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Day 2 analysis: A: 2 - 15 [COLOR="Blue"]Kurt Angle[/COLOR] vs Booker T vs Matt Hardy [INDENT]And to no ones surprise the Olympic gold medalist walks away with the win, over the 5 time, 5 time, 5 time world wanna be Booker T. and the talented but always under rated Matt hardy. 36 - 5 - 6[/INDENT] B: 7 - 10 [COLOR="Blue"]Samoa Joe[/COLOR] vs Randy Orton vs John Cena [INDENT]This was a hard fought match up, and the first of the triple threat matches where the one of the losers may have been screwed by by votes lost to the other worker. If Cena were to have taken the votes that Orton got, he may have pulled out the win here, as it is Samoa Joe squeaks out of the Young lions match up, 24 - 6 - 19[/INDENT] C: 6 - 11 [COLOR="Blue"]British Bulldog[/COLOR] vs Mike Awesome [INDENT]This one came down to name recognition, as both were very talented athletes, and Awesome certainly held his own and kept from being entirely steam rolled. But Davey Boy smith pulls out the win in the end, 36 - 11[/INDENT] D: 3 - 14 [COLOR="Blue"]Kurt Henning[/COLOR] vs Rick Rude [INDENT]This battle of friends came, was a total route. Both men had similar styles, characters and careers. but just like those careers there is only one man who is perfect, and he comes up with the nearly perfect win, 40 - 5[/INDENT] so the confirmed round 2 match ups as of now: Hulk Hogan vs Kurt Angle Jack Brisco vs Samoa Joe Jerry Lawler vs British Bulldog Curt Henning vs Bret Hart so what are your thoughts on the strength of the first 4 announce match ups of round 2?
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Day 3 analysis: A: 3 - 14 Ernie Ladd vs [COLOR="blue"]Junkyard Dog[/COLOR] [INDENT]This is was a battle of Legend versus Childhood hero, and though Ernie certianly is the bigger Legened with all he achieved in the sport of wrestling, this is by and far a popularity contest, and Junkyard proved that big time in this match up, coming up with an under dog win 38 - 3.[/INDENT] B: 6 - 11 Goldberg vs [COLOR="Blue"]Randy Savage[/COLOR] [INDENT]Goldbergs undefeated streak came to a crashing end in this tournament at zero wins and one loss, and who felled the phenom? why it was the Machooo Maaan Randy savage, Ooooh Yeaaaah! in another absolute trubbing that shows why Goldberg left the industry probably never to return again. 38 - 8[/INDENT] C: 7 - 10 [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Austin[/COLOR] vs Brock Lesnar [INDENT]To be honest i think a match up between Goldberg and Lesnar in the first round would have been a lot better, and a Steve Austin vs Macho man would also have been better. but the truth is the tournament is set up to weed out the weak early, and so Steve Austin moves on after proving the Brock Lesnar is not the unbeatable mountian he was built up to be. Austin with the dominate win 44 - 4.[/INDENT] D: 2 - 15 Chief Jay Strong Bow vs[COLOR="Blue"] Killer Kowalski[/COLOR] [INDENT]This match up just high lights the Tournament committees lack of classic wrestling knowledge. Though the chief did make a strong showing, killer just rolled right over the Cheif. 27 - 11[/INDENT] As Day 3 ends there are some interesting match ups for round 2 that are about to develope. Due to the upset in the Strong bow Kowalski match up, Tripple H will face his mentor Killer Kowalski in round 2 more than likely. who will win master or student? Stay tuned for more game, more results and more analysis as the results become available.
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Not that most haven't already figured it out, but Day 6 is up. Day 4 results and analysis will be late today, look for them some time this afternoon hopefully. They should give us some interesting confirmed second round match ups!
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[QUOTE=justtxyank;445496]I want to take some serious issue with the candidates. Crash Holly makes the list. JBL makes the list. Christian Cage makes the list. Samoa Joe makes the list. Diamond Dallas Page doesn't make the list?[/QUOTE] ddp is not dead, and he's not active (that i know of), so he would not be replacement for any the workers you named. that being said he was indeed forgotten and I have added his name to the list in the first post of wrestlers I forgot about, and should a second tournament be run, the championship comittee will put alot more time into the process of setting up the brackets and contenders. (i'm thinking secret ballot before hand)
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Day 4 analysis: A: 4 - 13 [COLOR="Blue"]Big Bossman[/COLOR] vs Bruiser Brody [INDENT]This was probably the closest match up we are going to have. The styles the legacy and indeed the voting so very close. In the End, the man from Cobb county Georgia wins by a knight stick. 20 - 19[/INDENT] B: 5 - 12 [COLOR="Blue"]Owen Hart[/COLOR] vs Brian Pilliman [INDENT]Just like the first match up from day 4 this was two guys with simillar style, who were both underrated but on their way to bigger and better things with thier continued in ring success. Though Owen won this match up Brian did make a good showing of his own. Owen Hart with the win 34 - 14[/INDENT] C: 8 - 9 CM Punk vs Batista vs [COLOR="Blue"]Big Show[/COLOR] [INDENT]though a 9 beating an 8 is not considered a real upset in an elimination tournament, it is when it's under triple threat rules, when the #17 beats #16 and #8. to be honest the amount of support for Big Show really surprised me, the lack of support Batista also cam as some surpise. Punk did well for himself despite not picking up the win. Big show by a foot in this one, 17 - 3 - 31[/INDENT] D: 1 - 16 [COLOR="Blue"]HHH[/COLOR] vs Kevin Nash vs Jeff Hardy [INDENT]This triple threat match really should have been closer, but i think jeff went for an early top rope dive that took out nashes bad _______ (fill in the blank, he's got so many problems i'll let you choose), Letting Triple H walk away with an easy victory here. 31 - 10 - 5[/INDENT] Post show four analysis. the committee has not been perfect but we haven't really taken it on the chin yet either we are 11 out of 16. granted one of those was a 2 vs 15 and another a 3 vs 14. We do apologize to those superstars and Legends who did not make it into this tournament, next time (saying there is a next time) we will endevour to include more people in the process of picking and ranking the entrants. why didn't we this time? well after my comment in the x-pac/jeff hardy thread, no one even batted an Eye so i was not sure how high interest in this project actually was. ( to be honest i thought you would drive me from the dog pound thread after you saw clogged the first page became with my poll threads.) To the charge that the first round match ups have not been that competitive or interesting, we simply point to Big Bossman and Bruiser Brody and several others. while not every match up has been grade A, that is the truth in the first and even second rounds of most tournaments of this size. With that being said lets take a look at the now confirmed second round match ups! [INDENT]*Junkyard Dog vs Big Bossman *Owen Hart vs Randy Savage *Steve Austin vs Big Show *HHH vs Killer Kowalski[/INDENT] I'm not sure i can call the winner in any of those matches, though some i have a strong suspicion. Round 2 is looking to be far more competitive than round 1 was!
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Round 1 day 7 is up! day 5 analysis up soon. I swear Destiny knows my schedule now, as he's got a comment on the first one of the day before i have the second one up. ;) And you should take a look at tomorrow's match ups today, as you might need to do some thinking, day 8 is looking to be one heck of day for the first round match ups!
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[QUOTE=Destiny;446187]Ha, I'm interested in the whole set-up of yours mistaken. I wouldn't exactly say I know your schedule but it's nice to put some input into the discussion before others disagree with it. :D[/QUOTE] then take a look at the monkey wrench i just threw into the works! Nominations for positions in three wild card battleroyals are now open, up to 12 workers in each, Thats up to 36 more workers who have a shot in this tournament!
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[QUOTE=mistaken;446195]then take a look at the monkey wrench i just threw into the works! Nominations for positions in three wild card battleroyals are now open, up to 12 workers in each, Thats up to 36 more workers who have a shot in this tournament![/QUOTE] Ah, interessant! I will think it over and contribute fully.
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Day 5 analysis: A: 5 - 12 [COLOR="Blue"]Mick Foley [/COLOR]vs Jake Roberts [INDENT]These two traded some serious blows, but the truth is Mick has just two many things in his bag of tricks, with a Bang,Bang here and a mr socko there Mick is your winner 38 - 13, in one of the highest scoring match up since Day 1.[/INDENT] B: 4 - 13 Bob Orton vs [COLOR="Blue"]Jimmy Snuka[/COLOR] [indent]What were the championship committee members smoking when the ranked snuka 13 and Orton 4? I'm not sure, but Snuka proved why he is the super fly! whipping up on the man who produced the loin fruit Randy 'the legend killer' Orton. Snuka by a score 37 - 7.[/indent] C: 1 - 16 [COLOR="Blue"]Dusty Rhodes[/COLOR] vs Paul Orndorff [INDENT]The American Dream, breezes through this round. though Mr wonderful put up a valiant defense he still fell by a land slide 38 - 7.[/INDENT] D: 8 - 9 Lex Luger vs [COLOR="Blue"]Ted Dibiase[/COLOR] [INDENT]The Narcissist with the million body vs the Man with a million dollars. To be honest i expected a closer contest from these two super stars of the 80's and 90. I think the difference came down to this, Ted knew when to exit stage left. Luger hung on long after he had destroyed his body. Thus Luger took a million dollar beat down 41 - 8[/INDENT] With just one more set to go up and 5 days know in the books I think some of the best match ups are just around the corner. Tommorow we will take a look at the 3rd set of confirmed match ups for round 2, but remember that one match up from each group will end up a triple threat match up.
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-Game Over- I've clearly:[LIST] [*]Upset the management of these boards [*]violate both [B][U]unwritten[/U][/B] rules and codes of conduct [*]over stepped my bounds as a user [*]and been unable to reach a fair an equitable compromise in a civil manner [/LIST] I apologize to the people I've upset, as I've done to the management, though it earned me further scorn. -Peace
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