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About LoganRodzen

  • Birthday 03/16/1989

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  1. Because it was the European title and both guys were buddies, which everyone knew. So it wasn't as shocking or despised because of those facts. Nash and Hall were both the leaders of opposing factions and the fans thought they were getting a legitimate main event World title match. Very big stretch to even compare the two.
  2. 20th anniversary of the original (non-GDS) TEW is right around the corner... 🧐 And we will all be foaming at the mouth when that happens. 😂
  3. 09/29/04 - been on this forum longer than I've been married (10yrs) or my oldest child (9yrs). Quite crazy to be honest.
  4. Progress looks awesome. I cannot wait for the finished product. You have truly made, in my opinion, some of the best skins for TEW throughout the years.
  5. Looking forward to using this when it releases!
  6. This is a really great change for GDS. eLicense never gave me problems and you guys have always been great at clearing up any issues that do arise. But I am always in favor of customer self-service options and it looks like this is exactly that. Won't lie... bummed that the current eLicense keys won't transfer to the new system.
  7. It doesn't appear to be as bad as it first appeared to be. We lost TV/PPV in the beginning of December (the contracts expired and I couldn't renew, like I had said) and we were able to get TV/PPV deals mid-April. So four months post-scandal, broadcasters will deal. Maybe they would've after 3-months and I didn't check? Seems like prestige is the biggest downfall but we're still putting on good shows. Definitely a curveball but not the end of the world.
  8. So we had a whistleblower (he's been terminated, I'm not sorry) leak some unfavorable things about apparent "substance abuse problems in the NWA locker room". I had TV and PPV deals expiring, obviously not able to renew them due to the scandal. Other broadcasters want nothing to do with me for the time being either. We had just taken that step to grow bigger and this happens - definitely dropping us down a few pegs in the process. How long do these take to blow over before I can negotiate with a broadcaster again? Says I still have over a year before it'll blow over (only two months post-scandal news). Will it be the entire time I'll be iced out? What a bummer. I've implemented a drug policy now but haven't really seen anything pop up. That whistleblower is a real Karen. 😝
  9. I won't lie... I always wanted Jay Chord to take over MAW and be that 15-time champion of his own company. Maybe its because I did that in TEW2008, but still, I absolutely saw him always staying big fish in a small pond, controlling his own path and burying everyone else in the process.
  10. I've wanted to play a RIPW save since TEW2020 came out and I never jumped into one until now. To be completely honest, running a child company was one of the major selling points and one of the features I truly wanted to see - I was beyond thrilled when the feature was originally announced. I really don't have any cool stories to share yet, still a very new game. I am taking advantage of the fact we have no monetary restriction though (thanks for footing the bill SWF!) and I'm running the monthly event with bi-weekly TV (2 taped at a time). My goal? Build up these younger guys and get them called up (hopefully see them do great things) while also building RIPW into a regional contender at the same time. Obviously, I'd love to turn a profit eventually, but it isn't the primary goal considering we'll never get to enjoy a dime of it. Really like the young roster that you start with... plenty of room to bring in others for $30/night handshake deals too. I even started a small women's division, Jerry said it was OK!
  11. I will also join in on this, please. Appreciate it, Arlie!
  12. From SWF's profile in TEW2004: "One of the Big Two in US wrestling, SWF offer the riskier, more edgy product. Run by the famous Eisen family, they were once the dominant force in US wrestling, but have recently faced stiff competition from ultra-rich arch-rivals HGC." They had a "Sports Entertainment" product but that's obviously well before we saw products as advanced as they are now, so lots of room for wiggle room at the time, which it sounds like they used - being "riskier, more edgy".
  13. You clearly put a TON of work into this and it shows. Absolutely great work and most likely a true asset to a ton of people who see it.
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