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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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Might as well use reply 1,900 (still hunting down Nevermore :p) to reveal a special project that jtlant has kindly been working on for me. Those of you who've been following the diary for a while will be familiar with this render: [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Random_Male241.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It is, of course, Kid Arachnid - or, at least, it's a random render of a guy in an altered Spider-Man mask that I used for the Kid Arachnid gimmick. I've long since lost track of the original renderer. If anyone knows who it is, please let me know: I owe them a debt of gratitude. Apologies if it was never intended for public use - it was only ever intended as a placeholder in my game, but I have used it two or three times now, so... Anyway, when Kid Arachnid appeared a second time, the idea was always that it would be a direct copy of the original character designed to get into the mind of the person behind the gimmick the first time around. We're now onto Kid No. 3, but this Kid is a little different. So this time I wanted a different look. With that in mind, jt has come up with this: [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/KidArachnid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] it's a new render, but I have to say, I can certainly see the person behind the mask when I look at it - and that's without me telling jt who it is. Not too shabby, huh? Thanks again to jt!
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MAW Nationwide KC Glenn vs. [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] (c) – MAW Traditional title Gino Montero vs. “[B]Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman Lauren Easter and Sara Marie York vs. [B]Alicia Strong and Tracy Brendon[/B] I like KC but i think Trent can take him. Swoop all the way. There's noone that can take him right now. Phil is back in a big way. Kid has to keep his winning ways. Strong and Brendon make a good team and i like bad girls.
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[B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Trent Shaffer I've become quite a Shaffer fan, but I don't see him toppling Glenn Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] – MAW Traditional title Swoop's title reign has been great and I don't want it to end. Though if anyone, Lassana could be one to take it from him Gino Montero vs. [B]“Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] Gino could win here and it'd be a good win for him, but I don't see it happening [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman I'm marking for whoever is under the mask, no matter who it is [B]Lauren Easter and Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Alicia Strong and Tracy Brendon Voting against Alicia Strong is questionable, but I'm not sure she gets this one
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[B]MAW Nationwide[/B] KC Glenn vs. [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] – MAW Traditional title [B]Gino Montero[/B] vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman Lauren Easter and Sara Marie York vs. [B]Alicia Strong and Tracy Brendon[/B]
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[B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Trent Shaffer [I]This could go one of two ways, either Shaffer loses this and gets an earful from the rest of the Elite (Sexy in particular) or he wins via Elite inteference but still gets an earful for not exactly celebrating the tainted win as if he's just won the SWF World Heavyeight Championship. I'll swing for the former this time but it wouldn't surprise me if you went the other way. [/I] Lassana Makutsi vs.[B] Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] – MAW Traditional title [I]Primus Allen being Swoop's mystery opponent at Fan Festival must have been one of the biggest let downs in the history of MAW :p Anyway I just don't see the Big African being the one to end Swoop's seemingly endless reign with this belt.[/I] Gino Montero vs. [B]“Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] [I]Gino will look good here but will ultimately lose as Roberts resorts to some veteran tactics, in other words he will end up blatantly cheating to get the win but do it in such a clever way that he won't get caught.[/I] [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman [I]Arachnid is gradually being built up as the 'saviour' of MAW from Elite, so I see him picking up another momentum boosting victory here.[/I] Lauren Easter and Sara Marie York vs. [B]Alicia Strong and Tracy Brendon[/B] [I]Easter's had her shot at the women's belt and lost, it's time to start building Strong up again as the main challenger. Spamhead York and the older Brendon sister are only here as makeweights.[/I]
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[I]OOC: Lots of replies - thanks to all for the predictions![/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 26th June 2014[/CENTER][/B] Unsurprisingly, the show began with Elite marching down to the ring. Jean Cattley had the World title secured tightly around his waist. Joe Sexy had Alicia Strong draped on one arm. Phil Roberts and Ernest Youngman patrolled the flanks while Trent Shaffer brought up the rear. They stood in the centre of the ring, generally smirking at one another as Cattley took the mic. [COLOR="Navy"]“Once again, I stand before you the World champion of this miserable, misbegotten company. A company that we shall tear into tiny pieces. A company that will learn the difference between the Elite... and everyone else. “I know you all thought that I was mad when I chose the match for last Saturday. How could I compete in an Iron Man match... against the Iron Man? But to survive thirty minutes against Tim Westybrook doesn’t take strength, or speed, or skill – although I have all three. It takes strategy. Rip Chord called me the most devious man in wrestling. If needs be, I can be devious. But I possess intelligence. I know all there is to know about wrestling. I knew that in an Iron Man match, I could take a beating. All I had to do was make sure it was close in the last few minutes, and I could do exactly what I did: Beat Tim Westybrook into insensibility with a chair, or a baseball bat, or this title belt... and end his career. “When we formed Elite, when our employer sent us to bring this company to heel, we knew that Westybrook had to be vanquished. We could have bought him off, but I wanted to prove that he could be beaten. So for the last several months my colleagues have been taking it in turns to face him and to weaken him. In this, we have been helped by the Internationals, if they’d only known. “So good-bye Tim. You stood alone, and maybe you could have withstood the string and arrows of outrageous fortune in any other company... but you couldn’t stand against Elite. “I made sure of that.”[/COLOR] He feigned hobbling on an injured leg, drawing still further abuse from a crowd that had not been shy in expressing their hatred of the stable since their first appearance in the arena. [COLOR="Navy"]“This company is beneath us. We intend to destroy it – but first we shall conquer it. Every piece of gold in this company will belong to Elite, and then we will retire the belts undefeated as we walk away, leaving the ruins of Mid Atlantic Wrestling behind us. “We’ve started at the top. Next will come Gino Montero’s All Action title, which will soon return to Elite. The Tag Team title, the Traditional title and of course the Women’s title. To accomplish all that, we-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]“We’ve heard enough.”[/COLOR] The crowd’s mood turned on a sixpence as The Firm entered the arena. Kid Arachnid, El Heroe Mexicano, Amazing Fire Fly, Gino Montero and KC Glenn stood at the top of the aisle, their collective gaze locked on Elite. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“We warned you. From now on, every possible thing we can do to stand in the way of Elite, we will.”[/COLOR] Montero took the microphone from Arachnid. [COLOR="Blue"]“Starting with that gold around your waist, Cattley. I think it’d look mighty fine around my waist, esse. Last time I looked, I beat you. What say tonight you put that belt on the line and we see if I can do it again?”[/COLOR] Cattley shook his head. [COLOR="Navy"]“Forget it, junior. Last time we fought, I was focused on Westybrook. I’m man enough to admit he beat me pretty badly, so I’m not putting this belt on the line tonight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Fine, but there will be a fight tonight,”[/COLOR] Arachnid cut in, taking the microphone back. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“And Ernest Youngman, I’m looking at you. I think you’ve been fed a lot of ---- lately about how good life would be, first with the Cult of Chord and now with Elite. What say I take you down a few notches tonight and maybe we see if you can’t snap to and figure what’s really going on around here?”[/COLOR] Youngman snatched the mic from Cattley, to the champion’s evident annoyance. [COLOR="Blue"]“Arachnid, if that’s your ‘down home’ way of challenging me to a match tonight, you’ve got it,”[/COLOR] he snapped. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve had to listen to you for too long. I definitely want a chance to shut you up!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Then let’s get started in earnest, with Ernest,”[/COLOR] Arachnid said with a tight grin. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Elite, you talk a good war. You’ll find out that we can fight one.”[/COLOR] * [B]Kid Arachnid vs. Ernest Youngman[/B] Kid Arachnid is making a point, lately, of saying ‘follow this’ to anyone above him on the card. I can’t really argue – he brings out the best in almost everyone he faces. And that’s as much a clue as I’m offering to anyone who thinks they can guess who he is. In this case, he went up against the ultra-arrogant Youngman with the avowed intent of showing the youngest member of Elite the error of his ways. The match was an aggressive clash of these two talents, with Youngman dominating via strength, but Arachnid enduring and making a big comeback to pick up the win with an Antidote Web. Winner: Kid Arachnid (B) * A short video played recapping Lassana Makutsi’s travails with Elite, and his defeat of Ernest Youngman to become #1 contender to the Traditional title. * [B]Lassana Makutsi vs. Swoop McCarthy (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] A definite cooldown match, this was a spirited brawl between Makutsi, who earned his shot by beating Youngman the week before, and McCarthy. At one point, Makutsi had Swoop on the run – literally, as the champion bailed out of the ring and tried to bolt for the dressing room. Makutsi had him well scouted, though, and chased him down. The two battled back into the ring, with Swoop forced to up his game against his persistent opponent, drawing Katie to query whether Swoop was really pragmatic in waling out on previous defences, or just lazy. Rip and Katie bickered about the difference as Swoop ducked under an attempt at a Lassana Stunner, and nailed his own Swoop Stunner for the successful title defence – number 24, as he was quick to remind us after the bell. Winner: Swoop McCarthy (C) * As the contestants for the next match made their entrance, I commented that it was a sign of our ongoing policy of bringing the best young talents to the nation’s attention. In this case, Sara Marie York and Tracy Brendon were making their Nationwide debuts tonight, and I expressed the hope that we’d see more of the two talented young women over the coming weeks and months. * [B]Lauren Easter and Sara Marie York vs. Alicia Strong and Tracy Brendon[/B] York and Brendon are newcomers to MAW, but they showed that they fit right in as they took the fight to each other, and the other members of the match. York seemed to take particular pleasure in beating on Strong, which made Rip wonder if the two had history together. Katie said no – but that York believed in honesty and loyalty, wasn’t the type to stand for Alicia’s alliance with Elite. The two sides battled back and forth, with neither side having a clear advantage. Strong and Brendon resorted to outright chicanery in the end, with Strong tripping Easter as she bounced off the ropes, leaving her off-balance and prey to Brendon nailing an Idaho Crunch for something of an upset win. Winners: Strong and Brendon (C-) * KC Glenn came down to the ring with a microphone in his hand. [COLOR="Blue"]“I don’t usually have too much to say,”[/COLOR] he said, clearly making an effort to soften his thick Southern accent. [COLOR="Blue"]“An’ mainly you all cint unners’and me when I do say it.”[/COLOR] He laughed. [COLOR="Blue"]“Tonight I want to be serious, though. When I opened the door one night an’ found Kid Arachnid on the other side, I thought for a second my mind was playing tricks on me. But he explained that Elite would kill this company, and I’ve given a lot of my life to it. I don’t want to see that happen. I made my professional debut right here in MAW. “Now, I’ve worked up in New York. I know all about the boss of Elite. He’s got a reputation in this industry, sho’nuff. I won’t say much more about him, ‘cept that if Trent Shaffer, my opponent tonight, has any doubts about what he’s bein’ asked to do, well, now’s the time to walk away. Close as I can figure, Trent, you’re not completely sucked in. You can still think for yourself – you ain’t drunk the Kool-Aid, Trent!”[/COLOR] Shaffer’s music played, and he came down the aisle with a clearly careworn expression on his face. Snatching the mic from Glenn, he raised it to his mouth and for a moment he looked like he might break his self-imposed silence of recent weeks... ...but then he dropped the mic and signalled for the referee to start the match. * [B]KC Glenn vs. Trent Shaffer[/B] If ever it was clear that Shaffer was less than wholly committed to the goals of Elite, it came in this match. Shaffer was reluctant to press home any advantage he got, and at times almost seemed unwilling to do anything that might even give him an advantage. Glenn was similarly cautious at first, although this seemed partly wariness of an Elite attack, and partly curiosity about what Shaffer was trying to pull – if anything. In the end, Glenn put Shaffer down with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band, but on commentary we enjoyed a rare moment of unanimous opinion as we all thought that Shaffer had pretty much thrown the match. Winner: KC Glenn (B-) * Elite were in their dressing room when Trent Shaffer sloped in and dropped into a chair in the corner, ignoring his stablemates. Before the door could swing shut, Gino Montero stuck his foot in the way and stood in the doorway. [COLOR="Navy"]“Oh look, it’s McFly Times A Quarter, or whatever his name is,”[/COLOR] Cattley said lazily. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah, [I]Senór[/I] Cattley. Your ready wit. Or half of it, anyway. You know why I am here.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“One of you, five of us... Are you here to get the ass-kicking you deserve for the way you spoke to me earlier?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I spoke to you the way you deserve – like a man to a [I]puto[/I].”[/COLOR] Cattley stared at him blankly. [COLOR="Navy"]“This is America, Montero. You want to speak Spanish, fine, but don’t expect people to understand you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You want a Spanish lesson, Cattley? Fine. A [I]puto[/I] is a coward, a weasel, the lowest form of man. That’s what appears in the dictionaries, anyway.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Where I grew up, though, a [I]puto[/I] is something different. Where I come from, if you’re a [I]puto[/I], it means you’re someone’s b--ch.”[/COLOR] Cattley snapped out of his chair, Sexy and Roberts close behind. Shaffer stayed where he was while Alicia Strong lay languorously on her sofa, laughing quietly into her hand. [COLOR="Navy"]“You want to say that again, Montero?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“[I]Puto[/I]. It means you’re my b--ch, Cattley. You lost to me, and now you’re running away. You’re a coward!”[/COLOR] Cattley squared up to the younger man, only for his comrades to grab his arms. [COLOR="Navy"]“You want to get beaten that badly? Did you see what I did to Westybrook? And he’s more than twice your size, Montero.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I beat you before, Senór. All I’m asking for is what I’ve earned - and that’s a chance to do it again.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Fine. That’s what you want? You can have it - at the next pay-per-view. If...”[/COLOR] Cattley looked from Sexy to Roberts. [COLOR="Navy"]“...you beat the Enforcer here tonight. He beat you on a bad leg, you greasy little punk. He’ll do a hell of a lot worse to you tonight.”[/COLOR] Montero smiled. [COLOR="Blue"]“This gets better and better. I didn’t like taking this title from him when he was injured, so tonight will be a good one for me.”[/COLOR] He turned and walked away. Cattley looked at Roberts. [COLOR="Navy"]“Break him in half if you have to. This title’s going nowhere.”[/COLOR] He stalked off, muttering the word puto under his breath as Sexy and Roberts watched him go, their expressions speaking volumes. * [B]Gino Montero vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] No title on the line this time, just the rubber match between two men who’d traded the All Action title during June. Montero used his explosive pace to take the early advantage, with Roberts drawing things back to the mat. Although not on a par with Montero, Roberts showed deceptive pace with his fully-healed leg allowing him to move freely once more, and it was clear from the way that he went after Montero that he regarded ‘McFly MkII’ as a personal foe. The two’s technical exchanges were enough to have the MAW fans on their feet at times, while Roberts slyness and his experience allowed him to edge out the younger man when the focus shifted to brawling. However, Montero was able to shift gears once more to go to the air, leaving Roberts wholly on the defensive. In the end, Roberts risked a charge into the corner that Montero deftly evaded, pivoting on the ropes to deliver a savate kick to the Enforcer’s head, before taking the win with a Montero Press in what seemed like a very big night for The Firm. Winner: Gino Montero (B-) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I]Next: 'Good' financial news, and big Aaron Andrews news...[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: On Tour Saturday, 27th June 2014[/CENTER] Sara Marie York and Wendy Summers vs. Tracy Brendon and Brooke Tyler[/B] A spirited encounter as the conflict between the two groups of females continues to hot up. Summers showed her talent and potential as she was able to pick up the win in a technically strong match after a Spinebuster on Tyler. Winner: York and Summers (D-) * After the bell, the four women argued about the result, with Tyler claiming that Summers had cheated somehow. They were joined in the ring by Nadia Snow, and for a few moments it looked like the three women would attack the others, only for the arrival of Ariel Breaks to back them down with the numbers even. As Tyler and the others left the ring, Snow pointed at Breaks and demanded her in the ring later that night! * [B]The Young Americans (0pts) vs. The Canadian Blondes (1pt) vs. The Adepts (2pts) vs. The Second Sons (1pt)[/B] Each team had their own agenda here, but the Sons’ didn’t seem to involve working as a team. As a result, they were largely the victims of the match, unable to get on the same page and dropping their point when Pyre nailed Antonio with a Sai Cha for the win, and a shot at the tag team titles this coming Friday on Nationwide! Winner: The Adepts (3pts, E+) * The Adepts barely had time to acknowledge their victory when they were run over from behind by a pair of hulking bruisers... [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/LeadBelly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/GreaseHogg.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ... who proceeded to efficiently and viciously clear the ring of everyone else, including a boot to the rear of the referee. They introduced themselves as Leadfoot and Thrash, collectively known as Dirty Elite. Some jobs, they said, needed people who just didn’t care how dirty their hands got, or how much blood ended up being spilt. That’s where they came in: Elite’s personal thugs. They officially set out their intention to take the tag team titles in MAW for Elite, break anyone who got in their way, and maim anyone who even looked at them oddly. * [B]Ariel Breaks vs. Nadia Snow[/B] Snow tried hard to dominate Breaks, but couldn’t keep the youngster down. Breaks was able to find an answer for everything, and in the end Snow had to use the ropes to hold her down for the win. Winner: Nadia Snow (D-) * Cameron Vessey stood in the centre of the ring. He bragged about his pedigree, and how he and Valentine were perfectly suited as tag team partners – unlike ‘that runt’ Antonio who’d lucked into getting a famous teacher but had nothing else going for him. And now he’d show his talent by beating Ultimate Phoenix! * [B]Phoenix vs. Cameron Vessey[/B] Vessey seemed unduly arrogant going into this match, and Phoenix made him pay for his unwarranted confidence. Vessey had little chance to take control of the match, and was left playing catchup to the veteran masked man before falling to a Firebird Splash. Winner: Phoenix (D+) * Backstage, and Vessey chased after Valentine, claiming that he was ‘that close!’ to beating Phoenix. Valentine ignored him until Vessey grabbed his arm and span him around. Valentine said that he wasn’t impressed by Vessey’s performance – and that maybe he ought to think about going solo, as neither Antonio nor Vessey seemed to have much going for them right now. * Gino Montero was set to give his usual pre-match promo when Lady Ann Sidious led Null down to the ring. Sidious slithered into the ring and challenged Monteo on behalf of her associate, who she claimed had not yet shown the necessary fire to be a true follower of Raphael – but who had shown promise. Montero accepted the challenge, saying that Null always fought fairly. Sidious agreed; That, apparently, was the problem. * [B]Gino Montero (c) vs. Null[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] Null tried to take control in the early going with aggressive technical wrestling, but Montero was able to keep him at bay long enough to pull some tricks out of the bag, eventually scoring with a Montero Press to retain his title. Winner: Gino Montero (C-) * Backstage, and Luchas De Mascaras laid out a challenge to the newcomers Dirty Elite. Anyone associated with Elite, they claimed, was an opponent of theirs, so why not start as they meant to go on? If Leadfoot and Thrash wanted a shot at the tag titles, they had to prove themselves, and that process would start immediately! * [B]Luchas De Mascaras (0pts) vs. Dirty Elite (0pts)[/B] Dirty Elite dominated the early exchanges by throwing the smaller masked men around with a degree of ease. Heroe and Fly chipped away, trying to keep the bigger men off balance and succeeded in knocking Leadfoot out of the ring. With his partner down, Thrash was vulnerable and shortly after was pinned with a Flying Headbutt from Heroe. Winner: Luchas De Mascaras (C-, 1pt) * After the bell, Leadfoot re-entered the ring with a chair that he used to waffle Fly. Heroe tried to block the next shot, but as he struggled with Leadfoot, Thrash snatched him up from behind and clamped him a full nelson. His arms trapped, and unable to break free from Thrash’s iron grip, he was easy grey for Leadfoot to ram the chair into his gut, leaving him down and gasping on the mat before a second chair shot to the back flattened him. Leadfoot and Thrash smirked at each other over their fallen opponents, their first night as members of Elite seemingly quite a successful one. * Fumihro Ota and Davis Wayne Newton stood across the ring from one another. Ota warned Newton that demanding respect would get him nowhere – that he had to earn it. He might claim to be the best young wrestler in MAW, but where were his titles? Where were his big wins? As far as Ota was concerned, Newton talked big and didn’t back it up. Newton countered by saying that he was about to beat down Ota, the self-proclaimed gatekeeper, and that would only be the start of his march to gold in MAW. * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] This was a great match to cap the show. Newton and Ota put on a superb show of wrestling and counter-wrestling, with Newton at first not able to adequately counter Ota’s eastern-influenced style, and nearly losing in the opening minutes after a Ninja Strike. Newton may just be as good as he says, though, and rallied to trap Ota in a Fisherman’s Suplex for the win. Winner: Davis Wayne Newton (C+) [B]Overall: C[/B] * After leaving MAW, Tim Westybrook has clearly realised that he’ll never have it as good again in America: He’s decided to look into working in the Orient. The big man should fit right in out there, although moving to headdrop country when you’re already much nearer 40 than 30 is a bit of a leap of faith. Still, it worked for Pete Hall, didn’t it?. * In slightly more of a ‘What?’ career choice... Joanne Rodriguez has signed on with BSC. Not that J-Ro isn’t smoking hot – she is. But joining a T&A promotion in your mid-30s seems like a bit of a jump. * Good ‘old’ Fumihiro Ota: His new contract is worth $500 less per appearance than his old one. No downside, either, although I don’t think I’ve ever paid a worker a downside agreement unless they’ve been injured. It’s a shame that Ota and Phoenix have zero chemistry as tag partners, really – they’d make an even better team than Powell and Ota did... * I noticed that TCW’s Total Wrestling this week was headlined by another clash between Tommy Cornell and Ricky Dale Johnson. It’s actually their first match of any kind in six months, which must have come as a relief to the Total audience. The two men faced off in thirty-six singles matches between January 2008 and December 2013, plus another fifteen tag, six-man etc. matches. * Mostly good news in the money stakes. We lost $80,000 in June, with an increase in some $70,000 for PPV production fees accounting for most of that. Our deal with American Option requires us to cover a lot of the set-up costs, but that’s mostly okay. We also paid about an extra $15,000 in worker fees than May, but that’s okay again – Tim Westybrook was a big earner and is gone. Ota took a pay cut (every little helps. Ota appears on four or five shows a month, so that’s an extra couple of grand saved). PPV buy-rates should increase as we start to leave the recession behind us. June was a good month for us, as we saw definite growth in website hits and other interest in MAW. Traffic’s picked up outside of America, too, with a small but welcome percentage of our web traffic coming from Mexico and Japan – two countries we’ve never visited. We’re not about to make the mistake of running shows there (if we’d stuck to the three core regions all those months and years ago, we’d have a lot more cash on hand). However, it’s nice to know that we have a small following out there now. * If TCW need another new name up top – you know, apart from Remo... and Rich Money... and Randy Bumfhole... and Zimmy Bumfhole – then they can also turn to Angry Gilmore as the former Sexual Aggression star has parted ways with SWF after twelve years to join the Hollywood promotion. Steve Frehley has 16 months left on his deal in Supreme. Want to know how they’d do without him? Their last Supreme TV was headlined by Mario Heroic going over Big Smack Scott. Still, SWF have identified Angry’s replacement quickly enough, and it’s not exactly good news for us... * Congratulations to Aaron Andrews, who became the new USPW World champion this week. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Platinum 12” (c) vs. The Adepts Kid Arachnid and Gino Montero vs. Dirty Elite Fumihiro Ota vs. Jean Cattley Lassana Makutsi and KC Glenn vs. Joe Sexy and Trent Shaffer Sara Marie York vs. Brooke Tyler[/CENTER]
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[B]Platinum 12” (c)[/B] vs. The Adepts [I]Champions to retain their titles for now[/I] [B]Kid Arachnid and Gino Montero[/B] vs. Dirty Elite [I]By DQ, as the new enforcers of the Elite stable get to keep some heat by 'softening' up the top guns in The Firm.[/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Jean Cattley[/B] [I]Cattley should continue to look dominant heading into the next PPV.[/I] Lassana Makutsi and KC Glenn vs. [B]Joe Sexy and Trent Shaffer[/B] [I]Bit of an Elite backlash show this one, as Sexy ensures Elite pick up the win here by any means necessary. Makutsi will probably eat the pin.[/I] Sara Marie York vs. [B]Brooke Tyler[/B] [I]More personal preference than anything, I have somewhat of a personal disdain for SM York because of her grinning spam headed render.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Candyman;764133][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Platinum 12” (c) vs. [B]The Adepts[/B] [B]Kid Arachnid and Gino Montero [/B]vs. Dirty Elite Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Jean Cattley[/B] Lassana Makutsi and KC Glenn vs. [B]Joe Sexy and Trent Shaffer[/B] [B]Sara Marie York[/B] vs. Brooke Tyler[/QUOTE] I agree with this esteemed poster.
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[I]OOC: Some good predictions this time. I like TK's logic behind the Dirty Elite match especially, as it was exactly my reasoning for the result...[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 5th July 2014[/CENTER] Sara Marie York vs. Brooke Tyler[/B] This was a relatively short match for MAW, mainly designed to see if either woman could hold the crowd’s attention past ten minutes. Maybe, is the answer, but while this would have rocked the house(ish) On Tour, on TV we needed something a bit more. Tyler played the straight heel to York’s outright face, and the story wasn’t too bad. In the end, the experienced York toppled the young Tyler with an Energy Burst for the win. Winner: Sara Marie York (D) * Platinum 12”, complete with Gianna on both their arms, made their way down to the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello my children,”[/COLOR] Jefferson Stardust proclaimed. [COLOR="blue"]“We are where we belong once more. Broadcasting to the thousands who watch this show and the millions whose lives will be touched. Our performance tonight is dedicated to the sick children in that African country... er... Umaga.”[/COLOR] Gianna whispered in his ear. [COLOR="blue"]“Youmanga.”[/COLOR] Gianna whispered again. [COLOR="blue"]“Sueslander.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Uganda,”[/COLOR] Ashington C. Odam cut in. [COLOR="blue"]“Tonight the Mid Atlantic will be rocked by our match with The Adepts. For those of you who haven’t seen us On Tour, you should know that Pyre and Wraith are followers of Raphael. And if you wonder who’d be a big enough loser to follow that waster, you’re about to see. We know that backstage The Adepts are getting ready by listening to gothic chanting or whalesong or something, but out here in this ring it’s all about rock!”[/COLOR] * [B]Platinum 12” (c) vs. The Adepts[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] Heels vs. heels on TV? With the titles at stake? And these two teams? You’d better believe this was kept short. The teams had just about enough time to get warmed up, with the spacey rockers pitted against the deadly serious cultists, before Dirty Elite hit the ring and pulverised everyone for the no-contest. Winners: No-one (E+) * With all four competitors down and out, Dirty Elite brought in the chairs and began teeing up shots as anyone showed signs of moving. Before they could do too much damage, however, Kid Arachnid and Gino Montero hit the ring to make the save – and challenged the Dirties to a match right there and then! * [B]Kid Arachnid and Gino Montero vs. Dirty Elite[/B] This was a very good tag match – and holds promise for the future of Dirty Elite. Although Montero and Arachnid could probably even make me and Rip look good in the ring at this point, the pure, unsophisticated brawling of Leadfoot and Thrash worked pretty well with their more well-rounded opponents. Still, the Dirties are nothing if not responsible in terms of living up to their name, and after twelve minutes or so Leadfoot rolled out of the ring, grabbed Montero’s title belt, and used it to waffle Arachnid as he came after him. After the bell, the Dirties tried to continue the beating, only to be cut off by a swarm of backstage workers. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Leadfoot and Thrash don’t care about wins or losses – just handing out a beating!”[/COLOR] Katie proclaimed. Winners: Arachnid and Montero (C) * Backstage, and KC Glenn was stopped by Dawn on his way to the ring. [COLOR="magenta"]“KC, last week you beat Trent Shaffer, and now I hear that you want to challenge Swoop McCarthy for his Traditional title. Is that true?”[/COLOR] Glenn nodded. [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s right, Dawn. Swoop, you’ve held that title for over a year, and you’ve even managed to escape from me when we’ve fought for it. At Summer Heatwave, I want you in the ring with that belt on the line.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Don’t get ahead of yourself, [I]jabroni[/I],”[/COLOR] Joe Sexy sneered as he walked into shot. [COLOR="blue"]“Summer Heatwave? You’re making plans for a long way in the future considering that you have to face me and Trent in the next match. And don’t think your little pep-talk last week made any difference. Trent is still committed to the Elite cause, and he’s going to show exactly that tonight.”[/COLOR] With a last sneer, Sexy turned on his heel and walked away. * [B]Lassana Makutsi and KC Glenn vs. Joe Sexy and Trent Shaffer[/B] Two of our lesser-seen faces got some important TV time here. Glenn’s Japanese commitments have too-often kept him off shows, while Makutsi is still establishing himself up on the big brand. Sexy and Shaffer are two of our most over workers, so made for fine opponents. They mainly controlled the match, but things weren’t entirely rosy in their relationship and that gave Makutsi and Glenn some leeway to gain the advantage at times. In the end, Sexy took Makutsi down with a handful of tights for the win, and it was clear that he’d cheated to get the win rather than risk losing a match that was closer than he had anticipated. Winners: Sexy and Shaffer (C) * After the bell, Sexy grabbed Shaffer before he could leave the ring. [COLOR="blue"]“What the hell was that, Trent?”[/COLOR] he demanded. [COLOR="blue"]“We nearly lost that match, and it was all because you couldn’t keep your head straight? What the hell has gotten into you? We’ve been covering for you with the boss, but now he wants answers!”[/COLOR] Shaffer looked sullen, but said nothing. [COLOR="blue"]“You want to push him? Do you really think that’s a move you want to make? Do you know what he’ll do to you?[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Look,”[/COLOR] he went on, visibly forcing himself to calm down. [COLOR="blue"]“Just get your head in the game, Trent. You know what happens when you cross the boss, see? Do you want us to have to do that to you? Because you know that’s what’s going to happen. We don’t have any choice, and neither do you. Not if you think about it, capisce?”[/COLOR] Shaffer said nothing, although his expression seemed to have shifted slightly from sullen to anger. [COLOR="blue"]“So what’s it going to be, Trent? Are you Elite? Or are you a bum?”[/COLOR] Shaffer raised the microphone to his mouth. [COLOR="blue"]“Dude... I am so not Elite. You-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“That’s what I thought,”[/COLOR] Sexy cut him off. [COLOR="blue"]“I’m actually a little bit sorry about this, Trent, truly.”[/COLOR] Through the crowd came the other members of Elite: Cattley, Strong, Youngman, Roberts, Thrash and Leadfoot. They surrounded the ring. Shaffer glared at them defiantly. [COLOR="blue"]“I never signed up for this, Joe. You know that. You were there.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Yeah, I was there,”[/COLOR] Joe nodded. [COLOR="blue"]“I was there when you were caught in Vegas doing that trick with the dice. I was there in LA when we got you out five minutes before the cops arrived-“ “That so wasn’t my fault.” “I know. I know,”[/COLOR] Joe nodded sympathetically. He laid a hand on Trent’s shoulder. [COLOR="blue"]“I was there in San Francisco as well, Trent. You were given a lot of chances. “This was your last one.”[/COLOR] He shoved Trent backward, and Phil Roberts was there to plant him with a vicious back suplex. Shaffer was dragged upright by Leadfoot, who nailed him with a RPM Bomb, accentuated by Shaffer nailing The Hit midway through. Alicia Strong was poised on the top rope, and leapt off with a legdrop to maximise the impact of her petite frame on Shaffer’s body. Jumping upright, she clapped gleefully, before throwing herself into Sexy’s arms. Their leader may have been distracted, but the rest of Elite knew what to do. Shaffer was down and out, but Thrash seemed just as enthusiastic at hauling his body upright – before demolishing him with a Grease Spot. Jean Cattley was all set to nail a Mood Swing to cap the destruction, but suddenly the crowd roared at the site of The Firm charging down to the ring – Arachnid, Heroe, Fly, Glenn and Montero. They dived into the ring and tried to protect Shaffer, but they were met by the warmed-up and battle-ready Elite. Strong was the first into the fray, nailing Glenn with a superkick that saw him staggering backwards, while her male colleagues followed her into the fray. The two sides slugged away at one another, with Strong striking precisely and avoiding attack from the honourable Firm members. The battle was fairly even, but numbers began to tell with Elite outnumbering their counterparts even with Shaffer ejected from their ranks. He lay unmoving in one corner as the two factions tore into one another. Arachnid was the first to fall, already slowed by the belt shot in his earlier match, he was drilled by Cattley with a Mood Swing. Strong and Sexy combined to blast Glenn with a Strong Arm Tactic/One Night Stand sequence. Heroe was caught by the Dirties, and downed with a Dirty Bomb, while Fly was subject to The Hit from Youngman. Montero was the last man standing, surrounded by The Firm. Strong walked seductively up to him and kissed him lightly, but lingeringly, on the lips. Joe Sexy smirked evilly as she did so, while Montero looked more revolted than anything – but then, he knew what was about to follow. Montero was saved, however, by the sudden appearance of Fumihiro Ota. The ninja sprang suddenly from the top rope, delivering twin Ninja Strikes to Youngman and Thrash. He lashed out at Sexy with a roundhouse kick, before staring down Leadfoot as Montero tackled Roberts. As Strong bailed from the ring, Ota turned his attention to Cattley before pointing down at the mat. The message was clear: Ota wanted a match with the World champion. As Cattley slowly pealed off his ring jacket, I mentioned how many times they had faced off in the past, [COLOR="Green"]“Ota’s been with the company as long as I have. If anyone has a stake in MAW it’s one of the workers on whose back the company had built and expanded – one of the unsung legends of the business for whom true success is measured in their own satisfaction with their performance, not how much money they make, or how many titles they’ve held. Ota’s everything Elite are not. It’s only natural that he wants to make his stand against them.”[/COLOR] * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Jean Cattley[/B] Just a blah show all-round today, and not destined to be a classic. Ota has his place, but the main event of TV really isn’t likely to be it if this is any indication. He and Cattley had a decent match, and one that five years ago would have had me jumping for joy, but that was five years ago. That Ota was off his game was also apparent, as he mistimed a couple of spots that threw the momentum off just as the two were getting going. In the end, Cattley caught his opponent in a Mood Swing for the win to cap a show in which Elite looked just as strong as they always claimed. Winner: Jean Cattley (C) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I](Could have been worse – the opening match could have dragged us down a lot...) Next: Goodbye to Trent, On Tour and bye-bye to a legend...[/I]
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So, yeah. Trent Shaffer has been signed up to RIPW. I asked Trent why he’d agreed to a development deal just a few weeks after being released by SWF proper. [COLOR="Blue"]“The SWF is the place to be,”[/COLOR] he said, with a shrug. [COLOR="blue"]“It always has been. They’re as low as they’ve ever been, James, but they’re still one of the biggest companies in the world.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“They let you go a few weeks ago, though. Why would now be any different?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Honestly?”[/COLOR] Trent asked. [COLOR="blue"]“You know what Eisen’s like. He deals with so many people, you get a lot of chances to make a first impression. If I can get there, if I can show him what I can do, I bet he won’t even realise I’ve been there before.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Is it true that Rhode Island want you as Delicious Danny?”[/COLOR] I asked, not without a certain amount of venom in my voice. Danny was an ancient alter-ego of Trent’s – a moneyed fratboy who came across as Rich Money’s younger brother. Trent shrugged. [COLOR="blue"]“Yeah. But I can work on that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“You’re going to be wrestling in sneaker and a polo shirt, flood pants and a sweater around your neck.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“You think I should stay here, then?”[/COLOR] Trent asked heatedly. “[COLOR="blue"]It’s guaranteed money, James. It’s a chance to perform before the whole world. It’s Phil Vibert.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Yeah,”[/COLOR] I said, backing down. Vibert’s name still carried a lot of wait – even with someone like Trent who’d never worked for him. [COLOR="Green"]“But DaVE crashed and burned, Trent. And Supreme TV hasn’t been must-see TV since he took over.”[/COLOR] He shrugged once more. Certain aspects of Trent’s on-screen personality weren’t too far from the real thing. [COLOR="blue"]“It’s different now. Phil called me personally. He wants to do things with Danny that I’ve never tried before.”[/COLOR] I gave up, and shook Trent’s hand. I wanted him to make it, truly. I just thought he wouldn’t – and I was furious at having to hotshot his departure from MAW. Trent’s leaving Elite had actually been planned for tonight for several weeks, but it was supposed to lead him into a lone wolf role where he fought equally against Elite and The Firm, possibly even getting a push to the very top and a World title run. All that was gone now, and while there were ways of coping, I’d sooner have lost almost any other member of Elite than Trent. However, he’s young, talented and has camera skills matched by very few in the business. Realistically, I’d expected him to be picked up sooner. I’m just mad that he’s gone back to Supreme. Forget Kool-Aid, I can only think that Trent’s been offered a night with Hannah Potter to go back there. * After Joe Sexy’s recent burst of altruism, I’d waited a few weeks before calling Phil Roberts into my office. Phil is still getting decent reactions from the crowds, but they’re not what they were. His increasing age, some high-profile losses, the recent knee injury and the subsequent iffy matches had all combined to make him a less important part of Elite than had previously been the case. In short, Phil wasn’t worth as much as he had been when he signed. I didn’t put it that way, exactly. We had a discussion, and I steered it along similar lines to the one that I’d had with Joe at his instigation. Joe is too honest for his own good, whereas Phil is a proud man, but not a stupid one. It took some talking around, but what it comes to is this: Phil has signed to a shorter contract, for around 25% less money than he was on before. Our biggest earner now? Alicia Strong. Actually, scratch that. KC Glenn has just left my office. You’d think that a man who spends his free time with Lauren Easter would be less hard-nosed, but KC knows what he wants and he gets it. I hope that new contract of his doesn’t cause us trouble down the way. He’s probably just about worth it, but wow, working for TCW has kinda gone to his head. Without, sadly, increasing his popularity by all that much... * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: On Tour Saturday, 6th July 2014[/CENTER] Kristabel Plum, Wendy Summers and Sara Marie York vs. Brooke Tyler, Tracy Brendon and Laura Flame[/B] It just seems like some truths are universal: Once the number of women in any given location reaches a critical mass, something snaps. In recent weeks, such has been the case On Tour – and even spilling onto Nationwide. This battle continued the ongoing conflict, which is dragging in women from all over. This week’s newcomer was Laura Flame, a high-kicking martial artist who delivered a series of devastating strikes when brought into the match. However, her input wasn’t as critical as she might have hoped, with Kristabel Plum getting the win over Tracy Brendon via a Plum Tucker. Winners: Plum, Summers and York (D-) * Clearly the match failed to settle much – if anything. After the bell rang, the six women continued to go at it, with newcomer Laura Flame in the middle and giving her best, already caught up in it all. * [B]Divine Intervention (1pt) vs. The Party Animals (0pts) vs. The West Texas Lawmakers (0pts) vs. The Adepts (0pts)[/B] With everyone looking for title shot points, this was a wild brawl from start to finish. The Adepts seemed particularly enraged by their unjust loss of their title shot, and channelled that anger into wild aggression as Anne Sidious cheered them on. However, the silky skills and extreme calmness of Divine Intervention won the day as Phil Jerome capped off Wraith with a Path To Judgment Winners: Divine Intervention (E+, 2pts) * Disco music hit the PA, and “Sensational” Kashmir Singh made his return to the company after a month on the sidelines. He carried a glitter gun with him, and every few steps he sent a burst of confetti and flitter into the air, coating the local fans as he shared the party with everyone. Entering the ring he beamed at the crowd, and took the mic. He said he was delighted to be back, pleased that Brandon got a shot at the big leagues in his absence, sorry that he was injured after his match with Joe Sexy, but the party wouldn’t stop! * [B]“Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. Null[/B] There’s no questioning the talent of Null, but simply put he was overwhelmed by the reinvigorated Singh. Null couldn’t gain any traction as Singh outmuscled him from the bell, and he was caught in a Bombay Duck to give Singh the win. Winner: Kashmir Singh (D) * Jared Johnson greeted the victorious Singh at the top of the ramp and shook his hand. Johnson was also returning after a spell on the sidelines that had been... inspired by Elite. He said that he was pleased that Lassana Makutsi had made the step up in his absence, and that he intended to uphold the tradition of honour in his wrestling. To that end, he wanted to take on Raphael, who spent every show backstage spreading his message of hate and anger, a message that Johnson would not stand for. However, it seems to be effective for Raphael as he and Null slid into the ring behind Johnson’s back and attacked him, putting him down with a series of suplexes from Null, capped by a DDT from Raphael. * [B]Jared Johnson vs. Raphael[/B] Johnson was less lucky in his return than Singh had been. After the pre-match attack, he was unable to offer as much resistance as he would have liked, and eventually was caught with a Turnbuckle Exploder for a disappointing comeback. Winner: Raphael (E+) * Cobra stood in the middle of the ring, his companion snake wrapped around his shoulders. He called out T-Bone Bright, saying that two star rookies like themselves needed to show exactly why they should be respected – but that only Cobra should be feared. * [B]T-Bone Bright vs. Cobra[/B] Bright watched Cobra’s corner nervously in the opening going, suggesting a dislike of snakes. Cobra took every advantage open to him, capitalising on every opening that the bigger man left open, before throwing Bright towards the snake bag. As Bright scrambled clear, Cobra delivered a sly boot to his groin and applied the Viper Vice for the submission victory. Winner: Cobra (D-) * Gino Montero stood in the middle of the ring, All Action title around his waist. He mentioned that in a couple of weeks he’d be fighting for the World title, but in the meantime he was here again and ready to defend his title against anyone who wanted to challenge him. His promo was answered by Casey Valentine, who immediately accepted the challenge... and by Antonio, who also accepted the challenge! * [B]Gino Montero (c) vs. Antonio vs. Casey Valentine[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] Montero may never have an easier title defence, as his opponents seemed much more focused on each other. Although the action was a step down from the ultra-heated clash one might expect following a major falling out, it was clear that the two had issues. These seemed set to remain unresolved on this night, though, as Antonio found himself trapped in mid-ring as Montero delivered the Montero Press for the successful defence. Casey Valentine left the ring alone, not stopping to check on his partner after the bell rang. Winner: Gino Montero (D+) * Davis Wayne Newton came down to the ring, looking determined. Taking the mic, he demanded that he and his fellow Internationals receive their due respect. Sean Deeley had been given the chance next Friday at a Traditional title shot, but that was one man out of three – and until that respect was shared out some more, he was going to be dealing out a beating to anyone who refused to show him what he was due. Phoenix looked less than happy as he came down to the ring. Snatching the mic from Newton, he said that respect was earned, and given where due. Newton had talent, but no class – and that would mean he got even less respect than he might actually deserve, let alone what he thought he was worth. * [B]Phoenix vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Newton did everything to prove his arrogant words were true. Phoenix offered significant resistance, and this was a match that would have fit easily onto a pay-per-view. However, the South East fans responded to the show on offer with great enthusiasm, although Newton’s eventual victory with an STF was a less than popular result. Winner: Davis Wayne Newton (C+) Overall: C- * After the show, Jonathan Taylor got caught up in a near-brawl with Jared Johnson. My hands were tied – it was his ninth incident in just over five months. He was gone. * A very sad day: Giant Redwood has officially retired from wrestling. The 465lb, 7 foot behemoth has officially been recognised as one of the worst wrestlers ever to hold down full-time employment, let alone hold a ‘World’ title on three separate occasions. Redwood actually was a decent brawler, and in fairness he had some decent matches along the way, if you didn’t mind slow-paced, one-dimensional brawls. There’s a lot to be said for matches like that, not least by Redwood. What Redwood undoubtedly had going for him was his star presence, and with that the ability to sell promoters on his abilities. His best job was with Danny Jillefski, who genuinely likes the ‘wood. Redwood was always safe in USPW with Jillefski around, although how that in turn led to three World, two Television and three World Tag Team title reigns (with Puerto Rican Power) is not entirely clear. Redwood is expected to move into a training role backstage for USPW, as he doesn’t have the skills for anything more specific. [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Sara Marie York and Joanne Rodriguez vs. Alicia Strong and Tracy Brendon Amazing Fire Fly vs. Thrash KC Glenn vs. Sean Deeley Gino Montero vs. Ernest Youngman Kid Arachnid and El Heroe Mexicano vs. Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/CENTER]
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Hall of Famer. #4 on the Must Read List. Multiple Diary of the Month wins. And the highest post count of any 2008 diary. Um, yeah, I'd say legend applies. [B]Sara Marie York and Joanne Rodriguez [/B]vs. Alicia Strong and Tracy Brendon [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Thrash KC Glenn vs. [B]Sean Deeley[/B] [B]Gino Montero[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman Kid Arachnid and El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts [/B]
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Sara Marie York and Joanne Rodriguez vs. [B]Alicia Strong and Tracy Brendon[/B] [B]Amazing Fire Fly [/B]vs. Thrash KC Glenn vs. [B]Sean Deeley[/B] Gino Montero vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] Kid Arachnid and El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B]
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Sara Marie York and Joanne Rodriguez vs. [B]Alicia Strong and Tracy Brendon[/B] [I]Even if it could cost me getting the predictions one hundred per cent correct, I will never back SM York to win ![/I] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Thrash[/B] [I]I'll stump for the DQ win here for Fire Fly, the Dirty Elite's schtik seems to be more about giving people a beating rather than wins and losses.[/I] KC Glenn vs. Sean Deeley [I]Thinking a bit left field here, but I can see these two maybe cancelling each other out and the match going to a time limit draw.[/I] [B]Gino Montero[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman [I]Montero seems to be one of the higher ranked members of The Firm, and whilst Youngman hasn't necessarily been booked as a designated job guy for The Elite, I see him being the 'fall guy' for them in matches against the upper tier babyfaces.[/I] Kid Arachnid and El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] [I]I had Youngman taking the fall for the Elite in the last match, so for the Elite to keep looking like a threat Sexy and Roberts should get the win here.[/I]
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Sara Marie York and Joanne Rodriguez vs. [B]Alicia Strong and Tracy Brendon[/B] --==-- Vote goes to Alicia but I suspect dirty tactics [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Thrash --==-- by DQ [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Sean Deeley --==-- KC gets some momentum going over a non-Elite opponent Gino Montero vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] --==-- King Midas goes over Montero mostly clean [B]Kid Arachnid and El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts --==-- The whole Elite storyline is going to end with your homegrown guys winning and getting more over at the expene of the folks "from up north"
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[QUOTE=James Casey;765815]Heh, thanks. I don't know about legend, But I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Welcome![/QUOTE] Says that man with the diary that's going to hit the 2,000 post mark. :cool: Sara Marie York and Joanne Rodriguez vs. [B]Alicia Strong and Tracy Brendon[/B] [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Thrash KC Glenn vs. [B]Sean Deeley[/B] Gino Montero vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] Kid Arachnid and El Heroe Mexicano vs. [B]Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B]
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[QUOTE=foolinc;766502]Says that man with the diary that's going to hit the 2,000 post mark. :cool:[/QUOTE] [I]OOC: Maybe, maybe not. I was thinking about this today, and we may run it close. I guess it depends on what sort of response we get over the next few weeks. Yes, weeks. About six, at a guess. Of course, even after the final 'events' get posted, there's a lot of wrap-up stuff to do. Hits and misses were also on my mind today: I had to have a bit of a wry smile when I realised how many workers have never come close to fulfilling their potential under my experienced and pro-talent leadership. Too many shiny newcomers, not enough dedication to developing the old stagers. Sorry about that, Bulldozer. Suck an egg, Casey and Antonio... Anyway, this is one of those shows that could have done with some more work in the planning. Five matches, four tainted finishes. Not what MAW should be about. I blame it on six years of booking to clean finishes - I have a lot of schmozz to get out of my system. Man, this post has got long. I'd use a new one for the show - but I don't want to pad my way to 2,000... One last thing. The answer to Gino's question in this show? Friday, 26th February. Four and a half months ago. Some people need to complain more...[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 12th July 2014[/CENTER][/B] Kid Arachnid and KC Glenn were backstage in The Firm’s locker room. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“KC, tonight you’re taking on Sean Deeley. Now I’ve got nothing against Deeley, and nothing against Swoop McCarthy, but it’s important to keep that title away from Elite. The safest way to do that is to keep it in The Firm. Gino has the All Action belt, Heroe and Fly are going after the Tag belts, heck, maybe in a few weeks Gino will take the World title, and there’s nothing for me to do but kick some Elite tail back up to New York.”[/COLOR] His expression darkened for a moment. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“But however and whatever – today’s a big chance. Don’t let it go, KC.”[/COLOR] He clapped Glenn on the shoulder and watched him leave the dressing room. He then turned to the camera. [COLOR="SlateGray"]“As for tonight... I’m teaming with Heroe to take on Sexy and Roberts. Kinda funny to think way back when that it seemed they were the big threats to MAW, but it turned out it was someone from within all along. Jean, you and me will meet to settle that some day real soon. For now, I’m beatin’ up on your bodies. They don’t like it when I do that, but it’s a burden I have to live with, bein’ a big damn hero and such.”[/COLOR] * [B]KC Glenn vs. Sean Deeley[/B] to name the [COLOR="Purple"]#1 contender[/COLOR] to the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Our opening match was a fast-paced, flawless technical affair. Swoop McCarthy was on commentary, running down both competitors as they belied his taunts and put on a tremendous show. Several near-falls were scored, with Swoop growing quieter and quieter as the two competitors looked more and more impressive. In the end, Swoop entered the ring and began peppering both men with punches, resulting in the referee calling for the bell. At the announcers’ table I shook my head. [COLOR="Green"]“That won’t do. I think that at Summer Heatwave we’ll have to see Swoop McCarthy taking on both these men for the Traditional title in a three-way dance.”[/COLOR] Winner: No-one (B-) * We cut to a redneck bar where Dirty Elite were enjoying a quiet drink as an all-comers brawl raged around them. As chairs were smashed over backs, and bottles cracked over heads, the two debated the relative merits of Springsteen’s Born to Run and Steppenwolf’s Born to Be Wild before an errant brawler slammed, unconscious, into their table, knocking over their glasses of beer. As one man, Thrash and Leadfoot rose to their feet and the brawl began to falter as the participants realised that the Dirties had joined the fight. In fact, the others tried to scramble for the door – but that meant passing the Dirties. Leadfoot held them at bay by sheer presence alone as Thrash closed the doors and dropped a wooden bar into place across it. Dusting his hands off, he turned back to the massed ranks. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ready?”[/COLOR] Leadfoot asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yep.”[/COLOR] The two attacked, wading into the fray as the brawlers seemed to realise that they had no choice but to fight – some against the Dirties in hope of overwhelming them by sheer force of numbers, some against each other in the apparent hope that being otherwise engaged would keep them from Thrash and Leadfoot’s attention. Neither approach worked. The two bruisers demolished the bar, patrons, furniture and at one point an errant swing of a chair from Leadfoot saw the chair splinter across Thrash’s back, to no apparent effect. After a few minutes, the dust cleared and everyone bar the Dirties was lying on the bar floor. There came a knock at the door, and suddenly Thrash had his back to the wall, an unbroken bottle ****ed in one hand to come down on the head of anyone coming through the door. Leadfoot unbarred it to reveal Alicia Strong in a barely legal outfit. She looked a little uncomfortable, but went ahead gamely enough: [COLOR="Blue"]“Guys, you’ve been called up. Joe and Phil want you down in MAW to help finish off the boss’s work.”[/COLOR] The two bikers ran their eyes up and down Alicia, who looked as though she wanted nothing more than to get back in her wrestling gear and back in the ring – not least because Thrash was standing half-behind her and she couldn’t quite keep both in sight at the same time. She bit her tongue and let them leer at her for a few moments before Ernest Youngman followed her though the door. [COLOR="Blue"]“Quit screwing around,” [/COLOR]he growled. [COLOR="Blue"]“Get on your bikes and follow us. You’ve got asses to kick down south.”[/COLOR] He glanced at the debris and broken bodies on the bar floor. [COLOR="Blue"]“Good to see you’ve been keeping in shape.”[/COLOR] Thrash nodded, before walking over to the bar, reaching behind it, and ripping out a keg as big as his body. He hefted it easily over one shoulder before walking out of the bar without looking back. [COLOR="Blue"]“For the road,”[/COLOR] Leadfoot said as he followed his partner out of the door. Strong glared at Youngman. [COLOR="Blue"]“Bikers! We don’t need these scum.”[/COLOR] Youngman smirked at her. [COLOR="Blue"]“Tell that to Joe and Phil.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“They should put me in the ring.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah? Maybe you should put some more clothes on first. We wouldn’t want any... accidents in there.”[/COLOR] He laughed and walked out of the bar. Strong fumed for a few seconds, before following him out the door. We cut to the Elite locker room, where Joe Sexy was drawing on a huge cigar. [COLOR="Blue"]“Elite have always got something in reserve. It’s what makes us supreme – we always have something up our sleeve.”[/COLOR] He blew an impressive smoke ring. [COLOR="Blue"]“Put Alicia in the ring with men? Not likely. She’s a fine woman, and a lot of fun to have around, but let her stick to fighting the other women.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“As for Dirty Elite... We were pretty sure Trent was leaving, see, and this way we’ve got two men here to take the Tag Team titles.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Tonight, myself and Phil get to take on two of the biggest pains in the ass around here, Heroe and Arachnid. Now, this is our chance to put a real hurting on The Firm. Arachnid’s their leader, and Heroe may actually be a half-decent wrestler sometime. Take those two away and there’s not much left. And when the Enforcer gets his hands on them...”[/COLOR] He smiled around the cigar. [COLOR="Blue"]“I love it when a plan comes together, see?”[/COLOR] * [B]Sara Marie York and Joanne Rodriguez vs. Alicia Strong and Tracy Brendon[/B] The four women brawled in the early going, before the referee could instil some order. The enmity between Strong and Rodriguez was clearly still present, but Brendon demanded entry to the match as soon as Rodriguez entered. She took the fight to the champion, and seemed to be trying to make an impression on her – only to make the mistake of taunting her as soon as she had the advantage. Rodriguez quickly turned the tables on her younger opponent and looked set to capture the win, but as she tried to set up a J-Rocker, Brendon lashed out and caught the champion across the face, knocking her to the mat and covering her for the shock win. Winner: Strong and Brendon (C-) * After the bell, Sara Marie got in the faces of Brendon and Strong, demanding to know how they’d suddenly snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Brendon laughed, before shoving York to the mat. [COLOR="Blue"]“Jo, when you wake up, I think you’ll discover that I just pinned you. The way that things work around here means that at the next pay-per-view, Summer Heatwave, I get a title shot. Shine up the belt, Joanne. It’ll look a lot better around my waist than yours.”[/COLOR] As she left the ring, Strong took the opportunity to kick a barely conscious Rodriguez in the ribs. York made a lunge for her as she left the ring, but couldn’t catch her. Instead, she landed by J-Ro and looked shocked. She held up a blackjack that had been lying by J-Ro’s head, and glared up the aisle as Brendon and Strong disappeared through the curtain. * [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Thrash[/B] This was something of a mismatch, and neither man was quite able to make up for the disparity in styles. Fly did his best to get airborne, only to be snatched or punched from the air by Thrash time and again. When Fly did fly, he soared and struck truly, but he was unable to get Thrash down, and eventually Thrash hit a Grease Spot for the win. Winner: Thrash (D) * Gino Montero was walking backstage when Ernest Youngman cut him off. [COLOR="Blue"]“I want a match,” [/COLOR]Youngman declared. [COLOR="Blue"]“Tonight – for the All Action title. You can’t refuse a challenge, can you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“No, essé, I can’t.”[/COLOR] Montero replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“Which means that I have to give title shots to anyone who demands one. On Tour, I make the offer. On Tour, maybe there’s someone who’s not had the chance they deserve, who’s got the talent, and the drive, but they missed out on their shot. This isn’t a just world – it happens. On television I expected things to be different, that the ones who are here have the luck. “What I didn’t expect was that you’d be here with luck but nothing else.”[/COLOR] Youngman gasped as though slapped. [COLOR="Blue"]“What?!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You, senór Youngman, who have been such a big part of The Cult Of Chord, who have been Elite’s man on the inside for so long... What else do you do but talk big and act small? When did you last defeat someone, one-on-one, Ernest? Yes, you get you match tonight. But jesucristo, you don’t deserve it.”[/COLOR] Montero shoved past the Elite man and continued down the corridor, leaving Youngman to fume in his wake. * [B]Gino Montero (c) vs. Ernest Youngman[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] This was a first-rate technical encounter, with Youngman and Montero exchanging smooth holds and counter-holds. The two young stars matched move for move, lock for lock, and it seemed that there could be no winner chosen from them. However, while Youngman could match Montero hold for hold, Montero was able to change gear and go toe to toe with his opponent, or take to the air, and in these areas he had the advantage over Youngman, gradually taking the lead in the match. Youngman’s anger didn’t help: Although early in the match his rage seemed to lend him greater strength, and help his ability to really twist Montero, when he couldn’t force a submission he grew sloppier and less focused. That only gave Montero more ammunition. It seemed like Montero might be able to take Youngman down for the win, but before that could happen Jean Cattley emerged from nowhere and nailed Montero with a Mood Swing for the disqualification, before he started to beat down his challenger as Youngman watched on, barely-controlled rage on his face. Winner: Gino Montero (B-) * Before Youngman could act on his anger, though, someone slid into the ring and grabbed him by the shoulder, spinning him around and decking him with a Dream Left Hook. [COLOR="Green"]“Bradford Peverell!”[/COLOR] I yelled. [COLOR="Green"]“He’s been out of action for six weeks, and he’s just taken Youngman down with one punch!”[/COLOR] Down, but not out. Youngman seemed to feel that the wisest course of action was retreat, and he bailed from the ring with Cattley, who couldn’t seem to care less now that he’d put the hit on Montero. Peverell glared at Youngman. [COLOR="Blue"]“You’re exactly what’s wrong with this world!”[/COLOR] he yelled. [COLOR="Blue"]“You’re all about yourself, Youngman. At Summer Heatwave I want you in the ring, and I’m going to teach you about respect, decency and,” he flashed his fists. “The old one two!”[/COLOR] * [B]Kid Arachnid and El Heroe Mexicano vs. Joe Sexy and “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] Blast. I knew that Arachnid and Heroe were a poor match as a team – and you know that was a big disappointment – but I forgot in putting this match together. Sexy and Roberts were much more smooth in their teamwork, with Roberts in particular looking strong. In the end, Sexy used a roll of quarters to nail Arachnid, sending him stumbling into Roberts’ RCT, from which he was unable to escape and was forced to submit. Winner: Sexy and Roberts (C) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I]Next: Big news On Tour, and seen some new faces lately? A full rundown of the Women's division...[/I]
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