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[I]OOC: Reply #1500. Thanks to all the contributors over the last 13 months - all 111 (if I counted right) of you.[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 12th November 2013[/CENTER][/B] [B]Enygma, Ricky DeColt and Remmy Skye vs. Rudy Velasquez, Tim Westybrook and Lenny Brown[/B] Spinning off from the Velasquez/Enygma conflict, this was our last chance to use the masked man and DeColt before they returned to their respective companies. Skye got a rub from teaming with the two stars, while Velasquez got to go toe to toe with his three opponents, and Westybrook looked typically dominant. It was Brown who proved to be the weak link, as he was unable to keep up with the three fan favourites, and was eventually pinned by Skye after a Skye Diver. After the bell, Haley Buck looked less than impressed with her client’s performance. Winners: Enygma, DeColt and Skye (C-) * Rip Chord entered the ring, and looked as though he was about to launch into a long speech about the merits of The Cult Of Chord. However, his microphone was cut off before he could speak, and before he had the chance to find a working one, Jean Cattley’s music played over the PA. [COLOR="Navy"]“Hello, Rip. I know that this is the time that you like to talk about how great you are, and what wonderful things you’ll do when you’ve eradicated me and my friends from this company. I though I’d pre-empt you, if you don’t mind. You see, I wanted to make an announcement about a return to the company. Last week, KC Glenn rejoined us, and it made me think... “You see, I can keep sniping at you and your group as long as I’m drawing breath, but one man against many is always going to struggle. Last week, KC helped me, and it made me think about a time when I wasn’t fighting on my own. There was a time when everyone in this company knew to be wary of myself and my allies. If you don’t remember, Rip, then ask Casey – he signed on to get the guidance he’s been looking for his entire career. “Rip, I’ve been asking around, and there’s a few people who’re concerned about your plans to try and turn this company into a kindergarten – or, at least, to hand it over to Casey, which would be worse. So I’m formally announcing that as of tonight I’ll be joining forces with Eddie Powell and Fumihiro Ota.”[/COLOR] The two men emerged from backstage and took up position on either side of Jean. [COLOR="Purple"]“Well, that’s all very well,”[/COLOR] Rip said, having found a working microphone. [COLOR="Purple"]“But this is exactly what I’ve been talking about. The three of you have all had your chances in your career. You’re on the way down. You should recognise that, and stop trying to fight the inevitable.”[/COLOR] Jean shook his head.[COLOR="Navy"] “Rip, we know we’re not young anymore – not by the standards of this business, or by any sport. The youngest of us is several years older than Ruin, after all. “But it’s not just us. Joining us will be KC Glenn,”[/COLOR] Glenn emerged and took up position beside Ota, [COLOR="Navy"]“and the lucha superstar, El Heroe Mexicano.”[/COLOR] Heroe was the last man to appear. He took up position beside Powell. [COLOR="Navy"]“We’ll be seeing you around, Rip. In fact, Heroe and Eddie want a shot at the tag team titles at Remember November. Do you have a problem with that?”[/COLOR] Rip scowled, and snapped back, [COLOR="Purple"]“Hell no. But make no mistake, they won’t win. In fact, they can have one on one matches against my boys tonight, and you can see the beating in store for them.”[/COLOR] Jean nodded. [COLOR="Navy"]“That’s fine. In the meantime, Rip, just remember that from here on in, your Cult Of Chord is going to be dogged every step of the way by... The Firm.”[/COLOR] * [B]Eddie Powell vs. Casey Valentine[/B] This was a relatively short match. Powell had the best of the early going, but when Valentine evaded a corner charge, Powell took a heavy hit. Taking advantage of the mistake, Valentine feigned injury to distract the referee, allowing Antonio to charge down to the ring and, as Powell was struggling back to his feet, crack the former DaVE star in the back of the head with a title belt. From there, Valentine nailed a Heartbreaker for the win. Winner: Casey Valentine (D) * After his win, Casey Valentine got in the face of the still-groggy Powell and taunted the defeated man. Heroe sprinted down to ringside and pushed him away, covering his stable-mate and forcing Valentine to back down. In the meantime, Antonio slid into the ring and beckoned Heroe in for their match. Heroe quickly entered as well, while Valentine loitered at ringside, his intent obvious. * [B]El Heroe Mexicano vs. Antonio[/B] This match was a bit longer, and better, but it bothers me that we’re giving so much time to the Sons when, frankly, they don’t deliver. Swoop McCarthy was delivering better matches when he had no overness in the USA. We’ll keep trying with them, but honestly, after almost six years I suspect they’re not going to get any better. As an aside, this may be Heroe’s worst match in MAW. Anyway, it was a case of karmic vengeance as a fairly even match lead Valentine to try and interfere on his partner’s behalf – only for the interference to backfire as Heroe ducked and Valentine nailed Antonio instead, leaving him prey to a Flying Headbutt that gave the masked man the win. Winner: El Heroe Mexicano (D+) * The camera cut to Rip, who looked cross with the result of the last match. [COLOR="Purple"]“Jean Cattley has been petitioning the Board of Directors for a rematch against Ruin, without any justification. He lost his last chance, and as far as I’m concerned deserves no further opportunity. That he’s been striving to ---- me off is neither here nor there,”[/COLOR] he added, with a smirk. [COLOR="Purple"]“No, the undefeated Ruin will be facing a new opponent at Remember November – a young man who earned his place in MAW, and has looked impressive in his subsequent appearances. Ruin will be facing Remmy Skye for the World title in just over a week’s time.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley and KC Glenn vs. Ruin and Ernest Youngman[/B] The rivalry between Cattley and Ruin took something of a backseat in this match, not least because Youngman and Glenn were so eager to go after one another from the bell. It appears that the two have developed an instant dislike of one another following Glenn’s spoiling of last week’s party. The two were almost a blur of constant motion in the early going, so much so that the crowd was ready for a breather when Cattley or Ruin entered the fray. Ruin and Glenn made for an interesting contrast, but the youngster would not back down, despite taking a heavy pounding that showed he still had a lot to learn. Youngman yucked it up on the outside, but he had his own lessons to learn when Cattley took him to school. However, it was Youngman who came out on top when the two resumed their battle at the end of the match, with a well-timed elbow from Ruin on the outside stunning Glenn, and allowing Youngman to nail The Hit to score the win. Winners: Ruin and Youngman (C) * Alicia Strong and Lauren Easter were backstage, eyeing one another warily as they awaited the call for their match. Lauren muttered something under her breath, which made Alicia snap back. Lauren spat something unrepeatable at the USPW owner, who scowled, before taking a step forward. Lauren quickly retreated behind a backstage worker, who looked momentarily worried as Strong came forward, before Alicia cooled off enough to back off, stalking off-screen in high dudgeon as Easter smirked from her place of safety. * [B]Alicia Strong vs. Lauren Easter[/B] In Rodriguez, Strong and Easter MAW now possess the top three women’s workers in the country – maybe even the world. The pairing of Rodriguez and Easter threatens to be a dominant one in the coming weeks, months and maybe even years. If one person can threaten that dominance, though, it’s Alicia Strong – the prodigiously talented daughter of the legendary Sam Strong. The two women put together a stunning display of fast-paced technical wrestling that was refreshingly free of outside distractions, despite the issues between Strong and J-Ro, and Brazzle and Easter. The match see-sawed back and forth, with Easter proving herself to be capable of going up against Strong without looking out of her depth. She continually tried to provoke Strong, and the USPW owner responded each time at first, before gradually cottoning on to Easter’s tactics and getting her head back into the game. The crowd roared their approval for the action as each woman came close to scoring the win – but in the end, the bell rang at the end of twenty minutes with neither woman having been able to score the victory. Winner: No-one (B-) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I]OOC: Who's leaving MAW? And who [U]might[/U] be coming back...[/I]
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Jaime Quine’s contract has been allowed to expire. Although a talented worker, she was demanding pay parity with Lauren Easter, as well as a midcard title run. We weren’t prepared to offer either, so at this time we have agreed to part ways. It’s an amicable split, however, and with Alicia’s arrival we were looking to cut at least one member of the Women’s division. Quine had come a long way recently, and had benefited from additional exposure with USPW. Unfortunately for us, that had seen her grow in popularity in areas that MAW doesn’t visit, so while she was worth the money for AAA and USPW, she wasn’t for us. * One nice thing about our recent growth (thanks to TV exposure) is that we’re now one of the top-rated companies worldwide, for our size. In fact, I believe we’re the biggest Regional company anywhere in the world – with all the attendant bonuses. Workers that we share with other Regional companies will choose us every time. Workers who left us but stuck with other companies can be brought back when they have space on their schedule, and we’ll be at or near the top of their priorities. The damage done by Nelson Callum’s drugs bust has finally been eradicated. And that means that one or two workers who we’ve been high on, but who have left us for the sake of their careers, may be returning. All of which means I’m excited. Very excited. * [QUOTE] [I][CENTER]MAW.com Show Report – On Tour in Great Lakes Thursday 18th November 2013[/CENTER] Hello everyone, I’m Reese Paige and this is the On Tour report this week. We’re hailing from the famous Perry Hall in Kentucky tonight, for what should be a great night of MAW action. We opened with a contest between All Action contenders Marc Speed and Bradford Peverall. The two men brawled from the beginning of the match, a tactic that favoured Peverall. The rangy puncher was able to keep Speed off-centre until he nailed the Dream Left Hook for the win. The Second Sons waved the Tag Team title belts in the faces of ex-champions The Canadian Blondes ahead of the Blondes’ rematch. They seemed confident that they could win, and began the match on fire. The Blondes, however, have never been known for giving up easily, and used their greater experience as a team to put the champions on the back foot. Before the Blondes could capitalise, however, Antonio and Valentine bailed out of the ring, grabbed their belts and walked off – leaving the ex-champions to win the match, but only by countout. It’s clear that the rivalry between Thea Davis and Nadia Snow will not be easily contained, but at Remember November they will have a one-on-one match. Ahead of that, they squared off in mixed tag action, taking Justin Sensitive and Phil Jerome as their partners. Snow seemed freaked out by Sensitive’s chimp companion, and this seemed to cause her to lose her focus. For the first time, she went up against Thea Davis without trying any tricks. Snow took a pasting, however, which seemed to throw her – and she quickly tagged out to Jerome. He, in turn, was overrun by Sensitive, who in fairly short order was able to squeeze a submission from the youngster with a Full Sensor Experience. Dazzling Dave Diamond next challenged Raphael to a Dog Collar Match. The two men had a short match where the chain seemed to prevent them putting their most moves into play. Ultimately, Raphael was able to catch Diamond in a sleeperhold to secure victory and retain his All Action title. Rip Chord announced that he was still unsure whether to keep on Kristabel Plum or Brooke Tyler, and ordered them to face one another to see whether they were worth keeping on. Neither woman seemed comfortable in the match, but with Chord glowering at ringside, Tyler was able to step up her game, and scored the win with a handful of tights. Unapologetic after the match, Tyler was about to walk away from the ring when Plum spun her around to continue her argument. With Chord calling on her to “Stay focused!”, Tyler decked Plum with a hard right as Chord cackled in the back ground, before lighting one of his nasty cigars as he applauded Tyler out of the ring. The unrepentant woman turned to look back at the motionless Plum, before walking away as though she hadn’t a care in the world. Next, GB Wood called out Jean Cattley. He said that he had no problems with Cattley or the way he lived his life. Every indication was that he was a serious and respectful competitor – exactly the sort of person Wood wanted to fight to test himself. Cattley agreed to the match, and the two had a fairly even contest, with a number of points where the two wrestled to a stalemate. Ultimately, however, Cattley’s greater experience allowed him to find the winning track, and he scored with a Mood Swing for the win. Haley Buck explained that she had asked for the final match as a test for Lenny Brown. He had ignored her advice on a number of occasions, leading to him losing the All Action title and the paydays that came with it. If he couldn’t beat El Heroe Mexicano in their rematch, then she would fire him as her client. Brown looked furious, and channelled that anger into attacking Herore before the bell. Defeating Heroe, however, is no walk in the park, and the masked man was able to rally from his weakened position, coming back to score with a Flying Headbutt to secure victory – and leave Brown without a manager. Fans, be sure to come back tomorrow for action from Nationwide. In the meantime, I’ll be here next week for more action as MAW goes On Tour once more! Bradford Peverall def. Marc Speed – D+ The Canadian Blondes def. The Second Sons by countout – D- Davis and Sensitive def. Jerome and Snow – D- Raphael def. Dazzling Dave Diamond – E- Brooke Tyler def. Kristabel Plum – E- Jean Cattley def. GB Wood – D+ El Heroe Mexicano def. Lenny Brown – C Overall: C-[/I] [/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Suzanne Brazzle vs. Joanne Rodriguez Thea Davis and Alicia Strong vs. Lauren Easter and Nadia Snow KC Glenn vs. Rudy Velasquez Fumihiro Ota and Eddie Powell vs. Raphael and Ruin Remmy Skye vs. Ernest Youngman[/CENTER] [I]OOC: Our best ever On Tour grade - despite the matches 4 - 6 all suffering as a result of lack of chemistry. Go figure.[/I]
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MAW Nationwide Suzanne Brazzle vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] Thea Davis and Alicia Strong vs. [B]Lauren Easter and Nadia Snow[/B] [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez [B]Fumihiro Ota and Eddie Powell[/B] vs. Raphael and Ruin Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B]
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] vs. Joanne Rodriguez [B]Thea Davis and Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Lauren Easter and Nadia Snow [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez Fumihiro Ota and Eddie Powell vs. [B]Raphael and Ruin[/B] Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B]
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MAW Nationwide Suzanne Brazzle vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]Thea Davis and Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Lauren Easter and Nadia Snow [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez Fumihiro Ota and Eddie Powell vs. [B]Raphael and Ruin[/B] Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B]
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Suzanne Brazzle vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]Thea Davis and Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Lauren Easter and Nadia Snow [I]50/50 spilit from the heels and faces amongst the women [/I] [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez [I]Glenn's one of your top faces and should be treated as such[/I] Fumihiro Ota and Eddie Powell vs. [B]Raphael and Ruin[/B] Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] [I]Camp Chord continue to look dominant[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;667407]Suzanne Brazzle vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]Thea Davis and Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Lauren Easter and Nadia Snow [I]50/50 spilit from the heels and faces amongst the women [/I] [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Rudy Velasquez [I]Glenn's one of your top faces and should be treated as such[/I] Fumihiro Ota and Eddie Powell vs. [B]Raphael and Ruin[/B] Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] [I]Camp Chord continue to look dominant[/I][/QUOTE] Decided to look over the other picks before making my own. Since TK picked what I was going to, I'm just going to second him.
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 19th November 2013[/CENTER] Suzanne Brazzle vs. Joanne Rodriguez[/B] As a beginning to the show, this was a barn-stormer with both women out to prove themselves. Brazzle has a title shot at Remember November, while Rodriguez has been supplanted, in a way, by her protégé – something a win over the former champion might alter. It was a sterling effort from both women, but in the end Rodriguez fell victim to a Miracle Connection as Brazzle snatched a narrow victory. Winner: Suzanne Brazzle (C+) * KC Glenn came out to hype up his match with Rudy Velasquez. Before he could say more than a few words, Velasquez interrupted him and proclaimed that Glenn was back in the big leagues – and wouldn’t do any better than he had the last time. Glenn may have made a splash with his return, but Rudy had family to look after – and that meant that Glenn was in for a beating to make him sorry he got up that day. * [B]KC Glenn vs. Rudy Velasquez[/B] Ahead of the Traditional title three-way at Remember November, KC Glenn got the chance to show what he could do against the talented Velasquez. Rudy seemed furious at recent events, and attacked Glenn with clear vicious intent. Glenn took a hellacious beating in the early going, with Velasquez disinclined to even listen to the referee except when in danger of losing the match. However, Glenn showed his resilience by withstanding the attack, and blocked a Street Cutter attempt. This allowed Glenn to mount his own offence, culminating in a Tune Up The Sunshine Band for the win. Winner: KC Glenn (C) * Nadia Snow was primping and preening backstage when suddenly her stylist and dresser stopped work. Snow was about to yell at them when she caught sight of Thea Davis standing in the doorway of her locker room. Davis said that Snow had her priorities all wrong – that in this business, it wasn’t expensive clothes and beauty regimes that made the difference, and she would prove that at Remember November by stripping Snow in an Evening Gown match. Snow smiled, and said that while they didn’t make a difference in the ring, they’d certainly convinced Thea’s boyfriend, er, whatever his name was... Anyway, they’d convinced him to spend some time with Nadia instead of Thea. With that, Nadia swept past the frustrated fan favourite, who was left fuming in her wake. * [B]Thea Davis and Alicia Strong vs. Lauren Easter and Nadia Snow[/B] This match combined two rivalries, with last week’s main event pairing of Easter and Strong lined up with love rivals Davis and Snow. The Women’s champion and her partner held control in the early going, as the champion dominated Davis. When Strong got into the match, she was able to turn the tide – but a cheap shot from Easter on the outside cut her short. Snow and Easter were able to work over Strong, leaving the USPW owner hurting. When she tagged out, Davis made a beeline for Snow, but her single-mindedness left her open to an assault from Easter, who took control of the match and shortly after scored the pin with a Belly To Belly Suplex. Winners: Easter and Snow (C-) * At ringside, Rip said that he’d been impressed by what he’d seen from the Women’s division during the show. He wanted all six women to be in action at Remember November, and therefore he was making the Women’s title match a fatal fourway between Strong, Brazzle, J-Ro and Easter! * As Raphael & Ruin made their way down to the ring for their match, Rip smirked and said that Ota and Powell were about to find out that it wasn’t wise to cross the boss – in fact, The Firm were going to be shown just how much trouble they were in, and The Cult Of Chord could keep on teaching them that lesson as long as it took. * [B]Fumihiro Ota and Eddie Powell vs. Raphael and Ruin[/B] This was a comparatively short match as the referee was never able to get it down to just two men in the ring. With all four men intent on upholding the honour of their respective stables (or just beating the opposition into a pulp) their was no letup, and the referee was forced after several minutes to throw the match out as a double disqualification. Winners: No-one (C) * The brawl continued, with the sudden appearance of Ernest Youngman from the crowd tipping the scales in the favour of the Cult. KC Glenn sprinted down the ring to try and even things up, but then Rip slid out from behind the announcers’ table to deliver some hard right hands to any Firm member who crossed his path. With Ruin on the Cult’s side, the good guys were taking a beating – but then Remmy Skye came charging down the ramp to even things up. With Skye’s help, The Firm were able to hold their ground as they forced a stalemate until Rip called off his charges. Youngman entered the ring as Skye picked up a mic, and fixed his gaze on Ruin. [COLOR="Blue"] “There’s a lot of reasons why I shouldn’t be challenging for the World title at the next show,”[/COLOR] he began. [COLOR="Blue"]“I haven’t been here all that long. I haven’t really beaten anyone to earn my spot. But that doesn’t matter. I’ll take on anyone, any time, any place. You see, back in Hollywood, me and Ruin had a love/hate relationship. We fought against each other but, when he had a chance to win the Tag Team title out there, he turned to me to be his partner. He knew that I would not give up, that I would not be beaten. “We’ve got history, Ruin and I. I know how he thinks – even if it seems like he’s not the same man now that he’s listening to Rip Chord. That don’t matter. I know what he can do, and I know what I can do. I’ve never had a chance to be a World champion before. I’ve been in this business for more than a decade, and never had a shot at a World title. I’ve travelled all over, I’ve made mistakes, I’ve learned some hard lessons. On Monday night, in North Carolina, you will see the best of Remmy Skye. I will beat Ruin and I will hold that gold belt above my head. I won’t be doing it for a cause. I won’t be doing it to prove anyone’s belief system wrong. I’ll be doing it to show that I’m capable of standing amongst the world’s greatest as an equal. “Rip Chord, I know that you picked me because you think Ruin will make short work of me. I’m a lot smaller than him and nowhere near as strong. But I’m telling you now that doesn’t matter. As big as Ruin is, and as tough as he is, he doesn’t want to win as much as I do. I am Remmy Skye, and I will not die!”[/COLOR] * [B]Remmy Skye vs. Ernest Youngman[/B] A strong show was capped off with an impressive performance from these two men as they showed off their considerable talents to a crowd still largely unfamiliar with their work. Youngman tried to keep the match on the mat. Skye, of course, went to the air as much as possible, using his speed and agility to avoid being trapped by the talented technician. Youngman had the advantage of Rip Chord in his corner, and on occasion used his experience to try and outmanoeuvre Skye, but he wasn’t able to assimilate Chord’s advice quickly enough to put it to its best use, and in the end fell victim to a Skye Diver to give Ruin’s challenger a valuable momentum boost ahead of the match. Winner: Remmy Skye (C) [B]Overall: C[/B] * Oddly enough, had Jaime Quine not grown too far in the wrong direction before her contract came up, we’d have let Kristabel Plum go. As it was, with Quine gone and Brooke Tyler turned heel, Plum was now the #4 face in the Women’s division (starting from, arguably, #1 – she’s been left behind a bit by circumstances). However, the fact that she was willing to take a 25% pay cut (from $600 to $450 a show) certainly helped us decide to keep her on. Haley Buck has also taken a pay cut, although in her case only from $400 per show to $350 a show. * [CENTER][B]MAW Remember November[/B] Eddie Powell & El Heroe Mexicano vs. The Second Sons (c) – MAW Tag Team titles Alicia Strong vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Lauren Easter (c) – MAW Women’s title Thea Davis vs. Nadia Snow Fumihiro Ota vs. ??? “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Raphael (c) – MAW All Action title KC Glenn vs. Ernest Youngman vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title Remmy Skye vs. Ruin (c) – MAW World title[/CENTER]
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MAW Remember November [B]Eddie Powell & El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. The Second Sons (c) – MAW Tag Team titles [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Lauren Easter (c) – MAW Women’s title [B]Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]???[/B] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Raphael (c) [/B]– MAW All Action title [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ruin (c)[/B] Hmm risky main event given both are more overness then talent driven altough they could have both improved enough over time.
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Eddie Powell & El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] (c) – MAW Tag Team titles Alicia Strong vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. [B]Lauren Easter[/B] (c) – MAW Women’s title [B]Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]???[/B] [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Raphael (c) – MAW All Action title KC Glenn vs. Ernest Youngman vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] (c) – MAW Traditional title Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ruin [/B](c) – MAW World title
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[quote=Bigpapa42;668720]Eddie Powell & El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] (c) – MAW Tag Team titles Alicia Strong vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. [B]Lauren Easter[/B] (c) – MAW Women’s title [B]Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]???[/B] [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Raphael (c) – MAW All Action title KC Glenn vs. Ernest Youngman vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] (c) – MAW Traditional title Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ruin [/B](c) – MAW World title[/quote] Seconded. :p
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[B]Eddie Powell & El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. The Second Sons (c) – MAW Tag Team titles [I]The Sons have been somewhat disappointing and would it really hurt to have some gold on the face side. [/I] Alicia Strong vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. [B]Lauren Easter[/B] (c) – MAW Women’s title [I]Whilst a title change wouldn't surprise me one bit, I feel Easter retains here to legitimize her reign as champion [/I] [B]Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow [I]Is this feud actually going to end here ? [/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]???[/B] [I]Never back against the power of Triple ?...Triple H has nothing on that guy.[/I] :p “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Raphael (c)[/B] – MAW All Action title [I]Raphael keeps the All Action Gold in the hand of the Cult of Chord[/I] KC Glenn vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title [I]More gold for the Cult as Youngman wins the Trad Belt[/I] Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ruin (c)[/B] [I]Big talk from Skye but Ruin retains[/I]
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MAW Remember November Eddie Powell & El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]The Second Sons (c)[/B] – MAW Tag Team titles [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Lauren Easter (c) – MAW Women’s title Thea Davis vs. [B]Nadia Snow[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]???[/B] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Raphael (c)[/B] – MAW All Action title KC Glenn vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ruin (c)[/B] – MAW World title
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;668720]Eddie Powell & El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] (c) – MAW Tag Team titles Alicia Strong vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. [B]Lauren Easter[/B] (c) – MAW Women’s title [B]Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]???[/B] [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Raphael (c) – MAW All Action title KC Glenn vs. Ernest Youngman vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] (c) – MAW Traditional title Remmy Skye vs. [B]Ruin [/B](c) – MAW World title[/QUOTE] Thirded :rolleyes:
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MAW Remember November Eddie Powell & El Heroe Mexicano vs. [b]The Second Sons (c)[/b] – MAW Tag Team titles Not time for Seconds Sons to drop the belt quite yet [b]Alicia Strong[/b] vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Lauren Easter (c) – MAW Women’s title [b]Thea Davis[/b] vs. Nadia Snow Fumihiro Ota vs. [b]???[/b] Ota's sort of a gatekeeper now. [b]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/b] vs. Raphael (c) – MAW All Action title Firm can't keep all the titles forever. KC Glenn vs. Ernest Youngman vs. [b]Swoop McCarthy (c)[/b] – MAW Traditional title Standard three-way, Swoop keeps the belt because of infighting. Remmy Skye vs. [b]Ruin (c)[/b] – MAW World title Sorry, Remmy's not ending Ruin's title reign.
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[I]OOC: I can't honestly recall my mind ever being changed by predictions (aside from throwing D-Lyrium a Blondes title run once, I think) but y'all are doing your best to make me keep Ruin as champion well beyond his expected title reign... :p[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Remember November Monday, 22nd November 2013[/CENTER] KC Glenn vs. Ernest Youngman vs. Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] This match varied from the previous encounter as McCarthy was involved from the start. There was no allegiance between any of the three workers, although McCarthy did at various points manage to convince one opponent to briefly double-team the other. The rivalry between Youngman and Glenn was so intense that the two spilled out of the ring, brawling on the arena floor. The referee hesitated, considering counting the two men out – but Rip caught his eye and signalled no, effectively restricting the match to a decisive finish. The war between the representatives of The Firm and The Cult Of Chord was all-consuming, with the two youngsters seemingly ignoring Swoop. This proved to be a mistake as Swoop tentatively scaled the turnbuckles, diving off onto his two challengers and flattening them – but probably doing as much damage to himself as his opponents. Back in the ring, the exchanges were somewhat slowed by the pain the three men were in, and it became clear that a single mistake could end it. That mistake came when Glenn tried to catch Youngman with a corner splash. Youngman darted out of the corner at the last second, and Glenn landed hard. Swoop had anticipated the move, however, and blasted Youngman with a hard clothesline, sending him over the top rope. As Glenn staggered out of the corner, clutching his ribs, Swoop snatched him up and nailed a Running Powerslam for the successful defence. Winner: Swoop McCarthy (B-) * The announcers ran down the recent events in the Firm/Cult Of Chord feud, including the Sons’ title saving bail out during the last On Tour show, and Powell and Ota’s tag battle against Ruin and Raphael during Nationwide. * [B]Eddie Powell & El Heroe Mexicano vs. The Second Sons (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] In what is increasingly becoming a pattern, this match quickly spilled out of control. The referee took several minutes to get the combatants under control, and he had to threaten a disqualification to get Valentine and Powell to their corners. Almost before the ring was cleared, however, Valentine tagged Heroe from behind, bringing Powell back into the ring. The former DaVE star charged across the ring and launched himself at Valentine, carrying them both out of the ring and to the arena floor below. Antonio quickly bailed out of the ring to try and help his partner, and within seconds the tag team champions had Powell overwhelmed. However, Heroe took a running leap onto the second rope, from which he launched himself to the outside, taking out Antonio and Valentine. From there, the four men brawled around the ring, ignoring the referee’s admonishments until he had no choice but to count them all out – with no objection from Rip, Rock noted, presumably because the Sons retained their titles. Rip made no comment as the four men continued to brawl until the arena floor was flooded by backstage staff who managed to separate them. Winners: No-one (C) * Nadia Snow was shown backstage being fitted into a gown that looked even more expensive than her normal ring attire. She didn’t seem to object to the camera being in the room with her, oddly – in fact, she turned to address it. [COLOR="Blue"]“This is the most you will see of me tonight, I assure you,”[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="Blue"]“You see, having a personal stylist and dresser available to maintain my image as the elite female in this company has other benefits. Unlike Thea Davis, who I’m sure raised her standards by going to the Eastland Mall for her dress, this is a custom-made design. An Evening Gown match, Thea? Darling, this gown is so heavy, and so thickly stitched that even if that handsome devil Aaron Andrews were to walk in here right now... Well, that’s neither here nor there. Whatever off-the-peg nylon and polyester fakery you’ve spent your hard-earned wages on will be on the mat in seconds. This,”[/COLOR] she gestured at her gown, [COLOR="Blue"]“will certainly still be on at the end of the night.”[/COLOR] * [B]Thea Davis vs. Nadia Snow[/B] in an [COLOR="Purple"]Evening Gown Match[/COLOR] Nadia Snow made her typical entrance, complete with butler to remove her gown. However, on this occasion Snow waved him away and told our ringside camera that her gown wouldn’t be coming off today. With Davis in the ring, the action began as something between a catfight and an amateur wrestling match as the two rolled on the mat, attempting to trap each other to strip off the gowns. At several points, Davis was on top – but unable to tear the heavy, thickly stitched material. Snow was more fortunate, as Davis gown was of lighter construction, and despite Davis’ greater control of the match, Snow was able to slowly shred it until Davis was left with nothing but tatters that did nothing to preserve her modesty, giving Snow the win. Snow blew kisses to a furious Davis as she left, Davis a solitary and angry figure in her wake. Winner: Nadia Snow (D-) * With Fumihiro Ota already in the ring, there was some surprise at the emergence of Haley Buck from backstage. [COLOR="Magenta"]“It is my pleasure to reintroduce the man who, one year ago, was set to dominate this company before events conspired against him,”[/COLOR] she said, with a smile that spoke of anticipated earnings far in excess of what she had recently received. [COLOR="Magenta"]“A former Traditional champion, the reigning Rip Chord Invitational champion, and once again my client: Sean Deeley!”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/ShooterSeanDeeley_alt4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Deeley emerged clad in a Canadian flag robe. It was clear that his supercilious nature was intact. In the ring, Ota bounced from side to side, working his wrists to maximise his flexibility ahead of his match with the renowned technician. * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Sean Deeley[/B] Set against a fighter of such technical skill as Deeley, Ota opened cagily, before exploding into a flurry of hard knee and elbow strikes. However, Deeley weathered the storm before latching onto a stray arm and trying to twist Ota into an armbar. The match took on a pseudo-MMA air as the two men fought for dominance largely in the centre of the ring, with very few rope-based moves, other than a couple of aerial attacks by Ota that Deeley struggled to defend against. However, as Ota tried for a third time to exploit his advantage, Deeley evaded the attack and caught Ota’s arm, using his opponent’s own momentum against him and twisting him into a Seated Stretch Armbar for the submission victory – and an emphatic victory in his return to MAW. Winner: Sean Deeley (B-) * Brandon Smith was stretching out backstage when he was approached by Jenny for an interview. He smiled obligingly. [COLOR="Blue"]“Raphael, Ah don’t like the way you ambushed me four weeks ago. The strange thing was, everyone who went after the All Action title last month did it upfront and honest, like. That is, except you. Heck, even that harlot Nadia Snow beat me by coming at me upfront – if not honest. You ambushed me with a chair, son, and that ain’t the way things are done ‘round here. So here’s the deal: To show you that titles are things to be earned, and not stolen, I’ve requested a Pole Match. That title’s gonna be hung from a pole ten feet above the ring, and to win it you’re not only gonna have to beat me, you’re gonna have to beat me bad enough that Ah stay down long enough for you to climb that pole. “This time, son, you’re gonna be in front of me. No chairs, no ambushes... just me, you, and an achievement you couldn’t manage on your very best day.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Raphael (c)[/B] in a [COLOR="Purple"]Pole Match[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] Raphael followed Rip down to the ring, careful to follow his adviser’s every move. He shadowed Rip the whole way, and Rock noted that Raphael had almost always been a follower in his MAW career – first with Antonio, now Rip. On his own, he hadn’t been successful, but with the right guidance, Raphael was now showing his real talent. Was Rip’s vision for MAW that bad, Rock wondered, if it allowed people like Raphael and Ruin to make the most of their talents? Brandon Smith has thus far taken no stance on the Firm/Cult dispute, but his dislike of Raphael was real enough, and within the confines of a Pole match – which Rock noted was no DQ – he was able to vent it from the bell, slamming his much larger frame into Raphael’s with a huge shoulderblock that sent the champion sprawling out of the ring and into the crowd barriers. Smith was cautious enough to allow Raphael back into the ring, but immediately asserted his dominance once more by nearly decapitating the champion with a clothesline. Taking it to the mat, Smith tried to use his strength and size to dominate his shorter and lighter opponent, but Raphael was able to use his smaller size to his advantage as he twisted free and tied Smith up. Smith was trapped in the centre of the ring and unable to break free himself until he rolled onto his front – taking Raphael with him – and pushed himself upright, Raphael still clamped onto his back. Smith drove Raphael back into the turnbuckle several times, breaking the hold on him, and tried to climb the ropes to grab the title. However, Raphael held onto his leg and prevented the climb. Smith tried to break free, but Raphael hung on tight and eventually Smith climbed down to resume the battle. The fight continued, with Raphael using his technical skills to wear down Smith, focusing on his legs to slow his climb. Smith tried to use his power to overwhelm Raphael, but as the fight wore on he was hampered more and more by the damage being done by Raphael’s attacks. He was able to prevent Raphael making the climb to grab the title from the pole, but he wasn’t able to make the climb himself until Raphael erred and walked into his second shoulderblock of the night. Smith by now was mostly running on fumes and his ascent of the turnbuckles was slow, agonisingly so. As he pulled himself up to stand atop the top turnbuckle and reach out for the title, Raphael painfully rose to his feet and made a much more rapid ascent. The two tottered on the top rope for several long seconds before Rip yelled up at Raphael. The blonde nodded and swallowed visibly, before throwing himself off backwards, his arms wrapped around Smith, his momentum enough to bring the bigger man with him in a thunderous back superplex that shook the ring, silenced the crowd, and left Smith in a broken heap on the mat. Raphael, for his part, didn’t look much better – but he was at least still conscious, and with Rip yelling at him he managed to drag himself up the turnbuckles again to grab back his title belt before toppling back to the mat. Rip exulted on commentary as Rock noted how much the Cult members had put themselves through already that evening in their quest to please their mentor. Winner: Raphael (C-) * Each of the four competitors in the Fatal Fourway match was given the chance to speak ahead of the match. Rodriguez and Easter were interviewed in their shared locker room, and it was noticeable that the two seemed a little uneasy ahead of their first match as opponents. * [B]Alicia Strong vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Lauren Easter (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Women’s title[/COLOR] Continuing the recent strong series of women’s matches involving these four competitors, this was an excellent contest. At first, Rodriguez and Easter tried to work as a unit, but Brazzle and Strong were able to separate them, removing that option from their armoury. Easter cannily stayed outside the ring during the opening spell, exploiting the referee’s tendency to focus on the in-ring action to allow her to cheat openly when she was targeted by Strong or Brazzle. Indeed, after around eight minutes the two allies found themselves on top with Strong out of the ring and Brazzle drilled first by a J-Rocker and then a Belly To Belly Suplex. Easter made the cover for the win, but J-Ro stopped her, pulling her off their downed opponent. Easter berated her friend, but J-Ro made it clear that she wasn’t going to stand by and just let Easter win – she had to earn it, and if that meant them going at it, then that’s what it would take. Before we could find out if Easter was prepared to take on her friend, Strong launched herself onto the top rope from the apron, and took down both women with a springboard double clothesline. From there, Brazzle and Strong isolated the two women effectively, preventing any interaction between the two. However, both J-Ro and Easter were able to turn the tide at times, although neither at the same time. Easter seemed to delight in cheating, as both Strong and Brazzle were pulled around by their hair, and both had their eyes gouged. In fact, Easter showed herself to be particularly adept at picking just the right moment to hit effective moves as she nailed Brazzle with a second Belly To Belly of the night to score the pin just as Strong and Rodriguez clashed heads and took themselves out of the match. Winner: Lauren Easter (C+) * Remmy Skye was backstage, with Dawn asking his opinion ahead of the main event. [COLOR="Blue"]“I said my piece last Friday,” [/COLOR]he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“I will give my all tonight, and it will be enough.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Do you have any opinion on the ongoing battles between The Firm and The Cult Of Chord? It seems like you’ve placed yourself right in the middle of the two sides.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Not hardly,”[/COLOR] he replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“I leave them to their business, and expect to be left to mine. If they want to try and involve me, well, I won’t back down. It’s just not in my nature.”[/COLOR] * [B]Remmy Skye vs. Ruin (c) [/B]for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW World title[/COLOR] This was a classic tale of David and Goliath, as the much smaller Skye tried to do his best to take down the slower but more powerful Ruin. Skye’s innovative tactics proved successful in spells, but equally so Ruin was successful in slowing his opponent with heavy slams and hard clotheslines. The spirited encounter lasted long enough for Skye to inflict some significant damage and Ruin was clearly pained as he struggled to keep up with the mercurial cruiserweight. However, Skye’s style of fighting is risky, and if anything Ruin’s slowness cost Skye as he undershot on a springboard moonsault, crashing to the mat and giving Ruin the opening to inflict a great deal of damage as Skye was too weak to fight back. Although Skye eventually rallied, Ruin simply hit him harder and more, breaking down the plucky high risk aerialist before crushing him with a Descent Into Hell for the win. Winner: Ruin (C) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I]Next: Recriminations, a possible new tag team and the next On Tour [/I]
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Yep, remember man this is MAW the guys with overness are there to job to the young ones with talent lol. Great to have shooter back tough. I predict joining the cult, swoop face turn. Deeley vs Swoop. Deeley wins. Swoop vs Ruin. Ruin wins. Deeley looses belt in three way due to cult. Deeley turns on cult. Deeley vs Ruin. Deeley champ!
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;669722]Yep, remember man this is MAW the guys with overness are there to job to the young ones with talent lol. Great to have shooter back tough. I predict joining the cult, swoop face turn. Deeley vs Swoop. Deeley wins. Swoop vs Ruin. Ruin wins. Deeley looses belt in three way due to cult. Deeley turns on cult. Deeley vs Ruin. Deeley champ![/QUOTE] That sequence just made my head spin. But I agree.
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