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I Run New York....

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....[SIZE="6"]City Wrestling[/SIZE] that is.... :D [FONT="Verdana"]It seems like just yesterday I was helping set up the ring for a measly $20 a night. As much fun as that was, yeah right, it was well worth seeing as where that got me today. And I have only one man to thank for that, well two actually, but the main person to thank would be the greatest wrestler on the planet in my book, Steve Flash. It was six months ago today that Steve Flash befriended the wrestling fanatic ring guy. (me) Since that day, me being the motor mouth wrestling fanatic I am, have being telling Steve Flash my thoughts and ideas about the business, and NYCW in particular. Little did I know that he was running off and telling everything to the Stomper. A lesser man might of tried to steal all the ideas, and pass them off as his own, but not Steve. He was constantly telling Stomper about this kid helping set up the ring, and all his idea’s he has. Every once in awhile Stomper actually went with one of my idea’s, like putting the belt on Steve Flash or trying to build Lee Wright into a legit contender. It wasn’t until two weeks ago when Black Hat Bailey went to the Stomper and said he was burnt out. He was tired of having the book, and tired of every second guessing him. He wanted to finished out his last couple years in the ring just focusing on wrestling. At first the Stomper was going to just book himself but after the fiasco that was the NYCW December show, he quickly decided he couldn’t handle it. That when he made a phone call, to me that is. I couldn’t believe it when I got the call. I honestly thought some one was messing with me. I thought I was being Punk’d or something. Instead of being the humble youngster accepting the gig, I had to go run my mouth. I told him only if we could bring in a few new guys, because the dead weight around here was never going to help this company go anywhere. The Stomper took offense to this, since half the roster was his friends. But he was in a predicament. Right around the corner was NYCW Rush Hour, and he sure as hell didn’t want to be responsible for ruining one of their biggest shows of the year. So he gave in and told me he would allow a few new wrestlers. He also told me I was on a very short leash. Since I had no booking experience, and really no industry experience, he told me he would can my ass fast if I screwed up his company. I told him I accepted the offer. Moments later Steve Flash called me up and congratulated me. His next question for me was, who is he facing at Rush Hour. Damn….thats a good question…. [/FONT] [QUOTE]Side note, this is my first ever attempt at a diary AND my first attempt at trying NYCW so we will see how this works out ;)[/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Verdana"]After several conversations with the Stomper I realized this wasn't going to be easy. You see the Stomper is as old school as old school gets. Basically his opinion on wrestling is that their should be clearly defined heels and faces, no grey what so ever. He also doesn't really care for high flyers what so ever. I guess a few years ago he tried to institute the whole "top rope move are now DQs" rule but I guess that fell through thank god. After several conversation I was able to convince him NYCW needs to look towards the future. We need to cut the fat and bring in some young talent that we may be able to mold for the future. He seen where I was coming. Now all I needed to do was convince him which guys I wanted to bring in. I gave him a list of 25 potential free agents that i could possibly bring in if the price was right. He knocked that list down to about 15. Now I gave him a list of the guys I wanted to axe, because i would not use anymore. At the top of the list is Land Mass of course. I thought the Stomper was going to stroke out right there. His exact words were "Land Mass has loads of potential as a monster heel". After I picked my mouth up off the ground, I calmly explained to him that he was a 44 year old piece of crap that couldn't work a good match in his prime let alone 10 years past in. I wanted youth, I wanted guys who could move, guys the ladies would throw their panties at, and guys the male fans would love to hate. Not Land Mass! He reluctantly approved 4 of my 8 that i wanted to get rid of. So for the time being.... [U][SIZE="3"]Fired....[/SIZE][/U] [B]Land Mass[/B] - For obvious reasons... [B]Spike aka New York Doll[/B] - Just useless in the ring and couldn't get over if he was the last wrestler on the planet [B]Sammy the Shark[/B] - bringing in younger wrestlers who could actually wrestle. [B]Honest Frank[/B] - This was a tough one for me. He is a great talker, but to me I see him and Rodger Dodger as similar wrestler and I think I see more potential in Roger. [U][SIZE="3"]Hired...[/SIZE][/U] [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] - a cheap fantastic mid card who has potential to put on some great technical matches with Steve Flash [B]Steven Parker[/B] - one of the most talented workers on the indy circuit who hopefully can go on to challenge Steve Flash [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] - Always one of my favorites while watching TCW. I thought he was wrongly let go. I have big future plans for him. [B]Jack Griffith[/B] - Has a little name value. I have short term plans for him to work with Steve Flash while i try to build up others as credible contenders. [B]Lead Belly & Grease Hogg[/B] - The Dirty White Boys are a name tag team in a non name division. I plan on giving them a descent push out of the gate. [B]Citizen X[/B] - Im bringing him in for a try out. I am not sold on him, but his interviews have been fantastic. [B]Kirk Jameson & Davis Wayne Newton[/B] - Some young talent that can really go in the ring who will be used as under card guys for now. [/FONT] [QUOTE]I'll be back later with my first card...[/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="6"][CENTER][B][U]NYCW: Rush Hour[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][U]NYCW EMPIRE TITLE MATCH[/U] [B]Steve Flash vs Black Hat Bailey Whistler vs Grandmaster Phunk Dirty White Boys vs Wiley Coyote Steve Parker vs Stevie Grayson[/B][/center] The show has a good mixture of the new talent, and the old guard. I'm curious to see how it works out.
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[FONT="Verdana"][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]NYCW RUSH HOUR[/SIZE][/U][/B] Saturday Week 2 in January Live in front of 300 people at The Weston Gym[/CENTER] Here are my notes from the show..... The show opens up with Grandmaster Punk coming out and cutting a promo about how he runs NYCW and the rest of the locker room are a bunch of nobodys. The Whistler must take offense to this as he comes out and cuts off Grandmaster Phunk. They go back and forth until the Whistler says he will see him in the ring later. [B]Rating = C[/B] First match is Steven Parker (heel) against Stevie Grayson (face). We booked this as the debut match to show the crowd we are getting younger, and focusing on a good in ring product. The match fell a little flatter then I thought but still not horrible. Stevie Grayson won in 18 minutes by pinfall. [B]Ratings = D[/B] Next match was Kirk Jameson vs Citizen X. This match was just dreadful! So much for the Citizen X tryout. He blew spots all over the damn ring! They looked like they had never wrestled before. [B]Rating = E+[/B] Grease Hogg and Leady Belly were coming to the ring when Marv Earnest stopped them to to get some comments. They basically said they were in NYCW to prove they were one of the best tag teams on the planet and tonight they would prove it. [B]Rating = E[/B] Dirty White Boys then took on Wiley Coyote. It wasnt a bad match. About what I expected. The White Boys showed off their talent to the new NYCW crowd, and Wiley Coyote made them look good in the process. Hopefully the White Boys can help add something to the tag division I have going. [B]Rating = D- [/B] Next up is going to be Grandmaster Phunk vs Whistler. Before the match starts Phunk gets back on the mic and berates the crowd calling them a bunch of fat out of shape losers blah blah blah. Just trying to get them riled up for the match. [B]Rating = B-[/B] The match was a little lackluster then I thought but still not bad. Phunk tried his best to carry Whistler even though he isnt the best in the ring either. We need to just try and keep a mic in his hands. Phunk wins by using a foreign object. [B]Rating = D+[/B] Steve Flash is making his way to the ring for the main event and Rock Downpour stops him to get his thoughts. He puts over Blackhat Bailey as a tough competitor but says he is going to still come out on top. [B]Rating = D+[/B] The match was a great back and forth bout. Black Hat gave it his all but Steve was just too great tonight. Steve picked up the successful title defense by winning with the Flash Bang. [B]Rating = C[/B] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING = C-[/B] (increased popularity)[/FONT] [QUOTE]Well not a bad first show with NYCW. Phunk proved great on the mic and Flash great in the ring. I have some things to work around.[/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="6"][CENTER][B][U]NYCW: Massacre[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][U]NYCW EMPIRE TITLE MATCH[/U] [B]Steve Flash vs Jack Griffith[/b] [U]NYCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH[/U] [b]Old School Principals vs American Made Men[/b] [U]NYCW TRI-STATE REGIONAL TITLE MATCH[/U] [b]Lee Wright vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith Handsome Stranger vs Grandmaster Phunk Dirty White Boys vs Kirk Jameson/Stevie Grayson Shooter Sean Deeley vs Davis Wayne Newton [/B][/center]
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Well my show was in the books, and it didn't come off half bad. The best part of the night was when the Stomper came up to me and actually told me I did a good job putting the show together. I got to admit. It felt good. But I had a long road ahead of me if I was going to turn NYCW into a big time fed. A few weeks went by and I seen for the first time in 6 months NYCW actually made a profit. The Stomper was quite pleased about this one. He was starting to think he was going to have to sell his house, but I guess not. After subtley dropping the hint that we axed the over priced veterans and brought in some cheaper younger talent, he was quite happy to let me bring in a few others. So with that I gave Bulldozer Brandon Smith, and Handsome Stranger a call. Bulldozer was a hot commodity on the indy scene, and Handsome Stranger was once a descent size name in SWF, before being released. I knew I was going to hang on to Bulldozer, but I figured Stranger could have a try out to see how he works out. My plan for the future was starting to catch some momentum. I need to build up challengers for Flash, and build up his successor. So we will have to see how this thing pans out. I also talked to Stomper about possibly running a second show a month, but he wasn't too keen on that idea so we will just have to wait and see if we keep being profitable.
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[FONT="Verdana"][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]NYCW MASSACRE[/SIZE][/U][/B] Saturday Week 2 in February Live in front of 300 people at The Weston Gym[/CENTER] Here are my notes I jotted down from the show..... Great dark match between Shooter Sean and Davis Wayne Newton. These guys are two of my big plans for the future, and its great to see they can put on some fantastic in ring action. [B]Rating = C-[/B] Next the show opens with Grandmaster Phunk in the ring cutting a promo. He runs down his opponent for tonight. Just then Handsome Stranger comes out to cut him off. They go back and forth for awhile until they decide to settle it in the ring later on. [B]Ratings = C[/B] The opening match is a tag match between The Dirty White Boys taking on Kirk Jameson and Stevie Grayson. It wasn't a bad match, but it wasn't a good one either. I think it was the clash in styles between the 2 teams. One side power brawlers, the other faster paced guys. [B]Rating = D-[/B] The next match came as a shocker to me. I was so caught up making sure everything came off okay, I didn't realize that Bulldozer Brandon Smith wasn't even in the building. At the last minute I had to change it around. So as Lee Wright waiting in the ring for his opponent I sent Herb out to clear things up about Lee's new opponent. [B]Rating = E-[/B] Coyote Dynamite comes out to take on Lee Wright. It was about what i would expect, complete crap really. These guys about put the crowd to sleep with their lackluster match. Brandon better have a good reason. [B]Rating = E+[/B] Next up was the tag title bout. This was NYCW old school wrestling at its...well best I guess. American Machine and Whistler took on Rick Sanders and the Masked Mauler, an ICON in our business, yeah right. Well this match could of been a lot better but it seemed like the American Made Men weren't too happy about having to put over Rick Sanders, a guy I see potential in. Not saying they tanked it but they didn't try their hardest. [B]Rating = D[/B] Next match was Grandmaster Phunk and Handsome Stranger. With their build up earlier in the show I thought for sure that they would have a descent match up. But something happen, they just didn't see to gel, it was like they had no chemistry what so ever. So much for Stranger's try out. [B]Rating = D[/B] Steve Flash is making his way to the ring for the main event and Rock Downpour stops him to get his thoughts. He puts over Jack Griffith as a tough competitor but says he is going to still come out on top. [B]Rating = D+[/B] The match was a great back and forth bout. For awhile the fans really bought in that Jack might pull off the upset. But in the end everyones favorite wrestler, Steve Flash won. [B]Rating = C[/B] As Steve was celebrating in the ring, Grandmaster Phunk once again appeared and challenged Steve Flash to an Empire Title match at the next event. Steve Flash turned to the audience to see what they thought before accepting the match! [B]Rating = D+[/B] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING = D+[/B] (increased popularity)[/FONT] [QUOTE]2nd show in the books. Down from a C- last time around. I ran into several no chemistry notes so I will work on that next time around.[/QUOTE]
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Well another month, some more profit. Slight profit, but hey profit is profit you know what I mean. I haven't seen Stomper this happy since he found that all you can eat spaghetti joint. He even took my advice and used his old school contacts to work out a talent trade with MAW. So we are trading Jack Marlowe for Steven Parker for a few shows. I have a lot of hope for our next even since we are headlining it with Phunk vs Flash. It should be a descent one I think. I also decided to be a generous man and keep Handsome Stranger around for one more show atleast. This is his last shot, if he doesn't perform he will be gone. I keep pitching ideas to Stomper for hot angles but he is sooooo old school it is ridiculous. Everything is toooo edgy for him. Oh well, we will keep to the formula, for now. This month's card looks like.... [SIZE="6"][CENTER][B][U]NYCW: Back to the Streets[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][U]NYCW EMPIRE TITLE MATCH[/U] [B]Steve Flash vs Grandmaster Phunk Jack Griffth vs Jack Marlowe Shooter Sean Deeley vs Handsome Stranger Black Hat Bailey vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith Steven Parker vs Whistler [/B][/center]
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[FONT="Verdana"][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]NYCW Back to the Streets[/SIZE][/U][/B] Saturday Week 2 in March Live in front of 300 people at The Weston Gym[/CENTER] Here are my notes I jotted down from the show..... Started the show off with a Dark Match between Shooter Sean and DWN again. Just trying to get the crowd hot with these two youngsters going at it. Shooter Sean goes over in this one in a good bout. [B]Rating = C-[/B] Opening match is between Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Black Hat Bailey. I wanted to see how Bulldozer stood his ground against a veteran like Bailey. They match was pretty descent. Bailey helped put the match where it need to go before picking up the win. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come for Bulldozer if he keeps up the good work. [B]Rating = D[/B] Grandmaster Phunk has an interview in which he taunts Steve Flash. "Steve Flash's mom wanted a girl. His father wanted a boy, and they were both satisfied! Woooo!" [B]Rating = C[/B] Shooter Sean comes back out for his second match of the night. This time it was against the Handsome Stranger who really isnt all that Handsome, or a stranger. You figure it out. A contrast in styles but they put on a pretty descent match which makes up for last months performance from Stranger. Shooter Sean gets his 2nd win of the night. [B]Rating = D+[/B] In probably the most disappointing match of the night Whistler picks up a win against Steven Parker. I really thought Parker was hitting the stage where he could really carry Whistler but I guess he isn't quite there yet. [B]Rating = D-[/B] Steve Flash is interviewed by Marv. He builds up tonights match as he toughest to date. [B]Rating = C-[/B] The sub main event was Jack Griffith taking on Jack Marlowe, the battle of the jack offs. Marlowe was a great steal from MAW in the talent trade off. He has excellent skills in the ring. Him and Griffith really hit it off tonight. Griffith picked up the win by cheating, but I can see a rematch down the road. [B]Rating = C[/B] The main event is getting ready to start but before it does Phunk grabs a mic and runs down the crowd getting major heat in the process. [B]Rating = C[/B] In what was probably my best match to date Steve Flash defeated Grandmaster Phunk in 12:32 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defence number 3 of his NYCW Empire title. It was a great match. [B]Rating = C+[/B] After the match was over Phunk took the title from the referee and smashed it into the face of Flash. He then posed over his body in the ring as the show closed. [B]Rating = D+[/B] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING = C[/B] (increased popularity)[/FONT] [QUOTE][U]Steve Flash[/U] vs Grandmaster Phunk [U]Jack Griffth[/U] vs Jack Marlowe [U]Shooter Sean Deeley[/U] vs Handsome Stranger [U]Black Hat Bailey[/U] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith Steven Parker vs [U]Whistler[/U][/QUOTE]
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I think you should do this for matches. [QUOTE] Opening match is between Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Black Hat Bailey. I wanted to see how Bulldozer stood his ground against a veteran like Bailey. They match was pretty descent. Bailey helped put the match where it need to go before picking up the win. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come for Bulldozer if he keeps up the good work. [B]Winner: Black Hat Bailey Rating = D [/B] [/QUOTE]
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Well 3 months in we have profited each month. So after a long talk with Stomper he has finally decided to let me run a second show a month. His exact words "nothing fancy, just keep it basic". Yeah because our monthly shows were so huge! So starting this month we are going to run an additional small show Titled the "Buildup" as we prepare for one of bigger shows of the year, in The Spectacular. I went ahead and canned Handsome Stranger like i said I was going too. Poor guy, he cant ever catch a break, probably because he sucks, but none the less. I been catching some flack from Stomper about not using some of the NYCW veterans much so this month I have to try and focus on getting them some ring time. I knew it was going to be a shot in the dark but I contacted Nation Pride TV about a possible TV deal, and of course they turned me down saying we were too small. Hey can't blame a guy for trying can you? I think we just need that one hot angle to really catch fire and make this company noticeable.
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[FONT="Verdana"][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]NYCW THE BUILDUP 1[/SIZE][/U][/B] Saturday Week 2 in April Live in front of 300 people at The Weston Gym[/CENTER] Here are my notes from the show Opening match was two youngsters taking on each other. Steven Parker and Bulldozer Brandon Smith. Two guys I see a lot of potential in. They had a pretty good match, with both getting spots in. [B]Winner - Steven Parker Rating D+[/B] Next match was a Tri-State Regional Title match between a couple of NYCW veterans in Lee Wright and Dazzling Dave Diamond. It went about as could be expected. Lee picked up the win, to continue his title reign. [B]Winner - Lee Wright Rating - D-[/B] Next match was a tag title match between The Masked Mauler/Rick Sanders and American Made Men which is Whistler/American Machine. In a surprising upset in my book Whister pinned the Mauler to become new tag tag champs. The match itself was pretty much a dud, but what can I expect when Stomper is making me use all these NYCW veterans. [B]Winner - American Made Men (New Tag Champs) Rating - D[/B] Before the bell sounds, Roger Dodger grabs the mic and lets loose a verbal onslaught directed at the fans in attendence. [B]Rating - D-[/B] Rodger Dodger gets his first action of the year as he took on the youngster Davis Wayne Newton. DWN did his best to make the dreadful Rodger look good in the ring but it was too no avail. A descent match but pretty boring for the most part. [B]Winner- Rodger Dodger Rating - D-[/B] Grandmaster Phunk came out and cut a promo about his opponent last Week, Steve Flash. He announced that Flash got lucky and that they were not through. [B]Rating - C-[/B] Phunk's opponent Jack Marlowe came out. They put on a pretty good slugfest battling it out until Phunk picked up the win by using the ropes for leverage. [B]Winner - Grandmaster Phunk Rating - D+[/B] Steve Flash cuts an interview on the upcoming bout against Shooter Sean Deeley. In it, Steve Flash promises to do his best [B]Rating - D[/B] In the main event Shooter Sean and Steve Flash put on an epic fight that seen a lot of technical old school ground work in it. They had the crowd eating out of thier hand with this one. Flash ended up picking up the win when Grandmaster Phunk came running out and broke up a pinfall attempt by Flash causing the DQ [B]Winner - Steve Flash Rating - C+[/B] The show ended with Shooter and Phunk beating Flash down, until Stevie Grayson comes running to the ring to make the save. [B]Rating - D+ FINAL SHOW RATING - C-[/B]
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Well it was 3am and I woke up from a dead sleep. It hit me! I came up with the angle. I know what angle is going to put NYCW back on the map. Only problem is convincing Stomper of what I was going to do. Sometimes he can be quite difficult and not want to conform to what I need him to really conform too. So I waited til morning and gave him a call. I ran through what my plans for and sat there waiting for him to tell me how amazing this was going to be, and how I was a genius for coming up with it. And his response? Exact words… “Nah I don’t think that will work.” Talk about kicking my dog, slapping my mom, and punching me in the nuts all at the same time. Nah I don’t think that will work. You got to be kidding me! The fact that he didn’t even want to try was the most annoying part of the whole situation. So what am I to do now? I could continue to do what I been doing and just get by. Business has been good, but I think if we could pull this off, business would be great. So we had our next creative meeting. In the meeting was Stomper, Marv, and Steve Flash sat in. I ran through my card for the next show. [quote] Steve Flash/Stevie Grayson vs Shooter Sean Deeley/Grandmaster Phunk Black Hat Bailey vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith Jack Marlowe vs Jack Griffith American Made Men vs Dirty White Boys Rick Sanders vs Kirk Jameson Lee Wright vs ???[/quote] All three titles will be on the line. Im trying hard to get a big name or atleast a big talent in to face Lee Wright. Everyone thought the card was great and the meeting was adjourned. After the meeting I took Steve off to the side and explained to him my angle I wanted to run. He thought the idea was fantastic. I told him how Stomper didn’t want to run with it. He said he would talk to him. A couple hours later I was home surfing for porn when my cell phone rang. It was Stomper. He told me how Steve talked to him, and how he had an idea for a hot angle. He told me to talk to Steve about the details, and hung up. That jackass didn’t realize it was the same exact thing I told him yesterday! Oh well my angle is going through. Its either going to be a big hit or its going to fall flatter then a damn pancake.
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[FONT="Verdana"][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]NYCW THE SPECTACULAR[/SIZE][/U][/B] Saturday Week 4 in April Live in front of 300 people at The Weston Gym[/CENTER] Here are my notes from the show.... Opening match was a tag title match between Whistler/American Machine against the Dirty White Boys. This was American Made Men's first title defense. Everyone in the building thought the the new champs would be going over here but were swerved when Dirty White Boys cheated their way to victory and won the tag titles! [B]Winner- Dirty White Boys Rating - D[/B] Next match was a complete disaster. This was supposed to be the initial singles push for Rick Sanders. I wanted him to showcase his skills here but the timing of Kirk Jameson and Sanders was everyone. This was probably the worst match of the night by far. [B]Winner- Rick Sanders Rating- E+[/B] Grandmaster Phunk comes out and cuts a promo on his opponents tonight. he runs them down and tried to get the crowd into it. [B]Rating- C[/B] Next match was the mystery Regional Tri-State title match with Lee Wright. He sat in the ring what seemed like forever before the lights dimmed, and his opponent came out. Everyone in the audience was shocked to see John Pathlow aka Hell Monkey in NYCW. He has been almost exclusively working in Japan since leaving USPW years ago. Not wasting any time Pahtlow went right at Lee Wright. They brawled all over the ring until Pathlow pinned him and become the new Tri-State Regional Champion! [B]Winner- John Pathlow Rating- D+[/B] Next was Black Hat Bailey taking on Bulldozer Brandon Smith. It was your classic NYCW take it to the mat match. I thought these two would pull out something a little better but I guess it wasnt to be. [B]Winner- Black Hat Bailey Rating- D-[/B] Stevie Grayson came to the ring with a mic in hand. he began to run down Grandmaster Phunk and his actions from last week. All of the sudden Grandmaster Phunk came out to interrupt him. The two verbally assaulted each other and almost came to blows before a bunch of referees and backstage helpers held them apart. [B]Rating- C[/B] The sub main event was Jack Griffth taking on Jack Marlowe. This would be Marlowe's last contracted match in NYCW, so there was no way he was going to win. They kept the crowd in it the whole way though. Griffith picked up the clean win here. [B]Winner- Jack Griffith Rating- D+[/B] Steve Flash came out and cut an interview with Marv saying how he will be getting payback tonight for what happen last week! [B]Rating- C[/B] In the main event Steve Flash and Stevie Grayson took on Shooter Sean Deeley and Grandmaster Phunk. It was a great match until the shocking end. Flash had been in the ring for quite some time when he went to tag Grayson in. Grayson didn't accept his tag as he just jumped off the apron. Flash was staring at him when Phunk came up from behind and scored the pinfall win over Flash. [B]Rating - C-[/B] After the match was over Grayson and Shooter Sean Deeley rolled into the ring. They continued the assault on Flash as all three men stood over the fallen champ with thier hands high in the air. Grayson, Phunk and Shooter celebrated as the fans booed. [B]Rating- D+ FINAL SHOW RATING = C-[/B] [/font]
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[FONT="Verdana"][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]NYCW BROOKLYN BRAWL[/SIZE][/U][/B] Saturday Week 2 in MAY Live in front of 300 people at The Weston Gym[/CENTER] Notes on the show.... The show starts off with THE ELITE (Grayson, Phunk, and Deeley) coming to ring and proclaiming theirselves the greatest thing since sliced bread. They laid out the challenge for anyone in NYCW to stop them. [B]Rating- C[/B] In the first match of the night John Pathlow defeats Rick Sanders in a TriState Regional title match. It was a very good match between the two and gave me thoughts of possibly running a feud with these two. [B]Winner- John Pathlow Rating- C-[/B] Next a debuting Bryan Holmes (who was cut by PHGW) took on Steven Parker. These guys had perhaps the match of the night with Holmes coming away with the debut win here. [B]Winner- Bryan Holmes Rating- C[/B] The next match seen Dirty White Boys defend their tag titles for the first time against Wiley Coyote. It was about average from these four guys. [B]Winner- Dirty White Boys Rating- D+[/B] Next we had Grandmaster Phunk come to the ring and run down Steve Flash. [B]Rating- C[/B] Our sub main event is the freshly heel Stevie Grayson taking on Whistler. Grayson taunts him and the audience through out just to make sure everyone knows he is a heel now. Grandmaster Phunk comes out and distracts Whistler so Stevie picks up the win. Winner- Stevie Grayson [B]Rating- D[/B] Steve Flash hypes his upcoming match with Phunk [B]Rating- C-[/B] The main event was a good one between Steve Flash and Grandmaster Phunk. Both Shooter and Grayson got involved for Phunk to pick up the win and capture the Empire Title. [B]Winner- Grandmaster Phunk Rating- C+ FINAL SHOW RATING - C[/B] [QUOTE]C!!! Best show to date from US. Quite happy over that one. What does everyone think of the Empire stable angle?[/QUOTE][/font]
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