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This really is one of the better diaries on this forum. But this isn't really the place your going to find indy fans. I mean, I watch ROH and I know all of these guys, so I read. But your much more likely to find fans of the WWE, TNA or especially the CornellVerse. If you want to apply your talents to one of those three, more people will read. Especially the CornellVerse. (Do it. Now.)
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Thanks man. TNA and WWE are soooo god awful I'd get bored doing a game to quickly. Especially having to do write ups like I do for three shows a week plus PPV's. I'd get burned out before a month probably. I really know nothing about the cornellverse. When I first bought TEW 2008 I started a game with TCW but it was hard to get in to without really knowing much about it. Well for as long as at least a couple people enjoy TIGER, I'll keep posting it here.
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The only way to get into the CornellVerse is to read other diaries. They'll give you a feel for the characters. Or, you can make up the characters based on their gimmicks, pictures, and bios. It's much more of a sandbox universe then real life.
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[B]ULTRACLASH '08[/B] [I]The Manhatten Center in New York City is sold out tonight. The fans here have really taken a shine to TIGER. They know when TIGER is in town, the best talent in the world is in town. The lights go to black, the TIGER logo shines on the wall. The fans start cheering. It's time.[/I] [I]Bryan Danielson comes out to the ring with mic in hand. A chorus of boos fill the arena.[/I] [QUOTE]Tonight Austin Aries you're going to get just a taste of what I'm going to do to your buddy Chris Hero when I finally get my hands on him. Everyone one of those idiots out there in those seats know I'm the best wrestler in the world and they know I deserve a title shot. It's been getting clearer and clearer over the past few months that I'll do anything to get what I want. Hero you have no right to deny me what's rightfully mine. Aries... tonight you're going to tap out like they all do.[/QUOTE] [B]Grand Prix Challenge Match Taiji Ishimori & Kota Ibushi vs. Tommy End & Steve Douglas[/B] [QUOTE]The Japanese Team are very exciting to watch. They bring an amazing mix of high flying ability and the strong style traditional Japanese style. End and Douglas on the other hand have a more technical English influenced style. It provides quite the clash. Ibushi was working on End at the start of the match. He was able to get him in the corner where he could land kick after kick. He grabs hold and places him in the tree of woe. He tags in Ishimori and both men run forward to End in the corner. Ibushi and Ishimori stand on opposite sides of their hung up opponent. They seem to be measuring him up... [b]STEREO HEAD KICKS[/b]! They almost crushed Tommy End's skull. Steve Douglas pushes his partner out of the ring and climbs in. He knocks down Ibushi and sends him outside. He starts firing off right hands knocking back Ishimori. He picks him up and drops him with a floatover suplex. Lifts him to his feet and lands a standing tornado DDT. Douglas isn't done. He throws Ishimori to the ropes... picks him up... [b]SPINEBUSTER[/b]! He almost sent him through the ring. Tommy End is back on the apron and gets tagged in. He immediately goes to the top rope and comes off with a legdrop crashing down on to the throat and chest of Taiji Ishimori. Kota Ibushi hops in after Ishimori rolls out. End gets a stiff kick to his head knocking him down. Douglas goes for a lariat but can't get it. He gets dumped over the ropes to the outside with a dropping suplex. Ibushi runs at the ropes... jumps from the ropes to the turnbuckle... [b]MOONSAULT TO THE OUTSIDE[/b]! Ibushi planted Douglas with that one. I don't think Douglas will be getting up any time soon. Ishimori is back in and trading chops with End. Ibushi climbs to the top rope and waits. Ishimori kicks at End until grabbing hold... [b]KAITEN DDT[/b]! He picks him right back up... [b]COBRA CLUTCH SUPLEX[/b]! He immediately runs towards the ropes and dives over with a front senton and lands on Steve Douglas as he was trying to get to his feet. Ibushi launches off the turnbuckle... [b]MOONSAULT[/b]! Cover... 1... 2... 3! Ishimori and Ibushi win in this Grand Prix Challenge match.[/QUOTE] [I]Brodie Lee is standing backstage[/I] [QUOTE]Over the past couple of months I think I've shown what I can do but let me tell you something. I'm just getting started. Brandon Thomaselli, I watched that match you had against Ace Steel last time out. You're one sick bastard but it's not going to effect me one bit. I'm still going to kick your ass, and I dare you to try and play dirty with me boy. My boot is going into your face and there's nothing you can do about it.[/QUOTE] [B]"Big Rig" Brodie Lee vs. "The Impact Bully" Brandon Thomaselli[/B] Thomaselli still has a few bandages covering the cuts and bruises he received in his last match. Lee comes out looking very confident. This man has a lot of potential and could do big things in TIGER. Thomaselli starts the match with some strikes. Leg kicks and forearms. Lee answers back with kicks and forearms of his own. Lee seems to have the power advantage in this match up but Thomaselli is holding his own. Thomaselli sweeps out the legs of Brodie Lee and starts stomping away at Lee's leg. Thomaselli drops and elbow and cranks back on the leg trying to get the submission win. Lee uses his tall frame to get to the ropes.. Lee back on his feet is shaking the feeling back in his leg before locking up with Thomaselli. Lee picks up Brandon and plants him hard with a [b]two handed choke-bomb[/b]! Cover.... Thomaselli kicks out. Brandon now has the offense going for him. Lee counters a punch and gets things going with punches of his own. A big elbow sends Thomaselli backpeddling. Lee gearing up... BIG BOOT! NO! He hits the ref. Thomaselli grabbed Gorie and threw him in front of himself. Lee knocks Thomaselli down with a big side elbow. Lee is trying to get the ref back up. He's slowly crawling pack to the middle of the ring. Thomaselli [b]low blows[/b] Lee then DDT's him. He makes the cover... Gorie is counting to slowly for Thomaselli's tastes. Brandon grabs the refs hand and counts for him. Thomaselli gets the "win"? He gets out of there pretty fast as Brodie Lee was getting up and was looking pretty mad. [I]Chris Hero is backstage in the locker room[/I] [QUOTE]Byran Danielson you just can't stand the fact that I have what you want. What you feel was stolen from you. Well Dragon how can something be stolen from you if you never had it in the first place. I beat you fairly in the tournament those months ago. Ever since then you see to have this impulsion to have this title. Are you that insecure? A title belt defines who you are? As much as I love this title, it doesn't define me. See I'm still Chris Hero - world class wrestler. With it or without it.[/QUOTE] [B]Grand Prix Challenge Match Super Dragon vs. KENTA[/B] [QUOTE]People for a long time have wanted to see this match up. One of the U.S.A's toughest hardest hitting wrestlers against his Japan equivalent. This match means a lot as far as the Global Grand Prix goes. Both teams need points badly to catch up with team Canada. The match started out as you would think it would. Trading of hard blows between the two men. Kicks and open hand slaps from KENTA forearms and kicks from Dragon. KENTA counters a Dragon forearm by kicking it out of the air. He uses this opportunity to go for a hurricanrana takedown but Dragon counters by hanging on. He walks over to the corner and [b]swings KENTA's head in between the ropes hitting the steel ring post[/b]. KENTA falls to the outside holding his head in pain. Dragon leaves the ring but stays on the apron. He runs down it and dives off with a senton. KENTA gets crushed. KENTA is trying to fight back with blows to Dragon's gut. He back him up to the guardrail and unleashes some [b]hard chops[/b]. Dragon rolls down the guardrail to get away from KENTA but KENTA lands a hard thrust kick to Dragon's spine slowing him down. KENTA walks over and grabs Dragon... [b]reverse DDT to the concrete[/b]. Back later on both men are in the ring. Dragon is working an armbar on KENTA while he's trying to get to the ropes. KENTA finally is able to scoot over to them and get the hold broken. Dragon lifts him up and floats over with a nice suplex. KENTA sits up and gets met with hard kicks from Dragon. Dragon ends his rush of kicks with a dropkick to the face of KENTA. He heads upstairs... [b]DOUBLESTOMP[/b]! KENTA may be done. Cover... NO! KENTA KICKS OUT! Dragon goes right back on the offense. He's firing off a combo of kicks and punches. He pushes KENTA to the corner and lifts him up. Dragon hooks the neck... [b]SUPERPLEX[/b]! KENTA seems to be done for. Dragon slowly climbs back up top. His legs are bothering him from KENTA's hard kicks. He's perched up top looking for another doublestomp maybe... KENTA IS UP! He runs forward and leaps on to the turnbuckles. He grabs hold of Dragon... [b]AVALANCHE FALCON ARROW[/b]! Cover... 1... 2... 3! KENTA adds two more points to Team Japan's scorecard with a big win.[/QUOTE] [I]Kevin Steen and El Generico are backstage in the catering area[/I] [QUOTE]Generico... do you see what I see? Ole! Yeah... It's four men that feel they want to hurt us. But they can't. Right Generico? Ole? Exactly. We're the toughest team in this company. We've been dumped through tables, dropped on our heads, beaten with steel chairs and we're still here our hearts are still beating. While we came up short against you New Wave *******s before. I swear to god If we get one more chance it'll be a total 180. Steen and Generico are tired of being looked at as a joke. Kevin Steen is too fat, El Generico is too... Mexican. I'm done with it. Things are coming together. Naptown Dragons, New Wave. It's coming to a head and I think we all know what's going to happen at the end of it. Those precious TIGER Tag titles will be around my waist, and Generico's waist. [/QUOTE] [B]Grand Prix Challenge Match "The Human Torture Device" Doug Williams & "The Russian Bear" Alex Koslov vs. Steen & Generico[/B] [QUOTE]WIlliams and Steen start of in the ring with Williams looking to grab hold to wear down Steen. Steen is able to get out of most of them but WIlliams keeps him down after kicking out the and locking in a hammerlock. Steen is on one knee with his arm captured and being torqued upwards putting a lot of pressure on it. Steen is able to sit out and arm drag Williams over to break the hold. Steen runs forward with a shoulder tackle. Williams backs up against the ropes and is looking for a lariat... Steen ducks... Steen fires back... [b]HIGH KNEE[/b]! Steen goes right in to the sharpshooter. Koslov comes in and breaks it up. Generico hops in and starts fighting with Koslov. Generico throws Koslov over the top rope and heads up stairs. Williams mule kicks Steen to keep him away. Williams runs towards Generico and tosses him off the top rope and he lands with a sick thud on the guardrail. Koslov goes over, puts Generico's arms behind the guardrail to keep him up. He firing way at him with a series of punches. Generico is getting beaten badly on the outside. In the ring Steen is brawling with Williams. Doug blocks a series of punches and lands a huge European uppercut that sends Steen down. Williams picks up Steen... pumphandle... powerslam! Steen is down and now Williams heads up top. Williams dives off... [b]TERRORIST KNEE DROP[/b]! He follows it up with the [b]Bomb Scare Kneedrop[/b]! Cover... no. Steen isn't going to give it up that easily. Generico is still on the outside trying to get to the ring. All of a sudden Oren Hawx, Josh Abercrombie, and Matt Cross have slowly made their way to ring side. Abercrombie steps on the apron to get the refs attention. Matt Cross [b]blasts Generico in the face with three chair shots[/b] and rolls him in the ring. Hawx grabs hold of Steen and pulls him out of the ring and keeps him down. Abercrombie drops back down. The beaten Generico is the legal man. The tagged in Koslov enters the ring. WIlliams holds up Generico... [b]RED STRIKE SUPER KICK[/b]! Koslov covers Generico. 1 2 and 3. Team Europe wins thanks to The New Wave.[/QUOTE] [B]Steve Corino vs. Davey Richards[/B] [QUOTE]Richards and Corino meet face to face in the middle of the ring. Their foreheads are touching and they're arguing with each other. Finally Corino shoves him. Richards comes back with another shove. Corino shoves him again. Richards does it again as well. Finally Corino [b]slaps Richards in the face and hits a left jab[/b]. He's punching out Richards. The veteran Corino is showing that he can still hang with the younger guys. Richards breaks it up by striking at Corino's legs. He knows Corino has leg problems and he's looking to exploit them as much as he can. Hard kicks to the knees followed by a few to the chest send Corino back against the ropes. Richards whips Corino across the rings and comes forth with a [b]leg lariat[/b]. Corino is down trying to regroup. Richards picks him up and drops him with a snap suplex. He's going up top, maybe to hit that shooting star press. Corino gets up though and jerks the ropes. Richards falls to a seated position. Corino climbs up and clubs at the back of Richards. Hooks the head and arm... [b]SUPERPLEX[/b]! Both men hit hard. Referee Remsburg begins his count. 1 2 3 4 5 Corino and Richards are starting to rise 6 7 8 9 Richards gets up. Corino is on one knee against the ropes. Richards runs forward and lands a [b]jumping forearm strike[/b] to the back of Corino's head. Richards lands a kick right to Corino's face. Corino is really having problems getting things together. He's starting to get to a standing position by using the ropes in the corner to get up. Richards runs towards the corner but Corino sits down. Richards hit the turnbuckles hard. Corino [b]schoolboys Richards[/b]... can't get the win. Richards gets up and [b]piledrives[/b] Corino down. Cover... 1...2... no! Corino kicks out. Richards can't believe that wasn't three. He's arguing with Remsburg about the count. Corino is on his feet coming towards Richards... Richards realizes this and [b]kicks Corino low[/b]. Because Remsburg was dealing with Richards he didn't see it. Davey turns around and grabs Corino... [b]D.R DRIVER[/b]! That's it. Richards picks up the tainted win.[/QUOTE] [I]Davey Richards keeps kicking away at Steve Corino after the match. He locks in the kimura but security has come to break it all up.[/I] [B]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush vs. Roderick Strong[/B] [QUOTE]Quack decides to keep his distance and force Roddy to make the first move. Roddy shoots in to take Quack down but gets met with a kick to the shoulder instead. Quack goes after the arm of Strong and works with with a nice hold. He presses on Strong's knee and takes him down. Quack flips forward wrenching at the arm, trying to dislocate it. Quack goes after Strong again with some kicks to the chest but Strong is able to get up. Some blows land by Strong that take Quack back against the ropes. Irish whip... Roddy sticks out his [b]knee and drives it in to Quack's gut[/b] flipping him head over heals. Strong goes to work on Quack stomping away before landing an elbow drop and grabbing an armbar. Quack makes it to the ropes and the Ref seperates them. Strong and Quack are both on their feet and are trading blows. Quack is able to block a punch and grabs a knuckle lock. Quack jumps up on the ropes and [b]springboards off with an arm dragon[/b]. Quack keeps the knuckle lock and picks Strong up, he springboards off the ropes again but this time hits a swinging hurricanrana that takes Roddy out of the ring. Quack is waiting for him to get up... [b]SWANTON PLANCHA[/b]! Quack soared over the top rope and took out Strong. Quack is back to his feet and throws Strong to the guardrail. Quack comes running forward... [b]dropkick to the face[/b] of Strong. He's looking for another... Strong moves. Quack's legs are caught in the guardrail. Strong is kicking away at the face and gut of Quack. Strong removes him from the guardrail and throws him back in to the ring. Roddy follows into the ring and picks up Quack looking to finish him off with the Tiger Driver. Quack blocks and dumps Strong with a back body drop. Quack runs forward with a boot right to Roddy's face. Quack picks him up... looking for a Quackdriver... Roddy breaks it up. Kick to the gut by Strong... [b]POWERBOMB BACKBREAKER[/b]! Strong grabs him and drops him with a [b]HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER[/b]! Strong is firmly in control. He grabs Quack's legs... [b]STRONG HOLD[/b]! Quack is in a lot of pain, you can see it on his face. Quack is fighting to get to the ropes. He's trying to drag himself to them. Strong stands up and walks back towards the center of the ring. Quack is fading. His back can't take the punishment. His eyes have shut... referee Gorie grabs his arm and lifts it... it drops. He grabs it again... it drops.... He grabs it a third time... [b]QUACK IS BACK[/b]! He's fighting the hold. He's gotten his second wind. Quack is pulling himself to the ropes... HE GETS THERE! Gorie breaks the hold. Quack is pulling himself up. He blocks a kick... kick of his own. He blocks a punch... open hand slap. Another... another... a series of open hand slaps followed by a forearm. Quack is in fire... Strong cuts him off with a knee to the stomach. Strong butterflies the arms... [b]TIGER DRIVER[/b]! Cover... 1... 2... NO! Quack kicks out. Strong can't believe it. Strong sets him up for another Tiger Driver... Quack takes out his legs... [b]LIGHTNING LOCK[/b]! Strong taps! Strong taps! Quack wins it and now Strong has to tell him the reason why he attacked him to begin with.[/QUOTE] [I]Quack grabs a mic[/I] [QUOTE]Alright Strong... let me hear it. I've been dying to hear what you have to say, and I'm sure these people have too. You've done way more damage to my back than I ever wanted to feel. So I'm not in the mood to wait around. I want a straight answer, and now Roderick. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ok... ok ok ok... It's not that easy. It's... complicated. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]COMPLICATED?! What could be so complicated about it. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]All right Mike... I told you I would give you the truth and I am. It wasn't me.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]What do you mean it wasn't you? You hit me you idiot, then you kept attacking me. You're telling me it was someone that looks exactly like you that beat me up.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]No... I just... It wasn't me. I was... told to. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]You were told to? Someone told you to go after me. Who was it Roddy? [/QUOTE] [I]A voice comes out of the arena.[/I] [QUOTE]It was me.[/QUOTE] [I]Out comes Josh Abercrombie followed by Matt Cross, Oren Hawx, and Allison Wonderland.[/I] [QUOTE]You see Mr. Quackenbush you represent what we hate. You're a cartoon character. You make a mockery of this sport. You think it's all fun and games. I don't see any games around here. We the New Wave are all about power. It's not money we seek, we don't want fame and fortune. No we want power. The power to change this company. To make it our own. We're building an army and you're witnessing it's newest member.[/QUOTE] [I]Abercrombie drops the mic and makes a throat slash motion. Roderick Strong starts beating on Mike Quackenbush and the rest of the New Wave make their way to the ring. Hawx and Cross hold Quack's arms as Strong fires off forearms and elbows. Abercrombie spits in his face and fires off a kick to the jaw of Quackenbush. Quack is out on the mat as the New Wave stand tall above his body. Abercrombie grabs another mic.[/I] [QUOTE]This is just the beginning. Those of you who thought we were a joke... what do you think now? We're going throug this company one by one. Systematically destroying those we deem threats. Just the begnning.[/QUOTE] [B]"The Self Proclaimed Best In The World" Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries[/B] [QUOTE]Aries wants to get back into title contention with a win here tonight. Danielson knows that if he beats Aries it's going to be very tough for Chris Hero to deny him a title shot. Danielson starts out the match firing off at Aries. A snap suplex takes Aries down to the mat and Danielson slaps on a headlock. Danielson is cranking back on the headlock [b]wrenching at Aries neck[/b]. Aries is able to get to his knees and fires elbows at Danielson's mid section to break the headlock. Aries comes off the ropes with a shoulder block that takes down Danielson. Aries follows up with his [b]signature pendulum elbow drop[/b]. Aries picks up Danielson and brings him down with a nice DDT. Danielson rolls out of the way of stomps. Danielson gets to his feet and runs forward with a forearm. Aries hits back with one of his own. Danielson comes back with another of his own. Now they're trading shots. Aries shoves Danielson in the corner and starts kicking away. He's stomping the hell out of Danielson. Danielson is able to slip under and shoves Aries chest first into the turnbuckles. Danielson starts clubbing away at Aries back. He lifts Aries up on the turnbuckles looking for an avalanche backdrop... Aries knocks him off. Danielson gets to his feet but Aries comes off with a [b]missile dropkick[/b]. Later on both men are back on the offense trying to wear the other down. Danielson is able to get off a roaring elbow to take Aries down. He picks him up and grabs a waistlock... Aries counters into one of his own. German suplex attempt.. .Danielson lands on his feet. Aries turns around... [b]SUPER KICK[/b]! Aries is wobbly on his feet... Danielson turns him around... [b]TIGER SUPLEX[/b]! He bridges it... 1...2... NO! Aries kicks out... Danielson flips him over... [b]CATTLE MUTILATION[/b]! Referee Remsburg is asking him if he wants to tap... Aries isn't giving up. Danielson sits out... [b]ELBOWS ELBOWS ELBOWS[/b]! Aries face is getting rocked. Danielson stops the flurry of elbows and goes back to cattle mutilation. Aries is doing everything he can to get out of the hold. Danielson is clutching down on it. Aries won't give up. Danielson flips over again going back to the elbows! Aries gets one arm free... he's blocking the elbows to the best of his ability. Aries is able to get out. Danielson is on his feet, Aries on his knees. Danielson picks up Aries and drops him with a suplex. He picks grabs Aries and tosses him in the corner. He lifts him up so Aries is facing the crowd. Danielson is looking for that avalanche back drop suplex again... he comes off with it... [b]ARIES LANDS ON HIS FEET[/b]! Aries rushes forward... kick to Danielson's face... locks the neck and arm... [b]HORNS OF ARIES[/b]! Aries is wrenching on it. Danielson doesn't look good. Remsburg asks if he wants to tap... DANIELSON TAPS! Aries gets the come from behind win.[/QUOTE] [I]After the match is done Danielson walks to the back as Aries celebrates in the ring. Francine comes running down to ringside and starts yelling at Aries. She gets in the ring and Ares gets right in her face. She starts walking backwards and the fans are chanting "HIT HER! HIT HER!". Aries pulls his fist back but Austin Adkisson has hit the ring behind him. He's got what looks like a pipe. He hits Aries in the knee to take him down. Francine presses her high heel into the throat of Austin Aries. Adkisson hits Aries in the arm with the pipe... and again... and again. Aries is clutching at his arm. It might be broken. Aries has his damaged arm trapped under the boot of Austin Adkisson. Adkisson asks for a microphone.[/I] [QUOTE]Bryan Danielson... this is how you get a title shot. You don't whine and bitch and moan about it. You do something about it. You take action. I'm a man of action. Whether it was brining in the beautiful Francine to taking away Austin Aries title chances to doing this right now. So Chris Hero I want a title shot. Two weeks in Philly at Exploder. You and me. Either come out here and accept or I break your friends arm. I'll break his other if you keep me waiting too long. I'm not like Bryan Danielson, I'm not going to sneak attack you and try to blindside you. No I'm coming to you face to face man to man to get what I want. People say my family was always given everything on a silver platter. Well not me, I don't need their help or anyone elses. I take what I want. Just like I'm going to take that title from you Chris Hero. My legend is growing. You've got 15 seconds Hero... I'll break it. I swear to god I'll break his ****ing arm.[/QUOTE] [I]Chris Hero comes out to the entrance ramp with a mic[/I] [QUOTE]Stop. Man stop. You got it. Two weeks, we'll wrestle and the belt will be on the line. One condition though.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]One condition? You're not in the best bargaining position here Hero.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]If we have a match I want everyone barred from outside. Just you and me. Deal?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Deal. Now come and get your fallen ally.[/QUOTE] [I]The show ends with Hero helping up Aries in the ring[/I]
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket Last night Austin Adkisson made his presence felt in a big way. He was able to pull a title shot out of Chris Hero by threatening to break Austin Aries arms. Adkisson took a shot at what appears to be his former partner Bryan Danielson by telling him he was able to do what he couldn't. Adkisson will face Hero for the title in two weeks at Exploder. What role will Bryan Danielson and Austin Aries play in that match. In a very weird twist we found out why Roderick Strong started his grudge against Mike Quackenbush. The New Wave had told Roderick to do it and he agreed to. It seems that Strong has now joined the New Wave adding to their ranks. The New Wave have a lot of enemies now in TIGER and something may boil over when in two weeks it will be The New Wave of Josh Abercrombie, Matt Cross, Roderick Strong, and Oren Hawx taking on Kevin Steen, El Generico, Mike Quackenbush, and Tyler Black. Finally in Global Grand Prix action we have a big match signed for Exploder pitting team Europe against team USA as Doug Williams takes on Austin Aries. The updated standings for the Global Grand Prix are: TEAM USA - 6pts TEAM CANADA - 8pts TEAM JAPAN - 6pts TEAM EUROPE - 6pts ------ Photobucket
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Keep the diary up! I like it. The New Wave is basically four of my favorite indy workers. I love that group. Hawx, Josh, Cross, and Wonderland is one of the better stable in any diary, period. Ready your diary reminded me who my game was missing and I need to create Wonderland for my indy federation.
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Thanks man, much appreciated. I'll admit The New Wave is my favorite part of writing this thing. They're a solid 4 man plus manager stable right now but who knows maybe a new member will come along soon... I'm almost at the end of the year so all the feuds will be coming together in the next few shows. The next show will probably be up over the weekend. I've written all the promos and angles, just have to do the matches now. It got my highest show rating yet so things are doing good. Some weird stuff has been happening in the game world. ICWA closed, the WWE keeps signing off indy guys. TNA lost IMPACT then got it back a week later. Smackdown moved to the USA network along with RAW. Nigel McGuiness won the AJPW jr. heavyweight title. Yeah when I think jr. heavyweight I think of Nigel McGuiness.
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[B]Exploder[/B] [I]The Boston College Gym is sold out tonight as TIGER makes it's return to Boston. The fans are in store for what is shaping up to be a loaded card. The lights go off, the TIGER logo shines on the wall. The fans cheer because they know, It's time.[/I] [I]Francine and her boy toy the arrogant Austin Adkisson make their way to the ring with echoing "she's got herpes" chants throughout the building.[/I] [QUOTE]Tonight Austin Adkisson shows everyone why he's the best this company has. He's a man of action, he takes what he wants and he gets what he wants. Chris Hero you're going to feel the pain tonight when the cloverleaf locks on and your back breaks. The gold is coming home with us tonight. Austin Aries, don't worry about us tonight, we have bigger things to worry about. Come on baby, lets get ready for your celebration.[/QUOTE] [B]Chuck Taylor vs. "The Impact Bully" Brandon Thomaselli[/B] [QUOTE]Chuck Taylor comes out looking focused, he wants to redeem himself after losing a big match last time he was here. Thomaselli looks ****y as ever coming off the total destruction of Ace Steel. The match starts off at a nice pace wit Taylor ducking big power strikes from Thomaselli. Brandon hits a lariat, Taylor pops up but gets hit with another. Thomaselli starts landing elbow blows to Taylor back him up, Taylor gets whipped to the ropes, Taylor ducks a forearm, comes back, ducks another, Taylor rushing forward... [b]running dropkick[/b]. Thomaselli goes down after catching it in the face. Taylor locks in a sleeper on the ground and Thomaselli is fighting to get out. Thomaselli sits out and breaks the hold. Taylor quickly grabs Thomaselli as he gets up and drops him with some [b]Sole Food[/b]. Taylor goes up top and comes with a dropkick but Thomaselli dodges it. Taylor lands hard on the mat and Thomaselli comes over with a stiff kick to the spine on Taylor. He follows it up with another. He picks him up and is looking to finish him off... arms get butterflied... looking for The Deal... Taylor slips over and grabs a rear waistlock... [b]GERMAN SUPLEX[/b]! Cover... 1... 2... no! Thomaselli kicks out. Both men back on their feet trading blows. Thomaselli shoves Taylor in to the ref. Looks like it was on purpose. Taylor checks on the ref trying to get him back up when Thomaselli slips out of the ring. Thomaselli goes under the ring and grabs a chair. He's climbing back on the apron when Brodie Lee comes running down to ringside. Lee hops on to the apron and comes running down towards Thomaselli. Thomaselli puts up the chair as a shield but to no avail as Lee blasts him with the [b]big boot[/b]. Lee rolls him into the ring and Taylor covers him. Referee Gorie comes over slowly and makes the count. Taylor picks up the win thanks to Brodie Lee.[/QUOTE] [I]A cameraman catches up with Brodie Lee after he came backstage[/I] [QUOTE]You see that Thomaselli, you take the easy road and that's what you get. I can't wait until I get my hands on you again. I dare you to come at me face to face, you'll get blasted in the head with my boot just like the rest of them. The big rig is going to run over you baby.[/QUOTE] [B]Cheech and Cloudy vs. The Naptown Dragons[/B] [QUOTE]The Naptown Dragons are on a mission here in TIGER. They're hellbent on getting those tag team titles. Cheech and Cloudy however shouldn't be counted out. They certainly have the talent to get to the top here in TIGER. Cloudy and Vortekz start off in the ring trading takedowns and counters. Headscissors takes Vortekz down. Cloudy tires following it up with a super kick but Vortekz grabs is foot. He spins Cloudy around and meets him with a lariat. Vortekz picks him right up and suplex him down. He keeps the head of Cloudy locked in and brings him back to a standing position. Another suplex keeps Cloudy down. Tag to Lee and Vortekz holds Cloudy in place as Lee comes over the ropes with a dropkick. Lee goes to work on Cloudy firing punches off until the Ref breaks it up. Cloudy is crawling to Cheech but Lee drags him right back. Lee snaps him down with a DDT. Picks him up and tosses him to the corner. Looks like Lee is going for a superplex but instead rests Cloudy gut first on the top rope. Tag to Vortekz and he goes to the top... [b]DOUBLESTOMP[/b]! Cloudy flips back over the rope to the mat and Vortekz covers him... Cloudy is able to kick out. Cloudy is starting to get to his feet by keeping Vortekz away with kicks. Cloudy leapfrogs a Vortekz lariat attempt rolls forward and tags in Cheech. Cheech comes in and knocks Vortekz down with a punch, Lee gets in and goes down too. Cheech is clearing house tonight. Vortekz cuts him off with chop block. Vortekz tags in Lee who starts kicking away at Cheech. Cheech comes back though and now they're going at it. Cheech hits a big boot to the stomach of Lee... racks him up... [b]DELUXE[/b]! Cloudy comes running in and knocks Vortekz off the apron. Cheech picks up Lee in a powerbomb position... Cloudy heads up top... [b]DOOMSDAY SHINING WIZARD[/b]! Vortekz comes running in the ring to break up the cover. Vortekz is in a bad position though... getting hit by both Cheech and Cloudy. Vortekz is on uneven legs... [b]STEREO SUPERKICKS[/b]! Vortekz gets taken out of the ring by those. Lee is back to his feet and takes out the legs of Cheech and Cloudy with a double lariat. Lee tosses Cloudy over the ropes. Enzugiri from Lee to the back of Cheech's head. Cheech is on his feet still but not for long as he gets driven to the mat with a [b]Michinoku Driver[/b]. Lee picks him up after Cheech kicked out of a pin attempt. Vortekz and Cloudy are brawling on the outside. Lee shoves Cheech back to the turnbuckle and runs forward with a dropkick... Cheech staggers forward... [b]HARD DRIVE[/b]! Cover... 1 2 and 3. The Naptown Dragons pick up a hard fought win.[/QUOTE] [I]The Naptown Dragons are in the locker room after their win[/I] [QUOTE]Steen, Generico, New Wave, you've seem to have forgotten about us. Believe me though we haven't forgotten about you four. New Wave, those belts you hold so dear are in our crosshairs and we're coming for them. This isn't going to last much longer, you're days are numbered as champions. Steen and Generico, you have the same idea as us but there's one big thing that seperates us and that's heart. We've nearly killed ourselves to earn the right to come after those belts. No matter what way you put it, when it's done, the Naptown Dragons will be on top.[/QUOTE] [B]Global Grand Prix Challenge Match Kota Ibushi vs. Maxime Boyer[/B] [QUOTE]The Global Grand Prix is certainly heating up with every team trying to get as many wins as possible. Kota Ibushi had represented his country strongly in this tournament. Max Boyer is going to be working hard to add on to team Canada's point total. Ibushi starts off the match kicking at the legs of Boyer. Boyer jumps over one but can't dodge the kick he gets on the way down. Boyer is still on is feet showing he has a lot of toughness. Ibushi goes for a high kick but Boyer grabs the leg, backflip by Ibushi. Armdrag by Boyer, armdrag by Ibushi. Boyer goes for a lariat, Ibushi ducks, Ibushi goes for an enzugiri, Boyer duck. Ibushi lands on his feet, runs towards Boyer... back body drop by Boyer but Ibushi lands on his feet again. Ibushi jumps up for a hurricanrana but Boyer pushes him off, Ibush lands on his feet like a cat. Ibushi goes for a high kick, misses, gets spun around. [b]Both men meet with huge forearms[/b]. The crowd is on it's feet cheering for these two showing how athletic they are. Both men get back up and are trading blows. Irish whip by Boyer and he takes down Ibushi with a standing swinging DDT. Boyer lands a back senton. Ibushi gets to his feet and locks up with Boyer. Goes to a rear waistlock... looking for a german suplex... Boyer gets out, counters, rear waistlock of his own. Boyer picks him up and plants him on the ground. Knees to the back by Boyer. Ibushi crawls out and leans back in the corner. Boyer runs forward, Ibushi up and over Boyer, shoves him in to the turnbuckles. Boyer jumps up on the middle ropes and comes back with a [b]moonsault, turns it in to a cover[/b]... can't get it. Ibushi is up and lands a kick to the head. Another follows it, not chops by Ibushi. Boyer looks for a lariat... [b]IBUSHI DOES A BACK HANDSPRING TO DODGE IT[/b]! He pops up and lands a [b]big kick... GERMAN SUPLEX[/b]! Cover... No! Boyer kicks out. Both men battling again. Boyer gets the upperhand and is throwing right hands at Ibushi left and right. Knees to the stomach now by Boyer... grabs hold... [b]LIFESTYLE[/b]! Cover... 1... 2... NO! Ibushi kicks out. Boyer tosses Ibushi outside of the ropes on to the apron. Boyer is looking to suplex him back into the ring. Shoulder to the stomach of Boyer from Ibushi. Ibushi drags Boyer to the apron with him. Side elbows from Ibushi has Boyer rocked. Ibushi grabs hold... [b]RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX OFF THE APRON[/b]! Ibushi climbs back up on the apron and runs down it towards the turnbuckle... he jumps... [b]springboard from the rope to the turnbuckle... MOONSAULT[/b]! Both men are down. They've been going non stop since the bell rang. Finally they get back into the ring. Open hand slaps from Ibushi and chops from Boyer. Boyer goes for a kick to the chest but Ibushi goes low and sweeps the legs of Boyer... snap suplex from Ibushi. Picks him back up... and drops him with a sitout powerbomb. Kota Ibushi climbs up to the top... [b]MOONSAULT... BOYER ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY... IBUSHI LANDS ON HIS FEET... STANDING MOONSAULT[/b]! Cover... Boyer kicks out again. Kota is stomping away at Boyer before lifting him back up. Boyer starts fighting back. He won't give up. Ibushi cuts him off with an elbow. Boyer comes back with one of his own. The fans are cheering so loud you can't hear yourself think. Boyer comes off with three straight elbows.... Ibushi returns the favor. Roundhouse kick by Ibushi... spins around and comes back with another. Boyer is down, his legs went out from under him. Ibushi climbs back up top... [b]GOLDER STAR PRESS[/b]! Cover... 1 2 3. It's over. Both men are on the mat exhausted after that amazing match. Ibushi finally put Boyer away with the corkscrew 630 senton he calls the Golden Star Press. The fans give them a standing ovation.[/QUOTE] [I]Steve Corino is outside the arena[/I] [QUOTE]Davey Richards, I don't know what your problem is with me but you have got to be the stupidest person I have ever met. Did you see what happened to Doug Williams when he got involved with me? He nearly drowned in a pool of his own blood. You think that I'm a stepping stone to your rise to the top? I'm still going baby, the king of old school is better than ever. I want you to think good and hard about what your getting yourself into. You might just find out you've bitten off more than you can chew.[/QUOTE] [B]Global Grand Prix Challenge Match "The King of Old School" Steve Corino vs. KENTA[/B] [QUOTE]Two of the very best in the world are meeting in this one. These two have never faced each other before and it's going down as part of the Global Grand Prix. Corino and Kenta start off feeling eachother out, not sure what to make of the other. Both men grab a knuckle lock and jockey for position. Corino ses his power advantage to bring KENTA to one knee but KENTA starts powering up to get back to even footing. Corino drives a knee to KENTA's midsection and brings him over with a double knuckle lock suplex. They haven't broken grip yet and get back to their feet. KENTA fires off some kicks to Corino's legs. Corino does the same and both men are [b]driving their shins into the others knee[/b] seeing who breaks first. Corino shoots a kick but KENTA jumps up and lands on Corino's shoulders... hurricanrana takeover. KENTA rushes forward and drives his knee into Corino's chest. Corino goes to the outside to collect himself before coming back in. Both men back at a stand off. KENTA makes the first move with an open hand slap to Corino's face. Corino shoots back with one of his own, you could hear it echo throughout the arena. Both men are trading slaps in the middle of the ring... forearms from KENTA, jabs from Corino... KENTA firing elbows, Corino doing the same. A "TIGER" chant breaks out as Steve Corino and KENTA are beating the hell out of each other. KENTA hits a big forearm that sends Corino backpeddling. Corino comes forward with a knee lift. Another takes KENTA down. KENTA rolls out of the way of a Corino elbow drop. KENTA nips up and [b]slices a kick to Corino's face[/b]. KENTA whips him to the ropes... rushes forward... [b]SHINING KNEE STRIKE[/b]! Corino slumps down to the floor, his back against the bottom turnbuckle. KENTA starts hitting kicks to Corino's chest. You can see the bruises start to form on Steve Corino's chest. KENTA screams out before delievering a massive kick to the face of Corino. KENTA drags him from the corner and slaps on an armbar. Referee Hebner is checking if Corino wants to give it up. Corino refuses. Corino swings his hips and gets out of the arm bar. Corino delivers a lariat from his knees knocking KENTA down. Corino to his feet... he's powering up... [b]LARIAT[/b]! KENTA almost lost his head. Corino picks him up and shoots him to the ropes... [b]LEG LARIAT FROM CORINO[/b]! Corino grabs KENTA's leg... FIGURE FOUR! KENTA is fighting it tooth and nail. Corino is wrenching down, hitting KENTA's knee with hammer blows. KENTA is trying to turn it over... he's rocking back and forth... HE GETS IT! Corino is screaming out in pain... he breaks the hold. KENTA is struggling to his feet... Corino doing the same. Jabs from Corino... BIONIC ELBOW! KENTA pops back up though... chops... slaps... signature KENTA rush... [b]BUSAIKU KNEE KICK[/b]! KENTA is stalking Corino, waiting for him to get up. Kick to the gut... racks him... Corino blocks the Go 2 Sleep... Corino starts punching at KENTA... gets him staggered... looking for the Old School Expulsion... KENTA blocks it. Corino shoves KENTA back... [b]SUPER KICK BLOCKED[/b]! KENTA catches his leg... racks him... [b]OH BABY GO TO SLEEP[/b]! Cover... 1 2 and 3. KENTA grabs a huge win. Handshake after the match and KENTA makes his way to the back. [/QUOTE] [I]Richards hits the ring and starts putting the boots to Steve Corino. Corino is trying to fight him off but Richards has taken him by surprise. Richards has him up for the D.R Driver but KENTA realizes what's going on in the ring and runs back down to break it up.[/I] [B]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush, Tyler Black, Steen & Generico vs. The New Wave of Josh Abercrombie, Matt Cross, Roderick Strong, and "The Southern Saint" Oren Hawx[/B] [QUOTE]This match descending into chaos pretty quickly. Referee Remsburg decided early on it was best to just let them brawl. Tags were pretty much thrown out the window. Steen tried getting his hands on Matt Cross but ended up getting kicked in the back of the knee by Allison Wonderland on the outside. Roderick Strong and Matt Cross starts double teaming Generico on the outside. Generico got thrown so hard into the guardrail he flipped on to his back and hit hard. Steen and Quack were going at it with Josh Abercrombie who found himself stuck in a bad way. Oren Hawx and Tyler Black were trading blows in the corner trying to knock the other out. Black was able to throw Hawx over the top rope landing on Strong and Cross. [b]Black gets to the top rope... dives off[/b] onto Hawx, Strong, and Cross. Generico gets back in the ring and now it's three on one with Steen, Generico, and Quackenbush beating the hell out of Josh Abercrombie. Wonderland gets up on the apron to try and divert their attention but Steen shoves her off much to the delight of the crowd. Abercrombie crawls under Steen's legs and rolls to the floor. The New Wave is on the outside with their opponents all in the ring. Steen, Generico, Quack, and Black all run forward... [b]QUADRUPLE DIVES OVER THE ROPES[/b]! The crowd is on their feet chanting. Later on we find all 8 men in the ring going at it. Strong gets a hold of Quack and brings him down with a [b]one armed backbreaker[/b]. He tosses him into the corner. Cross throws Generico into the same corner crashing into his partner. Cross runs forward... cartwheel to back handspring to dropkick. Generico slumps down. Strong comes running forward with a big corner lariat that's takes out Quack. Tyler Black is going after Abercrombie... kicks him in the gut... [b]GOD'S LAST GIFT[/b]! Hawx breaks up the pin attempt. Steen turns Hawx around... [/b]PACKAGE PILEDRIVER[/b]! Steen gets up and plays it up for the crowd but gets caught up by Matt Cross who fires away at him... hooks his arms... drags him over to the corner... [b]GIGA WING FRONT FLIP BUTTERFLY DDT[/b]! Generico dives and breaks it up. Generico dodges a Matt Cross lariat... [b]BRAINBUSTER[/b]! Strong comes over and blindsides Generico... [b]TIGER DRIVER[/b]! Quack breaks the cover. Quack and Strong and battling with Quack getting the advantage... picks up Strong... [b]QUACKENDRIVER III[/b]! Abercrombie is able to break it up from the mat... Black hits a sliding dropkick that takes out Abercrombie. Quack gets Strong back up... [b]ANOTHER QUACKENDRIVER III[/b]! Cover... 1... 2... 3! Quack gets the win for his team.[/QUOTE] [I]After the match is done Quack, Steen & Generico, and Tyler Black are on the four corners celebrating when The New Wave pull them down and start attacking them. The ring is in total chaos as security comes rushing in to break it up. Generico starts fighting the security to get to Abercrombie and Cross. Abercrombie ducks out and Cross follows. Strong and Quack have gotten past security and are brawling. Tyler Black uses a security guard for a springboard and dives onto Oren Hawx. The New Wave are on the run as everyone they've come at in the past is ganging up on them.[/I] [B]Global Grand Prix Challenge Match Austin Aries vs. "The Human Torture Device" Doug Williams[/B] [QUOTE]This match is not only a Global Grand Prix match but it also has TIGER Championship implications. Both men want another shot at Chris Hero's title and a win here would go a long way for them in stating their case. Aries is on the offense with kicks to Williams. Aries snaps him down with a headlock takeover and keeps the headlock on. Williams kicks his weight up to try and break it but Aries really has it locked in. Williams scoots over to the ropes and gets his leg on it. Aries keeps it on until the ref counts four. Clean break and both men are back on their feet. Williams grabs Aries head and delivers a European uppercut. Another sends Aries down to the canvas. WIlliams follows up with a knee lift that bends Aries over. Williams bounces off the ropes and hits a knee lift to Aries face snapping him back to the mat. Williams moves down to the mat and locks in a [b]dragon sleeper[/b]. Aries gets his foot on the ropes. Aries punches at Willaims knee to back him off before shooting in with a shoulder tackle. Aries hits his pendulum elbow. Williams gets up and ducks an Aries punch. WIlliams hits a straight right hand to Arie's jaw knocking him back to the corner. Williams runs in with a high knee to Aries face. Williams props him up on top of the turnbuckles. Williams hooks the arms... [b]AVALANCHE BUTTERFLY SUPLEX[/b]! Williams gets the cover... Aries kicks out. Austin Aries is trying to shake it off but he looks distracted tonight. Williams drives some more knees into Aries midsection before snapping him down with a beautiful suplex. WIlliams gets a couple stomps in before ascending the turnbuckles... [b]TERRORIST KNEE DROP[/b]! Williams rolls out of it and comes back over but doesn't cover Aries. He brings him up and pushes him chest first into the turnbuckles... Williams is looking for the chaos theory... he rolls back...Aries hooks his legs around Williams... cover... Williams kicks out. Williams looks angry and kicks at Aries but Aries grabs his foot and brings Williams down with a dragon screw leg whip. Aries waits for Williams to get up... kick to the face... hooks him... [b]BRAINBUSTER[/b]! Aries is climbing up top... he's taking a while to get up there though... Aries jumps off... [b]450 SPLASH MISSES[/b]! Williams rolled out of the way. Aries hit the mat hard and looks out of it. Williams picks him up and puts him right into the [b]Iron Maiden[/b]. Aries isn't responding... the ref stops the match. Doug Williams takes out Austin Aries and motions for the belt around his waist.[/QUOTE] [I]Austin Aries is backstage after losing to Doug Williams[/I] [QUOTE]Austin Adkisson, I can't believe it. For the first time in my life I've let someone get to me. This isn't going to settle well with me Adkisson. If you win that title tonight you bet on me being the one to take it from you. You tried to maim me last show and boy, it's going to come back tenfold for you.[/QUOTE] [B]TIGER Championship Match Chris Hero vs. "The Cloverleaf" Austin Adkisson W/ Francine[/B] [I]The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 60 minute time limit. It is for the TIGER Championship and is overseen by the TIGER Championship Committee. The man in charge, TIGER head referee Bryce Remsburg. Standing to my left the challenger, accompanied to the ring by Francine. From Houston Texas. He stands in tonight at six feet two inches tall and weighs 218lbs.... The Cloverleaf, Austinnnn Adkissson! And standing to my right the champion. He stands in at 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs in at 240lbs. From Metropolis... Chrissss Heeeeeeero! [/I] [QUOTE]The bell rings and Adkisson goes on the offensive landing some big punches on Hero. Hero fights back with some of his own. Big elbow by Hero. Goes for another and misses... Adkisson catches him and tosses him back with a [b]backdrop suplex[/b]. Hero gets back to his feet and shakes it off. Adkisson goes to work with kicks before sending Hero to the ropes, spinebuster takes Hero down. Adkisson is looking for the cloverleaf already but Hero kicks him off. Hero gets to his feet and takes Adkisson down with a drop toe hold and transitions into a front facelock. He brings Adkisson to his feet he's fighting at Hero's midsection trying to break it. He grabs Adkisson's wrist and pushes him off but pulls him back in with the wrist locking in a cravate. Hero bends down cranking in the cravate before jumping up and sending Adkisson over with a [b]cravate-plex[/b]. Adkisson gets to one knee but meets both of Hero's boots as he gets dropkicked in the face. Hero grabs him and sends him to the corner, runs forward, monkey flips him hard on to the mat. Adkisson gets to the his feet by using the ropes. Hero grabs him by the hair and lifts him back... reverse DDT. Hero goes for the cover... Adkisson kicks out. Hero looks to put him down again with a DDT but Adkisson counters into a [b]release northern lights suplex[/b]. Adkisson comes over and drops down with an elbow. Forearm strikes to Hero's face before the ref makes him break it up. Adkisson is stomping away before waiting for Hero to get back to his feet. Hero is on one knee when Adkisson comes running over... he jumps forward at Hero and locks his legs... [b]TRIANGLE CHOKE[/b]! Hero was taken by surprise and now Adkisson has sunk in a triangle choke. Her is in the middle of the ring, nowhere near the ropes. Adkisson is doing all he can to wrench in the hold. Hero uses his free arm to place it behind Adkisson's elevated back. Hero is trying to lift him up... he's up. Adkisson has a look of panic on his face. Hero runs towards the turnbuckle and [b]crashes into it with Adkisson's back taking the force[/b]. The hold is broken and Hero drops to the ground. Adkisson gets on to the second rope... dives off... Hero meets him with a punch to the gut. Adkisson flips over landing back first on the mat. Hero seems to have his second win, he's hitting Adkisson with stiff elbow shots. Adkisson is getting rocked. Hero gears up for a roaring elbow.... Adkisson ducks... but he can't duck the second one. Hero takes him out. Francine hops up on the ropes. Hero runs over to her and she drops to the floor. Adkisson takes advantage and [b]rolls Hero up[/b]... 1... 2.... NO! Hero gets out... gets to his feet, so does Adkisson... [b]BIG BOOT BY HERO[/b]! Adkisson looks like he's been knocked out. Hero lifts him... [b]HERO'S WELCOME[/b]! 1 2 3, Hero retains the belt. [/QUOTE] Bryan Danielson comes out of the crowd with a chair and tries going after both Adkisson and Hero. Hero lands a yakuza kick on Danielson crushing the chair into his face knocking him down. Adkisson clips Hero's leg and ducks out of the ring before getting hit by Danielson's chair. Danielson is getting to his feet and swings the chair into Hero's knee. He hits it again and again. Austin Aries has come to the ring and Danielson runs away back through the crowd. The show ends with Aries helping up Hero.
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[B]From the TIGER News Blog[/B] Photobucket Last night Austin Adkisson came up short in his bid for the TIGER Championship but showed he can compete on an elite level. When Adkisson isn't being the definition of arrogance he's one of the brightest up and comers in all of wrestling. Chris Hero looked as good as ever in his title defense last night until after the match. A crazed Bryan Danielson attacked yet again, going after the knee of Hero. Hero's knee has been attacked on multiple occasions now and it seems like Danielson is waiting for it to give out. Danielson is hellbent on getting the title even if it means taking Hero totally out of comission. Doug Williams showed why he was chosen as the captain of Team Europe last night by beating Austin Aries in a hard fought match. Aries head wasn't in the game as Austin Adkisson has really gotten under his skin but Aries isn't making excuses. Aries was able to exact a small amount of revenge on Adkisson last night by driving him out of the ring after his title match. Team Japan showed their dominance last night with both KENTA and Kota Ibushi picking up big wins. KENTA took Steve Corino to the limit in a fantastic match. Kota Ibushi beat Team Canada's Maxime Boyer in a match that TIGER fans are calling one of the best the company has had. Speaking of Steve Corino he was attacked by Davey Richards again. Luckily KENTA was able to break it up before serious damage was done but Richards isn't going to stop trying to get his hands on Corino. Corino isn't backing down though and is waiting for his oppertunity to get Richards one on one. The Naptown Dragons won their match against Cheech and Cloudy last night in impressive fashion. The Dragons are making sure everyone knows they shouldn't be forgotton about when it comes to the tag title picture. The Dragons are coming hard after the belts around Josh Abercrombie and Matt Cross' waists. Both the Dragons and Steen & Generico are hot on The New Wave's tail, when these three teams finally meet it's going to be an explosive night. TIGER's next event is going to be a big one. T4: TIGER Tag Team Turbulance is pitting some of the biggest rivalries in TIGER on opposite sides in multiple tag matches. A main event has been signed with Chris Hero teaming with Austin Aries and Steve Corino to take on Bryan Danielson, Davey Richards, and Austin Adkisson. The New Wave will in be in action as Josh Abercrombie and Oren Hawx take on the duo of El Generico and Tyler black, also Roderick Strong and Matt Cross taking on Kevin Steen and Mike Quackenbush. Other matches include the unorthodox team of Brodie Lee and Kota Ibushi taking on Brandon Thomaselli and Steve Douglas. The Global Grand Prix finals will be taking place at Dreamcade in December. A change has been made to the finals of the Grand Prix because of the possibility that Team USA captain Chris Hero will still be TIGER Champion. The captain of a team can pick a member of their team to send into the final match or send themself. The team that ends up with the most points earns a tag title shot, they can send any two members to face the TIGER Tag Team Champions. The winner of the final match earns a TIGER Championship shot and can cash it in at any time. Finally, here are the updated Global Grand Prix standings: TEAM USA: 8pts TEAM CANADA: 10pts TEAM EUROPE: 8pts TEAM JAPAN: 10pts Team Japan has been rising fast and now shares the lead with Team Canada. This is certainly going down to the wire as it's really any teams game. One bad night for a team and they might fall out of contention for the team prize. ------- Photobucket -------- [B]NOTE:[/B] I started posting this diary on the EWbattleground board along with all the back posts. Since I don't get many readers on this board I'm thinking that once the 2002 real world mod comes out I'm going to stop posting TIGER on this board, making it an EW exclusive. Since there are more "mainstream" fans on here than indy fans, I'm thinking of doing a 2002 TNA diary exclusively on this board. More people would probably be into that then they are with this. It probably won't be as detailed but that'll mean I can get shows cranked out faster. So if that happens you can get your TIGER fix on EW. Until then I'll keep posting this diary on here.
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[B]T4: TIGER Tag Team Turbulance[/B] [I]The Inman is sold out tonight here in Edison New Jersey. The fans are ready for the action as the lights fade to black. They start cheering and slamming away at the guardrails. The TIGER logo shines on the wall. It's time.[/I] [I]Kevin Steen and El Generico get a huge pop as they make their way to the ring.[/I] [QUOTE]New Wave, tonight we split up to take you on. Don't worry though, you'll still get the same ass kicking you would if it was coming from both of us. Matt Cross I've got you on the other side of the ring tonight. You've been after Generico since this whole thing started well tonight I'm going after you. When you least expect it I'm locking those arms and breaking your ****ing neck with the package piledriver. Those titles are coming off those waists very very soon. Come on Generico, I'm hungry.[/QUOTE] [B]Chuck Taylor vs. Arik Cannon[/B] [QUOTE]A real see saw match here between two guys wanting to get on the winning track in TIGER. Taylor gets things started with some shows to Cannon's head softening him up for a big dropkick. Cannon gets right back up, ducks a Taylor lariat and catches him in a hammerlock. Cannon works the hammerlock until he gets Taylor on the mat. Cannon is cranking down on it trying to make him tap. Cannon grabs a legs and starts stretching Taylor from the top to bottom. Taylor is crawling slowly towards the ropes and grabs ahold breaking the submission. Cannon breaks clean and waits for Taylor to get up. He runs forward but misses the glimmering warlock. Taylor rolled out of the way. Taylor drops Cannon with the [b]sole food[/b]. He drags him towards the corner, climbs up, jumps off with an elbow. Cover only gets two. Cannon back to his feet and hits a high jumping kick to the back of Taylor's head. Cannon is looking to hit the Total Anarchy... Taylor squirms out of it. Kick to gut by Taylor, follows it up with a knee to the face. Taylor looks to get a powerbomb.... Cannon is sliding out of it... Taylor quickly walks back to the corner to prevent Cannon from slipping away. Taylor gets his hold on Cannon again and jobs forward... [b]OMEGA DRIVER[/b]! Cannon is out. Taylor gets the cover... 1 2 3. Chuck Taylor grabs a good win to open the show tonight.[/QUOTE] [B]Global Grand Prix Challenge Match Super Dragon vs. "The Russian Bear" Alex Koslov[/B] [QUOTE]This match has big implications on the Global Grand Prix as both Team Europe and Team USA are tied for last place. A win here will go a long way. Dragon starts kicking at the leg of Koslov knowing to weaken the leg so he can't fire off his signature super kick. Dragon grabs hold of the leg and brings him down with a dragon screw leg whip. He keeps hold of the leg and comes back down with an elbow and wrenches back on the leg stretching it out. Koslov starts punching away at Dragon's head to get him to break the hold. Dragon breaks it and gets to his feet but comes right back down with a dropkick to keep Koslov down. Dragon positions himself behind Koslov to lock his arms with his legs. Signature move of Dragon, he starts [b]kicking the back of Koslov's head[/b] while the submission is locked on. Koslov is able to roll out and break the hold. Koslov comes back with some punches, chops, kicks. He's getting on a roll and takes down Dragon with a dropkick. Koslov grabs hold and brings him down with a snap suplex. He keeps hold and drives him back down with another. Koslov jumps up and plants his knee into the face of Super Dragon. Koslov picks him up... [b]PILEDRIVER[/b]! Dragon landed square on the top of his head. Cover... no! Dragon starts to get up. He blocks a few of Koslov's punches and starts hitting his own elbows, headbutts, and chops. Dragon starts kicking Koslov in the face Kawada style. Koslov looks like he's done for. Dragon steps on to the apron waiting... [b]SPRINGBOARD UFO[/b]! Koslov was blasted in the face. Dragon picks him up... slashes his throat for the fans... [b]PSYCHO DRIVER II[/b]! Dragon gets the cover and the win. Team USA picks up two more points.[/QUOTE] [I]Austin Adkisson and Francine make their way to the ring mic in hand[/I] [QUOTE]Adkisson: Tonight Austin Aries, we're on opposite ends of the ring and you're lucky to have Corino and Hero to protect you from me. You know that I will beat you. I've gotten in your head. You can't stop thinking about me taking away your title match. You could taste it couldn't you, you could feel it running down the back of your throat. Then I snatch it away with one swift move. You don't deserve it. For some reason you feel these people actually like you. They all hate you just like I do. They know I'm the number one wrestler in this company. I'm the future of TIGER. That belt will be mine soon enough. Aries: Whoa whoa whoa. You need to shut your mouth kid. You've been running your mouth around here every single show talking about how great you are. How you're a future legend. Well I haven't seen anything that proves that out of you. All I've seen is a coward who attacks people from behind. Why don't you face me man to man. Oh and speaking of people losing in title matches, what happened two weeks ago? Oh yeah... Chris Hero kicked your ass all over that ring. Adkisson: Chris Hero did not kick my ass! Aries: Calm down kid, we don't need you crying out here. Tonight when we get in that ring, I don't care about the two other guys on my team and the two other guys on your team. I'm focusing on you. You can run away all you want but you better believe I'll hunt you down and take you out. [/QUOTE] [I]Francine comes from behind Aries out of the entrance ramp and low blows him. She starts hitting him with the heel of her shoe. Adkisson drags Aries to the ring and starts punching at him. He grabs Francine's heel and tries gouging out Aries eye with it. Chris Hero and Steve Corino come running down to the ring and Adkisson shoves Francine into them before running out of the ring and to the back. The crowd starts a "hit that whore" chant. Corino picks her up and dumps her over the ropes to the floor.[/I] [B]Global Grand Prix Challenge Match Moxime Boyer vs. KUDO[/B] [QUOTE]This match didn't have much going on. Two men that really want to prove themselves here in America. Boyer representing Team Canada and KUDO with the rising Team Japan. Boyer got things started with a nice headscissors takeover. He follows up with some big forearm shots. Comes off the ropes with a double leg lariat. Goes for the cover but can't get it. Boyer brings KUDO to the corner and starts chopping away at his chest. KUDO ducks under one and shoves Boyer into the turnbuckle and starts returning the favor delivering loud echoing chops. KUDO throws Boyer to the ground and comes off the top ropes with a flying double knee strike. KUDO stays on him though by going into a [b]handstand before driving down both knees[/b] again. He lifts Boyer to his knee aiming for that roundhouse kick... Boyer ducks. He pushes KUDO into the ropes comes back with a big knee lift to the stomach. Flip over neackbreaker brings KUDO down. Boyer locks in a nice armbar but KUDO gets to the ropes. KUDO leapfrogs over a charging Boyer, handspring bouncing off the ropes, hooks Boyer's head with his feet, tilt a whirl headscissors takedown. Boyer looks dizzy after that one. KUDO again going for a roundhouse kick but Boyer blocks it. He blocks another. He grabs KUDO's foot on the third try KUDO backflips out of it but gets met with a kick to the gut... [b]LIFESTYLE[/b]! 1 2 3, Maxime Boyer and Team Canada get the win.[/QUOTE] [B]Global Grand Prix Challenge Match "The Human Torture Device" Doug Williams vs. Taiji Ishimori[/B] [QUOTE]This was a total squash match. Ishimori didn't know what he was getting into. William's physically dominated him throughout the match. Ishimori found himself on the wrong end of a running double knee strike in the corner. Williams picked him up and threw him over the top rope like a rag doll. He brings him back into the ring and plants him with a powerslam. He pulls up Ishimori on the count of two to add more injury. Williams tosses Ishimori into the corner... [b]CHAOS THEORY[/b]! Williams breaks the bridge though. Ishimori looks to be totally unconscious. Williams locks in the [b]IRON MAIDEN[/b]! Ishimori isn't even moving, he barely looks breathing. Referee Gorie calls the match. Doug Williams shows his ruthlessness and pride for his country as Team Europe gains another two points in impactfull fashion.[/QUOTE] [B]"Big Rig" Brodie Lee & Kota Ibushi vs. "The Impact Bully" Brandon Thomaselli & Steve Douglas[/B] [QUOTE]This is going to be an odd match as Brodie Lee and Kota Ibushi are very different wrestlers. Brandong Thomaselli looks like he wants to stay away from Lee. Ibushi and Douglas start things off. Douglas is using his strength to keep Ibushi down with some big clubing forearms to Ibushi's chest and back. Ibushi starts to get away with his impressive speed. Ibushi gets to the top and comes off but Douglas catches him. Douglas plants him with a big slam. Douglas goes to work stomping away at Ibushi. Douglas picks up Kota and holds him in place as a tag is made. Thomaselli comes in and gets in some free shots on Ibushi. Thomaselli brings him down with a suplex and follows up with an elbow drop. Thomaselli gets Ibushi back up and hooks his arms... Ibushi gets out. Ibushi trying to get a tag but Thomaselli cuts him off. Ibushi gets planted with a [b]DDT[/b]. Thomaselli gets on the second rope and comes off with a fist drop. Douglas gets back in the ring and brings Ibushi down with a single arm backbreaker. Douglas drops a knee right to Ibushi's chest. Douglas starts driving his knee into Ibushi before the ref breaks it up as Ibushi got to the ropes. Douglas puts Ibushi in the corner and comes with a [b]running knee lift[/b]. Thomaselli tags back in and goes to work. Ibushi still in the corner as Thomaselli climbs up in the corner and brings Ibushi's face down on both his knees. Ibushi is rolling around in pain. Tomaselli coming over to Ibushi but Ibushi kicks him off... he dives and tags in Brodie Lee. Thomaselli is begging Lee not to hit him. Thomaselli gets out of the ring and heads to the back. Lee can't believe it. Douglas is forced to come in and contest with a mad mad Brodie Lee. Lee is going to work on Steve Douglas with big punches. Lee takes him down with a neckbreaker. Picks him up and drops him with an elbow to the head. Lee grabs him and slams him down. Ibushi comes out of the sky with a [b]big moonsault[/b]. Lee picks up Douglas... [b]BIG BOOT[/b]! Lee covers him... 1... 2... 3![/QUOTE] [I]Brandon Thomaselli reappears with a chain wrapped around his fist. He hits Brodie Lee in the back of the head with it knocking him down. He starts punching away at Lee until security comes and breaks it up.[/I] [I]The New Wave are backstage[/I] [QUOTE]Abercrombie: Kevin Steen, El Generico you run your mouths to much. You know what will happen if you keep pushing us. We nearly killed ourselves to win the titles you feel you deserve. From trying to burn your face to forcing you to watch your broken friend lose the match in which you would have accomplished all your goals. We own you, plain and simple. We're under your skin Steen. We're controlling you Generico. We have the gold, we have the power. Cross: I've got something to say right now. Usually Josh does the talking but I've got something on my chest. I keep hearing people say that Matt Cross is a ROH wannabee, a wash up. No personality, spot monkey, can't work a match. They mock me for being on WSX on MTV. Saying I was a sellout, I was making a mockery of pro wrestling. **** you. I've busted my ass for years to get to where I am. I'm sick to my stomach of some of the things I see in wrestling and it's you stupid fans that are telling me that I'm mocking the business. When your jerking off on your messageboards telling people that I can't cut promos, I can't carry gold and make it look legit, that I'm just spot after spot. I tell you this. You see the X's on my trunks? Straight Edge, better than everyone that isn't. Like the blood that pumps my heart, those X's pump just as much. I see CM Punk in the WWE using it as a marketing ploy. Using straight edge to sell merchandise, to make money. He's selling out. Not me. Those kids X up their hands but they don't know what that means. In a few years they'll start drinking, smoking, whatever. It's a fad for them. For me it's my life. So from now on, anyone questions my dedication to wrestling, questions my ability to cut promos to work a match. Just shut your mouth. Matt Cross is reborn right here, right now. Stand up and recognize the change in front of your eyes right now. The evolution of Matt Cross has begun. I'm not doing this for fame and fortune, I'm doing this for power. Watch and listen, A New Wave is rising right in front of you. [/QUOTE] [B]El Generico & Tyler Black vs. Josh Abercrombie & "The Southern Saint" Oren Hawx[/B] [QUOTE]El Generico has taken a lot of punishment since the start of TIGER, especially from the New Wave. He wants to exact some revenge tonight on Abercrombie and Hawx. Tyler Black has had his problems with the group as well. Black and Hawx start things out and go at it full speed. Black takes down Hawx with an arm drag, comes right back with another. Dropkick by Black, Hawx gets up. High knee by Black knocks him back into the ropes. Hawx leapfrogs over Black, Black drops down and Hawx goes over. Both men meet in the middle with lariats. They come back and hit lariats again, neither man is going down. They come back again, Black ducks Hawx lariat attempt. Jumping high kick by Black takes down Hawx. Black grabs him and tosses him over the ropes. Black comes off the ropes with a head of steam... [b]SENTON PLANCHA[/b]! Black whipes out Oren Hawx. Abercrombie and Generico get in the ring and are trading chops. Abercrombie goes for a kick, Generico grabs him flips him backwards, Abercrombie lands on his feet. Super kick by Abercrombie, Generico still on his feet. Abercrombie rushes forward with a big forearm strike. Generico shakes off the cobwebs and hits one of his own. Black hops on the apron and lowers the top rope sending Abercrombie over it when he went to bounce of the ropes. Black and Generico climb opposite corners... [b]STEREO TOP ROPE DIVES[/b]! Generico and Black are firing on all cylinders. The action goes back in the ring with Hawx and Generico going at it. Hawx stops Generico's momentum by going after his eyes. His mask couldn't stop it. Hawx drives his knee into Generico's midsection a few times before hitting a running knee strike to Generico's head. Hawx goes for a cover but can't get the pin. Generico gets to his feet and starts fighting back. Abercrombie rushes in and he and Hawx go after Generico. Black hops in over the ropes and takes down Abercrombie and Hawx with double clotheslines. Black hits the paroxysm on Abercrombie taking him down. Hawx fights back with Black, dodges a big punch... [b]SAINTS HOLLOW[/b]! Generico takes out Hawx with a huge [b]YAKUZA KICK[/b]! Generico picks up Hawx... [b]BRAINBUSTER[/b]! Generico gets the cover... [b]Abercrombie hits Generico with a chair[/b]. Abercrombie and Hawx get DQ'd.[/QUOTE] [B]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush & Kevin Steen vs. Matt Cross & Roderick Strong[/B] [QUOTE]Mike Quackenbush and Roderick Strong have been in full on rivalry mode for months now. They started things off in the ring with Strong hitting forearms and Quack hitting open hand slaps. Quack starts kicking away and takes down Strong with an enzugiri. Quack goes right on the attack with mounted punches. Strong fights him off and hits a lariat when he gets to his feet. Quack was turned inside out. Strong goes for the cover but Quack kicks out. Strong puts the boots to him as Quack rolls away. Quack hops to his feet and they trade shots again. Quack takes him down with a headscissors. Both men back up, Quack spins around him twice before bringing him down with an [b]armbar faceplant[/b]. Strong rolls out of the ring and Matt Cross steps in. Cross and Quack are two of the fastest we have here in TIGER. Cross gets a nice hurricanrana for a two count. Quack comes back with a dropkick followed up by a knee drop. Some chops are traded between the two men, Cross shoots Quack into the ropes... tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Quack is down and Cross comes running over with a sliding baseball kick to Quack's face. Cross leps to the top rope, [b]jumps off, springboards off the top rope with both legs, backflips... armdrag[/b]. Cross comes over with another. [b]Jumping doublestomp to the back of Quacks head[/b]. Quack gets out of the ring and Steen comes in. Lariat by Steen followed by a shoulderblock. Steen with a high kick... chinbreaker... senton. Steen climbs up top... moonsault misses. Cross jumps to the top rope... [b]split legged moonsault[/b]... gets a two count. Steen is shaking it off and gets to his feet, counters a Cross charge with a back body drop. Steen goes for an elbow drop but Cross dodges. Cross runs up the turnbuckles and comes off with a tornado DDT. Cross tags out and Strong comes in... half nelson backbreaker to Steen. Full nelson backbreaker. Strong is on fire. Steen is getting to his feet... [b]SICK KICK BY STRONG[/b] to the face of Kevin Steen. Steen goes for the cover... [b]SWANTON BOMB BY QUACK[/b]! Cover gets broken up. Cross gets in the ring and dropkicks Quack out of the ring. Cross comes running... [b]CARTWHEEL TO FLIPPING SENTON OVER THE TOP ROPE[/b]! Cross takes out Quack on the outside. Strong and Steen are going at it. Strong is looking for the [b]tiger driver... GETS IT[/b]! 1... 2... STEEN KICKS OUT! Strong is livid. He's arguing with the ref. Steen is getting to his feet. On the outside Quack and Cross are back on their feet going at it on the outside. Cross gets tossed into the guardrail and Quack comes running full speed with a yakuza kick knocking Cross over the guardrail. Quack gets on the apron... Strong comes over. Quack grabs Strong's head and brings him throat first down on the top rope. Strong staggers backwards... Steen kicks him... [b]PACKAGE PILEDRIVER[/b]! 1 2 3. Steen and Quack pick up the win. [/QUOTE] [I]Quack gets a mic and rolls back in the ring[/I] [QUOTE]Roderick, I want one more match. One more to end this for good. I'm tired of being rushed from behind. So we're settling this one on one in place where your New Wave rejects can't reach. In two weeks, you and I in a steel cage. Pinfall or submission only, no place for you to run. It's going to be hard hitting, it's going to be bloody, it's going to be the biggest match in your career because after it's done regardless if you win or not, you will never been the same. The things you experience in this match will forever effect you. Not just in the ring but outside it too. In twenty years when you're retired you'll think back to what happened that night and you won't be able to sleep any more. Think about that. I'll see you in two weeks.[/QUOTE] [B]Chris Hero, "The King of Old School" Steve Corino, Austin Aries vs. 'The Self Proclaimed Best In The World" Bryan Danielson, Davey Richards, "Cloverleaf" Austin Adkisson W/ Francine[/B] [QUOTE]This is going to be an interesting match. The two opposing sides have deep rooted issues with each other. Hero has been battling Danielson for months now. Danielson and Aries start things off in the ring. Waistlock by Danielson, picks up Aries and dumps him down chest first. Danielson takes control and starts grinding his forearm and elbow into the back of Aries' neck. Danielson transition to lock up the leg, grabs the chin... rolls to the side. Danielson is stretching Aries from piller to post. Both of Danielson's [b]knees are in deep with Aries' spine[/b]. Aries gets to the ropes and Danielson keeps it on even though the ref is counting. Letting everyone know that he has until five to break the count. Danielson tags out to Adkisson who comes running in dropkicking Aries in the face. Suplex by Adkisson, follows it up with a manhatten drop... Aries is stumbling on wobbly feet. Adkisson bounces off the ropes... [b]huge lariat[/b]. Aries gets in the air after that one and lands on his head. Cover only gets two. Aries rolls out of the ring and Chris Hero jumps in. Hero and Adkisson are trading shots all arounf the ring. Davey Richards makes a blind tag and springboards off the top rope delivering a [b]kick to Hero's head[/b]. Richards is kicking away at Hero who is trying to get to his feet. Big leg kicks trying to wear Hero down. Richards grabs Hero's foot looking for a dragon screw but Hero is able to hit Richards with a kick with his free foot. Danielson comes in the ring and blasts Hero from behind. He gets some stomps in until the ref pushes him back. Adkisson gets in behind the ref and he and Richards double team Hero with a [b]powerbomb/neckbreaker combo[/b]. Aries and Corino hop in and starts fighting away with Adkisson and RIchards. Aries and Adkisson fall out of the ring brawling and now it's Corino and Richards one on one in the ring. Big jabs from Corino. Goes for a bionic elbow but Richards kicks it out of the air. Solebutt by Richards. Corino gets tossed to the ropes and Richards comes in with a full head of steam nailing a big forearm. Richards looking to get that [b]D.R Driver... he gets it[/b]! Cover... Hero breaks it up. Danielson goes after Hero's leg. Hero stumbles forward but comes off the ropes with a huge roaring elbow knocking Danielson down. Danielson struggles to get to his feet, Hero grabs him... [b]HERO'S WELCOME[/b]! Richards breaks the cover. Aries slides in and grabs Richards... [b]BRAINBUSTER[/b]! Aries is climbing up top for the 450... he jumps off [b]SHINING TRIANGLE CHOKE[/b]! Adkisson ran forward, jumped and caught Aries on his way down. The triangle choke is locked on tight. Aries can't breathe... he taps out. Adkisson, Danielson, and Richards pick up the win. Danielson goes outside of the ring and grabs brass knuckles. He punches out Chris Hero with them. Security comes down to sotp it.[/QUOTE] [I]Steven Richards gets up at ringside and gets into the ring.[/I] [QUOTE]I am so sick of this. Every show we have some incident with you Danielson. We had to put you on probation and it's looking like we're going to have to again. Enough is enough and this place needs some order. I'm hear by appointing myself the commissioner of TIGER. My first order is to book a match that everyone wants to see. In four weeks at Dreamcade it will be Chris Hero against Bryan Danielson for the TIGER Championship. Oh, and before we go how about we add Austin Adkisson against Austin Aries too.[/QUOTE]
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So thats it. TIGER is done on this board. For the couple of you that read it and liked it, please go here ([url]http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=64403&st=0[/url]) to continue reading it. I have a new diary thats on this board only about 1991 WCW. It's fun and I hope you check it out.
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