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CCW: Rise of the Underdogs Returns!

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[QUOTE=Actarus;450499]You know what...this is rather good! I must admit that it flew under my radar the first time around, though. And even though I haven't finished reading the '07 iteration, I will predict with wild abandon! [/QUOTE] Glad I could surprise you :D The '07 goes until August before it dies.
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[CENTER][SIZE=6][/B]CCW TRAIN WRECK[B] Friday, Week 2, February 2008 Attendance: 23 [/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/MurderousMikey_alt1.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DustyBin_alt02.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/ExtremeDeluxe.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DaredevilAero.jpg[/IMG] Hitmen Inc. vs. Team Xtreme[/CENTER][/B] Team Xtreme doesn't look nearly as ****y as they normally do as they crane their necks up to look at the Hitmen. When the bell rings, both hitmen immediately clothesline their opponents, flattening Daredevil Aero and Extreme Deluxe. Team Xtreme is then thrown around the mat like a couple of rag dolls. Extreme Deluxe tries to counter and even manages to launch himself off a turnbuckle, but Mikey was waiting for him, catching him in mid-air and slamming him down in the massive powerbomb called "The Switchblade." Meanwhile, the crowd has yelled itself hoarse yelling for everyone to get off the stage so the real wrestling can starte. [B][CENTER] Hitmen, Inc. defeated Team Xtreme in 3:33 when Switchblade Mike defeated Extreme Deluxe by pinfall with a Switchblade. Grade: F [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/FearlessBlue.jpg[/IMG]VS. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/XavierReckless.jpg[/IMG] Fearless Blue VS. Xavier Reckless[/CENTER][/B] Fearless and Xavier come out together, shaking hands and laughing like old friends. When the bell is rung, Xavier motions for Fearless to lie down in the middle of the ring. Fearless, meanwhile drops into a wrestling stance and shakes his head. This time Xavier gestures violently towards the middle of the ring and again Fearless Blue shakes his head. What follows is an intense bout of crappy wrestling. Between missed spots and bad timing. However, both workers give it their all, attacking each other without holding anything back. Xavier hits his Slingshot DDT, dropping Fearless Blue and Xavier quickly covers for the pin. After the match, Xavier grabs a mic, prodding the still prone form of Fearless Blue. Xavier: [COLOR="Teal"]"Do you see what happens when you don't follow the plan? If you would have just listened to me and forfeited, I wouldn't have had to whip your ass all around this arena. Let that be a lesson next time you plan on ignoring me."[/COLOR] He throws the mic onto Fearless Blue, who still isn't moving. Officials come out and carry him backstage. [B][CENTER] Xavier Reckless defeated Fearless Blue in 11:36 by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT. Grade: F+ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/VinTanner.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/B] A feed from a little digital video camera is shown up on the gym's projector. Vin's car pulls up to the arena and he hops out. He waves at passing fans, signs a few autographs and then heads into the locker room. As soon as he enters, the Hitmen ambush him from both sides. [CENTER][IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/MurderousMikey_alt1.jpg[/IMG]& [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DustyBin_alt02.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Dusty Bin has a chair, while Switchblade Mike is laying into Vin with some heavy body punches. Vin doesn't take that kind of abuse lightly, he wrestles the chair out of Dusty's grasp and starts dishing out a beating back at his attackers when from behind, Harry spears Vin into the lockers, denting and mangling the doors. [CENTER][IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As Vin struggles to get back up, the three Coalition members start mudhole stomping Vin into the ground. From somewhere deeper into the locker room a loud noise is heard, and the Coalition members look around before bolting. Vin, battered and bloody, struggles and gets back to his feet, his face a mask of raw fury. [B][CENTER] Grade: E- [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG] W/ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/ChloeDean.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/B] Chloe Dean comes out to the arena, looking very attractive in her hippy costume. She flashes a few more peace signs before grabbing the mic. Chloe: [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"Like, where's my main man?"[/COLOR] Bob Casey takes that as his cue, walking down to the scattered cheers from the crowd. He climbs into the ring and stands beside Chloe. Chloe: [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"Like, soon he'll be fighting for his life against that weird skin guy, and all I can say is that mother earth has blessed me with a vision. She has shown me that Bob Casey will be holding the Championship title high next month, and like, then he'll be tackled by an adoring fan. It'll be awesome, man. So no weird skin guy can get in the way of Mother Earth's predictions. I mean, it's Mother Earth, and you should always listen to your mother."[/COLOR] Chloe and Bob walk out, pumping up the crowd, giving high-fives, the whole shebang. [B][CENTER] Grade: F+ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/GinkoKuroda_alt01.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/Agent69.jpg[/IMG] Ginko vs. Agent 69 [/CENTER][/B] The match starts and only Agent 69 is in the ring. The ref shrugs and moves to call for a forfeit when the lights shut off. When they come back on, Ginko is standing behind Agent 69 in a deep martial art stance. The referee sees her and rings the bell, but Agent 69 hasn't looked yet and looks confused. Comprehension dawns on her, and she suddenly lashes out behind her throwing first an elbow and then a rear hook kick, but Ginko is ready, blocking both of them. The two women are the embodiment of intensity, both of them launching offensive and defensive maneuvers at the same time.After ten minutes of punching, kicking, and flipping back and forth, Ginko gains the advantage. Agent 69 tries to axekick a low standing Ginko, but Ginko catches the foot, sweeps Agent's remaining foot out, and then Ginko quickly latches on with her Dragon's Claw (a modified cobra clutch). Agent 69 tries to escape, she tries to get to the ropes, but the pain is too much and she taps out. [B][CENTER] Ginko Kuroda defeated Agent 69 in 10:52 by submission with a Dragon's Claw. Ginko Kuroda makes defense number 1 of her CCW Women's Championship title. Grade: E [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/ChloeDean.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DermotOLogical.jpg[/IMG] Bob Casey vs. Dermot O'Logical [/CENTER][/B] This time, when Dermot O'Logical comes out, he is not wearing his usual moisturizer and cucumber slices over the eyes. Instead he's wearing a white lab coat. Dermot O'Logical: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Greetings ignoramuses. Many of you have come to adore me for my flawless complexion, but I must confess, I have lost my way. You see, there is only so much that can be gained from this kind of skin treatment. Luckily for me I have discovered a better alternative. Plastic Surgery! Now not only can I make myself look even more beautiful, I might be able to help all of you fix the things that are wrong with you too. No more buckteeth, no more pizza faces, and the best part is, not only will you look better, but then I won't have to look at your ugly faces any longer!"[/COLOR] Dermot O'Logical sounds like he's trying to be helpful, but the crowd is just booing at him and throwing things at him. Behind him, Bob Casey strolls up to the ring and slaps the mic out of Dermot O'LOgical's hand. Dermot starts yelling at Bob, who just stands there waiting for the ref to ring the bell. As soon as he does, Bob hits a spinebuster on Dermot and the match is on. These two are both big brawlers, and the match becomes another hard-hitting slug fest. Dermot O'Logical goes for a giant body slam when Bob ducks out of it and hits a Roll UP (small package) on the tired Dermot O'Logical and gets the three count to the surprise of the crowd. Chloe, on her way out, picks up the mic. Chloe: [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"Guess you better go back to med school, man."[/COLOR] [B][CENTER] Bob Casey defeated Dermot O'Logical in 8:12 by pinfall with a Roll up. Grade: E- [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/LeoDavis.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG] Leo Davis vs. DWN [/CENTER][/B] Leo walks down to the ring first, grabbing a mic and pointing back to the main entrance. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"If you think some insolent little whelp is gonna get one over me, you'd best think again. Davis, yer ass is gonna be tanned like an uppity kid in about five minutes, so come on out and take your whupping and give these people a show."[/COLOR] Davis Wayne Newton (DWN) answers Leo's taunt, coming down, hopping into the ring and grabbing the mic right from Leo's hands. DWN: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Listen, old man. I've seen how things are done around here. Just because you own this company doesn't mean you deserve to win. You use your power and money to get much farther ahead then you deserve, and I'm here to give you a little dose of reality. Because now is the time for D...W...N!"[/COLOR] DWN gets right in Leo's face, flashing little hand symbols of each initial as he goes. By the time DWN gets to 'N' Leo is bright red in the face, and DWN picks up on that, throwing the biggest ****y smile in the world inches away from Leo's face. Leo responds by headbutting DWN and the match is on. DWN quickly recovers and uses his impressive agility to literally run circles around Leo. Leo keeps trying to catch DWN, but the younger, better athlete is just too fast and too skilled to stay cornered. DWN repeatedly drops Leo and almost gets a three-count after one cover, but Leo keeps kicking out. After being whipped towards the ropes, Leo "stumbles" and bumps the ref, knocking him out of the ring. As soon as that happens, a new side of Leo is seen. He charges at DWN who prepares for a spinebuster, but instead Leo pokes DWN right in the eyes and then kicks a field goal right between the legs of DWN. As DWN bends over, eyes bulging and grasping at his little Newtons, Leo whips out his trusty brass knuckles and, taking his time, delivers a Brass Knuckle Sandwich that knocks DWN out cold. Leo slips away the knuckles just as the ref recovers. Leo even helps the ref back into the ring os that he can deliver the 3-count. After getting his hand raised, Leo bends over and starts trash talking the still unconscious DWN before officials come and help DWN out of the ring. [B][CENTER] Leo Davis defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 3:51 by pinfall after a Brass Knuckle Sandwich Grade: E+ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/Kristen_Pearce_alt01.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/B] Lee: [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]"That was quite the match. I'm glad Leo put that arrogant youth in his place. People like DWN need to be taught a lesson. Anyway, we now go backstage where Gabriel will be interviewing Harry Wilson about his upcoming match with former-DaVE champion vin Tanner."[/COLOR] The projector cuts to a video made with a hand held camera that looks suspiciously like video recorded on a cell phone. Gabriel is heading towards Harry Wilson backstage. Harry is busy stretching, and when Gabriel starts to approach Harry, Kristen comes swooping in and leads Gabriel away. Kristen: [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"My client does not wish to be disturbed while he's busy preparing for his match. Now, is there anything you would like to know?"[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Ummm...how does Harry feel about his chances in his match with Vin."[/COLOR] Kirsten: [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Let's get one thing straight right now. Vin is just another old wrestler well past his prime. He's like that kid who graduates from high school but still sticks around because he doesn't have anything better to do. Vin is just waiting to be injured, to be put into retirement and my client is just the man to do it. Harry is not worried at all, In fact, Harry will do the best he can to make sure that Vin gets that nice, long, immediate, retirement that he deserves."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Uhh...thanks. That was very...informative. And now, for our final match of the evening."[/COLOR] [B][CENTER] Grade: D- [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/Kristen_Pearce_alt01.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/VinTanner.jpg[/IMG] Harry Wilson w/ Kristen Pearce vs. Vin Tanner [/CENTER][/B] Despite his manager's earlier confidence, Harry starts out dancing around the ring looking like the last thing he wants to do is tangle with Vin. Just as Vin is starting to get Harry cornered, the Hitmen walk down to the ring, Dusty and Switchblade Mike stand by the ring and look menacing. Vin goes on the defensive, being careful to avoid the edge of the ring. Meanwhile, Kristen hops on the apron and starts distracting the ref, arguing about this and that. With the ref's back turned to it, harry charges Vin, forcing him back just enough for Dusty to grab one leg, Mike to grab the other and drag Vin out of the ring. Harry climbs the ropes and drops an elbow onto the prone Vin while Dusty and Mike hold him in position. All three once again start mudhole stomping and triple teaming Vin for a full minute before rolling him back into the ring. Kristen hops down and Harry goes for the pin, but Vin kicks out. Vin gets up and starts a full offensive against Harry, hitting suplexes and side slams and crushing Harry. Harry looks shocked that Vin is fighting back, and signals for Kristen to distract the ref once more. This time Dusty and Mike climb into the ring, but a charging Vin clotheslines them both, knocking them head over heels. They both roll out and start digging for weapons. Harry meanwhile is flat out running away from the enraged Vin. Dusty finds a chair and slides it into the ring. Harry makes to grab for it but Vin charges him instead. But wait, it was a trap. Harry catches Vin's arm and hits a quick Humility right onto the chair. The blow bursts Vin's face wide open and Harry quickly kicks the chair out of the ring before the ref can turn around and catch it. Vin is stunned but not down, and harry hits a drop kick and another elbow drop, but still Vin climbs to his feet. Harry hits [I]another[/I] Humility and this time the ref hits the mat the third time before Vin can kick out. Harry and his men quickly clear out of the ring as Vin gets up again and chases them backstage. [B][CENTER] Harry Wilson defeated Vin Tanner in 7:45 by pinfall with a Humility following interference from Switchblade Mike. During the match we also had Dusty Bin run in and attack Vin Tanner. Grade: D- Overall: E+[/CENTER][/B] [QUOTE] juggaloninjalee 1/5 (1/5 total) Tigerkinney 3/5 (8/14 total) Actarus 2/5 (2/5 total) Dragonmack 2/5 (8/14) [/QUOTE]
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[B]Monday, Week 3, February 2008[/B] Ever since last August, I've come to dread the Monday after a show. CCW has been barely squeaking by and had already had rumors of bankruptcy circling it already, and recently we have been bleeding money left and right. As usual, Leo was already waiting for me in my "office" Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"You're late...again. What is this... the 300th time?"[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Well, take the number of days I've worked for you and subtract twelve..."[/COLOR] Leo did not smile at my jest. Partially because it wasn't that far from the truth, but there was definitely something on his mind. I tried to head it off at the pass. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"I've already talked to the XDW boys and Harry Wilson. Nobodies happy about it, but the last show went much smoother. Vin complained a little about losing the match, but when i explained the bigger picture he quieted down and did a good job. Best match of the year so far. And Harry hasn't pulled any more pranks, so that's good, right?"[/COLOR] Leo shook his head and tossed an opened letter to me. I opened it up and immediately understood the source of his dour mood. It was a letter from the bank. They said that CCW's account was overdrawn and that several checks had already bounced. This was bad indeed. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"What happened? We had half as many workers as last time, heck we even cut the show from an hour and a half to just an hour. We can't cut the length any more or else it's not even worth having. According to this, we spent $6,000 on personnel on Friday. I need you to figure out how that could be, and I need to know today. Now I'm going down to the bank to straighten a few things out, I expect answers tomorrow."[/COLOR] He tossed me a pile of receipts and bank statements and headed out. I wasted no time in pouring through them, plugging in numbers, I figured I'd be having to pull an all-nighter to figure it out, but the answer came to me in only ten minutes. When Leo returned, I had it all figured out. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"The travel budget..."[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"The travel budget? What about it?"[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Last Friday our workers racked up over $1,500 in travel costs and billed it all to us. I realized that we were a little hasty in hiring some of these guys. Looking back over the contracts, I realized that we agreed to pay "reasonable travel expenses." I was thinking picking up the gas bill but we were so quick to sign Bob Casey and Davis Newton that we didn't really think it through. Bob and Davis have been charging airline tickets, while Vin's been going to town. First class tickets and two nights in a good hotel. That's an extra $800 we're paying him every time he shows up for a show."[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"$800!? Great. That means that last Friday, half of our budget went to one person by himself."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"We never signed anyone half as big as Vin so it was never an issue. The guys legit and gives us credibility. It was all over the news when he showed up on our roster. And he's willing to do the job every now and then. You can't really put a price on that."[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Apparently he can. I was just down at the bank and I found out the whole story. CCW's going belly up again. I had to pull out another loan to keep afloat. We're going to have to take some time off to recover costs, we can't run a show a month."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"What? We're canceling shows already?"[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"We have to . Maybe with merchandise and sponsors we can keep going a little longer, but we lose too much money a month to keep going full bore."[/COLOR] I paused for awhile, soaking it all in. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"...you took out another loan?"[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Yeah, that puts me about 25 grand in debt. There's no way I can get another loan until I pay all of that back. We've got two years to come up with the money or the bank will foreclose." [/COLOR] I nodded, thinking about how it now felt that there was a Damocles sword hanging over us. If the sponsors ever withdrew their money, or if we ran too big of a show, or if we couldn't raise the money in time... any one of those things could cause CCW to close for good, and while it would suck for most of these workers to be back on the streets again, there wouldn't be a future for Leo. Everything he had was on the line. As Leo walked out of my office, I resolved that I would make CCW profitable even if it was the last thing I would ever do.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] February, 2008 [B][U][SIZE=6]February Review[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=4]SWF Roster Expands[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Following last months records growth, SWF has announced the addition of several new members to their roster. SWF has signed former DaVE champion Eric Tyler, NYCW champion Grandmaster Phunk, and rising star within CZCW Matt Sparrow. Grandmaster Phunk is especially excited about the move as he used to be a big tiem manager for SWF before leaving to focus on his wrestling career. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3]BHOTWG Gears Up For Tour[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] The first BHOTWG tour of the year starts in March, and BHOTWG is already gearing up for it as they have announced several of the workers who will be touring with them. The stars come from all across the globe, including Jack Marlowe, Acid, Mohamed El Yaaggoudi, Champagne Lover, and Rhino Umaga. Champagne Lover was an especially exciting hire as the Mexican Superstar is one of the most popular figures in Luchadore wrestling. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3]PGHW Star Announces Retirement[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Junnosuke Fukazawa has announced that he will be retiring shortly. Junnosuke is a three-time tag team champion and two time Historical Japan champion, and will be greatly missed. When asked about what he would be doing, he replied that after his full retirement, he would be joining the announcing table as a colour commentator. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Votes Are Tallied[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] In results that have shocked the entire staff, we have officially declared that Gino Montero has won the "Best Overall Worker in Wrestling Today." This is no joke, that is the results of our online poll. We here on staff don't know which is more surprising, the fact that Gino is a rookie who just entered the world of wrestling, the fact that Gino hasn't wrestled a single official match, or that Gino's name is mostly lost as soon as you leave Mexico, but the results tell it all. Apparently Gino released several videos online that have become instant hits to wrestling fans worldwide as he demonstrates his phenomenal ability and his excellent in-ring presence, Gino has taken this month's voting by storm. Other then the Gino controversy, this month's polls have been rather stable. The Awesome Kiyaru came out of nowhere, defeating Pablo Rodriguez in a landslide to take the Best High Flier title. Now that Phil has taken a leave of abscense from the wrestling world, his votes have stopped coming in for the Best Colour Commentator. BSC Commentator Sara Silver briefly overtook his results before being crushed by votes for Adrian Garcia. [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] [U]TEW Best Worker Awards[/U] [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B]"Best Overall Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Gino Montero [*][B]"Best Brawler in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Sean McFly (7 months) [*][B]"Best High Flier in Wrestling Today" - [/B]The Awesome Kiyaru. [*][B]"Best Technical Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Jeremy Stone (7 months) [*][B]"Most Entertaining Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Christian Faith (7 months) [*][B]"Best Young Prospect in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Alicia Strong (2 months) [*][B]"Best Manager in the World" - [/B]Emma Chase (11 months) [*][B]"Best Announcer in the World" - [/B]Duane Fry (11 months) [*][B]"Best Colour Commentator in the World" - [/B]Adrian Garcia [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Top Ten Promotion Spotlights[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] North America[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/B] [LIST] [*] In addition to all of their recent hires, SWF has also decided to call up Nevada Nuclear from development training. The "Radioactive Wrecking Machine" has been given a slot as enhancement talent, but is expected to rise fast with a big push. [*] Mexico goes SWF as Sleccion Mexico will now carry SWF PPV's. Mexican fans are excited to see the largest promotion in the world finally come down to Mexico. [/LIST] [*][B]Total Championship Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] A new tag team was announced as Texas Pete and American Buffalo will be teaming up as the Omega Men. [*] Despite his popularity from the Painful Procedure era, Ronnie V. Pain has not been offered a contract extension. This means that the band truly is dead and there will not be a comeback tour in the future. [/LIST] [*][B]United States Pro Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] In a move to really poke fun at smarks everywhere, Happy Elwood and Eric the Bull have teamed together as the Apron Dwellers and continued to shock everyone as their first match was against Alicia Strong and Stephanie Wade in their first ever inter-gender tag team match. [/LIST] [*][B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] For yet another month, the status quo has been maintained and many fans are starting to wonder if Dan Stone will ever break out of his rut... [/LIST] [*][B]Canadian Golden Combat[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Because CGC has dropped out of the top ten list, CGC news will no longer be covered.[/COLOR] [*][B]South Of The Border Pro Wrestling[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Because SOTBPW has dropped out of the top ten list, CGC news will no longer be covered.[/COLOR] [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Europe[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]21st Century Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] Leo Price and Mister King won the 21st century tag titles from the Anglo-Scots connection. Leo Price was not with his normal partner Joss Thompson, and as such no official tag team has been declared. It would appear that this fluke win has created some awkward tension in the tag division of 21CW. [/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Japan [/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods[/B] [LIST] [*] BHOTWG fans worldwide are on the edge of their seat in anticipation of the tour starting next month. [/LIST] [*][B]Inspire Diversity Group International[/B] [LIST] [*] INSPIRE has announced that they will be broadcasting a new television show: INSPIRE Darkness. This show will be broadcasted weekly on Saturdays, showing tour highlights. [/LIST] [*][B]Pride Glory Honor Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] PGHW announced several new hirings for their upcoming tour, including Shoot Sean Deeley, Nathan Coleman and Burning EXILE. [*] Yet another SAISHO graduate is being called up. This time Torch Makazawa is being given a shot at the big leagues. [/LIST] [*][B]World Level Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] WLW has been shooting up the charts, claiming a coveted position as one of the top ten wrestling promotions in the world. As such, TEW will now start covering their monthly highlights in this news feed. [*] WLW has announced that their new television show, WLW Tornado, will be broadcasted on Japanese Sports Vision 2 every Thursday. [*] Mokuami Maita defeated Silver Shark to claim the World Level Show Stealer title. Silver Shark had successfully defended the belt 11 times before succumbing to Maita's Assassination Attempt. [*] Toyokuni Hardcore began his first reign as World Level Streetfighting Champion, blasting Magnum KOBE in the head repeatedly with a chair until KOBE lost consciousness. KOBE had also defended the title 11 times before being beaten to a pulp. [*] To go along with their recent rise in status, WLW announced two new hires, EAGLE Kawasawa and Tsurayuki Kamachi. Both have been signed to pay-per-appearance agreements. [/LIST] [/LIST] [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Best of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Despite the lack of change in NOTBPW, no one can fault the talent of their roster. This time it was Jeremy Stone and Johnny Bloodstone that put on a match that can only be rivaled by Johnny's earlier match with Dan Stone Jr. NOTBPW doesn't have to do anything and they will continue to put on amazing matches left and right. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Worst Moment of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Fabulous Frank, the former wrestler and road agent for PSW decided to leave to help out SWF backstage. This announcement was made approximately half an hour before PSW's monthly show, and several members of the active roster had to take turns being the road agent in order to keep the show running. The bad news was for Fabulous Frank, however, as the workers were able to put on a much better show then Fabulous Frank ever did in the past.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] February, 2008 [B][U][SIZE=6]February Review[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=4]SWF Roster Expands[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Following last months records growth, SWF has announced the addition of several new members to their roster. SWF has signed former DaVE champion Eric Tyler, NYCW champion Grandmaster Phunk, and rising star within CZCW Matt Sparrow. Grandmaster Phunk is especially excited about the move as he used to be a big tiem manager for SWF before leaving to focus on his wrestling career. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3]BHOTWG Gears Up For Tour[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] The first BHOTWG tour of the year starts in March, and BHOTWG is already gearing up for it as they have announced several of the workers who will be touring with them. The stars come from all across the globe, including Jack Marlowe, Acid, Mohamed El Yaaggoudi, Champagne Lover, and Rhino Umaga. Champagne Lover was an especially exciting hire as the Mexican Superstar is one of the most popular figures in Luchadore wrestling. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3]PGHW Star Announces Retirement[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Junnosuke Fukazawa has announced that he will be retiring shortly. Junnosuke is a three-time tag team champion and two time Historical Japan champion, and will be greatly missed. When asked about what he would be doing, he replied that after his full retirement, he would be joining the announcing table as a colour commentator. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Votes Are Tallied[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] In results that have shocked the entire staff, we have officially declared that Gino Montero has won the "Best Overall Worker in Wrestling Today." This is no joke, that is the results of our online poll. We here on staff don't know which is more surprising, the fact that Gino is a rookie who just entered the world of wrestling, the fact that Gino hasn't wrestled a single official match, or that Gino's name is mostly lost as soon as you leave Mexico, but the results tell it all. Apparently Gino released several videos online that have become instant hits to wrestling fans worldwide as he demonstrates his phenomenal ability and his excellent in-ring presence, Gino has taken this month's voting by storm. Other then the Gino controversy, this month's polls have been rather stable. The Awesome Kiyaru came out of nowhere, defeating Pablo Rodriguez in a landslide to take the Best High Flier title. Now that Phil has taken a leave of abscense from the wrestling world, his votes have stopped coming in for the Best Colour Commentator. BSC Commentator Sara Silver briefly overtook his results before being crushed by votes for Adrian Garcia. [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] [U]TEW Best Worker Awards[/U] [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B]"Best Overall Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Gino Montero [*][B]"Best Brawler in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Sean McFly (7 months) [*][B]"Best High Flier in Wrestling Today" - [/B]The Awesome Kiyaru. [*][B]"Best Technical Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Jeremy Stone (7 months) [*][B]"Most Entertaining Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Christian Faith (7 months) [*][B]"Best Young Prospect in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Alicia Strong (2 months) [*][B]"Best Manager in the World" - [/B]Emma Chase (11 months) [*][B]"Best Announcer in the World" - [/B]Duane Fry (11 months) [*][B]"Best Colour Commentator in the World" - [/B]Adrian Garcia [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Top Ten Promotion Spotlights[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] North America[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/B] [LIST] [*] In addition to all of their recent hires, SWF has also decided to call up Nevada Nuclear from development training. The "Radioactive Wrecking Machine" has been given a slot as enhancement talent, but is expected to rise fast with a big push. [*] Mexico goes SWF as Sleccion Mexico will now carry SWF PPV's. Mexican fans are excited to see the largest promotion in the world finally come down to Mexico. [/LIST] [*][B]Total Championship Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] A new tag team was announced as Texas Pete and American Buffalo will be teaming up as the Omega Men. [*] Despite his popularity from the Painful Procedure era, Ronnie V. Pain has not been offered a contract extension. This means that the band truly is dead and there will not be a comeback tour in the future. [/LIST] [*][B]United States Pro Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] In a move to really poke fun at smarks everywhere, Happy Elwood and Eric the Bull have teamed together as the Apron Dwellers and continued to shock everyone as their first match was against Alicia Strong and Stephanie Wade in their first ever inter-gender tag team match. [/LIST] [*][B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] For yet another month, the status quo has been maintained and many fans are starting to wonder if Dan Stone will ever break out of his rut... [/LIST] [*][B]Canadian Golden Combat[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Because CGC has dropped out of the top ten list, TEW news will no longer be covered.[/COLOR] [*][B]South Of The Border Pro Wrestling[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Because SOTBPW has dropped out of the top ten list, TEW news will no longer be covered.[/COLOR] [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Europe[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]21st Century Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] Leo Price and Mister King won the 21st century tag titles from the Anglo-Scots connection. Leo Price was not with his normal partner Joss Thompson, and as such no official tag team has been declared. It would appear that this fluke win has created some awkward tension in the tag division of 21CW. [/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Japan [/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods[/B] [LIST] [*] BHOTWG fans worldwide are on the edge of their seat in anticipation of the tour starting next month. [/LIST] [*][B]Inspire Diversity Group International[/B] [LIST] [*] INSPIRE has announced that they will be broadcasting a new television show: INSPIRE Darkness. This show will be broadcasted weekly on Saturdays, showing tour highlights. [/LIST] [*][B]Pride Glory Honor Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] PGHW announced several new hirings for their upcoming tour, including Shoot Sean Deeley, Nathan Coleman and Burning EXILE. [*] Yet another SAISHO graduate is being called up. This time Torch Makazawa is being given a shot at the big leagues. [/LIST] [*][B]World Level Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] WLW has been shooting up the charts, claiming a coveted position as one of the top ten wrestling promotions in the world. As such, TEW will now start covering their monthly highlights in this news feed. [*] WLW has announced that their new television show, WLW Tornado, will be broadcasted on Japanese Sports Vision 2 every Thursday. [*] Mokuami Maita defeated Silver Shark to claim the World Level Show Stealer title. Silver Shark had successfully defended the belt 11 times before succumbing to Maita's Assassination Attempt. [*] Toyokuni Hardcore began his first reign as World Level Streetfighting Champion, blasting Magnum KOBE in the head repeatedly with a chair until KOBE lost consciousness. KOBE had also defended the title 11 times before being beaten to a pulp. [*] To go along with their recent rise in status, WLW announced two new hires, EAGLE Kawasawa and Tsurayuki Kamachi. Both have been signed to pay-per-appearance agreements. [/LIST] [/LIST] [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Best of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Despite the lack of change in NOTBPW, no one can fault the talent of their roster. This time it was Jeremy Stone and Johnny Bloodstone that put on a match that can only be rivaled by Johnny's earlier match with Dan Stone Jr. NOTBPW doesn't have to do anything and they will continue to put on amazing matches left and right. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Worst Moment of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Fabulous Frank, the former wrestler and road agent for PSW decided to leave to help out SWF backstage. This announcement was made approximately half an hour before PSW's monthly show, and several members of the active roster had to take turns being the road agent in order to keep the show running. The bad news was for Fabulous Frank, however, as the workers were able to put on a much better show then Fabulous Frank ever did in the past.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.ccw.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, March 2008 [B][U][SIZE=6]CCW NEWS REPORT[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [SIZE=5]Next Show: [B]CCW Mailed Fission[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][U]Champions Tournament Continues![/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] The semi-final matchs will be held next this coming month. In just two weeks time, Bob Casey and Leo Davis will slug it out while Harry Wilson and Xavier Reckless do battle as they all claw and fight their way to the coveted CCW Championship belt. [CENTER][SIZE=4][B][U]Rumors Addressed[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] There have been recent speculations on our forums that Davis Wayne Newton and Jemma Griffiths have been seen together eating dinner and seeing movies together. First, nothing has changed between Jemma Griffiths and Rex Reeves. They continue to work well together and Jemma's relationship with DWN is one of pure friendship. Quick Picks: K-Squared vs. Extreme Deluxe Bob Casey vs. Leo Davis Harry Wilson vs. Xavier Reckless Dermot O'Logical vs. Vin Tanner
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[B]Quick Picks:[/B] [B]K-Squared[/B] vs. Extreme Deluxe [I]Extreme Deluxe may just be the worst of the XDW crew, on the other hand CCW could be just the place for the former Stunning Stuart to salvage his career[/I] [B]Bob Casey[/B] vs. Leo Davis [I]I'll go with Casey here, as you'll want an out-right face in the finals[/I] [B]Harry Wilson[/B] vs. Xavier Reckless [I]Harry Wilson and his goons > Backyard spot monkeys[/I] Dermot O'Logical vs. [B]Vin Tanner[/B] [I]So much for Dermot's push and Tanner will need a win here, to help repair the damage of his loss to Harry Wilson.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;452886] [I]So much for Dermot's push...[/I][/QUOTE] Don't worry, Dermot will have his day. The only issue is that the storyline ideas I have for him are very very gimmicky, frankly because he's such a gimmicky character. I've envisioned CCW to be similar to TCW, where the focus is on wrestling and "real" characters instead of over-the-top gimmicks and stupid storylines about space aliens etc. but Dermot lends himself towards that, so if you forgive me for a rather unusual storyline, I can at least guarantee that it will be unique and original :D
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[CENTER][SIZE=6][B]CCW MAILED FISSION[/B][/SIZE] Friday, Week 2, March 2008 Attendance: 24 [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/ExtremeDeluxe.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG] Extreme Deluxe vs. K-Squared[/B][/CENTER] The opening match has K-Squared facing off against the c0cky Extreme Deluxe. When the match starts, Extreme turns his back on K, turning to the crowd to signal that he has already won. K-Squared responds by launching a series of aerial attacks that wipe the smile from Extreme Deluxe's face. Extreme manages a few counters and attacks, but K-Squared ends the match with a Square Root (top rope facebuster) and picks up the win. [CENTER][B] K-Squared defeated Extreme Deluxe in 8:01 by pinfall with a Square Root Grade: E- [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/Kristen_Pearce_alt01.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/CENTER] Kristen strolls out, looking absolutely ravishing in her sexy secretary outfit. She motions for a microphone and Lee Bambino nearly trip in handing over his. She strolls out to the middle of the ring. Kristen: [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Let me introduce everyone to the next CCW Champion..."[/COLOR] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Harry walks down the entrance ramp, straightening his tie flashing a arrogant smile. Kristen: [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"What else is left to be said? Harry has proven time and time again why he is the best. Tully Arthurs? Harry beat him. American Elemental? Harry beat him. And now, Vin Tanner? Harry beat him. There is no one left that can stand in his way, and Xavier Reckless and the rest of his XDW boys are nothing but a speed bump on the fast track to victory. So go ahead and start cheering for your champion now, it'll save you the time."[/COLOR] Harry raises his arms in celebration, but the crowd naturally showers him with boos. Kristen just shakes her head. Kristen: [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"It's only natural that a man this great would invoke such feelings of jealousy and anger from such simple people. But please, look past those base feelings and be thankful that you are in the presence of such greatness. Be thankful that you few get to witness Harry's rise. The future is right here, everyone, be thankful that you are the first to witness it."[/COLOR] Kristen sets down the microphone as the crowd continues to boo. Harry holds out his arm for Kristen, and she latches on and the two stroll out of the ring. [CENTER][B] Grade: E [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/LeoDavis.jpg[/IMG] Bob Casey vs. Leo Davis [/B][/CENTER] Both Leo and Bob come ready to fight, neither spends time playing up the crowd. Once again an old-school brawling match starts up, but from the beginning Bob is winning. He's hitting harder, he's recovering faster, and Leo just can't keep up. Leo hops out of the ring temporarily, and as the ref is counting Leo secretly slips on his knuckle dusters. He keeps his hand hidden from the ref when he climbs back in the ring, motioning for Bob to come at him. Bob charges and Leo counter-charges. Bob ducks Leo's clothesline and Leo decks the ref right in the face with the brass knuckles. The ref drops like a sac of potatoes and all the rules go out the window. Leo attacks Bob with everything, chairs, brass knuckles, low-blows, but Bob stays one step ahead, dodging the chair shots, covering his privates in time to prevent the low blows, and the two fight to a standstill. Finally, Leo connects with a chair shot, dropping Bob in the middle of the ring, but then the bell is sounded, the ref recovered in time to see Leo's weapon use. Bob wins by DQ. Leo has to be dragged from the ring, he's furious at the ref, calling out that the ref will get what's coming to him. The crowd isn't happy that a semi-final match ended with a DQ, and their cat calls make that very evident. [CENTER][B] Bob Casey defeated Leo Davis in 12:17 by disqualification. Grade: F+ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DermotOLogical3.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/CENTER] Dermot O'Logical comes out grabbing a mic on his way to the ring. The crowd boos as he enters, but he cuts through their noise. His whole outfit and demeanor have changed. He walks calmly, not nearly as energetically as last month when he announced his rejection of skin treatments in favor of plastic surgery. He is still wearing his white lab coat. Dermot: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Greetings, ignoramuses. Witness my birth, witness my transformation. I am no longer Dermot O'Logical, petty fool obsessed with lotions and ointments. Instead, I have discovered something...more. I have become something...more. They say that God has made us in his own likeness, so what happens when we change that? What happens if we perfect that form? Wouldn't that mean that we would turn ourselves into God? I have begun a journey, a journey that will end with my immortality. Unfortunately, there are sacrifices that must be made, and Vin has nominated himself by facing me in the ring. I'm sorry Vin, but you must be the first..."[/COLOR] Dermot slowly walks away from the ring. The audience is thoroughly creeped out by his performance. [CENTER][B] Grade: D- [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/XavierReckless.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/CENTER] Harry Wilson vs. Xavier Reckless Both Harry and Xavier start the match by showboating for the audience, Harry takes one side of the ring, Xavier takes the other. Eventually the two bump into each other and start a shoving match. Then the bell rings and the shoving turns into a slugging match, and finally it turns into a real wrestling match. Harry has a slight size advantage, Xavier is slightly more athletic and this results in a very fast paced match. Harry utilizes his size very well, and soon Xavier is on the defensive. From backstage, Extreme Deluxe charges out. He starts distracting Harry and the match swings. Xavier knocks Harry out of the ring and Extreme Deluxe goes to town, beating and battering Harry. Harry eventually struggles back into the ring, only to be met by a rested and recovered Xavier. Extreme pops up to the apron to help Xavier. Xavier goes to whip Harry into the ropes, but Harry suddenly counters, whipping into Xavier who collides with Extreme Deluxe. Xavier is stunned nad Extreme Deluxe is knocked to the ground. Harry immediatly capitalizes by hitting a DDT and stomping the grounded Xavier. Harry then pulls Xavier up and hits a Humility, bouncing Xavier's face off the mat and rolling him into a pin. The ref hits the mat for the third time before Xavier can kick out. [CENTER][B] Harry Wilson defeated Xavier Reckless in 12:54 by pinfall with a Humility. During the match we also had Extreme Deluxe accidentally hit Xavier. Grade: E- [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DermotOLogical3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/VinTanner.jpg[/IMG] Dermot O'Logical vs. Vin Tanner [/B][/CENTER] Dermot O'Logical comes out with a fury, sending Vin on the defensive right off the bat. Vin quickly recovers from his surprise, but there is a fury in Dermot's eyes that is making even the V-Man nervous. Vin pushes it aside and reverses a suplex, slamming Dermot O'Logical instead. This surprises Dermot to no end, and the fury dies, and Dermot O'Logical seems almost curious about Vin Tanner. Vin uses Dermot's distraction to regain the momentum, and it isn't too much longer before Vin is signaling for his finisher. A V For Victory later, Vin has his arm raised victory. Even after the match, Dermot O'Logical is observing...almost studying Vin. [CENTER][B] Vin Tanner defeated Dermot O'Logical in 7:41 by pinfall with a V For Victory. Grade: E+ [SIZE="5"]Overall: E+[/SIZE] [/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE] Results: Tigerkinney 4/4 (12/18 total) Actarus 3/4 (5/9 total) [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] March, 2008 [B][U][SIZE=6]March Review[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3]Golden Canvas Grappling and World Level Wrestling Ends Tour[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Although GCG's touring season has come to a close, the promotion is still busy. They have begun preparing for the next tour, signing suhch workers as Adam Matravers, Merle O'Curle, Frankie Perez and Insane Machine for their next tour. WLW has also start signing touring contracts, signing indy legends like American Elemental, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Henry Lee and Jacob Jett. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3]New Couple Discovered[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Many people have wondered why Davis Wayne Newton would be involved with such a tiny promotion like Chicago Championship Wrestling, but the answer has become clear. Jemma Griffiths, a valet for the tiny local Chicago Championship Wrestling has been seen dating Davis Wayne Newton, the rising Canadian star of 4C. A friend of Griffiths was able to confirm this report. This is a rather surprising couple, especially because the rumor mill is spinning that Daivs Wayne Newton is quickly outgrowing the small CCW promotion and it's only a matter of time before one of the big North American promotions starts knocking on his door. Candian-American relationships are fairly common, including such couples as Catherine Quine and Damian "The Natural" Carvill and of course, Sean McFly and Victoria Stone. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Votes Are Tallied[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] The Japanese fans have voted up a storm this month. First off, Haruki Kudo finally overcame Sean McFly as the Best Brawler while Yoshimi Mushashibo overtook McFly's brother-in-law Jeremy Stone. Champagne Lover came rocketing out of last place to suddenly secure victory over the Awesome Kuyaru. Finally, it came as no small surprise as Tommy Cornell surpassed Gino Montero as the Best Overall Wrestler. While the young Gino is very talented, he has yet to sign with any promotion, leaving his totals in the dust behind the more established wrestlers. [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] [U]TEW Best Worker Awards[/U] [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B]"Best Overall Wrestler in the World" - [/B] Tommy Cornell [*][B]"Best Brawler in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Haruki Kudo [*][B]"Best High Flier in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Champagne Lover [*][B]"Best Technical Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Yoshimi Mushashibo [*][B]"Most Entertaining Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Christian Faith (8 months) [*][B]"Best Young Prospect in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Alicia Strong (3 months) [*][B]"Best Manager in the World" - [/B]Emma Chase (12 months) [*][B]"Best Announcer in the World" - [/B]Duane Fry (12 months) [*][B]"Best Colour Commentator in the World" - [/B]Adrian Garcia (2 months) [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Top Ten Promotion Spotlights[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] North America[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/B] [LIST] [*] SWF has a new PPV carrier and outlet. PPV Japan will now be hoasting SWF PPV's. Now the Japanese giants will have to start competing with SWF on their home territory. [/LIST] [*][B]Total Championship Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] Last months rumors were found to be true, as Ronnie V. Pain has officially been removed from the TCW rosters. [/LIST] [*][B]United States Pro Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] USPW was unable to find a new network to run USPW American Wrestling, and so the show has been canceled. [/LIST] [*][B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] The Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup 10 came out with a blast, featuring the following tag teams: [LIST] [*] The McWade Brothers [*] The Demolition Crew [*] Johnny Bloodstone & R.K. Hayes [*] Omar Brown & Tim Westybrook [*] John Maverick & Craig Green [*] James King & Mighty Cavanagh [*] The Stone Siblings [*] The Can-Am Blondes [/LIST] The final match had the Stone Siblings winning over the McWade Brothers. This marks the third time that Jeremy and Dan Stone Jr. have won the coveted Ed Henson cup. [/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Europe[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]21st Century Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] In a surprising move, RoF head booker Kevin Jones has been hired to a PPA for 21CW. Many speculate if there is a conflict of interest as Kevin is now working for two bitter rivals. [/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Japan [/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods[/B] [LIST] [*] In a shocking turn of events, Burning Junior Tag Team champion Golden Scorpion shattered his elbow defending the title. The injury is apparently very serious as BHOTWG vacated the title. The next day of the tour, Yoshii & Silver Shark won the vacated title. [/LIST] [*][B]Inspire Diversity Group International[/B] [LIST] [*] No news to report [/LIST] [*][B]Pride Glory Honor Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] The call up continues as this month Stone Yoshikawa and Totoya Munakata were called up from SAISHo. [*] On the opposite end of the spectrum, recently called up rookie, Torch Nakazawas was fired. IT has become obvious that he was only called up so that his comtract could be terminated, an unfortunate series of events. [*] Finally, Masutaro Kataoka was sent back into development, although the 40-year-old wrestler is expected to help train the new recruits as opposed to trying to develop himself. [*] Longtime PGHW mainstay Danger Kumasaka has announced that he will be following in Junnosuke's steps and also be retiring. This 54-year-old wrestler is a two-time Historical Japan champion. [*] Speaking of the Historical Japan title, the Historical Japan title changed hands when Alexander Robinson defetaed Tetsunori Yasuda for the title. This will be Alex's second title reign. [*] The PGHW Glory Tag Crown also changed hands when Kawashima & Koiso defeated Muruyama & Ugaki who only managed two defenses before being beaten. This will be Kawashima & Koiso's second time with the Glory crown. [/LIST] [*][B]World Level Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] The WLW tour has ended. [/LIST] [/LIST] [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Match of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] This time the Match of the Month crosses the Pacific and lands right on Japan. Yoshimi Mushashibo and Eisaku Kunomasu put on a spectacular match fighting for the PGHW Glory Crown. The "Lord Of Strong Style" Kunomasu was unable to escape the dreaded Yoshimii Lock and was forced to submit. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Worst Moment of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] The worst moment this month came when Nene Ebina announced her retirement from wrestling and nobody showed up. Nene was an MMA fighter before crossing over into professional wrestling in 2004. Since then, she has tried to find a job working for promotions, but due to the MMA controversy was not hired by 5SSW. Nene then crossed over to try and find work with either AAA or NOTBPW but once again neither promotion wanted anything to do with Nene. TEW hopes that she has a better career working backstage for a promotion now that she is retiring from active competition.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.ccw.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, April 2008 [B][U][SIZE=6]CCW NEWS REPORT[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [SIZE=5]Next Show: [B]CCW Last Words[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/CCW_Championship.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=5][B][U]Champions Tournament Finals![/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The finals have finally arrived. Bob Casey and Leo Davis have fought their way past many competitors to finally get into the Championship finals. As a bonus, winning this title gets the winner into a guaranteed position in July's Invitational Tournament. [SIZE=4][CENTER][B][U]Davis Wayne Newton Demands Rematch[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] After Leo Davis' controversial win over the younger wrestler, Davis Wayne Newton is demanding a rematch to prove that he is the better wrestler. Leo responded by laughing and saying that he would gladly "teach that young whelp another lesson" [CENTER][SIZE=4][B][U]Leo Davis Has Surprise Announcement[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] Leo Davis announced that at the beginning of CCW Last Words he will be making an unusual announcement. In this announcement he will also be matching up Jeremy Jazz against an unknown opponent. Rumors speculate that Jeremy had been uhappy with his current position and "requested" a title shot. Leo's response will be given next week at the show. [CENTER][SIZE=3][B][U]New Female Wrestler Announced[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] Former BSC star Nurse Darla Knight will be making her debut next week as she battles Ginko Kuroda for the Women's title. Ginko has already managed a successful defence against Agent 69. Nurse Darle Knight represents the second of three nwe female hires. The third will debut next month. [QUOTE] Quick Picks: Evil Spirit vs. Sir Arthur Jeremy Jazz vs. ??? Ginko Kuorda (c) vs. Nurse Darla Knight for the CCW Women's Championship Davis Wayne Newton vs. Leo Davis Bob Casey vs. Harry Wilson for CCW Championship title[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.ccw.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, April 2008 [B][U][SIZE=6]CCW NEWS REPORT SUPPLEMENT[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [SIZE="5"]CCW Announces Return of Scooter Hanson Invitational Tournament[/SIZE][/CENTER] Once again, wrestlers from around the globe are flying in to participate in the second annual Hanson Invitational Tournament. Last year's tournament was a huge success, with AAA's Suzanne Brazzle winning the Womens Cup and former-DaVE star Art Reed winning in the Mens division. The tournament also featured such indy stars as Electrico, Plague, Larry Wood, Mainstream Hernandez, and The Natural. This year there will be some familiar faces, as well as some newcomers to the tournament. This year, the Men's division will feature 24 wrestlers, half will be chosen from CCW's own roster, the other half will be from promotions around the world, including Mexico, Japan, and the United Kingdom. The first round will be a three-way elimination match, with each match afterwards being a standard 1 vs. 1 matchup. This means that there will be 3 rounds of competition. The Women's division will also feature 3 rounds, but will be in a more traditional manner, with 8 female competitors being in the first round. [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Background[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] The original CCW was a development territory set up by the American Pro-Wrestling Federation and founded by Scooter Hanson. Hanson was also the twin brother of Jeff and Jerry Hanson who both worked for APWF as referees. CCW's brief 5 year run ended when APWF started losing money and popularity to a rising SWF, and without APWF's support the small Chicago promotion quickly and quietly closed it's doors. Scooter Hanson continued to work as a referee, working in the industry for almost 20 years before retiring. In 2002 Scooter Hanson died from a congenital heart problem. His identical twin brothers also died shortly afterwards. This tournament is dedicated to Scooter, as well as the other two Hanson brothers as a way of honoring Scooter's vision for Chicago wrestling. [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Tournament Profiles[/SIZE][/U][/B] Every month, four of the participating members of the tournament will be revealed. This month, the Women's Division shall be announced. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/BSC.jpg[/IMG] From the Babes of Sin City comes... [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/AlexisLeeLittlefeather.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Alexis Lee Littlefeather[/B][/U] (6-0) More then just another pretty face, this Native American uses her Tomahawk to great effect within the ring. Equally skilled on the ground as she is in the air, she is undefeated for this year within BSC. She hopes to continue that winning streak right to the tournament championship. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/5SSW.jpg[/IMG] From across the Pacific from 5-Star Supreme Wrestling comes... [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/TsukiKawamata.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Tsuki Kawamata[/B][/U] (7-1-24) Tsuki is the most experienced wrestler at the tournament, already wrestling 33 matches this year alone. She is known for her work with both 5SSW and AAA, but has recently decided to focus on her Japanese career. Will that focus pay off with a tournament win? [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/AAA.jpg[/IMG] Straight from Seattle from the Angel Athletic Association comes... [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/MissMexico.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Miss Mexico[/U][/B](0-4) Trained on the Mexican and Southern California circuits, Miss Mexico surprises her opponents with her sudden lucha offense. Although she is on a losing streak right now, this only makes Miss Mexico push harder for victory. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/NOTBPW.jpg[/IMG] Last but not least, from North of the Border Pro Wrestling... [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/GraceHarper.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Grace Harper[/U][/B] (4-1-12) This former NOTBPW Womens Champion is ready for battle. Also known as Helen Wheels, Grace has been wrestling in the prestigious NOTBPW Womens Division, going toe-to-toe with such legends like Victoria Stone, Melody Cuthill and Tamara McFly. [/CENTER] These ladies will be competing against these women from CCW: [LIST] [*]Ginko Kuroda (Womens Champion) [*]Carnival Queen Kendra [*]Nurse Darla Knight [*]Agent 69 [/LIST]
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Quick Picks: [B]Evil Spirit[/B] vs. Sir Arthur [I]First appearance from either of these for a while, and I can't really decide between the pair of them[/I] Jeremy Jazz vs. [B]???[/B] [I]Whining Jeremy Jazz, gets put in his place by Leo Davis handpicked opponent[/I] [B]Ginko Kuorda (c)[/B] vs. Nurse Darla Knight for the CCW Women's Championship [I]Kuroda rolls on[/I] Davis Wayne Newton vs. [B]Leo Davis[/B] [I]Another cheap win for the owner. It's his fed, so he doesn't have to put over up and coming talent, which he's probably quite bitter about after all those years of looking up at the lights[/I] Bob Casey vs. [B]Harry Wilson[/B] for CCW Championship title [I]Unless you're going to majorly swerve us, this has been building up to a Harry Wilson win for sometime and the obvious challenger is already in place, in the form of Vin Tanner.[/I]
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Evil Spirit vs. [B]Sir Arthur[/B] [I]Love the gimmick[/I] Jeremy Jazz vs. [B]???[/B] [I]Dislike Jeremy Jazz[/I] [B]Ginko Kuorda (c)[/B] vs. Nurse Darla Knight for the CCW Women's Championship [I]Ginko rules[/I] [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] vs. Leo Davis [I]DWN rules[/I] [B]Bob Casey[/B] vs. Harry Wilson for CCW Championship title [I]I think Tigerkinney's right; the only reason I'm going with Casey is the 0.12% chance this is a swerve, and Harry Wilson is a bitter old d***! :p[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE=6][B]CCW LAST WORDS[/SIZE] Friday, Week 2, April 2008 Attendance: 33 [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/EvilSpirit.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/WizardOfOttowa.jpg[/IMG] Evil Spirit vs. Sir Arthur[/B][/CENTER] The rivalry between these two goes back over a year. Sir Arthur once again boasts about vanquishing the evil from th arena. Evil Spirit has no intention of being exorcised, though, and a dropkick to the face, popping the helmet right off of Arthur. Evil Spirit maintains the offensive and these two put on a fairly decent display for the two, moving as if they had practiced beforehand. Evil Spirit finally finishes Sir Arthur by hitting the Dead Calm Drop II, a shotting star senton so called for the tenancy for the audience to fall silent while Evil Spirit hits it. [B][CENTER] Evil Spirit defeated Sir Arthur in 5:31 by pinfall with a Dead Calm Drop II. Grade: E- [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/LeoDavis.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/B] The show starts with Leo Davis entering the ring and grabbing a microphone from the announcer's table. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Alright y'all, settle down. Now, as posted online, Jeremy Jazz came up to me and said that he wasn't be used correctly. That he should be given a shot at a title. And ya know what, he was right. I wasn't using him right, but unlike other mistakes I've made in the past, I can fix this one. So Jeremy, you're backstage listening to all of this, I'll tell ya what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna put you in a match with another annoying young boy... how about one of those XDW guys who keep shooting their mouths off. Anyway, the winner will get a slot in the tournament."[/COLOR] At that moment Xavier Reckless appears at the entrance ramp. He raises his hand, motioning that he'll take the challenge. Jeremy Jazz follows him out, strutting about and looking a bit pleased with himself. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Oh.. one last thing. I can't have people making demands on me. Makes me look weak, and I really do hate looking weak. So the loser will be terminated...effective immediately."[/COLOR] [B][CENTER]Grade: F+ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/JeremyJazz.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/XavierReckless.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/Monique_alt.jpg[/IMG] Jeremy Jazz vs. Xavier Reckless w/ Monique[/CENTER][/B] Both Jeremy and Xavier are surprised at Leo's announcement, but Xavier recovers first and starts wailing away at Jeremy. Jeremy recovers quickly enough and the two go back and forth quite evenly. Jeremy starts getting the advantage, because although he and Xavier are equals on the ground, Jeremy is mush more skilled in the air, and his aerial attacks send Xavier reeling. Just as Jeremy gets the advantage and starts setting up for the Jazz o'Mattic (Spinning DDT) the rest of the XDW roster heads down and around the ring. Jeremy pauses, nervous by the sudden arrival of Xavier's allies and Xavier quickly recovers and hits a Slingshot DDT, knocking Jeremy down for the three count. Leo appears onto the entrance ramp, holding Jeremy's contract. With a sadistic smile he tears it up and tosses it to the ground. As Jeremy heads away from the ring and out the gym doors, the XDW members try to get the crowd chanting "na na na na, na na na na, hey Goodbye" but the crowd won't listen. They're strangely quiet as they had been chanting for Jeremy Jazz to get out of the arena for so long that they didn't know how to react when it actually happened in front of their eyes. [B][CENTER] Xavier Reckless defeated Jeremy Jazz in 6:47 by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT. Grade: F+ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/LeoDavis.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/B] After the match, Leo comes back down with a big smile on his face. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"You know, firing people always brings a smile to my face. So how about we continue the trend, eh? Get rid of a bit more deadweight? Get rid of a few upstart young'uns who think they're better then everyone else. In fact, I think there's someone else who would stand from an attitude correction"[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] At that point Leo is interrupted as Davis Wayne Newton storms down the ramp and grabs a microphone, getting up into the ring and into Leo's face. DWN: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Why don't you just stop right there old man. I know exactly who you're gonna say. You were gonna say that I need to be fired as well. Well, I'll let you know that I won't go quietly. Even if you fire me, I'll still come back and take you down with me. And there's nothing you can do to stop me."[/COLOR] Leo give an amused smile as he listens to DWN. Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"Actually, there's a lot I can do to stop you. I can make it so the next person to cripple you gets a title shot. I can make it so that the only people who get to keep their jobs are the ones who will bloody that pretty little face of yours. Oh, I can do a lot to you."[/COLOR] DWN doesn't back down. DWN: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Then go ahead, do it. Hide behind your cronies. Hide behind your position and authority, it's the only thing that will save you. You can't rely on that **** you call wrestling that you do. You can't stop me yourself, so go on, summon your goons and cronies. At least then I won't have to hear you shooting your mouth of day and night."[/COLOR] Leo: [COLOR="Sienna"]"I don't need anyone else to teach you a lesson. I'll beat you myself, right here on this very day. So go in back and start praying to your mommy right now, becuase you have about 15 minutes before I tan your hide in front of everyone here."[/COLOR] DWN stands and glares into Leo's face, Leo doesn't blink and glares right back. Eventually DWN turns around first and heads to the back, followed by a smiling Leo Davis. [B][CENTER]Grade: E+[/CENTER][/B] As the match up is planned, a video plays highlights from the last Davis vs. Davis match up. [B][CENTER]Grade: F [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/GinkoKuroda_alt01.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/NurseDarlaKnight.jpg[/IMG] Ginko Kuroda vs. Nurse Darla Knight[/CENTER][/B] Ginko and Nurse Darla have very similar styles, focusing on mat work and submissions, however Ginko is a much superior technician and those skills pay off as the match quickly turns against Nurse Darla. Ginko is countering more moves and lays in more offensive strikes and holds, and when she finally locks in the Dragon's Claw, Nurse Darla has no choice but to tap out. [CENTER][B] Ginko Kuroda defeated Nurse Darla Knight in 10:12 by submission with a Dragon's Claw. Grade: E+[/B] [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Backstage, Harry is warming up for the main event, and Gabriel is walking backstage (followed by CCW's video camera displaying on the project in the gym. Harry pauses his warm up and without any prompting he grabs the mic from Gabriel and starts talking. Harry: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Listen, I don't know how Bob Casey got this far, but everyone knows that it was a fluke. I'm going to be the next CCW Champion, it is finally my time to win and I will not be denied. I was cheated out of my title reign twice before, but not this time, there is nothing that's going to stand in my way. Bob Casey isn't even worth the time to insult and taunt, he's a disgrace and an idiot to face me tonight."[/COLOR] Harry throws the mic back at Gabriel and goes back to resume warming up. Gabriel just looks at the camera and shrugs. [B][CENTER]Grade: E [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/LeoDavis.jpg[/IMG] Davis Wayne Newton vs. Leo Davis[/CENTER][/B] The earlier argument has only fueled their hatred towards each other. As usual, Davis Wayne Newton wrestles circles around Leo, dazzling the audience with his tremendous display of talent. However, Leo is a vetern of over 20 years of wrestling, and has more then his fair share of tricks up his sleeve. He lures the headstrong DWN into several traps, feigning weakness to draw DWN in closer only to hit a headbutt or clothesline. The match eventually spills outside of the ring and Leo quickly takes the upper hand with a chair. The ref just shrugs and keeps counting the two. As DWN stumbles from the chair shot, Leo slips on his brass knuckles and taunts DWN a little before hitting him square in the jaw with a Brass Knuckle Sandwich, sneding DWN head over heels. Leo rolls DWN and barely makes it back into the ring before the 10-count. Leo hits one last elbow drop onto the prone DWN before pinning him for the win. Leo bends over and taunts DWN right in his face before heading backstage. A furious DWN pounds the mat in anger before getting up and heading backstage. [B][CENTER]Leo Davis defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 6:07 by pinfall with a Brass Knuckle Sandwich. Grade: E+ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/ChloeDean.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/HarryWilson_alt01.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/Kristen_Pearce_alt01.jpg[/IMG] Bob Casey w/ Chloe Dean vs. Harry Wilson w/ Kristen Pearce[/CENTER][/B] Both men are veterans and experienced wrestlers, and the match starts off in a traditional style, both men starting with basic blows and transition moves, slowly building up to slams and throws. However, Harry suddenly explodes, and proceeds to wipe the floor with Casey, launching a series of aerial attacks that has Casey wheeling. Harry tries several cheap tactics, including using the ropes for leverage for a pin attempt, but Casey is able to just barely kick out. Harry finally sets Casey up for a Humility when the crowd buzzes as Xavier Reckless and the rest of the XDW crew storm down the entrance ramp. Extreme Deluxe and Fearless Blue distract the ref while Xavier, Super Sonic, and Daredevil Aero rush the ring and drag Harry outside. Fearless Blue continues distracting the ref while the XDW Alliance absolutely destroys Harry. Extreme Deluxe and Super Sonic wield chairs, and Xavier Reckless is using a steel chain to batter Harry. Xavier strangles Harry with the chain while the rest of XDW take their turns beating the rest of him with chairs. Bob Casey stands in the ring, shouting at XDW that he doesn't need any help, and he eventually goes down and chases the XDW alliance away, but the damage has already been done. Shrugging, Bob Casey rolls Harry and waits for Harry to get back up. Harry is out cold from his brutal beating, and Casey just shakes his head in disgust as he pins Harry for the win. [B][CENTER]Bob Casey defeated Harry Wilson in 7:45 by pinfall. During the match we also had Xavier Reckless run in and attack Harry Wilson. Bob Casey wins the CCW Championship title. Grade: E-[/CENTER][/B] Having picked up the "victory", the crowd cheers for Bob, proclaiming him the next champion. Casey's wife waves and cheers from the audience, Casey waves but doesn't seem very happy with the way his victory came about. [B][CENTER] Gradel F+[/CENTER][/B] [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Overall: E-[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] Results: Tigerkinney 4/5 (16/23 total) Actarus 3/5 (8/14 total) [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.ccw.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, May 2008 [B][U][SIZE=6]CCW NEWS REPORT[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [SIZE=5]Next Show: [B]CCW One Step Too Far[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][U]New Tag Team Enters the Fray[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] A new tag team has been entered in for the eventual tag team champions match. Davis Wayne Newton and K-Squared have started a tag team entitled: "The Bluechips." When asked they said their name was derived from the fact that they were destined to be stars within CCW because of their drive and their talent. They will be competing against the Hitmen, Inc next show. [CENTER][SIZE=4][B][U]Womens Spotlight[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] Next show will feature six female wrestlers, including the recently hired Nikki Power. Nikki is a powerful Canadian who can bench press half of the roster. Nikki will be competing against Ginko for the Womens Championship belt, while Agent 69 and Nurse Darla Knight will be competing in a tag team match against Baby Blue (Kinuye Mushashibo) and Carnival Queen Kendra. These four women have been chosen to be included in the Hanson Invitational Tournament and this match will help determine their seeding. [QUOTE] Quick Picks: Agent 69 & Nurse Darla Knight vs. Baby Blue & Carnival Queen Kendra Crash Lewis vs. Weird Waldo Odlaw Ginko Kuroda (c) vs. Nikki Power for Womens Championship Blue Chips vs. Hitmen, Inc. Vin Tanner vs. Xavier Reckless [/QUOTE] [I]ooc: I'm going on vacation for a couple of days so I will be posting things a little out of order this month. World news and backstage hijinks will be posted upon my return on Monday. I also went back through and cleaned up my previous posts, updated pictures etc. so everything should look a little nicer...[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"] [B][U][URL]www.TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.com[/url][/U][/B][/SIZE] April, 2008 [B][U][SIZE=6]April Review[/SIZE] [/U][/B] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=5]Optimus Announces Retirement[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] The super junior legend himself has announced that he will be retiring from the wrestling world. He said that while he will continue working backstage or on a microphone, he will not be wrestling. A single story cannot capture how much Optimus has impacted the wrestling world, and the Hall of Immortals will not be complete with adding him into their illustrious number. Fans across the globe are saddened as one of the most influential wrestlers of the past two decades is leaving the ring. [B][U][SIZE=4]Bruce the Giant Leaves USPW[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] In a surprising press conference, Burce said that his time with USPW has come to an end. He said that he has fulfilled his obligation towards Sam Strong and the others, and feels that it is time to once again wrestle with one of the larger promotions in the industry. He did not mention any specific promotions, and so far no one has mentioned starting contract negotiations with him. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]MOSC Owner Hangs Up Boots[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Greg mcPeterson, known better as The Highland Warrior announced that he would be leaving the ring for the younger wrestlers and that he would be focusing more on the backstage running of MOSC. MOSC has been in dire trouble since 21CW was bought out by Jeff Nova, struggling in last place behind 21CW and RoH. Many fans hope that with McPeterson able to focus entirely on MOSC as a company from behind the desk, that MOSC will be able to once again grow and expand to rival 21CW. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3]The Tennessee Outlaws Break up[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Blackjack Robbins, one half of the tag team and 3 time SCCW Tag Team champion announced that he would be retiring. His career has been in a slump since SCCW closed down, Blackjack and partner Whisky Jack have both been stuck in the indies without any major promotion hiring them to a long time contract. Blackjack was also an early SCCW Champion. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Votes Are Tallied[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Alicia Strong surprised everyone by coming out of nowhere once again and defeating Christian Faith for the Most Entertaining Wrestler title. While she was winning that, she was losing her Best Young Prospect to Magnum KOBE, a talented 23 year old WLW wrestler. Dan Stone Jr. also defeated Tommy Cornell for Best Overall, starting Dan Stone Jr's 10nth non-consecutive month with the title. Finally, the Best Color Commentator title once again flipped from Adrian Garcia to Ana Garcia. It should be noted that these two are not related, they just share a common last name. [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] [U]TEW Best Worker Awards[/U] [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B]"Best Overall Wrestler in the World" - [/B] Dan Stone Jr. [*][B]"Best Brawler in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Haruki Kudo (2 months) [*][B]"Best High Flier in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Champagne Lover (2 months) [*][B]"Best Technical Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Yoshimi Mushashibo (2 months) [*][B]"Most Entertaining Wrestler in the World" - [/B]Alicia Strong [*][B]"Best Young Prospect in Wrestling Today" - [/B]Magnum KOBE [*][B]"Best Manager in the World" - [/B]Emma Chase (13 months) [*][B]"Best Announcer in the World" - [/B]Duane Fry (13 months) [*][B]"Best Colour Commentator in the World" - [/B]Ana Garcia [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Top Ten Promotion Spotlights[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] North America[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/B] [LIST] [*] No news to report this month. [/LIST] [*][B]Total Championship Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] An interesting turn of development as both Genghis Rahn and Rocky Golden joined Cornell's syndicate last night on TCW Presents Total Wrestling. And just when the Syndicate looked as if it would completely dominate TCW, Wolf Hawkins betrayed his mentor, nailing Cornell in the back of the head with a chair and saving Ricky Dale Johnson from a backstage beatdown. [/LIST] [*][B]United States Pro Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] Liberty is out injured after breaking an ankle in a match against Peter Valentine. [/LIST] [*][B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] No news to report [/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Europe[/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]21st Century Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*][COLOR="Red"]21CW has dropped from the top ten promotion list and will no longer be reported[/COLOR] [/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B][U][SIZE=3] Japan [/SIZE][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]5-Star Supreme Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] 5SSW has risen into the top ten promotions, being the first ever all female promotion to acheive this kind of worldwide recognition. [*] To go along with their recent expansion, both Dragon Assassin and Umeko Hotta have been signed to pay-per-appearences. [/LIST] [*][B]Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods[/B] [LIST] [*] A lot of turnover for the Burning Openweight belt this month. First White Samurai defeated Kansuke Konda after Konda defended 10 times, starting White Samurai's first title reign. Then just next week Rhino Umaga defeated White Samurai and taking the belt. The while defending the title, Rhino picked up a serious injury and was forced to vacate the belt, leaving it open for next month. [*] More title changes with the Burning World Championship belt going to Yasunobu Masuno after he defeated Kinnojo Horri. Horri had made 12 successful defences of the World Championship belt at the time of his loss. [*] The Historical Japan belt also experienced turnover with, Raymond Diaz defeating Alexander Robinson, who made an inmpressive 14 defences of the belt. [*] Finally, three new wrestlers were added to the roster after being called up from the dojo. MYSTIC Dragon, Ninja Shunji and Seiji Jimbo were all called up from their spots on the Hinote Dojo roster. [/LIST] [*][B]Inspire Diversity Group International[/B] [LIST] [*] This month saw the end of the INSPIRE tour [*] Marat Khoklov has rejected resigning with INSPIRE in a move that has shocked both fans and administrators of the promotion. [/LIST] [*][B]Pride Glory Honor Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] Flemmy Lemming was called up and fired as PGHW felt that he was developing at the rate they had expected. [*] Masutaro Kataoka, however, was called up from Pro Wrestling SAISHO and has accepted a full-time position on the PGHW roster. [/LIST] [*][B]World Level Wrestling[/B] [LIST] [*] The WLW tour kicks off with 5 title changes. First, Dark EAGLE started his second reign as World Level Universal champion by defeating Emerald Angel after Angel made 12 defences of the belt. [*] Koji Kojima defeated Toyokuni Harcore for the World Level Streetfighting belt, starting Kojima's first reign with the belt. Toyokuni managed to defend the belt 10 times before his loss to Kojima's barbed-wire pipe. [*] First Jcob Jett defeated Americana for the World Level Tap Out belt, but then quickly lost the belt to Tsurayuki Kamachi. American had defended the belt 10 times, while Jett only defended twice. [*] Finally, The Avalanche Effect began their 5th title reign as World Level Tag Team champions, defeating Power Trip on their 13th defence of the title. [/LIST] [/LIST] [/LIST] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Match of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Remo and Rich Money shocked everyone with their performance on Supreme TV. What was supposed to be a filler match ended up being the highlight of the entire show. Afterwards, fans were still talking about the twists and turns of the match, and illegal copies of it on Youtube quickly reached record numbers of views before being pulled down by site administrators. [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Worst Moment of the Month[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] The worst moment this month goes to INSPIRE with the Marat Khoklov incident. INSPIRE raised Khoklov from an unkown European wrestler known commonly as 'Mr. Blister' and thrust him into a global spotlight. Marat Khoklov enjoyed success after success with INSPIRE, but then after almost a year with the title, Khoklov lost the belt to Tadiyuki Kikkawa, one of the INSPIRE founders. This never sat well with Khoklov, who slowly started shrinking from the spotlight. However, in January it appeared that Khoklov was being prepared for another title run, with his only losses coming from facing Kikkawa for the title. However, Khoklov put a stop to those plans by announcing that he would be leaving for a promotion that "appreciates" their "talented workers." So far, Khoklov has not been signed to any major promotion.
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Have we been taking inspiration from the booking skills of a certain Vince Russo ? I thought I would never see the day, where someone put a title on Bob Casey, but I suppose it would have to be this place....everything was pointing towards a Wilson title win, then you actually went through with swerving us. Nothing like making a jobber fed, look more like a jobber fed by putting a belt on one of the Cornellverses biggest jobbers :D [B]Agent 69 & Nurse Darla Knight[/B] vs. Baby Blue & Carnival Queen Kendra [I]Could go either way but I'll go for the team with the debutant to get the win[/I] [B]Crash Lewis[/B] vs. Weird Waldo Odlaw [I]Could realistically go either way, there both about as jobberish as one another[/I] [B]Ginko Kuroda (c)[/B] vs. Nikki Power for Womens Championship [I]Can't see Kuroda losing the belt just yet.[/I] Blue Chips vs. [B]Hitmen, Inc.[/B] [I]The Blue Chips have more talent, but that barely matters in this place (sometimes the less talent you have, the more of a push you get). Hitmen Inc could do with getting a bit of lost momentum back on their side and I think Leo Davis will get involved, as he seems intent on keeping the real talent down. No wonder this fed is going to the toilet[/I] :D Vin Tanner vs. Xavier Reckless -[B] Russoriffic Schmozztastic No Contest overbooked draw with a trillion zillion run ins [/B] [I]Logic says Vin Tanner should win here, but all logic has gone out of the window with CCW. Bob Casey is the champion, there most talented performer DWN is being held down in a feud with a bitter career jobber....this one will end in a schmozz when everyone but their mother gets involved.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;456913]Have we been taking inspiration from the booking skills of a certain Vince Russo ?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;456913] ... but all logic has gone out of the window with CCW. Bob Casey is the champion, there most talented performer DWN is being held down in a feud with a bitter career jobber....[/QUOTE] edit: I will answer these points in an in-game post, because I'm sure you're not the only one questioning the Bob Casey belt decision...
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NOW I know why I keep missing out on predicting this thing; it's the sequence you post things. You tend to do your CCW reports (which has the card on it), THEN the monthly news report (which is rather in depth; kudos to you). The point being is that after reading the monthly news, I forget to predict. In other words, me have feeble memory... Quick Picks: [B]Agent 69[/B] & Nurse Darla Knight vs. Baby Blue & Carnival Queen Kendra [B]Crash Lewis[/B] vs. Weird Waldo Odlaw [B]Ginko Kuroda (c)[/B] vs. Nikki Power for Womens Championship Blue Chips vs. [B]Hitmen, Inc.[/B] [B]Vin Tanner[/B] vs. Xavier Reckless
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[B]Monday, Week 3 April 2008[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/Random_Male63.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It was the first day after the big championship tournament storyline had ended, and as expected I had a message waiting for me saying that one of our workers wanted to talk to me about recent developments. At CCW we liked to keep the results hidden, only telling the workers on a need to know basis so that there were as few sources of leaks as possible. Plus it meant that the workers were just as surprised by the turn of events as the fans were. This sometimes meant that after a particularly unexpected turn of events I would have to justify myself to them. So far it has already ended alright, but I was surprised to see that this time it was Vin Tanner who was curious about my decision. I made sure that my broom closet was extra tidy before Vin entered, at least to put on some semblance of professionalism. [CENTER][IMG]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/VinTanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Vin flashed me a broad smile and gave me a hearty handshake when he entered, so at least he wasn't upset about last night's show. Vin: [COLOR="Navy"]"Hey Gabriel, hope the mornings going well for you."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"No, it's going just fine. I would ask why you're here but I believe I already know. Happens all the time. It's about last night's show, right?"[/COLOR] Vin nodded his head. Vin: [COLOR="Navy"]"Now I gotta ask you, why did you put the belt on Bob Casey? I knew you weren't going to put it on me, you already told me that in the beginning, but why Bob? He's not exactly champion material..."[/COLOR] I just shook my head. Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"I disagree completely. In a lot of ways, Bob reminds me of Steve Flash. Sure he's not charismatic, sure he doesn't have the sports entertainment look that would get him far in SWF, but this isn't an SE fed, and we don't have SWF talent. In case you hadn't noticed, our talent is as raw as you can get. If it was meat it would still be on the cow and that cow would still be eating grass. Casey has been wrestling longer then a good portion of the roster has been alive, and he knows how to put on a good match. The rest of the main event, Xavier, Leo, Dermot, even Harry and you could stand to learn a thing or two about wrestling from him."[/COLOR] Vin gave a slight chuckle at that. [COLOR="Navy"] Vin: "If it's talent you're looking for, why not that Davis Newton kid. Kids half my age and is already wrestling circles around me."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"The problem with Davis Newton, and this does not leave this office, is that he is too good. You've seen the kind of talent in that kid...he's the whole package. A big promotion would gladly have someone of his caliber. It's only a matter of time before he leaves us for one of the big three, heck for all I know the kids going to ditch off to Japan, he could really fit in anywhere."[/COLOR] Vin nodded. Vin: [COLOR="Navy"]"I can understand that. But why not Harry Wilson? I mean, he's been with the promotion the longest, and he's been the main heel for over a year now."[/COLOR] Gabriel: [COLOR="Indigo"]"Yeah, but there's a lot of things holding back Harry. First and foremost is his attitude. Now again, this does not leave the office and I'm only telling you this because I have such high respect for you. Harry has a terrible attitude with the rest of the locker room, and I'm worried that if he had the belt, he would become insufferable and ruin this promotion. Maybe he'll refuse to drop the belt, maybe he'll just be even more irritating. Harry is going to get the title, but even after a year I don't think that he's ready for it. Second, I really don't like the guy, plain and simple. Can you blame me for that?"[/COLOR] Vin thought for a bit, but a smile slowly crept onto his face. Vin: [COLOR="Navy"]"You know, if you were holding back a decent guy, I'd be pissed as hell and probably quit on the spot. Eisen pulls **** like that, and that's why I worked for DaVE. But you know what, I can't say I blame you for not liking that jackass."[/COLOR] He laughed, and I chuckled along with him too. Vin: [COLOR="Navy"]"So I guess it comes around to me. Why not me? You said everything would be made clear to me, but it hasn't. You promised me the belt, why not me, why not now?"[/COLOR] Gabriel:[COLOR="Indigo"] "To be more accurate, I promised you a title within 9 months. It's only month 4, give it some time. Sure it would have been easy to just have you storm in and take the belt and dominate the promotion. But then what? What do we do with you? What do we do with the rest of the roster? We'd run into the exact same problem's FCW's having with Puerto Rican Power. Their champion is so high above the competition that every title match is the same. That's how it would be here. If you won it, then who could you possibly drop it to without a major build up. I like flexibility, I like unpredictability, I like to give the fans the impression that any belt could change at any time, or at least the main event. This way, you are a legit contender to the title, and in fact many fans are saying that you should have the belt, same with Harry. Now when you or Harry or Dermot O'Logical or any of the other main event contenders are wrestling for the belt, the fans won't know who will take it."[/COLOR] I finished my speech gasping for breath. When someone gets me talking about my vision, I can't help but get a bit passionate, and I could tell that I had even surprised Vin with my belief in my own logic. Whether the fans believed it, whether Vin believed it... I couldn't tell, but at least I saw a bit of respect in that man's eyes that day.
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