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SWF: The Dangerous Years

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Have to say I like the prospective Bumfholes heel turn, I've wanted to change their name and was considering the cruise control idea just haven't found a convincing way for them to do it, but it really fits in this diary with the way they approached Vibert.
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF Supreme Content The Chase (Part II)[/B][/COLOR] Rich Money and Remo are in line at the airport, both still in their wrestling attire from Nothing To Lose, they reach the front of the line and speak with the pretty blonde attendant. [COLOR="Red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Hey, I know you guys. Your wrestlers right? In the SWF!!!! I recognize you! Your Remo! And your...that guy...the guy that comes to the ring with Remo right? With all the money? [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Yeah, yeah. Look I need to find someone. [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Sorry, we work with a strict customer confidentiality code. Uh, Remo? If you don't mind me asking how do you get so ripped? She shoots him a flirty smile and he leans in over the counter and talks in a smooth voice. [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] Aw baby, if we start talking about my muscles we'll be here all night. And I can think of better things that you and I could do all night. He winks and she looks a little taken aback for a moment, then she starts curling her hair with her fingertips and also leans forward. [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Really? I finish in half an hour. Rich Money looks disgusted and he taps Remo on the chest with the backside of his hand. [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] Yeah girl. There's plenty of things we can do. Like...you can help us find the man we're looking for. She looks offended. [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Oh! Well. Im sorry but I can not do that. NEXT! She motions for the next customer but Rich Money pulls out a pair of $100's from his tights. [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Ew, you keep your money in your tights? NEXT! He pulls out another hand full of $100 bills, she stops and looks. [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Look I've seen the amount of money you flash around on TV and its going to take a little more than that. Rich Money pulls out his chequebook [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] You got a pen? [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] What you keep your cheque book in there but no pen? [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Why would I keep a pen in my tights? [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Why would you keep your cheque book there? [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] She's got a point man, that's just phreaky. And I mean capital P H PHreaky! She flashes him a cheeky grin as he writes her a cheque for $5,000 she reads it, smiles and folds it up into her bra. [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] What's this guys name? [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] Netten, Phil Netten. The attendant does some typing. [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Sorry guys his plane left 6 minutes ago. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Where was he going? [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Australia [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] We'll take two tickets on the next flight. [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Sure, would that be business or economy? [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] Giiiiirl, you know were flying first class. [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Oh I'm sorry. First class to Australia is all booked out for the next 2 days. And no amount of bribes in the world can do anything about that. Sorry. She prints out two tickets [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Here you go, Business class to Australia. 2 tickets. Rich Money rolls his eyes and snatches the tickets. [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] See you when we get back. Remo winks at the attendant and the two men leave to find their plane
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[COLOR="Indigo"][COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF Supreme Package Content The Chase (Part III)[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR] We see Rich Money and Remo boarding their plane to Sydney. They show their tickets to the stewardess who shows them to their seats. [COLOR="Red"]Stewardess:[/COLOR] And your seats are just down there. She smiles the typical stewardess smile and gestures to two seats between an elderly couple and a young mother...in economy. She turns to address the next passenger. [COLOR="red"]Remo: [/COLOR]Uh, excuse me miss. Yeah yeah, these ain't our seats. She politely smiles. [COLOR="red"]Stewardess:[/COLOR] Yes sir, I'm afraid they are. [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] Nawwww bitch, we booked business class. [COLOR="red"]Stewardess:[/COLOR] Excuse me? [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] What my partner is trying to say is that we explicitly stated to the lady who booked our seats that we wanted first class. When that wasn't available she booked us two seats in BUSINESS class. Do we look like we should be flying economy? The young mother pokes her head up from reading her child a story. [COLOR="red"]Young Mother:[/COLOR] What is THAT supposed to mean? [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] Oh, no. What MY partner meant to say was. We aint po' The economy class passengers seem to take exception to this comment and begin muttering angrily amongst themselves. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Exactly that's exactly what I meant. At this point the head stewardess makes her way to the pair and adresses the stewardess. [COLOR="red"]Head Stewardess:[/COLOR] What seems to be the problem here Michelle? [COLOR="red"]Stewardess: [/COLOR]These gentlemen seem to be unhappy with their seating arrangements, and... She whispers her next statement [COLOR="red"]Stewardess:[/COLOR] And the NEGRO called me a bitch.. [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] Nawww that bitch did not... [COLOR="red"]Head Stewardess:[/COLOR] Excuse me sir that kind of language will not be tolerated on this flight. This is not the soul plane. Snoop Dogg is not our pilot, now please sir this is your first and final warning. Take your seat. Rich Money and Remo are both visibly angry but take their seats anyway. Just as they do the young mother besides Rich Money is burping her baby and he vomits on Rich Money's new suit pants. The entire section applaud and cheer, Rich Money is furious but manages to bite it back. [COLOR="red"]Remo:[/COLOR] This is going to a looooong flight man. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Tell me about it.
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF Supreme TV Preview[/B][/COLOR] Last week on Supreme TV we saw the crowning of a new SWF World Heavyweight Champion Vengeance, in part due to interference from his DaVE cohorts. Tune in this week for a official ceremony conducted by Phil Vibert, with appearances from fellow DaVE warriors Brandon James, Eric Tyler, Chris Caulfield and The Pain Alliance. With the crowning of a new SWF Champion Jack Bruce has been handed his walking papers and a lot of the SWF Superstars are not happy with these recent developments. Can the rest of the SWF locker room band together to fight off this DaVE invasion or will DaVE successfully bury Supreme forever with little to no resistance? And where does Eric Eisen fit into the picture? Having turned his back on the SWF only to have DaVE turn their back on him, will he be accepted by the remaining SWF Superstars, how will he react to the new SWF Champion? Also last week SWF Shooting Star Champion Marc DuBois began his search for a tag team partner with the philosophy of "If you can't beat me. You can't join me." Robbie Retro has already failed the challenge, but can Squeeky McClean's straight edge lifestyle win out over Marc DuBois ****y arrogance? In other action, Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole will be taking on the now number one contenders The Samoan Wildboyz and High Concept will have their first tag team match as champions against the debuting team of Gino and Luis Montero, two bonafide stars in Mexico looking to make a name for themselves here in the United States. Rich Money and Remo's $250,000 Challenge returns this week and number one contender to Rich Money's North American Title Jack Giedroyc has been told that due to his actions in trying to put a premature end to the $250,000 challenge he must defeat Remo in one on one action in order to retain the number one contendership. All this and more LIVE this Tuesday only on C.A.N.N Confirmed Matches: Jack Giedroyc vs Remo Squeeky McClean vs Marc DuBois The Bumfholes vs The Samoan Wildboyz High Concept vs The Montero Brothers Rich Money vs Crowd Member [I]OOC:Also open for predictions/speculations is what will happen at the championship ceremony. Each match winner correct will be worth 1 point, and the bonus speculation will be worth 3 points for anyone getting it correct...2 points for the idea that I find most entertaining. =) The person who gets the most correct predictions will recieve a prize to be disclosed at a later date. Fairly soon I will open an official prediction competition in regard to the diary but for now, this one will do... =)[/I]
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[B]Jack Giedroyc [/B]vs Remo [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] vs Marc DuBois [B]The Bumfholes [/B]vs The Samoan Wildboyz [B]High Concept[/B] vs The Montero Brothers Rich Money vs [B]Crowd Member[/B](Steven ´The Future`Parker) Vengeance turns on his DAVE co workers now that he is champ and forms a stable with Eric Eisen and some other guys (Valiant, Law, Bruce) Plus an apearance by a Sting-esque Christian Faith. Nice writing so far btw and who was the first to suggest Bumfole = Cruise? Seeing as its so popular and such an improvement?
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[B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs Remo - It wouldn't make sense for Jack to lose his #1 status - but this won't be an easy match for him. Squeeky McClean vs [B]Marc DuBois[/B] - Continued building of Marc, I don't know why as I don't really know much about these guys but an increased overness never hurts. [B]The Bumfholes[/B] vs The Samoan Wildboyz - the most exciting tag team in the world (Aside from Samoan Demolition of course :P) [B]High Concept[/B] vs The Montero Brothers - I just prefer High Concept, though againt his won't be an easy match. [B]Rich Money[/B] vs Crowd Member - He ain't fighting Phil Netten so he's gonna win it. Keep up the good work :D
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Giedroyc - I really like him and think he should win this, building towards the title match with Money DuBois - Just don't like the idea of those two teaming, doesn't like a good fit. I think Frederique Antonio Garcia would be a better suited partner... The Samoan Wildboyz - Simply because I'm not a huge fan of The Bumfholes :( High Concept - Unless you have plan to give The Montero Brothers a major push it wouldn't make sense for them to win this. Crowd Member - But of a wild call but I don't think we've seen the last of Phil Netten...
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Jack Giedroyc vs [B]Remo[/B] Why is Remo, one of the biggest bad-asses in SWF, relegated to being Rich Money's sidekick? He's a main event guy (or he should be), and Jack just isn't (right now). I would expect some form of interference or cheating to keep some heat on Jack. Squeeky McClean vs [B]Marc DuBois[/B] I see Marc's 'you can't beat me' shtick lasting at least another week. [B]The Bumfholes[/B] vs The Samoan Wildboyz I just don't like the Wildboyz much. Probably because Toma was such a jerk in 07. [B]High Concept[/B] vs The Montero Brothers This show is being done in America, right? [B]Rich Money[/b] vs Crowd Member It's such a sports entertainment thing to take this great wrestler and stick him in horrible segments where the best he can do is tread water by beating nobodies.
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[SIZE="6"][COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF Supreme TV[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Before the usual intro video this week we see a recap of last week's main event. Ending with DaVE's interference and Vengeance winning the World Heavyweight Championship. Phil Vibert's comments to former champion Jack Bruce end the video..."Hit The Road Jack!" [COLOR="indigo"][B]Enough Is Enough[/B][/COLOR] The video ends and we cut straight to backstage at the Virginia Park Fields Arena. Angry gilmore is standing on a crate and a large group of wrestlers and SWF staff are gathered around. [COLOR="Red"]Gilmore:[/COLOR] Enough is enough!!! It is time for us to band together, and fight back! The group all cheer. [COLOR="red"]Gilmore:[/COLOR] They think they can come in here and destroy the company that is our sweat and blood. We helped to build this company and they think they can destroy it right under our noses without a fight? It's time we show these DaVE scum who's really in charge here. We are SUPREME! The group roar with enthusiasm and Valiant steps forward and faces the crowd. [COLOR="red"]Valiant:[/COLOR] Gilmore is right. Phil Vibert may have the power but we have the numbers. They stole the world heavyweight championship from Jack Bruce. They STOLE it. They took Christian Faith, a living legend in our business and locked him inside a casket and pushed him into the East River. And we all stood idly by and watched. Are we going to just stand by and watch them destroy the company that we all call home? [COLOR="red"]Group: [/COLOR]No! [COLOR="red"]Valiant:[/COLOR] Tonight, we fight back! Eric Eisen enters the locker room silence falls over the group of wrestlers. He drops his bags on the floor. [COLOR="red"]Eric Eisen:[/COLOR] I'm sorry. Angry Gilmore steps down off his crate and gets face to face with the youngest member of the Eisen family. [COLOR="red"]Gilmore:[/COLOR] You've come here to explain yourself? [COLOR="red"]Eric Eisen:[/COLOR] I've come here to help. Angry Gilmore smiles. [COLOR="red"]Gilmore:[/COLOR] We don't need your help. We know what needs to be done to get rid of these a**holes. And it doesn't involve you. Bottom line Eric. We can't trust you. Just leave now, and stay out of our way. After a long awkward silence Eric picks up his bags again and leaves the locker room and we cut to the SWF Intro Video. The Video ends and fireworks go off as we cut to the broadcast table live from Virginia Park Fields. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Finally the SWF Superstars are banding together. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry: [/COLOR]Well it's going to take everything these superstars can muster to fight off this DaVE invasion. But I agree, the SWF superstars have sat by idly and watched this whole thing unfold. It's time to step up to the plate and knock DaVE out of the park. [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Welcome to Supreme TV everyone. Tonight of course we are going to see the crowning of a new champion. Vengeance getting his own championship award ceremony, held by Phil Vibert and DaVE but first it's time for Rich Money and Remo's $250,000 Challenge. [COLOR="Indigo"]The Challenge Continues[/COLOR] "Got Money" hits the speakers and Rich Money makes his way to the ring with Remo by his side carrying the familiar suitcase full of money. They get to the ring and Rich Money is handed a microphone to a chorus of boo's from the crowd. [COLOR="Red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Well well well, what a pleasure it is to be here in Virginia! You know I've always loved Virginia. Every time I come here I feel...beautiful. Espescially because I'm surrounded by people who look like this fat f*** in the front row. He points at a large man in the front row who promptly flips him off. A chant of "Go Back Home" breaks out and he smiles. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] I wish I could, but I am contractually obliged to be here tonight. Which for one of you lucky men in the audience here means that you have a chance at winning $250,000. Remo, whose a** am I gonna kick tonight? Remo opens the briefcase and checks the envelope. [COLOR="red"]Remo: [/COLOR]Thomas Morgan come on down! [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Rich Money vs Thomas Morgan[/B][/COLOR] [I]The fan enters the ring and the bell rings. Thomas Morgan charges at Rich Money who hits the Bank Roll straight away for the three.[/I] [B]WINNER: Rich Money[/B] [COLOR="indigo"][B]The Truth[/B][/COLOR] After the match Remo joins Rich Money in the ring and they celebrate with the briefcase until Jack Giedroyc's music hits. Giedroyc stands on the stage and claps. [COLOR="red"]Jack Giedroyc:[/COLOR] Congratulations Rich! You beat up another defenceless fan. Well done. Do you know how long I have been the undisputed number one contender for? Almost 3 months now Rich. The same night that I won the number one contendership you decided to start this little "challenge" and you said straight out that there would be no match requests accepted for your title until such a time when some lucky fan had won said challenge. And at the time Rich, I took you at your word. I thought how nice, he's finally giving something back to the fans. But in reality, all this ever was. Was a way for you to get out of facing ME! And you have gone to great lengths to keep this challenge going. One lucky fan beat you at Nothing To Lose ending these stupid shenannigans once and for all but no. You chased him down, and somehow got your money back, so that you could continue this charade. All so you don't have to face me! He pauses for a moment and smiles to himself. [COLOR="red"]Jack Giedroyc:[/COLOR] Let's take a look shall we? At the lengths you are willing to go to, and the money you are willing to spend. Just to get out of a match with me. An image flashes up on the MegaTron of Rich Money and Remo in their wrestling tights at John F. Kennedy airport, Rich Money has his hand down his tights in the crotch region. [COLOR="red"]Jack Giedroyc:[/COLOR] Bribing the customer service agent to find out where Phil Netten was going...FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS! The image on the MegaTron changes to Rich Money and Remo boarding a plane in brand new suits. [COLOR="red"]Jack Giedroyc:[/COLOR] Two new suits...THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS! Tickets to Australia... well not too much apparently, how was economy boys? The crowd explode as Rich Money and Remo throw a mini tantrum in the ring. Rich Money yells for the crowd to shut up. A new image appears on the MegaTron of the baby vomitting on Rich Money's suit pants. [COLOR="red"]Jack Giedroyc:[/COLOR] Oh this is my favorite. The look on rich money's face when a baby in economy class throws up on his brand new suit pants? PRICELESS! The crowd roar with laughter as Rich Money goes to climb out of the ring. Remo stops him and Jack Giedroyc continues. [COLOR="red"]Jack Giedroyc:[/COLOR] You know Rich, I have to wonder why you are willing to go so far to avoid this match. Why you want me stripped of my number one contendership. And I think I figured it out Rich. You are scared of me because quite simply, you know you can't beat me. That is why you have delayed for almost three months. But you will not delay anymore! And I don't care who I have to go through to get to that title. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money: [/COLOR]SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I've heard enough from you Jack Giedroyc! You have no idea just how wrong you are. I love these fat ugly sonsabitches and I want to give something back to them. This has nothing to do you with you, or my North American championship. It's all about giving the fans what they want. What everyone wants. Money! [COLOR="red"]Jack Giedroyc:[/COLOR] Okay, lets consult the fans then shall we. If you want to see Rich here continue his ****ty little challenge make some noise! There are a few scattered cheers throughout the building but nothing substantial. [COLOR="red"]Jack Giedroyc:[/COLOR] Now, if you want to see Rich Money put his money where his mouth is and go one on one with Jack Giedroyc for the North American Championship MAKE SOME NOISE! The crowd go nuts for this and Rich Money looks a little taken aback. [COLOR="Red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] I'm sorry Jack but thats not going to happen. Two weeks ago you interfered with my business and you are being punished. If you want to remain number one contender you have to beat Remo tonight! As ordered by our new SWF President Phil Vibert. If you can't beat the insurance policy, you can't cash in the shot...sorry. Rich Money laughs and climbs out of the ring as we go to commercial. [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL-[/COLOR] We return from commercial to see two unknown men in the ring. Both men are wearing Green, White and Red tights with black lettering down the side of the leg reading "Montero". "Can you tell me how to get, how to get to...." The fast driving guitars start and all three members of High Concept make their way to the ring each with their own Tag Team Title. The three men hold their Tag Titles high in the air before Groucho see's a child in the front row with the same replica belt. He goes over to the kid and high fives him, and swaps belts with the child. He remains on the outside of the ring as the referee pats down the competitors. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] The Montero Brothers, BIG stars in mexico making their debut appearance here in SWF. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia: [/COLOR]And the odds are stacked against them here as they face off with the NEW SWF Tag Team Champions High Concept. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] High Concept have always been a force to be reckoned with here in the SWF tag division. And with the addition of The Divine Mumford, who has proven himself to be a solid high flyer here already, and Groucho at ringside now. I have to agree with you there. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]High Concept vs The Montero Brothers[/B][/COLOR] [I]Luis and Elmo start things off and, uncharacteristically for Elmo, put on a decent display of chain wrestling. Both men show respect to each other with a hand shake and when Elmo turns around to jump up and down and cheer with the fans Luis clobbers him in the back of the head. He pulls him back into the Montero corner and tags in his brother. Gino comes in straight away with a dazzling array of aerial manouvers. Elmo brings him down to the mat though and manages to break away and get the tag to Mumford. Mumford and Gino go back and forth for a few minutes before Luis tags himself in and takes down mumford with a sprinboard clothesline. After a few more minutes of offense Mumford breaks away and gets the tag to Elmo once more and they hit the Game Over for the pin.[/I] [B]WINNERS: High Concept[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] A strong showing there from the Montero Brothers but its Game Over for them tonight. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] I doubt we've seen the last of that tag team combination though. A little more experience inside the SWF ring and I could see them as possible tag team champions. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia: [/COLOR]Still to come ladies and gentleman we will see Vengeance officially crowned as SWF World Heavyweight Champion. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] But first Marc DuBois' search for a worthy partner continues when he goes one on one with Squeeky McClean and thats coming up next, right after the break! [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Suprise Arrival[/B][/COLOR] The commercial ends and a limo pulls up outside the arena, the driver gets out and opens the passenger door and out steps Jack Bruce. Jack Bruce makes his way to the back of the venue. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] JACK BRUCE IS HERE! JACK BRUCE IS HERE! [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] But he was fired last week. He's not meant to be here tonight. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR]Well he is! And I'm sure that Vengeance is going to have hell to pay for stealing his championship last week. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia: [/COLOR]Speaking of champions we are about to see one of the finest Shooting Star Champions in SWF history compete. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Marc DuBois vs Squeeky McClean[/B][/COLOR] [I]Both men get in a decent amount of offense in this match. Squeeky McClean managed to hit the Sobriety Test after about 6 minutes but DuBois kicked out a fraction of a second before the three count. After a few more minutes of back and forth action Marc DuBois managed to slip out of the Sobriety Test and hit the Marc of Excellence. Followed by the REAL Shooting Star from the top rope Marc DuBois got the pinfall.[/I] [B]WINNER: Marc DuBois[/B] [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Squeeky McClean's alternative lifestyle unable to give him the edge over the Shooting Star Champion Marc DuBois tonight. [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] At this rate Marc DuBois may never find a partner to challenge the tag team division with. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Banned![/B][/COLOR] We cut backstage to see Jack Bruce at the athletes entry to the arena. [COLOR="red"]Security Guard:[/COLOR] I'm sorry Jack I can't let you through. [COLOR="red"]Jack Bruce:[/COLOR] You can't be serious. Phil Vibert can not fire me! [COLOR="red"]Security Guard:[/COLOR] Explicit orders Jack, I can't let you in. Jack Bruce balls his hand up into a tightly clenched fist. [COLOR="red"]Security Guard:[/COLOR] Lets not go there Jack, I'm just doing my job. I like you man, but I can't let you in here. So you know though, there's about three different guys scalping tickets around the front though. Jack Bruce smiles and walks away. [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well ladies and gentleman if youve only just joined us before the break Jack Bruce arrived! Security wouldn't let him in the arena but it appears he is looking for a scalper! [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Scalping tickets is illegal, besides he was fired what business could he possibly have here tonight? [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Maybe he's scouting the arena for a Painful Procedure reunion tour? [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Somehow I doubt that Duane. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Conflicted[/B][/COLOR] We see Lobster Warrior standing backstage in front of a mirror. He is staring at himself intently. But talking to someone we can not see. He seems a little more spaced out than udual [COLOR="Red"]Lobster Warrior:[/COLOR] I don't appreciate you interfering like that. I was down there to say hello to my fans and my friends and you ruined the moment. Now Runaway Train is probably mad at me. I don't like people being mad. You know under the sea everything is peaceful. He stands for a while just staring at himself in the mirror wincing a little. He lifts his hands to the mask and after seemingly battling with himself he removes it. Under the mask is the bald man who saved Eric Eisen last week. [COLOR="red"]Lobster Warrior:[/COLOR] NO CHRIS! NO! THERE WAS NOOO MOMENT! RUNAWAY TRAIN IS ALWAYS MAD! HE DID THIS TO YOU! HE MADE YOU REALISE! IT WAS HIM! IT WAAAAS HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!!!!!!!!!! He picks up a chair and throws it into the mirror, he picks up a shard of the broken glass and the lobster mask and storms out of the room. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia: [/COLOR]So it was Lobster Warrior! [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] It seems so Ana, but...I'm not sure I can explain what we just witnessed there. [B][COLOR="Indigo"]Cruise Control[/COLOR][/B] The Bumfholes music hits and they come out to a fairly mixed reaction. The reaction turns to solid heat when they see a "Make me Mrs. Bumfhole" sign being held by a woman in the front row and they rip it up. Zimmy yells at her and berates her for being ugly as Randy continues to the ring and gets on the microphone. [COLOR="red"]Randy:[/COLOR] No we will not marry you. Because your fat! Your ugly! And you live in Virginia! The crowd are fairly solidly against them now. As Zimmy slides into the ring. [COLOR="red"]Randy:[/COLOR] Now that SUPREME is dead. Allow me to finally introduce the real me. My name is not Randy Bumfhole it is Randy Cruise. And this fine looking young man is my older brother Zach. And together we are CRUISE CONTROL! He hands the mic to Zach. [COLOR="red"]Zach:[/COLOR] Over a year ago when my brother and I arrived here in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, we thought we were finally going to acheive our dream. We were finally going to get our chance to shine. To make the name Cruise synonymous with tag team wrestling. But instead, the "father of professional wrestling in the united states himself" thought it would be funny to give us the name Bumfhole. And then on top of that ludicrous peice of crap name he gave us. He actually expected us to come out here and flirt with you ugly women at ringside. Randy cuts him off here and takes the mic back. [COLOR="red"]Randy:[/COLOR] Let's just take a look shall we? He gets out of the ring and walks around ringside where he see's a woman in a Bumfholes t-shirt. [COLOR="red"]Randy:[/COLOR] Oh my god! I can't believe this peice of white trash is actually wearing a picture of me on her chest. Please, I would ask you to take it off, but god knows that wouldnt improve the situation. Zach has a microphone aswell now and is on the other side of the ring. [COLOR="red"]Zach: [/COLOR]No Randy, I think we have a winner over here. You know I once took a dump that looked better than you! And I had dhiorrea that day! The man beside the woman throws his beer at Zach who just smiles and spits in the woman's face. [COLOR="red"]Zach:[/COLOR] There we go...Much Better. The man tries to jump the barricade but security hold him down as the Cruise brothers both return to the ring. The crowd are showing so much hatred to these two now that it feels as though a riot could break out at any moment. [COLOR="red"]Randy:[/COLOR] Thank god Phil Vibert came along or we would have been stuck pretending to be attracted to these hideous people for the rest of our wrestling careers. [COLOR="red"]Zach:[/COLOR] Thats right. Phil Vibert respects his wrestlers and that is why in 2 weeks when DaVE re-open the DangerZONE we will be there. Because we hate Richard Eisen! We hate SUPREME! And we hate every single one of you simple minded losers! Akima Brave and Kid Toma have obviously heard enough as both of them charge the ring without any entrance music and recieve a decent pop from the fans as they start laying in to Cruise Control. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Cruise Control vs The Samoan Wildboyz[/B][/COLOR] [I]After a very breif brawl with none of these youngsters showcasing their best work, Cruise Control slip out of the ring and grab ladders from under the ring, they slide back in and begin to beat in to the Samoan Wildboyz with the ladders. The referee calls for the bell.[/I] [B]WINNERS (via DQ): The Samoan Wildboyz[/B] After the match Cruise Control continue to beat down on The Wildboyz with the ladders. After taking out Akima with the Auto-Pilot double team attack. Randy holds down Kid Toma who tries to fight back but Zach leaps from the top of the ladder and hits the former "Bumfhole in one" which is apparently now being called the Zach Attack. Randy then grabs the microphone again. [COLOR="Red"]Randy:[/COLOR] Sorry to CRASH your party Wildboyz, but even though you "earned" your shot. If you can call it that! We are the former SWF Tag Team Champions. And we are using our rematch clause at Awesome Impact. So you two can sit on the sidelines and watch us reclaim our titles...in a ladder match! [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Oh my god! Cruise Control vs High Concept at Awesome Impact! In a Ladder Match!!! [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] And the Wildboyz have been ripped off again. Given his past reactions I imagine that when he comes to Kid Toma is going to have something to say about this. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Well ladies and gentleman its time for our MAIN EVENT! When we return from commercial Jack Giedroyc is going to go one on one with Remo, and if he loses. Then there will be no North American title shot in his forseeable future. Can he overcome the Insurance Policy? [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] Not many can, we'll find out after the break! [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL-[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Ladies and Gentleman welcome back to Supreme TV, in the break we.... Well, take a look. A recap video runs of what happened during the break. The Biggz Boyz and Jessie are walking backstage when they come across an unconscious and bleeding Runaway Train on the floor, Guru is slumped unconcious against a nearby wall. Jessie screams and calls for help as The Biggz Boyz check Runaway Train. Before long SWF Medical staff arrives on the scene and the two men are loaded into an ambulance. [COLOR="Red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] As of now we don't have any word on what happened there were no witnesses. But it seems prime suspect Lobster Warrior is actually nowhere in the arena. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Now we may not condone many of the actions taken by Runaway Train and his manager The Guru, but we certainly can not condone this. No one deserves this. [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Jack Giedroyc vs Remo[/B][/COLOR] [I]Giedroyc's music hits first and he makes his way to the ring to a suprisingly good reaction from the crowd. "Got Money" plays again and Rich Money accompanies his partner Remo to the ring for the number one contenders match. Remo dominates the match from the get go and doesn't even seem to be breaking a sweat until Giedroyc avoids The Destroyer spear tackle with a vicious kick to the head. He then goes to the top with a flying flip neckbreaker for two, and the match is turned around. Giedroyc continues to work on taking out Remo's legs while landing vicious kicks to the head and ribs whenever possible. After a few more minutes of suffering some vicious looking offense though hemanages to overpower Giedroyc and throw him to the outside of the ring. He then goes to the corner to untie the turnbuckle padding. As the referee tries to stop him from doing that Rich Money lines Giedroyc up and hits him with the North American championship knocking him out cold. He rolls Giedroyc back into the ring and Remo covers him for the three count.[/I] [B]WINNER: Remo[/B] Rich Money and Remo quickly make their way to the back as Giedroyc recovers in the ring and looks a little dazed. As Giedroyc leaves the ring the camera focuses on a spot in the crowd about three rows back from front row where Jack Bruce is making his way through the people to find his seat. The crowd errupt. Duane Fry: JACK BRUCE IS IN THE BUILDING!!!! [COLOR="Blue"]-COMMERCIAL-[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"][B]Vengeance Appreciation Ceremony[/B][/COLOR] As soon as we return from commercial DaVE's music hits and Phil Vibert, Brandon James, Emma Chase, The Pain Alliance, Chris Caulfield, Eric Tyler and Cruise Control make their way down to the ring. Phil Vibert gets on the mic first. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert: [/COLOR]Ladies and gentleman, before I introduce YOUR NEW SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! Allow me to take a moment to adress one of you in the crowd. Jack Bruce! I don't know what you think your doing here tonight. You probably think your real clever going out and buying a ticket for the show. But I'm telling you now if you even think of interfering in this ceremony, charges will be pressed. And I have a very very good team of lawyers! So...With that said. Ladies and gentleman your NEW SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! DaVE's very own!!! VENGEANCE!!!!! The lights in the arena go out as Vengeance's atmospheric music hits and the crowd rise to their feet in a chorus of boo's. Vengeance slowly makes his way to the ring and steps over the top rope. He removes the SWF Championship from around his waist and hoists it high above his head, before resting it on his shoulder. [COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] We are all here today, to honor a fantastic champion. A man who is more deserving of that piece of gold, than anyone else who has ever held it. So Vengeance, my friend allow me to be the first to congratulate you. And you know what. After the hard fought battle you had with Jack Bruce last week, and of course that BRUTAL last man standing match with Steve Frehley at Nothing To Lose. I think it's only fitting that you have the night off at Awesome Impact. The crowd boo heavily as the microphone is handed to Brandon James. [COLOR="red"]Brandon:[/COLOR] You know, Vengeance. I wasn't around yet in DaVE when you were kicking ass and taking names back in the day. But I do remember coming down to the shows and buying my ticket and coming to see you as a fan. Much like Jack Bruce has tonight. He stops and waves at Jack in the crowd who smiles sarcastically and waves back. [COLOR="red"]Brandon:[/COLOR] Hi Jack! Good to know that even though you will never have a career in wrestling again your still going to support the guys. Good for you! Anyway, Vengeance. As I was saying, I remember it vividly, I was working the local area at the time and whenever I had a night off I would make sure I was at the DaVE arena to see you perform. You were my Idol. I based almost my entire career on you man. You deserve this. Chris Caulfield takes the mic from Brandon and continues the appreciation ceremony. [COLOR="red"]Chris:[/COLOR] Brandon you may not have been there. But I was. And I saw first hand just how hardcore you really were Vengeance. And how hardcore you still are today. If I had to choose anyone to continue on from DaVE and represent us as the World Heavyweight Champion, it would be you. And there are many reasons... The crowd errupt as Caulfield is interrupted by Steve Frehley's music. Frehley comes out to the stage with a microphone in his hand and a peice of paper in the other. [COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley:[/COLOR] First of all. As much as it kills me to do this. Congratulations Vengeance. Because as much as I don't agree with how you won the title last week, I know...first hand...that you are one tough son of a bitch. You really took it to me at Nothing To Lose and you won fair and square. But what I want to know is whether or not you think you can go two for two? [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] If your asking if he can beat you again. Yes he can. But he won't. You can't get a title shot that easy pal, not while I'm in charge. [COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley:[/COLOR] No Phil, this isn't about the title. This is about re-instating Jack Bruce as a member of the SWF Roster. In fact, I hold in my hand here a petition signed by the majority of the SWF Roster, and I... [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] Are you kidding me? [COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley:[/COLOR] Absolutely not. [COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert:[/COLOR] That is not going to happen. Not today, not next week, not ever. Now if you dont mind, we would appreciate it if you leave so that we can continue our appreciation of Vengeance. [COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley:[/COLOR] Thats too bad Phil.... The SWF Theme Music Plays and the crowd errupts as Angry Gilmore, Enygma, Valiant, Rick Law, The Biggz Boyz, and High Concept all emerge from the back. They join Steve Frehley on the stage and all charge to the ring. The 9 men take it to the DaVE Warriors and a massive Brawl ensues, After a few moments DaVE seem to be getting the upper hand when Jack Bruce jumps the barricade and starts laying the fists in to Vengeance. Eric Eisen runs down from backstage and joins the battle aswell when all the lights go out. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] Hell has broken lose here on Supreme TV and now the power is out. [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia:[/COLOR] What the hell is going on here. When the power returns all of the DaVE warriors are down and out in the centre of the ring, Vengeance has his title draped across his chest and the SWF Superstars are all standing by confused as to what just happened. The crowd is completely silent. [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry:[/COLOR] DaVE have been wiped out...How the hell did that happen? A spotlight shines on the rafters high above the ring and the camera zooms in to see a man in a black trenchcoat and a mask holding a crowbar... [COLOR="red"]Ana Garcia: [/COLOR]Is that....that looks like Skull DeBones! [COLOR="red"]Duane Fry: [/COLOR]But it can't be...Vengeance is down and out in the ring! They are the same person. The show closes with the image of Skull DeBones in the rafters above the ring clutching his crowbar.
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Well, I will have in depth breakdowns at the end of each month but that was my highest rated show yet with a 4.21 on C.A.N.N (UK Ratings not in yet) As far as the predictions go it was a three way tie...So I'm going to have to figure out how to decide that one, though im leaning towards the Prize going to HydeHill as he got closest to the Ceremony predictions with the Sting-Esque character prediction. Honestly I don't know how he did....I find it pretty Impressive as I don't think I made it too obvious lol
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Nice show mate and altough my predictions werent spot on I pretty much nailed the apreciation ceremony hehe. And no idea how I got it right it just sounded cool to me an fitting with the show so far and no it wasn´t obvious. Great minds think alike at least angle wise that is. (Need to work on my match predictions)
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Boo to the weak dq costing me my undisputed predictions championship. Especially when I have to share it with a guy that got nearly every match wrong. ;) On the flipside, this was an amazing show. No cringe-worthy inside joke-y High Concept stuff (wow, I really hold grudges against free spirits), some solid matches, and an attitude era main event angle that was just outstanding. I have no idea where you go from here without it being incredibly lame, but I want to find out! I just hope it's not Jumbo (Shrimp) Jackson.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;465767] I have no idea where you go from here without it being incredibly lame, but I want to find out! I just hope it's not Jumbo (Shrimp) Jackson.[/QUOTE] That's a bit harsh! :D I think I know what's going to happen now to be honest, but it'll build up for a bit. Hoping Greg doesnt blow his load too early.
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF Supreme Content The Chase (Part IV)[/B][/COLOR] We see Rich Money and Remo at the Sydney airport in Australia. They approach the customer service desk and speak to a young male attendant. [COLOR="Red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Hi, how can I help you today? [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Yes hello, our friend was on the flight before us here and we were wondering if there's anyway we can sort of find out where he's gone. I know that sounds odd. [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] No no, don't worry about it mate. Happens all the time. Let me just check here if I can find anything for you. What was his name? [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Uh, Phil...Phil Netten The attendant types away at his computer. [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Yes we helped to organize a weeks stay at Star City Casino for him. And he also booked a limo to take him there. [COLOR="red"]Rich Money:[/COLOR] Thank you very much. We'd like to hire a car. [COLOR="red"]Attendant:[/COLOR] Not a problem sir we'll get that organised for you. The video fades out and the words "to be continued..." come up on the screen.
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[COLOR="Indigo"][B]SWF Supreme TV Preview[/B][/COLOR] With a little over a week to Awesome Impact and less than a week to the debut of DangerZone TV on C.A.N.N, Supreme TV comes to you LIVE this Tuesday night from Presidents Hall in Puerto Rico! After last week the question on everyones lips is who was the man in the rafters! Tune in this week as Phil Vibert has sworn to discover who was behind the brutal attack on his DaVE warriors. He has also signed off on a PPV caliber main event for this weeks Supreme TV. When Angry Gilmore faces off against Brandon James and Vengeance as punishment for attempting to fight off the DaVE invasion. Just a few short days away from the OFFICIAL DaVE debut on C.A.N.N Vibert will be extending his invitations for wrestlers to come and perform in his new wrestling empire and has even booked a big money main event for the show which will be announced this tuesday. Cruise Control (formerly known as The Amazing Bumfholes) revealed last week that they have been given a rematch for their Tag Team championship at Awesome Impact in a ladder match. How will the current champions High Concept react to this? And perhaps more importantly how will the "number one contenders" The Samoan Wildboyz react? After being duped out of a number of title opportunities in recent weeks by various other superstars the Samoan Wildboyz can not be happy. Also in relation to the tag team division, current SWF Shooting Star Champion Marc DuBois continues his search for a partner. He has accepted a challenge laid down by a man who many think of as one of the cornerstones of the SWF Enforcer Roberts. In other action Rich Money and Remo's $250,000 challenge comes to a halt with Rich Money claiming that this will be the final week of the challenge. Can a lucky fan step up and claim the 250,000 dollars? And where will Jack Giedroyc be? After being robbed of his number one contender-ship last week and given Giedroycs history of raining on Rich Money's parade he is sure to not be far behind. After last weeks attack on Runaway Train and The Guru, Rick Law has stepped up and claimed that he will find the culprit. Will Lobster Warrior be present at this weeks show? As the number one suspect in this case his disappearance last week was a little odd. And how will Rick Law manage the handling of such a difficult case when he is also required at ringside when Valiant and Enygma take on The Pain Alliance in what is sure to turn into an all out hardcore war. All this and much much more coming to you from Presidents Hall in Puerto Rico LIVE this Tuesday night. Confirmed Matches Angry Gilmore vs Vengeance and Big Money Brandon James Valiant and Enygma vs The Pain Alliance Marc DuBois vs Enforcer Roberts Rich Money vs Crowd Member [I]OOC: Ok, so as of last week (which resulted in a tie between a few of you) I will be tallying up the prediction points and after each Pay Per View will be giving out a prize, the current tally looks like this. Dragon Mack-4 Lazorbeak-4 Hyde Hill-4 Rathen4-3 Tuckerman-3 As per last week each match is worth One Point. For each show there will be different bonus questions for you to tackle. This week we have 2. What will be the Main Event for DaVE's first DangerZone TV? 2 points Will the mystery man make another appearance? If so, when? 1 point Good Luck[/I]
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Angry Gilmore vs [B]Vengeance and Big Money Brandon James[/B] [B]Valiant and Enygma[/B] vs The Pain Alliance [B]Marc DuBois[/B] vs Enforcer Roberts [B]Rich Money [/B]vs Crowd Member What will be the Main Event for DaVE's first DangerZone TV? 2 points Vengeance vs Mystery man. Will the mystery man make another appearance? If so, when? 1 point yes, after main event. PS where are/is my championship celebration point(s)?
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;471009]Angry Gilmore vs [B]Vengeance and Big Money Brandon James[/B] [B]Valiant and Enygma[/B] vs The Pain Alliance [B]Marc DuBois[/B] vs Enforcer Roberts [B]Rich Money [/B]vs Crowd Member What will be the Main Event for DaVE's first DangerZone TV? 2 points Vengeance vs Mystery man. Will the mystery man make another appearance? If so, when? 1 point yes, after main event. PS where are/is my championship celebration point(s)?[/QUOTE] Sorry Hyde, I added it up wrong somehow, I forgot I was giving 3 points for the bonus Q not just 2... =) fixed, your part of the three way tie for number one. The prediction comp could go any which way.
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[b]Angry Gilmore[/b] vs Vengeance and Big Money Brandon James Man, I never liked handicap main events in WWE. Jack Bruce and/or Skull DeBones interference seems likely. Valiant and Enygma vs [b]The Pain Alliance[/b] Pain Alliance seems to be receiving somewhat of a push, while Valiant and Enygma haven't done much of anything lately. [b]Marc DuBois[/b] vs Enforcer Roberts My heart says pick Roberts, but my head says DuBois won't lose until the PPV. [B]Rich Money [/B]vs Crowd Member It's finally ending! What will be the Main Event for DaVE's first DangerZone TV? 2 points Vengeance vs Skull DeBones Will the mystery man make another appearance? If so, when? 1 point Yeah, at the end of the show
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