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[COLOR="Black"]I have been playing TEW for years and I decided to finally try a dynasty(key word Try) I'm not very good at providing play by play match detail but I go into detail on everything else, anyway here's my first attempt. [SIZE="4"] Monday Night Raw Week 1 June 2008 As Raw opens the Camera Pans around and we see that Superstars from all three brand are surrounding the ringside area with puzzled looks on their faces. J.R. Ladies & Gentleman welcome to Monday Night Raw I’m Jim Ross alongside my Hall of Fame partner Jerry “The King” Lawler here at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee Wisconsin and we are just as confused as all the superstars here at ringside as to what exactly is going on here. King Well JR all we know is that all the WWE Superstars were summoned here by Mr…. No Chance in Hell starts King McMahon Mr.McMahon makes his usual power walk to the ring King I guess we’re about to get our answer J.R. [COLOR="Orange"] Mr.McMahon Now I bet you all are wondering why I called you here tonight? First of all because I’m the Chairman and I can, but secondly I brought you all here to talk about our next PPV entitled Night Of Champions. You see Night of Champions is just not any PPV it’s a very unique one in which every match is a championship Match and every title in World Wrestling Entertainment is on the line. Because every match is for a championship that means most of you won’t be competing that night and those that do compete will have earned it.[/COLOR] J.R. I wonder what he means by that. [COLOR="Orange"] Mr.McMahon Over the next few weeks on Raw, Smackdown, & ECW we will have matches to decide number 1 contenders for each and every WWE Title so if you want to be a part of the most exclusive PPV of the year you have to earn it.[/COLOR] J.R. That’s a big announcement by the Chairman of the Board concerning Night of Champions. [COLOR="Orange"] Mr.McMahon Wait a minute I almost forgot that’s not all you see, now while the challengers have to earn their way into Night of Champions so do the Champions and what that means is that between now and Night of Champions all of our current champions will each have to make a title defense and it starts tonight with you…..(looks around)[/COLOR] King Who’s it gonna be? [COLOR="Orange"] Mr.McMahon Chris Jericho[/COLOR] J.R. Wow Y2J Chris Jericho will defend the Intercontinential Championship here tonight. [COLOR="Orange"] Mr.McMahon Tonight Jericho you will defend your Intercontinential Championship against……..Mr.Kennedy [/COLOR] King What a match J.R. Y2J Vs Mr.Kennedy and its for the title. [COLOR="Orange"] Mr.McMahon I have one more announcement to make here tonight but I’m going to make you all wait until the end of the night to hear it, you’re dismissed. [/COLOR] J.R. As if the news that we’ve already heard wasn’t enough Mr.McMahon has promised another announcement by the end of the night, what a way to kick of Raw. Rating-B Commercial [COLOR="Black"]Match 1 #1 Contenders Match Women’s Championship Beth Phoenix Vs Jillian Hall Vs Maria Vs Melina Vs Ashley Vs Katie Lea [/COLOR] J.R. The opening contest here on Raw will determine the number one contender for Mickie James’ Women’s Title at Night of Champions and it will involve six of our WWE Diva’s. King Six Diva’s in one match is like Diva heaven J.R. [COLOR="Black"][B]Beth Phoenix defeated Jillian Hall, Maria, Melina, Ashley and Katie Lea in 6:42 when Beth Phoenix defeated Maria by pinfall with a Down in Flames. Rating-C[/B][/COLOR] Backstage Carlito bumps into Cody Rhodes [COLOR="Lime"] Cody You need to watch where you’re going Carlito I think all there hair must be getting in your face. Carlito Oh Carlito knows where’s he’s going all right, he’s going straight to Night of Champions with Santino and taking your World Tag Team Titles. Cody So let me get this straight you and your how do you say? Life Partner Santino think you’re going to beat me and Hardcore? Carlito What are you talking about he’s not my life partner he’s just my current long-term part….No wait you know what I mean. I see you have jokes for Carlito but that’s all you have because you definitely don’t have any talent everybody knows Holly is the one who carry’s the team which still isn’t saying much. Cody Is that so? Carlito I mean lets face it you’re like the Marty Jannetty to his Shawn Mi… no no no to his 1-2-3 Kid you’re like the most boring tag-team champions ever and that’s not cool. Cody If I’m so boring how about I.. At that moment a door opens and out comes Raw GM William Regal Regal Are the two of you out of your bloody minds going on with this nonsense right outside my office. Instead of talking all night I’m putting the two of you in a match so now you can just go and beat the bloody hell out of each other for all I care. Oh and by the way if Carlito wins you and Santino will get the title shot at Night of Champions and if Cody Rhodes wins you and Holly will choose which two teams battle for the #1 Contendership, now I suggest you get ready because your match is next. Carlito Now that..thats’s co.. Cody slaps Carlito Cody Cool.[/COLOR] King Wow what a shot. J.R. Carlito and Cody Rhodes in a match with huge Night of Champions implications and its next. Rating-C Commercial [COLOR="Black"]Match 2 Carlito Vs Cody Rhodes [B]Carlito defeated Cody Rhodes in 12:36 by pinfall following interference from Santino Marella. Rating-B-[/B][/COLOR] J.R. So now thanks to Santino’s interference he and Carlito have punched their ticket to Night of Champions. King And look at Santino jump around like an idiot J.R., you can bet the Champs aren’t going to take this lying down. Commercial JBL music hits J.R Here comes John Bradshaw Layfield getting set for action against Val Venis. King The people may no like JBL J.R but you have to be impressed I mean the guy comes out in a limo for every match not even Mr.McMahon does that. J.R. No doubt King JBL is impressive but more so for what he does inside the ring then what he rides to the ring in my opinion. [COLOR="Green"]Before the match begins JBL grabs the mic. JBL Before this Ass whipping begins I just want to send a little message to Mr.McMahon. You see Mr.McMahon is all about money just like me and if he wants to see a whole lot of money come Night of Champions he’ll put me in the number 1 contenders match and then I will go on to the main event of that PPV and once again become the WWE Champion. It doesn’t matter who my opponent is but to steal a line from a soon to be ex-champion at Night of Champions the WRESTLING GOD… Goes back on his throne.(looks over at Val)[/COLOR] J.R. I think ol’ Val is getting a little impatient. [COLOR="Green"] JBL You better quit eye-balling me son you should be grateful that you’re getting this opportunity to compete against me here on Raw considering you haven’t been important around here since 1999 and all you do is take up space on Mr.McMahon’s Payroll. Mr.McMahon I hope you’re watching cause I’m about to take out some of your overdue trash. Rating-B[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"]Match 3 JBL Vs Val Venis [B]John Bradshaw Layfield defeated Val Venis in 7:56 by pinfall with a JBL Bomb. Rating-C+ [/B][/COLOR] Backstage we see Paul Burchill and Katie Lea Putting the boots to Super Crazy. J.R. What the hell is this about these two have a match next couldn’t Burchill just wait? King I guess he’s trying to soften him up. J.R. Well if Super Crazy can make it to the ring he’s got Burchill next. Rating-D Commercial J.R. Somehow Super Crazy made it to ringside but he looks like he’s in no shape to compete. William Regal’s music hits Regal Super Crazy you will get in that very ring and compete tonight against Paul Burchill or I will suspend you. The great people of the United Kingdom want to see their hero Burchill in action and that’s what their going to get. All you have is a little bump on the head now be a man and get in the ring. J.R. A little bump on the head? Burchill took Super Crazy to the woodshed backstage. King Well you heard our General Manager J.R. Our UK fans want to see Burchill in action. [COLOR="Black"]Match 4 Paul Burchill Vs Super Crazy [B]Paul Burchill defeated Super Crazy in 4:35 by pinfall with a Curb Stomp. Rating-C-[/B] [/COLOR] Commercial Triple H’s Music hits J.R. We are back on Raw and as you can see the WWE Champion is in the house King I wonder what The Game thinks about Night of Champions? J.R I’m guessing we’re about to find out. HHH Earlier tonight Vince came out here and he made his announcement about Night of Champions and how every title is on the line and also how not only the challengers have to win their way in but the champions do as well, but you see Vince I have no problem with that I will beat anyone you decide to put in my way and I will go on to Night of Champions and retain MY WWE Championship so it doesn’t matter if its Bradshaw, Orton or… John Cena’s Music hits J.R. Well Business is about to pick up because here comes the former WWE Champion John Cena. Cena Look Champ no disrespect but I saw JBL out here earlier trying to politic to be in the number one contenders match for the WWE Championship and I ain’t letting it go down like that. HHH Oh I see so you decide to interrupt my interview time so you can politic, next thing you know… Randy Orton’s Music Hits J.R And now here comes the Legend Killer Randy Orton Orton Who the hell do you think you are Cena? If anyone deserves the opportunity at Night of Champions its me, you see everybody thinks the Age of Orton is dead but its far from dead as a matter of fact… HHH I hate to interrupt Randy but actually the Age of Orton is pretty much dead and as for you Cena the Champ is right here now like I said I don’t give a damn who I face the bottom line is that…. William Regal’s Music Hits J.R. Good Grief now what? HHH Jeez can a guy finish an interview around here? Regal I’m glad you gentleman are out here because I have just gotten word from Mr.McMahon himself that he has decided how to determine the number one contender for the WWE Championship. Next week right here on Raw we will have a Champions Invitational match in which any former WWE Champion on the Raw roster is invited to participate in the match and the winner will go to Night of Champions to face… well that brings me to you Triple Haitch you see you will also be in a match next week and you will be defending the WWE Championship against The Samoan Bulldozer U-Manga and by the way that match will be a Street Fight. Have a good evening gentleman. J.R. So there you have it next week the WWE Championship picture will be cleared up not only will The Game defend the WWE Championship against Umaga in a Street Fight but we will also have a match that Regal referred to as a Champions Invitational in which any former WWE Champion on the Raw roster is eligible to participate. Rating-A Commercial J.R Here comes the man who could become the next WWE Champion Umaga as he gets set to take on Brian Kendrick. King I would not want to be Brian Kendrick right now. Match 5 Umaga Vs Brian Kendrick [B]Umaga defeated Brian Kendrick in 6:51 by pinfall with a Samoan Spike. Rating-C-[/B] J.R. Umaga is definitely ready for the WWE Championship Street Fight next week. Backstage Regal Mr.McMahon I must say those matches that you made for next week were truly amazing. [COLOR="Orange"]Vince Well if you think that was good Mr.Regal then just wait for the announcement that I make after the Intercontinential title match. Rating-C+[/COLOR] Commercial Mr.Kennedy’s Music Hits King Wow believe it or not J.R. Kennedy’s actually getting cheered J.R. We are in Kennedy’s home state of Wisconsin so it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise. King It’s also not a surprise that Kennedy has the mic. [COLOR="Cyan"]Kennedy Ladies and Gentlemen for tonights championship match I weigh in at 246 Pounds and I hail from a little place you might have heard of named GREEN BAY WISCONSIN…….You know him, you love him, say it loud say it proud give it up for the next Intercontinential Champion of the world MRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYY…………………………..KENNEDY [/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"]Main Event-I-C Championship Chris Jericho(C) Vs Mr.Kennedy [B]Mr.Kennedy defeated Chris Jericho in 15:23 by pinfall with a Mic Check. Mr.Kennedy wins the WWE Intercontinental title. Rating-A[/B] [/COLOR] J.R. With a Mic Check out of nowhere Mr.Kennedy wins the Intercontinential Championship here tonight from Chris Jericho and he will defend the title at Night of Champions and…. Vince is on the Titantron [COLOR="Orange"]Vince I suppose its time for my big announcement you see in two weeks time right here on Raw, superstars from Raw, Smackdown, & ECW will compete in a one night 8 man single elimination tournament I like to call King of The Ring and the winner will not only be King of the WWE but that individual will also receive as a reward the opportunity to challenge the World Champion of their choice in the Main Event of the Great American Bash. [/COLOR] J.R. What a bombshell dropped by the Chairman the King Of The Ring is coming back in two weeks and the winner is going straight to the Great American Bash to challenge for a World Title, The road to Night of Champions just got more interesting Good Night everybody. Rating-C+[/COLOR] Final Rating-B- Show Rating 23.69[/SIZE]
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I actually read this one all the way through, which is a good sign for my short attention span, I think a Smackdown show would be good as I want to see then end of this whole Night of Champions saga! Also, as a design tip, could you perhaps change the colour of the text dependsing on what is going on... all that red got confusing to read some stuff :)
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I read this and I find it pretty interesting. I've never followed dynasties before, but I'd like to see how others would book WWE, since I only play with the CornellVerse now. My one and only complaint is the text formatting. It was a bit hard on the eyes, but it doesn't take away from what you're booking.
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