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CCW: Rise of the Underdogs Returns!

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[B]Monday, Week 1, January 2008[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Random_Male56.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The New Years had not been kind to my body, I realized I should have stopped drinking about four hours ago as I lay in the gutter, too drunk to stand. Although my body was lettinng me down, my mind was still somewhat in tact, coherent enough to review 2007. It had all started when a friend of mine, Leo Davis, decided to open up his own wrestling promotion. He needed financial support, as well as direction, and for that he visited none other then Tommy friggin Cornell. That sonnuva bitch promised us TCW's support as Chicago Championship Wrestling was going to be their RIPW, their training grounds. They'd send us a fat check and some good prospects, we'd train 'em up for the big leagues. Even built our franchise around their sports entertainment crap. And then, the fateful day came right after our huge tournament. The tournament was amazing, we had wrestlers come in from all around the world, heck we even had Art Reed while he was free from the DAVE breakup. It was a tremendous success but had drained us of every penny we had. We met with Tommy that night and then he dropped the hammer on us. There would be no checks in the mail, there would be no hot new prospects to bolster our roster. TCW was withdrawing everything, advertising, merchandise, the whole works. That bastard left us out to dry without even a weeks notice. We tried to keep it secret, but the workers quickly learned what had happened and soon, workers started leaving like rats from a sinking ship. Our champion, Tully Arthurs, had barely dropped the strap to Titan before jumping over to FREEDOM. Guess he liked the warmer climate better. Then Titan had to quickly drop the strap to American Elemental before he left for FREEDOM as well, taking along Kashmir Singh for the ride. Bill Lewis and Lazy Joe were both picked up by the new DaVE start up, PSA. Nadia Snow was selected as one of the starting members for USPW's new women's division. All of those guys got to where they were because of us, and only Singh had the decency to thank us. Singh was always a class act, he's the only one I'll really miss. TJ Bailey was another one of the few grateful ones. After seeing his potential, 4C came down and asked TJ to join a "hot new tag team" with Too Hot. It sounded like a boy band gimmick to me, but I was happy for TJ, he was one of the good guys. The rest of the roster stuck around, waiting to see what would happen after the New Year. So here I am, the drunk announcer for a bankrupt, dying promotion lying in a gutter, half covered in snow. For some reason I started getting really tired, and as the world darkened around me, I realized that maybe lying half-naked in a snow bank wasn't the best way to spend New Years, but then again, I had no place else to go...
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[B]Friday, Week 1, January 2008[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Lee%20Bambino.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] When I woke up, a strange face was staring at me. When he saw that I was awake he left, calling for others. I looked around and realized I was in a hospital room. I couldn't remember New Years at all except for that brief moment of coherence lying in that gutter. A familiar face walked in, Leo. He grabbed me in a big hug, and the nurse had to pull him off. [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Leo%20Davis.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Great to see you up. The doctors were worried you'd never recover."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"What?"[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"You're in St. Joseph Hospital. You've been unconscious for almost a week now."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"What?"[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Yeah, 5 days, and boy has it been a great five days."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"What?"[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Of course you don't know, but it's all over the wrestling news. CCW's back in action. I cashed in my retirement fund and after debts we still have about 10k left. I've already sent try out invites to a whole bunch of free agents. Most of the roster is still intact, so we just need to really rebuild the main event and tag team scene. Another big change is that we're expanding the Women's Division by two slots."[/COLOR] Gabriel:[COLOR="Indigo"]"What?"[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Yeah, now that NOTBPW's lost their division and USPW gained theirs, I figure we need a solid one to put both of theirs to shame."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"What?"[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Ummm...Doc, are you sure this guy is recovered?"[/COLOR] The doctor explained that I was disoriented from the coma, but that wasn't the truth. I was still in shock that Leo cashed in his retirement fund to keep CCW alive. He had to have lost a ton of money cashing it out early, and the guy was on the verge of retiring to begin with. I was in shock that CCW was continuing fully on Leo's dime. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Anyway, the books still have your name on it..."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Yeah Leo, of course."[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Glad to see you got your vocab back. Now I sent out a lot of requests, especially to some big names that are available. Be prepared for a lot of rejection and a lot of overpriced workers, but I'm hoping we'll snag a few diamonds here and there. But let's get one thing straight, we NEED to make a profit on this one. This is the last of my money and I really need to see some return on it. If this goes belly up again I am completely screwed so let's try and make a profit now that we're on our own."[/COLOR] I nodded my head, understanding what Leo would face if CCW tanked a second time. The nurse came in and told everyone that visiting hours were over for the day, but Leo promised he would return tomorrow with the list of potential new hires. As I drifted to sleep, I started mentally going through what remained of our roster, at least what it was like before I passed out for a week...
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[CENTER][B]The Current Roster[/B] [B][U]Main Event[/U][/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Harry%20Wilson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Harry Wilson:[/B] Last year's star heel, he ran a huge faction that had a lot of monster heels, including Titan, Murderous Mikey and Dusty Bin. Despite his attitude he stuck around and his popularity is still very high, so his position as "head heel" is rather secure. Push: Heel (Old School Heel) [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Dermot%20OLogical.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Dermot O'Logical:[/B] A good worker but was out of the spotlight last year. This year I think that we'll put more focus on him, he has the talent and the crowd appeal. Push: Heel (Skin Care Obsessive) [CENTER][B][U]Upper Midcard:[/U][/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Craig%20Lewis.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Crash Lewis:[/B] Formerly Craig Lewis of our tag team champs The Lewis Brothers (With Bill "Lewis" Lewboski). Now that Little Bill has left us, Crash has been cut off and will probably drift back down to the midcard. He's a great guy, but just doesn't have the ability to pull it off by himself. He makes a great tag partner though, and I might be able to get him on another successful tag team. Push: Heel (Metalhead) [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Leo%20Davis.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Leo Davis:[/B] Owner and founder of CCW. Unfortunately his spirit doesn't always translate into ability, but he has experience and the cash so he's staying in the upper card. Pulled off a pretty good "redneck authority" gimmick last year as a rough and tumble GM who isn't afraid to mix it up with unruley workers. Push: Heel (Authority Figure) [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Rex%20Reeves.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Rex Reeves:[/B] Had a decent feud with Murderous Mikey over Jemma Muse but now I think we'll spin him off in a new direction. Unfortunately I don't know exactly what that direction will be in yet, so he is keeping his "southern gentleman" gimmick for now. Push: Face (Gentleman) [CENTER][B][U]Midcard[/U][/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Murderous%20Mikey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Murderous Mikey:[/B] Not the greatest ability but damn does he have the killer heel down. He's a bit of an unknown factor coming off of his feud. He technically won the feud, but Jemma's rejection at the last turn killed his momentum and pushed Rex up to the upper card. Now Mikey's a renegade, just pounding on who ever pisses him off at the moment. Push: Heel (Bad Ass) [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Dusty%20Bin.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Dusty Bin:[/B] With Harry's help Dusty has actually gotten a bit of momentum on his side. Acting as a simple bodyguard and thug for Harry, Harry points and Dusty pounds. Lucky for him, time is on his side as he has a long way to go before he can pull of a semi-decent match. Push: Heel (Bodyguard) [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Jeremy%20Jazz.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Jeremy Jazz:[/B] Jeremy is a wild card, a person who I used to fill any gaps in my rosters. First he was a single's competitor, then he was in a tag team with TJ. The tag team was his best shot at a spotlight, so I'll look for a partner who can break Jeremy out of his shell and try and get him to shine. I will say that he is able to do his name justice as a hipster. He definitely studied his jazz-era slang for his interviews. Push: Face (Dude) [CENTER][B][U] Women's Division[/U][/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Ginko%20Kuroda_alt01.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Ginko Kuroda:[/B] The only champion to stay with us, Ginko is now our two-time Women's Champion. Very solid in and out of the ring, the only thing holding her back is the fact that she still doesn't speak english. The upside is that her ninja warrior character is still popular even after losing the Women's belt and the tournament cup to other contenders. Push: Face (Ninja) [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Carnival%20Queen%20Kendra.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Carnival Queen Kendra:[/B] I have a feeling that even after Armageddon destroys everything, we'll still have Carnival Queen on the sheets. A terrible former BSC worker with barely any in ring talent, she is still around. And actually improving quite a bit thanks to her work with Ginko and Nadia. Her character is a drifter type, a happy-go-lucky gypsy that goes where life takes her. Push: Face (Happy-go-lucky) [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Kinuye%20Mushashibo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Kinuye Mushashibo:[/B] Hired to give Ginko a partner, Kinuye has proven to be invaluable to keep Harry Wilson in line. Ever since the first day, Harry has had a crush on Kinuye, and she has used that to keep his ego and attitude in check. For that alone she is worth every penny we give her. In addition, she acts like everyone's fun, spunky kid sister and if a conflict gets resolved, she's usually at the heart of it. And for me, the most amazing thing is that with everything she does backstage, she doesn't speak English. She just knows a few key phrases and I help translate as best I can, but she just has such a positive energy that it's almost impossible to stay angry around her. Now if only she could have such a positive effect in the ring... Push: Face (Fun Babyface) [CENTER][B][U]MANAGERS[/U][/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Kristen%20Pearce.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Kristen Pearce:[/B] Ahhh, Kristen. By far one of the most charismatic member of our roster. She used to manage the Lewis Brothers, Little Bill and Crash, while they were tag team champions. Excellent job in the corner, she did everything a good manager should, hyping the workers, generating heat during the matches, everything. Based on that, I think I'm going to bring her up to manage the big leagues, even get her a stable to manage. Push: Heel (Secretary) [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Jemma%20Griffiths.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Jemma "The Muse" Griffiths:[/B] Rex Reeves on-screen girlfriend and manager, Jemma and Rex worked well together, and I hope that their relationship hasn't changed that. For now she'll continue helping Rex develop as he slowly climbs the card. Push: Face (Girl-next-door) [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Monique.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Monique:[/B] Formerly the manager of brief champion Titan. She was chosen because her height actually allowed her to stand beside Titan instead of far far below him. Now that Titan left us for FREEDOM, she's on the market for a new heel. Not the greatest valet, she does a decent job, decent enough for us to keep paying her. Push: Heel (Spoiled Brat) [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Chloe%20Dean.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Chloe Dean: [/B]Formerly the manager of champion Tully Arthurs, she did a lot of good work, but now that her client is gone, she's on the market for a new face client. Push: Face (Hippy) [CENTER][B][U]STAFF[/U][/B] [IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Random_Male56.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Announcer: Gabriel Mossak[/B] - That's me. I used to work in customer service at a help desk for about six years before Leo asked me to help him out. We go way back, I used to be an amateur wrestler before I had to get a job to pay the bills. Leo and I jobbed out together for a little while, and we became fast friends. He liked my ideas, my insights into the wrestling business which is why he contacted me to be head booker for his start up company. It's been a rough year, but execpt for the whole bankruptcy, it's been a lot of fun. [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Dale%20Kenney.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Referee: Dale Kenney[/B] - Dale Kenney was formerly known as Randall the Vandal, another jobber-for-hire until a series of knee injuries caused him to rethink his profession. Not the greatest ref, but he does have the unique advantage of having been in the ring as a wrestler first, and every now and then he comes through with a brilliant piece of insight. Unfortunately, that brilliance is still being buried by inexperience and even after a year of work, he still needs some help. [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Buttercup.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Road Agent: Buttercup[/B] - Buttercup was a last minute, last ditch hire. Our former road agent, Curt O"Malley decided to jump ship about 4 days before a show and we barely had time to get Buttercup hired before throwing her right into action. So far she's been raw but is able to keep the backstage area fairly clear of incidents. Her main problem (besides the whole lack of experience that plagues most of our staff and roster) is that when tempers do flair she does not have the physical presence to stop the escalation. Therefore if a fight breaks out, she's diving for cover as she's barely tipping the scales at 100lbs. Sometimes I think about how hard it would be to start a backstage fight with someone like Nemesis or Corporal Doom standing right there. But she works hard and works cheap and I wouldn't think about trading her in for anyone.
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As a side note, this is a continuation of the CCW Diary from '07 found here. The concept was started by the question of what would happen if the jobbers of the CVerse banded together and created their own fed. You can read the original diary here: [url][/url] It goes until about August of '07 and then due to real life conflicts I had to put the diary on pause, especially when it was announced that '08 would be coming out. I did not import anything or alter anything except adding the user avatar and adding title lineages. All the workers are vanilla '08 database versions, except for Leo who I changed the personality around to better reflect the personality that developed through the old diary. Unfortunately that means that the bit of popularity and skill I had built up was erased, but then again you don't start a dynasty like this without looking forward to the challenge.
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[B]Saturday, Week 1, January 2008[/B] First Day of Contract Negotiations Leo wasn't kidding when he said I had work to do. I had barely worken up from a week long coma when I was thrown (well, more accurately wheeled) back into the fast lane. Saturday afternoon was our first day of auditions and contract negotiations. I recognized a few familiar faces from our last open try outs, but there were quite a few new faces as well. The last year really shook things up in the wrestling industry. Leo explained that he was looking for guys who could take a beating. A lot of our roster was raw and more then a little sloppy, and we didn't want to give the appearance of a garbage fed by having everyone getting injured. Next he said he didn't want any fat lumps, the workers had to be able to move and wrestle a match longer then 10 minutes without having a heart attack [CENTER].[IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] First up was [B]Bob Casey[/B], a solid canadian veteren. Not the most charismatic or flashy guy in the ring, but he had solid experience and that was worth more then another hot shot entertainer with no ability to perform in the ring. We hired him immediately to the main event for $350. [CENTER].[IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Julian%20Watson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Up next was a bit of a suprise, from overseas came [B]Julian Watson[/B]. I continue to be amazed at how far reaching Leo's contacts are, but considering the man has jobbed for about every promotion North of the equator, I guess it shouldn't surprise me on who he knows. Another solid, albeit bland performer. After just hiring Bob Casey, it was hard for us to justify basically hiring the same person twice. What's more, he didn't have the face appeal that Casey had, Julian was much better suited in the role of a heel and our roster was currently exteremly heel heavy. Plus he was expensive and in the end we decided to pass. But as soon as some finances and heel slots opened up, I told Julian we would come knocking again. [CENTER].[IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Buck%20Graham.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next was a tag team, the Maryland Alliance...or what was supposed to be a tag team. Only [B]Buck Graham [/B]showed up and put on an awful show. I was used to it by now, hopefully so were the fans, but when Buck turned around and asked to be the highest paid member of the staff at $400, Leo and I just laughed and told him to rethink his negotiation strategy. We offered half of what he was asking, travel expenses and the tag team title for him and Brady, but he refused to drop down low enough in price so we sent him on his way. [CENTER].[IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/WeirdWaldoOdlaw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Weird Waldo Odlaw[/B] came to us next, straight from Canada. He was a decent hardcore brawler, but was still young and raw in the ring. However, as soon as I heard the name an idea came for a unique gimmick, and so I was a bit more generous in contract negotiations with him. By the end he had his John Han**** on the paper for only $150 and travel expenses. [CENTER].[IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Nikki%20Power.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I had no clue about the next person, but Leo perked up and told me she was [B]Nikki Power[/B], better known as Kim Gallagher, a fitness trainer. There weren't any other women competing, so Leo went in the ring against her. Leo held back, but she didn't, I laughed my ass off as She (wo)manhandled Leo around the ring. She was good, had experience and was used to the cameras thanks to her fitness work. We hired her for $250, making her our highest paid woman on the roster. The next couple of wrestlers, El Medico and K-Squared didn't make the cut, nothing stood out about them and there really wasn't a place on the roster for them. They were the last two auditioners, and after a day of wrestling we had hired a male and female top contender, so Leo and I felt pretty good, we still had another day and we'd definitely fill in the rest of the open slots tomorrow. Just as we were starting to pack up the ring, Lee, my new co-announcer, ran in screaming for us to stop. Following him were three guys who went by the names of Xavier Reckless, Extreme Deluxe, and Super Sonic. [CENTER].[IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/XavierReckless.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/SuperSonic.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CBW/ExtremeDeluxe.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Lee explained that they were all in the old XDW promotion together and that five of the stars from XDW were trying to break it into the big leagues. Lee begged Leo for the chance, and Leo acquiesed. First up, Xavier Reckless. Xavier was a middleweight brawler, but the rest were a whole bunch of spot monkeys. Extreme Deluxe was all over the place, practically braining himself off of his own move. But I have to admit he was fun to watch. Then came Super Sonic, and although he spoke with the biggest hick accent I'd ever heard, he was all over the place like a luchadore. He was solid, not nearly as flashy as Extreme but he more then made up for it with his in-ring abilities. They then said they had two more friends trying out tomorrow (their car broke down so they were delayed a day). I looked at Leo and he looked at me and I knew we were thinking the exact same thing. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"No!"[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Yes!"[/COLOR] We looked at each other and immediately retreated to the back "discussion room." A 6-pack later, I had convinced Leo to give these kids a shot as I had an interesting storyline planned that would include a lot of our new hires. Leo finally accepted, but he wasn't happy when the XDW guys started asking for cuts of hte merchandise. Then again, we hadn't really ever sold any merchandise anyway, and 15% of $0 isn't too much to ask for, We hired Xavier, Super Sonic, and Extreme for $150 each. And that concluded the first day of try outs.
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[B]Sunday, Week 1, January 2008 Second Day of Contract Negotiations[/B] A huge highlight was that former DaVE star Vin Tanner was one of the first guys to arrive. He and I chatted a bit, and I must say that if we had unlimited funds, I'd hire him in a second. But we don't, and so I had to wait until negotiations to see if our dinky little fed could afford a big name like him. [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Fearless%20Blue.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Daredevil%20Aero.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Two of the first auditioners were the remaining two from XDW, Fearless Blue and Daredevil Aero. Leo had serious problem with hiring Daredevil, for some reason Leo thought the guy looked like a sissy and that he needed to bulk up a bit more before joining. I'll admit that Daredevil Aero looks like a strong wind would break him in half, but I convinced Leo that we needed him (yeah, I can't believe I said it either). Leo finally agreed, although he said it was my ass on the line if the kid's parents tried to sue us when he broke his neck. [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Davis%20Wayne%20Newton.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Davis Wayne Newton tried out next which was a pleasant surprise. The kid's got everything going for him, looks, talent, age. I was puzzled why he wanted to try out with us, and he replied that we were the only ones having open try outs. He wanted to get as much experience in the indies as possible, to get as much exposure as possible and the only way to do that was to work. When he said he would work for $250, I immediately agreed and shoved a pen and contract into his hands before he could figure out how much of a bargain that really was. [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After him, we saw a bunch of familiar faces of people who had tried out last time. And once again, we had to call the police on Trauma and the others were told "better luck next time." Except for Kenny Kuntz, better known as K-Squared. We were really hurting for some faces, and he was good on the stick and decent in the ring so we signed him on. [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Agent%2069.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Nurse%20Darla%20Knight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] There were two good female wrestlers who tried out. Agent 69 was trained by the DeColts. It's unknown how many of the DeColt brothers had crushes on her, but in the ring she was a solid competitor. Her opponent was former-BSC "wrestler" Nurse Darla Knight. With her feud with Nurse Hope Daye over, they released Darla. Probably because she had actual talent which of course wasn't allowed at BSC. The fact that she looked amazing in her skin-tight nurse outfit was icing on the cake. [CENTER][IMG]http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dblackfi/People/Vin%20Tanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Finally, it was Vin Tanner, and let me say that it was tense. Everyone knew that he was big money, but how much money was the big question. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Alright Vin, it's great to have you with us. I'm glad you still remember me."[/COLOR] Vin: [COLOR="Navy"]"Heck, you were one of the guys who helped build me up for my first title run. Now that DaVE has gone under, I'm finding myself in a bit of a pickle. DaVE stars have scattered to everywhere, and I'm looking for a place to shine."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"I'm sure any promotion would be glad to have you, so why us? Let's cut the bull****, We're new and we're tiny, not exactly the place to go to make a name for yourself."[/COLOR] Vin: [COLOR="Navy"]"Yeah, but anywhere I go and I'll probably just be shuffled to the midcard or stuck training up the youngsters. I mean, I had four title runs at DaVE, but that was seven years ago. Since then Phil had me as the gatekeeper to the upper card. I know it was valuable, but it was also hard, I mean, James Brandon used to job for me, and now he's already getting a push in SWF."[/COLOR] Leo:[COLOR="Sienna"] "Yeah, I know how it goes. Hell, when i worked at SWF I was the first one a rising star humiliated..."[/COLOR] Vin: [COLOR="Navy"]"Exactly. That's why I would like to go to some place 'new and tiny' so that I can have one last run in the spotlight. I've already made a name for myself, and I'm not going to be around that much longer to try and work my way up the cards anyplace else. I've done my time, and now I just want one last title run before I hang up my boots."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Alright, let's get to the heart of things. What's the damage going to be?"[/COLOR] Vin (chuckling): [COLOR="Navy"]"I like the way you say that. $2,500 per appearance, $1,000 a month downside. I'll want full creative control and a main event title."[/COLOR] Leo coughs in surprise at Vin's price. While he tries to recover, I continue negotiating. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"First of, I'm afraid we can't do creative controls. We have a brand new roster and we need time to shuffle things about, try out feuds and get the roster settled. If we have one person, even if its you, getting in the way of our storylines and long-term plans, especially if you've got a strap on your waist, we'll eventually need you to lose. But we can give you your title reign. And a guaranteed slot on the main event. You won't have to work your way to the top, you will BE the top. And you'll be our lead face."[/COLOR] Vin: [COLOR="Navy"]"Lead face eh, I like that. I've been heel for so long I can't remember the last time the crowd actually cheered for me. Alright, I'll drop creative control for all that you mentioned."[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Alright, V, now we're getting somewhere. I'm afraid that price is just way to high. How about $1,000 an appearance with an $800 downside?"[/COLOR] Vin didn't even respond, he just shook his head. Leo and I leaned in and talked about how much we could really afford to spend. In the middle of the discussion, Leo suddenly straightened up and talked to Vin. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Alright, $1,500 an appearance, $900 downside and we'll cover travel expenses within reason. That's going to really break our budget but that is the absolute maximum that we can go. I'm sorry Vin."[/COLOR] Vin: [COLOR="Navy"]"What do you have to be sorry about? I'll take it."[/COLOR] The next minute was filled with silence as Leo and I just sat there in shock, disbelieving what we had just heard. Vin: [COLOR="Navy"]"Umm...I said I'll accept. It's about what I was making at DaVE anyway..."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Th...bu...welcome aboard."[/COLOR] And so Vin Tanner became the final hire of our new roster.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.ccw.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 2, January 2008 [B][U][SIZE=6]CCW NEWS REPORT[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [SIZE=5]Next Show: [B]CCW: Champions Tournament[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][U] CCW RETURNS[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] Flying in the face of rumors that CCW was closing its doors, Leo Davis announced that he would not be filing for bankruptcy, that he would not be selling the promotion and that the tiny fed was doing better then ever. To kick off the New Year, it was announced that CCW will once again be doing a tournament for the CCW Championship belt. This time it will be a 16-man tournament, including one wildcard slot that the opening talent will wrestle for. The quarterfinals and semi-finals will be next month at CCW Train Wreck, and the finals competition will take place in a special 30 minute show in March. The march show will also feature the finals for the tag team title as well. [B]Quick Picks (not in order):[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Sir Arthur[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Switchblade Mike[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Dusty Bin[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Evil Spirit[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Weird Waldo Odlaw[/COLOR][/B] for Wildcard Slot [B][COLOR="Blue"]K-Squared[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Xavier Reckless[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Fearless Blue[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rex Reeves w/ Jemma Griffiths[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"] Dermot O'Logical[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jeremy Jazz[/COLOR] [/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]Leo Davis[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]Super Sonic[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]Daredevil Aero[/COLOR][/B] vs.[B] [COLOR="Blue"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Extreme Deluxe[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Harry Wilson[/COLOR] [/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bob Casey[/COLOR][/B] vs.[B] [COLOR="Red"]Crash Lewis[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Vin Tanner[/COLOR][/B] vs. Wildcard
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[I]Looking good so far, especially liked the Vin Tanner negotiations. Made me really buy into him as a veteran who was looking for one last run at the top of a promotion, no matter how big or small that company is. [/I] [COLOR=black][B]Sir Arthur[/B] vs. Switchblade Mike vs. Dusty Bin vs. Evil Spirit vs. Weird Waldo Odlaw for Wildcard Slot[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][I]It could be any of them, but as he's probably the most established on the roster, I'll go for Sir Arthur (who if I remember correctly was a repackaged Wizard of Ottawa)[/I] [B]K-Squared[/B] vs. Xavier Reckless [I]K-Squared is more experienced and Reckless needs alot of training before he can get up to a reasonable level.[/I] Fearless Blue vs. [B]Rex Reeves[/B] w/ Jemma Griffiths [I]Ditto for this match [/I] [B]Dermot O'Logical[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=black] vs. Jeremy Jazz[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]You hinted that Dermot is in for a more focused push this time round, and Jazz will never amount to being anything more than a mid-carder at best. [B]Leo Davis[/B] vs. Super Sonic The owner goes over the Backyard spot monkey. Daredevil Aero vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [I]To be honest, DWN is too good for CCW and I think even you were taken a back that he would work for you, and for such paltry money too. Don't insult his talent/generosity, by having him job to one of the Backyard spot monkeys.[/I] Extreme Deluxe vs. [B]Harry Wilson[/B] [I]Harry Wilson was the main heel in the 2007 edition of the CCW diary, even though he never carried the belt, so I don't see him going out in the first round[/I] Bob Casey vs. [B]Crash Lewis[/B] [I]Could go either way, both are baldy jobbers (well here they're mid-carders, but in any other fed they'd be looking up at the lights on a regular basis). However I see you rewarding the guy who has put in more time as a member of the CCW roster.[/I] [B]Vin Tanner[/B] vs. Wildcard [I]You've promised Tanner a title run, so there's no way he's going out in the first round, especially to the Wildcard.[/I] [/COLOR]
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Sir Arthur vs. Switchblade Mike vs. [B]Dusty Bin[/B] vs. Evil Spirit vs. Weird Waldo Odlaw for Wildcard Slot [I]Dusty Bin needs diary love too[/I]! [B]K-Squared[/B] vs. Xavier Reckless [I]More advanced project[/I] Fearless Blue vs. [B]Rex Reeves w/ Jemma Griffiths[/B] [I]The xdw crew just never garnered my interest[/I] [B]Dermot O'Logical[/B] vs. Jeremy Jazz [I]Time for the gimmick to shine![/I] [B]Leo Davis[/B] vs. Super Sonic [I]Boss gets a win[/I] Daredevil Aero vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [I]Push him to the moon, he will be snagged away soon enough[/I]. Extreme Deluxe vs. [B]Harry Wilson[/B] [I]He is the slightly larger fish in this pond[/I] [B]Bob Casey[/B] vs. Crash Lewis [I]Casey needs to feed on the little guys so he looks better when the big guys feed on him in the ring.[/I] [B]Vin Tanner[/B] vs. Wildcard [I]All hail big daddy V![/I]
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[B]Sir Arthur [/B]vs. Switchblade Mike vs. Dusty Bin vs. Evil Spirit vs. Weird Waldo Odlaw for Wildcard Slot [B]K-Squared [/B]vs. Xavier Reckless Fearless Blue vs. [B]Rex Reeves [/B]w/ Jemma Griffiths [B]Dermot O'Logical [/B]vs. Jeremy Jazz [B]Leo Davis [/B]vs. Super Sonic Daredevil Aero vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Extreme Deluxe vs. [B]Harry Wilson[/B] [B]Bob Casey [/B]vs. Crash Lewis [B]Vin Tanner [/B]vs. Wildcard
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Another good diary. Fun negotiations, can't believe you got DWN for so little, and the Vin dialog was great. Sir Arthur vs. Switchblade Mike vs. Dusty Bin vs. Evil Spirit vs. [B]Weird Waldo Odlaw[/B] for Wildcard Slot -Yeah, total shot in the dark. I like his name, so :p K-Squared vs. [B]Xavier Reckless[/B] -You didn't hire K-Squared day 1, so I'll pick against him. Fearless Blue vs. [B]Rex Reeves[/B] w/ Jemma Griffiths -A strong gust of air will take care of Blue for Reeves. [B]Dermot O'Logical[/B] vs. Jeremy Jazz -Based on the way you talked about him in the setup. [B]Leo Davis[/B] vs. Super Sonic -Not sure why, but Super Sonic looks annoying to me. Like the tiny guy that would show up at your party, drink way too much, then pick a fight with the biggest guy in the room. Daredevil Aero vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] -Can't see DWN losing to Aero. Extreme Deluxe vs. [B]Harry Wilson[/B] -I don't really know, so I'm just following the other votes out there on this one. [B]Bob Casey[/B] vs. Crash Lewis -Bob Casey is decent (albeit boring) and Crash Lewis, as you said, is probably heading back down the card. [B]Vin Tanner[/B] vs. Wildcard -Vin is your franchise player. Weird to say, but true!
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Sorry about the delay, I had to restart the diary because of the latest patch, but everything is pretty much the same, except Vin now has a $1,000 downside and the momentums are changed so now Leo Davis has A* momentum! But I'm going to keep the initial storylines going in the same direction as before and I'll hopefully get the match write up done tomorrow morning. I have the month done, it's just a matter of fleshing it out, uploading images etc. etc.
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[B][CENTER][SiZE=6] CCW Tournament of Champions[/SIZE] Friday, Week 2, January 2008 Ohio Jewish center, 27 people. [/B] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/XavierReckless.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/ExtremeDeluxe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG] http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/SuperSonic_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG] http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/FearlessBlue.jpg[/IMG] [IMG] http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DaredevilAero.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As the crowd settles into their seats, the arena and ring are empty, no announcers, no refs, nothing on stage. As soon as they all get seated, the lights dim and the spotlight shines at the entrance, as Xavier Reckless, Extreme Deluxe, Super Sonic, Fearless Blue, and Daredevil Aero walk down to the ring. Xavier grabs the mic. Xavier: [COLOR="Teal"]"Sup, fools? So apparently, in case you weren't aware, Chicago Championship Wrestling has returned, but because so many stars left, they had to hire some real talent. So let me introduce the new dominant faction on this pitiful roster, the XDW Alliance. In case none of you fools knew, we all used to be part of the same backyard fed, the greatest promotion ever. We were rising fast until those bastards at CCW bought us out. So now I guess we'll just take our own revenge by taking every single title, by dominating every single match, and making all of you fools realize just what we are. We are the future! We are the path to fame! And every single person here should feel honored that they get to see the start of our rise to power"[/COLOR] He pauses as the crowd boos at his arrogant demeanor. Then he glances back towards the entrance ramp. Xavier: [COLOR="Teal"]"Now, XDW's got ourselves a few secret weapons. First, let me introduce a lovely young lady, Monique."[/COLOR] [B][CENTER] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/Monique_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/B] Monique walks down, wearing high heels to make her even taller. She towers over most of the other XDW alliance. Xavier: [COLOR="Teal"]"With this lovely young lady on board, we can't lose ringside. And to make sure we have eyes everywhere..."[/COLOR] [B][CENTER] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/LeeBambino_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/B] At the entrance ramp, Lee Bambino strolls down, shaking hands on his way to the announcer table. Xavier: [COLOR="Teal"]"Lee Bambino, announcer and ally. Together we ARE the future. Remember that fools."[/COLOR] Xavier and the rest of his crew strut out, leaving Lee at the announcer table. [B][CENTER] XDW Alliance is announced: E- [/CENTER][/B] Lee: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Alright people, listen up. First match up is for the wildcard slot, introducing...Switchblade Mike, Sir Arthur, Dusty Bin, Evil spirit, and Waldo Odlaw."[/COLOR] [B][CENTER] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/MurderousMikey_alt1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/WizardOfOttowa.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DustyBin_alt02.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/EvilSpirit.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/WeirdWaldoOdlaw.jpg[/IMG] Switchblade Mike vs. Sir Arthur vs. Dusty Bin vs. Evil Spirit vs. Weird Waldo [/CENTER][/B] As they are announced, the wrestlers quickly head to the ring to get the first match started. Switchblade Mike (formerly Murderous Mikey) and Dusty Bin both show up in suits, and although they take off their coats and ties, they still wrestle in their dress clothes. As soon as the bell rings, it's apparent that they have more in common then just their wrestling attire. Mikey and Dusty start double teaming everyone else, and the other three wrestlers quickly form an impromptu alliance to try and withstand the big men's assault. The three start to get an advantage when suddenly Waldo clotheslines both Evil Spirit and Sir Arthur from behind before running out of the ring. Mikey and Dusty quickly dominate, and Dusty lets Mikey pick up the pin on Evil Spirit. Throughout the match, the crowd as booing just about everyone. They shouted for Mikey and Dusty to get out of the ring, they cheered when Waldo left, overall it was not a great match. [B][CENTER] Switchblade Mike defeated Sir Arthur, Dusty Bin, Evil Spirit and Weird Waldo Odlaw in 4:34 when Switchblade Mike defeated Evil Spirit by pinfall. Grade: F+ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/Random_Male63.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/B] As the match concludes, Gabriel walks down to the announcing table to join Lee. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Welcome one and all to CCW's first show of the new year. Every year we try to bring something new to our fans, and this year is no different. He may be a new star, but he's an old favorite. That's right, the rumors are true, fomrmer DaVE champion Vin Tanner will be wrestling here tonight."[/COLOR] In the background on the big screen TV, a series of clips show off Vin's wrestling, showing him raising the title and smashing heads in with chairs and ladders. [B][CENTER] Grade: D+ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/Kristen_Pearce_alt01.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/ExtremeDeluxe.jpg[/IMG] Harry Wilson w/ Kristen Pearce vs. Extreme Deluxe [/CENTER][/B] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Alright, our first match of the tournament, will have Harry Wilson facing against Extreme Deluxe."[/COLOR] Harry Wilson walks out in an expensive looking suit, with Kristen Pearce at his side. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"It would appear that Kristen has herself a new client..."[/COLOR] Lee: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"She's got something alright..."[/COLOR] Lee leans back in his chair to get a better viewing angle. When the match starts, Extreme Deluxe charges right at Harry, who quickly sidesteps and then drop kicks. Extreme Deluxe is all over the place, just throwing himself at Harry with wild abandon but Harry's superior wrestling skills shine, as he leads Extreme right into trap after trap and just punishes the overzealous youth. The match finally ends when Harry hits not one but two Humilities right in a row.(Humility is Wilson's modified one-armed pedigree so that after bouncing his opponents face off the map he has the leverage to flip his opponent on the bounce, going straight into a pin.) Wilson forgoes the flip twice, hitting it one last time and bursting Extreme Deluxe's face open, much to the shock of the audience. It was barely a wrestling match, and was closer to a public execution. By the end the crowd wasn't even cheering or booing, they were just sitting there, watching in shock. [B][CENTER] Harry Wilson defeated Extreme Deluxe in 3:52 by Humility. Grade: F+ [/B] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/Kristen_Pearce_alt01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DustyBin_alt02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/MurderousMikey_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] After the match, Wilson grabs the stick while Dusty and Mikey stroll out. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Greetings ladies and gentlemen. Oh wait, that's right, I'm addressing you people. Greetings rednecks and whores" Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Hey, that is not app..." Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Just shut up Gabe, no one wants to hear you blabber on and on. They came here to hear me. They came here to see me because I'm the only thing worth watching. So anyway, all these backyard losers have announced that they're the dominate faction. Well, I would disagree. First off, those XDW punks couldn't dominate a pre-school playground, and second of all, we're the dominate faction. The two hit men here, Dusty and Mikey, as well as the much lovelier Kristen and of course, the best wrestler around...me. We are the real future because unlike XDW, we actually have talent. We are the Coalition. The Coalition of Dominance. The Coalition of Power. You can fill in the blank any way, but the point is that we will dominate. We will take the CCW Championship title that has been waiting for my waist since it was first created. Now, I've got a backstage party to attend after my complete destruction of that XDW piece of s***." [/COLOR] Wilson throws the mic down in the middle of the stage and walks out, with Kristen on his arm and flanked by his two hulking bodyguards. [B][CENTER] Grade: E [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RexReeves.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/JemmaGriffiths.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/FearlessBlue.jpg[/IMG] Rex Reeves w/ Jemma Griffiths vs. Fearless Blue [/B][/CENTER] Fearless and Rex circle each other, sizing each other up before springing into action. A series of fast cruiserweight holds and flips occur, trying to create a high speed, high intensity match. Fearless, however just keeps slipping around and disrupting the flow. Rex finally tries to break the status quo and hit a RexPlex (a snap suplex that transitions to a pin) but Fearless actually breaks out of it, hitting a Springboard Lariet against the stunned Rex, dropping him for the count. [B][CENTER] Fearless Blue defeated Rex Reeves in 6:35 by pinfall with a Springboard Lariat. Grade: F [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/LeoDavis.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/SuperSonic_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Leo Davis vs. Super Sonic [/B][/CENTER] Super Sonic comes right out on the offensive, hitting a plancha from the outside and slamming the surprised Leo. From that first attack, Sonic maintains the offensive, hitting a series of speedy moves against the stunned Leo. Leo makes his comeback when he ducks a dropkick and Super Sonic knocks out Dale Kenney. As soon as the ref is knocked out, Leo takes the offensive, hitting Sonic with a massive clothesline. While Sonic is pick himself up, Leo reaches into a boot and picks up his brass knuckles. Super Sonic doesn't see it coming as Leo starts pounding away with those knuckles, and Sonic drops like a bag of bricks. Leo quickly puts the knuckles away and waits while the ref recovers and counts the pin. [B][CENTER] Leo Davis defeated Super Sonic in 3:36 by pinfall. Grade: F+ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/XavierReckless.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/Monique_alt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG] Xavier Reckless w/ Monique vs. K-Squared [/B][/CENTER] Xavier starts out with an lariat before the bell even rings, and K-Squared fights frantically to recover while Xavier tries to put him away hard and fast. K-Squared does recover and regains his momentum. He turns it around and hits first a drop kick and then a top rope leg drop on Xavier, seemingly putting him down for the count. As K-Squared goes to cover, Extreme Deluxe charges out from the back and drags K-Squared out of the ring. The ref yells at him but because Extreme didn't actually attack K-Squared, the ref does not signal for the bell. Xavier meanwhile recovers and while K-Squared is distracted by Extreme Deluxe outside, Xavier sets up a slingshot DDT and covers for the pin. [B][CENTER] Xavier Reckless defeated K-Squared in 8:01 by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT. During the match we also had Extreme Deluxe run in and attack K-Squared. Grade: E [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/ChloeDean.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/CENTER] Chloe Dean makes her way down the ring as it's being cleaned up from the last match. She plays with the beads on her vest and flashes a few peace signs before grabbing the mic. Chloe: [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"Like...whoa, there's a lot of people here. A lot of people looking for some good wrestling. And like, I had this dream the other day, a dream that I would meet someone great and that he would go straight to the top. And then I met him, and I was like, I need to help him. Mother Earth has guided me to help this brother out. And so, I like, have a new client, and he's none other then Bob Casey!" [B][CENTER] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/CENTER] The crowd pops a little when Bob hits the entrance. He plays up the crowd, shaking hands and high fiving the younger fans before heading to the ring and grabbing the mic from Chloe. Bob: [COLOR="Blue"]"You know, this whole night I've been hearing one person after another talk about how they are going to dominate this and control that, and let me say that the only tried and true method of getting the gold is through a lot of hard work. Sure you can get a little bit by cheating and such, but in the end that house of cards topples as soon as a real worker comes along. And that is waht I am. I've been in this business probably longer then these young punks have been around, and I know exactly what it will take to get the strap. So they can continue shooting their mouths off until the cows come home, but in the end, it's the people who have put in their time, the workers who have truly earned their keep that will take home the gold." [B][CENTER] Grade: D- [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DermotOLogical.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/JeremyJazz.jpg[/IMG] Dermot O'Logical vs. Jeremy Jazz [/B][/CENTER] As Bob and Chloe leave the ring, Dermot O'Logical comes out in all his glory. He's got the facial mask, the cucumbers, the moisturizer...the whole shebang. Dermot O'Logical: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"You see folks, the only person who should get the title is the one who looks the best, and no one. NO ONE can argue that my skin isn't the greatest, that my complexion isn't perfect." Dermot then goes into listing the various products that he has used to treat his skin. Meanwhile Jeremy Jazz is waiting impatiently for the match to start. He looks at the ref and the ref just shrugs and motions for him to start. Jeremy runs, bounces off the ropes and slams Dermot O'Logical from behind, knocking the cucumbers from his eyes. Dermot picks himself up looking absolutely furious. He just starts wailing on Jeremy, practically pounding Jeremy's face through the mat. After about three minutes of abuse, Jeremy is lying limp and Dermot covers for the pin. After the match, he goes outside of the ring and picks up his fallen cucumber slices, gently placing them back over his eyes and walking out. [B][CENTER] Dermot O'Logical defeated Jeremy Jazz in 7:44 by pinfall. Grade: E- [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DaredevilAero.jpg[/IMG] Davis Wayne Newton vs. Daredevil Aero [/B][/CENTER] Davis quickly demonstrates why his recently won "Best Young Prospect in Wrestling Today" was well deserved. Hitting just fluid move after move, transitioning from mat work to aerial attacks leaves Daredevil Aero struggling to keep up. DWN doesn't let up for a moment, pressing the attack for almost the full seven minutes before finally dropping Daredevil with a Fisherman's Suplex. [B][CENTER] Davis Wayne Newton defeated Daredevil Aero in 7:32 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. Grade: E+ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/ChloeDean.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CraigLewis.jpg[/IMG] Bob Casey w/ Chloe Dean vs. Crash Lewis [/B][/CENTER] Bob comes out to the cheers of the crowd while Lewis trashes out to his speedmetal track, a hallmark from his tag team champion days. These two veterans quickly put on an old-style match, a slow-paced brawl. They stand in the middle of the ring exchanging punch for punch, clothesline for clothesline. Bob starts to wear down Crash, his superior stamina showing as Crash's punches start coming slower and slower. Soon, Bob ducks a punch, grabs Crash's arm and whips him into the ropes. Bob then launches himself into the opposite set of ropes, and comes at Crash with a flying headbutt. Gabriel at the table mentions that this maneuver should be called the Bullet Bob, and Lee agrees with him for once. [B][CENTER] Bob Casey defeated Crash Lewis in 7:59 by pinfall with a Bullet Bob. Grade: E- [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/VinTanner.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/MurderousMikey_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Vin Tanner vs. Switchblade [/B][/CENTER] When Vin hits the ring, the crowd pops, and he rides that momentum right into the match. Switchblade Mike might be taller and bulkier, Vin has much more passion and heart, and just starts pounding away at the larger man. Vin throws a punch, Switchblade actually catches it, stopping the blow in the tracks, but Vin is already countering, he sweeps a leg and Mike drops to the mat, being hit by a successive series of leg drops and elbow drops. This trend continues throughout the match. Vin will launch an offensive, Mike will counter but Vin is already changing to a new attack and is able to pick apart Mikey. Mikey gets more and more furious as he continues to fail at the offensive, and finally Mikey looses his cool and just charges wildly at Vin. Vin spins around and pushes Mikey into the turnbuckles, using Mikey's own momentum against him. Vin then raises his arms in the 'V' position, signaling for his signature finisher, V for Victory. Vin heads to the opposite corner while Mikey is recovering from running into the turnbuckle. As soon as Mikey turns around, Vin charges at him like a locomotive, nailing Mikey with a massive body avalanche. Mikey staggers for a few seconds before dropping face first into the middle of the ring. Vin quickly covers for the victory, and the crowd cheers as he climbs the turnbuckle with his arms stretched out in the 'V' position. The crowd takes up a chant, shouting "Vin! Vin! Vin!" and it is clear that Vin is just eating up that adoration. [B][CENTER] Vin Tanner defeated Switchblade Mike in 7:44 by pinfall with a V For Victory. Grade: E Overall: E [/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE] Scores: Tigerkenney: 5/9 Dragonmack: 6/9 Marcel Fromage: 6/9 d_w_w: 7/9[/QUOTE]
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Welcome back CCW, home to washed up has beens, never were's and never will be's :D Good first show, though my predicting skills sucked about as much as the match grades :p I suppose the holy grail of grades for you right now would be something in the D range.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;448704]Welcome back CCW, home to washed up has beens, never were's and never will be's :D Good first show, though my predicting skills sucked about as much as the match grades :p I suppose the holy grail of grades for you right now would be something in the D range.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I was really hoping that Vin's popularity would help carry the match even though it was against Mikey, but alas, it was not to be. I'm betting that the finals matches for the tourny will grade a lot higher as the lowercard has been washed out.
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[B]Friday, Week 3 January 2008[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/Random_Male63.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Even as I watched the final moments of Vin showboating for his two dozen fans, I had a hard knot in my stomach. The show had been better then our first show, but still even with Vin's help I couldn't help but notice how far we had slipped. Fan attendance was down almost 90%, and those we had were very forgetful, barely recognizing anyone. I realized that we really were starting from scratch, but this time we didn't have TCW's support, we really were on our own. As the crowd started clearing out and the ring taken down, I went back to the books to start looking at the damage. My desk was full of receipts and calculators when Leo knocked on my door. [CENTER][IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/LeoDavis.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"So, how's it going for us?"[/COLOR] I just shook my head, not even bothering to look up. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"That bad, huh? What's the bottom line?"[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"The bottom line is that we are down $8,500 dollars. We are barely clearing one and a half grand in the bank and that was just the first show."[/COLOR] I thought Leo was going to have a heart attack from how his eyes bulged. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Eight and a half grand! For one show! What the hell are you doing? Wiping your ass with our money?"[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"It might not be that bad, we've gotten a couple sponsors and they'll be sending money at the end of the month, and merchandise sales online have started to pick up a little, but my best estimate is that we've burned through half the finances."[/COLOR] Leo surprised me yet again and just shrugged. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"You know what, I didn't really need a retirement anyway. F*** it, just as long as we put on a good show. If we don't clear a penny, then that's what we do. I'll take out all the loans in my name, everything and we'll keep this company going until the bitter end. Heck, I'll probably get killed in the ring by one of those s***ty XDW guys, I can't believe you hired them."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"They deserve a chance like anyone else. They've got talent, it's just hidden behind a LOT of raw, raw meat. But we have another problem..."[/COLOR] I went on to explain how one of those s***ty XDW guys complained bitterly about his booking. Here at CCW, we have to styles of booking. The first for storylines is booked out "well in advance" but on other matches, matches that aren't involved in a storyline, we let decide based on performance, who would look better winning. Well, the XDW storyline originally called for several of them to advance to the next round, but that was before seeing Davis Wayne Newton in action. DWN will easily be the next Rip Chord or Dan Stone, he's got everything going for him. So we juggled things around and had him going over Daredevil Aero, instead of the other way around. And man did Aero raise hell about that. I put him in his place very quickly, but I was shocked that he was surprised that someone like DWN would be going over him. I responded that he should be lucky to even wrestle someone like DWN and left it at that. After I told Leo about Daredevil, he just shook his head. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Kids today think the world should be handed to them. Whatever happened about putting your time in?"[/COLOR] I just shrugged and went back to the books, hoping that finances and egotistical workers would be the worst of my problems, but my hopes were once again unfulfilled. Monday released a s*** storm that encompassed the whole locker room, and I was caught in the middle...
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[B]Monday, Week 3, January 2008[/B] The office was abuzz by the time I arrived to the office. Leo was waiting for me in my office. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"You're late...again."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I know. So, what's with all the hubbub?"[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"So you haven't heard? Figures. Well, the long of it is that we have a problem, the short of it is that you're going to deal with it."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Umm...."[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Last show, Harry apparently found out that Kris (aka Fearless Blue) had claustrophobia. It turns out that he fell in a well when he was a kid and it caused all this psychological damage blah blah blah. Anyway, so Harry thought it would be funny to lock the poor guy in a utility closet after last night's show. "[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"You have got to be ****ting me..."[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"No joke, the poor kid was there for 5 hours before the night crew found him. Kid's shaken up pretty bad. Correction, really bad. He asked to take some time off because of it. You should have seen him, he's had a day to rest and he's still shaking. The cleaning lady who found him said that he wasn't screaming or nothing, just shaking like a leaf."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Alright, I'll take care of it."[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Damn right you will. That whole bunch was your idea and now they're pissed off at the entire locker room. All those XDW boys think it was some kind of initiation, they think that Harry's one of the guys in charge backstage..."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"What the... Harry's an idiot."[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"I know, you know, but the new guys don't. I need you to take care of this right. Now he should be on his way already, I'll go and let you do what you do. But please, don't make this any worse then it already is."[/COLOR] I nodded and Leo got up and left my office (actually a converted janitors closet. My finance folder was on the shelf beside the Windex). I barely had time to pour myself a drink when Harry popped his head into my door. [CENTER][IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Yo, Leo said you wanted to talk to me?"[/COLOR] I sighed and nodded. As Harry settled in I debated hard about how to handle it. Harry was hardly the easiest character to deal with and without Kinuye hear to keep him in line, I had no idea what would happen. Harry has an explosive temper, and this office wasn't big enough for a temper tantrum. Heck, you could barely stand up straight. I decided to try and take it easy. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"I hear you played a prank on one of the other workers..."[/COLOR] Harry just started laughing. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Yeah, I heard he wet himself in there. Man, it probably still smells in there."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Alright Harry, I appreciate you trying to welcome in the new blood in your own way, but you've gotta realize that what you did was way out of line. I mean, Kris went through years of therapy as a kid. It's not being a *****, it's actual psychological damage. You'd be just as messed up if you were trapped in the well."[/COLOR] Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Are you kidding me? Am I really in trouble for something like this? It was a joke. A JOKE! God, doesn't anyone around here have a sense of humor?"[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"I understand, but you need to take your audience into account. Some things are ok to make fun of, other things aren't. Phobias are definitely in the "don't" category."[/COLOR] At that point Harry got up shaking his head and rolling his eyes. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I carried this promotion for months. When Tully left, I stayed. When Bill left, I stayed. When friggin TJ Bailey left, I stayed. I am your only original star and this is how you're treating me. **** this man, **** this ****. It was a jjoke, end of story, I'm sorry that no one here has a sense of humor."[/COLOR] Harry stormed out, slamming the door behind him. My expert catlike reflexes allowed me to barely avoid having a mop fall on me, instead it slapped dirty mop water all over the paperwork I was filling out. Luckily my drink was still intact, but even after several shots of whiskey, I thought that I could have done better. So much with trying to be nice to an antisocial *******. Now I just had to hope that the XDW guys would let this blow over, or else the locker room would be getting a whole lot messier in the shows to come.
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;449660]This diary makes me want to have a crazy backstage atmosphere.[/QUOTE] Thanks! I will say that having everyone hate everyone does make for interesting drama. The only "problem" is that with all this backstage drama it means it takes longer for me to actually do shows. But then again writing about backstage stuff has always been more fun for me then the actual shows, hence why problem is in quotation marks.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] January, 2008 [B][U][SIZE=6]January Review[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=5]SWF GOES GLOBAL[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Boasting record numbers and world wide popularity, SWF has established itself as the largest wrestling promotion in history. With growing popularity in Canada and the UK, Eisen has finally achieved his dream about climbing to the top. The gap between SWF and longtime rival TCW has just widened considerably, and many wonder what Tommy Cornell will do to catch up and overtake this promotion. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]World Level Wrestling On the Move[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] WLW has recently exploded up the charts in Japan. WLW is now on level with INSPIRE, a huge achievement for them. Often dubbed as a "fun, little promotion", such labels will have to be rethought as they are not so little any longer. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3]Erik Strong wins Rip Chord Invitational[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] What has become the highlight of the indy tournaments, the Rip Chord Invitational concluded this month crowning Erik Strong as the champion. Erik defeated three opponents to get this title, and joins an elite few as only Steve Parker is the only other Rip Chord champion yet. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3]New Head Booker for ROF[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] In a shocking move, Kevin Jones, also known as Shane Hannigans, joined Ring of Fire's creative team as the new head booker for the promotion. Longtime fans are worried that Kevin's style will result in more comedy and gimmicks, taking away from the pure wrestling that fans have enjoyed for years. [QUOTE=Some Fan]"Any worker who wears fake disguise glasses into the ring should not be allowed within 100 meters of ROF, let alone the head of their creative team. What the bloody hell does British Samurai (Robert Brown) think he was doing?"[/QUOTE] Despite objections, other fans are eager to see how Kevin will change the slightly stale ROF direction. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Votes Are Tallied[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] The New Year has marked quite a few new changes to our leader boards. Although Dan Stone Jr. was the fan favorite in '07, the new year has shouted 'Tommy Cornell' loud and clear as he quickly shoots past Dan Stone Jr. for the "Best Overall" award. Meanwhile, the Young Prospects has turned into a three-way race between Marc DuBois, Alicia Stone and Davis Wayne Newton. Davis Wayne Newton came out of nowhere to rock the house, but Alicia Stone and her work in the USPW's Women's Division has secured her place as the January winner. Next up, The Best High Flyer award left The Great Hisato in Japan and first traveled across the Pacific to rest on the shoulders of Angry Gilmore, but then from south of the border Pablo Rodriguez came and blew both Hisato and Gilmore out of the water. Finally, Emma Chase, the longest running web winner at 10 months so far almost lost her title when Floyd Goldworthy started gathering votes after a killer storyline with American Buffalo, but "Easy" Emma easily regained her lead to secure her position as Best Manager for January '08. Already this year is shaping up to be an excellent competition between all of these amazing workers. [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] [U]TEW Best Worker Awards[/U] [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B]"Best Overall Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Tommy Cornell [*][B]"Best Brawler in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Sean McFly (6 months) [*][B]"Best High Flyer in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Pablo Rodriguez [*][B]"Best Technical Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Jeremy Stone (6 months) [*][B]"Most Entertaining Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Christian Faith (6 months) [*][B]"Best Young Prospect in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Alicia Strong [*][B]"Best Manager in the World" - [/B]Emma Chase (10 months) [*][B]"Best Announcer in the World" - [/B]Duane Fry beats Peter Michaels (10 months) [*][B]"Best Colour Commentator in the World" - [/B]Phil Vilbert (7 months) [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Promotion Spotlights[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] North America[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/B] [LIST] [*] With their new rise in status, SWF has gone on a spending spree, scouring the world for talent to bring into their already stacked roster. Some big hires were former DaVE star Chris Caulfield, 2-time Rip Chord Invitational winner and PSW National winner Steve "The Future" Parker, 2-time USPW National Winner and 4C Tag Team winner Darryl Devine, and CZCW Champion and Tag Champion James Prudence, who also won the TCW Cruiserweight Tag Team title. This is a veritable "who's who" of the indies, and all have been given the shot at fame and glory in the growing SWF roster. [*] Jack Giedroyc surprised everyone, including Rich Money when he turned heel with his new "Wrath of God" gimmick. Complete with a helmet and everything, Giedroyc has started predicting other worker's dooms and then ambushing them to fulfill his prophecies. Rich Money was one of his first targets, and to the surprise of fans, Rich has sued his power and influence to help other workers unite against Giedroyc's seemingly random attacks. [*] New tag team champions were crowned when High Concept defeated the Bumfholes for the titles. The celebration didn't last long, with Elmo and Groucho soon arguing about where they should go to celebrate. Groucho ended the argument by punching Elmo out and drop kicking him out of the ring. Since then, the two have not been seen together and it can only be speculated as to how long the team will last... [/LIST] [*][B]Total Championship Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] It has been a good news/bad news deal for the Syndicate this past month. The good news is that Tommy Cornell made two successful defences of the TCW World Heavyweight Title, Wolf Hawkins successfully defended his International title, and the Machines demolished Painful Procedure to retain the TCW World Tag Team titles. [*] The bad news is that the highly hyped recruitment of Eddie Peak failed miserably, with Stone turning his back entirely on the Syndicate. To make matters worse, that same night saw Rocky Golden, Tyson Baine, and Genghis Rahn annihilate Cornell, Hawkins and Keith when Eddie prevented the Machines from interfering. [/LIST] [*][B]United States Pro Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] Tough break for USPW this month, with both Darryl Devine and Chris Caulfield being stolen by SWF, USPW has been scrambling for replacements. To help fill in the gaps, Puerto Rican Power and Roger Dodger have both been signed to PPAs. [*] Giant Redwood shocked everyone when he crushed Nicky Champion for the USPW Television title. The "giant' ended the match with a huge chokeslam that nearly broke the ring in two. Rumor has it that Nicky Champion is still feeling the effects of that match, even as he's gunning for a rematch. [/LIST] [*][B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] All remains quite on this front. After the famous Edd Stone desertion, NOTBPW has withdrawn its feelers from North America and has been going back to their more traditional werestling. Experts say that this is a huge step backward as before they were on the verge of breaking into the US market, but now they are concentrating solely on Canada. [/LIST] [*][B]Canadian Golden Combat[/B] [LIST] [*] Jacob Jett made his smashing debut, defeating Grimm Quibble at CGC Elimination. Jacob Jett is well known in Canada as one of the stars of 4C. The fact that he is working a PPA for CGC might indicate that CGC and 4C are potentially teaming together to try and break NOTBPW's dominance on Canadian wrestling. [/LIST] [*][B]South Of The Border Pro Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] Gonzalo Rubio and Verdugo Estupendo have teamed together to form Arruinamiento del Equipo. The team immediately lept into action absolutely destroying Dante and Hysteria in a tag match. [*] Mexico's favorite star, Champagne Lover made a successful defence of the title this month, defeating Mario Heroic in a spectacular match at SOTBPW Batalla de las Mascaras [/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Europe[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]21st Century Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] A couple new "faces" in 21st century wrestling as both Joss Thompson and Jonathan Faust turn face after they each made a save on a fellow worker. First Jonathan Faust saved Pit Bull Brown from a backstage attack by the UK Dragon, and then Joss Thompson saved Faust from an ambush lead by Stevie Stoat. Of particular note, The Takeover, Thompson's tag team with Leo Price has shown signs of strain, as Price is still a major heel in the company and the two are often seen arguing about how they should get things accomplished [*] Along with the "faces" are some actual new faces, as both UK Dragon and Arthur T. Turtle have signed PPAs with 21cw. UK Dragon has become a main event heel while Arthur T. Turtle is pushed as a lower midcard face. [/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Japan [/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods[/B] [LIST] [*] Big news from the hammer as fan favorite Eisaku Hoshino has agreed to a short-term contract with BHOTWG. It is unknown how Eisaku will be used as he is not listed on any of the advance bookings. Many smarks are speculating that they'll keep Eisaku in the shadows, waiting to use him as a surprise guest. [*] Another fan favorite, Hell Monkey will be appears as in upper midcard face, although some fans might not recognize him as he is billed as Burning Monkey and is wearing a much darker mask then usual. [/LIST] [*][B]Inspire Diversity Group International[/B] [LIST] [*] Tadiyuki Kikkawa demonstrates just why he is one of the most feared wrestlers in the business when he successfully defended the King of Fighter title 5 times in one month. He defeated such high-caliber challengers as Billy Russell, Masaaki Okazaki, Morimasa Kato, Raul Hughes, and former champion Marat Khoklov [/LIST] [*][B]Pride Glory Honor Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] PGHW utilized their development fed, SAISHO when they called up Eien Miyamoto. Eien had just made his first successful defence of his newly won SAISHO Destiny belt when the big wigs at PGHW felt he was ready for the big leagues. Right now Eien is just an opening heel, but many predict big things from him in the future. [/LIST] [/LIST] [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Best of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] This month we have a tie, and surprisingly they both go to the same people. Jeremy Stone and Johnny Bloodstone have truly perfected their art facing each other as on two seperate occassions they faced in what many believe to be the greatest matches of their respective careers. The fact that they did it twice has shown that it was not just a fluke event, but a perfected match from years of experience with both each other and with other people. (editor's note: Yeah, Jeremy Stone and Johnny Bloodstone have excellent chemistry, and so I suspect the AI will be milking it for everything it's worth. The very first match up between those two: A*, and the subsequent match up was an A* as well. I have a feeling NOTBPW is going to rise up again on the backs of those two wrestlers.) [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Worst Moment of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] The worst moment of the month goes to PSW. Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, which rose from the ashes of Danger and Violence Extreme is already experiencing the setbacks that plauged DaVE from start to finish. The PSW National Title had just recently been won by Steve Parker when he was signed to SWF, forcing PSW to vacate the title. Frankie Future went on to win the title, but the damage had already been done. All the storylines and momentum surrounding the mid-level title was destroyed as Steve Parker left before he could pass the belt to another worker. The rumor mill was spinning as many believed that Eisen had no real interest in recruiting Parker, but was sending a message to Mitch Naess.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.ccw.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, February 2008 [B][U][SIZE=6]CCW NEWS REPORT[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [SIZE=5]Next Show: [B]CCW Train Wreck[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][CENTER][B][U]Champions Tournament Continues![/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] After an exciting first round, the tournament will continue on to the quarter-finals, with the semi-finals and finals held in March. The brackets have been established, so place your predictions. [SIZE=4][CENTER][B][U]Tag Teams Enter the Fray![/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] Both stables, the Coalition and the Alliance have generated tag teams to enter into the inevitable tag team tournament. From the Coalition comes Hitmen, Inc. comprised of Switchblade Mike and Dusty Bin. From the XDW Alliance comes Team Xtreme, comprised of Extreme Deluxe and Daredevil Aero. Both of these teams will face off next month as a warm up to the main event. [SIZE=4][B][U]Women's Division Expands[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] Current champion Ginko Kuroda is scheduled to make her first title defence next month, and she'll be facing the ravishing, russian Agent 69. Ginko has been off her game ever since losing last year's Women's Tournament title to Suzanne Brazzle. Then she lost the Women's Champion belt to Nadia Snow. Since that double blow, Ginko has apparently lost her passion and drive, will she have what it takes to overcome the deadly Agent? Find out next week at CCW Train Wreck. [QUOTE] Quick Picks: Hitmen, Inc. vs. Team Xtreme Fearless Blue vs. Xavier Reckless Bob Casey vs. Dermot O'Logical Davis Wayne Newton vs. Leo Davis Harry Wilson vs. Vin Tanner [/QUOTE]
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[B]Hitmen, Inc.[/B] vs. Team Xtreme [I]Unless Team Xtreme really are getting the 'Generation Next' push, I can't see them going over Harry Wilson's goons. [/I] [B]Fearless Blue[/B] vs. Xavier Reckless [I]These two won't like the fact that they are forced to face other but I think Fearless Blue will beat Reckless with a flash pin, thus sowing the seeds for instant tension within the group.[/I] Bob Casey vs. [B]Dermot O'Logical[/B] [I]The skincare obsessive looks in line for a big push in CCW[/I] Davis Wayne Newton vs. [B]Leo Davis[/B] [I]DWN is already streets ahead of Leo Davis in terms of talent, at about half the age. But Davis set up CCW as a promotion where he wouldn't be treated like a jobber and I expect him to put himself over.[/I] [B]Harry Wilson[/B] vs. Vin Tanner [I]Surprised to see this match so soon in the tournament, but I suppose it keeps things unpredictable. I know you promised Tanner a title run, but I think Wilson's goons will get involved and cost Tanner a chance at winning the tournament.[/I]
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You know what...this is rather good! I must admit that it flew under my radar the first time around, though. And even though I haven't finished reading the '07 iteration, I will predict with wild abandon! Quick Picks: [B]Hitmen, Inc.[/B] vs. Team Xtreme Fearless Blue vs. [B]Xavier Reckless[/B] [B]Bob Casey [/B]vs. Dermot O'Logical [B] Davis Wayne Newton[/B] vs. Leo Davis Harry Wilson vs. [B]Vin Tanner[/B]
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