’s MAW. Well, that sort of thing can only lead to trouble for the champion, as Johnson challenged Brown to a submission match then and there – a challenge Brown had no choice but to accept, to his and Haley Buck’s considerable dismay when they remembered. The match itself was an interesting contest as Brown is hardly skilled in submission-style wrestling. Instead, he had to try and beat Johnson into giving up, breaking out his most vicious attacks from the bell. Johnson was able to break up the flow with some skilful reversals, but Brown from nowhere was able to score a stunning counter into a German suplex, dumping Johnson on the back of his head and scoring the win with a sleeperhold. Backstage, and Kristabel Plum confronted Jaime Quine, stating that everyone knew Quine had cheated her way into a title shot on Saturday. Quine took offence, and challenged Plum to a match there and then – which Plum accepted. The match was a thrilling affair, with Plum going after Quine’s boots at one point to try and prove that the #1 contender had a mickie stuffed in them. But Plum’s momentum was cut short in a split second as Quine unloaded with a brutal right hand that dropped Plum to the mat. One KO Kick later, and Quine had got some momentum on her side as she headed into Saturday’s title match. Fans, it’s time for me to head off for Nationwide. Make sure to check us out when we’re On Tour near you! Oscar Golden def. Quentin Queen – E+ Flash Savage def. Casey Valentine – E+ Antonio def. Kashmir Singh – D- Lenny Brown def. Jared Johnson – E+ Jaime Quine def. Kristabel Plum – D Overall: D[/I][/QUOTE] [I]Next: It's that time of year again...[/I]
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Good news for Quentin Queen in the wake of Thursday’s show, as he’s been signed to a PPA deal with RIPW. Queen has talent, no question, and working extra matches is never going to hurt, even if it’s only one extra match every month or two... * Tim Westybrook has signed a contract extension. Given how important he’s likely to be over the coming weeks and months, I thought it prudent to tie this business up early – although he’s gone from a year-long deal to a nine-month deal, so the actual extension is only six months. Still, no title promise with this deal – so for once I’m not stuck bouncing a title onto someone when they need be nowhere near it... * [COLOR="green"]“Ladies and gentlemen,”[/COLOR] I said, my arms spread wide. [COLOR="green"]“Welcome to Arkansas.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“This place smells weird,”[/COLOR] Mitch Naess said, looking around the musty entrance hall. Richard Eisen snorted, in perfect unison with Rip, who was skulking behind me. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“I’ve smelt worse, Nessy,”[/COLOR] Richard said, flashing a grin at Cliff Anderson and Honey Golightly. I suppressed a smile. Yes, the Arkansas Coliseum had a distinctive odour about it, but I’d barely noticed. The gathering of figures before me was still sufficiently surreal that I didn’t really notice. Tommy Cornell. Richard Eisen. Nemesis. Sam Strong. Phil Vibert. Mitch Naess. Alicia Strong. Victoria Stone. Sean McFly. I could go on. All of North American wrestling’s powerbrokers gathered in one place, with us as the host. Shame about the smell. Now that Mitch mentioned it, it was definitely penetrative. [COLOR="green"]“Well, I’m afraid you’ll have to forgive us the smell,” [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="green"]“Please, you’re our guests, join us upstairs for tonight’s show. We’ve got a few hours before bell time, and we’ve laid on some food and drink upstairs. Myself and Rip will be busy during the show, but Katie and Reese will be available to help out if you need anything.”[/COLOR] We trooped upstairs, and for the first time I felt a bit nervous. The Coliseum was better than the Sweat Box, just about, but I was looking forward to being back home for the big show the next day. Today was just a teaser – Richard and Tommy were donating their private planes to the cause to get everyone back to the Biker Museum after the show. First, there was mingling – always a fun way of spending your time. * Katie Jnr. was glued to my hip, slightly overwhelmed by all the new faces and voices around her. To my surprise, she had been delighted with Bruce The Giant. The monstrous Australian had whisked her up into the air, some nine feet above the ground as Katie squealed in delight. I shook my head – Bruce was a teddy bear in real life, but how many 250lb opponents had been lifted as easily over his head over the years? Patrick had latched onto Nemesis almost at first sight. The flame-haired wildman, ever-present stogie clamped unlit between his lips, had wandered off with my son and was now chatting amicably to Alex DeColt. Troy Winner wandered past. He looked a little bereft, his presence something of a kindness after the failure of 4C – but then, once you were a member of this club, you were a member for life, as the presence of Phil Vibert proved. Even if he hadn’t been back in the business with SWF, he’d have been here, just like Nemesis. It was the one weekend each year when professional rivalries were set aside. And even if Tommy and Richard would never be friends, here they could, at least, indulge in a game of poker. I’d deliberately avoided arranging gambling for this weekend, but I knew someone would have a deck of cards on them anyway. I’d learned that the previous year’s game was a recurring feature of the weekend. It wasn’t uncommon for workers’ contracts to be wagered during the game. Legend had it that Nemesis had won the right to that match with Tommy Cornell when he and Eisen had been the last men standing. Richard had been well in his cups at that point, the story goes, and hadn’t realised what he was agreeing to. Hadn’t realised that Nemesis had four kings, either. Do I believe the story? Richard and Nemesis were the only ones there, and Richard doesn’t speak about that match. Nemesis, on the other hand, has spun so many stories about it that no-one knows what the truth is. I believe it more than I believe the story about the compromising photos of Richard that Nemesis has, at least. I walked up to Alex and Nemesis. [COLOR="green"]“Nemesis, trade?”[/COLOR] I said, deftly picking up Patrick and dropping Katie into his arms. On cue, my daughter took one look at the grizzled face on the sometime John Campbell and began to grizzle. [COLOR="green"]“Oh, sorry,”[/COLOR] I said, as my daughter’s cries began to increase in volume. [COLOR="green"]“Better go find her mum. I think I saw her talking to Holly earlier...”[/COLOR] Nemesis shot me a panicked look – if I’d ever managed to make him do that during our matches twenty years ago, I could have been a star – and headed off in search of the older Katie. [COLOR="Blue"]“Smooth,”[/COLOR] Alex said, smiling appreciatively. [COLOR="blue"]“What can I do for you, James?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“What makes you think I want something?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="blue"]“Because I’ve just left FCW,” [/COLOR]he said, as Puerto Rican Power strode past, ignoring him. [COLOR="blue"]“And so I’m on the market.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Well? How about it?” [/COLOR]I asked [COLOR="green"]“You know you’ll get a push, and you’ll get to work with some great talents here. And besides, don’t you want to help another one of the little guys?”[/COLOR] He regarded me critically. Alex DeColt has been groomed almost from the day that CGC opened to take over from his old man, and was held by many to be one of the smartest men in the business. I was determined to pass muster. [COLOR="blue"]“Let me watch tonight’s show and see,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="blue"]“I don’t get much of a chance to catch your shows now you’re only on the air here in the States.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“I think you’ll enjoy it,” [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="green"]“We’ve got a good lineup. It’s just a shame that Phoenix and Heroe can’t be here tonight – but they’ll be on the show tomorrow.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Let me see,”[/COLOR] he said, non-committaly. [COLOR="blue"]“Ah, here comes trouble...”[/COLOR] He slipped away as I turned to face Katie – and Katie. The younger one was quiet again, but holding on tight to her mother, still somewhat pink in the face. The older one had an expression on her face that I’d come to recognise. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Did you make Katie cry so that you could talk business with a wrestler?”[/COLOR] she said, her tone low and calm, but her expression one of exasperation, and a certain amount of anger. [COLOR="Green"]“Ah, now...”[/COLOR] I began, my mind whilring frantically as I tried to think of a way of justifying myself. As I stammered through an explanation that, on balance, wasn’t really good enough, I found myself hoping that Alex DeColt was worth it. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Lassana Makutsi vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – Traditional title Alicia Strong and Eddie Powell vs. Tim Westybrook and Joanne Rodriguez “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Ruin Plus: Aaron Andrews will be in action[/CENTER]
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Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] – Traditional title [I]Swoop to retain[/I] [B]Alicia Strong and Eddie Powell[/B] vs. Tim Westybrook and Joanne Rodriguez [I]Total coin flip, I'll stump for the face this time.[/I] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Ruin[/B] [I]Ruin continues his push as the biggest bad-ass right now in MAW[/I]
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MAW Nationwide Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy [/B](c) – Traditional title Alicia Strong and Eddie Powell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook and Joanne Rodriguez[/B] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Ruin[/B] Plus: Aaron Andrews will be in action...[B]and will win.[/B]
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] (c) – Traditional title Alicia Strong and Eddie Powell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook and Joanne Rodriguez[/B] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Ruin[/B] Plus: Aaron Andrews will be in action
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Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] – Traditional title Alicia Strong and Eddie Powell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook and Joanne Rodriguez[/B] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs.[B] Ruin[/B] Plus:[B] Aaron Andrews[/B] will be in action
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Seconded. MAW Nationwide Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] – Traditional title [I]Champ retains...not yet ready for bigger things[/I] Alicia Strong and Eddie Powell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook and Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [I]Powell seems to be the weak(est) link here[/I] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Ruin[/B] [I]Dozer ain't going to be stopping Ruin. Also he could possibly do with freshening up his character.[/I] Plus: Aaron Andrews will be in action
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;640527]By the way, just had a chance to read through that segment again. Great post. I love the backstage stuff. It consistently leaves me wanting more.[/QUOTE] [I]OOC: I do try :p I wouldn't want to do it more than once a 'year' but having all these guys around offers plenty of potential for fun.[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 19th September 2013[/CENTER][/B] The show began with Sara Silverman and Tim Westybrook in the ring. Silverman took a mic: [COLOR="Gray"]“My client and I would like to issue a challenge to Eddie Powell. Last week, my client was on the verge of winning a classic match. Mr. Chord rewards not only success, but entertainment – and when The Mentor and his followers interfered in the match, not only did my client lose out on the winner’s share of the purse, he also missed out on an entertainment bonus. Eddie Powell, you would have lost last week – but you too would have received an entertainment bonus. I propose that you and my client have another match tomorrow, and you can share in the spoils, while my client can pick up his victory bonus.”[/COLOR] Eddie Powell emerged from the back. The taciturn star looked slightly offended. [COLOR="Blue"]“[I]I[/I] missed out on [I]my[/I] win bonus. I accept your challenge.”[/COLOR] * Swoop McCarthy came down to the ring, casting a superior look around him. [COLOR="Teal"]“Swoop McCarthy has reigned as Traditional champion for several weeks now, and so far there has been no challenge worthy of the name. But last week, a former MAW World and Traditional champion returned to the company from some sort of self-imposed exile. That’s the kind of challenge that Swoop deserves... so Aaron Andrews, come out here tonight and face the greatest Traditional champion this company has ever seen. Don’t keep Swoop waiting, Aaron!”[/COLOR] There was no response. Swoop looked smug. [COLOR="Teal"]“Well, if you’re not willing to fight, that must make Swoop the winner by forfeit. That looks good in the history books: Swoop McCarthy 1, Aaron Andrews 0.”[/COLOR] Before he could continue, Lassana Makutsi stepped out onto the stage. [COLOR="Blue"]“No, Swoop McCarthy, that is not how you win matches. I have been a champion, and I can tell you that matches are won and lost in the ring. You do not ‘win’ because you challenge someone who has no interest in facing you. You win by defeating your opponent. And until you do that... You have won nothing. And since you have won nothing, you do not deserve that belt around your waist. So allow me to relieve you of your burden.”[/COLOR] Swoop raised his chin in disdain, before beckoning Makutsi down to the ring. * [B]Lassana Makutsi vs. Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] This was something of a test match for Makutsi, who to my mind is a potential star... So why not test him against a further potential star? The result was encouraging, as we’ve had worse matches on TV, and while Swoop stood out as the better worker, it wasn’t by so much as to bury the challenger, who held his own against the all-action McCarthy, before succumbing to a Running Powerslam. Winner: Swoop McCarthy (D+) * Joanne Rodriguez was backstage. She rapped on a dressing room door. Her knock was answered by Alicia Strong. [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello Joanne, can I offer you a cup of tea?”[/COLOR] Alicia asked, sweetly. [COLOR="Blue"]“Shove it, Strong. I’m getting sick of you, always coming in here and spoiling things for me.” “Excuse me?” “You cost me my place in the title tournament. You cost me a shot at the title tomorrow night-“ “If I remember correctly, you attacked your own partner last week.” “If you hadn’t been there, I would have fought Quine and beat her.” “And if my father was a woman, he’d be my mother,”[/COLOR] Alicia said with a smirk, before her voice became sweet again. [COLOR="Blue"]“No, Joanne, I’m sorry – you have no-one to blame but yourself.”[/COLOR] Alicia turned away, allowing Rodriguez to grab her by the hair and throw her to the floor. Straddling her fallen opponent, she tried to choke her, only to be dragged off her by a flurry of backstage workers. [COLOR="Blue"]“You want to show you deserve success?” [/COLOR]Strong spat, the sweetness gone from her voice, her tone now all business as she glared at Rodriguez, who was fighting to break free of her captors. [COLOR="Blue"]“Fine. Tomorrow night. You and me, one on one. You’ve never been able to beat me, Joanne – maybe you’re just not as good as you think you are.”[/COLOR] * The camera cut to ringside, where Rip looked gleeful. [COLOR="Purple"]“It seems like we’ve got two more matches made for tomorrow night... but why wait? Let’s have Strong and Powell taking on Westybrook and Rodriguez in a tag match right now.”[/COLOR] He paused, and checked his cellphone which had started to buzz urgently. [COLOR="Purple"]“And yes, Miss Silverman, your client will be paid for his match.”[/COLOR] * [B]Alicia Strong and Eddie Powell vs. Tim Westybrook and Joanne Rodriguez[/B] This was a decent taster for the following night’s matches, and had the fans enthralled. Powell and Westybrook mesh remarkably well, while Rodriguez and Strong are proven at bringing out results. If this wasn’t quite up to the sum of its parts, it was still one of the best tag matches ever seen, perhaps slightly stilted by the rigid mixed match rules that prevented double-teaming in the way a normal team would. In the end, as Powell went airborne over the top rope to take Westybrook out on the arena floor, Strong caught J-Ro with an Angel Driver to score the win, and her first defeat of her nemesis. Winners: Strong and Powell (C) * As Rodriguez glared at Powell, who stood on the ramp looking back at the ring, we speculated on who would come out on top in their match – and who would emerge from the match the following night between Suzanne Brazzle and Jaime Quine as the Women’s champion. [COLOR="Blue"]“Can the straightforward skills of the champion overcome the unprecedented striking power of Jaime Quine?”[/COLOR] Rock asked. * Brandon Smith was pacing backstage. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah don’t like what’s been going on around here these last weeks,”[/COLOR] he growled. [COLOR="Blue"]“And Ah’ve got a mind to set things right. This Ruin monster seems tough, but it’s all mind games. Ah may be a simple soul, but Ah know how to treat boohuckey like that. Ah smash it flat, and stamp all over it. “Ruin, Mentor... even that weirdo Raphael. Ah don’t mind if you want to talk big. Hell, ah’ll fight to the death to defend your right to talk as big as you like. But when you starte getting physical... That’s a whole other ball game, boys. Ah’ve had to sit and watch for too long – but that just means that Ah’m rested and rarin’ to go. And Ruin, you better watch yourself, boy. It used to be I was a member of the Watch here in MAW. I stood up for what was right. And with my old leader havin’ a real beef with you... Well, it only seems fittin’ that I step up and take a swing...”[/COLOR] * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Ruin[/B] In the absence of Firebird and Heroe, Smith was one of the workers drafted up from On Tour to work a match. If I was hoping for the B rated heroics of his mini-feud with Tim Westybrook, I was disappointed as they turned out an acceptable offering that was a step below the previous match. Part of that was the time allocated to it – as with the main event and high number of angles scheduled for the show, this was the match that could most afford to be shortened. Still, that affected the flow of the match as Brandon Smith is a worker who could conceivably take Ruin down a notch or two. Mostly what lost out was Smith’s offence, with Ruin remaining dominant – but the fans were ready to see Ruin handed something approaching a beating, even if no-one expected Smith to be the one to do it, and so when Ruin scored with the Descent Into Hell after just even minutes for the win, the fans were left somewhat deflated. Winner: Ruin (D+) * After the bell, Ruin got to his feet, looking winded but otherwise unperturbed. He picked Smith up, hauling him into position for a second Descent Into Hell. Instead of hitting the move, however, he paused, his eyes fixed on the man who had just stepped out onto the stage. The World champion, “Machine” Jean Cattley. [COLOR="Navy"]“Leave him, or you never get a shot at my title,”[/COLOR] Cattley declared. Ruin looked at Mentor, who nodded once. Ruin dropped Smith like a stone. [COLOR="Navy"]“So you want a title match? What am I supposed to think, Ruin? Or should I speak to you, Mentor? Do you think that all these attacks would convince me? I don’t have any allegiance to the people you’ve attacked. They’re adults. They’re professionals. They step into the ring at their own risk. “But... you attacked me. That went a long way to convincing me. What shall I do, do you think? Do I withhold your match, as punishment for your actions in the last weeks?”[/COLOR] He paused, and waited as the crowd booed this idea. [COLOR="Navy"]“Or,”[/COLOR] he said, and his voice grew cold as the intensity of the glare that he fixed on Ruin deepened, [COLOR="Navy"]“do I agree to the match, and beat the hell out of you as punishment for attacking me and all the people that I represent as this company’s World champion?” [/COLOR] The fans cheered this idea, and Jean smiled. [COLOR="Navy"]“The people have spoken. Tomorrow night, in the Mid Atlantic, you get your match.”[/COLOR] * Jean made his way to the ring, passing Ruin and The Mentor as they stalked up the ramp. The two sides carefully ignored one another or, in Ruin’s case, appeared so fixated on something in the mid-distance that it was possible he didn’t even realise that Jean was there. Before they got to the top of the ramp, however, the video screen flickered and the crowd popped at the sight of El Heroe Mexicano appearing on the screen. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Mentor, you and I have crossed paths a few times now. You keep getting in the ring, but when you first came here you said that you weren’t the kind of guy who got physical. Well, I think that was a lie, the same as anything else you say, I expect. Mentor, it seems like you’re just as ready to get into a fight as I am... so tomorrow night, I say we do just that. “Oh, maybe you’ll say you’re not a fighter, you need back up to do your dirty work for you. That’s fine. Bring along Raphael, or whoever else you might want to fight with you. That’s okay – I got a partner to stand with me to. “See you tomorrow, big man.”[/COLOR] Somehow, Mentor’s cowled face displayed a whole range of emotions – fear, anger, even hatred. Before he could react beyond that, though, Ruip Chord’s voice filled the arena. [COLOR="Purple"]“Sounds like a good idea to me,”[/COLOR] he declared. [COLOR="Purple"]“Mentor, if you want to get physical with my talent, you have to be prepared to pay the price. And that means that tomorrow night, you and Raphael will take on Firebird and El Heroe Mexicano.”[/COLOR] * As the MAW staff helped Brandon Smith to the back, Jean checked on him quickly before once again raising the mic to his mouth. [COLOR="Navy"]“Unlike Swoop McCarthy, when I speak, there are people who listen. There’s a lot of reasons for that, but one of them is that I’m the World champion. So I’d like to extend a challenge tonight to Aaron Andrews.”[/COLOR] Aaron emerged from the back, looking surprised. [COLOR="Navy"]“Now, you and I haven’t had too much to do with one another, Aaron. You came to SWF around the time I left, and while we had a match a while back, I don’t think that I got you at your best. You see, that’s a problem for me. I need to know, as the champion of this company, that I can beat anyone on the roster. Even if you’re only here for a few days or weeks, you’re one of the best around. So tonight I want to face you one on one. No title on the line – I just want to see if I can beat you before I go against Ruin tomorrow night. What do you say?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“You’re right. We’ve never had that much in common – probably we never will. But I did always wonder when I held that title... Could I have beaten you? You’re a tough man to beat, Cattley – that’s been shown time and again. I accept your challenge. I’m only sorry after he attacked me last week that it’s just going to be me softening you up for Ruin tomorrow.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Aaron Andrews[/B] Good, simple, catch-as-catch-can wrestling from bell to bell. Champion and opponent worked well together, although they’ve never really brought out the best in each other, which is one of the reasons I’ve never wanted to put them in a long feud. Plus the other stuff... Anyway, Aaron won back some of his fans with a display of clean wrestling that the fans enjoyed, reminding people that he can be a very good wrestler on his day. Cattley seemed somewhat slower than normal, and on commentary we noted that his beating at the hands of Ruin seemed to have taken more out of him than he was prepared to let on. Ultimately, it cost him a valuable, momentum-building win as he was unable to capitalise on a potentially match winning Mood Swing, instead seeing both men flat on their backs as the bell rang to mark the end of the match Winner: No-one (C) * The two men climbed slowly to their feet. Cattley was clearly hurting, and for a second Andrews looked at him as though he might attack. But slowly, achingly, Cattley extended a hand to Andrews. The crowd popped as Andrews regarded the outstretched hand for a long, long moment, before slowly meeting it with his own as the two headliners showed their respect for one another. [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I]Next: A private jet lifestyle[/I]
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[I]OOC: Surprisingly, it's not the worst match on the show...[/I] For the first time, Nationwide was held at the Arkansas Coliseum in the South East region. This 2,000 seat venue (of which we filled 1,862 seats, plus the comped seats for our fellow bookers, owners etc.) looks like it could be the new home of MAW when we venture down this way. At least the air conditioning works, unlike the Sweat Box... Shame about the smell... * We drew a 0.02 rating once more. I found this out in the back of Richard’s private jet. Rip had gone with Tommy, as it was clear that there was still tension between the two men. I shook my head, wondering if would ever let up. Rip had confided to me once that Richard and he had agreed that rehab was the best place for him. Eisen had paid for the two years Rip spent drying out, money that Rip had repaid once he was back in work. Yes, Rip had damaged SWF with his actions in his last few weeks in the company, but for all he’d given to the company, I somehow felt that Richard felt that Rip was more in credit that Rip himself thought he was. Whatever. Their relationship was up to them – they were more than old enough to deal with it themselves. One thing that I did know was that Rip had been feeling the strain of late. The Moment of Madness shows would be put on hiatus after this weekend’s show. A few of the hirees would be retained, but most would be returning to the unemployment line. That was unfortunate, but there wasn’t anything to be done about it. We’d hired a new road agent, finally replacing Heidi Brooks in the younger form of Reese Paige. Paige had quickly forged a bond with Rip, having worked in Japan at the same time as him in the mid-late 1990s, and she had quickly become an integral part of the MAW decision-making process. Where Rip was conservative and would have run a show or two a month in the Mid Atlantic indefinitely, and I was keen to expand quickly and aggressively, Reese was the moderate voice in the middle – advising us to strengthen our core areas to survive what now seemed to be the inevitable rise to Cult. I stared out the plane’s window, watching as the ground receded beneath us. We’d never quite settled on a constant strategy as far as business went. It wasn’t Rip’s strength, nor was it mine. Going with what seemed right at the time had worked thus far. Then Reese had looked at the books, noted the $100k loss since we got TV, and decreed that it was time to focus ourselves. I drifted off, awakening a short time later as someone settled into the seat beside me. [COLOR="Blue"]“Hi James,” [/COLOR]Alex said. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve been thinking about your offer...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“You won’t be joining us?”[/COLOR] He shook his head. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s nothing personal. I want to spend some more time at home. Working for the SWF is a blast, but CGC is home.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I understand.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Reese said that you had a slot lined up for me during the show tomorrow.”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, to show you there’s no hard feelings... I can suggest someone you can use in that slot instead.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Who?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“How’d you feel about taking one of my brothers on loan?”[/COLOR] I thought about it. There were only one or two workers on the MAW roster that CGC might be interested in as an exchange, but... [COLOR="Green"]“Pretty good, actually. Let me tell you what we were thinking...”[/COLOR] * The North Carolina Biker Museum is home to some of the most classic motorcycles in history. Steve McQueen’s bike from The Great Escape is here, as is one of the Street Hawk bikes. That’s about the limit of my knowledge. I can appreciate the look of bikes, but I’ve always preferred cars myself. Christian Faith, however, walked into the museum’s grand hall with a look on his face as though he’d died and gone to Hell’s Angels heaven. The vacationing legend moved from bike to bike with a look of rapture on his face. He didn’t discriminate in any way, selecting American or Japanese bikes with equal enthusiasm, and even favouring an old British Triumph for special praise. [COLOR="Blue"]“Like a kid in a candy store,”[/COLOR] George DeColt said, smiling indulgently as he watched Faith try and contain his enthusiasm. One or two other bike fans were also taking the tour, including Tyson Baine and Eric Eisen. [COLOR="Green"]“How are you, sir?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“George, please,” [/COLOR]he said, with a laugh. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m well. Giving up the business has agreed with me – I feel a lot better now than I ever did when I was running the company.”[/COLOR] I nodded. I was looking forward to going back to two shows a week. [COLOR="Blue"]“Alex said you offered him a job?”[/COLOR] he went on. When I nodded, he smiled. [COLOR="Blue"]“Listen, you’re doing good work here. I ran through your show tonight with your Miss Paige. It sounds like it should be fun – even if you’re getting a bit close to Sports Entertainment.”[/COLOR] I shrugged. [COLOR="Green"]“It’s a small roster. I can only have straight matches with clean finishes so many times. It’s not too much, is it?”[/COLOR] George chuckled. [COLOR="Blue"]“No, not at all. I admire your restraint, in a way. You’ve been here, what, five or six years?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Nearly six.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You’ve done well in that time. I think that’ll be recognised, at the end of the year.”[/COLOR] I frowned. George was well known in the industry as being an influential member of the tew.com year end awards. Recognition on the list was a sure sign of a company doing well. Rip and I didn’t discuss it often, but we both wanted that recognition. Other than one or two of our workers picking up individual mentions in the lower reaches of the top 100, we’d not seen any action – but a Most Improved Promotion award would be nice... [COLOR="Blue"]“If you’ll excuse me, I need to find Jack. Nice to see you again, James,”[/COLOR] he said, walking off with the vigour of a man ten or more years younger. [COLOR="Blue"]“Hey, has anyone got any cards?”[/COLOR] I heard Jerry Eisen ask, from somewhere behind me. Rolling my eyes, I walked off – Rip had asked me to make sure that he didn’t get into any dodgy bets this time. Speaking of which, where was Jay Chord? * [CENTER][B]MAW Fall Of The King[/B] El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix vs. The Mentor and Raphael The Canadian Blondes (c) vs. Two Smoking Barrels vs. The Second Sons vs. The West Texas Lawmakers – MAW Tag Team titles – ladder match Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez Suzanne Brazzle (c) vs. Jaime Quine – MAW Women’s title Eddie Powell vs. Tim Westybrook “Machine” Jean Cattley (c) vs. Ruin – MAW World title Plus: Swoop McCarthy will be in action[/CENTER]
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[B]MAW Fall Of The King El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix[/B] vs. The Mentor and Raphael [B]The Canadian Blondes (c)[/B] vs. Two Smoking Barrels vs. The Second Sons vs. The West Texas Lawmakers – MAW Tag Team titles – ladder match Alicia Strong vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]Suzanne Brazzle (c)[/B] vs. Jaime Quine – MAW Women’s title Eddie Powell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley (c)[/B] vs. Ruin – MAW World title
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[B]El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix[/B] vs. The Mentor and Raphael The Canadian Blondes (c) vs. [B]Two Smoking Barrels[/B] vs. The Second Sons vs. The West Texas Lawmakers – MAW Tag Team titles – ladder match Alicia Strong vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] (c) vs. Jaime Quine – MAW Women’s title Eddie Powell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] (c) vs. Ruin – MAW World title Plus: Swoop McCarthy will be in action
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[B]El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix[/B] vs. The Mentor and Raphael The Canadian Blondes (c) vs. Two Smoking Barrels vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] vs. The West Texas Lawmakers – MAW Tag Team titles – ladder match Alicia Strong vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]Suzanne Brazzle (c)[/B] vs. Jaime Quine – MAW Women’s title Eddie Powell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley (c)[/B] vs. Ruin – MAW World title Plus: Swoop McCarthy will be in action
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[B]El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix[/B] vs. The Mentor and Raphael [I]I know the Mentor's group is being built as the new major heel threat, but there is too much talent on the other side for you to job out Mexicano and Phoenix to The Mentor (just who is the Mentor ?!) and his lackey[/I] The Canadian Blondes (c) vs. Two Smoking Barrels vs. The Second Sons vs. The West Texas Lawmakers – MAW Tag Team titles – ladder match [I]The Blondes currently the best of a mediocre Tag Division (no matter how hard you try) will keep hold of the belts[/I]. Alicia Strong vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [I]Just have this feeling that Alicia will always have one over on J-Ro whenever she comes to visit MAW.[/I] [B]Suzanne Brazzle (c)[/B] vs. Jaime Quine – MAW Women’s title [I]Fool Brazzle once, Quine shame on you, fool her twice shame on her. Can't see Brazzle falling to the same 'loaded boot' trick twice, which no doubt Quine will try.[/I] Eddie Powell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [I]Westybrook to cement his spot as title contender with another win over Powell.[/I] [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley (c)[/B] vs. Ruin – MAW World title [I]Cattley will retain but it'll be by DQ, as Ruin continues to look a serious threat.[/I]
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[B]MAW Fall Of The King[/B] El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix vs. [B]The Mentor and Raphael[/B] [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] (c) vs. Two Smoking Barrels vs. The Second Sons vs. The West Texas Lawmakers – MAW Tag Team titles – ladder match [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Joanne Rodriguez [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] (c) vs. Jaime Quine – MAW Women’s title Eddie Powell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] (c) vs. Ruin – MAW World title Plus: [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] will be in action
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[B]El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix [/B]vs. The Mentor and Raphael [B]The Canadian Blondes (c)[/B] vs. Two Smoking Barrels vs. The Second Sons vs. The West Texas Lawmakers – MAW Tag Team titles – ladder match Alicia Strong vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]Suzanne Brazzle (c) [/B]vs. Jaime Quine – MAW Women’s title Eddie Powell vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] “Machine” Jean Cattley (c) vs. [B]Ruin[/B] – MAW World title
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