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I just wanted to post a little update, the next show has just one match left to be written so it should up tomorrow. That will probably be it until next weekend. I have to go to my uncles funeral on Saturday so I'm going to be away for the weekend. I've got some big plans for stuff to do in this Dynasty and those will be announced in the News Blog to follow the next show.
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[B]UNCROWNED[/B] [B]Brodie Lee vs. Kenny Omega[/B] [QUOTE]The Big Rig himself Brodie Lee comes out with Omega already in the ring. Lee dominates the match with Omega only getting a few shots in here and there. A nice [b]enzugiri style kick[/b] from Omega brings Lee to his knees. Omega follows up with a dropkick to the face of Lee. Omega can't get the cover and Lee is just plain mad now. Lee strikes with a big hammer blow to Omegas back bringing him to the mat. Lee stands above waiting... Omega gets to his feet... [b]BIG BOOT[/b]! Brodie Lee obliterates Kenny Omega with that blow. Cover and Lee grabs the win.[/QUOTE] [B]Tyler Black vs. Chuck Taylor[/B] [QUOTE]Taylor of course made several children pee themselves on his way to the ring. Tyler Black comes out and the crowd is really throwing their support behind him. Black and Taylor start the match out trading takedowns and a few blows here and there. Taylor finds himself in the corner when Black runs forward, grabs hold of the ropes and jumps up, hangs in the air then twists out [b]drilling his elbow in to Taylor's face[/b]. Black graepvines Taylor's leg trying to get him to tap but Taylor reaches the ropes. Both back to their feet and Taylor looks for a big boot, Black catches him but Taylor backflips out. Both men collide with dual lariats. Black bounces off the ropes and hits a flying shoulderblock. Black is waiting for Taylor to get to his feet... [b]shining wizard[/b]. Cover... no. Taylor kicks out. Black tries to powerbomb Taylor in to the turnbuckles but Taylor takes him over the top rope. Black lands on his feet though. Taylor goes for a punch, Black blocks it. He grabs hold of Taylor. Suplex over the ropes to the outside. Black slides in to the ring. Black bounces of the ropes, heads back again for more speed. He [b]dives through the ropes[/b] and crashes in to Taylor. Both men go over the guardrails. The fans are on their feet with a "TIGER" chant. Back in the ring both men look worn down from the big spot earlier. Taylor has the advantage and looks for the Omega driver... Black gets out of it. Taylor looks for a super kick... Black dodges but crashes in to the ref. Oren Hawx comes running down chair in hand and [b]blasts Tyler Black[/b]. Taylor grabs hold and hits the [b]Omega Driver[/b]. Referee Hebner is back and makes the cover. Hawx enters the ring and throws Hebner out of it.[/QUOTE] [I]Taylor, Hawx, and Black have gone in to a full on brawl. It's moved outside of the ring to the floor and they're throwing each other in to the guardrails. Security is trying to get a handle on the situation. Black gets tossed in to the arms of several security guards. Hawx hops up on the apron, runs forward, and dives in to the crowd. Taylor casually walks over afterwords and stomps on Hawx and Black before leaving.[/I] [I]Austin Adkisson is backstage getting ready for his match.[/I] [QUOTE]Tonight I've got another tough opponent in front of me. Arik Cannon has been all over the world. Tonight he's going to meet one of his toughest challenges. I'm move driven than anyone on this roster. Arik Cannon, when I lock you in that cloverleaf there's no where to run and no where to hid. Your only choice is to tap out.[/QUOTE] [B]Arik Cannon vs. "The Cloverleaf" Austin Adkisson[/B] [QUOTE]This match didn't last long. Cannon underestimated his opponent and found himself surprised when Adkisson took control and maintained control. Adkisson really started to get things going by hitting a [b]double knee facebreaker[/b]. Adkisson comes off the top rope with a beautiful elbow drop. Can't get the pin though. Cannon starts coming back, kick to the leg brings Adkisson down. Looking for the glimmering warlock but Adkisson ducks. Cannon's momentum brings him down to the mat. Adkisson sits out and spins around, he grabs Cannon's right arm and tries for an armbar. He's working as hard as he can to get it sinked in but Cannon out wrestles him and gets to his feet. Cannon hits a nice [b]belly to belly overhead suplex[/b]. He follows it up with a diving kneedrop. Goes for another but Adkisson rolls out. Adkisson grabs an ankle and twists it hard. Cannon gets to the ropes. Dropkick to the knee by Adkisson brings Cannon down. Looking for the cloverleaf but can't get it. Cannon tries to hit a jumping high kick to the back of Adkisson's head but gets caught. Austin shifts him forward so his body is on his shoulder. He tosses Cannon up in the air and slightly backward... [b]ace crusher[/b]. That was a big one. Adkisson locks in the [b]cloverleaf[/b]... Cannon taps. Adkission remains undefeated here in TIGER.[/QUOTE] [B]Cheech and Cloudy vs. Los Luchas vs. SoCal Dream Team vs. Naptown Dragons[/B] [QUOTE]All four teams were in the ring at the same time almost looking like a battle royal. This is a non elimination bout, the first team to get a pin wins. Dragon was being double teamed by Los Luchas early on, as one of the most dangerous men in the match it was a smart strategy. Cheech and Cloudy hit some big double team offense in this one, really showing off what they can do. Cloudy had B-Boy up on his shoulders and [b]Cheech came off the top rope with a shining wizard[/b]. The Naptown Dragons broke up the pinfall. Dustin Lee suplexed Cheech on to the top rope leaving him hanging. He and Vortekz climb opposite turnbuckles... [b]STEREO DOUBLE STOMPS[/b]. Dragon and B-Boy meet them on their way back up and throw them out of the ring. Los luchas dive over the top rope to take out the Dragons on the outside. Cloudy is throwing shots at B-Boy until B-Boy counters one and hits a big [b]exploder[/b]. Cheech now back on his feet come running over to B-Boy but gets picked up and [b]thrown in to the corner with a belly to belly suplex[/b]. Super Dragon climbs up top and comes off to the outside taking out Los Luchas and the Naptown dragons. Cheech and Cloudy are working over B-Boy in the ring, this could be their opportunity. B-Boy is throwing blows at both men, knocking Cloudy out of the ring. Cheech his an enzugiri that takes him down. Dustin Lee and Super Dragon are back in the ring, Los Luchas are beating on Scotty Vortekz outside the ring. Dragon grabs Cheech and takes him over with a [b]dragon suplex[/b]. Dustin Lee looks for a super kick on Dragon... Dragon dodges... [b]roll up[/b]... 1... 2... 3... Super Dragon gets the pin out of nowhere.[/QUOTE] [I]After the match the Naptown Dragons can't believe this match slipped away from them. They get in to a shoving contest with B-Boy and Dragon. Frustration is obviously stricken them. The men start trading blows and brawling all over the ring. Finally security hits and it's broken up.[/I] [B]"The Impact Bully" Brandon Thomaselli & Roderick Strong vs. "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush & Ace Steel[/B] [QUOTE]Quack and Thomaselli start of this match. Quack is trying to get Strong in the ring but he's refusing to. Last time out Quack snapped on Strong attacking him after their match. Thomaselli takes advantage of this and blindsides Quack from behind. Thomselli [b]piledrives[/b] Quack to the mat and follows it up with an elbow drop. Thomaselli quickly locks in a headlock on the mat and is cranking back on the hold. Steel is getting the fans to get behind Quack. Trying to will him back to his feet. Quack whips his legs up and locks them around Thomselli's head. Thomaselli is getting [b]choked out[/b] by Quacks legs while he's trying to cut off Quacks air supply with a headlock. Quack is trying to swing at Thomaselli's head. The dual hold is broken. Strong reaches through the ropes and grabs hold of Quack turning his attention away from Brandon. Thomaselli again blindsides Quack. Strong's pull on Quack is forcing him to lose focus. Ace Steel has had enough and runs in to the ring, he blows right by the ref. Thomaselli starts getting fists in to the back of his head from Steel. The ref finally gets order and Steel is back in his corner. Quack ducks a Thomaselli lariat attempt and scales the turnbuckles and comes off with a [b]twisting senton[/b] attack. Thomaselli is down and Quack throws him out of the ring. Steel comes diving off the apron with a double axe handle taking Thomaselli down again. They brawl around the ring. Strong has to come in the match now, TIGER rules allow for partners to enter the ring without a tag if their partner is no longer in the ring. Strong reluctantly enters the ring and Quack jumps on him like an animal. Both men are brawling around the ring. Quack is really showing his aggressive side. Strong though gets the advantage by going back to attacking Quackenbush's back. Strong hooks Quack's arms... [b]butterfly backbreaker[/b]. Cover but can't get it. Strong hits another backbreaker and locks in the [b]Strong Hold[/b]. Steel sees this and leaves the brawl with Thomaselli to break up the hold. All four men are in the ring now going at it. Thomselli blocks a big punch from Steel... wraps him up... [b]THE DEAL[/b]! Steel is down. Thomaselli kicks Quack hard in the back which leads him in to Strongs grip... butterflies the arms... [b]TIGER DRIVER[/b]! Thomaselli throws Steel outside and goes back trading punches with him. Strong decides not to cover Quack instead locking in the [b]Strong Hold[/b] again. Quack taps out. He had no choice, that back of his can't take much more damage.[/QUOTE] [I]Strong is refusing to break the Strong Hold on Quackenbush. He's been trying to break his back for weeks now. Steel is still tied up with Thomaselli trading punches. Steel ducks one and knees Strong in the face to stop the hold. Steel gets Quack out of the ring and to the back. This is far from over.[/I] [B]KENTA vs. Austin Aries[/B] [QUOTE]Two of the best in world bar none are facing off in this match. The match starts off at a nice pace with KENTA in control taking Aries down with a headlock takeover. KENTA working the neck of Aries with a nice facelock. KENTA transitions in to a cross face pulling back on the neck of Aries. Aries is fighting to get out, he bends his legs to start pressing up off the mat... Aries is able to sit out. Both men back to their feet and [b]trade chops[/b]. Aries off the ropes and hits a nice shoulder tackle. He goes right for the elbow drop but KENTA moves out of the way. KENTA measures Aries and strikes with a [b]massive kick to the face[/b] when he gets up. Cover but only gets two. Aries is fighting back with low kicks and forearms. KENTA counters a low kick by grabbing Aries leg. KENTA brings his leg over it and trips up Aries. Half crab by KENTA but aries uses his leg strength to get out. Neither man can get an advantage here. KENTA looking for a hurricanrana but Aries holds on driving KENTA down to the mat with a [b]running powerbomb[/b]. Cover... KENTA kicks out. Aries whips KENTA to the corner and follows up with a running dropkick. Aries is looking for the 450 but KENTA pops up and scales the turnbuckles... [b]AVALANCHE FISHERMANS SUPLEX[/b]! KENTA dove for the cover but can't seal the victory up. Aries is on his back kicking at the legs of KENTA to push him back. Kip up by Aries and both men are back at a stand off. KENTA whips Aries in to the ropes but Aries springboards back hitting a back elbow. Aries delivers his signature pendulum elbow. KENTA rolls out of the ring but Aries takes flight with the [b]heat seeker[/b]. Both men crash in to the guardrail. Back in the ring later on KENTA has the advantage now and starts a combo of strikes and is looking for the busaiku knee strike... Aries blocks it. He takes KENTA down and is looking for the horns of aries... can't get it fully locked in. KENTA slides out and delivers knees in to the gut of Aries. Looking for go to sleep... ARIES GRABS KENTA'S KNEE! Aries counters... he pulls KENTA in... [b]BRAINBUSTER[/b]! He drags KENTA to the corner... climbs up high... [b]450 SPLASH[/b]! 1 2 and 3. Aries grabs the win.[/QUOTE] [I]Steve Corino is in the locker room.[/I] [QUOTE]Bryan Danielson you're barely a blip on Steve Corino's radar. I'll get to you in a second. Doug Williams... you just don't give up do you. I've dealt with some idiots in my time but man you are the cream of the crop. You keep running your mouth and I'll keep beating the piss out of you every time we cross paths. I've got something special in store for you my friend, but I have business to take care of tonight. Danielson, you want to claim you're the best in the world, the greatest technical wrestler ever. Well son you haven't faced me yet. The king of technical wrestling, the king of old school baby, Steve Corino. You're going to find out real soon the difference between saying you're the best and actually being the best.[/QUOTE] [B]"The Self Proclaimed Best In The World" Bryan Danielson vs. "The King Of Old School" Steve Corino[/B] [QUOTE]Corino and Danielson start the match off at a slower pace, trying to gain the advantage. Lots of mat work going on early. Corino works a hammerlock, takes Danielson down with it. Danielson is on his stomach with Corino wrenching on his arm. Corino moves to Danielson's head and locks around his neck. Corino has a front facelock and hammerlock cinched in. Danielson starts getting to his feet, Corino suplexes him over. Corino tightens down and [b]tries to choke out Danielson[/b]. Danielson kicks up and rolls over breaking the hold. Danielson grabs Corino's head and puts him in a sleeper. Danielson is working him down flat on the mat trying to get the submission. Corino gets his foot on the ropes. Danielson lets the ref know he has until five to break the hold. Corino slides out of the ring to catch himself. Both men back in the ring and instead of going back to the mat game Corino starts [b]throwing haymakers[/b] and Danielson is trying to duck and weave around them. Big one connects and Danielson is rocked. Danielson starts firing back with chops. Corino's chest is turning bright red. Danielson's left eye is starting to swell for the punches. Corino oushes forward and takes Danielson to the corner. Body blows are landing and now punches to the face are landing. Danielson finally counters and flips places with Corino. Chops are landing hard, forearms are landing, roaring elbow. Danielson lifts up Corino on the turnbuckles. Danielson takes him off with a [b]dragon screw leg whip[/b]. Danielson hops up on the turnbuckle and comes off with a knee across Corino's chest. Danielson is looking for cattle mutilation. Corino flips over. Cover... 1...2... no. Back to cattle mutilation... Corino flips over again. Cover 1.. 2... no. [b]Cattle Mutilation[/b] locked in now... Corino is refusing to tap. Danielson switches to the [b]elbows[/b]... multiple elbows in to the side of Corino's head. Corino isn't tapping. Corino is scooting forward and gets his foot on the ropes. Danielson is losing his mind. He's arguing with referee Hebner. Corino is getting to his feet and comes at Danielson... Danielson pulls Hebner in front of him. Corino takes out the ref. Danielson [b]kicks Corino low[/b]. Danielson [b]dragon suplexes[/b] Corino.. Hebner makes the count slowly. 1.........2..........3. Danielson wins.[/QUOTE] [I]Doug Williams has hit the ring and Danielson locks up Corino's arms. Williams is punching away. Williams bounces off the ropes and but Corino ducks and Williams hits Danielson. Security gets in to the ring and holds the two men apart. Corino grabs a mic and tells everyone to calm down because he has something to tell Doug Williams.[/I] [I]Corino asks for a mic.[/I] [QUOTE]Doug this has gone on long enough. I'm sick of you blindsiding me. I'm sick of you hiding behind Bryan Danielson. Be a man and fight you own battles for once. In two weeks you won't have a choice. It's going to be you and me, one on one. This match is going to be a special match though Doug. You broke my jaw and have attacked me at every chance and tried to do it again. Well you're going to have the best chance you're gonna get in two weeks. You and I are going to have a Break His Jaw match. In order to win you'll have to get me to give up. If you get knocked out, I'll keep bashing in your skull until you wake up again. Both of us will end up broken, bloody, and bruised. But only one of us will end up losing.[/QUOTE] [B] NoDq Match for the TIGER Pro Tag Team Championship The New Wave vs. Steen and Generico[/B] [I]The following contest is scheduled for one fall with no time limit, this is a no disqualifications match. There must be a winner. This match is seen over by the TIGER Pro championship committee and is for the TIGER Pro Tag Team Titles. This is your main event. In charge is your TIGER head referee Bryce Remsburg. Standing to my left from Cleveland, Ohio and Kalamazoo Michigan respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 374lbs... Matt Cross, Josh Abecrombie... the New Waaaaave. And standing to my right from Tijuana Mexico and Marieville Quebec respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 400lbs... The Generico Luchador El Generico and Mr. Wrestling Kevin Steeeeeeen. Bryce Remsburg show the titles to both men before showing it to the crowd. The bell rings.[/I] [QUOTE]All four men start beating the hell out of each other. There are no tag rules in this match, all four men can be in the ring at the same time. This is an all out brawl, they're fighting all over the ring just throwing punches, kicks, elbows, anything. The action spills to the outside and each man has a chair and start teeing off against their opponent. Generico slams a [b]metal chair in to the skull of Josh Abercrombie[/b]. Abercrombie is busted up and bleeding all over. He responds by driving his chair in to Generico's gut. He follows up with a [b]harsh shot to Generico's back[/b]. Matt Cross throws his chair in to Steen's knees causing him to drop his weapon. Cross unloads punches in to the face of Kevin Steen. Steen grabs a chair out of the crowd that was held up by a fan. He [b]cracks Matt Cross over the head with it[/b]. Cross is down and Steen is just going nuts hitting him repeatedly with it. Generico tosses a chair at Abercrombie then hits the [b]yakuza kick[/b]. Abercrombie goes down with a thud. Steen lariats Cross over the guardrail and they do battle in the crowd. Generico places Abercrombie against the steel steps and [b]swings a chair at him crushing him between the steps and chair[/b]. The fans start chanting "you sick ****". Steen has Cross in a powerbomb position and [b]runs him in to the wall[/b]. He picks him back up and tosses him back in to the wall with the [b]Steenalizer[/b]. Matt Cross might be dead. Literally, dead. Abercrombie is starting to stir and fires blows in to Generico's mid section. Abercrombie lands a low blow which allows him to catch his breath. He grabs a nearby chair and [b]swings it violently[/b] in to Generico's head knocking him down. Abercrombie climbs up on to the apron and comes back down [b]cracking Generico over the head with the chair[/b]. Blood seems to be trickling out from under Generico's mask. Cross has gotten back to his feet and his fighting back against Steen. Abercrombie leaves Generico in a heap and heads towards his partner. Cross and Abercrombie are double teaming Steen with blows to his back and head. He gets thrown head first in to the wall. Generico has come towards them bringing a pair of chairs. Cross cuts him off with a low dropkick, grabs a chair, turns around and in one swoop [b]blasts Steen in the face[/b] with it. Steen is now bleeding from the head. Generico hits Cross for behind and starts trading fists with him. Abercrombie is raking the eyes of Steen and [b]digging at the laceration[/b] on his forehead. Abercrombie is a bloody mess at this point, his face is a dark red with most of his chest taking on that colour as well. Generico throws Cross at his partner and knocks them down. He helps Steen get up and hands him a chair. Dual chairshots and Steen and Generico are celebrating with the crowd. Steen leaves the area and comes back with a table. Steen props it up against the corner of the arena, half of the table is elevated. Steen grabs hold of Matt Cross and hooks him... he runs forward... [b]PACKAGE PILEDRIVER THROUGH THE TABLE[/b]! Matt Cross has been annihilated in this match. Abercrombie is fighting both the blood in his eyes and El Generico. They're battling back towards the ring. Generico throws Abercrombie over the guardrail. Abercrombie rolls in to the ring and Generico follows. Abercrombie suprises him with a low blow and follows it up with the [b]Abercrombie 'N Flinch[/b]. He picks Generico right back up and puts him in the corner. He climbs up and positions himself behind him... grabs hold... [b]AVALANCHE TALIBAN BACKPACK[/b]! Generico is down flopping around on the mat. Abercrombie leaves the ring and lifts up the apron skirt. He pulls out two pairs of handcuffs. By this time Steen has made his way to the ring and is fighting Abercrombie. Abercrombie throws the cuffs in to the ring and continues to battle Steen. Matt Cross is crawling towards the ring. Steen throws Abercrombie back in to the ring but Abercrombie is attacking Steen's knees trying to slow him down. Cross has climbed over the guardrail and is slowly making his way in to the ring. Abercrombie and Steen are battling back and forth, no one is paying attention to Cross. Cross grabs a pair of handcuffs and [b]locks the still downed El Generico to the ropes[/b]. Cross crawls over to Steen and starts punching away. Abercrombie hits a big elbow that sends Steen down. He slips out and grabs a chair. Back in the ring Cross is holding on to Steen trying to keep him from going after Abercrombie. Abercrombie with the chair blasts Steen in the face with it. He grabs the other pair of cuffs and [b]locks Steen to the ropes[/b] next to Generico. Abercrombie climbs out and grabs a table under the ring. He slides it in and props it up. Cross is on his feet now and he and Abercrombie place Steen on the table. Steen can't get off of it, he's trapped. Cross is slowly climbing to the top rope... he's trying to hit something to end this match but the shape he's in it might end his career. Cross composes himself and lets out a scream... he jumps... [B]SHOOTING STAR LEGDROP THROUGH THE TABLE[/B]! Referee Remsburg who's stayed in the ring this whole time makes the cover. 1... 2... 3! The New Wave are the new TIGER Pro Tag Team Champions. The fans are filling the arena with boos. Abercrombie grabs the title belts from Steven Richards and pushes him out of the ring. He places one over Matt Cross's body who is still on top of Kevin Steen's laying in a heap of broken wood. Abercrombie shoves the belt in El Generico's face and spits on him before laying a few kicks to his head. Abercrombie picks up Matt Cross and puts the belt around his waist. Medics have hits the ring and are tending to the downed men. Security is trying to get Steen and Generico free from their handcuffs. The show ends with Abercrombie and Cross on their knees holding the belts up as fans still boo.[/QUOTE]
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket [SIZE="5"]FALLOUT FROM UNCROWNED, RETURN TO NYC, SPECIAL EVENT NEWS[/SIZE] Last night at Uncrowned we witnessed the most brutal match in this companies history. Matt Cross and Josh Abercrombie captured the TIGER Pro Tag Team Championship, the first team to do so. They fought Kevin Steen and El Generico in a violent bloody brawl that spanned all of the arena. Matt Cross' performance stood out in fans minds as he took more punishment than most would consider humanly possible. All four mean are going to be out of action at our next show due to the injuries they sustained in the match. Steve Corino made a challenge to Doug Williams last night for a "Break His Jaw" match. The match has been signed and will take place at our next event: Broken. The idea of the match is simple, you're opponent has to say he gives up. If he gets knocked out, the other man can still attack him. A verbal motion of giving up has to occur. This may end up being as violent as the NoDQ tag match from Uncrowned. Broken, our next event marks our return to NYC as we're coming back to the Manhatten Center. The Manhatten Center housed our first ever event and the fans have been asking for more ever since. Speaking of NYC just announced, TIGER's biggest match of the year will take place in NYC. Dreamcade will take place in December from the Hammerstein Ballroom. This is going to be TIGER's biggest card of the year and you won't want to miss it. Finally TIGER has a big event coming together looking to take place over the next few months. The TIGER Global Grand Prix will be a four team contest with representitives from the U.S.A, Canada, Europe, and Asia. Each team will have five members, over the course of the following weeks those men will be trying to earn points for their team with wins. The men from each team with the most points will meet in the finals in a four way match. The winner of that match wins the Grand Prix for his team. The team captains are: U.S.A - Chris Hero Canada - Steve Corino Europe - Doug Williams Asia - KENTA Team members to be announced soon.
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[B]BROKEN[/B] [I]The Manhatten Center is sold out tonight as TIGER returns to it's birthplace. The crowd is making a lot of noise as the lights go out. The TIGER logo shines on the wall... it's time.[/I] [I]FIRE!... Steve Corino makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand.[/I] [QUOTE]Doug Williams, tonight everything between us it ends. We've damn near killed each other over the past couple months. Tonight I return the favor for what you did to me. You made it so I couldn't kiss my wife at night, eat solid food, you made my life hell. After tonight, you won't ever be able to look at yourself in the mirror the same way. I'm going to permanently scare you. You will remember the name Steve Corino. Every time you close your eyes the memory of what I did to you tonight will be there. You will never escape me. You will never escape the King of Old School.[/QUOTE] [B]"Big Rig" Brodie Lee, "The Russian Bear" Alex Koslov, and Player Uno vs. Cheech & Cloudy and Ricochet[/B] [QUOTE]Uno and Ricochet start the match off for their teams. Richocet gets on the offense with some nice strikes before trying to much with a [b]running moonsault[/b] off the turnbuckles. Uno moves out of the way and follows up with a nice kick to the chest on Ricochet. Uno tags out and Koslov comes in. He picks Ricochet up and suplexes him, still hooked he suplexes him again. Koslov breaks in to a Russian dance and kicks Ricochet as he dances. Ricochet rolls out of the ring and Cheech hops in. Cheech tries for a super kick but misses. Koslov [b]german suplexes him right out of the ring[/b]. Cloudy hops in with a [b]springboard missile dropkick[/b]. Koslov falls out of the ring and the Big Rig steps in. Lee and Cloudy are trading blows but the big man uses his power to get the advantage with clubbing blows that bring Cloudy down to the mat. Lee picks him up and powerbombs him down. Uno and Koslov are keeping Ricochet and Cheech busy on the outside because they know Lee is moving in for the kill. Cloudy gets to his feet... [b]BIG BOOT[/b]! Lee gets the win for his team.[/QUOTE] [B]MASADA vs. "The Cloverleaf" Austin Adkisson[/B] [QUOTE]MASADA starts off the match by going on all out assault mode. Body blows, kicks, jabs, whatever he can throw at Adkisson. He stomps away at Adkisson before locking in an armbar. Adkisson rolls out and dropkicks MASADA in the gut. Adkisson waits for him to get up before bringing him back down with a running elbow. Adkisson picks up MASADA and suplexes him down to the mat. Adkisson climbs to the second rope and comes off with a nice [b]diving elbow[/b]. Cover but only gets two. MASADA pushes Adkisson away then super kicks him. MASADA is looking for a [b]piledriver[/b]... hits it. Climbs up the ropes... [b]SENTON[/b]! Cover... 1... 2... no Adkisson gets out just in time. Adkisson is firing back now with kicks to MASADA's mid section. Lariat... MASADA flips inside out. Adkisson locks in the [b]cloverleaf[/b]... MASADA taps. Adkission picks up another solid win here in TIGER.[/QUOTE] [I]Adkisson grabs a mic from ringside[/I] [QUOTE]I decided that I need some direction in my career. I need someone that can take me to the top. You've all seen what I can do and there's no doubt about it that I can be the face of this company. So tonight my path to the top of this company begins and one person is going to bring me there. This person has brought gold wherever they've been. A manager of champions if you will. I give you...[/QUOTE] [I]The lights go out...[/I] [QUOTE]FRANCINE![/QUOTE] [I]the lights come back on and the queen of extreme herself is standing in the ring in front of Austin Adkisson.[/I] [I]Chuck Taylor is in the back[/I] [QUOTE]I only have one thing to say to you Oren Hawx, and you Tyler Black. When we meet again, you'll both piss your pants like all those ugly smelly stupid kids out there.[/QUOTE] [B]SoCal Dream Team and "The Southern Saint" Oren Hawx vs. Naptown Dragons and Tyler Black[/B] [QUOTE]Tyler Black and Super Dragon started out trading holds until Dragon takes down Black with an arm drag and follows it up with a stiff kick to Black's spine. Black dodges another kick and hops to his feet. Black kicks Dragon in the gut and DDT's him down hard. B-Boy runs in to break up the cover. Dragon gets out of the ring as B-Boy is in control now. B-Boy whips Black in to the ropes and hits a nice spin kick to Black's face. B-Boy picks him up and sends blows to his mid section. Black is backed up in the corner, B-Boy comes charging but Black gets his foot up sending B-Boy back. Black runs forward and hits a [b]high dropkick to B-Boy's face[/b]. Black tags out to Scotty Vortekz. Vorteks goes for a high kick to B-Boy's head but he ducks. B-Boy grabs Vortekz and brings him over with a snap suplex. B-boy follows up with a [b]stiff kick to Vortekz chest[/b], he brings him back up and [b]hits him with another and another and another[/b]. Vortekz is rolling in pain with an imprint of B-Boy's boot on his chest. Vortekz rolls out of the ring and Dustin Lee comes off the top rope with a missile dropkick sending B-Boy out of the ring. Lee on his feet runs towards the ropes and [b]dives over with a big plancha[/b] taking out B-Boy. Hawx gets in the ring and so does Tyler Black. Hawx seems to be trying to avoid Black but ends up raking his eyes then kicking him in the knee to bring him down. Hawx grabs hold of Blacks head and flips forward snaping his head back. Hawx locks in a half crab and is trying to get Black to tap but he gets to the ropes. Vortekz and Lee pull down Dragon and B-Boy from the apron and start brawling with them. Black is fighting back and takes Hawx down with an elbow. Hawx gets back to his feet and send Black to the corner. Hawx props him up looking for a big move but Black is fighting back. Black pushes Hawx off and he lands on the apron. Black kicks at him until he falls down to the floor. Black stands up and dives forward with a [b]front flip senton and takes out the crowd below[b]. Super Dragon was able to avoid the mess and picks Scotty Vortekz off the ground and throws him in the ring. Everyone is still down outside and Dragon is hitting massive chops and forearms on Vortekz. He spins him around... racks him... [b]PSYCHO DRIVER II[/b]! Dragon gets the win for his team.[/QUOTE] [I]B-Boy climbs in the ring with a mic[/I] [QUOTE]Yo... New Wave we want our title shot. We beat all these other chumps two weeks ago to earn a title shot. Next show.. it's you two against us two and those belts are coming home with us.[/QUOTE] [I]B-Boy and Dragon motion around their waists that they'll be champs soon.[/I] [I]Ace Steel is in the parking lot[/I] [QUOTE]Brandon Thomaselli this is not over between us. You've gotten under my skin and I don't let anyone get under my skin. Your pushing me too far man. You're not going to like what happens when I get pushed too far. It's going to get ugly fast. I've been hit from behind before, attacked by cowards, but you take the cake. You're the biggest coward I've ever met and I know why. You're afraid to face me head on but it's going to happen. Get ready kid, I'm going to teach you a lesson.[/QUOTE] [B]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush vs. "The Impact Bully" Brandon Thomaselli[/B] [QUOTE]Quack starts off trying to work his technical magic on Thomselli taking him down with a multitude of armdrags, headscissors, and sweeps. Thomaselli is trying to get his footing back when Quack places a foot in his midsection then kicks him with the other in the side of the face. Quack is trying to hook him with the CHIKARA special but Thomaselli is able to break it up. Thomaselli comes running at quack and just throws his body weight at him knocking him down. He follows up with some boots to Quack. Thomaselli grabs a headlock and lays out [b]wrenching back on Quack's neck[/b]. Quack is able to sit out and alleviate some of the pressure and gets his foot on the rope breaking the hold. Thomaselli waits for Quack to get back to his feet and runs forward looking to hit a high knee but Quack ducks and Thomaselli finds himself tied up in the ropes. Quack [b]springboards from the adjacent ropes and dropkicks Thomaselli[/b]. Quack goes to he top rope and comes off with a senton atomico but Thomaselli moves... Quack is able to roll out though. Both men are on their feet and Thomaselli tries to butterfly the arms of Quack looking maybe for The Deal. Back body drop by Quack counters. Quack with a stiff kick to Thomaselli's face... [b]CHIKARA SPECIAL[/b]! Thomaselli taps out.[/QUOTE] [B]Austin Aries vs. Davey Richards vs. Kota Ibushi[/B] [QUOTE]The match starts with all three men circling each other waiting for someone to make a move. Finally they all come in at the same time and start brawling. Ibushi catches a Richards kick on his jaw and goes down. Aries elbows Richards and he backs in to the ropes. Richards comes back with an elbow of his own. Ibushi pops up in the middle and gets [b]crushed with an elbow on each side[/b] from Aries and Richards. Aries grabs Richards foot and sweeps the other out from under him. He goes down for a face lock but Richards wiggles free. Ibushi comes off the ropes with a big dropkick that catches both men. Ibushi hits a [b]standing moonsault[/b] that hits both men. Cover... no double kick out. Aries sends Ibushi in to the corner then sends Richards in to the same one. Aries runs forward... dropkick to Richards face. Aries comes back and delivers one right to Ibushi's face. Aries picks up Ibushi and hits the [b]brainbuster[/b]. He's looking for the 450 but Richards runs up and brings him down with an [b]armbar takeover[/b]. Richards has the hold locked in tight but Ibushi is able to move over and break it up. Richards is looking for the DR Driver on Ibushi but elbows to the gut break it up. Ibushi starts plowing away at Richards head with forearms. Aries is up and gets a kick to his gut from Ibushi. Ibushi is firmly in control of this match. [b]Hurricanrana takedown[/b] brings Richards out of the ring. Aries comes through the ropes with a heat seeker. Ibushi follows up with a plancha. All three men back in the ring later on and trading blows. Ibushi strikes Aries in the face with a stiff kick... he gets back up but meets [b]dual enziguris[/b] from Richards and Ibushi. Ibushi spins Richards around and brings him down with a [b]northern lights driver[/b]. Ibushi climbs up... [b]MOONSAULT[/b]! Cover... 1...2... NO! Aries breaks it up. Aries grabs hold of Ibushi's head and starts delivering [b]knee strikes[/b] to it. Referee Gorie is asking Ibushi if he wants to give up. Aries lifts himself in the air and comes down with a massive knee strike. He goes back up again... but bridges over... [b]HORNS OF ARIES[/b]! He has is locked in, Ibushi has no escape he's going to have to tap out... [b]SHOOTING STAR PRESS[/b]! Richards came out of nowhere with the top rope shooting star press. He lands hard on Aries... cover... 1...2...3! Davey Richards gets the win out of nowhere.[/QUOTE] [I]Davey Richards asks for a mic[/I] [QUOTE]Chris Hero... I want a title shot and I want it in two weeks. I've earned it and you know it, if you're a man you'll accept my challenge.[/QUOTE] [B]TIGER CHAMPIONSHIP Chris Hero vs. Roderick Strong[/B] [QUOTE]The following match is scheduled for one fall and has a 60 minute time limit. It is for the TIGER Pro Championship and is over seen by the TIGER Pro Championship Committee. The man in charge of this contest is TIGER head referee Bryce Remsburg. Standing to my left the challenger. He stands in at 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs in at 210lbs. From Tampa, Florida... Roderick Stronnnng! And standing to my right the champion. He stands in at 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs in at 240lbs. From Metropolis... Chrissss Heeeeeeero! [/QUOTE] [I]Referee Bryce Remsburg takes the belt from Hero and presents it to Strong before presenting it to the four sides of the crowd. The bell rings.[/I] [QUOTE]The two men start off in each others face trying to intimidate the other. The tension overflows with Strong slaps Hero hard in the face then shoves him. Hero charges back with a double leg takedown and starts hammering down punches on to Strong's face. Strong turns over and now it's him delivering the punches. Hero flips back to the offense and is trying to elbow the teeth out of Strong's mouth. Strong gets to the ropes and Remsburg breaks the two up. Both men are [b]trading stiff forearms[/b] in the middle of the ring. Now they're rocking the other almost down to the mat. Strong is down to one knee but fires back with another explosive shot. Hero is backed in to the ropes and comes back with one of his own. Strong gets back and hits another. Hero does the same. Both men are on uneven footing but are still firing shots. Strong looks for a lariat... Hero ducks... [b]ROARING ELBOW[/b] from Chris Hero. Strong is knocked back to the corner... he comes running forward [b]HUGE FOREARM[/b]. Hero is knocked back in the corner. He comes back and both men knock the other down with forearms. The fans are on their feet cheering. Hero is bleeding from the nose and Strong spits out blood. Strong grabs hold of Hero and starts kneeing him in the mid section. He racks him up... [b]double knee gutbuster[/b]. Tries to get the win... Hero kicks out. Strong picks him back up and slaps him in the face again. He's looking for a headbutt but Hero reaches out and hooks him with the [b]cravate[/b]. The fans pop huge. Hero still with the cravate hooked bends Strong forward and starts [b]drilling knees to his face[/b]. After about ten Hero flips him over with the [b]cravate-plex[/b]. Hero locks in the Hangmans's Clutch. Strong is fighting it off refusing to tap out. Remsburg is asking him if he wants to give it up. Strong is telling him no. Strong is trying to roll over to the ropes. Hero is losing his grip... Strong gets to the rope and the hold is broken. Hero is kicking away at Strong's midsection pushing him back to the corner. Hero props him up... [b]AVALANCHE HERO'S WELCOME: CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION[/b]!. Hero is winded and can't get to Strong to make the cover. Both men get to their feet and start firing away again. Hero misses an elbow and Strong capitalizes... [b]GIBSON DRIVER[/b]! 1... 2... NO! Hero kicks out at the last possible second. Strong cannot believe it. Both men again back to their feet Strong is trying to end it any way possible now. He whips Hero in to the ropes looking for that signature sick kick to the face... Hero moves out of the way. Strong lands hard on the mat. Hero lifts him up... [b]HERO'S WELCOME[/b]! Cover... 1... 2... 3! Chris Hero retains his title.[/QUOTE] [I]Bryan Danielson appears on the ramp with a mic[/I] [QUOTE]Chris Hero my probation is over and you're time is up. You better be looking over your shoulder every second of every day. Until I get a title shot and beat you I'm going to make your life a miserable hell. If the TIGER officials are smart they'll make the match as soon as possible before they lose their "top guy". Hero you'll tap out like all the rest and the best in the world will be on top of TIGER when all is said and done.[/QUOTE] [B]Break His Jaw Match "The Human Torture Device" Doug Williams vs. "The King Of Old School" Steve Corino[/B] [QUOTE]The following contest is your main event. It is the Break His Jaw match. The rules are simple, in order to win you must force your opponent to verbally give up. There are no pinfalls, no submissions, no knockouts, no rules. When the bell rings the man in charge is referee Brian Hebner. Standing to my left, from Reading, Berkshire, England. He stands in at an even six feet tall and weighs in tonight at 225lbs. He is the Human Torture Device... Doooooug Willllliams! And standing to my right, from Winnipeg, Manitoba. He stands in at six feet one inch and weighs in tonight at 242lbs. He is The King Of Old School... Steeeeeeve Corrrrrrinoooooo! [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Both men start the match off just staring each other down. The hate is filling the arena as these two men start circling each other. The lock up and push away. They lock up again and push away again. Finally they decide to just start throwing punches left and right. Both men are [b]slamming their fists in to the others face[/b]. They are literally trying to break each others jaws. What was punches as now turned to forearms. This is pure brutality. They're now [b]headbutting[/b] each other. After a couple both men are showing signs of dizziness. Corino hits a nice lariat on Williams taking him down. Corino gets in to a mount position and is [b]teeing off on Doug Williams skull[/b]. Williams is getting hit like a piece of meat. Corino is looking to end his career by [b]caving in his skull[/b]. Corino gets up and is now stomping away at Williams' face. Williams is trying to get away and rolls out of the ring. Corino follows him out and tosses him in to the guardrail. He's punching away at him. Corino slams him in to the corner of the guardrail. He grabs a chair and stand on it. He's [b]driving his knee in to Williams' face[/b]. The fans are chanting "Corino... Corino...". Corino gets off the chair and tosses it away he's slamming his forearm back in to the face of Williams. Williams desperate finally [b]low blows[/b] Corino to save himself. Willaims grabs hold of Corino and plants him [b]face first in to the ring post[/b]. He starts [b]slamming his head violently in to it[/b]. Corino slumps to the ground and Williams is stomping away. Williams throws him head first in to the guard rail and stands on the back of his neck. Williams grabs Corino's head and [b]places it in between two bars of the guardrail[/b]. Williams grabs a chair and [b]brings it down on to Corino's exposed head[/b]. The fans starts start chanting "Holy ****... Holy ****". Williams pulls Corino back out and elbows him hard in the mouth. He sits Corino down on the chair. Williams grabs another and [b]swings at Corino's head like he's going for a home run[/b]. He also decapitated him. Williams throws Corino in to the steel steps. He runs forward and slams his knee in to Corino's face. Williams picks up the steps and brings them back down on to Corino's head. Williams picks him back up and starts punching away. Corino can barely stand. A cut is opening up on Corino's face. Williams is [b]biting him in the wound[/b]. He's punching away at it trying to make Corino bleed like a stuck pig. Williams pushes Corino down and gets in a camel clutch position. He's [b]digging away at the gash[/b] on Corino's head. The blood is spilling all over the outside area. Corino is a mess, his blonde hair is now bright red. Williams hands are covered in blood. Williams tosses Corino in the ring. On his way in Corino blasts him with a low blow. Both men are on the mat, Corino is trying to catch his breath. Both men rise at the same time. They're [b]trading jabs[/b]. Corino looks for a big right hand... so does Williams. They connect at the same time. Both men are trying to maintain standing on both feet. Corino runs forward and hits a big knee lift knocking Williams down. He picks him up and plants him with a [b]DDT[/b]. Corino goes outside and grabs two chairs, he slides them in. Williams grabs one and hits Corino in the back with it. He tries for another blow but Corino takes out his leg. Corino with chair in hand [b]hits Williams on the back[/b]. He hits him [b]again... and again... and again[/b]. He places Williams leg in the chair and slams the other chair down on to it. Williams is rolling in pain. Corino picks up up and throws him in to the corner. Corino comes running forward and [b]smashes a chair in to his face[/b]. Williams goes limp to the ground. Corino places a chair on top of Doug Williams face. Corino picks up the other chair. The fans are on their feet. [b]Corino slams the chair down on to Williams chair covered face... another shot... another shot[/b]. Corino is screaming "GIVE UP!" [b]Smash![/b] "GIVE UP!" [b]Smash![/b] "GIVE UP YOU MOTHER ****ER!" [b]Smash[/b]! Blood is pooling under the chair... Williams is obviously bleeding heavily. "GIVE UP!!!!!" Corino proceeds to [b]smash the chair down rapidly four or five times[/b]. The crowd is chanting "You sick ****... You sick ****..." Referee Hebner pulls Corino away and takes the chair off of Doug Williams face. Williams is bleeding buckets and looks barely alive. Hebner places a mic in front of Williams face... "No... more...no... more". Hebner calls for the bell. Corino drops to the ground and has lost buckets of blood himself. [/QUOTE] [I]Steve Corino is broken and bleeding but gets to his feet. He leaves the ring and props up a chair in the corner of the guardrail he stands on it and celebrates with the fans. The show ends with Corino's name being chanted by the sold out crowd.[/I]
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket Last night at Broken we witnessed a match that took the definition of brutality to a whole new level. The match we saw back at Uncrowned between the New Wave and Steen & Generico was thought of as untoppable as far as violence goes. Corino and Doug Williams redefined violence in wrestling last night. Steve Corino tried to literally crush Doug Williams skull in and it showed. Williams was laying in a pool of his own blood at the end of the night. Both men suffered multiple injuries in the match. Steve Corino suffered two broken fingers due to being shoved in to the guardrail he also suffered a severe laceration that required 40 stitches on his head. Doug Williams suffered a a concussion and dislocated jaw. Steve Corino came very close to breaking Doug Williams jaw. Both men will be taking time off to heal. Chris Hero retained his title last night in a great match with Roderick Strong. At the matches conclusion Bryan Danielson made his presence known by letting Hero know that his probationary period was up and now he can challenge for any title. Danielson has won enough matches to make that claim and back it up. Time will tell how long it will be until he gets it. Another question thats floating about is how will Hero respond to Davey Richards challenge. After his match last night Richards made it clear he wants a title shot. Well Hero has responded and told us this morning he is in fact accepting the challenge and it will take place at our next show, TIGER's Roar 2008 in Buffalo NY. The New Wave will be making their first title defense in two weeks against the SoCal Dream Team. Super Dragon and B-Boy won the right to be the number one contenders and said they want their title shot as soon as possible. It has been signed and it will happen in two weeks at TIGER's Roar 2008. Speaking of the New Wave we would like to announce that their match against Steen & Generico at Uncrowned was awarded ****1/2 by Dave Meltzer at the Wrestling Observer. He said it was one of the best tag team brawls he'd seen in the past 15 years. This is great news for TIGER and our tag team champions. Austin Adkisson debuted his new manager last night, Francine. This seems to be an attitude change for Adkisson as he feels that Francine is going to open all the right doors and push him to the top of the company. We'll be watching to see what develops with this situation. Finally, the teams making up the TIGER Global Grand Prix 2008 have been finalized. The Grand Prix begins in September and consists of singles matches and tag team matches. The wrestler from each team with the most points will compete in a four way match to determine which team takes the Grand Prix. The teams are as follows: Team U.S.A: Captain - Chris Hero Mike Quackenbush Super Dragon Austin Aries Austin Adkission Team Canada: Captain - Steve Corino El Generico Kevin Steen Don Payson Max Boyer Team Europe: Captain - Doug Williams Alex Koslov Ares Tommy End Steve Douglas Team Japan: Captain - KENTA Kota Ibushi Taiji Ishimori Naruki Doi Masato Yoshino
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So I've made a decision that I think will help this dynasty out. I'm going to do shorter match write ups for most of the matches. The big matches will still get a full write up. I'm doing it so I can get things done quicker. So hopefully those that read this will get their fix quicker. If anyone has any comments, feedback, whatever let me know. Comments are always appreciated. Next event: TIGER's Roar 2008 will be up tomorrow at some point. In the game it got my highest overally card rating with a sell out crowd.
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I got tied up today with things so the show won't be posted tonight but I should have it tomorrow. In the mean time I'm going to post the full card so if anyone want's to make predictions have at it: Austin Adkisson vs. Brodie Lee Naptown Dragons vs. Ibushi & Ishimori Brandon Thomaselli vs. Ace Steel El Generico vs. Roderick Strong Tag Title Match - New Wave vs. SoCal Dream Team Austin Aries vs. Kevin Steen TIGER Championship Match - Chris Hero vs. Davey Richards
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[B]Austin Adkisson[/B] vs. Brodie Lee Why: Cloverleaf!!! Naptown Dragons vs. [B]Ibushi & Ishimori[/B] Why: Two of my fav Japanese LWs together makes this an easy choice for me. Brandon Thomaselli vs. [B]Ace Steel[/B] Why: I think Ace is gonna get a measure of revenge [B]El Generico[/B] vs. Roderick Strong Why: One word: OLE!!! Tag Title Match - New Wave vs. [B]SoCal Dream Team[/B] Why: B-Boy. Super Dragon. Nuff said. [B]Austin Aries[/B] vs. Kevin Steen Why: Tough one to pick but Aries can wrestle circles around Steen IMO TIGER Championship Match - [B]Chris Hero [/B]vs. Davey Richards Why: I am anticipating the Hero/Danielson match in the future (like we all are)
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[B]TIGER's Roar 2008[/B] Photobucket It's a packed house tonight in Buffalo, NY. The fans are rowdy as they don't get many big indy shows their way. The lights go out but turn right back out because... [I]The show starts off with a brawl already in progress spilling out from the back. Tyler Black, Oren Hawx, and Chuck Taylor are going at it all around ringside. They're throwing each other in to the guardrails and nailing stiff punches. Security runs down to ringside and tries to break it up. Tyler Black starts throwing security guards to the side and dives on top of four security guards and Oren Hawx laying in punches. Finally security gets a handle on it and tears the men apart.[/I] [B]"The Cloverleaf" Austin Adkisson w/ Francine vs. "Big Rig" Brodie Lee[/B] [QUOTE]Austin Adkisson makes his way to the ring escorted by his new valet Francine. The fans start a "She's a crack whore!" and "You've got herpes." chant as they make it in to the ring. Fan favorite Brodie "Big Rig" Lee follows. Adkisson started the match on defense as Lee was really laying in the shots. Some knee lifts were rocking Adkisson in the corner. Lee whips him to the other corner and follows up with a big [b]crushing lariat[/b]. Adkisson slumps to the ground. Lee picks him up and looks to hit that big boot... Francine is on the apron. Referee Remsburg turns his attention to her to get her back down. Lee looks over to see what's going on and thats when Adkisson blasts him with a kick [b]down low[/b]. Francine drops down and Remsburg turns around to count the 1 2 3 on Lee. Adkisson gets the victory.[/QUOTE] [I]Chris Hero is getting ready backstage[/I] [QUOTE]Davey Richards, two weeks ago you questioned the fact if I was a man. Let me tell you Chris Hero is more man than you'll ever be. I've got no problem taking you out tonight, just like I've taken everyone else out thats tried to take this belt off my waist. These fans don't chant "Chris is Awesome" for no reason. You'll find out how awesome I really am.[/QUOTE] [B]The Naptown Dragons vs. Kota Ibushi & Taiji Ishimori[/B] [QUOTE]The Dragons start off going at both men at the same time. Ishimori is brawling with Vortekz and Lee has Ibushi. Ibushi starts firing off kicks and lands a big one to the head of Lee. Another connects and lee slumps against the ropes. Ibushi fires up and drills another in to the head of Dustin Lee. Vortekz [b]dropkicks Ishimori in the chest[/b] and knocks him to the corner. Vortekz springboards off the adjacent ropes and hits a spinning back elbow to Ishimori's head. Vortekz climbs up tope but gets slapped in the face by Ibushi. Ibushi knocks him off with a [b]knee to the head[/b]. Ibushi comes off with the moonsault. Lee dives in to break it up. Later on Lee gets knocked to the outside. Ibushi runs over to the ropes, [b]jumps up on to the turnbuckle... jumps again on to the top rope and comes off with a moonsault[/b] on to Lee. The fans are chanting "TIGER...TIGER". Vortekz and Ishimori are trading blows on the inside. Ishimori goes for a big elbow but Vortekz ducks it. [b]Super kick[/b] by Vortekz and Ishimori is stunned... he's still on his feet. Kick to the gut and Vortekz hits a big DDT. Vortekz runs up the turnbuckles and backflips off them... [b]DOUBLESTOMP[/b]! Cover... 1...2...3! The Naptown Dragons get a huge win tonight as they upset Ibushi and Ishimori.[/QUOTE] [B]Ace Steel vs. "The Impact Bully" Brandon Thomaselli[/B] [QUOTE]Ace Steel meets Thomaselli on the entrance ramp as he was making his entrance. They brawl all over the outside before Steel throws Thomaselli in to the ring post. Thomaselli is sitting down against the ring and Steel is pummling him with right hands. Steel is trying to knock him out. Thomaselli hits low to stop it. The match hasn't started so it won't be a DQ. Thomaselli throws in Steel and the bell rings. Brandon immediantly goes for The Deal by Steel gets out. Both men are trading right hands but Steel gets the advantage and is [b]hitting blow after blow[/b]. Whip to the ropes and Steel drop Thomaselli with a high knee. Steel is driving his knee in to the knee of Thomaselli. Steel picks him up and suplexes him down. Steel climbs up the turnbuckles and comes off with a [b]diving headbutt[/b]... Thomaselli rolls out of the way. Thomaselli brings Steel down with a piledriver. Thomaselli throws Steel in to the corner and comes out with a monkey flip. Steel gets up though and charges forward... Thomaselli counters with a [b]roll up[/b]... he has his feet on the ropes for leverage... 1...2...3! Thomaselli gets the cheap win.[/QUOTE] [I]Thomaselli shoves referee Gorie out of the ring and surprises Steel with a big elbow to the side of the head. Thomaselli is stomping away at Steel. Thomaselli picks him up... buterflies the arm... MCGULLICUTTY! Thomaselli leaves please at what he's done.[/I] [B]Roderick Strong vs. El Generico[/B] [QUOTE]Roderick Strong comes out to a crowd full of boos. His actions towards Mike Quackenbush in the recent weeks have made him a target of fan hatred. El Generico comes out to a giant array of "Ole's". Generico and Strong start off with some blows before transitioning in to holds and takedowns. Strong gets the advantage with an armbar but Generico flips out and gets back to his feet. Generico gets the knuckle lock, slaps Strong hard in the chest, runs up the turnbuckles and comes off with a giant [b]swinging DDT[/b]. Generico goes for the cover but can't get it. Strong starts coming back with big forearms. Butterfly backbreaker puts Generico down on the mat. Strong picks him up again and goes for a [b]half nelson backbreaker[/b]. Strong goes for the Strong Hold but can't get it. Generico is up and tosses Strong to the corner. Generico runs forward looking for the Yakuza kick but Strong comes running at him and hits that signature [b]sick kick[/b]. The fans are cheering and clapping after that one. Strong is getting to his feet and brings Generico up with him. Mike Quackenbush runs down to ringside and Strong turns his attention to him. Strong is leaning over the ropes jawing at him. Generico spins Strong around... kick to the gut... [b]BRAINBUSTER[/b]! Cover 1 2 and 3. Generico gets the win.[/QUOTE] [I]Mike Quackenbush slides in to the ring. He pounces on Roderick Strong and is laying in shot after shot. Security rushes down to break it up and everyone can hear Quack shout "This isn't over... two weeks... two weeks!".[/I] [B]TIGER Pro Tag Team Championship The New Wave vs. SoCal Dream Team[/B] [I]The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 60 minute time limit and it is overseen by the TIGER Pro Championship Commitee. It is for the TIGER Pro Tag Team Championship. The man in charge Referee Brian Gorie. To my left the challengers, from San Diego California and Orange County California respectively. They weigh in tonight at a combined weight of 400lbs. The SoCal Dream Team, B-Boy and Suuuuuper Dragon! And to my right the champions, from Cleveland, Ohio and Kalamazoo Michigan respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 374lbs... Matt Cross, Josh Abecrombie... the New Waaaaave.[/I] [QUOTE]The SoCal Dream Team of B-Boy and Super Dragon earned the right to be the number one contenders and their cashing in that oppertunity tonight. The New Wave are coming off a brutal fight against Steen & Generico in which they won the tag titles. Abercrombie and Dragon start off trading blows with Dragon getting the upper hand, he's welcoming Abercrombie to the Violence Party tonight. Dragon picks up Abercrombie and puts him on the turnbuckle. He's looking for that Dragon Fire but Abercrombie is fighting back with elbows. He pushes off Dragon but B-Boy comes and trips him out. Abercrombie falls from the turnbuckle to the ring with a hard thud. Dragon Rolls out of the ring and B-Boy steps in going to work on Abercrombie. They're isolating Abercrombie in their corner so he can't make the tag to Matt Cross. B-Boy hits a nice [b]reverse tombstone[/b] on Abercrombie and looks for the pin. Cross gets in the ring and runs past the ref breaking up the pin. Cross is brawling with B-Boy throwing right hands at him before hitting a nice [b]high enzugiri[/b]. Referee Hebner pushes Cross back to his corner while Dragon tags in. Dragon is going back on the offense and starts kicking Abercrombie in the face. Abercrombie is down and Dragon walks on to the apron... springboard... [b]UFO[/b]! Abercrombie is down... Cross runs in and throws Dragon from the ring. B-Boy comes in and they starts brawling. Abercrombie rolls out and now Cross is the legal man. Cross ducks a B-Boy lariat, B-Boy ducks a Cross lariat... B-Boy hits one finally. Cross is down. B-Boy is waiting for him to get up... shining wizard... NO! Cross moves out of the way. Dragon is back up on the apron now as is Abercrombie. B-Boy lifts up Cross looking for the One Hitter Quitter but can't get it. Cross jumps over him and tags in Abercrombie. Dragon is in now after a tag. Abercrombie hits Dragon with a backdrop and follows it up with a legdrop. B-Boy hits Abercrombie in the back of the head and knocks him in to Dragon's waiting arms... [b]PSYCHO DRIVER[/b]! Dragon doesn't go for the cover though. He crosses Abercrombie's legs... [b]CURB STOMP[/b]! B-Boy comes off the top rope and follows it immediantly with a [b]doublestomp[/b]. Cover.. 1...2...no! Cross breaks it up. He throws hits B-Boy with a super kick and throws him over the top rope. He kicks his own partner out of the ring making him the legal man. Dragon gets a could kicks to the gut... front facelock...Cross scales the turnbuckles...[b]BUTTERFLY FRONT FLIP DDT[/b]! That's the move Cross calls the Giga Wing!. Cover... 1 2 and 3. The New Wave retain their titles. Abercrombie crawls back in the ring with a mic.[/QUOTE] [I]As you can see we are the most dominate and elite team in this whole ****ing company. None of those teams in the back compare to us. We have decided though that the New Wave needs to expand. We have searched high and low for someone that shares our same ideals. Every good man needs a good women behind him. I give to you, the newest member of The New Wave... Allison Wonderland. Allison Wonderland makes her way to the ring and joins her new men in the ring. The pose in front of a sea of boos by the fans before finally leaving.[/I] [B]Kevin Steen vs. Austin Aries[/B] [QUOTE]Austin Aries and Kevin Steen get in eachothers faces to start the match. Steen starts mocking Aries but Aries answers back with some chops. Steen is rocked and Aries is laying in with strikes. Steen turns the tide and starts firing back with his own moves. Aries suplexes Steen over and gets him in a facelock. Steen gets to the ropes. Both men back at trading shots left and right in the middle of the ring. Aries gets the advanatage and sends Steen in to the corner. Steen starts hammering away with elbows... he runs back and comes forward again... [b]high dropkick... another... Steen is slumped down in the corner... Aries hits another dropkick[/b]. Steen is out. Aries drags Steen away from the corner, he goes out on to the arpon. Steen cames back in over the top rope with a twisting splash. Cover... can't get it. Later on Steen has the offense and is looking for the [b]Steenalizer[/b]... gets it! Aries is down and Steen is climbing up for the moonsault... Aries moves out of the way. Brainbuster by Aries but Steen pops up... low dropkick by Aries takes Steen down. [b]Kick to the face[/b] from Aries and he locks in the [b]Horns of Aries[/b]... Steen taps! Austin Aries picks up a nice win here tonight. He's certainly on a path to the title.[/QUOTE] [I]Austin Adkisson has made his way down to ringside much to the surprise of Austin Aries. Adkisson makes his way to the ring and offers his hand to Aries. Aries goes to extend his hand when Adkisson elbows him in the face and knocks him down. Adkisson starts putting the boots to Aries before picking him up and holding him in place. Francine low blows Austin Aries and they both roll him out of the ring. They grab a mic.[/I] [QUOTE]Austin Aries you will remember this night as you fell victim to the future of this business. Austin Adkisson is without a doubt the best this company has to offer. You may all wonder why I've come back and it's because of the man standing next to me. When I see someone like this come along I know I can mold him in to greatness. It begins tonight and soon we'll have gold around his waist.[/QUOTE] [I]She passes the mic to Adkisson[/I] [QUOTE]Austin Aries you pathetic piece of garbage you may think you're hot **** but your nothing compared to me. You're old and stale, people want new and fresh and they're getting it with Austin Adkisson. I get people coming up to me all the time saying that I'm making my father proud and I'm carrying on the legacy of the Von Erich name. Well in case you haven't noticed my name is Austin Adkisson. Not Austin Von Erich. I don't need the name of washed up cursed two bit wrestlers. I'm carving my own legend in this business. The Cloverleaf is his own man and you all know it. The era of Adkisson is here and you all bare witness to the birth of a future legend. I want you to burn this moment in your brains because in fifty years you can look back and remember the moment the greatest wrestler of all time made an impact. When it's all over with, the names Ric Flair, Harley Race, and David Von Erich will mean nothing. The name everyone will remember is Austin Adkisson.[/QUOTE] [I]Davey Richards in backstage warming up for his match[/I] [QUOTE]Chris Hero you've show to me that you are a true champion. Taking on all challengers, but tonight, your championship days are over. It's time for Davey Richards to step up and prove all the doubters wrong. I am the future of professional wrestling and tonight my time begins.[/QUOTE] [B]TIGER Pro Championship Chris Hero vs. Davey Richards[/B] [I]The following match is scheduled for one fall and has a 60 minute time limit. It is overseen by the TIGER Pro Championship Commitee and it is for the TIGER Pro Championship. The man in charge TIGER head referee Bryce Remsburg. This is your main event. Standing to my left the challenger. He stands in tonight at five feet 8 inches tall and weighs in at 205 lbs. From Othello, Washington, Davey Richaaaaaards! And standing to my right the champion. He stands in at 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs in at 240lbs. From Metropolis... Chrissss Heeeeeeero! [/I] [QUOTE]Both men start off face to face though Richards only comes up to Hero's chest. Hero is near a foot taller than Richards. Richards starts off with those blade like kicks to the legs of Chris Hero. He's trying to chop the bigger man down. A stiff kick to the knee of Hero hurts him and he goes down to one knee. Richards follows up with [b]quick stiff kicks[/b] to Hero's chest before hitting a jumping knee to his face. Richards goes for an armbar but Hero flips out. Hammerlock by Hero but Richards rolls out and counters in to a armlock. Hero rolls over and counters again, Richards counters again. Hero flips over gets a hammerlock and trips up Richards. Richards rolls out yet again and grabs a knuckle lock. Flip by Richards and drums it in to an arm drag. Hero pops up and both men stand off. The crowd is cheering loudy for two guys in top shape matching each other hold for hold. Richards goes backs to the kicks but Hero cuts him off with an elbow. Hero grabs a cravate much to the joy of the fans and starts driving his knee in to Richards face. [b]Cravate-plex[/b] takes Richards down. Hero climbs up to the top rope and attempts a double stomp but Richards moves out of the way. Richards shoots off a kick to Hero's face then grabs hold. He suplexes him over and goes for a cover. Can't get it. Both men back to their feet and are trading blows. Elbows from Hero, chops from Richards. Richards starts to back off Hero. Spinning solebutt kick sends Hero in the corner. Richards unleashes a combo of [b]headbutts and chops[/b]. Richards props Hero up on the turnbuckle. He brings him off with a [b]dragon screw leg whip[/b]. Richards locks in the dragon sleeper. Hero is trying to get to the ropes. Hero can't but sits out and gets Richards to break the hold. Hero starts kicking away at Richards gut. Hero suplexes him over. Hero picks him back up and hits a dropkick to Richards face. Hero slams Richards down and goes for the Rivera Cloverleaf. Richards wiggles out and goes back to more kicks to Hero's body. Hero blocks one and hits the [b]Hangmans Clutch Facebuster[/b] out of nowhere. Cover... No! Richards kicks out. Richards starts back on the offense and gets Hero back in the corner. Richards makes a throat slash movement and puts Hero on the turnbuckles. He's looking for something big... [b]AVALANCHE D.R DRIVER[/b]! Cover... 1...2...No! Hero gets the leg on the rope. Both men back to their feet and Hero is laying in hammer blows to the back of Davey Richards. DDT by Hero. Hero follows up with a senton. Hero puts Richards in the corner and runs forward with a big boot. Richards got crushed on that one. Gutbuster by Hero keeps Richards down. Hero grabs him... [b]RUBIK'S CUBE[/b]! Davey Richards might have a broken neck. 1... 2... NO! How did RIchards kick out. Hero can't believe it. The crowd is getting in to this match with chants filling the arena. Dualing chants of "Let's Go Hero!" and "Lets go Richards." are becoming deafening. Richards starts fighting back and hits a quick [b]cradle tombstone piledriver[/b]. Richards picks him up and calls for the D.R Driver... butterflys the arms... lifts him up... HERO GETS OUT! Kick to the gut.. [b]SUPER HERO'S WELCOME[/b]! Cover.. 1 2 and 3! Chris Hero gets the win and retains his title. Hero shakes Richard's hand and lifts his arm up as the crowd is cheering.[/QUOTE] [I]Bryan Danielson makes his way to ringside[/I] [QUOTE]Danielson: Chris Hero I am sick of waiting around. Two weeks Hero, two weeks and that belt is mine. This has gone on long enough, you've been ducking me and all these people know it. Hero: Will you shut.. the ****... up? Every time I have a match you either come out and run your mouth or blindside me. Im ducking you? More like you're afraid to face me one on one. You're such an egomaniac you need to get your 15 minute. You need that title to fufill whatever it is in your head that makes you tick. Well how about this Danielson, I refuse your challenger. You'll just have to move on buddy. Danielson: Oh no no no no... That belt is mine and you know it. I was robbed in that tournament. I'm the true champion in this company and every one knows it. You can't do this to me. Hero: I can do whatever I want, you're forgetting that im the top guy here in TIGER. Not you. Danielson: Hero... you can't deny me my destiny. I'll do whatever it takes to get that belt from around you. Even if it means crippling you. I'd like to see you come and try Dragon. [/QUOTE] [I]Security comes in and hold both men apart before anything can happen. The show ends as both men are held back still yelling at each other.[/I]
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Before I do the next news blog update and info on the next show I wanted to put this together in case anyone was wondering. Who is the mysterious Championship Committee you hear about? Well that would be three men: Steven Richards, Steve Corino, and Bryce Remsburg. Who runs things behind the scenes? Bill Apter and Carmine DeSpirito are the agents in charge of the backstage area of TIGER. Who refs the matches? That would be Bryce Remsburg, Brian Hebner, and Brian Gorie. Who does the DVD commentary? That would be Steven Richards and Bryce remsburg occasionally joined by a wrestler. Who is currently on the TIGER roster? Here you go: ------------------------------------------------- Ace Steel - Finisher: Twist of Cain (Gory Neckbreaker) "The Russian Bear" Alex Koslov - Finisher: Soviet Strike (Super Kick) Arik Cannon - Glimmering Warlock: Modified Shining Wizard "Cloverleaf" Austin Adkisson - Finisher - Coverleaf Hold Austin Aries - Finisher: Horns of Aries (Bridging Arm Triangle choke)/Brainbuster/450 Splash B-Boy - Finisher: Shining Wizard/Criss-Cross Driver (Cross Arm Piledriver) "The Impact Bully" Brandon Thomaselli - Finisher: The Deal (Butterfly Longblower)/The McGullicutty (Butterfly Doubleknee Facebreaker) "Big Rig" Brodie Lee - Finisher: Big Boot "The Self Proclaimed Best In The World"Bryan Danielson - Finisher: Cattle Mutilation (Bridging Grounded Double Chickenwing)/ Side Mount Elbows To Opponents Head Cheech - Finisher: Shooting Star Press Chris Hero - Finisher: Hero's Welcome (Rolling Cutter)/Hangmans Clutch (Inverted Cravate STF) Chuck Taylor - FInisher: Omega Driver (Belly to Back Suplex to Piledriver) Cloudy - Finisher: Flipping Sitout Powerbomb Davey Richards - Finisher: Shooting Star Press/D.R Driver (Butterfly Brainbuster) "The Human Torture Device" Doug Williams - Finisher: Chaos Theory (Rolling German Suplex)/Iron Maiden (Chickenwing Hold Bent Over Knee) Dustin Lee - Finisher - Doublestomp El Generico - Finisher: Brainbuster/BRAINBUSTAHHHHH (Top Rope Brainbuster In To Turnbuckle) Josh Abercrombie - Finisher: Abercromie 'N Flinch (Rolling Cutter)/Taliban Backback (Top Rope Diving Lungblower) Kenny Omega - Finisher: Running Powerbomb KENTA - Finisher: Go 2 Sleep (Firemans Carry to Knee Strike) Kevin Steen - Finisher: Package Piledriver (Butterfly Leg Held Piledriver) Kota Ibushi - Moonsault MASADA - Masadamizer (Death Valley Bomb) Matt Cross - Finisher: Gig Wing (Butterfly Front Flip DDT) "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush - Finisher: Quackendriver II (Cross Legged Inverted Piledriver)/Lightning Lock (Crossface Cloverleaf) "The Southern Saint" Oren Hawx - Finisher: Saints Hollow (Whipping Flatliner) Player Uno - FInisher: Bubble Bobble Buster (Reverse Brainbuster) Ricochet - Finisher: Double Rotation Moonsault Roderick Strong - Finisher: Tiger Driver Scotty Vortekz - Finisher: Top Rope Double Knee Drop "The King of Old School" Steve Corino - Finisher: Old School Expulsion (Inverted Facelock Neckbreaker Slam) Super Dragon - Finisher: Psycho Driver (Torture Rack Piledriver) Taiji Ishimori - Finisher: Super Star Elbow Drop (Backflip Elbowdrop) Tyler Black - Finisher: God's Last Gift (Smallpackage Driver These guys show up occasionally: Joey Ryan, Karl Anderson, Zokre, Phoenix Star, and Sterling James Keenan. Who are the current managers employed? They would be Francine who handles Austin Adkisson and Allison Wonderland who hangs with The New Wave. Who are the current tag teams and stables? They would be: The New Wave (Abercrombie and Cross with Allison Wonderland) The SoCal Dream Team (B-Boy and Dragon) Steen & Generico Taiji Ishimori & Kota Ibushi Cheech & Cloudy The Naptown Dragons (Lee and Vortekz)
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket Last night we saw Bryan Danielson slip in to a state of madness as Chris Hero refused to stroke his ego. Danielson seems to have this need to win the TIGER Pro Championship. With Hero denying him the oppertunity Danielson is losing his mind. TIGER is on high alert coming in to the next show as we have no idea what Bryan Danielson is going to do. Chris Hero told us about the situation that until Danielson calms himself down and apologizes he doesn't feel that he deserves a title shot. You really can't blame Chris Hero in this situation as he's been on the recieving end of blindsided and cheap attacks from Danielson over the past few months. It's an explosive situation that is only getting hotter. Austin Adkisson is making his presense felt in TIGER. He beatdown Austin Aries after Aries' match last night. Adkisson told us all what his feelings are and that he's hellbent on getting to the championship. He wants to have his own spot in wrestling history and he feels his time is starting now. What will Aries reaction be to all of this? Our next card is in 13 days time and will be coming from the New Alhambra in Phillidelphia. The last time we were there it was a wild night with the Tag Team Ttitle Tournament. The first match announced so far is Austin Aries taking on Chris Hero for the TIGER Pro Championship. Aries is undefeated here in TIGER and wants to ride that hot streak straight to the gold. Another match will see two bitter rivals facing each other as Mike Quackenbush takes on Roderick Strong. Strong started this whole things by attacking Quack for apparently no reason. Strong is refusing to devulge the reasons why he attacked Quack but Quackenbush tells us that if he beats Roderick Strong, he is forcing him to tell everyone why he's been doing what he's been doing. The Global Grand Prix starts in two weeks. The opening matches will be announced in the next News Blog. With the tension brewing between teammates Austin Aries and Austin Adkisson how will that effect Team U.S.A's performance? Team Japan is looking very strong bringing a mixture of styles to the table. Team Europe looks to be a hard hitting technical team with some guys American fans might not have heard of. No doubt it'll be exciting to see new faces. FInally Team Canada looks to be full of potention. A veteren leader with a team of young guys looking to do whatever they can to bring the Grand Prix home. Finally, with the addition of Allison Wonderland to the New Wave does this mean they're on a recuitment drive? Strength in numbers is a great strategy and if they plan to become the power holders in TIGER can they do it with just three members? This is something to certainly watch out for over the coming events in TIGER.
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket In new regarding the Global Grand Prix, two members of Team Japan have had to remove themselves from the compeition. Naruki Doi and Masat Yoshino have had to leave due to nagging injuries and a conflicting date. Their replacements will be announced shortly. Our next event is The Storm Consumes All and will be at the New Alhambra in Phillidelphia. The main event pits TIGER Pro Champion Chris Hero against the Undefeated Austin Aries. This has match of the year written all over it. Two very big questions are what do Austin Adkisson and Bryan Danielson have to say about this. Danielson was denied a title shot by Hero and Austin Adkisson attacked Aries at the last show. Mike Quackenbush and Roderick Strong are racing towards each other and are going to collide this weekend. These two men have been battling up and down TIGER for the past couple of months. Who is going to come out on top this weekend? The Naptown Dragons are getting their shot at glory as they've moved in to number one contendership for the tag titles after the SoCal Dream Team lost last weekend. The Dragons take on the ruthless team of Matt Cross and Josh Abercrombe for the titles this weekend. What role will the newest member of The New Wave Allison Wonderland play in this match? You have to believe that Super Dragon and B-Boy will have something to say about the tag team situation as well. Also don't count out Steen and Generico from moving back in to title contention. The situation with Chuck Taylor, Oren Hawx, and Tyler Black has been heating up as of late. They seem to be speeding towards an eventual three way match. Time will tell when this will happen. We have gotten word that NWA Director Robert Trobich is ready to fire back at TIGER Pro President Steven Richards this weekend. It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out. Finally, we here at TIGER would like to congratulate Steve Corino in becoming on half of the new AWA World Tag Team Champions just two nights ago in Japan for Zero-One. Photobucket
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket Final news blog before tomorrow nights show is a short one but one with lots of big news. On the side of the Global Grand Prix that starts tomorrow night, the replacements for team Japan have been announced. KUDO and KAGETORA will be coming to the states for the first time. They may be unknown to the U.S audience but looking them up on youtube and see what they can do. Team Japan is looking very strong this year and could end up taking the whole thing. Sterling James Keenan will no longer be working for us here at TIGER. Keenan has signed a deal with the WWE. We wish him the best of luck as he enters FCW next week. Keenan wrestled on our first show and will be a part of TIGER history. Finally, we would like to congratulate Bryan Danielson and Taiji Ishimori for capturing the GHC Hardcore Tag Teag Titles.
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[B]The Storm Consumes All[/B] [I]We're at the sold out historic New Alhambra Arena tonight. These fans are ready for some amazing TIGER action. First though there is something going on in the parking lot...[/I] [I]Before the event starts we see Bryan Danielson getting to the arena visibly angry after his denial of a title shot. Danielson encounters a staff member who asks him about what he's going to do. Danielson snaps and grans the guy and tosses him on the hood of a nearby car. He starts hammering away at him before tossing him up on to the card landing on the windshield. Danielson proceeds to enter the arena as paramedics attend to the downed employee.[/I] [I]We see Austin Aries getting ready in the locker room alone[/I] [QUOTE]Chris Hero tonight you face the toughest challenge of your life. I've been a champion before and I'll be one again. Since coming to this company I haven't lost a single match and that's certainly not going to change after tonight. You've been a good champ but really you've just been keeping the belt warm for me. You're getting the fight of your life tonight from the ace of this company Austin Aries.[/QUOTE] [B]Global Grand Prix Match Team Canada (Steen & Generico and Don Paysan) vs. Team Europe (Ares, Tommy End, Steve Douglas)[/B] [QUOTE]Global Grand Prix action is in full effect tonight as Team Canada and Team Europe are doing battle. The match has some back and forth action until team Europe gets the upperhand with a [b]DDT[/b] from Tommy End on to Don Paysan. Ares comes off the top rope and hits a [b]big elbow[/b] on Paysan looking for the pin but Steen breaks it up. Steen throws Ares out of the ring. Paysan rolls out of the ring looking to catch his breath but he's met by Tommy End. They start brawling and Paysan finds himself face first in to the guardrail. Back in the ring it's Steve Douglas and El Generico who are trading chops. Generico ducks a Douglass elbow, ducks another, ducks another. Body blows from Generico lead to a whip to the corner. Generico with a head of steam comes in and drills Douglas with the [b]yakuza kick[/b]. Douglas stumbles forward... Generico grabs hold... [b]BRAINBUSTER[/b]! Team Canada picks up two points in the TIGER Global Grand Prix.[/QUOTE] [I]Ace Steel seems to be outside somewhere[/I] [QUOTE]Brandon Thomaselli you say you want to face me man to man but you've done everything but. You keep cheating and attacking me from behind. Why don't you be the man and face one on one, no bull****. In two weeks I expect you to meet me in a street fight. If you say no, I'll just drag your sorry ass from the back and beat you down in front of everyone.[/QUOTE] [B]B-Boy vs. Brandon Thomaselli[/B] [QUOTE]B-Boy is on the offense quickly as the match starts. He brings Thomaselli down with an ace crushes but can't get the pin. He's laying the boots to him heavily. Thomaselli is up on the turnbuckle trying to take down B-Boy with something bit but B-Boy cuts him off with blows to the chest. Thomaselli slumps down as B-Boy climbs up. What's he looking for... [b]AVALANCHE EXPLODER[/b]! B-Boy drags Thomaselli closer to the corner and flips him on his stomach. B-Boy comes off with a [b]double stomp[/b]. Thomaselli is out cold for sure. B-Boy with the pin attempt... Thomaselli gets a leg on the rope much to the fans dismay. Thomaselli is working on B-Boy trying to ware him down. He butterflies the arms...[b]McGULLICUTTY[/b]! B-Boy looks to be out but [b]he gets up[/b]. The fans are behind him. Lariat from B-Boy blocked... B-Boy goes for another.. Thomaselli ducks and referee Gorie is hit. B-Boy is trying to get him revived but Thomaselli comes in [b]with a steel chair and nails B-Boy[/b] in the back of the head with it. Thomaselli brings B-Boy back up and hits [b]THE DEAL[/b]! He drags Gorie over to make the count. 1 2 and 3. Thomaselli steals another one.[/QUOTE] [B]Global Grand Prix Match KENTA (Team Japan) vs. "The Human Torture Device" Doug Williams (Team Europe)[/B] [QUOTE]KENTA starts hammering away at Doug WIlliams with furious kicks. He brings him down and smacks another [b]kick across Williams' face[/b]. Doug Williams blocks a knee strike and turns it in to a leg hold. KENTA gets to the ropes. Both men back on their feet and the blows begin to trade. Slaps first moving to punches moving to chops, moving to forearms. Doug Williams drives a massive forearm shot in to the face of KENTA. KENTA comes back with one of his own. Both men are on wobbly legs. WIlliams grabs KENTA's head and starts laying in headbutts. KENTA kicks out Williams' left leg. He's down on one leg. KENTA lets loose with a dropkick to the face of Williams. KENAT is still on the attack as he grapevines William's leg. He's got the submission locked in tight but KENTA might be too close to the ropes. KENTA's foot gets on the bottom rope and the hold is broken. WIlliams Powerbombs KENTA. He climbs the ropes and comes off with the [b]terrorist knee drop[/b]. KENTA might be out but he's getting back to his feet. KENTA hits a few open hand slaps followed by a spinning back elbow. WIlliams' is on dream street. KENTA rush follows... runs past him and comes back... [b]BUSAIKU KNEE KICK[/b]! WIlliams' is down. KENTA picks up him up... fireman's carry position... WILLIAMS BLOCKS! Doug Williams blocks the GTS and rolls him back over. He grabs an arm and moves it in to the cut throat position looking for that Iron Maiden. KENTA kicks his way out of it and frees himself up. Running yakuza kick hits and Williams is down. KENTA is looking for the moonsault.... he misses! Williams pounces on him and waist locks him. He forces him in to the corner still locked... Williams rolls out... [b]CHOAS THEORY! IT'S OVER WITH[/b]! Cover and he gets it. KENTA isn't moving after that one. Doug Williams is on the right track after losing to Steve Corino in that intense match they had shortly ago. Team Europe picks up two points in the Global Grand Prix.[/QUOTE] [I]An announcement is made for the fans in attendance[/I] [QUOTE]We have an announcement that at the next show Chuck Taylor, Oren Hawx, and Tyler Black will finally meet in a three way dance. It's going to be a high energy contest for sure.[/QUOTE] [B]Steve Corino vs. Arik Cannon[/B] [QUOTE]Steve Corino is coming off the most horrific match in his career. He came close to killing Doug Williams a few weeks back. Arik Cannon is looking to get things going for himself as he feels he can be main event potential. Cannon and Corino starts off tentitvely as niether man wants to make a mistake. Corino starts [b]firing off left jabs[/b] that are rocking the chine of Arik Cannon. Big right hand sends Cannon to the corner.Corino places Cannon the tree of woe... Corino runs forward hitting a big knee to the midsection of Cannon. Corino is trying to get the figure four locked in but Cannon gets his hands on the bottom rope. Cannon was able to get some big offense in when he hit the total anarchy but he couldn't seal the deal. Corino gets back on the offensive and hits a high leg lariat. [b]STO[/b] by Corino and he's waiting for Cannon to get back up to hit that lariat... Cannon ducks! He turns around... [b]SUPER KICK[/b]! Corino grabs the pin and takes this match.[/QUOTE] [I]The New Wave of Allison Wonderland, Matt Cross, and Josh Abercrombie are backstage[/I] [QUOTE]Standing before you are the two most dominate men in this company... nay... this industry. We have won with blood dripping from our hands. Those same hands grabbed the TIGER Tag Team Titles and put them around our waists. Now with Allison Wonderland behind us we are the most imposing and elite group in TIGER. Tonight... Lee, Vortekz. You may think your in the same class because you hold some arbitrary number on contender title. It means nothing. There isn't a single tag team in the world that can beat us and they know it. See you out there.[/QUOTE] [B]TIGER Pro Tag Team Championship The New Wave vs. The Naptown Dragons[/B] [I]The following match is scheduled for one fall with a 60 minute time limit. It is overseen by the TIGER Pro Championship Committee. This is for the TIGER Pro Tag Team Championship. The man in charge, referee Brian Hebner. Standing to my left the challengers. They are from Indianapolic Indiana and weigh in tonight at a combined weight of 383lbs... Scotty Vortekz and Die Hard Dustin Lee... The Nap...Town....Dragons! Standing to my right the champions. The are accompianed to the ring by Allison Wonderland. From Cleveland, Ohio and Kalamazoo Michigan respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 374lbs... Matt Cross, Josh Abecrombie... the New Waaaaave.[/I] [QUOTE]Cross and Lee start things off with a series of takeovers and counters. The match really gets going when both Lee and Vortekz find themselves on the outside. Cross comes running forward... [b]cartwheel to back handspring over the top rope senton[/b]. He wipes out the Naptown Dragons. Abercrombie is on the top rope and as soon as everyone has gotten up he launches himself with a [b]corkscrew senton[/b]. Later on it's Abercrmbie and Lee in the ring when lee kicks Abercrombie in the thigh bringing him down, he runs forwards and snaps over with a neckbreaker. Springboard doublestomp leads in to a tag. Vortekz comes in and they hit a double side kick to the head of Abercrombie. Abercrombie is still on his feet somehow when Lee gets him up on his shoulders... looking for a doomsday move of some sort. Matt Cross comes running in and springboards off the side ropes clutching Vortekz and taking him to the mat with a [b]frankensteiner[/b]. Vortekz bounces out of the ring. Abercrombie still on Lee's shoulders brings him down with a poisoned rana. Matt Cross grabs hold of Lee and takes a waistlock. He backs him to the ropes. Abercrombie is behind them outside on the apron. Cross moves forward and lifts up Lee like he's going to german suplex him and that's when Abercrombie comes over and they hit a... [b]GERMAN SUPLEX TALIBAN BACKPACK COMBO[/b]! Cover..1 2 and 3. Forget about it. No one gets up after that. Vortekz gets in the ring and argues with the ref then argues with The New Wave.[/QUOTE] [I]A shoving match between Abercrombie and Scotty Vortekz has turned in to an all out brawl between the New Wave and The Naptown Dragons. Coming down to the ring are B-Boy and Super Dragon. They wait the titles as much as the Dragons do. All 6 mean are going at it around ringside. Abercrombie gets blasted in the face with a chair by Dustin Lee. He crawls away with Allison Wonderland.[/I] [I]Kevin Steen and El Generico stand at the entrance way blocking Abercrombie and Wonderland from leaving.[/I] [QUOTE]All you guys are doing our jobs for us. I don't care if you idiots tear each other apart. It'll just make it easier for us to get back to the titles because we going for those titles again. Where do you think you're going Abercrombie? Down the rabbit hole? Hey... Hey...Allison Wonderwhore tell your men we expect a rematch. Come on Generico, the buffet is half price.[/QUOTE] [B]Roderick Strong vs. "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush[/B] [QUOTE]This was a dirty match. Both men brawling to start things off. They are trading blows left and right. The more powerful Strong is hitting harder but Quack is using his speed to hit faster. A knee lift cuts off Quack and Strong starts hitting hammer blows to the back of Quack. He picks him up and hits enough to send him back down. Strong puts Quack in the [b]torture rack[/b] really trying to hurt the spine of Quackenbush. Quack is trying to get out but before he can Strong transitions in to a one arm [b]backbreaker[/b]. He picks Quack back up looking for a [b]powerbomb but instead brings him over one knee[/b]. Quack is screaming in pain at this point. Rolling around the ring trying to get away from Strong. Strong is kicking at his back whenever he's near him. Almost as if it's a taunt. Quack is getting fired up thanks to the fans and starts hitting open handed strikes to the face of Roderick strong. He gets Strong to the turnbuckle and starts laying in the boots. Strong switches places but Quack slides between his legs. Waistlock by Quack... has the arms... [b]TIGER SUPLEX[/b]! Strong landed hard on his neck. Quack moves him in to position... [b]high angle swanton from the top rope[/b]. He's not going for the cover though and Strong is starting to fight back. Strong unleashes about 10 forearms to the side of Quack's head. Strong is looking for the tiger driver... can't get it. Quack runs up on the turnbuckle but Strong catches him before he can do anything. Strong is gaining position and is looking to hit an avalanche tiger driver...Quack reverses by going after the legs of Strong. Quack has him hooked... [b]AVALANCHE QUACKDRIVER II[/b]! Cover... 1.... 2.... 3! Miek Quackenbush picks up the "W" tonight.[/QUOTE] [I]Strong asks for a mic[/I] [QUOTE]One more mach Quack. One more match. You beat me and you'll find out what started all this. One more match.[/QUOTE] [I]Quack accepts as we all just like him, want to know what started this.[/I] [B]TIGER Pro Championship Chris Hero vs. Austin Aries[/B] [I]The following match is scheduled for one fall and has a 60 minute time limit. It is overseen by the TIGER Pro Championship Commitee and it is for the TIGER Pro Championship. The man in charge TIGER head referee Bryce Remsburg. This is your main event. Standing to my left the challenger. He stands in tonight at five feet nine inches and weighs in at 205lbs. From Milwaukee, Wisconsin... Austiiiiinnnnn Arieeeees! And standing to my right the champion. He stands in at 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs in at 240lbs. From Metropolis... Chrissss Heeeeeeero! [/I] [QUOTE]Things were a little crazy in this one. Both men were trying to do whatever they could to win. Hero was [b]drilling the skull of Aries with forearms[/b]. Aries was returning the favor in spades. Hero went for a roaring elbow and got it. Aries staggers in to the turnbuckle. Hero grabs Aries and splits his legs before placing him in between the ring post. Aries head is in the air and he can't defend himself. Hero climbs the ropes... [b]top rope doublestmp to the head[/b] of Austin Aries. Aries may be out. Hero drags him out and is looking for Hero's Welcome but can't get it. Aries is coming back. [b]Release northern lights[/b] suplex by Aries. Aries hits a big double knee drop. He climbs the ropes... [b]MISSILE DROPKICK[b]! Hero is down. Aries is down. Aries gets to his feet and throws Hero to the corner. [b]Aries hits a high dropkick... he runs back again and hits another... hits another... hits another... Hero is slumped on the ground and Aries hits a fifth dropkick to the face of Chris Hero[b]. Her is in serious trouble right now. Brainbuster by Aries and those could be it. The fans are on their feet they know whats coming. They know we may have a new champion tonight. Aries is up top... [b]450 SPLASH![/b] Cover... 1... 2. NO! Hero has his foot on the rope at the very last second. Aries drags Hero to the middle of the ring and plants him with another brainbuster. The fans are cheering so loud it sounds like one note is playing throughout the building. Aries hooks the neck and arm of Hero. He's driving those [b]knee strikes in to the head of Hero. One after another after another[/b]... he lifts up... big knee strike... he's up again... bridges over. [b]HORNS OF ARIES[/b] IS LOCKED IN! The fans are waiting to see if Hero will tap. Hero looks lifeless. Referee Bryce Remsburg is checking on Hero. He raises his arm and it goes down. He raises it again and it goes down. He rasies it a th...[/QUOTE] [I]SMASH![/I] [QUOTE]Austin Adkisson as hit Austin Aries in the face with a chair. The match ends with Aries getting the DQ win. Adkisson is blasting away at Austin Aries with the chair. A moment later it's Bryan Danielson making his way to the ring. Danielson grabs Hero and locks him in a rear naked choke. He's trying to choke out Hero. Adkisson places Aries in the cloverleaf. Both Aries and Hero are unconcious. Security makes it's way to the ring but Adkisson and Danielson fight them off. Adkisson grabs the TIGER Pro belt and hands it to Danielson. The show ends with security surrounding the ring with Adkisson and Danielson standing in the ring over the bodies of Hero and Aries. Danielson holds up the belt and lets us all know he is the best wrestler in the world. [/QUOTE]
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket Last night we saw Austin Adkisson and Bryan Danielson burtally attack Austin Aries and Chris Hero. Austin Aries had the Horns of Aries sinked in and was seconds away from possibly winning the TIGER Pro Championship when Austin Adkisson took it away from him by slamming a steel chair in to his face. In response to these actions it will be Chris Hero teaming up with Austin Aries to take on Austin Adkisson and Bryan Danielson in two weeks at Collision. Collision is the next event and will be taking place at the Hara Arena in Dayton, Ohio. The last time we were in Dayton we saw Chris Hero make his first title defense against KENTA. We have some additional matches signed for Dayton with two four way matches. Super Dragon, Scotty Vortekz, El Generico, and Matt Cross are doing battle in one and Josh Abercrombie, Kevin Steen, Dustin Lee, and B-Boy locking up in the other. Mike Quackenbush and Roderick Strong are heading towards a singles match but first they're teaming up on opposite ends in a tag match with Steve Corino teaming with Quack and Davey Richards with Roderick Strong. Ace Steel and Brandon Thomaselli are looking to end things in Dayton in a Dayton Street Brawl. Falls will count anywhere in the state of Ohio and everything is legal. The Global Grand has kicked off and teams have already started racking up the points. Team Europe had a strong showing but lost to Team Canada last night. Team Canada also picked up more points with Steve Corino's victory over Arik Cannon. The replacements for Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino on Team Japan have been announced. KUDO and Kagetora will be stepping up. Neither man have wrestles in the U.S before so you know they'll be stepping up brig time as they make their debuts in Dayton in two weeks. The current point standings are: TEAM USA - 4pts TEAM CANADA - 4pts TEAM JAPAN - 0pts TEAM EUROPE - 2pts Finally we would like to congratulate Taiji Ishimori and Bryan Danielson in winning the GHC Hardcore Tag Team Titles last week for Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan. Photobucket
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket We have just learned that B-Boy has been released from TIGER. After several incidents TIGER management decided it was best to let him persue other endevours. With that, the match at Collision in which he was involved will instead now be a three way match with Josh Abercrombie, Kevin Steen, and Dustin Lee. Finally, we would like to congratulate Steve Corino on a big week last week. Steve captured the Z-1 International Tag Team Titles in Japan with the Zero-One company and the OVW Heavyweight Title here in the states. Steve now holds multiple international and domestic titles. Will TIGER gold be on the horizon for Corino?
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[B]COLLISION[/B] [I]Hara Arena is packed tonight with fans ready for pure intensity. The lights turn off and the TIGER logo shines on the wall. The TIGER chants start... it's time.[/I] [I]Austin Adkisson in in the locker room lacing his boots[/I] [QUOTE]Two weeks ago was the biggest moment in my career so far. I stepped up to the plate and made my presence felt. Austin Aries, you were inches away from glory. Inches away from capturing greatness. I reached in and took it away from you. Your time to shine is over with. This isn't 2005 Aries. This is the era of Adkisson. You will remember my name because you don't forget the name of the man that ended your career.[/QUOTE] [B]Ricochet vs. Tommy End[/B] [QUOTE]Tommy End is representing Team Europe in the Global Grand Prix. He's looking to pick up points of his team. Ricochet came out on fire. He dominated the beginning of the match but End turned the tide when he got in some blows to the gut of Ricochet and followed up with a [b]sitout powerbomb[/b]. Ricochet fought back and hit a beautiful michinoku driver on End. Ricochet climbs the ropes.... [/b]DOUBLE ROTATION MOONSAULT[/b[... END MOVES OUT OF THE WAY! End [b]rolls up Ricochet[/b]... 1 2 and 3. Big win for Tommy End and Team Europe. Add two points to their score.[/QUOTE] [B]KUDO & KAGETORA vs. Don Paysan & Maxime Boyer[/B] [QUOTE]More Grand Prix action as Team Japan takes on Team Canada. Maxime Boyer is making his first appearance for TIGER in this match. KUDO and KAGETORA are making their U.S debuts tonight. Kude and Boyer start the match off trading arm drags and holds. Boyer hits a nice [b]headscissors[/b] that takes KUDO outside the ring. KAGETORA comes in with a springboard dropkick knocking Boyer out of the ring. Paysan comes rushing in but gets flipped up and over the ropes to the floor. KUDO starts firing up and runs up the turnbuckles and hits a [b]big dive to the outside[/b] taking out Team Canada and his partner. Finally KUDO and Boyer are back in the ring trading blows left and right. KUDO goes low with a basement dropkick taking out the legs of Boyer. He calls for KAGETORA to comes in and he takes out Paysan on the apron. KUDO has Boyer lined up... [b]ROUNDHOUSE KICK TO THE HEAD[/b]! He covers him... and gets the win. Team Japan pick up two more points with the win tonight.[/QUOTE] [I]Tyler Black is backstage[/I] [QUOTE]For the past couple months I've had two big annoyances in my life. Oren Hawx and Chuck Taylor. For some reason they felt they had to involve me in their affairs. Hawx and I have a lot of history and Chuck Taylor and I are making some of our own. Tonight though, I'm closing this chapter and putting them out of my life. I have larger goals in this company, none of which involve those two.[/QUOTE] [B]Chuck Taylor vs. "The Souther Saint" Oren Hawx vs. Tyler Black[/B] [QUOTE]All three men are circling each other to start off. Hawx makes the first move with a big forearm to Taylor. Black fires one off on Hawx. Taylor fires one off on Black. All three men are taking and giving shots now. Taylor ducks a Black punch and hits some [b]Sole Food[/b]. Hawx waistlocks Taylor but Taylor counters by moving behind Hawx. German suplex attempt but Hawx lands on his feet... lariat by Hawx. Black is up and grabs Hawx and snap suplexes him to the mat. Leg drop by Black and he follows that up with some boots to Hawx chest. Taylor is up... [b]super kick[/b] to Black. Black is down. Hawx and Taylor are going at it now. Taylor gets the advantage... [b]OMEGA DRIVER[/b]! He drags Hawx to the corner and Taylor places him in the tree of woe. Taylor backs up... Black grabs him and snaps him down with a sleeper hold drop. Black runs forward... dropkick to Hawx's face. Black is the only one standing in the ring now. Taylor gets back to his feet but gets taken down by a big right hand from Black. Black picks him up... powerbomb. He picks him up again... another powerbomb. Hawx comes at Black but Black counters... [b]Paroxysm[/b]! Cover... can't get the win. Taylor has propped himself up in the corner, hanging on to the ropes to keep himself up. Black comes at him hitting some punches and chops. He picks him up and places him on top of the turnbuckles... [b]AVALANCHE GOD'S LAST GIFT[/b]! THAT HAS TO BE IT. Black gets up trying to go for the cover... [b]SAINT'S HOLLOW[/b]! HAWX CAME OUT OF NOWHERE! Cover... 1... 2... 3! Hawx takes the victory. Hawx seems to have a real talent for stealing wins at the last possible moment.[/QUOTE] [I]Abercrombie, Cross, and Wonderland have appeared on the ramp. Taylor, Hawx, and Black are still in the ring.[/I] [QUOTE]You know, we've been doing some scouting lately and there's someone we've had our eye on. Come to think of it this person is the only guy in this company we feel fits in with our beliefs, our lifestyle, and our attitude. So we're offering an open invitation to you Oren Hawx. You can do with it what you want but please think about it. [/QUOTE] [I]Hawx immediantly blasts Black in the face and knocks him down. Abercrombie and Cross hit the ring and take care of Taylor. Hawx is stomping away on Black while Abercrombie and Cross have Taylor down. Matt Cross picks up Taylor in a powerbomb position... Abercrombie springboards off the ropes, spins 180 degrees and drops Taylor with the Taliban Backpack. Hawx grabs Tyler Black and brings him right back down with the Saint's Hollow. Hawx celebrates with the New Wave as they've now grown in numbers.[/I] [B]Scotty Vortekz vs. Matt Cross vs. Super Dragon vs. El Generico[/B] [QUOTE]All four men are in the ring at the same time. Generico has paired off with Cross and Vortekz with Dragon. Vortekz finds himself on the wrong side of a Violence Party. Vortekz is down in the corner and Dragon grabs hold of his arms... [b]CURBSTOMP ON THE TURNBUCKLE[/b]! Generico has Cross backed off after a series of blows. Generico takes him down with a snap suplex... he climbs up top waiting for Cross to get up... cross body off the top rope. Cover... Dragon breaks it up. Vortek has been able to get himself up and finds himself trading punches with Matt Cross. Dragon takes Generico down with a piledriver and follows it up with some stomps. Cross takes out the leg for Vortekz and looks for a dropkick but misses. Vortekz is on the offensive now and starts unloading chops in to the chest of Cross. He whips him in to the ropes... high knee. Generico hits a kick to the gut of Dragon and looks for the brainbuster but Dragon slips out and lands behind him... [b]GERMAN SUPLEX[/b]! Can't get the pin though. Vortekz forearms Cross in the face and shoots him back in to the ropes. He runs right at him and lariats him over the ropes. Cross is out on the floor he took a nasty fall. Dragon comes running at Vortekz but he gets back body dropped over the ropes but he lands on the apron. He fires off a right hand but Vortekz blocks it and dropkicks him off the apron. Dragon lands on Cross keeping him down. Generico comes rushing at Vortekz looking to hit the yakuza kick but Vortekz ducks and Generico crotches himself on the ropes. Vortekz [b]springboards off the adjacent ropes and dropkicks Generico[/b] over the ropes to the floor. Vortekz climbs back up looking to dive down on to the crowd... he comes off... [b]MATT CROSS DROPKICKS HIM IN MID AIR[/b]! Vortekz is doubles over in pain. Generico and Dragon are up... Generico hits a [b]brainbuster[/b] on Dragon. His head smashes in to the concrete floor below. Cross takes hold of Generico and throws him in to the ring. Generico gets up but meets Cross' elbow after he slingshots in to the ring. Cross picks Generico up... [b]FALCON ARROW[/b]! Generico kicks out. Generico looking for a brainbuster... no! Cross gets out... sitout powerbomb by Cross... goes to the top... [b]SHOOTING STAR LEGDROP[/b]! Cover... gets it. Matt Cross picks up a hard fought win.[/QUOTE] [B]Josh Abercrombie vs. Dustin Lee vs. Kevin Steen[/B] [QUOTE]Kevin Steen is working both men in the beginning of the match hitting rights and lefts keeping them at bay. Finally Abercrombie shoots low and takes out the legs of Kevin Steen. Lee takes hold of Abercrombies legs and pulls him off. He tries suplexing Abercrombie but he blocks... Lee tries again... he gets him off bounces his stomach off the ropes and comes back with a high impact suplex. Abercrombie rolls out of the ring. Steen is on the attack taking care of Lee. Their trading forearms until Lee whips him in to the ropes... he lifts him up in the air and Lee crashes back down hard. Steen is trying to get the sharpshooter locked in by Lee gets to the ropes. Abercrombie slides back in the ring again and hits Steen from behind. He's stomping away at the head of Steen. Lee is up and hits a [b]jumping kick to the back of Abercrombie's head[/b]. Lee picks up Steen and pushes him in to the corner. Starts chopping away on him. Lifts him up and climbs up as well. Abercrombie comes over and throws Lee off the turnbuckles. Steen kicks away at Abercrombies face pushing him away. Lee is still down... Steen dives... [b]SWANTON BOMB[/b]! Lee gets crushed. Steen gets up but his met by a big kick for Abercrombie... hooks him... [b]ABERCROMBIE 'N FLINCH[/b]! Cover... Steen kicks out. Lee is pulling himself up in the corner. Abercrombie comes over but gets met with a [b]SUPER KICK[/b]! Abercrombie is down and out. He really caught it on his jaw. Steen comes rushing at Lee and blasts him with a shoulderblock... picks him up... hooks the arms and legs... [b]PACKAGE PILEDRIVER[/b]! Cover... 1... 2... 3! Kevin Steen gets the win.[/QUOTE] [B]Dayton Street Fight "The Impact Bully" Brandon Thomaselli vs. Ace Steel[/B] [QUOTE]Ace Steel starts the match off by bumrushing Thomaselli as he's making his way to the ring. They start brawling on the entrance ramps. Trading punches with each other. Finally they grab each others heads with their free hand and start laying in close quarters blows. Steel breaks it up by tackling Thomselli and throwing punches down at him. Thomaselli flips the momentum of Steel and now he's laying in shots. Thomaselli gets up to catch his breath but Steel comes right back at him and takes him over with a back body drop. Thomaselli lands with a smack on the metal entrance ramp. Steel runs forward and [b]kicks Thomaselli right in the face[/b]. Steel [b]grabs a barricade and starts slamming it down[/b] on to Thomaselli. He's brutally attacking him without remorse. Steel tosses the barricade to the side and grabs hold of Thomaselli, he's dragging him in to the crowd. Steel tosses him against a wall and starts laying the boots to him. He grabs a steel chair and swings for the fences but Thomaselli has moved out of the way. Low blow by Thomaselli and now he has a chair. He lifts it up and throws it down on to the back of Steel with tremendous force. Thomaselli grabs another chair and smashes it back down on to Steel's back. Steel is getting stomped and kicked in the ribs as he's trying to get back to his feet. Thomaselli kicks Steel in the back pushing him down to the ground. Steel finally kicks back at the knee of Thomaselli taking him down. Steel is on his feet and starts [b]slugging away at the face of Thomaselli[/b]. Steel grabs him and tosses him in to a door pushing it open. Both men are now outside brawling in the parking lot area. Steel [b]tosses Thomaselli in to a car[/b] and starts punching away. Thomaselli again goes low to stop any more damage from being done. Thomaselli grabs what appears to be a plastic sign and [b]bashes it over Ace Steel's skull[/b]. Thomaselli and Steel are brawling all throughout this parking lot throwing each other in to whatever is around, cars, walls, barricades. Thomaselli finally breaks up the brawling and throws Steel [b]face first in to the building[/b] next to the arena. He's [b]smashing his head in to the brick wall[/b]. Steel is a bloody mess after the third toss. Thomaselli grabs hold and backdrops him on the pavement. Both men took a nasty fall but Steel got the worst of it. Thomaselli gets on top and grabs a rock next to him and tries to bash in Ace Steels face. Steel blocks and headbutts Thomaselli. Brandon is phased enough so Steel can get free. Steel grabs hold of a parking cone and rams it in to the head of Thomaselli. Steel gets Thomaselli in to a choke by jumping on his back. Thomaselli is fading but he rams back in to the wall knocking Steel off. He kicks out the knee of Ace Steel. Steel is on one knee with his back against the brick wall. Thomaselli starts hitting his [b]knee in to the face of Steel smashing it against the wall[/b]. He's brutally attacking Steel with knee strikes. Steel slumps to the ground and Thomaselli slaps on a [b]choke[/b]. Referee Remsburg has no choice but to stop the match. Ace Steel is laying in a heap bleeding against the side of the building. Thomaselli makes his way back in to the arena as medical staff tends to Ace Steel.[/QUOTE] [I]Roderick Strong is backstage[/I] [QUOTE]Mike Quackenbush... you want to know why I decided to attack you those weeks ago. I agreed to tell you if you beat me in two weeks but I want something from you. If I beat you in that match, I want you out of TIGER for good. Gone, never to be seen again. If you're a man you'll make the deal.[/QUOTE] [B]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush & "The King Of Old School" Steve Corino vs. Roderick Strong & Davey Richards[/B] [QUOTE]Unlike last time Strong actually wants to fight Quack in this match. They start off circling each other before locking up and going hold for hold against each other. Every time Quack had something going Strong with get out or counter it, every time Strong had something Quack did his usually thing of coming up with some sort of insane counter. Finally Quack gets some offense going with kicks to Strong's legs. Quack lands a dropkick to Strong's chest that knocks him down. Quack lays out with a senton on Strong and quickly goes to the top rope... swanton bomb misses... Strong rushes forward and hammers Quack in the face with a forearm. Strong starts stomping away on Quack while he's down. He keeps a foot on his throat while he tags in Davey Richards. Richards comes in and goes to work. [b]Snap suplex[/b] takes down Quack hard and is followed by another... and a third. Richards is breaking down Quack. [b]Stiff kicks to Quack's ribs and legs[/b] are keeping him away from his partner. Corino is reaching as far as he can to make the tag but Richards is keeping Quack close. Richards goes low with a basement dropkick and further takes out the legs of Quack. Richards slaps on the [b]kimura[/b] and Corino has had enough. He comes in and knocks Richards off of Quack with a kick to the side of the head. Quack rolls out of the ring and now Corino is the legal man. Corino keeps stomping away before knocking Roddy off the apron. Strong goes after Quack on the floor. Corino and Richards are trading blows in the ring. Jabs from Corino and chops from Richards. Richards starts backing Corino up and lands a big high kick that staggers Corino. Richards whips him in to the ropes... runs forward [b]RUNNING FOREARM[/b]! Corino looks out on his feet. Richards tosses him to the ground and climbs up top... [b]SHOOTING STAR PRESS[/b]! 1... 2.... NO! Corino kicks out. Richards is furious. He's kicking away at the downed Corino in front of him. Quack slips away from Strong and gets in the ring blowing by the ref. He slams in to Richards knocking him away from Corino. Corino rolls out to catch his breath and Quack is going at Richards with a steady stream of chops. Strong gets in the ring and pushes ref Hebner out of the way and grabs hold of Quack... [b]GERMAN SUPLEX[/b]! He releases him and Quack hits hard. Richards leaves the ring and Strong looks for another suplex... Quack gets out of it and takes down Strong. He crosses the legs... [/b]REGAL STRETCH[/b]! Strong is in a world of hurt right now. Corino rushes in to stop Richards from breaking up the submission. Strong is trying to get to the ropes. Quack is really wrenching back on the hold. Strong can't get to the ropes... he swings his free arm up and claws at Quack's eyes. Quack breaks the hold. Strong goes at Quack looking for a lariat... Quack ducks... leg kick... another... another... kick to the gut... [/b]QUACKENDRIVER III[/b]! One two three. Quack picks up the win for his team.[/QUOTE] [I]After the match Strong has has left the ring after reminding Quack about the career vs. truth match coming up. Davey Richards grabs Quack from behind and tosses him over the ropes. Richards jumps on Corino and starts laying in shots. Corino was totally blindsided and can't defend himself. Security comes in to pull Richards off but the damage has been done.[/I] [B]Chris Hero & Austin Aries vs. "The Self Proclaimed Best In The World" Bryan Danielson & "Cloverleaf" Austin Adkisson W/ Francine[/B] [QUOTE]This match was never really a match. All four guys just brawled with each other. Danielson was tearing in to Hero with everything he had. Hero has made him totally insane. Aries was faring better handling the young Adkisson. Aries threw him out of the ring and hit a [b]heat seeker[/b] to smash him in to the guard rail. Hero finally gets things turned around by blasting Danielson with an elbow. He follows up with another then lands a [b]roaring elbow[/b]. Danielson kicks him low and back body drops him over the ropes to the floor. Danielson waits for him to get up... [b]SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA[/b]! Hero and Danielson are down. Aries and Adkisson are still trading shots on the outside. Adkisson [b]smashes Aries face in to the guard rail[/b]. Danielson rolls Hero back in to the ring and goes back at him with a series of punches, forearms, kicks, and chops. Aries is trying to regroup himself but Adkisson takes out his knee with a chop block. He rolls Aries back in the ring. Every one is still brawling with no attempt to make this a real tag match. Referee Remsburh decides to call the match a draw. He can't keep a handle on things. Danielson takes a break from beating on Hero and hits Remsburg with a [b]series of stiff elbows[/b] knocking him out.[/QUOTE] [I]All four men are still going at it after the ref has stopped the match. Danielson hits a low blow on Hero that keeps him down. Danielson and Adkisson are double teaming Aries with a powerbomb neckbreaker combo. Adkisson locks in the Cloverleaf as Danielson has Cattle Mutilation locked in. Hero finally gets to his feet and breaks it up. He tosses both men out of the ring and helps Aries out.[/I]
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket Last night we saw some big events in TIGER. The tag match that never was took place last night between Chris Hero and Austin Aries against Bryan Danielson and Austin Adkisson. Referee Bryce Remsburg couldn't get a handle on the action and had to throw out the match. All four men kept brawling until Chris Hero was finally able to get Danielson and Adkisson out of the ring. Ace Steel may be out for a long time after the brutal beating he took from Brandon Thomaselli in their street fight. Thomaselli won the match after smashing his knee repeatedly into the face of Ace Steel when his head was against a brick wall. A big match is in store of us in two weeks as Mike Quackenbush takes on Roderick strong in the match to end their feud. Quack is willing to leave TIGER if he loses in order to get the truth out of Strong is he beats him. It's going in be an interesting match as neither man wants to budge. Davey Richards attacked Steve Corino after their tag match last night for no apparent reason. We now know that Richards saw an opening to make a statement here in TIGER. He feels he was robbed in his title match and wants to prove a point in that he can defeat elite competition. The tag team division is in turmoil as three teams are competing for the titles. The New Wave of Cross and Abercrombie have Generico & Steen and The Naptown Dragons closing in. Pretty soon it's all going to explode. Speaking of the New Wave they gained a new member last night. After Oren Hawx won his match he attacked his opponents and accepted an invitation from Abercrombie to join up with the group. The Global Grand Prix is heating up. Two members of Team Japan, KUDO and KAGETORA made their debuts in impressive manner by beating the Canadian duo of Maxime Boyer and Don Paysan. The updated standings are as follows: TEAM USA - 4pts TEAM CANADA - 8pts TEAM JAPAN - 2pts TEAM EUROPE - 4pts As you can see Team Canada has a commanding lead over the other teams. At out next show there will be a series of Grand Prix matches. Expect the points to rack up. Finally, our next event is TIGER Pro Presents: ULTRACLASH 08 from the Manhatten Center in New York City. Signed for NYC: BRYAN DANIELSON vs. AUSTIN ARIES Truth vs. Career Match: RODERICK STRONG vs. MIKE QUACKENBUSH STEVE CORINO vs. DAVYE RICHARDS GRAND PRIX CHALLENGE STEEN & GENERICO vs. DOUG WILLIAMS & ALEX KOSLOV GRAND PRIX CHALLENGE KENTA vs. SUPER DRAGON GRAND PRIX CHALLENGE TAIJI ISHIMORI & KOTA IBUSHI & KAGETORA vs. ARES & TOMMY END & STEVE DOUGLAS
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket The final news blog before ULTRACLASH brings some good news and bad new. Team Europe member Ares has fallen victim to a broken wrist and will be out of competition for the rest of the Global Grand Prix. Team Europe captain Doug Williams has decided to go on competing as a four member group. The match Ares was scheduled for at ULTRACLASH will be changed to a tag match. It will now be Kota Ibushi and Taiji Ishimori vs. Steve Douglas and Tommy End. Speaking of Kota Ibushi we would like to congratulate him on winning the KO-D Openweight Championship in Japan for the DDT promotion. We here at TIGER are in talks with DDT to have that title defended here at a TIGER event. We would also like to congratulate Davey Richards in becoming the APW Internet Champion. Former TIGER wrestler Sterling James Keenan made his WWE debut last week on Smackdown. Sterling left TIGER after our second event and spent a few weeks in development before being called up. Sterling also made his PPV debut last week for the WWE. Finally in some tragic news, we here at TIGER Pro would like to send our thoughts to Claudio Castagnoli. The world class wrestler was diagnosed with cancer earlier in the week. Best wishes to him and his family.
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Next show should be up soon(about 45% done) but before that I wanted to do this. If anyone out there still reads this, please comment, let me know if you like it. what you dont like about it. Predictions are always welcomed. I just wanted to know if I actually have regular readers. Otherwise I'm sort of just putting this up here for no reason. If you do like this, support it the next time one of the nomination threads come along.
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