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[B][U]MAW Nationwide[/U][/B] Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]The Gatekeepers (c)[/B] vs. The Second Sons – MAW Tag Team titles Chris Caulfield and “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. [B]Ernest Youngman and ???[/B] [B]El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton [I]Third one is a toss up, but I have a feeling ??? is someone big and will be the difference.[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 19th February 2014[/CENTER] Kristabel Plum vs. Joanne Rodriguez[/B] Dependable Kristabel Plum got wheeled out for this match, being about the one member of the roster right now who flits easily between On Tour (cost) and Nationwide (performance). She pushed Rodriguez hard, but the fans never really bought into her challenge, and no-one was too surprised when she fell to a J-Rocker. Winner: Joanne Rodriguez (D+) * El Heroe Mexicano was shown backstage. He mentioned his upcoming Traditional title shot at Wrestling Classic, and assured Swoop McCarthy that the time for a new champion was close at hand – someone, he claimed, who spoke in a perfectly normal manner... * Backstage, and The Second Sons were seen stalking the corridors. Casey Valentine had a lead pipe in his hands, while Antonio had a steel chair. They were moving with purpose, clearly on the hunt for someone or something – and found it when The Gatekeepers emerged from their dressing room. Eddie Powell took a shot from the chair across his back, while Ota received a glancing blow from the pipe to one leg, setting him up for a wild upswing that caught him in the stomach, leaving him down and gasping for air. [COLOR="Sienna"]“We’re bored of waiting,”[/COLOR] Antonio growled. [COLOR="Sienna"]“See you out in the ring!”[/COLOR] * [B]The Gatekeepers vs. The Second Sons (c) [/B]for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] The Sons went right after their opponents from the bell, harrying the already-wounded champions and trying several times for quick pins and submissions. But despite their efforts, they couldn’t keep the veterans down and to their clear horror, Powell and Ota gained their second wind and came firing back at them. In desperation, Antonio bailed out of the ring and grabbed a steel chair, belting Ota in the face with it as he reached through the ropes. The Sons were immediately disqualified, but with the chair in hand and Ota already down, Antonio and Valentine made short work of Powell, leaving the ring with their opponents down, and a triumphant look on their faces. Winners: The Gatekeepers (C-) * Chris Caulfield and Jean Cattley made their way to the ring. On commentary, Reese noted the intent, thoughtful expression on Cattley’s face. As he entered the ring, he picked up a microphone. [COLOR="Navy"]“This... is my company,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Navy"]“It may not be my name on the shares, or on the paycheques, but I’ll be damned if I let anyone lord it over this place. No-one, no-one, has shed more blood and sweat over the years than I have for this company. I refuse to be bypassed, to be disrespected for all that I’ve brought to this company. Ernest Youngman returned to this company late last year, and since then he’s acted like someone handed him the keys to the kingdom – like we’re beneath him. “The last several weeks have seen KC Glenn and Chris Caulfield taken out by vicious attacks. Glenn is still out injured, but Chris is keen to extract revenge on the person that he – and I – believe to be responsible for these attacks: Ernest Youngman!”[/COLOR] Youngman made his way out onto the ramp. [COLOR="Blue"]“You know, I’m getting sick of being accused for what I didn’t do. You have no proof that I did anything that you’re accusing me of. I know that you don’t... Because it wasn’t me.”[/COLOR] He smiled tightly. [COLOR="Blue"]“But I know who it was. And so does he.”[/COLOR] He pointed to his right, and a new figure stepped out onto the ramp beside him... [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/TrentShaffer_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] ...Trent Shaffer. [COLOR="Blue"]“’Sup?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“At Wrestling Classic, the men who attacked KC Glenn and Chris Caulfield will make their MAW debuts. If you really want responsibility for this company... I think that the two of you would make ideal opponents for them. Caulfield, you can put your All Action title on the line in a Hardcore match. Cattley, your opponent wants to show that you’re not the great technician you’re cracked up to be, so he wants you in a submission match.”[/COLOR] Shaffer smirked. [COLOR="Blue"]“And dudes, in the meantime, I kinda figure I could do with a warmup. So let’s get down to it, yeah?”[/COLOR] * [B]Chris Caulfield and “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Ernest Youngman and Trent Shaffer[/B] For Shaffer’s first night back in the company, he and Youngman went straight to work on their opponents, using their vastly greater speed to score again and again with big hits. Caulfield and Cattley rallied, putting their greater experience to good use as they kept the younger men on the back foot, pinning them down to the mat and working over their legs with a series of limblocks or, in Caulfield’s case, knee jams and stomps. However, Shaffer could not be contained and with his unscouted offence, he was able to strike back at Caulfield, taking him down with a Heart Burn to score the win. Winners: Youngman and Shaffer (C+) * El Heroe Mexicano and Davis Wayne Newton stood face to face in the ring. Heroe: [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Newton, you know I respect you. Everyone respects you – you’re the Triple Threat. Some say you may be the most gifted all-rounder in the business today, or even of all time. All I know is that you’re a great talent – and that I’ve beaten you before.”[/COLOR] Newton: [COLOR="Blue"]“You have – and I’m not one of those people who’ll say that you got lucky, or that I made a mistake. I don’t believe in underestimating my opponents. In fact, I’ve wanted another chance at you, Heroe. You say that people call me the best all-rounder, but I want to be the best wrestler, period. I want to be recognised as that, and that means I have to be able to beat anyone. Heroe, you’re a tremendous wrestler, so if I beat you – and I know that I can – then people will accept me as being even better than they already think that I am.”[/COLOR] * [B]El Heroe Mexicano vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] This was a thrilling encounter, highlighting two of the best young workers in the world as they threw everything they had at one another. Both men excel in all three of the ‘top-line’ skills, as Internet posters will insist on referring to them, and the result was a fast-paced, modern match with hard-hitting brawling, aerial wizardry and technical excellence all thrown into the melting pot, with one countered into another, into the other and back into the first. The two seemed to counter as much as they attacked, and the result was a match that balanced on a knife edge throughout, with either man seemingly capable of taking the win, only a late surge from Heroe that led to the match-winning Diving Headbutt making the difference, and giving the masked man the victory and momentum heading into his Traditional title shot at Wrestling Classic. Winner: El Heroe Mexicano (B-) [B]Overall: C+[/B] * Rich Money and Handsome Stranger are at war backstage in TCW. Handsome, I have to say, that’s [I]not[/I] money... * Nationwide pulled a 0.01 rating again. Since we hit Cult, that’s been the norm. * Ernest Youngman has signed a PPA deal with TCW. After them and USPW, we’re now his third choice employers (assuming he picks us over FCW). This sort of thing was supposed to stop when we hit Cult... * [CENTER][B]MAW Wrestling Classic[/B] “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Davis Wayne Newton Alicia Strong (c) vs. Joanne Rodriguez – MAW Women’s title El Heroe Mexicano vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title Liberty vs. Sean Deeley “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. ??? Chris Caulfield (c) vs. ??? – MAW All Action title Tim Westybrook (c) vs. Ruin – MAW World title in a Cage Match[/CENTER]
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“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [I]I'm fully aware that Newton probably wont be sticking around long term, but BBS has never quite risen out of the mid-card in MAW and unless Newton is heading out of the exit door after this event, I see him pulling out the win here. [/I] Alicia Strong (c) vs. Joanne Rodriguez – MAW Women’s title [I]I'm predicting a draw, something that will drag out this long running feud for a just a little bit longer and leave J-Ro frustrated that she still can't beat her nemesis.[/I] [B]El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title [I]Heroe already seems above this belt, despite the fact he has yet to win any gold in MAW. What I could possibly see happening is Heroe winning the match but McCarthy finding some way to keep hold of the title.[/I] Liberty vs. [B]Sean Deeley[/B] [I]Liberty's only going to be around for a few dates, so the ageing veteran puts over Sean Deeley. [/I] [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] vs. ??? Chris Caulfield (c) vs. [B]??? [/B]– MAW All Action title Mystery man matches are always hard to predict, so I'll go for them to split the matches here. The All Action belts always been a hot potato in MAW so I'll tip Caulfield to be the one more likely to lose. [B]Tim Westybrook (c)[/B] vs. Ruin – MAW World title in a Cage Match [I]I can't see you hot-shotting the World Title back to Ruin.[/I]
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[B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton [B]Alicia Strong (c)[/B] vs. Joanne Rodriguez – MAW Women’s title [B]El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title [B]Liberty[/B] vs. Sean Deeley “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. [B]???[/B] Chris Caulfield (c) vs. [B]???[/B] – MAW All Action title [B]Tim Westybrook (c)[/B] vs. Ruin – MAW World title in a Cage Match
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[I]OOC: Just two predictions? Too bad... I'll have to think up a way to get you all involved again :p[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Wrestling Classic Saturday 20th February 2014[/CENTER] El Heroe Mexicano vs. Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Swoop acted the big man in the opening moments of this contest, talking down to Heroe and posing for the crowd, ignoring the masked man as though he were no threat to him. Heroe soon set him right by cracking him in the back of the head with a rolling heel kick that sent the burly Australian out of the ring, where Jerome Turner suggested he was restrategising. He re-entered the ring, a much more thoughtful expression on his face before he tied up cautiously with Heroe. The two exchanged offence for several minutes, and Rip wondered whether Swoop was giving his all as he seemed hesitant – almost overthinking what he was doing. Finally, he exploded into attack, unleashing his biggest moves in sequence and leaving Heroe reeling, before setting his challenger up for a Running Powerslam – only for Heroe to escape the move and retaliate with a series of strikes finished with a dropsault that left Swoop down and stunned. Heroe quickly scaled the turnbuckles in preparation for a Diving Headbutt, but before he could take off, Swoop had bailed from the ring and grabbed his title belt. Ignoring the referee’s count, the Australian made his way up the ramp as Heroe looked on in disbelief. As the count reached nine, Swoop turned and shrugged in an exaggerated manner, before giving Heroe a thumbs up as the referee reached ten and called for the bell. Winner: El Heroe Mexicano (B-) * Backstage, and Alicia Strong was warming up in a somewhat unenthusiastic manner, a distracted look on her face. As she touched her toes, a pair of boots came into view, and as she rose up the camera followed her rise as she came face to face with Joanne Rodriguez. [COLOR="Blue"]“I want you to know,”[/COLOR] Rodriguez bit out, clearly struggling to keep her temper under control, [COLOR="Blue"]“that tonight is the night I finally defeat you. You’ve been playing games for the last few months with Lauren and I. You’ve cost me my protégé. Whatever fun you’ve had, I hope it’s worth it. I hope it keeps you warm at night – because in a few minutes time you won’t have that title belt to do the job.”[/COLOR] Strong shook herself slightly, as though breaking out of a trance. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m sorry, Joanne, I was miles away... Were you saying anything new? All I heard was the same old things from you. If you don’t have anything new to say, then...”[/COLOR] Strong picked up the title belt and walked past Rodriguez, leaving J-Ro to scowl in her wake. * [B]Alicia Strong (c) vs. Joanne Rodriguez[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Women’s title[/COLOR] There was a definite odd vibe to the match, as Alicia Strong seemed to be waiting on something as she fended off Rodriguez’ attacks, while Rodriguez was almost completely ignoring the advice that she was being given by Sara Silverman, even when Rip seemed to think that it would have been in her interests to follow it. Instead, the two were battling to a stalemate in a match unlike any of their previous efforts. All became clear – or clear, at least – when Lauren Easter made her way down to ringside, her eyes locked unblinkingly on the combatants. Rodriguez turned to watch her approach, but Strong was not so distracted, nailing Rodriguez from behind with a Strong Arm Tactic to score the quick pin and retain her title. Winner: Alicia Strong (D-) * Strong, like Swoop before her, bailed out of the ring quickly and made her way back up the aisle – but as she passed Easter, the former champion raised a microphone to her mouth. [COLOR="Blue"]“Enjoy your win, Alicia. But not too much – you see, I’ve spoken to Mr. Casey, and we’ve agreed that I get my rematch on Friday night... and there’ll be a special referee – someone who’s been played as much as I have by you in the last few weeks: Joanne Rodriguez.”[/COLOR] A long camera shot down the aisle caught all three womens’ expressions: Easter, hot with rage. Rodriguez, furious over her defeat – and bemused by Easter’s revelation. And Strong... as the champion turned to make her way back to the locker rooms, her expression could be described in one word: Smug. * Ernest Youngman stood backstage before a closed door. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ladies and gentlemen,”[/COLOR] he declared, with a grin on his face a mile wide. [COLOR="Blue"]“Thank you all for joining us today. I have the pleasure tonight of introducing one of the newcomers to this company – a submission specialist and one of the most experienced wrestlers in the world: “Enforcer” Phil Roberts!”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/EnforcerRoberts.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The door opened and Roberts emerged, a slightly incongruous burst of lounge music just audible before the door shut behind him. [COLOR="Blue"]“Enforcer, you’re known as a man of few words, but do you have anything to say to your opponent tonight?”[/COLOR] Roberts smiled slightly. [COLOR="Blue"]“Cattley, tonight you tap.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] This was a strong technical offering, albeit one slightly hampered by the two failing to click. The simple exchanges – meat and drink to any technical wrestler, particularly two as talented and experienced as these – went absolutely fine. Indeed, Rip and Jerome held the duo up as an exemplar to any young wrestlers in the business. At ringside, I noted that Ernest Youngman was closely watching. Whenever the two tried to turn up the heat, however, it was clear that they were on different pages. The fans enjoyed the simple stuff, but when the veterans brought the match home, it was clear that they didn’t think enough had been done to justify the finish, which came when Roberts – seemingly out of nowhere – clamped Cattley into an RCT for the submission win. Winner: Phil Roberts (C+) * Davis Wayne Newton came out to ringside. [COLOR="Blue"]“For reasons unknown, I haven’t been booked on tonight’s show. Now, Sean has got this amazing chance to beat a genuine legend, and good luck to him, but I’m here – and there’s nothing I’d rather do tonight than show what I can do.”[/COLOR] The challenge was answered by the emergence of Brandon Smith onto the stage. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah’ve always said that Ah want to fight the best, and Ah know that’s what you’re trying to be,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“So sure, let’s do this now.”[/COLOR] * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] For the second match in a row, things just didn’t click when these two tried to build things up a bit. Newton was left to school Smith in the finer arts of technical wrestling, and while Smith looked dangerous when he went on the attack, he was reined in by the Triple Threat often enough that his offence became blunted as Newton chopped his legs out from under him, before Newton wrapped him up in a Fisherman’s Suplex that he was unable to break free from. Winner: Davis Wayne Newton (C) * Chris Caulfield was in the ring, his All Action title in one hand, toolbelt around his waist. The big screen flickered into life, revealing Ernest Youngman. [COLOR="Blue"]“I think that I’ll let my other new colleague speak for himself...”[/COLOR] The previously heard lounge music hit the PA, marking the debut of a second familiar face to MAW... [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JoeSexy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ...Joe Sexy! [COLOR="Blue"]“Well hello, hello!” [/COLOR]he said, winking at the crowd. [COLOR="Blue"]“Good evening, and welcome. All you cool cats are here to see me. You all know that when Joe Sexy is in the house, you’re in for a high-class performance. So for all of you who enjoy a good show... tonight we’re going to do things my way.”[/COLOR] He made his way down to the ring, stopping by the steps to flirt a little with Katie Cameron, who responded coolly to his come-ons. He entered the ring, and touched his forelock to Caulfield. [COLOR="Blue"]“Chris! You never call, you never write... Did I do something to offend you?”[/COLOR] He laughed, and turned to the crowd. [COLOR="Blue"]“My friend here and I had a little strife back up north. Truth is, I was kinda responsible for him bein’ run out of town. Well, there was this dame, and...”[/COLOR] He tailed off, turning as Caulfield’s glare bore into him like a drill. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, maybe another time. Okay, big man. Let’s do this.”[/COLOR] * [B]Chris Caulfield (c) vs. Joe Sexy[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] in a [COLOR="Purple"]Hardcore Match[/COLOR] Sexy was all over Caulfield from the start, beating on the ‘Psychobilly Patriot’ before Caulfield had the chance to remove his toolbelt. However, that proved to Sexy’s cost as Caulfield quickly drew weapons from the belt, landing a brass knuckles punch to Sexy’s gut and following up with a polo mallet swing to the side of the head that sent Sexy sprawling to the mat and halfway out of the ring. The newcomer scrambled up the aisle, Caulfield in dogged pursuit as they tangled once more at the top of the ramp, Sexy landing a desperation hiptoss onto the steel ramp that had the arena echoing with the sound of flesh meeting steel. Sexy dived backstage as Caulfield hauled himself slowly upright, limping after the challenger in the knowledge that falls counted anywhere in this match. As he passed into the backstage area, however, he found himself confronted not just by Sexy – in fact, his opponent was decidedly in the background – but also Trent Shaffer and Youngman, who were blocking his way. Caulfield slowly drew his staple gun, and fired a few staples meaningfully in the youngsters’ direction. They withdrew a couple of steps, allowing Caulfield to pass as he watched them closely – but that allowed Sexy to blindside him, igniting their brawl in the corridor, a brawl that spilled through the backstage area and into the concession area. The two traded hard shots, with Sexy even gaining possession of Caulfield’s night stick – only for his unfamiliarity with the weapon to betray him as Caulfield swiftly disarmed him and cracked him in the jaw with the club. Sexy staggered backwards and tumbled over a merchandise table – [COLOR="Blue"]“Rip Chord Invitational Blu-Ray only $25.99 plus tax!”[/COLOR] Jerome shilled. Caulfield surged after Sexy, doing a Dukes of Hazzard-esque hip slide over the table and taking Sexy down with an almighty clothesline. But what could have been the end of the end for Sexy proved to be anything but as Phil Roberts appeared from off-camera and wrapped the All Action champion up in the RCT, allowing Sexy valuable recovery time before Roberts released Caulfield into a One Night Stand that put both men through the merchandise table. As Sexy made the cover, the camera pulled back to reveal Roberts, Shaffer and Youngman all watching intently as the referee counted to three amidst the detritus of the goods and table, and as easily as that the newcomers had their first MAW gold. Winner: Joe Sexy (C) * Youngman and Shaffer quickly flanked Caulfield and grabbed his arms, holding him up as Sexy grabbed the back of his hair and lifted his head up. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now listen up, see,”[/COLOR] he snarled. [COLOR="Blue"]“You keep your nose out of my business, and everything between you and I will be hunky-dory. My friends and I are here to have ourselves a little wing ding. Now, I’ve put you down tonight, and as far as I’m concerned that’s it between us. You came south and I followed, not for you, but because I wanted to expand my horizons, capisce?”[/COLOR] He let go of Caulfield’s head, and nodded to Shaffer and Youngman, who let Caulfield drop to the ground with a thump. Youngman handed Sexy the All Action belt, which Sexy strapped around his waist, before Shaffer pulled a silk tie from a pocket and Sexy deftly lopped it through his collar and tied it neatly. [COLOR="Blue"]“Beautiful,”[/COLOR] Sexy said, catching sight of himself in a mirror. The four men lined up, resplendent in sharp suits. Sexy smiled at the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this new era in the life of this company. MAW has been throwin’ it’s weight around of late, and not everyone’s that happy about that. So the four of us are here to make things right – to protect the interests of those who have some big investments in this industry. We have been chosen to ensure that MAW come to understand their true place in this business. We have every advantage on our side. Speed,”[/COLOR] he pointed at Shaffer. [COLOR="Blue"]“Strength,”[/COLOR] he pointed at Youngman. [COLOR="Blue"]“Technique,”[/COLOR] he pointed at Roberts. [COLOR="Blue"]“And believe me, ladies and gentlemen, we have the knowledge of how to fight this kind of war, see?”[/COLOR] He slapped the All Action title belt around his waist. [COLOR="Blue"]“We are the Elite, and we are supreme!”[/COLOR] * [B]Liberty vs. Sean Deeley[/B] Liberty’s entrance was a grand one – lights, pyro, and big money entrance musis (Jimi Hendrix’ Star Spangled Banner) that we could use because of his CGC contract. Deeley, in contrast, had music – but no pyro, no lights, and the music that he did have was unrecognisable almost even to those who’ve heard it every other time he’s wrestled for MAW. In the ring, their styles were very different as well. Liberty is all flash and sizzle – a talented enough wrestler, but it’s how he does things that make him stand out. Every move has a ‘Liberty twist’ that showcases something about him, whether it’s the extra overarm movement to add a little more momentum to a clothesline, or the pause-point-focus before an elbow drop... Liberty is a performer. Deeley, of course, is not. It would be wrong to say that he isn’t coming along in terms of charisma, because he is, in leaps and bounds. Even so, his talent lies in making his opponents hurt. There’s little flash and scant sizzle about him – his style is stripped down to the bare minimum, efficiency personified. Whatever outlandish claims he may make outside the ring, inside he is ruthless in the way he picks apart his opponents. The match was therefore a clash of styles, but one that paid off as they played well off one another, Deeley even throwing in a little over-exaggerated selling for Liberty’s big moves, while Liberty sold Deeley’s submissions like death. Although the fans were solidly behind Liberty from the bell, they grew more so as Deeley worked over his opponent, on several occasions coming within inches of forcing a submission before Liberty somehow broke free or made the ropes. Indeed, it was clear that Deeley was performing at a very high standard in this match, as he was able to counter almost everything thrown at him by the CGC star – only to finally grow overconfident and jaw at the referee, turning into a Liberation Slam that gave Liberty a win in a contest that he could easily have lost. Winner: Liberty (B-) * After the bell, Liberty spent several minutes celebrating his victory with the crowd, who enjoyed every second of the charismatic star’s antics as he started in the ring, walked around the outside slapping hands and finished by collecting an American flag from a fan and holding it aloft as he made his way up the aisle, turning at the top to salute all those in attendance before seemingly changing his mind and stage-diving into the fans to continue his celebration with the thousands in attendance. * Tim Westybrook was backstage, performing squats as a warm-up exercise ahead of his main event. Unusually, he had a dead weight across his shoulders to toughen up the exercise. Uniquely, that deadweight was the 200lb frame of El Heroe Mexicano, who was draped across his shoulders and doing his best to try and weigh more as Westybrook strained to lift him. [COLOR="Magenta"]“My client is a man of few words,”[/COLOR] Katie Cameron said, stepping into view. [COLOR="Magenta"]“But actions speak far, far louder. He is undefeated in MAW – and that is a record that stretches back some fourteen months. No-one can claim the dominance of Mr. Westybrook – not even Ruin, who was conclusively defeated last month. Tonight he receives his contractually-obligated rematch...”[/COLOR] In the background, Westybrook shifted almost effortlessly from squats to gorilla pressing Heroe, bending at both the knees and the elbows as he hoisted his masked colleague into the air again and again. [COLOR="Magenta"]“...and it would be wrong to suggest that we are taking this challenge lightly. Ruin, as we have seen, can be a dangerous opponent to anyone. He defeated Chris Caulfield, my other client, and while Mr. Caulfield was injured as a result of the attack by what appears to have been this ‘Elite’ group, Ruin’s performance was nonetheless impressive.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“But even so, I am confident of my client’s success. Caging my client with Ruin will allow the victor to claim absolute supremacy. I have no doubt that my client will emerge victorious – and from there, no doubt will become the target of challenges both new and old.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“My client doesn’t duck challenges – indeed, he positively revels in them. We have seen a number of new wrestlers debut in the last few days, and I am sure that all will want their chance at the title. Newton, Deeley, Sexy, Roberts, Shaffer, Youngman... And for that matter, Powell, Cattley, Ota, Heroe, Phoenix... The Firm stands united still, and I am sure they will face down this ‘Elite’ group over the coming weeks and months, but my client and I know that he holds a title wanted by every wrestler in the business. Whoever wants to face my client, make your case. Mr. Westybrook is waiting.”[/COLOR] * [B]Tim Westybrook (c) vs. Ruin[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW World title[/COLOR] in a [COLOR="Purple"]Cage Match[/COLOR] The two men glared at one another as the solid cage was lowered into place around them. There was no door – victory would come from pinfall, submission, or escsape over the top. For MAW, this was an unusually bloody and brutal contest, with neither man giving any quarter as they battered each other repeatedly against the steel bars. It was a relatively simple contest, for all that. The two combatants were virtually neck and neck throughout, with each big move from one swiftly followed by a big move from the other. By the ten minute mark, both men were busted wide open, the blood freely visible as they glared at one another from opposite sides of the ring, Ruin sunk on his haunches in one corner, Westybrook propped up on the bottom rope on the far side. Slowly, the two resumed their war, with flesh and bone meeting steel and canvas again and again. There was nothing pretty about the match, although when Ruin nailed the champion with a piledriver, and scaled the turnbuckles to leap out into thin air with a flying lariat, hundreds of flashbulbs popped, capturing a moment in time that could well be seen as an exemplar of athletic artistry – particularly as Westybrook snatched the former champion out of the air and swung him around and out in a TNT Whirlwind that shook the ring and rattled the cage. The two men lay unmoving in the centre of the ring for an eight count. Ruin was first to recover, making it to his knees and crawling painfully to Westybrook, before trying to drive an elbow through his throat, putting all his considerable weight behind the move. Westybrook struggled feebly, but it seemed that the fight was gone from him as he grew still, and he offered no resistance even as Ruin dragged himself over him and pulled himself upright using the cage bars. Seemingly on sheer upper body strength, Ruin was upright against the side of the cage. His legs shaking, he began to full himself up the bars, his feet scrabbling for purchase as he tried to steady himself. He hauled himself fully three feet above the ground on arm strength alone before his feet steadied on the bars. Then with a look of grim determination on his face, he began to make steady progress up the bars – only to be brought to a halt as his head cleared the top bar by Westybrook lunging forward and seizing his ankle. Ruin kicked at Westybrook, first a single strong kick and then, as Westybrook held tight, his moves grew more frantic as he thrashed away. But in doing so, Jerome noted, he was hurting himself far more than Westybrook as the champion was being thrown against the ropes, while Ruin was slamming his knee into the steel bars in his fury until, at last, Westybrook gave an almighty heave and Ruin swung free, his grip on the top bar with one hand keeping him from dropping to the ground as Westybrook tugged at his other foot, trying desperately to tear him off the cage. Ruin was able to kick Westybrook away, but wasn’t able to swing back and grab the bars. Instead, Westybrook pulled himself up the bars until he was level with his opponent, and tried to ram his head into the steel. Ruin blocked, and tried to kick Westybrook off the wall of the cage, but his wounded knee made the move impossible and he recoiled in pain, allowing Westybrook to smash his fist into Ruin’s hand, once again setting the challenger free and swinging in mid-air. As the 300lber swung back towards the cage he seemed to feel that his chance was then and there and he threw himself out from the cage at Westybrook, trying to tackle the champion. But Westybrook held firm – even more so, he himself let go of the cage with one hand to deflect and catch Ruin across his shoulders. Before anyone watching had the time to do more than gasp, Westybrook threw himself and Ruin out from the cage wall and, while he held tight to the bars with one hand, pivoting himself back to relative safety on the bars, Ruin swung free into thin air, almost ten feet above the mat, where he hung for a long, long moment, before his almighty descent to the mat and a crash landing that made everyone in the arena stop. Westybrook perched precariously above the ring, his grip on the bars tenuous, his heels just hooked onto the cage wall as he held himself seemingly by willpower alone from toppling to the mat in Ruin’s wake. His chest heaved from the exertion as he stared down at his nemesis for several moments before he turned and achingly, wearily, unstoppably completed his ascent to the top bars where he paused for a spell to savour his victory, before completing his uninterrupted descent to the arena floor. Winner: Tim Westybrook (B-) * Westybrook and Cameron were making their way up the ramp, Cameron doing her best to support her exhausted client, when new-yet-familiar music played over the PA and Joe Sexy and Phil Roberts appeared from backstage. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’re going to start at the top, Mr. So-called-World-champion,”[/COLOR] Sexy declared, as Roberts watched on silently. [COLOR="Blue"]“And that means you. You’ve got a bullseye on your back so big I could hit it from New York – and believe me, I wanted to. But the boss man says to me, ‘Go south, Joe. Go south and do this for me’. So, I figure that having the boss on my good side is a good thing, and here I am. Get ready, Tim, because us here? We’re going to show you what trying to match the big boys is all about.”[/COLOR] They began to make their way down the aisle towards Westybrook, who wearily pushed Cameron behind him and tried to stand up straight to meet them, but it was clear from his slow movements that he was a long way from ready to meet either man – let alone both. And then Sexy and Roberts stopped, and the crowd roared, as Liberty appeared at the guard rail, vaulting the barrier smoothly, a glass of beer in one hand, not a drop spilt as he took up position to one side of Westybrook. [COLOR="Blue"]“Guys, guys, guys, this company has earned its place through hard work. I’ve got a lot of time for that. I never much enjoyed it myself, ‘cos it got in the way of chillin’ out and bein’ free, but I appreciate it in others. And hard work brings its rewards. A place at the top table for MAW. To try and deny them that... well that’s downright unconstitutional!”[/COLOR] The crowd popped. It’s a hell of a thing to hear the stoner dude talking about the constitution, but it’s a part of Liberty’s unique charm that he pulls it off. [COLOR="Blue"]“And that’s just not right. Guys, let’s call it a night. We’ve all of us fought tonight, some of us more than others,”[/COLOR] he added, with a glance at Sexy’s All Action title. [COLOR="Blue"]“But on Friday night on Nationwide... Then I think that my friend and I will be ready to meet the two of you in the ring!”[/COLOR] [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I]Next: A call from New York, and the debut of Ashington C. Odam...[/I]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;709986][I]OOC: Just two predictions? Too bad... I'll have to think up a way to get you all involved again :p[/I] [/QUOTE] I'm sure that'll work. :p I thought I'd predicted but I guess I never got around to posting it. I was going to second TK's picks, but with Strong beating J-Ro...speaking of which, any idea why the women's title match got such a horrible grade? Was this their 4th meeting in 6 months or something? Oh, and the name Ashington C. Odam alone makes it worth signing him...
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[I]OOC: Thanks for the comments, guys. I've been slack myself about keeping up to date with stuff before, and with Baby C demanding a fair amount of time, I certainly understand that people can be busy :D I've never got to the point where I take responses for granted, but I do like to know I'm not playing to empty theatres here... Mind you, I'm such an inveterate writer at this point, I'd probably keep going even if no-one was responding, so I'll just hush up and get on with things.[/I] * The phone was already ringing by the time that I made it into the office the next morning. One thing about the improvements under Jay – this stuff works a lot better than it used to. A conference call with Rip and myself is now just a button press away, and we’d already spoken about exactly how this conversation was going to play out. [COLOR="Green"]“Hello Jerry.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“James,”[/COLOR] Jerry Eisen replied. He didn’t ask how I knew it was him. [COLOR="Sienna"]“I thought that we had an agreement.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“What agreement was that?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“About the use of wrestlers contracted to the Supreme Wrestling Federation.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Ah, you mean Joe, Phil and Ernest?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“That’s exactly who I mean. This whole Supreme stable-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Elite, Jerry. We’re calling them Elite. I would have thought you’d be pleased. We’re presenting your midcarders as a viable threat to our main eventers.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“They were throwing the word Supreme around an awful lot.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“It’s a synonym for elite, Jerry,”[/COLOR] I said. I waited. I was reasonably sure that Jerry was taking instruction. [COLOR="Sienna"]“The fact remains that you’re presenting these workers as a united front, an invasion force from ‘New York’, which everyone in this business knows means us.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Oh, Jerry,”[/COLOR] I said, shaking my head to help me act the role. [COLOR="Green"]“New York also means ‘mafia’, and even if Joe’s accent needs some work, that’s more where we’re going with this. Organised crime, racketeering, protection money... You see what I mean?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“The implication, then, is that SWF is somehow linked to activities like that,” [/COLOR]Jerry said. [COLOR="Sienna"]“And that is simply not acceptable. I would strongly recommend that you cease and desist from such inferences, James-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“The inference is yours, Jerry,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Green"]“Not everyone in Elite is currently employed by SWF.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“Yes, you also have Trent Shaffer, who was released two weeks ago. We’re not stupid, James.”[/COLOR] I let that one hang for a fraction of a second longer than was polite, before saying [COLOR="Green"]“No-one said anything like that, Jerry. There is no inference or implication that these wrestlers are in any way connected with your company for the purposes of this storyline. “Rip was very clear that no such connections could be drawn.”[/COLOR] I held my breath as this last sentence went to New York and bounced around the office being occupied by Jerry – and, I was sure, Richard – Eisen. There was a pause of several moments’ duration. [COLOR="Sienna"]“You’re saying that this storyline is Rip’s idea?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“That’s what I’m saying,” [/COLOR]I replied. There was another lengthy pause. I glanced out of my office, through the open doorways to Rip’s office. Rip was leaning back in his chair, staring at the ceiling, his phone on speaker and his mouth clamped shut. [COLOR="Sienna"]“I see. James, I’m going to put a lot of faith in you here. I don’t believe, in all seriousness, that anything that MAW does can have any significant impact on SWF. We operate in different worlds.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“That is true,”[/COLOR] I said. There was no reason to dispute this – we operated in [I]very[/I] different worlds. [COLOR="Sienna"]“So, I will trust that this Elite group will not become overtly a SWF group, and we will say no more on the matter, okay?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I think we can agree on that, Jerry,”[/COLOR] I replied. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Good. Give my regards to Katie and the twins, and I’m sure we’ll speak again soon.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I look forward to it, as always,”[/COLOR] I said, before ringing off. [COLOR="Purple"]“He bought it,”[/COLOR] Rip said, from the other room. I nodded. He cackled, and popped open a can of his disgusting cream soda. [COLOR="Purple"]“To Richard!”[/COLOR] he said, raising a toast. [COLOR="Purple"]“May he always believe that any idea that comes from me is doomed to failure.”[/COLOR] I nodded, and then shook my head slightly. Richard and Rip, it seemed, would never find peace. In a normal world, the two would have settled their differences a long time ago. But this isn’t a normal world. It’s wrestling. And Richard would forever hate Rip for letting him down, while Rip would forever hate Richard for... well, for hating him. Bringing back Trent Shaffer was a no-brainer. If he’d underwhelmed in his first outing with us, he was now several years older and a lot more popular. He’ll be an asset. Roberts and Sexy were a tougher sell. Both into their forties, they were signed for a year at top dollar. Could I justify that? Their matches on the show hadn’t excelled, but a lack of chemistry between Cattley and Roberts, and Sexy operating in a non-specialist hardcore environment hadn’t helped. We’d have to see about changing that. Certainly there was no plan for anything but straightforward singles matches in the next couple of months at least. The idea of an external invasion is an old one – I’m sure it’s been used elsewhere. On this occasion, it’s the SWF invading MAW, or so some people will read it. Really, it’s an idea Rip came up with that certain workers would target MAW as being the new boys on the block who they could push around for their own kicks. The idea of it being an invasion was mine – we won’t often get a chance like this to bring in a plethora of known faces all at once, and Elite haven’t quite stopped recruiting yet, either. We’ll have to be careful. Overt references to SWF are out, and we don’t really want to make it us versus them. They’d win – anyone can tell that. The odd hint, however, is just a nudge and a wink to our more knowledgeable fans. We’re a long way from challenging SWF or any other larger American fed, but we’re aiming in their direction, at least. Oh, and there was one other guy we’d signed as well – but more on him another time. Suffice to say that he was a familiar face. Sort of... * [QUOTE] [CENTER][I]MAW.com Show Report – On Tour in Puerto Rico Thursday 25th February 2014[/CENTER] Hello everyone, this is Reese Paige, bringing you the latest in top-drawer MAW action from Puerto Rico. We opened up with Jefferson Stardust announcing that he had found himself a new tag team partner and bandmate – and his name was Ashington C. Odam. Odam claimed that his union with Stardust marked the creation of a rock and wrestling supergroup. The duo dubbed themselves Platinum 12”, and for their first challenge took on former tag team champions Team Honor. Makutsi and Johnson looked dubious about their challengers, but were livened up to the challenge by some impressive interplay on the part of the rockers. The two teams exchanged some remarkably even work, considering the experience of Team Honor, and the rockers scored a minor upset when Odam caught Johnson in a move that he’s dubbed Ashes To Ashes. Next it was time for more wild tag action, with four teams seemingly drawn at random from MAW’s talented roster. The surprise of the match was the duo of Felipe Caballero and Xavi Ferrara, relative newcomers to the promotion who were able to overcome the more experienced pairing of Sensitive and Peverell, Singh and Diamond, and Jerome and Wood because they showed the greatest ability to work as a team, and in the end Caballero put Sensitive away with a Caballero Drop. Next, it was a battle of the masked wrestler as Phoenix went up against his young challenger, Delirium. This was a high-flying affair, with both men scoring with flashy moves that had the fans cheering their approval, before Phoenix scored with the Firebird Splash to take the win. Finally, newcomer Sam Cannon put his reputation on the line when he went toe to toe with Marc Speed. Cannon had offered out anyone in the backstage, claiming that he was willing to take on any challenge, at any time. Brave words – and the sort of comment that can get a man in trouble in this company, but on this instance, Cannon was able to back up his words as he came out on top of an evenly-paced match, scoring the win with a Cannonball Drop. Fans, this has been MAW On Tour live in Puerto Rico. Be sure to check back next week, as MAW owner James Casey will have a big announcement in the meantime that will change the way On Tour operates in the future! Platinum 12” def. Team Honor – E+ Felipe Caballero and Xavi Ferrara def. Peverell and Sensitive, Singh and Diamond and Jerome and Wood – D- Phoenix def. Delirium – D Sam Cannon def. Marc Speed – D Overall: D[/I] [/QUOTE] * [I]Next: Nemesis' reaction...[/I]
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[COLOR="Green"]“Well?” [/COLOR]I asked. [COLOR="blue"]“----, it’s not what I would have expected,”[/COLOR] Nemesis’ voice rumbled over the phone. [COLOR="blue"]“But it was a win – and a win is a win. He’s buzzing about the potential of this team, James. He thinks the two of them can really go places together.”[/COLOR] I nodded, and then, realising that head movements don’t translate that well over the phone, said [COLOR="green"]“Yes.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Yes they can, or yes you know he thinks they can?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Yes, they can,” [/COLOR]I replied. [COLOR="green"]“I’m having a bit of a shakeup of the tag division. There’re a couple of teams that are moving on, and Ash and Jefferson will be one of the permanent replacements. The idea is to try and get some solid matches out of them... But really, anything is a step up from staring at the lights in RIPW, right?”[/COLOR] Nemesis grunted his agreement. [COLOR="blue"]“Okay, he’s signed, he’s got a push – not the one I woulda ----ing given him, but it’s not my choice – so I guess the next step is mine, right?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“That’s right,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="blue"]“Well, never let it be said that John Campbell welshes on a deal. The cheque will be with the bank in the next day, and the money should be in your account by Monday.”[/COLOR] I nodded, not bothering to say anything this time. The money would hold off the bailiffs for a bit, at least. [COLOR="blue"]“So, when does he get a title shot? He was saying the other day it’d been four ----ing years since he ever had a match for any gold – and he’s never won any, you know. It’s a ----ing disgrace-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“John,”[/COLOR] I said, warningly. He laughed heartily. [COLOR="blue"]“Just pulling your leg, James,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="blue"]“Relax. The money’s yours. It ain’t done me any ----ing good sitting in my account, might as well use it to get my boy started.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“I have to ask... Is this a loan, or...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“It’s wrestling, James,”[/COLOR] was the reply. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’ll sort that out if we ever need to ---- the taxman over somehow.”[/COLOR] The conversation over, I hung up the phone. Really, Ash Campbell wasn’t [I]that[/I] bad in the ring... I shivered, and stood up quickly. It was time to go home. * Alicia Strong has signed with CWWF. There’s no surprise there, really – other than AAA not having snapped her up long before now. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title Phoenix vs. Ernest Youngman Alicia Strong (c) vs. Lauren Easter – MAW Women’s title with guest referee Joanne Rodriguez Tim Westybrook and Liberty vs. Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/CENTER]
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MAW Nationwide Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy (c) –[/B] MAW Traditional title Phoenix vs.[B] Ernest Youngman[/B] [B]Alicia Strong (c) [/B]vs. Lauren Easter – MAW Women’s title with guest referee Joanne Rodriguez [B]Tim Westybrook and Liberty[/B] vs. Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] – MAW Traditional title Phoenix vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] [B]Alicia Strong (c)[/B] vs. Lauren Easter – MAW Women’s title with guest referee Joanne Rodriguez [B]Tim Westybrook and Liberty[/B] vs. Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts
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I've never really understood the hatred you have toward Ash. He's always improved well enough in my games and has chemistry with many of the right people. I will say that your jabs at him have always been quite entertaining, though. :p
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Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] – MAW Traditional title [I]Who was spot on abou Swoop losing the match but keeping the belt last time ? Oh yeah...Me ! :) Anyway I see Swoop retaining in more convincing fashion here.[/I] Phoenix vs. Ernest Youngman [I]Phoenix seems to be entering that sort of phase, where he'll put people over if they're good enough to be put over and in Youngman's case he is good enough.[/I] [B]Alicia Strong (c)[/B] vs. Lauren Easter – MAW Women’s title with guest referee Joanne Rodriguez [I]J-Ro screws Easter out of winning the title, because she wants another shot at Strong herself...setting up the inevitable 3-way.[/I] Tim Westybrook and Liberty vs. Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts [I]I would have said the newcomers for sure, but then I remembered about Westybrook being unbeaten. So this ends in a draw, the outsiders don't lose but Westybrook keeps the streak going.[/I]
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Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] (c) – MAW Traditional title [B]Phoenix [/B]vs. Ernest Youngman [B]Alicia Strong[/B] (c) vs. Lauren Easter – MAW Women’s title with guest referee Joanne Rodriguez Tim Westybrook and Liberty vs. [B]Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B]
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[I]OOC: Never discount the possibility that a tag team loss (or series thereof) will be ignored in a wrestlers win/loss record...[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 26th February 2014[/CENTER] Fumihiro Ota vs. Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Swoop once more entered this match as though the outcome had already been decided in his favour. Ota did a lot to disabuse him of that notion in the early going, exploding out of the blocks with a flurry of kicks and strikes that left McCarthy flustered and seeking refuge behind the referee – a tactic that nearly paid dividends as Ota brushed the referee’s ear with an axe kick that instead found its true target as the ninja’s heel crashed down on McCarthy’s forehead in a stunning display of agility. From there, McCarthy never quite recovered and as Ota harried and hustled the big Australian, all of Swoop’s best moves were blocked, countered or otherwise negated before he even had a chance to land them. Eventually, he bailed from the ring and grabbed his Traditional title once more, and when Ota went after him, he was waffled in the face with the heavy gold strap, drawing an instant – and title-saving – DQ from the referee. Winner: Fumihiro Ota (B-) * Ernest Youngman stood in the centre of the ring, smirking widely as he took up a mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“So now you know,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="blue"]“Now you see why I’ve been ‘lording it’ over MAW these last weeks. Now you see the superiority of myself and my allies. Myself, Shaffer, Roberts and Sexy. Elite. Supreme. And here to show MAW the truth about what it takes to compete at the highest level. Make no mistake, we are the finest collection of wrestlers in the country right now. We have everything, and I aim to show what we are capable of. Katie Cameron said last time that The Firm would stand against us. Tonight is their first chance: Phoenix, I know nowadays that you’re spending more time beating up kids than facing a real challenge, but you’re here, and you didn’t get your tailfeathers kicked on Saturday night, so come on out – The Firm can face Elite here and now, and I can make my statement of intent.”[/COLOR] * [B]Phoenix vs. Ernest Youngman[/B] The second match to feature a veteran fan favourite against a ****y youngster, this was a much more evenly-contested affair. Phoenix seemed to have the edge as he mixed aerial attacks with technical wizardry, but little by little Youngman began to exert control over the contest by putting his superior strength to the test, dominating his smaller opponent before scoring with The Hit to take the win in a well-received contest. Winner: Ernest Youngman (B-) * Joe Sexy made his way to the ring, strutting slightly with Phil Roberts following in his wake. Sexy picked up a mic, and began to address the crowd. [COLOR="blue"]“So now you see the brilliance of our strategy. To infiltrate this company in stages, to exploit the knowledge of those who have gone before, to make the most of our many advantages.”[/COLOR] He paused, and traced a finger over the ridges and whorls on the faceplate of the All Action title, which was strapped securely around his waist. [COLOR="blue"]“What you haveta understand is that we’re here on a mission. I know that you don’t like us, and to be honest, I don’t really care. You’re supporting a company that’s stepping on the turf of some powerful people, and that needs ta learn its place, see? We’re here to make sure of that, and we’ll enjoy ourselves making sure that when we leave, the bosses here know what’s what.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Oh, and believe me, we can’t wait to leave. This place may have a few things going for it, but at the end of the day, we belong up north – bright lights, big city, hot dames... North Carolina, Arkansas, wherever: They ain’t got nothing on the Big Apple.”[/COLOR] Jimi Hendrix’ [I]Star Spangled Banner[/I] hit the PA, and Liberty marched out to the top of the ramp. [COLOR="blue"]“Joe, Joe, Joe...”[/COLOR] Liberty said, shaking his head. [COLOR="blue"]“You always did talk the talk. It seems that while I’ve been away, you’ve even learned how to walk the walk a little. But if you’re the best they could find to put this company in its place, well, they may as well have just put out a big welcome mat.” “Liberty... you always had a big mouth. I seemta remember it got you in a lot of trouble, too. Here’s the deal, blondie: You walk away now, and we don’t have to beat you down where you stand. You’ve got no business here – you’re only visitin’, and there’s no need for you to get involved.” “Dude, the way I see it, there’s always a need for a man to stand up for the fundamental rights of his fellow countryman. Now, Jean Cattley is stirring up The Firm to stand against you, and I’m sure my old colleague Chris Caulfield will want revenge for the way that you all mugged him last week, but here and now I’m standing here and ready to fight you. And my partner... Well, I think I’ll let his story get told by someone else.”[/COLOR] Tim Westybrook made his own entrance, accompanied by Katie Cameron. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Gentlemen, good evening. Please, allow me to extend a welcome to you both. My client is pleased that such... experienced competition has come to compete in MAW. He looks forward to seeing his share of the gate when you face him, as I suspect you inevitably will. “But what my client is less impressed with is your intent to ‘teach MAW a lesson’. My client is of the opinion that the continued existence of MAW is a good thing: He holds the World title, he commands a large stipend in return for his appearances, and he enjoys considerable success in the informal poker tournaments held backstage. “You claim to be here on business, and that your mission is not personal. My client understands the distinction very well indeed. His involvement in this industry is one of business – he avoids the personal vendettas so common to others, instead taking the best opportunities to make money. And yet, you have come to his home and threatened to close it down. My client is a businessman – but this business is one that he cannot accept. “My client was a member of The Firm during its war with The Cult Of Chord. He accepts that The Firm has acted in this company’s best interests in the past. Although my client does not, in general, work with others – as it involves splitting the winners’ purse – he accepts that your continued presence here constitutes a threat to the operation of MAW. That would be bad business – so he will once more ally himself with The Firm to put you out. You have been warned, gentlemen, and my client does not give second chances.”[/COLOR] In the ring, Sexy shook himself, as though awakening from sleep. [COLOR="Blue"]“Are you done? Because all I heard was a lot of blah-blah-blah. Listen, sweets, you leave this business to the people who get between the ropes, okay? If you’re not here to fight, I’m not going to listen to a word you say. I always wondered why the big lug this company has as its champion doesn’t talk. Is he too stupid? Is he a mute? Were his vocal chords damaged by a tragic accident? “Eh, you know what? I don’t really care. You see, all that matters is that tonight and any other time a member of Elite steps in the ring with the champ, he’s gonna be begging for mercy. And I don’t really care if he screams, taps, or uses sign language. You just gotta understand, when you step in the ring with me or my friends, you’re probably gonna lose – and you’re sure as hell gonna suffer.”[/COLOR] * [B]Tim Westybrook and Liberty vs. Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] As with the prior contest, this was an evenly-matched battle between four of the biggest names on the MAW roster. Liberty was explosive in the early going, bouncing Sexy and Roberts around the ring before some diabolical shenanigans from the Elite duo laid the hugely popular patriot low. Liberty was then left to play Spencer Marks for several minutes, leading to a series of close calls before he was able to make the hot tag to the World champion, who cleaned house on their opponents. Westybrook still found himself troubled in the ring, more by the solid technical groundings of Roberts than the powerful brawler Sexy, as Westybrook is almost without peer in that aspect of the business. However, Roberts’ veteran instincts failed him at the last as he went for a RCT, only for Westybrook to exploit his height advantage to lift the technician up into the air atop his shoulders, before spinning the newcomer out into a modified – but effective – TNT Whirlwind for the victory. Winner: Westybrook and Liberty (C+) * As Easter, Strong and Rodriguez stood in the ring, watching each other closely, I joined them with a microphone in one hand. [COLOR="Green"]“Miss Rodriguez, I’m trusting you to officiate this match in as impersonal and professional a manner as you can manage. “Miss Strong, I’m expecting you to defend your title with the honour and talent that I have come to expect of you. “Miss Easter, I know that you will not give up easily – that you will fight until fighting is no longer an option. I respect that a lot. “To the three of you, I will note that you have dominated this title, one way or another, for some time now. I truly believe that the three of you represent the pinnacle of women’s wrestling in this country. I expect this match to be worth putting in the main event, okay?”[/COLOR] If I was heard, I was ignored – but then, the three women had other things on their mind. I left the ring, and signalled for the bell. * [B]Alicia Strong (c) vs. Lauren Easter[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Women’s title[/COLOR] with guest referee [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] The tensions were running high for this contest, with no-one sure how Joanne Rodriguez would call the match, nor exactly whether the friction between the three stars would boil over now – or at a later date. In fact, other than some jawing between Strong and J-Ro in the early going, there was little for Rodriguez to do but call the match straight down the middle. The champion and challenger battled back and forth, showing themselves to be near total equals, and if there was a faint air of over-familiarity about the match as a result of previous meetings in recent history, there was enough here to keep fans guessing. Something, it seemed, was going to happen tonight – but what? The answer seemed to come as Joe Sexy made his way down to ringside and took up position beside Haley Buck, Lauren’s recently-retained manager. Strong caught sight of him, and complained to Rodriguez about his presence. J-Ro scowled at the champion, but turned to order Sexy away from ringside. Sexy took his time complying, seemingly more intent on laying his insouciant charm on Buck, hands in pockets and his tie slightly askew, then in obeying the designated official’s commands. At last he turned to face Rodriguez, shifting his hands to the ring apron as he sparkled in her direction before seemingly coming to terms with the iciness of her responses and backing away, hands up as Strong took a tumble from an Easter wheel kick and landed right where his hands had been. With a last wink and a finger point in Rodriguez’ direction, Sexy backed away from the ring, Rodriguez watching him carefully as Strong got to her feet and lashed out with a roundhouse punch that connected flush with Easter’s jaw and dropped her to the mat. Rodriguez turned to see Strong make the cover and dropped to make the count – one, two... she hesitated slightly... three. Winner: Alicia Strong (C+) * Strong celebrated her win with the title held aloft as confusion reigned over the rest of the arena. How had Strong managed to knock Easter out with a single punch? Buck was in the ring, protesting the decision as Rodriguez checked on her erstwhile friend, who was still out cold. Suddenly, Sexy was in the ring as well, and he had Rodriguez by the arms as Strong spun and planted a second punch to Rodriguez’ jaw, snapping her head around with such force as to draw gasps from the audience. Sexy released his hold on Rodriguez, allowing her to drop bonelessly to the mat beside Easter’s unmoving body. He smiled widely at Strong, pointing at her as she smiled demurely – even coquettishly – at him in response, before laughing as she held something up in her hand: A roll of quarters. Strong leapt into Sexy’s arms and the two embraced enthusiastically as the crowd erupted in jeers and boos at the sudden about-face of one of their most beloved favourites. When they came up for air, Strong picked up a microphone. [COLOR="Blue"]“I don’t care if you boo me,”[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="blue"]“This is who I am – it always has been. I’ve always been a bad girl. Dad sent me to Japan in the end to try and make something of me... but let’s be honest: He was no angel, was he? And when Joe came to me with the proposal to join forces with him, well, I’ve always had a thing for bad guys...” “Sweetheart, I’m not bad,”[/COLOR] Sexy said. [COLOR="blue"]“I’ve just been misrepresented.”[/COLOR] He turned his attention to the crowd. [COLOR="blue"]“As for Alicia joining us, well, having a Strong on board just makes Elite that much more supreme!”[/COLOR] The crowd erupted once more as Sexy and Strong resumed their embrace, their celebrations amidst the downed bodies of Easter and Rodriguez the last thing viewers saw as Nationwide drew to a close. [B]Overall: B-[/B] [I]Next: Good news for Jay...[/I]
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I guess it just goes to show: The main event doesn’t always determine the final grade of the show – although it undoubtedly has a hefty impact. The story of the main event, in this case, was more important than the match itself, and we did just about enough to save the card from taking a repetitiveness hit – and also, not incidentally, put on our best show since Iron in August, which was headlined by the Cattley/Westybrook/Zimmy triple threat. * Over in TCW, something horrible happened that I know I’m going to hear about a lot over the coming weeks: Jay Chord main-evented The War To Settle The Score – and won. Admittedly, it was as half of The Tag Team Masters with Darryl Devine, going over The Machines, and admittedly Jay seems to be dropping down the card every time I check in on his standing in Hollywood (presently he’s a lower-midcarder)... but still: A win in the main event of a pay-per-view. Rip’s walking around like the cat that got the cream and the early bird this morning. Even February’s financial report ($128k loss – better than I thought given the newer signings) couldn’t faze him. Interestingly, going to smaller (and fewer) On Tour shows seems to have cost us about $15,000 overall. Something to chew over in the next few days... * Also at TWTSTS, Joel Bryant (43) defeated Greg Black (33) for the All Action title. Black had been a good champion for TCW, pulling solid ratings for the midcard belt. The AA belt in TCW is often seen as the future up-and-comers title, unlike in MAW where it’s the gimmick match title, so putting it on Bryant is likely to be something of a lifetime achievement award – it’s the veteran’s first title reign of any sort in eleven years. * Erik Strong has signed a new, written deal with the SWF. He’ll be the last to do so for some time, as once again they have fallen to Cult size, putting us notionally on a par with them. Their last rise was only two months ago, and their rise and fall has taken on such a cyclical nature that this latest drop didn’t even make main page of tew.com. When it comes down to it, you have to wonder how much of this latest drop is down to having Lobster Warrior – a talented worker, but ultra-goofy gimmick – as their champion? * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Suzanne Brazzle vs. Alicia Strong (c) – MAW Women’s title El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix vs. Sean Deeley and Davis Wayne Newton Chris Caulfield vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title Tim Westybrook vs. Joe Sexy – non-title[/CENTER]
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MAW Nationwide Suzanne Brazzle vs. [B]Alicia Strong (c)[/B] – MAW Women’s title [B]El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix [/B]vs. Sean Deeley and Davis Wayne Newton [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Joe Sexy – non-title
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Suzanne Brazzle vs. [B]Alicia Strong[/B] (c) – MAW Women’s title El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix vs. [B]Sean Deeley and Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Chris Caulfield vs.[B] Swoop McCarthy[/B] (c) – MAW Traditional title Tim Westybrook vs. [B]Joe Sexy [/B]– non-title
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Suzanne Brazzle vs. [B]Alicia Strong (c) [/B]– MAW Women’s title [B]El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix[/B] vs. Sean Deeley and Davis Wayne Newton Chris Caulfield vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] – MAW Traditional title Tim Westybrook vs.[B] Joe Sexy[/B] – non-title
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Suzanne Brazzle vs. [B]Alicia Strong (c)[/B] – MAW Women’s title [I]What is it with Alicia Strong suddenly turning from nice girl to total bitch in diaries ? (first NoNeck's, now this)....no way she loses the title after the heel turn. [/I] [B]El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix[/B] vs. Sean Deeley and Davis Wayne Newton [I]It could got the other way, but I think you see the masked men as more likely to stick around long term, so I see them winning here.[/I] [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title [I]Swoop's thing right now seem's to be retaining the belt via cheap tactics, so I see Caulfield winning after Swoop gets himself intentionally DQ'd.[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Joe Sexy – non-title [I]Non title it may be, but Westybrook's got the whole unbeaten thing going on, that ain't going to end on a regular TV show and without the belt being on the line.[/I]
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Suzanne Brazzle vs. [B]Alicia Strong (c)[/B] – MAW Women’s title [B]El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix[/B] vs. Sean Deeley and Davis Wayne Newton [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy (c) – MAW Traditional title [I](Swoop keeps the title)[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Joe Sexy – non-title
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[I]OOC: Pleased to see no-one got 100%, as far as I can tell - and as for Alicia, well, it's justification for me to keep using those three in rotation until Fuyuko Higa signs on :p[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 5th March 2014[/CENTER] Suzanne Brazzle vs. Alicia Strong (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Women’s title[/COLOR] Brazzle seemed highly offended by Strong’s recent actions, going nose-to-nose with the smug champion and talking down to her. Strong simply grinned unrepentantly, while at ringside Joe Sexy beamed with pride. Seemingly tiring of being talked at, Strong fired off an open-handed slap, before going to work on her opponent. The two brawled around the ring, with Sexy flashing a thumbs-up whenever Strong gained a big advantage. Brazzle fought hard, putting in a powerful performance, but Strong has added to her considerable repertoire a willingness to cheat openly, instead of the occasional hint that only J-Ro and Rip seemed to notice, and was able to overcome Brazzle before scoring with an Angel Driver for the win. Winner: Alicia Strong (C+) * [COLOR="Green"]“Congratulations Miss Strong,”[/COLOR] I said, entering the ring as Alicia celebrated with the title belt. [COLOR="Green"]“Suzanne Brazzle is a tough competitor. I picked her because I wanted to gauge how effective you could be, given your recent change in attitude. “Of course, that does raise the question of who you’re going to face at Super Showdown in three weeks. I think there’s only one possibility really. Or, rather, there’re two. “Given what happened last week, I think it only fair that at Super Showdown we see one more match between Alicia Strong and Lauren Easter... and Joanne Rodriguez!”[/COLOR] * Backstage, and Sean Deeley and Davis Wayne Newton were striding purposefully through the corridors when they came face to mask with El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix. The four men stared at each other unmovingly. [COLOR="Blue"]“So... you’re not booked for tonight, and neither are we,”[/COLOR] Sean Deeley said at last. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m in the mood for cracking skulls and dislocating arms, and I know I can do that to the two of you. It may not be much of a challenge, but for an impromptu match I don’t think it’s bad.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“I can live with that,”[/COLOR] Phoenix said. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“But let’s be honest: As good as you are, this won’t be a foregone conclusion. I don’t want to come across as arrogant, but I think we can hold our own against the two of you – this kid especially.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“’This kid’ has been getting in my way lately. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the challenge, but I don’t want to get injured before my shot at the Traditional title at Super Showdown,”[/COLOR] Newton said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Still, I guess a warm-up ahead of that show might be useful, so why not?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Some say you’re next in line for a shot,”[/COLOR] Heroe countered. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“And that you might be the one who can stop Swoop walking out on his matches.” [/COLOR]He grinned wolfishly. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“All I know is that I want that shot as well. So maybe we can sort out tonight who gets that match?”[/COLOR] Phoenix and Heroe headed for the ring, leaving Newton and Deeley behind. Deeley turned to Newton. [COLOR="Blue"]“Who told you that you were getting the next title shot?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, I naturally assumed...”[/COLOR] * [B]El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix vs. Sean Deeley and Davis Wayne Newton[/B] We came back from the commercial break to blistering tag team action, with Phoenix and Heroe showing incredible chemistry in their teamwork. The four workers, who will all number high in any list of talent in North America right now, put on a tremendous show for our fans as they battled back and forth, tearing into one another with a speed and ferocity that had those in attendance on their feet as counter was followed by counter, with the technicians on one side well matched against the soaring masked duo. It was a hard-fought contest, mostly without insidious tactics on the part of Deeley and Newton, although the end came about as a result of some nifty double-teaming and referee distracting on their part, taking Phoenix out of the game and allowing Newton to trap Heroe in the centre of the ring with an STF for the win. Winners: Deeley and Newton (B-) * Chris Caulfield came down to the ring, Katie Cameron by his side. It was Caulfield who took the mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“People keep trying to beat me down,”[/COLOR] he said, in a slightly bewildered tone. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s almost like they don’t know me. DaVE, USPW, SWF, MAW – you name a company in the United States, and I’ve bled for their cause.”[/COLOR] He paused, and frowned. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, ‘cept for CZCW, for some reason. Oh, and AAA.”[/COLOR] He grinned. [COLOR="Blue"]“BSC, though... Wow, that was a weekend and a half.”[/COLOR] His expression grew serious once more. [COLOR="Blue"]“My point is that I don’t give up. I’m tenacious. I’m a terrier. I’m unstoppable.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I do not stay down!”[/COLOR] He scowled into the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]“You know, I came to this company to help out a little. I thought I’d make a few appearances to help draw in anyone crazy enough to follow me. It was supposed to be a short-term thing – a few shows, that was all. But then, Joe Sexy, you made this personal. You took my title – well, they come and go. It’s best not to get too attached. And as for that thing in that place that time... Well, that was ancient history, for the most part. If you were prepared to live and let live, well, so was I.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“But you had to go and make it personal, Joe. You claim to be all about the business, but you crossed the line almost as soon as you set foot in this company. Me, I had nothing invested in MAW. I could have walked away and left the whole thing between you and them.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“But you got me involved. You gave me a reason to stick around. You tried to put me down like so many before you. But Joe...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I do not stay down!”[/COLOR] * [B]Chris Caulfield vs. Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Caulfield and McCarthy are both hard-fighting brawlers, and went toe-to-toe in the early going. McCarthy appeared somewhat more intent than in recent weeks, not taking Caulfield lightly – although still playing to the crowd when he had Caulfield down. Although he seemed to respect Caulfield more than other opponents, he still allowed him back into the fight when he could have pressed home his advantage. As a result, although he was able to get Caulfield up for the Running Powerslam, Caulfield’s bulk hindered him and he was unable to complete the move. The ‘Psychobillly Patriot’ dived for his tool belt, and came up with his nightstick ready and swinging. Swoop backed away, begging off as the crowd roared for Caulfield to swing, but when he did Swoop dived out of the way, and Caulfield hit the ring post, jolting the club out of his hand. McCarthy caught it out of the air and planted the butt of it in Caulfield’s stomach, before catching him under the chin on the upswing. The referee called for the bell as McCarthy bailed out of the ring and Rip commented that McCarthy had again retained without a clean win – but at least on this occasion his actions had been in self defence. Winner: Chris Caulfield (B-) * Joe Sexy came to the ring alone, looking smug. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah, I’m here, and normally I might say that you’re about to be entertained by a superior performance from the prince of pro wrestling. Somehow, though, I don’t think you’re about ta cheer the guy who’s here to shut this company down, are ya?”[/COLOR] The fans responded with the expected volley of jeers and boos. [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s about what I thought. Chris Caulfield, this is who you’re fightin’ for. This is what you’ve identified yourself with. Listen, pal, I’ll give you this one chance to walk away. Like you said, there’s no reason for you to stick around. I got no reason to face you again, so hang it up, capisce?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“As for Tim Westybrook, well, I get my chance tonight to knock you down a peg or ten. Ya see, I’ve been watching the tapes, like a good professional oughtta. Westybrook is a tough customer, no question. He’s strong, he’s deceptively fast – Ruin found that out in the cage. Thing is, Westybrook don’t like to fight that much. He don’t make more than one or two appearances a month. He may act big, and his broad sure talks big, but Westybrook? He ain’t big – waistline notwithstanding.”[/COLOR] Westybrook’s music hit, and the champion made his entrance, with Katie Cameron by his side. [COLOR="Magenta"]“My client is ready to fight anytime. In fact, he’s taking you on tonight. If you want to set up any other members of your so-called Elite between now and Super Showdown, then my client will face them as well.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Superb,”[/COLOR] Sexy said, with a wide grin. [COLOR="Blue"]“You see, Phil wants a shot. So does Trent. In fact, we’ve been talking backstage, and we kinda figured that at Super Showdown the three of us could go up against your client, and I suppose probably Cattley and Caulfield as well. Whichever one of us wins that match, gets the next shot at your client.”[/COLOR] Cameron looked at Westybrook. The champion’s face split into a wide, anticipatory grin. [COLOR="Magenta"]“I think that’s agreed,”[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Superb,”[/COLOR] Sexy repeated. [COLOR="Blue"]“As for tonight...”[/COLOR] Sexy lashed out with the All Action title, catching Westybrook across a hastily-thrown up arm that was just enough to prevent the blow landing on the side of his head. Like that, the match was on! * [B]Tim Westybrook vs. Joe Sexy[/B] This wasn’t exactly a match. Westybrook and Sexy went at each other outside the ring before the bell rang, and Sexy showed that he wasn’t a show-pony as he held his own against the huge World champion for a few minutes. However, before the referee could get things in the ring, Phil Roberts came charging to ringside and tackled Westybrook. Before the Elite duo could do too much damage to Westybrook – indeed, before they could take the Iron Man completely under their control – Jean Cattley charged down to ringside and tackled Sexy. The four men continued to brawl around the ring, battering one another against the steel ringposts and guardrails as Nationwide went off the air. Winner: No contest (C-) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I]Next: A new era (cough) for On Tour...[/I]
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