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ROF - If you can't stand the heat...hire The Masked Avatar!!!

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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Playing on freestyle mode using the Cornellverse data with no edits as I find the owner goals too restrictive, especially for a diary game. I've picked The Masked Avatar as my user character as I can use him train up people behind the scenes and also going to do a character blog type thing after each show where he rambles on about nothing much. Not going with a fancy backstory as ROF is about the wrassling :). I'll also be doing a regular interview after each show and a few of you will notice the nod in style to Marcel's marvellous ROF TEW2007 diary :p[/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="6"][B]ROF Feeling The Heat[/B][/SIZE] Thursday, Week 4 January 2008 [SIZE="4"][B]The Tribe vs. Sharp & Heath[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Billy Robinson vs. Johnny Highspot[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Tag Championship Future X (c) vs. Absolutely Flawless[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Walter Morgan vs. Menace[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]ROF #1 Contender's Championship Jonni Lowlife (c) vs. Don Henderson[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Championship Merle O'Curle (c) vs. K'Lee Hawkins vs. British Samurai vs. UK Dragon[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B]QUICK PICKS[/B] The Tribe vs. Sharp & Heath Billy Robinson vs. Johnny Highspot ROF Tag Championship Future X (c) vs. Absolutely Flawless Walter Morgan vs. Menace ROF #1 Contender's Championship Jonni Lowlife (c) vs. Don Henderson ROF Championship Merle O'Curle (c) vs. K'Lee Hawkins vs. British Samurai vs. UK Dragon[/FONT]
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="6"][B]ROF Feeling The Heat[/B][/SIZE] Thursday, Week 4 January 2008 [B]Location - [/B] Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK) [B]Attendance -[/B] 68 [SIZE="4"][B]The Tribe beat Sharp & Heath F+[/B][/SIZE] The Tribe win after a Hammer Of Thor by Gob Narfi on Michael Heath for the victory. [SIZE="4"][B]Billy Robinson beat Johnny Highspot E[/B][/SIZE] Basically a match to put over Billy Robinson but Johnny Highspot suprisingly gives as good as he gets. Robinson clamps on the Capital City Crucifix and Highspot quickly taps out for the submission win. [SIZE="4"][B]Future X beat Absolutely Flawless to retain the ROF Tag Championship E[/B][/SIZE] This might be a promising feud as both teams show initial promise of decent matches between them. Future X hit the Future Shock on Kelly Martin to retain their championships. [SIZE="4"][B]Walter Morgan beat Menace D-[/B][/SIZE] Walter Morgan had to rely on some grounding moves to take down the man mountain Menace who used his brute strength to keep Morgan at bay. That was until Morgan applied the Northern Crossface on Menace and he had no choice but to submit. [SIZE="4"][B]Don Henderson beat Jonni Lowlife to win the ROF #1 Contender's Championship E[/B][/SIZE] This was car crash stuff with Don Henderson trying his best to drag Jonni Lowlife to a great match and it just not happening. Henderson put Lowlife and the crowd out of their respective misery with the Scottish Deathlock to take the submission victory and the championship. [SIZE="4"][B]Merle O'Curle beat K'Lee Hawkins, British Samurai and UK Dragon to retain the ROF Championship C-[/B][/SIZE] A tremendous main event with all four men getting in some impressive moves. K'Lee Hawkins was the first eliminated after a Fisherman's Suplex from British Samurai, followed closely by a Celtic Wreath from Merle O'Curle on UK Dragon to eliminate him. This left Samurai and O'Curle to battle it out, with O'Curle pulling out another Celtic Wreath for the submission to retain the championship. [SIZE="4"][B]Show Rating D[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][B][U]Behind The Mask[/U][/B][/SIZE] It's a wrench to shoot straight from the hip and praise myself but that was a pretty good first show under my amazing leadership with all our roster getting their chance to prove what they've got. Don't think the boss liked the money disappearing though, I blamed it on UK Dragon's wages and not on my numerous trips to the local bookmakers. The tag team division is looking promising with 5 teams fighting it out, proving you can find a way to use up the wrestlers sat around backstage, scratching where the sun doesn't shine. Is it me or is Don Henderson just a snoozefest in trunks... Let's hope that the first challenger for Henderson's newly won title will wake things up. Merle retained the ROF Championship but the boss didn't look best pleased as he's got his eye on being top dog again. Owner and main title holder? can't see it catching on.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][B]Peaches McCream interviews...[/B] Don Henderson[/SIZE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/PeachesMcCream.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/DonHenderson_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [B]PM After your victory last night over Jonni Lowlife to become the new ROF #1 Contender's champion...[/B] DH First of all lassy, this is no longer the ROF #1 Contender's title as I have now renamed it as the ROF Pure title. [B]PM Why have you renamed it?[/B] DH That eejit and spot on the arse of ROF called Jonni Lowlife didn't hold the title with any honour or passion, unlike Don Henderson who finally gives all the fans a champion they can be proud of, they can adore and that they can worship like the god of wrestling that I am. [B]PM Do you really believe that?[/B] DH They don't call me the Terror of the Highlands for no reason as I always back up what I say. [B]PM What do you have to say to any future challengers that will be after your newly won title?[/B] DH I will take on anyone that gets in my way and they will all fall before me as no-one can escape the Scottish Deathlock!.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I will leave a gap for predictions from the next show but wanted to get one show up to give everyone a feel for where i'm going :).[/FONT]
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[QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="6"][B]ROF Great Balls Of Fire[/B][/SIZE] Thursday, Week 4 February 2008 [SIZE="4"][B]Menace vs. The Masked Avatar[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Tag Championship Future X (c) vs. Absolutely Flawless vs. Your New Favourite Team vs. The Tribe[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Pure Championship Don Henderson (c) vs. Arthur T. Turtle[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Walter Morgan vs. Billy Robinson[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]K'Lee Hawkins vs. UK Dragon[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Championship Merle O'Curle (c) vs. British Samurai[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B]QUICK PICKS[/B] Menace vs. The Masked Avatar ROF Tag Championship Future X (c) vs. Absolutely Flawless vs. Your New Favourite Team vs. The Tribe ROF Pure Championship Don Henderson (c) vs. Arthur T. Turtle Walter Morgan vs. Billy Robinson K'Lee Hawkins vs. UK Dragon ROF Championship Merle O'Curle (c) vs. British Samurai[/FONT]
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Menace vs. [B]The Masked Avatar[/B] [B][U]ROF Tag Championship[/U][/B] [B]Future X (c)[/B] vs. Absolutely Flawless vs. Your New Favourite Team vs. The Tribe [B][U]ROF Pure Championship[/U][/B] [B]Don Henderson (c)[/B] vs. Arthur T. Turtle [B]Walter Morgan [/B]vs. Billy Robinson K'Lee Hawkins vs. [B]UK Dragon[/B] [B][U]ROF Championship[/U][/B] [B]Merle O'Curle (c)[/B] vs. British Samurai
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="6"][B]ROF Great Balls Of Fire[/B][/SIZE] Thursday, Week 4 February 2008 [B]Location - [/B] Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK) [B]Attendance -[/B] 50 [SIZE="4"][B]Menace beat The Masked Avatar E+[/B][/SIZE] The Masked Avatar makes his live show debut and jobs to Menace, whilst making him look good. Menace puts Avatar away with the Painful Moment (elevated powerbomb). [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Tag Championship Future X (c) beat The Tribe, Absolutely Flawless and Your New Favourite Team to retain the ROF Tag Championship E[/B][/SIZE] A pretty chaotic four way tag team match that saw Absolutely Flawless eliminate Your New Favourite Team first, then Future X eliminating The Tribe leaving the two remaining teams to battle it out for the titles. In the end, Future X hit the Future Shock on Lance Martin to retain. [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Pure Championship Don Henderson beat Arthur T. Turtle to retain the ROF Pure Championship D-[/B][/SIZE] A impressive showing from Arthur T. Turtle on his debut up against Don Henderson as both men gave it everything they had. Henderson proves too strong for Turtle in the end though as he clamped on the Scottish Deathlock for the submission and the victory. [SIZE="4"][B]Billy Robinson beat Walter Morgan E[/B][/SIZE] A disappointing match with no flow between Billy Robinson and Walter Morgan, which is surprising considering both men's talents in the ring. Morgan goes for the Wigan Wrench but Robinson reverses into the Capital City Crucifix and despite hanging on for a couple of minutes, Morgan eventually taps out to give Robinson the win. [SIZE="4"][B]UK Dragon beat K'Lee Hawkins D-[/B][/SIZE] Pretty good match between UK Dragon and K'Lee Hawkins which the fans were loving. Dragon wins in the end after hitting the Dragon Drop on Hawkins to get the three count. [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Championship Merle O'Curle beat British Samurai to retain the ROF Championship C-[/B][/SIZE] A great match thanks to some superb chemistry between Merle O'Curle and British Samurai that went for nearly 30 minutes with plenty of pin attempts and back and forth action. The end of the match comes when Samurai sets up O'Curle for the Fisherman's Suplex but O'Curle reverses it into the Celtic Wreath and Samurai has no choice but to submit and O'Curle retains. [SIZE="4"][B]Show Rating D+[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][B][U]Behind The Mask[/U][/B][/SIZE] I'm sure the world was watching my glorious debut against Menace, who I let win as he's bigger than me. There have been rumours flying around (helps that i'm spreading them...) that we're on the lookout for new faces. I would like to say that once that winning horse comes in and I can replace the money i've spent thus far then you watch the roster get bloated like a former wrestling company that would sign anyone if they could get into a ring and lose to the man with the winning streak. On a more serious note, we've got a great event planned for March and let's just say it'll be a gauntlet of fire. Do fans buy tickets and forget to turn up? surely the whole of the UK want to watch some of the most boring personalities lock horns in the ring. The boss had a tremendous match up against Merle O'Snooze and it surely can't be long before there's a new champion around here. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][B]Peaches McCream interviews...[/B] British Samurai[/SIZE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/PeachesMcCream.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/BritishSamurai.jpg[/IMG] [B]PM I'm here with the head honcho of ROF, British Samurai.[/B] BS Nice to be here Peaches and I'd like to say what a great job you and Justin are doing in the announcing booth. [B]PM Thanks Samurai so first question, when is the boss going to win that ROF Championship belt from Merle O'Curle?.[/B] BS Hopefully soon as i'm finding weaknesses in O'Curle's game each time I come up against him and it's only a matter of time before you see me bring back some honour to the ROF Championship. [B]PM How are you finding working with the frankly unhinged The Masked Avatar who's our new head booker?.[/B] BS He's certainly out there you could say but he's doing a fine job thus far and I can only see ROF going from strength to strength with us working together. [B]PM Finally, what three things do you find most important to make it in this business?.[/B] BS I'd say a willingness to learn and improve, to conduct yourself with honour at all times and to love what you're doing. [/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="6"][B]ROF Gauntlet Of Fire[/B][/SIZE] Thursday, Week 4 March 2008 [SIZE="4"][B]First Round - Match #1[/B] British Samurai vs. Menace[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]First Round - Match #2[/B] Don Henderson vs. Walter Morgan[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]First Round - Match #3[/B] K'Lee Hawkins vs. Billy Robinson[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]First Round - Match #4[/B] UK Dragon vs. Jonni Lowlife[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Semi Final #1[/B] Winner of First Round - Match #1 vs. Winner of First Round - Match #2[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Semi Final #2[/B] Winner of First Round - Match #3 vs. Winner of First Round - Match #4[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Final[/B] Winner of Semi Final #1 vs. Winner of Semi Final #2[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B]QUICK PICKS[/B] British Samurai vs. Menace Don Henderson vs. Walter Morgan K'Lee Hawkins vs. Billy Robinson UK Dragon vs. Jonni Lowlife Tournament Winner - British Samurai, Menace, Don Henderson, Walter Morgan, K'Lee Hawkins, Billy Robinson, UK Dragon or Jonni Lowlife [/FONT]
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[B]British Samurai [/B]vs. Menace Don Henderson vs. [B]Walter Morgan[/B] [B]K'Lee Hawkins [/B]vs. Billy Robinson [B]UK Dragon [/B]vs. Jonni Lowlife Tournament Winner - British Samurai, Menace, Don Henderson, Walter Morgan, K'Lee Hawkins, Billy Robinson, [B]UK Dragon [/B]or Jonni Lowlife Only just seen this diary as I've not been on the boards for a few days. Will be interested to see what you do with ROF. I've not tried them in 08 so far. Interesting to see how this card does without Merle to help the ratings. I'll guess at a Samurai vs Dragon final, with Dragon going over. Interesting to see Robinson vs Morgan tank on the last show. I remember having to keep them apart in singles for years and years in my 07 game because of their joint lack of psychology. And I wasn't surprised to see Henderson win the belt off Lowlife. Quite how he was midcard champion going into this version I've no idea although he did improve quite a bit in my 07 game with time.
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[B]British Samurai[/B] vs. Menace [B]Don Henderson[/B] vs. Walter Morgan K'Lee Hawkins vs. [B]Billy Robinson[/B] [B]UK Dragon[/B] vs. Jonni Lowlife Tournament Winner - British Samurai, Menace, Don Henderson, Walter Morgan, K'Lee Hawkins, Billy Robinson, [B]UK Dragon[/B] or Jonni Lowlife
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="6"][B]ROF Gauntlet Of Fire[/B][/SIZE] Thursday, Week 4 March 2008 [B]Location - [/B] Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK) [B]Attendance -[/B] 67 [SIZE="4"][B]First Round - Match #1 British Samurai beat Menace D[/B][/SIZE] British Samurai and Menace show some tremendous chemistry during the match, with Samurai bringing the best out of Menace. In the end, Samurai proves too much and locks in the Samurai Secret Stretch on Menace for the submission victory. [SIZE="4"][B]First Round - Match #2 Don Henderson beat Walter Morgan C-[/B][/SIZE] Despite not clicking in the ring, Don Henderson and Walter Morgan still pull out a great match against each other. Henderson grabs the win after clamping the Scottish Deathlock on Morgan who tries to hold on but eventually has to tap out. [SIZE="4"][B]First Round - Match #3 K'Lee Hawkins beat Billy Robinson D[/B][/SIZE] The lack of flow between K'Lee Hawkins and Billy Robinson nearly destroys the match but they rescue it a bit towards the end. Hawkins gets the win after Robinson goes for the Capital City Crucifix but it gets reversed into the Crossface Chickenwing and Robinson submits. [SIZE="4"][B]First Round - Match #4 UK Dragon beat Jonni Lowlife D[/B][/SIZE] UK Dragon manages to drag a half decent match out of Jonni Lowlife, as Dragon wins easily with the Dragon Drop on Lowlife for the pinfall. [SIZE="4"][B]Semi Final #1 British Samurai beat Don Henderson D+[/B][/SIZE] A very decent match between the two wrestling technicians in British Samurai and Don Henderson as they trade move after move. Samurai eventually gets the better of Henderson and puts him away with the Fisherman's Suplex to make it to the final. [SIZE="4"][B]Semi Final #2 K'Lee Hawkins beat UK Dragon C-[/B][/SIZE] The best match of the night as K'Lee Hawkins manages to keep pace with UK Dragon in a match that swung back and forth. The end of the match comes when K'Lee Hawkins tries to go for the Crossface Chickenwing but walks straight into a Dragon Drop to send Dragon into the final. [SIZE="4"][B]Gauntlet Of Fire Tournament Final UK Dragon beat British Samurai to win the ROF Gauntlet Of Fire Tournament D-[/B][/SIZE] Despite having probably the two most skilled and veteran wrestlers on the roster in the final, something seemed to be off as British Samurai and UK Dragon just didn't get going despite both men's best efforts. Samurai looked to have won with a Fisherman's Suplex on Dragon until Dragon somehow kicked out and as Samurai went for the Samurai Secret Stretch, Dragon pulled out the Dragon Drop and makes the cover to win the Gauntlet Of Fire tournament. [SIZE="4"][B]Show Rating D[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][B][U]Behind The Mask[/U][/B][/SIZE] I'd like to dispel rumours that I'm mentally unhinged because I never take my mask off by saying that I don't wear a mask, that's my actual face. The money keeps dwindling behind the scenes so let's hope that the boss doesn't look at the accounts that often. Peaches McCream signs a new deal and I'd like to think it was my good looks and charm that persuaded her but it'll probably be more because of the extra cash she got. I also persuaded Walter Morgan to sign a contract extension but had to promise a title run to him so he'll be winning the new ROF Snoozefest title at some point. The man mountain Primus Allen signs for NYCW in the USA... did he get lost on the way to SWF?.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][B]Peaches McCream interviews...[/B] Future X[/SIZE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/PeachesMcCream.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/EricFuture.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/PeteyBarnes.jpg[/IMG] [B]PM I'm with one of the hottest tag teams and the ROF Tag Champions Future X.[/B] PB Hi Peaches, we're glad to be here. [B]PM So who do you guys feel are your biggest rivals at the moment?.[/B] EF That'd have to be Absolutely Flawless who we've faced several times in the past. They're always difficult opponents and we have to be at the top of our game. [B]PM What do you think of the other teams on the ROF roster?.[/B] EF We've got the upmost respect for The Tribe who are getting better with each match. We also relate to Your New Favourite Team as they remind us of us when we first started tagging together. PB There's also the team of Martin Heath and Jon Michael Sharp who with a bit of hard work and determination could go places in ROF. [B]PM One last question, do you have any words for the fans?.[/B] PB Keep supporting us as we're in this business because of the great fans and Future X will only keep rising. [/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="6"][B]ROF The Fire Burns[/B][/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 4 April 2008 [SIZE="4"]Maxx vs. Toby Juan Kanobi[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Billy Robinson vs. Johnny Highspot[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Menace vs. Arthur T. Turtle[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Pure Championship[/B] Don Henderson (c) vs. Walter Morgan[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]British Samurai vs. K'Lee Hawkins[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Championship[/B] Merle O'Curle (c) vs. UK Dragon[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B]QUICK PICKS[/B] Maxx vs. Toby Juan Kanobi Billy Robinson vs. Johnny Highspot Menace vs. Arthur T. Turtle ROF Pure Championship Don Henderson (c) vs. Walter Morgan British Samurai vs. K'Lee Hawkins ROF Championship Merle O'Curle (c) vs. UK Dragon [/FONT]
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="6"][B]ROF The Fire Burns[/B][/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 4 April 2008 [B]Location - [/B] Norman Blue Athletic Center (Midlands, UK) [B]Attendance -[/B] 60 [SIZE="4"][B]Toby Juan Kanobi beat Maxx F+[/B][/SIZE] Toby Juan Kanobi and Maxx make their debuts in ROF facing each other but the match starts badly, the middle's awful and the less said about the end the better. Kanobi hits the Kanobi Kutter on Maxx to take the win. [SIZE="4"][B]Billy Robinson beat Johnny Highspot D[/B][/SIZE] Johnny Highspot puts in a good performance against Billy Robinson but Robinson looks like he's toying with Highspot all match until he puts him away with the Capital City Crucifix for the win by submission. [SIZE="4"][B]Menace beat Arthur T. Turtle E[/B][/SIZE] Even the mighty Arthur T. Turtle can't drag a great match out of Menace who still needs to improve. Menace takes the victory with the Painful Moment on Turtle for the three count. [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Pure Championship Don Henderson (c) beat Walter Morgan to retain the ROF Pure Championship D+[/B][/SIZE] The curse of bad chemistry between Don Henderson and Walter Morgan strikes but they still manage to pull out a half decent match. Henderson retains after locking in the Scottish Deathlock on Morgan for the submission win. [SIZE="4"][B]British Samurai beat K'Lee Hawkins D+[/B][/SIZE] A superb match between British Samurai and K'Lee Hawkins, with Samurai seemingly having great chemistry with whoever he's facing recently. The end of the match comes when Hawkins tries for the Crossface Chickenwing but Samurai cleverly turns it into the Samurai Secret Stretch and Hawkins submits. [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Championship Merle O'Curle (c) beat UK Dragon to retain the ROF Championship C-[/B][/SIZE] It's testament to the skills of Merle O'Curle and UK Dragon that despite having virtually no chemistry, they still pull out a tremendous main event match with the match swinging between both men throughout. The finish of the match sees Dragon going for the Dragon Drop, hitting it but O'Curle keeps hold of Dragon and somehow locks in the Celtic Wreath and Dragon has no choice but to tap and O'Curle retains. [SIZE="4"][B]Show Rating D+[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][B][U]Behind The Mask[/U][/B][/SIZE] The eagle eyed readers might have noticed the change to Wednesday this month, well it's all down to our illustrious ROF champion signing on with GCG which has ruled out Thursdays for the immediate future. It's not like anyone was turning up anyway but we'll keep plugging away. I think it's time for Maxx to loosen up a bit as I tried one of my famous jokes on him and I was met with a wall of silence. It can't have been because the joke was rubbish so i'll put it down to him leaving his sense of humour at home. Has anyone told Toby Juan Kanobi that Star Wars is for kids? surely it's time to grow up a bit. Still trying to work out how MOSC keep in front of us in the promotion wars in the UK, how can fans prefer drinking beer and brawling to the fine art of wrestling? actually when do they do their shows? sounds pretty good to me. This month's main event was amazing for the ROF Championship as Merle O'Snooze and UK Dragon put on a match that The Masked Avatar would pull out on one of his extremely rare off-days.[/QUOTE][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][B]Peaches McCream interviews...[/B] Merle O'Curle[/SIZE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/PeachesMcCream.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/MerleOCurle.jpg[/IMG] [B]PM My guest this week is none other than the ROF champion Merle O'Curle.[/B] MOC The honour is all yours Peaches. [B]PM You recently signed up with GCG in Japan, isn't wrestling for ROF enough?.[/B] MOC When you're as fantastically skilled as I am and considering no-one on the ROF roster can compare to the Irish Stretching Machine, I decided to go dominate another promotion as well over in Japan. [B]PM Why do you think our fans don't like you?.[/B] MOC I couldn't care if they do or not, my only concern is that I continue to dominate as the ROF champion and the fans better get used to it as I'm not going to be losing my title for a very long time. [B]PM Finally, did you read what the boss had to say last week about taking the ROF championship from you?.[/B] MOC The only respect I have for British Samurai is the fact that he signs the lucrative checks I pick up every month but if he thinks he can defeat Merle O'Curle then I suggest he goes to the doctor as he's clearly not thinking straight.[/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="6"][B]ROF Ignition[/B][/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 4 May 2008 [SIZE="4"][B]Absolutely Flawless vs. Sharp & Heath[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Tag Championship Future X (c) vs. Your New Favourite Tag Team[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Arthur T. Turtle vs. The Masked Avatar[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]British Samurai vs. Maxx[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Pure Championship Don Henderson (c) vs. Walter Morgan vs. Billy Robinson vs. Menace[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]ROF Championship Merle O'Curle vs. K'Lee Hawkins[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B]QUICK PICKS[/B] Absolutely Flawless vs. Sharp & Heath Future X (c) vs. Your New Favourite Tag Team Arthur T. Turtle vs. The Masked Avatar British Samurai vs. Maxx ROF Pure Championship Don Henderson (c) vs. Walter Morgan vs. Billy Robinson vs. Menace ROF Championship Merle O'Curle (c) vs. K'Lee Hawkins [/FONT]
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