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FTC 1991 - Return of the Territories (McMahons's Medicine)

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/GCWShowheader.gif[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][B][SIZE="4"]Georgia Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [B]GCW Superstars TV Taping - Monday April 15th, 1991 - Sarasota, Fl[/B][/FONT] [/CENTER] The show begins with a video of the [B]Bret Hart vs. Bob Roop[/B] feud, hyping their upcoming match as Bob Caudle narrates. [B]Rating C[/B] [B]New Jack vs Tommy Dreamer[/B] A violent back and forth match that sees both men get color early as things spiral out of control resulting in a double disqualification in 4:24. [B]Rating E[/B] [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] “Well that was quite the spectacle Joel, but on to more heartwarming tales if you will, tonight we will see Tommy Rich and his young protégé Jerry Lynn in a Tag match against Adam Copeland and Yuji Nagata, as Lynn makes his pro debut!!” [B]Gertner:[/B] “That was some genuine excitement Bob…Can I recite a Poem?” [B]Caudle:[/B] “How about we watch this video!!” [B]Rating E[/B] [B]A video plays [/B]another of Rich’s grueling training sessions, this one showing Lynn pushing Tommy’s truck down a dirt road, as Rich reclines in the back sipping a Beer on a lounge chair. [B]Rating: E[/B] Wild eyed Country boy plays as the video ends and we have [B]Tommy Rich and Jerry Lynn vs Adam Copeland and Yuji Nagata[/B] The match see Rich carry most of the offense, but Lynn gets his lick in here and there, never being exposed to too much punishment. Rich takes the duke with a Thesz press at the 6:54 mark [B]Rating: D-[/B] (A decent debut for Lynn) [B]Dark Journey[/B] makes her way to Ringside and as Caudle moves to interview her, Gertner swipes the Mic and steps in front of his partner, knocking him backwards. Caudle plants a size 11 in Gertner’s backside and storms off to the back. [B]Gertner:[/B] “Hi there….Dark, err Ms. Journey… You look so damn sweet, that I think the right place. For you to sit down, is right here on my” (SLAP) [B]Dark Journey[/B] slaps Gertner screaming. “I am a lady!!! You MEN, I am so sick of you….Rob Szatkowski, Sabu is going to do what I just did to this Pig to you!! And a bunch of other things too!!! And you can't have me!!” With that DJ storms off as Gertner rubs the hand print on his cheek [B]Rating: E-[/B] (DJ just gets no heat at all, she is killing this storyline) [B]Bob Caudle:[/B] “Joel if your clothes were made out of couth you would be arrested for streaking right now! Folks, making his way to the ring is [B]Owen Hart[/B] and I have just been handed a note that he has been given another match with [B]Davey Boy Smith[/B] this Sunday at Brawl at the Beach in a no DQ bout.” The crowd seems to approve by the applause and chants “Screw the Queen” that follow. [B]Rating C-[/B] [B]Owen Hart vs Playboy Buddy Rose[/B] Owen Hart frustrates the veteran with his speed and Rose has to resort to underhanded tactics, which backfire as he is caught with a foreign object and disqualified in 7:39. [B]Rating D+[/B] [B]Owen Hart[/B] makes his way to Caudle and as he begins to express his joy over the no DQ match, [B]Davey Boy Smith[/B] comes charging in from the back loudly complaining. He spares no time, leaping across the announcer's desk and slamming a vicious forearm into the face of Owen Hart. Smith then picks up the groggy Hart, clamps on a brutal Bear Hug and slams Owen straight through the set wall. The violence of the move topples the entire set, forcing now uncovered stage crew to make a mad dash towards the safety of off camera. As the camera fades to black, it centers a closed frame shot on the face of Owen Hart. Blood comes pouring out of his mouth, bubbling with each gasping breath. [B]Rating C-[/B] As order is restored we are ready for the main event [B]Michael Hayes vs Arn Anderson for the National Heavyweight Title[/B] Arn Anderson works Hayes leg over early and gains a quick advantage. Hayes fights back and gains a near pinfall prompting Ellering to inject himself into the match. As Precious Paul distracts the Ref, Anderson pulls some Brass knucks from his tights, but Hayes blocks the punch, grabs the knucks and knocks Anderson cold!!!...........Just as Jim Mitchell turns around. He calls for the bell and awards the match to Arn by DQ in 13:54. Arn Anderson makes defense number 3 of his National Heavyweight title. [B]Rating C[/B] [B]Attendance: 2000 (sell out) Overall C-[/B] One of our better shows in a while, buoyed by a strong finish with the last three segments. We now have 3 matches set for Brawl at the Beach Sunday.
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Like music to my ears "Yeah What?" [B]Me[/B]: "Good afternoon, I know you are the last person you probably expected to be hearing from..." On the other side of the Phone the agitation level rises quickly "I don't have a goddamn list of people I expect to hear from so forget the big mystery introduction and tell who the hell this is or the next sound you hear will be my foot coming through the phone and up your ass!!!" [B]Me:[/B] "It's me Ole, your long lost booker friend from GCW" [B]Ole:[/B] "Oh....well damn son, why didn't you say so....let just wipe the tear from my eye brought on by this nostalgic moment....wait...there, now its gone..WHAT THE HELL do you want!?!?!?" [B]Me:[/B] "Well....I was curious...if....a.......well, if" [B]Ole:[/B] "Well if I waiting for you to read me a bed time story, I would be asleep before you opened the damn book.....What do you want you stupid puke?" [B]Me:[/B] "Fine, would you like to work for GCW again?" I did not expect what I heard next..........Complete silence. I could only imagine the anger building and I braced for the onslaught I was sure would follow.... [B]Note:[/B] For a bit on my history with Ole, click the link below for a journey 8 into 1983 and the first 3 pages of the diary. [url][/url]
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Deal with the Devil I only wish the silence had lasted. To my surprise Ole agrees.....Then launches into a list of requests that include Travel and relocation expenses and a fee of $2500.00 every time he appears in the ring, and 20% of his merchandise sales. I want him as a flippin road agent, with a very rare appearance here and there....Do they even have road agent merchandise? What the hell??? In the end I agree, in part because I need him right now and in part because I call the shots and if he gets to out of control I can send him back to McDonalds to flip Burgers next to Vince!! If the song "The Devil went down to Georgia" had not already been written, this would have been the perfect time to grab a Pen.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/GCWShowheader.gif[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][B][SIZE="4"]Georgia Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] GCW: Brawl at the Beach - Sunday April 21st, 1991 - Daytona Beach, Fl [/B][/FONT][/CENTER] [B]Bob Caudle[/B] enters the Ring to welcome the crowd to Brawl at the Beach. He hypes up the advertised card and then reveals that an opponent has been selected to face Arn Anderson in the main even for the National Heavyweight Title…….”Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to announce, that Wildfire Tommy Rich, accompanied by his protégé Jerry Lynn, will face Arn Anderson, who will have Paul Ellering in his corner, for the National Heavyweight Title!!!” The announcement garners polite applause, as it appears Rich is just not the draw he once was. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Three way Dance – Nagata vs Daniels vs Hayabusa[/B] An exciting opener between three young prospects that ends when Hayabusa misses a Falcon Arrow, allowing Yuji Nagata to catch Christopher Daniels with an Exploder to get the win in 11:37. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Rob Szatkowski [/B]joins Caudle in the ring. “Dude, this is totally awesome, like I was at the beach today…..you know, like I go there a lot, like whenever I am in Florida….Anyway, like there was this girl and I was like whoa, hey you….How’s it hanging Baby……Then she tells me, you know you look like Jean Claude Van Dam…..And I was like…whoa, dude, I’ve heard that before” Szatkowski gets a far away look in his eyes, baffled by the coincidence. [B]Caudle:[/B] “Rob, that’s fascinating stuff, but how about the reason you’re here tonight.” [B]Szatkowski:[/B] “Oh yeah….Like, it’s because I have a big announcement. I am changing my name to Rob Van Dam!! Cause, like, people say I look like Jean Claude Van Dam…Get it?” [B]Caudle:[/B] “What about Sabu?” [B]RVD:[/B] “Dude, that name sucks, I like Rob Van Dam much better, Sabu is a real lame idea Dude.” [B]Caudle:[/B] Frustrated “NO! You are wrestling Sabu!!!” [B]RVD:[/B] “Whoa, I knew there was another reason I was here….yeah, I’m going to kick his ass too…….And laugh at his stupid name!! Party on Daytona!!!” [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Sabu[/B] appears on the arena video screen, sans Dark Journey……It appears as if he is about to talk several times, then finally mocks RVD pointing at himself and runs his thumb across his throat, leering manically at the camera. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Sabu vs Rob Van Dam – Georgia TV Title[/B] This two tear up the arena, going into the crowd and taking aerial assault to a new level. It is straight back and forth and crowd seems taken aback by the pace. Finally, Dark Journey jumps up on the ring apron and accidentally sprays Sabu in the face after Van Dam ducks. RVD hits a Split Legged Moonsault and gets the pin at the 14:01 mark. Rob Van Dam wins the Georgia Television title. Sabu is furious and as Dark Journey tries to console him, he slams her and then delivers an Arabian Face Buster. DJ is stretchered out! [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Owen Hart[/B] comes to the announcing table and pushes Gertner out of his seat… [B]Gertner:[/B] “What am I a Weeble?” [B]Hart:[/B] “Tonight…..It ends. BADLY for you Smith!!!! I’ll be right over here waiting” Hart slam the Mic down and heads to the Ring. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Owen Hart vs Davey Boy Smith – No DQ[/B] Hart and Smith meet ring center before the Bell and go toe to toe. Hart is bust open on the turn buckle and Smith tastes the cold steel of a Chair busting him open as well. The end comes when Hart maces Smith and gives him a Rocket Launcher into the Steel ring steps, pinning him in 13:39. [B]Rating: D+[/B] (Maybe a bit too hardcore for the more traditional Florida Fans) A music video is shown of [B]Marty Jannetty[/B] training for the upcoming pose down with Rick Rude; roadwork, mat work, cardiovascular and weight training all lead to a smiling Jannetty flexing at the end as the women go nuts and the men shake their heads. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Rick Rude and Marty Jannetty – Pose Down[/B] There is no doubt how this will end as Rude is booed profusely and Jannetty is cheered for just teasing a pose. The writing is on the wall and Rude attacks. They begin brawling up the entrance ramp, when Rude grabs Jannetty by the head and hurls him off the stage into the equipment stacked below! Jannetty lays unconscious amidst the wreckage. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Bob Roop vs Bret Hart – Bounty Match[/B] Roop is determined to destroy Hart and tries to break his arm on the ring post. Hart mounts a comeback and has Roop trapped in the Sharpshooter, but Ellering distracts the referee and pulls Roop to the ropes forcing the break. Roop regains control and grabs Hart for a finishing Piledriver, but Hart counters and scores the flash pin with a roll up in 15:15!! [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Bret Hart[/B] is ecstatic and is celebrating with the crowd, calling for a match with Arn. Bob Roop is furious, and jumps him from behind, laying the boots into Bret until he lays motionless as the crowd pelts him with debris and tries to get at him as security struggles to hold them back. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Roop shows no signs of letting up, when suddenly [B]Michael Hayes[/B] sprints to the ring and chases Roop off, saving The Hitman from further injury. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Arn Anderson vs Tommy Rich – National Heavyweight Title[/B] Tommy Rich brings Jerry Lynn to ringside with him, while Paul Ellering and Mike Awesome join Arn. The match soon disintegrates in mayhem as Awesome interferes and Lynn jumps in to protect his mentor. Unfortunately what Lynn exhibits in enthusiasm, he lacks in guile. After a Ref bump, he mounts the turnbuckle to pounce on Awesome, who has Rich in a reverse Bear Hug. Awesome spins Rich around at the last minute, taking the full force of Lynn’s double axe handle. Dazed, Rich staggers into a Spinebuster from Arn and is pinned in 16:15 as the Referee recovers. Arn Anderson makes defense number 4 of his [B]National Heavyweight title[/B]. [B]Rating: C[/B] As Arn and crew celebrate some old “friends” appear from the stands. [B]Caudle:[/B] “It’s the Von Erichs!!!!!” [B]Gertner:[/B] “And you without your lipstick on……geez get a room!!” Before Caudle can reprimand Gertner, Kerry and Kevin grab their Mics. [B]Kerry:[/B] “Arn, some time has passed, but don’t think I have forgotten what you did to me last time I was here. A Von Erich will not be humiliated; we fight like men, with the hearts of Lions and these Lions want a piece of you in our Jungle, right Kev?” [B]Kevin:[/B] “That’s right and it’s like this. We both have busy schedules, but I can always find time to defend the honor of the Von Erich name. So, if you are the man you claim to be….Get a partner…..any Partner and face us, fair and square in the ring….AND, to make sure it stays that way……Lets do it where real men do it in Texas….A steel cage!!!” [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Arn Anderson[/B] Smiles and grabs the announcers Mic. “You know, if there is one thing the world has too many of…..Its Roaches and Von Erichs!!! And I’ll be damned if I know which is harder to get rid of. You’re right boy, I do have a busy schedule…I am after all the National Heavyweight Champion….In case you hadn’t heard, that’s a title of prestige and glamour, not some two bit, plastic crackerjack belt my Daddy bought for me from a Gumball machine boy!! Any partner I like huh? Well I have just the partner in mind and next month we have a little event called [B]Mayhem[/B] coming up. I might just have some free time to kick the living tar out of you two punks. One time, one night only, mark your calendars!!! Me and my partner will wipe the soles of our filthy boots on your faces and send you back to Daddies ranch!!! Be careful what you wish for!! Because when you rub the Genie's lamp and wish for an Anderson, you never know if you’re getting everything you dreamed of…..or everything you dread." [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Attendance: 3974 Overall Rating: C[/B] A good rating for our big spring show, spurred no doubt by the fantastic match between Hart and Roop. I have a lot of irons in the fire right now and the next month could get chaotic. If it doesn't break us, it just might put us over the top......hopefully
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/GCWShowheader.gif[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="4"]Georgia Championship Wrestling [/SIZE] GCW Superstars TV Taping - Monday April 22nd, 1991 - Atlanta, GA [/FONT][/CENTER] [B]Dark Match[/B] The Masked Rebels defeated The Tonga Kid and Tommy Dreamer in 10:11 when Rebel 2 submitted Tommy Dreamer with an Asiatic Spike. [B]Rating: D-[/B] (This team is destroying everyone, but has declined televised matches and interview requests) [B]The Cameras roll [/B]and Bob Caudle welcomes everyone to the show, with the excitement of Brawl at the Beach “still palpable in the air.” Caudle continues “I do, however have some sad news to report. Dark Journey was seriously injured by Sabu in the aftermath of his loss to the newly named Rob Van Dam for the Georgia TV Title. At this point it is too early to tell how long she will be out, of if she will even return at all. Our prayers are with her.” [B]Rating: F[/B] (Even before the show began I had given DJ her walking papers) [B]Caudle[/B] continues to put over Van Dam as the new TV Champion and speculates that he is either lost in traffic or trying to fit his surf board in the trunk of his Car. “Either way, the new Champion will be here….and he will defend the Title tonight against none other than [B]Mike Awesome[/B]!” [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Dean Malenko vs Chris Chavez[/B] A good technical battle, which sees Malenko hold the edge, until he feels the need to resort to shadiness and angers Chavez, who gets the win in 6:13 with an Indian Death Drop. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Owen Hart[/B] comes to the ring, with a crown and scepter. Mocking Davey Boy Smith in an English accent Hart proclaims “That herein and here forth, I hereby proclaim today as Owen Hart day….and urge my fine subjects to squeeze a lime, in honor of thee who was so soundly thrashed last night!” The crowd soaks it in with laughter and more chants of “screw the queen!” You can bet that somewhere, Davey Boy Smith is not laughing. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Owen Hart vs Boris Zhukov[/B] Hart is administering a wrestling lesson to the Russian madman, who fights back with eye pokes and choke holds. Hart regains control and sets Zhukov up for the rocket launcher. Davey Boy Smith, by now lurking at ringside seizes the moment as the referee changes position and clocks Hart with the Scepter Owen left lying at ringside. Dazed, Hart regains his feet and is leveled with a Russian Lariat. Zhukov then covers for the pin at the 7:14 mark as Smith walks away howling with laughter as the fans spit at him. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Joel Gertner[/B] climbs into the ring to interview the other Hart, who after checking on his brother joins Joel at Ring center. [B]Gertner:[/B] “Well, well, well…….It is I, free to speak as I please, the sweet Georgia sleaze, that I’ll have on their kn….” [B]Hart[/B] grabs the Mic. “Gertner, waistline is bigger than your IQ! I didn’t come here to listen to poems and pull pedals off of daisies. It’s simple!! Arn Anderson, you’re a very popular man it seems. Now as much as I respect the Von Erichs and Michael Hayes and everyone else…….You damn well know that the next shot at your title belongs to the excellence of execution and the only good reason you have to withhold that shot, is that you know the day we meet in the ring again….Is your last day as the National Heavyweight Champion!!!” [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Arn Anderson[/B] comes to the top of the entrance ramp, waving off Harts promo. “Boy, you don’t need to beg, you don’t need to cry and you don’t need to pander to all these stupid rednecks……Son, you just have to ask. Just like those stupid Texans, be careful what you wish for!! And one more thing….My last day as the National Heavyweight Champion will be the day I leave Georgia Championship Wrestling, so order room service Hart, cause it’s going to be a while!!” [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Buddy Rose vs Dustin Rhodes[/B] Rose takes treachery to new levels, cutting Rhodes with a Cheese grater, choking him with the ropes, then, taking a strange cloth from Steve Keirn at ring side, putting Rhodes to sleep after placing it over his face. Picking up his groggy foe, Rose delivers a wicked Piledriver and covers for the win in 6:46 [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Rose high fives Keirn[/B] after the match and grabs the Mic. “I’ve been breaking hearts and cracking skulls since the days when most of you still had all your teeth!! Look at this body, 217 pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal. I’ve forgotten more about wrestling than jobbers like Rhodes will ever know. He is here because of who his Daddy is and I’m sick of these snot nosed punks not earning their place in the sport!!! As if nepotism was not enough, now we have hillbillies picking fans out of the seats and promise to make them a rassler!!! Rich, Lynn, you know I mean you and don’t think for a moment I am going to let you disrespect the sport the Playboy made!!! That would be as bad as me disrespecting my beautiful body!” Rose leaves as several women simulate gagging. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Rob Van Dam vs Mike Awesome – Georgia Television Title[/B] Van Dam’s athleticism against the raw power of Awesome makes for a compelling matchup and the two battle on even terms, thanks mainly to Paul Ellerings presence at ring side. Van Dam lands a Frog splash and covers for the apparent pin, but Ellering pulls him off at the count of two. Van Dam kicks Precious Paul in the face and covers again just as the bells rings, resulting in a 10 minute time limit draw. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Attendance: 3978 Overall Rating: D+[/B] I decent crowd for a TV taping, I am hoping to crack 4000 next time out. I really need to double that to cover costs. Money will be getting tight soon and I need a better TV deal and our event in May to be groundbreaking or we may become an indirect casualty of McMahon self destructing. [QUOTE=D16NJD16;542150]Oh wow I was sure they must have went out of business in the game and this diary was dead as a result. good to see it back[/QUOTE] Thanks D, finances are tight, but new TV deals are coming up next month and I hope I can score a much better one and stay afloat.
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