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Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (Cornellverse)

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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Anniversario II[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Saturday September 19th 2009[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Gynasium Aguada, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'000)- Sell Out !! [/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [I]Wave of Violence are milling around backstage, when Carl Batch turns to camera and begins to speak, no suprrise what his first three words are........[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Yeah Yeah ! Yeah ! UNITY you think you deserve another shot at the bling my brutha's Speed and Primus hold right here, well you proved nothin' last time you faced us....cos this is still our turf and we ain't movin' from it....... [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]So to prove your worth we, you can try and beat my two boys in a pair of singles matches, and if you just so happen to fluke a win in both matches , then you can get your title shot. If you don't beat both of my boys, then this war is over......we are done. You probably wonderin' why we can call the shots, well we're the champs, and with that comes a bit of dollar, and if you put a bit of green the way of an official then they'll let you do what you like. What's even sweeter is that these faceless honky's even let us make the stipulations, just goes to show how corrupt these white fools can be, when you flash a few greenbacks in their face.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Want to know what we got in store UNITY ? Primus will take on that wrasslin' cowboy Harry in a Barrio Streetfight and as for you Charles, you'll meet Speed in a speciality of his a 'Tap Out' match......Quite simply UNITY, you can be united all you want but you don't stand a chance, cos it's Wave of Violence time and there's nothin' you can do to stop it......YEAH ! YEAH ! YEAH ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]_____________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Match: Inky The Squid Boy vs Roderick Remus[/B] To be honest I think most of the fans were at the concession stands or queing for the dodgy Rice and Beans, the match itself was OK but nothing to get those who did stay and watch to make enough noise, to entice back those who found trying to fight there way to the Puerto Rican Power bobbleheads more interesting. It had the usual antics from Inky as he looked to frustrate his opponent, Remus got in a stretch of offence , but it was Inky who was able to pick up the win after downing Remus with the Ink Splot (seated Senton) [B][COLOR=red]Result: Inky The Squid Boy defeated Roderick Remus in 6:52 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Dino Bravo is backstage with his valet Lisa Bowen, and they turn to camera to cut a promo for Dino's People's Championship rematch with Angel De Mexico.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Dino Bravo:[/B] Stupid Time Limit's..... I had you beat last time Angel of Fluke. I mean I thougt I, Dino Bravo was lucky, but I think you must be in cahoots with the house, because you must be the luckiest man alive. I mean you fluke your winning to the Peoples belt, then you a draw just happens to save your bacon against me, well unlike a certain former champion I ain't gonna run off at the first sign of trouble, because one day Angel your luck's gonna run out and your luck runs out tonight, it's time for Dino Bravo to hit the jackpot ![/COLOR] [I]The camera then fades away but not before it catches Lisa telling Bravo something......[/I] [COLOR=purple][B]Lisa Bowen:[/B] Dino I gave you the benefit of the doubt last time out, maybe you were kinda screwed last time but this time no excuses this time, you've had ample opportunity to prove to me that you are a worthwhile investment, I got you into high profile matches and even with lowering you sights, you still ain't got some gold round your waist.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Dino Bravo:[/B] I know, I know....I look like a failure but I've been screwed everytime...[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Lisa Bowen:[/B] That's the sort of things losers say to cover up their failures[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Dino Bravo:[/B] Well it's true, I'm being screwed all the time and not the way I want to be screwed.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Lisa Bowen:[/B] Don't even go there, that's never happening in a million years, even if you do win the gold tonight.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]__________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]We then go to a different part of the backstage area where Angel De Mexico is about to cut a promo in response....[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] Many in the back and even some in the audience who come to watch our shows, say that I am a fluke champion, but every night I give my all and come out on top. In this business you make your own luck, and that is why I am your People's Champion, because it's with the pride of the Mexican People in my heart that drives me to victory every time I step in this ring, it's why the great Puerto Rican Power himself has chosen me as his special partner on many occasions, we both fight with heart.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]And that Dino Bravo is where you fall down,you are a great wrestler but you don't have the heart to go the extra mile, that is why you fail at the final hurdle, because you simply don't have the heart of a champion. You are driven by the wrong goals, goals you will not be able to obtain, I am driven by pride, the pride of Mexico and that is why I will step out of this ring tonight with the People's title still in my hands ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show begins in traditional FCW style with Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch welcoming us to the show before preceding to shill the main event.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Last month J.D Morgan went one better than last year and claimed the Rey De Reyes Trophy, after a thrilling finals match many are calling the best in FCW's history, now he challenges Puerto Rican Power for the most prestigious title in all of wrestling the FCW Undisputed Championship, will the outsider from PSW be the one to topple Puerto Rican Power ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Simple answer......Yes.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] I don't know why I'm going to ask this, but would you care to enlighten us further as to why you think Morgan will defeat Puerto Rican Power.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Because he just will[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Does this have anything more to do with the fact that you have an irrational hatred of our great champion and you'll support anyone, no matter who they are. Now I'm not saying that J.D Morgan doesn't have the credentials to topple Power, perhaps out of anyone since Shawn Gonzalez he poses the most dangerous threat yet to the Puerto Rican icon.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] It has nothing to with an irrational hatred of Power, you seem to be the irrational one to me....it's you that blindly supports that charlatan Puerto Rican Power, well tonight the charade is exposed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] If you actually bothered to listen to what I had to say for once, I was actually singing the praises of J.D Morgan. Morgan's a great wrestler and he has all the tools to beat Puerto Rican Power, but if anyone has proved he can overcome the toughest of challenges it's Puerto Rican Power.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] You call it 'overcoming tough challenges' I see Power's time on top for what it really is....scraping by with lucky victories....well scrape by no more, because tonight your beloved Power gets toppled from the summit of FCW.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Well we'll see if that happens or later tonight, it was is sure to be a can't miss main event between two of the top wrestlers to ever step foot inside the FCW ring.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Peoples Championship: [/B] [B]Angel De Mexico vs Dino Bravo w/ Lisa Bowen[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels-Alt1.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We kick things off with the People's championship match between Angel De Mexico and Dino Bravo (which explains why we let them cut their promo's on the pre-show) and plus the fact that we thought it would make for a good opening contest with two high profile matches lined up for the main and semi main event slots for later in the show. Bravo takes Angel down to the mat with a double leg take down at the start, and tries to take control of the legs but Angel kicks him off , and takes Bravo down with an arm-drag, Bravo gets back to his feet but Angel takes him down with another arm-drag. This sequence continues until Bravo, throws a hissy fit and goes out for a powder. But Angel decides to lauch himself over the top rope with a plancha, before pitching an out of sorts Bravo into the ring. Angel then slinghshot himself back in and scores with a leg-drop for a two count. Angel then picks Bravo up and plants the challenger with a snap suplex, before going up top......Angel comes off with a moonsault but Bravo is back to his feet, however Angel still connects with a moonsault press and rolls through into a pin. Bravo kicks out and then manages to shift the momentum in his favour with a Pat Deacon Knee lift, he then delivers a flurry of fore-arms to the champion before sending Angel into the ropes, he then catches Angel and takes the masked man over with a Tilt-A Whirl Backbreaker. Bravo then puts Angel up on his shoulders, possibly to set up for Human Roulette but Angel counters with an arm-drag and as both get back to their feet, Angel stays a step ahead taking Bravo down with a spinning head-scissors. Angel then scrambled across to make the cover, that led to another two count, but Bravo was still flat on his back and Angel decided to head up top again...... but Bravo got back to his feet, only for Angel to stay a step ahead again and dive off onto Bravo, taking the challenger down with a flying arm-bar he calls the Mexican Death !! Angel had it locked on tight, but Bret Graveson wasn't keeping his eyes on the match, his mind was elsewhere, that elsewhere was Lisa Bowen's ample 'shop bought' cleavage. This allowed Bravo to get out of the hold with an eye poke, and then sneak in a low blow as the rose back to their feet, with Angel doubled over Bravo spiked the champion into the mat with a snap DDT and Graveson scrambled across to make the cover........ Angel kicked out, but Bravo remained in control...lifting Angel back up then delivering a trio of snap suplexes, before spinning Angel round and dumping the champion with a German Suplex with a bridge...... To Bravo's frustration the masked man kicked out again, and Angel began to fight back with a series of strikes but the comeback was cut off with another well timed Pat Deacon Knee Lift from Bravo, leaving Angel open to be drilled into the mat with the RAISE THE STAKES (Cradle Piledriver)........ One............. Two............ Thr............ No !! Angel somehow managed to stretch a leg out at the last split second, any nearer the middle of the ring and Bravo would of had the match won. Bravo is now doing his nut, as he feels that he's thrown everything at Angel, including his finisher. With Angel still laying on his mat, Bravo rolls out of the ring and then picks up the Peoples Title belt.....At this point Bowen hops up on the apron to distract Bret Graveson. Angel staggers to his feet but is cracked in the skull with the title belt, but when Graveson turns around he sees the title belt fall to the mat and with Bravo still standing and Angel De Mexico flat on his back, the referee rings for the bell and declares the People's Champion the winner via DQ. There previous match was better, but with half the time to work with and a smozz finish this was never supposed to be topple their preceding effort, it was basically here to provide a solid opener for the show and extend Bravo's chase for gold in FCW, as his failure to do so continues to put a strain on his 'strictly business' relationship with Lisa Bowen. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Angel De Mexico defeated Dino Bravo in 9:31 by disqualification. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Angel De Mexico retains the FCW People's Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Dino Bravo and Lisa Bowen are seen arguing with each other, with both seemingly blaming one another for Bravo's failure to defeat Angel De Mexico and pick up championship gold yet again.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2 : Barrio Street Fight: [/B] [B]Primus w/ Carl Batch vs Harry Allen[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen_WOV31.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The match gets under way before they even reach the ring, as Allen takes the fight right to Primus. The energetic start from the former TCW man seems to catch Primus off guard, but when Allen goes for a flying fore-arm off the apron, Primus catches him and dumps Allen chest first onto the guard-rail. Primus then boots the UNITY man into the crowd, before picking Allen up into the military press position, just as it looks like Primus is going to dump Allen onto a pile of chairs, the former TCW man, counters with a swinging DDT.....Allen turns Primus over and goes for the cover....... Primus powers out with authority, launching the UNITY man off his chest. Harry Allen the scrambles back to his feet with chair in hand, but Primus gets back up in explosive fashion, drilling the chair into Harry Allen's face with a running boot. Primus then lifts Allen up into a vertical suplex but the TCW alumnus , somehow manages to slip off and fires in a series of kicks to the back of Primus legs. Allen then charges at Primus, but gets turned inside out by a clothesline and then powerbombed onto a set of chairs....... Harry Allen somehow manages to kick out much to the frustration of Primus, who then drags the UNITY man to his feet, before whipping Harry Allen back-first into the guard-rail. Primus then dumps Allen back into the ringside area with a running boot. With Harry Allen down, Primus then asks Carl Batch to help him set up a table at ringside.....however that allows Harry Allen to get to his feet and the UNITY Man, creams Primus Allen with a chair shot to the head...... Primus shakes it off, but Harry Allen dishes out another chair shot, but before he can follow up Primus staggers into the ring, but Allen does not let up......climbing to the top turnbuckle and taking Primus down with a missile drop-kick.....he then heads up top again but is tripped up by Carl Batch....and he stumbles into the ring. Primus was still shaking the cobwebs from his head though and was unable to follow up immediately.......but as they got to their feet Primus too control with a flurry of strikes, that soon had the former TCW man in a daze, he then sent Allen viciously back first into the turnbuckle, the momentum of which Primus used to send Allen over with a release belly to back suplex........ He then continued the offence by whipping Allen into another turnbuckle,and then going to the opposite corner....Primus charged in but....Harry Allen moved out the way at the last split second, before catching Primus with a step up Enziguri....before catching the rookie monster with a jawbreaker and a basement drop-kick that took the legs out from underneath Primus. Seeing that his man was in trouble Carl Batch injected himself into the match, and took a swing at Harry Allen with a slapjack, but Harry Allen ducked and the slapjack ended up hitting Primus instead, as the rookie monster was getting back to his feet ......Harry Allen then drop-kicked Carl Batch out of the ring, who went crashing through the table that himself and Primus had so meticulously set up earlier. With Primus down, Harry Allen then went up top, before coming down with the Flying Fist Drop......Graveson then counted to three as Harry Allen sealed the first victory for UNITY in their singles challenge against Wave of Violence. Plenty of effort from both guys but the problem with these sort of matches is that they just come across as a bunch of spots linked by some random brawling. Still this was better than the Barrio Street Fight's from last year between the Kings of the Street and Natural Storm, possibly because both workers involved this time round are a little more talented. [B]Result: Harry Allen defeated Primus in 9:58 by pinfall. [/B] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] We then head backstage where J.D Morgan is warming up for his match with Puerto Rican Power for the Undisputed Championship, he then turns to camera and begins to speak. [COLOR=darkred][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] Love me, or hate me...there's one thing that J.D Morgan has always been and that's winner. I didn't come here to have a nice little vacation and pick up an extra pay check, and I proved that last month by winning the Rey De Reyes and now I get a crack at the Undisputed Title.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Some say that Puerto Rican Power has been unstoppable since he regained the gold, but I've been in this game long enough to realise that no one is unstoppable. You see I've wrestled all over the world and I've downed bigger fish, than this regional hero. [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Best in Puerto Rico he may be, but I'm J.D Morgan and I'm amongst the best England has to offer and while your hero may have the support of his beloved public, God Save The Queen will be playing in my heart and stirring me on to victory, just as it did last month. Tonight J.D Morgan walks in a champion, and he walks out an even bigger champion. [/COLOR] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: 4 Corner Survival: [/B] [B]D.C Rayne w/ Carl Batch vs Eddie Howard vs [/B] [B]Stevie Grayson vs The Sensational Singh w/ The Great Oxii[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DCRayne_WOV1.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]vs[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_StevieGrayson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt1.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OxKreviazuk_alt31.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was your basic run of the mill 4 corner surival between 4 mid-carders, that went through the motions of the first five minutes then broke down toward the end. The most notable thing was the dynamic between Eddie Howard and his former tag partner D.C Rayne, as when Howard got into the ring Rayne would immediately tag out to either Singh or Grayson. Eventually when Singh had Howard worn down Rayne tagged into the match and got in some cheap-shots. The finish saw D.C Rayne drill Grayson with the Storm Damage, only for Eddie Howard to take D.C Rayne's head off with the Powerline, Rayne managed to land out of the ring however and Howard was taken down with a chop-block from The Sensational Singh who then locked in the Singh It Back (Figure Four)......... Ironically D.C Rayne dived back in to make the save, and after drilling Singh with another Storm Damage (Leg Hook Brainbuster) tried to steal the win but Eddie Howard pulled him off, and they began to brawl, with it eventually spilling to the outside. Singh then staggered back up to his feet but he was planted back into the mat with the Cap It Off (Diving Bull Dog) from Grayson and that was enough for the former TCW man to pick up the victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Stevie Grayson defeated The Sensational Singh, D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard in 8:55 when Stevie Grayson defeated The Sensational Singh by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]As Singh gets up off the mat with the cobwebs shaken from his head, he goes up to his enforcer 'The Great Oxii' and berates the big lummox for NOT getting involved in the match. It's a damned if he do/damned if he don't situation for Oxii. Oxii as ever just stands there, taking the one sided verbal assault from the increasingly frustrated Singh. [/I] [B]Rating: E[/B] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Totally Einstein (Bradford Peveral & Mainstream Hernandez) w/Sara Silver vs [/B] [B]Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley)[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHocking.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ArthurDexterBradley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This match up turned out to be less of a competive match and more of an angle advancement. Totally Einstein started off well enough and dominated the first couple of minutes, but Heat Magnets hung in, managing to turn the match in their favour, as the two team brawled on the floor. Mainstream Hernandez soon found himself playing face in peril, as the Heat Magnets got in plent of cheap shots, as Sara Silver got up on the apron to protest about the c0cky young duo's shenanighans, noticeably though Peverall just laconically stood at his turnbuckle. When Hocking to finish Hernandez off with the Shock-Drop, the former Peoples champion managed to flip out then nail Hocking with a super-kick before diving across to his corner to make the hot-tag to Bradford Peverall but Peverall just dropped down off the apron, leaving Hernandez isolated, a recovered Hocking then saw the opportunity to spin the confused Hernandez round, planting Hernandez with a Fisherman Suplex, before tagging into ADB, who went up top.....crashing onto the Mainstreamer with the Superstar Splash (Frogsplash) to pick up the 'upset' win for the young duo. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Heat Magnets defeated Totally Einstein in 8:31 when Arthur Dexter Bradley defeated Bradford Peverell by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] Aftert the match Bradford Peverall, rolls back into the ring, helping his [I]Totally Einstein tag partner to his feet, but only to deliver a Rock-Hard Uppercut to the already groggy Hernandez ! Peverall then starts putting the boots to Mainstream Hernandez, all the while shouting verbal abuse at what is now clearly his FORMER tag partner. Peverall's not done as he lifts up a limp Hernandez and sets up for the Totally Totalled, but Sara Silver seeing enough comes into the ring, and pulls Peverall off, only for Peverall to swing out an arm and catch Silver clear in the face with an elbow, that leaves Silver lying in a heap on the mat.[/I] [I]Peverall realising what he has just done surveys the situation, but then just walks out of the ring no remorse etched on his face for his dispicable actions.[/I] [B]Rating: E-[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Oops, apparently Peverall hitting out at Silver was too 'shocking' for the crowd and the mood for the rest of the show, until the final two matches, was a little uneasy and deflated. On the positive note though, the heel turn for Peverall was a complete success. Nothing like hitting a defenceless (babyface) woman *, to make a wrestler look like a total dick.[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]* Remember if the woman is an irritating, interfering heel, then in the world of Wrestling it's perfectly acceptable for them to 'get what's coming to them'. [/FONT] [CENTER][FONT=Courier New]_______________________________________________________[/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Leper Messiah vs Masked Cougar[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Following the Peverall/Hernandez/Silver angle the crowd were a little flat for his match. This was your basic big-man/little man formula with Messiah using his Power game to try and keep Cougar grounded and Cougar using his speed to keep Messiah off balance. This was pretty much a 50/50 match with stretches where Messiah was on top, and stretches where Cougar was able to use his aerial attack to great effect. One cool spot saw Cougar springboard off the ropes, he wa then caught by Messiah but Cougar was able to send Messiah down with a spinning head-scissors, this was followed by Messiah getting back to his feet but he was left so disorientated he just collapsed back to his feet and Cougar followed up with a standing moonsault for a two count. The finish came when Cougar had downed Messiah with an arm-drag reversal, and then headed up top, for the High Rise Cougar Pounce, but Messiah caught Cougar in mid-move and used the momentum to counter into The Prophecy (Spinning Side Slam) as Messiah got back on track with a victory. One of those matches that could have gone either way, Cougar is the much more talented wrestler but Messiah was complaining about doing too many jobs. In fairness he is supposed to be the leader of a dangerous faction and should remain looking reasonably strong. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Leper Messiah defeated Masked Cougar in 8:15 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]The camera's then went back stage, where flanked by Harry Allen I cut a promo for my match with M.C Speed....[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] One down, one to go...my man Harry here overcome the odds and slained the so called Rookie Monster, in a fight you thought was stacked in your mans favour Batch. Well now I'm going to do the same thing against M.C Speed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]Speed, I know all about your 'Tap or Snap' reputation but what if the shoe was on the other foot, what if you were faced with the tap or snap dilemma, because I have every intention of making you ponder that question when we step in that ring.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]Because if the shoe is on my foot, it would be snap, and you know why because even if had to face you on one leg or with one arm for a shot at those tag titles, then that is what I am prepared to do. Are you prepared to hurt for YOUR cause, as much as I am for mine Speed ?[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #6: 'Tap Out' Match: [/B] [B]Charles Rainier vs M.C Speed w/Carl Batch[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesAvatar.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-WoV.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This match had quite a slow start as Speed and myself jockeyed for advantage, exchanging low-key holds, perhaps not the best way to start the match, with a crowd who were still reeling in show from the Totally Einstein angle. To Speeds frustration, I managed to gain the advantage, getting him locked in a Stretch Plum, but he managed to rise to his feet, and stun with a jawbreaker...causing me to let go of the hold...Speed then took me down with a single leg take-down, before attemting to turn me over for the ankle-lock but I manages to kick the W.O.V man off and then nail him with a standing drop-kick...... I then took a dazed Speed over with a trio of snap suplexes, before locking in a Front Chancery. Speed manages to work his way out of though and reversed into the Gang Sign (Cross Arm Breaker), but he had not signicantly worked over my arm enough for it to take effect, and I managed to fight my way out of the hold, then rolled back before stunning Speed with a basement drop-kick. I then lifted Speed up and dumped the W.O.V man with a release German suplex that did more damage to Speeds neck. However seeing that his man could be in trouble, Carl Batch hopped up on the apron, and the brief distraction, allowed Speed to stagger back to his feet and crotch me with a low blow, before taking me down with a chop-block. I then staggered back to my feet, but Speed was 'toying' with me, taking me down with another chop-block to do further damage to my legs....... Speed then lifted me up by the leg driving my right knee into the canvas....he then dared me to get up, and being the plucky babyface I did only for Speed to send me back down to the mat with a baseball slide....... With my right leg signicantly worn, Speed then locked in the Deadly Heel Hook........ It was clear I was in agony and Bret Graveson asked me if I wanted to give up......but even with the pain shooting through my leg I refused to give in, but I was starting to fade and it looked like Graveson would call for the bell at any second, but somehow I managed to make one last ditch effort to make it over to the ropes and force the rope break. Speed then took me down with another chop-block on the rope break, but somehow I managed to right myself, and I stunned Speed with an Enziguri, before collapsing to the mat, then as we both staggered back to our feet I gained the advantage with a jawbreaker, that left Speed dazed enough for me to double underhook his arms....... But instead of drilling him with the C.R Driver I took him over with a butterfly suplex, before transitioning that into one of the most feared submission's in the history of FCW, the BEST SUBMISSION IN THE WORLD EVER (Cattle Mutilation) that was the bringer of many victories for Kirk Jameson...... I had it locked right in the middle of the ring, and with seemingly no way out M.C Speed saw not other choice but to tap, as Harry Allen and myself went 2-0 against Wave of Violence in the singles challenges to earn ourselves another tag team title shot. Despite the slow start, I actually think we put on a decent technical battle by the end, unfortunately the crowd was FLAT and it took quite a bit away from tension of the match, though by the end some of the more educated fans were 'marking out' for the fact that I finished Speed off with the BSITWE. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Charles Rainier defeated M.C Speed in 9:58 by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D [/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match the rest of W.O.V (Rayne, Batch and a miraculously recovered Primus) try to save face, by jumping me from behind but Harry Allen rushes out chair in hand to chase them off and send W.OV scrambling out of the ring with their tails between their legs. [/I] [I]Harry Allen then picks up a microphone.....[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Harry Allen:[/B] Hey Batch, looks like your brutha's couldn't get the job done after all, you better enjoy that bling of yours for now, because the next time we're here....me and Charles here we'll be taking those belt off you. Don't believe us ? Then you've had all the proof you need tonight, enjoy what's left of your title reign.[/COLOR] [B]Ratings: D for both post match attack and save and Harry Allen's taunt.[/B] [CENTER]_______________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]We then go backstage to what looks to be the buildings boiler room....who else would be hanging out there, than none other than the Messiah's Circus where Leper Messiah is psyching up Soul Krusher, for Krusher's #1 Contenders match with Ultimate Phoenix.....[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Leper Messiah:[/B] Tear apart the Phoenix, Krusher for you shall be rewarded and we shall one step to closer to taking control of the dead souls, that fail in their existance. For we shall have our glory, and that glory shall be begat with a feeding frenzy, a frenzy begat by the taketh of the soul of Ultimate Phoenix. Krush his soul and glory shall be ours....BWAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!![/COLOR] Soul Krusher then just lets out a anguished howl as heads to the ring. Rating: D+ [CENTER][B]Match #7: #1 Contenders Match: [/B] [B]Soul Krusher w/ Leper Messiah vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyJackSheareralt1.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This match will earn the winner a shot at the Undisputed Title for the next show. Phoenix wastes no time in taking the fight to Krusher, laying in a series of kicks but Krusher just shakes them off, before letting out a deafening roar....Phoenix then decides to spring off the ropes...charging at Krusher, but the monsterous Messiah's Circus member just swats the masked high flier down to the mat. Krusher then picks Phoenix up like a rag-doll, tossing the masked man into the corner, and then following in with a corner splash. Phoenix just falls limply to the mat, as Krusher goes of the cover.... Phoenix manages to kick out, but Krusher is still in total control, lifting Phoenix up over his head into a military press, before dropping the popular high flier stomach first onto the top rope.....with Phoenix hanging on the top rope.....Krusher follows up with a running big boot, that causes Phoenix to drop back into the ring. Krusher then goes for arrogant one footed cover, but Phoenix, grabs the foot and attempt so take Krusher down with a Dragon Screw, but Krusher shakes off the attempt and ends up stomping on Phoenix sternum. Krusher then dropped down for the cover, but under orders from Leper Messiah he lifted Phoenix up to dish out more punishment, scooping the masked man onto his shoulders, but Phoenix starts to reign in some elbows that causes Krusher to stagger and eventually Phoenix is able to free himself ..... Phoenix then follows up with a basement drop-kick that further causes Krusher to lose his balance, but the big man manages to stay on his feet...but Phoenix follows in with a roundhouse kick, that causes Krusher to stumble back. With Krusher wobbling, Phoenix follows in with another basement drop-kick, and finally Krusher falls to the mat. Phoenix then takes a bit of time to get his breath back before going up top and setting up for the Phoenix Firebird Splash but Leper Messiah gets up on the apron. Phoenix manages to shake Messiah off, but the distraction is enough to allow Soul Krusher, to get back to his feet, and the former B.J Shearer swats Phoenix legs out from underneath, before launching the popular masked man off the turnbuckle. Phoenix hit the mat hard, and Krusher lumbered across to make the cover. Phoenix kicked out, but Krusher was back in control, lifting Phoenix up for a Power-Bomb but Phoenix managed to flip out and catch Krusher with a jawbreaker. With Krusher staggered, Phoenix then went out onto the apron, and he looked to springboard back in but Phoenix could see that Messiah was about to intefere, and the masked high flier, took the leader of the Messiah Circus out with a springboard moonsault. However Messiah's distraction allowed Krusher to recover again, and when Phoenix was about to get back in the ring, he was met with a clubbing blow from Krusher, who then tossed Phoenix into the ring with a fall-away slam. Krusher then lifted Phoenix back up, delivering a few clubbing blows to the back, before putting the masked man into a bear-hug (Dane O'Hara called the move as the Lifetaker). It looked as though Krusher was going to squeeze the life out of Phoenix, but the CZCW/MPWF star showed his champion credentials by refusing to give in, and he eventually began to fight back with elbows to the top of Krushers head. Phoenix relentless elbows began to wear on the big man, who decided to change tack driving Phoenix into the corner, but the popular high flier manages to plant himself on the second turmbuckle, using it as a launch pad to bring Krusher down with a Tornado DDT ! Krusher then staggerd back to his feet, but Phoenix nailed the Messiah's Circus member with an Enziguri, that caused Krusher to slump into the corner.......Phoenix then followed up with a corner drop-kick.....Krusher staggered back up to his feet, but Phoenix followed in with another running drop-kick in the corner. Phoenix backed of again, and once again Krusher tried to get back to his feet, only to be met with a third corner drip-kick !! Phoenix then dragged a dazed Krusher away from the corner, and headed up top......... PHOENIX FIREBIRD SPLASH !!! One......... Two......... Three !! Ultimate Phoenix will get a shot at the FCW Undisputed Championship. I don't think I'd be ever be able to say this, but B.J Shearer (everyone knows it's a repackaged B.J Shearer) was involved in a great match ! OK Phoenix carried him to that great match, by selling like a trooper for Krusher/Shearer's generic big man offence. Ultimately though of being faced with the options of Power/Morgan vs Krusher or Power/Morgan vs Phoenix as my next main event, it's a no brainer to opt for the latter, even if the latter is only on a loan deal. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ultimate Phoenix defeated Soul Krusher in 9:52 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Ultimate Phoenix is celebrating his triumph, but gets jumped on by Leper Messiah and Soul Krusher, who deliver a double power bomb to the masked man, just because their angry at the loss.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]We then join Puerto Rican Power backstage, where he is about to hype his up-coming Undisputed Title match with J.D Morgan.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Puerto Rican Power:[/B] J.D Morgan there's no doubt that you're a great competitor, and winning the Rey De Reyes proves that and you could well be my toughest test yet. [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]I heard your promo earlier, about how you have beaten the best all over the world, but you are in my yard now, and nowhere else in this world will you find someone who connects with his people so much more than right here. You see everytime I hear the crowd chant my name it makes me fight that bit harder, till I literally have nothing left to give[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]I Am the Undisputed Champion for a reason, you will see, you will hear, you will feel that reason all around you, when we step put into the middle of that ring. Because with the will of the Puerto Rican People behind me, I have the .........[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]The Crowd stand to their feet and join........[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]THE POWER !!!![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]We then get a further hype video for the Undisputed Title showdown between Puerto Rican Power and J.D Morgan. The video shows Power's succesful defence of the Undisputed Title, but concentrates more on building Morgan's credentials as a challenger with his victory in last months Rey De Reyes.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: Undisputed Championship: [/B] [B]Puerto Rican Power vs J.D Morgan[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] They lock up in the middle of the ring with a collar and elbow tie up, and the champion's Power begins to tell as he backs Morgan up into the corner. Bret Graveson asks Power to let go, so that Morgan can free himself.......suprisingly Morgan does not go for the cheap shot and we get a clean break. They lock up again but it's more of the same, with Power simply overpowering Morgan. Another rope break, and this time the frustrated Morgan does try for a cheap shot, but Power sees it coming, and fires in a series of fore-arms. Power then whips Morgan across the ring, and follows in with a running clothesline, but the move is telegraphed and Morgan sees it coming and the PSW man is able to stun Power with an elbow to the side of the head. Power then stumbles back into neckbreaker from Morgan. With Power down, Morgan begins to club away on the champions neck, but Power fight his way to his feet, only for Morgan to fire in a series of European Uppercuts that has Power reeling. With the champion in a dazed state....Morgan then used all his strength to take Power over with a head and arm suplex. Morgan then rolled over to the make cover, but Power kicked out with authority. Morgan then lifted Power, back up and delivered some more clubbing blows to the neck, but the Puerto Rican Icon shook them off, and after firing back with a flurry of fore-arm smashes lifted Morgan up into vertical suplex...... Power showed his impressive Power, holding Morgan in the air for almost a minute, the blood rushing to the head of the English technician......before sending Morgan crashing to the mat with an almighty thud. Power then went for the cover......... One............ Two........... Thr......... As Morgan kicked out, Power lifted the PSW man to his feet, and whipped Morgan into the ropes he set up for the roaring elbow, but Morgan saw it coming , side steping out of the ay then rocking Power with a European Uppercut, but Power stayed on his feet and came right back with a clothesline, that dumped Morgan to the mat.....Power then lifted Morgan back up and applied a Full Nelson....... Power had Morgan locked in the Atomic Full Nelson, but just as it looked like the former DaVE star might fade, Power let go of the hold...and brieflly we see why as Morgan had his hand squeezing the privates of the Puerto Rican Champion (Naturally this sort of tactic, is met by some homophobic chanting) Morgan then sent Power down to the mat with a Hammerlock divorce court, before locking in the Cross Atlantic Stretch, but Power manages to use the long reach of his free leg to make it to the ropes......... Morgan then gets in a flurry of European Uppercuts on the ropebreak, and again tries to down Power with a Hammerlock Divorce Court but this time the Puerto Rican Icon 'Powers Up' breaking free, then coming back with a flurry of fore-arms........ Power then whips Morgan across the ring, before downing the PSW man with a running clothesline, Morgan staggers back to his feet and Power takes him down with another clothesline...... After a fairly routine pin attempt from Power, the Puerto Rican Icon lifts Morgan back to his feet , before whipping the PSW man into the ropes......this time Power is able to rock Morgan with the roaring elbow ! The Atomic Drop follows..... The comes the spinebuster........ Power waits for Morgan to start getting back to his feet......... SAN JUAN RUSH (Running Big Boot)....... One........ Two......... Thr !!! Morgan's arm is draped over the bottom rope by Leper Messiah ?! Power is incensed by this and begins to argue with Bret Graveson, Graveson then orders Messiah away from the ring, but whilst this is happening Soul Krusher sneaks (more like lumbers) into the ring....The former B.J Shearer spins Power around and drills the Puerto Rican Icon with a vicious short-arm lariat, before picking a dazed Power up, and powerbombing the Undisputed Champion to the mat........ Krusher then lays J.D Morgan over Puerto Rican Power, and lumbers back out of the ring...... Graveson now decides to turn his attention back to the match...... One........... Two........... Thr........ Power kicks out, much to the frustration of The Messiah's Circus...... But realising that Power is down, J.D Morgan soon locks the Cross Atlantic stretch back on and this time he has it locked on right in the middle of the ring....... Power tries his best to make it to the ropes, but Morgan refuses to give any ground and the Undisputed Champion begins to fade......... Graveson takes a check on Power's condition........ No response from the champion............. Graveson takes another look............ Still no response............ Graveson with one more look........... Puerto Rican Power has nothing left to give !! and Bret Graveson calls for the bell.......... J.D MORGAN IS THE NEW FCW UNDISPUTED CHAMPION !! Even though someone (Beeker) did call it in the predictions, I would like to think that this title switch came as a bit of a shock. What I will reveal now is that I've actually managed to sign Morgan on permanent basis and had done so since August, but wanted to give the impression that he was still an outsider, who was just lured by the challenge of taking on the best FCW had to offer. Power's overness took another hit, and it's actually now equal with Morgan (both are now B- in Puerto Rico) but relying on Power's popularity can only take me so far and with his matches often being outshone by others, I thought it was time for things to be shaken up a bit. [B][COLOR=red]Result: JD Morgan defeated Puerto Rican Power in 14:32 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]JD Morgan wins the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [I]As J.D Morgan is receiving the belts The Messiah's Circus hit the ring, and seem intent on inflicting more punishment on Puerto Rican Power, they then ask Morgan to join but the newly crowned champion seems insulted by the gesture, and cracks both Leper Messiah and Soul Krusher over the head with One of his newly won title belts. [/I] [I]J.D Morgan then stands in the ring, proudly holding one of the belts aloft, with the other slung over his shoulder. The crowd though are still in total shock, that their hero has been felled as Morgan soaks it all in.[/I] [B]Ratings: D+ for thwarted Messiah's Circus beatdown, C for Morgan's celebration[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] Our second 'strong' show in a row....the Krusher-Phoenix match exceeded expectations, the only down point is that it ended up over-shadowing the main event, but most signifcantly the title change could well usher in a new era for FCW. The break up of Totally Einstein, also came to a head in explosive fashion, even if the way it happened left the crowd feeling rather uneasy throught the middle portion of the show.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;501602]I called it also!! :( That JD Morgan would win. Awesome. :) And I actually had five matches predicted correctly I think.[/QUOTE] Apologies for that, I think my mind was so caught up in Morgan's win being a 'surprise' that I thought only one person called it. By the way thanks for the vote in DOTM. I must get round to checking out your WEXVV diary sometime, which looks good but I admittedly haven't really given a proper look yet.
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Haha. You're welcome! :) You don't have to read my diary, I mean really (the diary has changed it's structure 2-3 times, just now it has been the way I like it.. It can be quite, hard, to read from the start to where it is now. My first diary ever!). Thanks for the words though, highly appreciated as they come from someone who has done so many diaries. :) (Is the plurar (?) diarys or diaries? damn my english sucks.)
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[QUOTE=FINisher;501654]Haha. You're welcome! :) You don't have to read my diary, I mean really (the diary has changed it's structure 2-3 times, just now it has been the way I like it.. It can be quite, hard, to read from the start to where it is now. My first diary ever!). Thanks for the words though, highly appreciated as they come from someone who has done so many diaries. :) (Is the plurar (?) diarys or diaries? damn my english sucks.)[/QUOTE] Well your English is a whole lot better than my Finnish ! The plural in english is diaries, so you got it correct :)
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[CENTER][B][U]September in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] It was back to one show for this month, but with it being our second anniversary show, the roster put on another strong effort to follow up the Rey De Reyes event, most signicantly the show saw the Undisputed title change hands, with this years Rey De Reyes winner J.D Morgan ending Puerto Rican Power's reign as the Undisputed Champion (Power's second reign if you count his reign as Puerto Rican Champion). With only doing one show we managed to make back the losses of last month and earn a bit extra on top. The losses of last month were probably further compounded by the fact that we brought in a lot of outside talent last month but the feeling right now is to do put on about 3 shows every two months. With his title win J.D Morgan will be sticking around in FCW longer than expected, securing the former DaVE star to a full pay per apperance contract. Another key signing this month, has been that of Mainstream Hernandez, who signed an extension to his contract. Hernandez who has held both the People's and Tag Team champiobship's in FCW has proven himself to be one of FCW's most reliable performers. Departing FCW this month are Amo Del Gato and Rico Santana. Del Gato's role in FCW had been seriously reduced, due to scheduling conflicts brought about when he signed for OLLIE in March. Del Gato was a part of the original Messiah's Circus but was mostly used as the stable's 'fall guy'. Santana's role in the promotion was majorly reduced when Crippler Ray Kingman took over as chief Road Agent and with enough experienced wrestlers in the locker-room (some with a better grasp of psychology than Santana) the feeling was there wasn't much reason to keep Santana on and he amiacably departed the promotion during the middle of the month. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]September News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Worker Signings[/B][/LEFT] To the suprise of many Matthew Keith, added 21CW as his next destination, as he looks to emulate his famous father by wrestling all over the world. BHOTWG added veteran journeyman Harumi Okazwaya to their ranks, after he decided to leave rival promotion GCG. Captain USA has turned up in CGC. Captain USA who retired from in-ring competition last year, will be used in a managerial capacity with the DeColt run promotion. EWA filled some holes on their roster with the additions of Bigger Dan Ewe and The Big Bad. Hinote Dojo bolstered their ranks with the additions of Strong Style Yoemon and Hitomaro Suzuki. Joel Bryant, Rhino Umaga and Insane Machine will all take part in INSPIRE's upcoming Autumn tour. Arthur T.Turtle has signed on with MOSC. Arthur Dexter Bradley has expanded his schedule by joining MPWF. NYCW added Cameron Vessey and 'Hollywood' Brett Starr the charismatic son of the legendary Mickey Starr to their roster. SWF have prized away the versatile Adrian Garcia from CGC. While attractive valet Emmy was called up to the big leagues from RIPW. RIPW themselves have also have added manager Ernest Forthdyke-Hume on a PPA basis. Gaijin talent Champagne Lover, Nathaniel Casino, Mr Lucha III and Extraodinaro Jr. have all been invited back by WLW to take part on their up-coming Autumn Tour. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 4C extended the contracts of Duberry Excess, Grant Trueman and valet Katie Cameron. 5SSW kept hold of home-grown talents Huntress Makiko and Chitose Ariwara, as well as repected gaijins June Butler and Amber Allen. A busy month of negotitions for AAA, as they extend the contracts of Raven Nightfall, Miss Mexico, Steph Blake, Stephanie Wade and referee Lois Hudson. APW extend the contracts of Blake Belushi and Big Daddy Horne. BHOTWG secured Yasunobu Masuno and Tadakuni Toshusai to exclusive new written contracts. While the developmental contract of Hachigoro Maeda was also extended. Hinote Dojo themselves re-signed Dean Daniels (Dino Bravo in FCW), Ryushi Sato and Nichern Amagawa to new PPA contracts. BSC extended the contracts of Vampella, Alexis Lee Littlefeather and Roxy Kitten. CGC kept hold of Ryan Powell, Grimm Quibble, Whippy The Clown and Destiny of the Soldiers of Fortune. CWWF were faced with a whole glut of contracts coming up renewal, most of their roster to be precise. It looks like they were succesful at keeping their roster intact, with the most notable contract extensions being those of current champions Grace Harper, Suzanne Brazzle, Joanne Rodriguez and Jessica Bunny. CZCW kept hold of two their key talents in the form of Ultimate Phoenix and Remmy Skye. EWA extended the contracts of Miss Information, referee Patrick Garrett and commentator Joan Evans. GCG were relieved when Takayuki 2000 put pen to paper on a contract extension. INSPIRE extended the contracts of Roko Sotomur and announcer Seiho Kuroda. MAW extended the contract of Curtis Jenkins. MOSC extended the contracts of Danny Patterson, Axl Grease and Jeffery McPeterson and also kept their commentary team of Bernie Evans and Lawrence Young intact. MPWF extended the contracts of Snap Dragon, Cique Jr and Chica de Partido. NOTBPW secured Lord James King, Derek Frost, Harlem Haynes, R.K Hayes and Robbie McNamara to new written contracts. Some guy called Dan Stone Jr put pen to paper on a new deal too. NYCW extended the contracts of Primus Allen, Land Mass (why ?!), announcer Rock Downpour and valet Cheerleader Nicki. A fairly busy for OLLIE as they extend the contracts of Swarm I and II, Hijo De Mephisto, FCW alumnus Amo Del Gato and announcer Ignacio Soto. PGHW secured Joshua Taylor and road agent Danger Kumasaka to new written contracts. PSW extended the contracts of Teddy Powell, Frankie Future, Wooton Fitzpaine and Brimstone. ROF extended the contracts of Petey Barnes, Walter Morgan and Jonni Lowlife. Tsutomu Watnabe will be staying on as the resident referee of Pro Wrestling SAISHO A busy month for SOTBPW as they keep hold of Nicolas Lopez, Pirata Malvado, Enrique Merino, Mexican Ghoul, Reaper Cicero and commentator Eduardo Prieto. Eric Eisen unsurprisingly puts pen to paper on a exclusive contract extension with SWF, while B.J O'Neill has also earrned herself a new contract with the 'sports entertainment' giants. TCW have secured Guide, Texas Pete and refree Ray Johnson to exclusive new written contracts. USPW as expected extended the contracts of Alicia Strong (Bosses daughter) and Peter Valentine (Bosses best mate). Others to resign with Sam Strong's promotion are Eric The Bull, Jumbo Jackson, Al The Hillbilly and referee Baby Jamie. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] 21CW released Stefan Raynor. Many feel that his departure was a financial decision, so that 21CW could pursue bringing in International talent like Matthew Keith. AAA did not come to an agreement with Alex Braun over a new contract, the versatile Farrah Hesketh has taken over his position as color commentator on their announce team. APW decided not to renew the contract of Motty Kuroda. With no other regular promotion in Australia, Kuroda may have to look for work abroad. EWA saw Scott Van Den Berg (who defected to rivals UEW), Scheming Behemoth and Puffy The Sand Iron Player leave the promotion. Hinote Dojo did not renew the contract of Brother Yosh!taka Chess Maniac was a victim of the purse strings being tightened in the floundering MPWF, as he failed to get his contract renewed. In what is perhaps the most shocking departure of the month, and perhaps one of the most shocking of the year so far...SWF parted ways with former 3 time Tag Team Champion Groucho Bling. Bling's last run with the tag titles as part of High Concept, spanned for a dominant 17 months. Another suprising departure was that of Nicky Champion from USPW, after they failed to come to terms on a new contract. Many saw Champion as a future main eventer for the Sam Strong's family friendly promotion, but it does not seem to have panned out that way. Burning 'EXILE' Takash!ta has finished up with WLW for the time being, with his short term contract coming to an end. [B]Injuries[/B] SUKI was dealt a big blow, when he suffered a major concussion in a match with Silver Shark in GCG. It is thought that he will be out of action for over a year, and is cruel timing for SUKI as he was beginning to pick up a head of steam and many felt he was on the cusp of winning his first title. It was a bad month all round for GCG as one of their key roster members Takayuki 2000 will also be out for about a month, after suffering a broken tailbone. CGC's Shane Nelson broke his ankle, whilst wrestling for the 4C promotion and will be out of action for about 55 days. [B]Retirements[/B] 5SSW and women's wrestling in general saw two of it's top stars hang up their boots for good, as Sensational Ogiwara and Saeko Hiroyuki retired from active competition. Ogiwara is seen as arguably the greatest womens wrestler of all time, and amongst the best of any gender over the past decade. Her epic rivalry with Crusher Ichihara in 5SSW was amongst wrestling's great feuds with her legendary status confirmed by her record 8 5 Star World Title reigns between 1993 and 2007. Hiroyuki may not have been as revered as Ogiwara but she was amongst 5SSW's most reliable performers since the late 90's and is one of the few to break the Ogiwara/Ichihara/Thunder Hike domination of the Joshi promotions main event, having won the World Title in 2000. That was her only reign with that belt though and she became better known as a tag team specialist later in her run, forming one of her 5SSW's premier tandems with Saori Nakadan as The Bomb Squad, with the duo winning the Tag Titles on 3 occasions. [B]Backstage Trouble[/B] It appears that Devil's Daughter has fallen out with Kate Lilly in AAA. [B]Media News[/B] SWF have expanded their PPV coverage, after striking a deal with Premier Pay EURO-TV to show their PPV's in Europe. [B]Other News[/B] Lady Melissa the former pornstar known as Melissa Melon's, did not do her chances of getting a regular pay day on the wrestling circuit any good, when she was caught in possession of hard drugs. Apparently Melissa was driving erratically near Santa Fe in New Mexico, and was stopped by police, as well as being stopped for a DUI the police found a bag of methamphetamines, a small bag of crack cocaine and some paraphinalia used for smoking crack in her car. [B]Title Changes[/B] Amber Allen stunned the wrestling world, when the 21 Year old Gaijin became the youngest ever World Champion in 5SSW. The All-Asian title changed hands as Shiori Jippensha won the title from Kiko Sakakibara. But it wasn't all bad for Sakakibara, who won the tag titles alongside Otsune Tsumura, as the Rainbow Girls ended the five month reign of DEVIL Karube and Huntress Makiko, to begin their second reign with the belts. Elemental III's seven month reign as the Burning Junior Champion came to and end at the hands of Silver Shark, as the well travelled Shark earned his first singles title in BHOTWG. The Junior Tag Titles also changed hands with the tandem of VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi winning the belts for a third time and it was a double success for Shiomi who also regained the Openweight Title from Nissho Yuasa. Kiminobu Kuroki is another wrestler to be holding double gold in Japan, adding the Openweight Title to the Tag Titles he currently holds with Naonobu Murkami, this is Kuroki's third reign with the Openweight belt. Melody Cuthill ended the 9 month reign of Wanda Fish to become the Womens Champion in NOTBPW for a third time. Gino Montero ended the 10 month long reign of El Leon, to win the Campeon de Univeral in OLLIE, but he couldn't even muster one single title defence as the hotly tipped young star, lost the title in his first defence to El Critico. Bizarelly La Generacion Siguente who won the Campeon de Pareja's for a second time last month could not manage a single title defence either, dropping the belts to Swarm II and III. The Cannoball Kid ended Pirata Malvado's latest reign of the Campeon de Menor title in SOTBPW. Fumihiro Ota became the All Action Champion for a third time in TCW, ending the 5 month reign of Chance Fortune.
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[QUOTE]Lady Melissa the former pornstar known as Melissa Melon's, did not do her chances of getting a regular pay day on the wrestling circuit any good, when she as caught in possession of hard drugs. Apparently Melissa was driving erratically near Santa Fe in New Mexico, and was stopped by police, as well as being stopped for a DUI the police found a bag of methaphetamines, a small bag of crack cocaine and some paraphinalia used for smoking crack in her car.[/QUOTE] Reminds of the fans back in the old ECW Days who would have welcomed Melissa back with their epic chant of " She's a Crack Whore!!" :D
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Tigerkinney, you talked about SUKI and Takayuki being injured etc.. Take a look at this in my savegame :D [QUOTE]GCG has had 8 different injuries this year, with Eagle Kawasawa (2 months), Namboku Makuda (12 months), Naonobu Murkami (1 month), Takayuki 2000 (1½ months), Yasuhide Tayama (3 months), Kiminobu Kuroki (12 months), Harumi Okazawaya (13 months) and Merle O'Curle (2½ months) injured at one point or another during the year. That's a huge number of injured wrestlers in one year for any promotion. Takayuki and Tayama have their body coloured in yellow in the physical menu (Kiminobu hasn't come back yet). One or two more injuries and that's it for these young GCG prospects.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Delorean Driver.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B] [U][I][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/I][/U][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] FCW's third year begins with J.D Morgan at the summit of the Puerto Rican promotion, as the 2009 Rey De Reyes winner dethroned the previously unbeatable Puerto Rican Power. Unlike the last time Power lost a title, this time the Puerto Rican icon was forced to submit in the middle of the ring...making J.D Morgan the first man to get a decisive fall on Puerto Rican Power. However many will point to the role Power's perennial rivals the Messiah's Circus had in the match, as Power had the match 'won' until their intervention. FCW returns to action on Saturday October 10th, once again at the Gynasium Aguada in San Juan, Puerto Rico with FCW Contragolpe, with J.D Morgan's first defence of the Undisputed title coming against the popular high flier Ultimate Phoenix. Phoenix earned his shot by downing the monsterous Soul Krusher and will be looking to make his latest excursion to Puerto Rico a success by ending J.D Morgan's defence of the Undisputed Championship at the first hurdle. It was Morgan who pipped Phoenix to the Rey De Reyes back in August, can Phoenix who has won gold in both Mexico and the U.S with MPWF and CZCW go one better ? Wave of Violence and UNITY will once again renew hostillities over the Tag Team Championship, after UNITY earned another shot by defeating W.O.V in the singles challenge set by the champions. The winners of the match will go on to defend the titles against Heat Magnets at the following event. Stevie Grayson get's his first opportunity to earn gold, since arriving in FCW when he challenges Angel De Mexico for the Peoples Championship. Can the former TCW star make the most of his opportunity or will the patriotic masked man continue his run with FCW's secondary singles championship ? The tension between former Tag Team Champions Totally Einstein finally came to an head in explosive fashion at Anniversario with Bradford Peverall turning on Mainstream Hernandez. But it's perhaps the actions of Peverall after the match that will anger Hernandez the most. When Peverall was laying it into Hernandez, Sara Silver pleaded for Peverall to stop but Peverall just swung a fist out, connecting with Silver's jaw. Leaving Hernandez girlfriend lying in a heap. They go up against each other for the first time since Peverall's shocking actions, in a Six Man Tag with Peverall siding with Tag Team Title hopefuls Heat Magnets and Mainstream Hernandez being joined by Joe Benning and Dragon Del Arco Iris. Puerto Rican Power, will get a chance to get a small measure of revenge on the Messiah's Circus for costing him the Undisputed Title when he takes on El Hijo Del Zonk. Del Zonk has been quiet since losing the tag titles, but will be looking to impress his leader Leper Messiah by making life difficult for the former Undisputed Champion. The rest of the Messiah's Circus will also be in action with Soul Krusher looking to bounce back from his defeat to Ultimate Phoenix when he takes on Eddie Howard and Leper Messiah may meet his match in weirdness when he goes up against Inky the Squid Boy. The main show will be rounded out by Tag Team action, as The Sensational Singh teams up with his personal genie The Great Oxii to take on the tandem of Animal Magic, featuring Masked Cougar and Fox Mask. Cougar has been in FCW since July but is now joined by his fellow Animal masked high flier Fox Mask, as the high flying duo look to make an assault on FCW's Tag Division. The bonus pre-show match for those who get to arena early will featuring W.O.V's D.C Rayne taking on Roderick Remus. Here's a full run down of the card for FCW Contragolpe [CENTER][SIZE=2][B][U]FCW [SIZE=2]Contragolpe[/SIZE][/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Saturday 10th October 2009[/SIZE][/SIZE][/I] [I][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]at Gynasium Aguada in San Juan, Puerto Rico[/SIZE][/SIZE][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B][SIZE=1]-[/SIZE] J.D Morgan vs [SIZE=1]'From CZCW/MPWF'[/SIZE] Ultimate Phoenix [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] Wave of Violence (Primus & M.C Speed) vs UNITY (Charles Rainier & Harry Allen) [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]People's Championship:[/B] Angel De Mexico vs Stevie Grayson [/CENTER] [CENTER]Puerto Rican Power vs [SIZE=1]'Representing The Messiah's Circus'[/SIZE] El Hijo Del Zonk [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing The Messiah's Circus'[/SIZE] Soul Krusher vs Eddie Howard[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Six Man Battle:[/B] Bradford Peverall & Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & ADB) vs Mainstream Hernandez, Joe Benning & Dragon Del Arco Iris[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing The Messiah's Circus'[/SIZE] Leper Messiah vs Inky The Squid Boy[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Tag Team Debut:[/B] Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) vs The Sensational Singh & The Great Oxii[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][FONT=Courier New]Bonus Pre-Show Match:[/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=Courier New]D.C Rayne vs Roderick Remus[/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=Courier New]_____________________________________________________[/FONT][/B][/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][B][COLOR=purple]Predicitions Form:[/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U][COLOR=purple]FCW Contragolpe[/COLOR][/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] J.D Morgan vs Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship[/B]: Wave of Violence vs UNITY[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]People's Championship:[/B] Angel De Mexico vs Stevie Grayson[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Puerto Rican Power vs El Hijo Del Zonk[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Soul Krusher vs Eddie Howard[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Six Man Battle:[/B] Peverall & Heat Magnets v Mainstream, Benning & Dragon[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Leper Messiah vs Inky The Squid Boy[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Animal Magic vs Singh & Oxii[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]D.C Rayne vs Roderick Remus[/COLOR][/LEFT] [/quote]
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[LEFT][COLOR=black][B][U]FCW Contragolpe[/U][/B][/COLOR] [/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix Hope that this will steal the show. :) [/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B]Tag Team Championship[/B]: Wave of Violence vs [B]UNITY[/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B]People's Championship:[/B] Angel De Mexico vs [B]Stevie Grayson[/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [COLOR=black]He's been on the winning streak now (?).. So.. [/COLOR] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] vs El Hijo Del Zonk [/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B]Soul Krusher[/B] vs Eddie Howard[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B]Six Man Battle:[/B] [B]Peverall & Heat Magnets[/B] v Mainstream, Benning & Dragon [/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B]Leper Messiah[/B] vs Inky The Squid Boy[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Singh & Oxii[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B]D.C Rayne[/B] vs Roderick Remus[/COLOR][/LEFT]
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Undisputed Championship: [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix Much as Phoenix is more the future of FCW than JD is, you aren't going to have JD lose on his first defence Tag Team Championship: Wave of Violence vs UNITY I'm gonna pick the draw in this one - thus setting up a triple threat with the Heat Magnets next time - I can't see a tag title match involving the HM producing the goods as a straightforward 2v2, so making it a three way works well People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Stevie Grayson Angel keeps the streak going [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] vs El Hijo Del Zonk Durr! [B]Soul Krusher [/B]vs Eddie Howard Squash 2! Six Man Battle: [B]Peverall & Heat Magnets[/B] v Mainstream, Benning & Dragon The Magnets need to keep moving forward, and it gives the heel (Peverall) the first blood against Mainstream - even though 'James' is gonna win in the end ;) [B]Leper Messiah[/B] vs Inky The Squid Boy Where's the refreshments please? [B]Animal Magic [/B]vs Singh & Oxii Oxii screws up again - well that's Singh's POV at any rate. Bring on the Oxii face turn! D.C Rayne vs [B]Roderick Remus[/B] Good job I'm never early for anything - I won't have to sit through this pile of ****!
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Undisputed Championship: [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]To me, this match embodies the clash between the SE ethos of FCW, and your more Pure-influenced ideas. Morgan's probably the better wrestler, but to me he feels wrong somehow in FCW, and not at all a good fit for the roster. That said, he's only just won the belt, so it would make sense for him to hold it for a little while before transitioning it to Phoenix or back to PRP[/I] Tag Team Championship: Wave of Violence vs [B]UNITY[/B] [I]WOV are well written, but their black gangsta thing just doesn't grab me. Plus, I don't like dominant heel group, so I'm gonna go with UNITY[/I] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Stevie Grayson [I]Stevie's okay, but Angel's been a keeper for you thus far.[/I] [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] vs El Hijo Del Zonk [I]Power should lose less than Hogan in the 80's.[/I] [B]Soul Krusher[/B] vs Eddie Howard [I]Eddie belongs in the tag division, whilst Krusher makes for an efffective monster. That said, I don't expect anything particularly great out of this match[/I] Six Man Battle: Peverall & Heat Magnets v [B]Mainstream, Benning & Dragon[/B] [I]Peverall's turn was, in my opinion, a bit of a screw-up. It was just so hugely predictable the minute Sara arrived on the scene, and I felt it's one of the things that has kinda damaged the tag division. Plus, the Heat Magnets suck. So, whilst I've never really liked Hernandez much, he goes over[/I] [B]Leper Messiah[/B] vs Inky The Squid Boy [I]The Leper Messiah has fallen from prominence, but with Soul Krusher around he deserves to be back in the main event spooking people out. Plus, he just kinda rules[/I] Animal Magic vs Singh & Oxii [I]Man, you're evil sometimes. The Sensational Singh is one of my favourite guys, but so is Fox Mask. In the end I'm gonna go for a draw after Oxii flips and destroys Singh for a thrown-out match[/I] D.C Rayne vs [B]Roderick Remus[/B] [I]Again, if Rayne isn't in the Natural Storm he shouldn't be here. Plus, I really like Rod Remus[/I]
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FCW Contragolpe Undisputed Championship: [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix Tag Team Championship: [B]Wave of Violence[/B] vs UNITY People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Stevie Grayson [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] vs El Hijo Del Zonk [B] Soul Krusher[/B] vs Eddie Howard Six Man Battle: [B]Peverall & Heat Magnets[/B] v Mainstream, Benning & Dragon [B]Leper Messiah[/B] vs Inky The Squid Boy [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Singh & Oxii D.C Rayne vs [B]Roderick Remus[/B]
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FCW Contragolpe Undisputed Championship: [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]The Dean of Submissions teaches his first championship lesson[/I] Tag Team Championship: Wave of Violence vs [B]UNITY[/B] [I]They've chased long enough[/I] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Stevie Grayson [I]Grayson is a strong challenger, not so sold on him as a champion[/I] [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] vs El Hijo Del Zonk [I]Can you say 'squash'?[/I] Soul Krusher vs Eddie Howard [I]see above[/I] Six Man Battle: [B]Peverall & Heat Magnets[/B] v Mainstream, Benning & Dragon [I]Mainstream looks strong, while his jobber partners get killed[/I] [B]Leper Messiah[/B] vs Inky The Squid Boy [I]rebuild towards another feud with PRP[/I] [B]Animal Magic[/B] vs Singh & Oxii [I]The genie finally gets tired of the bottle[/I] D.C Rayne vs [B]Roderick Remus[/B] [I]Remus has some potential for talent, something that can't be said about Rayne[/I]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Contragolpe[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Saturday October 10th 2009[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Gynasium Aguada, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'000)- Sell Out !! [/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [B]Pre-Show[/B] [I]Bradford Peverall is milling around backstage and is seen talking with the Heat Magnets[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Matt Hocking:[/B] Brad hear your looking for some tag partners for tonight, to take on that lovestruck loser ‘James’[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Yeah I may be[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Matt Hocking:[/B] Have you considered the hottest new tag team around ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Could you like, point me in their direction, is it those two masked dudes ? Animal Farm or something ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Matt Hocking:[/B] Like dude, I’m referring to the one and only Matt ‘Shocking’ Hocking and my main man the A to the D to the B- Arthur Dexter Bradley[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Oh you two, you’ve not exactly set the world on fire have you[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Matt Hocking:[/B] Don’t you remember we beat you and ‘James’ to earn a tag title shot[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] That’s cos I let you[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Matt Hocking:[/B] Well we want to repay the favour[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Arthur Dexter Bradley:[/B] Look Bradders, we’re kinda grateful for what you did, it gave us a break man….no longer are the Heat Magnets gonna be held down. So what you say ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall :[/B] Well I can’t imagine ‘James’ has got anyone better, he’ll be too absorbed in whining over what I did to that piece of trash girlfriend, which was like totally an accident by the way.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Matt Hocking:[/B] So does that mean we’re on[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Yeah we’re on[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]We then join UNITY who are about to cut a promo for their tag title match with Wave of Violence.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] Wave of Violence it’s time your run on the top of the tag division came to an end, and we proved we could beat you by overcoming YOUR singles challenges last week…[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Harry Allen:[/B] You talk about this being a turf war we can’t win, but Batch you and your brainless goons are wrong, say goodbye to the ‘bling’.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]_____________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Wave of Violence then cut a promo in response[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] UNITY, you fools think you’ve got in made, you think you’re just gonna waltz in and take the bling of my brutha’s, well those wins you ‘earned’ have just made Primus and Speed more determined, more angry to take you out for good…..all you’ve done UNITY is loaded our guns even more….this bling ain’t goin’ nowhere…..YEAH ! YEAH ! YEAH ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]____________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Match: D.C Rayne vs Roderick Remus[/B] Despite the fact that Roderick Remus is still working off the ring-rust (how many matches does he need to work off the rust ?) this was still a surprisingly solid four and half minute match…..they started with some mat wrestling but it soon heated up and both were looking to finish their opponent off in short order. The finish saw D.C Rayne work his way out of the Remus Clutch, then drill Remus into the mat with the Storm Damage (Leg Hook Brainbuster), to pick up the victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: D.C. Rayne defeated Roderick Remus in 4:31 by pinfall[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]Lisa Bowen comes out wearing some skimpy outfit that just so happens to show off a lot of cleavage. And why is she is dressed like a stripper, to give out free merchandise to the crowd off course. [/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]Dane O’Hara and Cueball Lynch welcome us to the show as is usual tradition, before proceeding to shill the main event.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O’Hara:[/B] Tonight J.D Morgan will make his first defence of the Undisputed Championship, after he was able to dethrone Puerto Rican Power.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] I told you that Power, would finally be exposed for the over-rated charlatan he truly is.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O’Hara:[/B] Power was not exposed as anything, and not to take anything away from Morgan if the Messiah’s Circus did not get involved, Power would probably, I’m not going to say definitely, still be champion.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Excuses, excuses, Power finally got what was coming to him, his luck finally ran out, now he can go back to where he belongs, jerking the curtain.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O’Hara:[/B] If you think Power is just going to fade away, then you really are deluded, the former champion, the man who helped put FCW on the map will be back.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Back to further embarrass himself that is.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O’Hara:[/B] Anyway I think the audience are probably bored to tears of our irrational views on Puerto Rican Power, so lets get to concentrating on Morgan’s first defence which comes against the exciting Ultimate Phoenix......[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Oh that clown[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O’Hara:[/B] Phoenix is no clown, he has lighted up the arena, with his awesome displays whenever he has stepped inside an FCW ring.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] OK I’ll admit he’s exciting to watch, but just as he did at Rey De Reyes he will come up short once again.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O’Hara:[/B] Was that a bit of back tracking, I heard Cueball ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Not at all, what I meant was that Phoenix may come out with lots of exciting moves but is there actually any end product, will it bring him victory when it really matters.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O’Hara:[/B] Well it appears that my broadcast colleague is ignorant to Phoenix’s accomplishments in CZCW and MPWF, and that he is someone who certainly does have the credentials to win the Undisputed Championship…..[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] What so the credentials to win the title, is to have held gold in a couple of second rate backyard promotions.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O’Hara:[/B] I’d like to personally apologise for Mr Lynch’s utter ignorance. But the match between J.D Morgan and Ultimate Phoenix, should be a great one, a true clash of styles as the hard nosed technical style of Morgan goes head to head with the fluid high flying of Ultimate Phoenix.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [RIGHT][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/RIGHT] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Peoples Championship: [/B] [B]Angel De Mexico vs Stevie Grayson[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_StevieGrayson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The match action kicked out with the Peoples Title match between Angel De Mexico and Stevie Grayson. They started off with going through some chain wrestling sequences, however due to Grayson's rustyness it wasn't quite as fluid as it could have been. Neither man gains an advantage and we have a stand off....Grayson then tries to take the initiative by charging in but Angel snaps of a head-scissors. The champion then goes for a standing moonsault but Grayson gets the knees up and rolls the masked man into a small package. Angel kicked out of that pin attempt, but Grayson stayed in control, slowing the pace down and attempting to wear Angel down with backbreakers and suplexes. Grayson then scooped Angel De Mexico onto his shoulders into the Fire-Man's Carry positon, but the champion fought out with elbows, before taking Grayson down with a La Magistral Cradle. Grayson kicked out, then re-took control to set Angel up into the power-bomb position but Angel countered into a sunset flip. Then as they got back to their feet, Angel stunned Grayson with an Enziguri before taking the former TCW man off his feet with a Leg-Whip. Angel De Mexico, then headed up top and as Grayson staggered to his feet he took Grayson down to the mat with the flying armbar he calls Mexican Death. However at that point Dino Bravo sneaked into the ring chair in hand.....he cracks it over the heads of both Angel and Grayson......... Leaving referee Bret Graveson with no choice but to throw the match out, much to the chagrin of the fans in attendance. Until Bravo 'ruined' the match, they were having a decent , though hardly spectacular offence. I'm pretty sure if we had Grayson at 100 per cent, rather than say 75% he'd be producing better performances. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Angel De Mexico drew with Stevie Grayson in 7:45 following a double disqualification. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#ff0000][COLOR=purple]Angel De Mexico retains the Peoples Championship Title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]Dino Bravo then continues to put the boots to Angel De Mexico, he seems to be mouthing things like 'Where's my rematch ?, Where's my dam re-match!' Stevie Grayson is up and he starts to fight back but Bravo catches him with a low blow, before drilling Grayson into the mat with the Raise The Stakes (Cradle Piledriver), before shouting out 'No one makes a laughing stock of Dean Daniels !'[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]_________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]Bradford Peverall strolls out to the ring, half of them are booing him, the other half are just indifferent, and with a mic in his hand, it looks like he is something to say.[/I] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Look I know what people round here are thinking, you're all thinking I'm some kind of wifebeater.......[/COLOR] [I]The crowd are really letting Peverall know what they think of him[/I] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Look I think all you dudes need to calm down, don't you think this is a bit of an over-reaction. It was an accident, I barely touched her[/COLOR] [I]Crowd are still telling Peverall that he 'sucks'. He regains his composure and continues to try and explain himself.....[/I] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Do I look like I beat up women ?, Am I wearing a wifebeater ? I dunno that might be Wave of Violence bag, but it ain't mine. What part of accident, do you morons not understand[/COLOR] [I]Obviously after being called morons the crowd are even more volatile towards Peverall....[/I] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Believe what you like, it's clear you're all a bunch of idiots. If anything it's all Sara's own fault, I mean had she not tugged on my arm, it might no have hit her in the face........and besides she's totally making a mountain out of a molehill[/COLOR] [I]And this point Mainstream Hernandez comes out, obviously sick to death of what he is hearing being spewed from the mouth of his former tag partner....[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B]: I thought we were friends Brad, what the hell happened last month ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] We were, but your obsession got in the way[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B]: No. What got in the way, was your jealousy, face it Brad...you wanted Sara for yourself and because I got there first, you couldn't handle it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Nice imagination 'James' you always were away with their fairies, and why would I want to be with a scheming whore like that......[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] How dare you talk about Sara like that.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Or you'll do what......[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B]: I'll ram those words right down your throat, that's what I'll do.......[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Oh you're getting all worked up over a few words.......[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] It's more than words Brad, and you know that......[/COLOR] [I]Mainstream Hernandez then goes charging in at Bradford Peverall, Peverall tries to get in a cheap shot but Hernadez side-steps out of the way, and fires in a few kicks, but then the Heat Magnets hit the ring and it's three on one, however Joe Benning and Dragon Del Arco then come to the aid of Hernandez, and it looks like the Six Man Tag match is under way....[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Bradford Peverall & Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley) vs[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez, Joe Benning & Dragon Del Arco Iris[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHocking.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ArthurDexterBradley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RegularJoe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DragnDelArcoIris.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After the initial brawl on the outside , this settled down into the regular tag formula....Joe Benning took a beating from Peverall and the Heat Magnets, but dug down enough energy to get Dragon Del Arco Iris into the ring. The coloruful luchador then took the Magnets and Peverall down with head-scissors take-downs and armdrags, causing the heels to take a powder but he got caught up int the moment and when he decided to go airborne to the outside, he was met with a European Uppercut from Peverall. Dragon then played face in peril, as Mainstream Hernandez tried to desperately get into the match, as Peverall taunted his former tag partner. Eventually Dragon did get the tag into Hernandez, after a miscommunication between Peverall and the Heat Magnets. Hernandez cleaned house, but it was Peverall who he really want to get his hands on and his former tag partner/friend was already heading up the ramp....so Hernandez went in pursuit. That left the Heat Magnets and Benning/Dragon in the ring. Benning tried to take Hocking down with a Fisherman Suplex, but Hocking had it scouted and reversed it into one of his own......Dragon hit a senton backsplash to make the save, and then set Hocking up for the Dragon Driver 07, but as he hit it ADB nailed him with a super-kick. ADB then spiked Dragon with the Cool De Tee (Rope Hung DDT) and that was enough for Heat Magnets and Bradford Peverall to pick up the victory. They only got about 8 minutes, so it felt a little bit rushed, but the match was basically here to hold off the singles confrontation between Hernanandz and Peverall for a little longer and to continue the Heat Magnets recent mini winning streak, before their tag title shot at the next show. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Bradford Peverell and Heat Magnets defeated Mainstream Hernandez, Joe Benning and Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr in 7:44 when Arthur Dexter Bradley defeated Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Soul Krusher vs Eddie Howard[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyJackSheareralt1.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Anyone expecting a 'wrestling' contest in this one would have been sorely disappointed, because this was basically back and forth brawling. Krusher was the aggressor through much of the match but Eddie Howard refused to give in and dished it right back. Eventually the former Natural Storm man, managed to put Krusher on the back foot and after a flurry of fore-arms he finally managed to put Krusher down with the Powerline. However Krusher powered out of the pin attempt and then creepily sat up. Krusher then downed Eddie Howard with a big boot, before lifting Howard up, then slamming him into the mat with the Dead Man Walking (Swinging Side Slam). Krusher then placed his hands on Howard's chest as Bret Graveson counted to the inevitable three count [B][COLOR=red]Result: Soul Krusher defeated Eddie Howard in 7:40 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Puerto Rican Power vs El Hijo Del Zonk[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Zonk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Zonk got in some token offence in about the first minute, but this was basically all Power....as he went through the motions, then dishing out the four moves of doom. Straightforward squash for the former Undisputed Champion and Zonk does one final job before his contract runs out a couple of days after this show. I personally would have kept Zonk around, but he wasn't 'tough enough' and I had already clashed with the boss by re-hiring Matt Hocking over that. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Puerto Rican Power defeated El Hijo Del Zonk in 2:01 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Puerto Rican Power then picks up a mic[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Puerto Rican Power:[/B] Messiah's Circus I suppose you'd like to think that what you did last month at Anniversario got my attention, and that costing me the Undisputed Title I worked so hard for would hurt me. Well it did, and I want that title back.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]Incase it hadn't escaped your attention Leper Messiah, neither you or one of your puppets hold that title, which makes me wonder what the real reason is for costing me the title. Is it because you are not driven by titles, but are driven by wanting to destroy me....well you will never destory Puerto Rican Power. [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]I may be down, but I'm never out....so whoever comes out on top between J.D Morgan and Ultimate Phoenix tonight, they better be prepared for a short title reign as I'm cashing in my right for a re-match next month....next month the Undisputed title comes 'home' ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER]________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) vs [/B] [B]The Sensational Singh and The Great Oxii[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OxKreviazuk_alt31.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The debuting tandem of Animal Magic, started out on top, isolating Sensational Singh with some slick double teams, but Singh eventually turned things in his favour with a low blow on Masked Cougar. Cougar then played face in peril, as the fans had to endure an incredibly boring 'heat' segment with The Great Oxii and Singh beating down on Cougar. However a miscommunication (who didn't see that coming ?!) between Singh and Oxii, allowed Cougar to drop-kick Singh out of the ring then get the tag into Fox Mask.....Cougar and Fox Mask then hit stereo drop-kicks on Oxii to put the big man on his feet before the debuting Fox Mask followed in with the Fox Hunter (Shining Wizard) to give Animal Magic a victory on their debut. Not great match, but Oxii was involved. As entertaining as Oxii's character is, he's still rubbish in the ring and on top of that the crippler himself Ray Kingman tells me that Oxii was 'off his game'. Maybe Ray doesn't realise that Oxii doesn't have much of 'a game' to speak of. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Animal Magic defeated The Sensational Singh and The Great Oxii in 6:24 when Fox Mask defeated The Great Oxii by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Sensational Singh is berating The Great Oxii for causing HIM to lose another match. It's all one sided and Singh does not think he is getting through, so he gives Oxii as slap across the face. It looks like Oxii might retaliate but he then thinks better of it, and follows Singh back up the entrance ramp dragging his heels. Dane O'Hara makes the comment 'When is Oxii finally going to stand up for himself'. [/I] [B]Rating: E-[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] All I'm going to say is that the obvious next step to this lower card angle will come before the end of the year.[/FONT] [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Leper Messiah vs Inky The Squid Boy[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_InkyTheSquid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A strange match, as it was less of a match and more of an angle advancement. Inky charges at Leper a few times, but the Messiah's Circus leader just swats him down, tells Inky to get up, shovs he rubber masked cruiserweight to the mat and the pins Inky by jusy laying his foot on Inky's chest. With a win that easy for Messiah, a good portion of the crowd think that there is something a bit suspect going on........ [COLOR=red]Result: Leper Messiah defeated Inky The Squid Boy in 0:50 by pinfall.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR] [I]And they're right as Leper Messiah rises Inky back to his feet, and then grabs a microphone.....[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Leper Messiah:[/B] Inky you are now with your kind, you have chosen well my tortured one....for you will help the Circus re-assume the dominant position. Your pain can be shared amongst us, your demons can be let lose to infect those who do not understand. The Messiah's Circus shall become strong once again. [/COLOR] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] And with that Inky is now part of the Messiah's Circus, hardly major news and he'll be more of a minor member, basically taking the spot held by Zonk/Del Gato.[/FONT] [CENTER][FONT=Courier New]__________________________________________________________[/FONT][/CENTER] [I]We then get a video package to hype the Tag Team Title match between Wave of Violence and UNITY. Standard fare, that basically shows some clips from their previous matches.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Tag Team Chamionship:[/B] [B]Wave of Violence (M.C Speed & Primus) w/ Carl Batch vs [/B] [B]UNITY (Charles Rainier & Harry Allen)[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-WoV.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen_WOV31.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesAvatar.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] As soon as Wave of Violence made there entrance, Harry and myself jumped on them and it started out with the usual chaotic brawl to start things off. We had the upper hand at the beginning but then Carl Batch got involved to help turn things in W.O.V's favour with the pattern eventually settling down to me playing face in peril. What followed was a long frustrating section, where I tried my best to get the tag back into Harry Allen but W.O.V would use any means necessary legal or illegal to keep me isolated in their corner, they even pulled out the old favourite....where I had managed to get the tag into Harry but Bret Graveson was out of possession to see it. The more I was being worn down in the W.O.V corner, the more it would seem like it would only be a matter of time before they would put me away, and they went very close on a few occassions with combinations such as a backbreaker (Primus), followed by a diving knee-Drop (Speed) or Primus power-bombing Speed onto my sternum. Primus then set me up for the Rrruusshh but I managed to move out of the way just in time and Primus ended up hitting the turnbuckle I then delivered a drop-kick to Primus and then slumped back down to the mat to try and get the tag into Harry Allen. Primus however got the tag into M.C Speed first, who was able to grab me by the ankle but I managed to kick Speed off and then make a forward roll to my corner and finally tag in Harry Allen. Harry Allen came in like a house on fire, taking Speed down with a series of clothesline...Speed however sneaked in a thumb to the eye, and tried to set up for the W.O.V Spike but Harry Allen had it scouted reversing into a Butterfly suplex for a two count...... Harry Allen then dragged Speed over to our corner, to try and wear the smaller W.O.V man down. After Harry Allen planted Speed with a snap suplex, I then went up top and scored with a moonsault, but Primus came in and made the save before tossing me over the top rope....... Harry Allen then turned his attention to what was happening on the outside and hit a flying cross-body that took out both myself and Primus....that left M.C Speed in the ring who then launched himself through the ropes with a suicide dive. As the cobwebs were shaken from everyone heads, it was Harry Allen and M.C Speed back in the ring.....they exchanged kicks and strikes, with Speed eventually gaining the advantage with a reboundng flying knee strike. Speed then tried to turn Harry Allen over for the Deadly Heel Hook but the former TCW star kicked him off, and as Speed came back in Allen was able to take the W.O.V man down with a chop-block...... Harry Allen then went up top to set up for the Flying Fist-Drop, but just as he did Carl Batch tugged on his leg, which allowed M.C Speed to recover, race up the turnbuckles and send Harry Allen crashing back into the ring with a superplex. Speed then made the cover but I dived in to make the save, only for Primus to spear me out of my boots. Primus then clotheslined Harry Allen out of the ring, before picking up my lifeless body and placing me onto his shoulders into the electric chair positon. M.C Speed then went up top, and connected with a flying knee strike (a combo Dane O'Hara called as the 'Gangsta Device') Primus then made the cover, as M.C Speed stood guard and that was enough for Wave of Violence to retain the tag titles and once again get the better of UNITY when it really matters. A solid tag team match, that was good in parts but no matter what combo I put out there, I still can't get seem to get tag matches over the general averagness of a D+ on the Ryland scale. In response to some of the fans criticism on the FCW messageboards, perhaps I should have let Totally Einstein continue on a bit longer as a tag team and had them feud more with W.O.V but I don't even think that match up would have guaranteed the D+ ceiling for tag matches being broken. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Wave of Violence defeated UNITY in 13:50 when Primus defeated Charles Rainier by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=purple]Wave of Violence retain the FCW Tag Team Titles.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Wave of Violence then celebrate their victory, the only way they know how by dancing to some really lame hip hop tune with lyrics about being 'Gangsta' and Ballin'. They also continue to ignore the smoking ban by lighting up some victory cigars.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]_________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]We then go backstage where Ultimate Phoenix is getting ready for his match with J.D Morgan for the Undisputed Championship, he then spots the camera and starts to cut a promo........[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Ultimate Phoenix:[/B] I've heard people ask, what makes Ultimate Phoenix keep coming back to Puerto Rico, surely trips to this Island is a bit beneath him. Nothing could be further from the truth, the people of Puerto Rico are some of the most passionate wrestling fans in the world and for too long this great Island has been neglected as an afterthought.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]You see wherever I go to, I always give my absolute best, whether I am in front of a 100,000 fans or just a 100, and wherever I go I have always found success and despite giving my absolute best I have yet to find success in FCW. For all the great show-stealing performances I have had, I have yet to crown it by being a champion in FCW, a place that has taken me on like one of their own and success for me is winning championships. [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]The more I come back here, the more determined I am to win gold here, so J.D Morgan you may have gotten the better of me, the last time we met but just like my name suggests, I keep rising back up and I will keeping coming back until I am finally crowned a champion on this beautiful Island.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]We then go to a different part of the backstage area, where J.D Morgan is about to cut a promo in response[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] Phoenix you keep saying that wherever you go you have been a success, well as long as the Dean Submissions rules the roost in this backwater, you'll have to keep rising back up and trying again and again and again. Because to be honest I never get bored of putting the likes of you back in your place.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Phoenix you talk up the fact that you had succes wherever you have been, put lets look at the facts, you've held gold in some Indy only smarks care about and a fading Mexican promotion, hell the only reason you won gold in MPWF is because anyone who was any good had packed their bags. [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]But don't get me wrong, J.D Morgan is not a bigtime charlie and even it's in some backwater like Puerto Rico, I'm proud to carry the title...because by carrying gold it confirms what I am, and that's a winner ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 8: Undisputed Championship:[/B] [B]J.D Morgan vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After the pomp and ceremony of the introductions, the match got off to a tentative start with the two combatants circling each, other....Phoenix moved in to land a spin kick but Morgan ducked under and took Phoenix down with a single leg takedown. From there Morgan tried to keep Phoenix grounded on the mat with a variety of holds but the popular masked man would keep finding ways to manoeuvre out of them. Getting increasingly frustrated that he was unable to keep Phoenix grounded, Morgan then shot Phoenix off into the ropes, but the masked star used the momentum to connect with a springboard back elbow that rocked Morgan. Then as Morgan stumbled back, Phoenix snapped off a spinning head-scissors. Morgan then staggered back to his feet, only to be put back down with a standing drop-kick. Phoenix feeling the momentum shifting then sprung off the ropes into a quebrada......... One......... Two...... Morgan kicked out and before Phoenix could keep the pressure on, the English veteran rolled out of the ring to take a powder. It then looked like Phoenix was going to launch himself over the top-rope but put the brakes on when he saw Morgan move out of the way. Phoenix then realising that the title cant change hands on a count-out climbed to the top turnbuckle and launched himself onto Morgan with a forward somersault, but the former DaVE star caught Phoenix and then power-bombed the masked high flier into the guard-rail. With that one move Morgan had turned the match back in his favour and he pitched Phoenix back into the ring. Morgan then made an arrogant cover, that Phoenix easily kicked out of, but meant that the masked man had to expend more energy doing so. Morgan then taunted Phoenix to get back to his feet, before cutting off any attempt of a comeback with a knee lift. The self proclaimed 'Dean of Submissions' then fired in a flurry of European Uppercuts before whipping Phoenix back first into the turnbuckle. Morgan then followed in with a running European Uppercut that had Phoenix stumble out of the corner and right into a Hammerlock Divorce Court from Morgan, who then slapped on the Cross Atlantic Stretch for the first time in the match..... However Phoenix was a bit too near the ropes and the masked man managed to dig down enough energy to make his way over to force the rope-break. Morgan stayed in control though on the rope-break, dishing out another European Uppercut then spinning Phoenix round to deliver a Half Nelson Suplex, but Phoenix somehow managed to right himself onto his feet and he took Morgan by suprise with a La Magistral Cradle. Morgan kicked out of the pin attempt and then re-took control with a few elbows to the head he then lifted Phoenix up into a vertical suplex but Phoenix kicked his legs and rained down knee-strikes on the top of Morgan's head, causing the English vet to drop him......Phoenix then caught Morgan off guard with a roundhouse kick, before ducking under a lariat attempt from Morgan on the rebound, then nailing the former DaVE star with a picture perfect drop-kick. Morgan got back to his feet but Phoenix was now a step ahead, snapping off a head-scissors, then tying up Morgans legs for the pin...... One....... Two......... Thr........ Morgan powered his way out , but as they got back to their feet Phoenix was able to take Morgan down with an arm-drag then score with a basement drop-kick, before following up with another cover.... Morgan kicked out again but stayed rooted to the mat and Phoenix saw this an opening to head up top. But the damage to his back from earlier in the match, slowed him down a little, giving Morgan enough time to get back to his feet, and sweep the legs out from underneath Phoenix. Morgan then draped Phoenix across the turnbuckle to set up for the London Bridge, but Phoenix fought the attempt off , clubbing down across Morgan's chest. The defending champion then changed tact, sitting Phoenix back up and rocking the masked man with a European Uppercut. Morgan then climbed up to the turnbuckles, placing both Phoenix and himself on the top turnbuckle, to set up for a superplex but Phoenix came back with a flurry of fore-arms that saw Morgan fall back onto the mat, then as Morgan staggered back to his feet, Phoenix launched himself at Morgan to take the English vet down with a flying cross-body. One........ Two......... Morgan stayed rooted to the mat, and using the momentum Phoenix went over to the opposite turnbuckle and launched himself off the top with the spectacular Phoenix Firebird Splash but he ended up hitting nothing but canvas as Morgan rolled out of the way at the last split second. Phoenix then staggered back to his feet, but was met with a knee lift from Morgan, who then planted the masked man back onto the mat with a snap suplex....before turning Phoenix over into the Cross Atlantic Stretch..... But once again Phoenix started to fight his way over to the ropes, this time Morgan decided to let go of the hold before Phoenix made his way over to force the ropebreak......Morgan then lifted Phoenix up to set up for a Powerbomb, but the masked man countered with a sunset flip........... One..... Two......... But Morgan re-took control with a fore-arm smash, and then lifted Phoenix up and driving the masked man into the mat with a brainbuster. Morgan then dropped down and once again applied the Cross Atlantic Stretch on Phoenix..... Phoenix was refusing to tap, but there was little resistance coming in return to Morgan, and referee Bret Graveson had a check on whether Phoenix was able to carry on........ Graveson lifts Phoenix arm....... It drops down........... Graveson lifts the arm again....... Still no response.......... One last look from the referee.......... Graveson calls for the bell, Ultimate Phoenix has nothing left to give. J.D Morgan makes a succesful first defence of the Undisputed Championship. What this match boiled down to, was two talented performers but on a great exhibition of wrestling, they're styles may be different but both are experienced enough to blend their's fluidly with their opponent. I will definately have to consider bringing Ultimate Phoenix back in , but on a more regular basis, as he is someone who could bring a bit of an extra spark to the current main event. There's already in the angle built in, with Phoenix determined to prove why he was a success in the other promotions he has been (to the FCW fans) by winning main event gold in FCW. [B][COLOR=red]Result: JD Morgan defeated Ultimate Phoenix in 20:04 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]JD Morgan retains the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]As J.D Morgan slings the twin belts back over his shoulders, Puerto Rican Power comes out onto the entrance ramp and the show finished with Morgan and Power staring each other down.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] What many would call a 'one match show', the main event between J.D Morgan and Ultimate Phoenix was a great match, amongst the best in FCW's history (with perhaps only the Re De Reyes Finals and Narato-Powell topping it) but it saved a show that was pretty mediocre for the most part (though a fair few of those matches were either squashes or there as angle advancement).
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I'm liking this, I'm just trying to get caught up and read all the diaries I've missed (which is alot) and this one definitely will be one I keep up on. Doesn't have the feel your other diary had, but in due time I'm sure it will be on par (if not better, because I know the characters you're using now more) with your previous 07 diary, in my opinion.
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I felt that 1PW brought up some interesting comments regarding the booking, prior to the last show and deserve a response. It was in my opinion, good constructive criticism. [quote=1PWfan;502306]Undisputed Championship: [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]To me, this match embodies the clash between the SE ethos of FCW, and your more Pure-influenced ideas. Morgan's probably the better wrestler, but to me he feels wrong somehow in FCW, and not at all a good fit for the roster. That said, he's only just won the belt, so it would make sense for him to hold it for a little while before transitioning it to Phoenix or back to PRP [/I][/quote] There's always going to be a part of me that will lean more towards 'good wrestlers' as opposed to entertainers, as to me I can rely on them more to have good matches. J.D Morgan might not be the most charistmatic guy in the world, but he consitantly puts on good matches and he's already been outperforming Puerto Rican Power in the main event. I'm not saying that Morgan will end up being the 'face' of FCW but at this moment in time, he's someone I can rely on to put on a quality title matches/main events. [I][quote=1PWfan; 502306] Peverall's turn was, in my opinion, a bit of a screw-up. It was just so hugely predictable the minute Sara arrived on the scene, and I felt it's one of the things that has kinda damaged the tag division. Plus, the Heat Magnets suck. So, whilst I've never really liked Hernandez much, he goes over [/quote][/I] I'm not so sure I would go as far as screw-up but I'll accept the fact that it could have been done a bit better and perhaps did end up looking predictable, then again I think Sara Silver turning heel, would have been more groan worthy. When you're running a promotion like FCW you're always worried about talent departing in the middle of storylines. I had a slow burning angle going with Hernandez, Sara Silver and Bradford Peverall but the departures of the likes of Gonzalez, and more to the point Kirk Jameson put me into a bit of a panic mode to accelerate the angle, incase someone like Hernandez decided not to resign. Thankfully he has. On hindsight I would like to have gotten a bit more out of Hernandez and Peverall as The Totally Einstein Tag Team.
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[CENTER][I][U][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Delorean Driver.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U][/I] [U][I][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/I][/U][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] J.D Morgan made a succesful first defence of the Undisputed Championship at the Contragolpe event, how he must face the man he defeated to win the title, Puerto Rican Power as FCW return to action with the Escoja Su Veneno event on Saturday 24th October. Once again the event takes place at the 'home of FCW' The Gynasium Aguada in San Juan Puerto Rico. Puerto Rican Power will be determined to regain 'his' title but J.D Morgan has been on an unstoppable roll since winning the Rey De Reyes Tournament in August. The Peoples Championships and Tag Titles will be on the line. Angel De Mexico will put the Peoples Title on the line in a Triple Threat match against Stevie Grayson and Dino Bravo. Grayson challenged Angel for the title last month, but their bout was interrupted by Dino Bravo, who felt he should have been granted another re-match. Officials have decided that to prevent Bravo from disrupting a possible rematch between Angel De Mexico and Grayson, that the next match should be a 3-way. Meanwhile Wave of Violence (Primus & M.C Speed) put their tag titles on the line against Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & ADB). W.O.V once again edged past perennial rivals UNITY at Contragolpe, while Heat Magnets won the opportunity at a Tag Title shot at the Anniversario II event. Heat Magnets of course, earned that title shot by defeating former tag champions Totally Einstein, though a large part of that win may have been because Bradford Peverall turned on Mainstream Hernandez after months of tension between the two over Hernandez seemingly undivided attention towards Sara Silver. At Contragolpe, they met in Six Man Tag action with Bradford Peverall teaming with the aforementioned Heat Magnets to pick up the victory. Next month the former Tag Partners and friends will meet one on one for the first time in FCW. But this month they get to pick each others opponents in a pick your poison match, who will they pick to go up against their friend turned enemy. In other matches recent Messiah's Circus recruit Inky The Squid Boy will team with the Circus' leader Leper Messiah, as they take on the exciting duo of Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) and Eddie Howard goes up against The Sensational Singh. The bonus pre-show matches for those who come early will feature UNITY's Charles Rainier taking on Dragon Del Arco Iris and W.O.V's D.C Rayne going up against Joe Benning. [I]Here is a full run down of the card for FCW Escoja Su Veneno[/I] [CENTER][SIZE=2][B][U]FCW [SIZE=2]Escoja Su Veneno[/SIZE][/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Saturday 24th October 2009[/SIZE][/SIZE][/I] [I][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]at Gynasium Aguada in San Juan, Puerto Rico[/SIZE][/SIZE][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] J.D Morgan vs Puerto Rican Power [B]Peoples Championship:[/B] Angel De Mexico vs Dino Bravo vs Stevie Grayson [B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] Wave of Violence (Primus & M.C Speed) vs Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley) [B][COLOR=red]Totally Einstein [/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=red]Pick Your Poison Challenge:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=red]Mainstream Hernandez and Bradford Peverall go up against[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]an opponent of one another's choosing.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & Inky The Squid Boy)[/COLOR] vs Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) Eddie Howard vs The Sensational Singh [B][FONT=Courier New]Bonus Pre-Show Matches:[/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=Courier New]Charles Rainier vs Dragon Del Arco Iris D.C Rayne vs Joe Benning[/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=Courier New]_________________________________________________[/FONT][/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][Quote] [COLOR=purple][B]Predictions Form:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B][U]Escoja Su Veneno[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] J.D Morgan vs Puerto Rican Power[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Peoples Championship:[/B] Angel De Mexico vs Dino Bravo vs Stevie Grayson[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] Wave of Violence vs Heat Magnets[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Totally Einstein Pick Your Poison:[/B] Bradford Peverall vs ????[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Totally Einstein Pick Your Poison:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs ????[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Messiah Circus (Messiah & Inky) vs Animal Magic[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Eddie Howard vs Sensational Singh[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Charles Rainier vs Dragon Del Arco Iris[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]D.C Rayne vs Joe Benning[/COLOR] [/quote][/LEFT] [B][/B]
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Undisputed Championship: J.D Morgan vs [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] [I]PRP gets the win, but by DQ[/I] Peoples Championship: Angel De Mexico vs [B]Dino Bravo[/B] vs Stevie Grayson [I]Bravo either needs to get a title or get de pushed[/I]. Tag Team Championship: [B]Wave of Violence[/B] vs Heat Magnets [I]Squash[/I] Totally Einstein Pick Your Poison: [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs ???? [I]No really dominant faces not already used, so i am guessing Great Oxii or somebody brought in.[/I] Totally Einstein Pick Your Poison: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs ???? [I]I'm picking Soul Krusher as the mystery monster.[/I] Messiah Circus (Messiah & Inky) vs [B]Animal Magic[/B] [I]Magic getting the push as the next major challengers[/I] Eddie Howard vs [B]Sensational Singh[/B] [I]two people going nowhere, but Singh has greater gimmick and promotional seniority.[/I] [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs Dragon Del Arco Iris [I]squash[/I] [B]D.C Rayne[/B] vs Joe Benning [I]i'm at the concession stand[/I]
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Undisputed Championship: [B]J.D Morgan [/B]vs Puerto Rican Power No point giving it back to PRP yet - and given that you said that JD has the same overness now - it won't even hurt PRP to lose. Peoples Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Dino Bravo vs Stevie Grayson I'll stick with the champ Tag Team Championship: [B]Wave of Violence[/B] vs Heat Magnets It's as close to a squash as a title match can be! Totally Einstein Pick Your Poison: Bradford Peverall vs [B]????[/B] Can't remember whether you said that Ultimate Phoenix had gone home again yet - so if he is the opponent then I pick him, otherwise Brad wins against anyone else Totally Einstein Pick Your Poison: [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]vs ???? I agree with D-Mack - Soul Krusher is the opponent - Mainstream to win by DQ and then get a beating from Brad and Soul afterwards Messiah Circus (Messiah & Inky) vs [B]Animal Magic[/B] I seriously cannot pick Inky to win. Eddie Howard vs [B]Sensational Singh[/B] [B]Charles Rainier [/B]vs Dragon Del Arco Iris D.C Rayne vs [B]Joe Benning[/B] 2 squashes and a don't care!
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[CENTER][U][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][U][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Escoja Su Veneno[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Saturday October 24th 2009[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Gynasium Aguada, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'000)- Sell Out !! [/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [B]Match #1: Charles Rainier vs Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr.[/B] Not a bad match, considering Dragon's on his way out after this show, another victim of Puerto Rican Power's obsession with having legit tough guys. At this rate the roster at the beginning of next year, is going to bear little resemblance to the roster at the beginning of this year. The match itself was a fast paced affair, that ended with me avoiding the Dragon-Driver 07 and countering into the C.R Driver. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Charles Rainier defeated Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr in 3:47 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]_________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]We then see a video of Sara Silver recovering in hospital (talk about over-selling being knocked down to the mat)....Sara thanks the fans for their get well messages, and would like to think what Bradford did was purely an accident and that she hopes that James and Bradford can settle their differences in a civilized manor for the sake of their friendship.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [B]Match #2: D.C Rayne w/ Carl Batch vs Joe Benning[/B] For a match that had good portion of the fans heading for the concession stands, this wasn't bad for the short time they were given and they put an even back and forth affair that started with some tidy mat wrestling with some quick pinfall exchanges that built in intensity. The finish came just as it looked like Benning might get the upset, a distraction from Carl Batch, was enough for D.C Rayne to sneak in a cheap shot and spike Benning into the mat with the Storm Damage (Leg Hook Brainbuster) [B][COLOR=red]Result: D.C. Rayne defeated Joe Benning in 4:16 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]______________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Lisa Bowen comes out dressed in a low cut blouse and a tartan mini-skirt, to distribute some free items from the latest sweatshop production lines.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B]- [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show begins in traditonal FCW fashion with Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch welcoming us to the show, then preceeding to hyping up the main event.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] At the Congtragolpe event J.D Morgan made a succesful first defence of the Undisputed Championship now the man he defeated for that title Puerto Rican Power is looking to regain the 'twin belts' he held for 9 months.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Nine painful months, and thank goodness J.D Morgan came along to to end us from perhaps another nine months of that over-rated charlatan ruling the roost.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Well Puerto Rican Power said last month he's not one to fade into the background and that he is more determined than ever to reclaim the title he put on the map.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] It's all me, me, me with Power....the man is an egomaniac. All this talk of it being 'his' title. It's not 'his' title and the only reason he gets free reign to make such ridicuous statements is because for some reason virtually every moronic inhabitant of Puerto Rico, worhships him like he's some god. Well last month J.D Morgan took this so called 'god' down a peg or two, by taking away the thing that matter most to this egomaniac.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Have you finished your rant now ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Just telling it like it is.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Well I don't think you'll convince the fans in attendance, who will be solidly behind their hero[/COLOR]. [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] And my reasoning falls on death ears again, you O'Hara are the worst amongst all these sycophants that come to this arena show after show.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] And I suppose you're the one with impartial judgement[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Struck a nerve have I ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Don't worry Cueball you struck a nerve, several nerves ever since I had to sit next to you at the announcing table.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] What's that supposed to mean ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] I'm sure there's just about enough brain power in that skull of yours to work out what I meant. Anyway lets get on with the show, where our first match is about to get underway.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [RIGHT][B]______________________________________________[/B][/RIGHT] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) vs [/B] [B]Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & Inky The Squid Boy)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_InkyTheSquid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Standard tag team fare, that saw the faces (Animal Magic) start off on the front foot, but eventually (one of them, this time it being Fox Mask) having to play face in peril. After several minutes of standard shenanighans from Messiah's Circus the diminutive Fox Mask finally got the tag into Masked Cougar. Cougar seemed to had the match won after taking Inky down with a High Rise Cougar Pounce but referee Bret Graveson was tied up with Leper Messiah, who was trying to bring a chair into the ring. The distraction allowed for Inky to blow black mist into Masked Cougar's eyes, then steal the victory with a small package. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Messiahs Circus defeated Animal Magic in 6:54 when Inky the Squid Boy defeated Masked Cougar by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Eddie Howard vs The Sensational Singh w/ The Great Oxii[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt1.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OxKreviazuk_alt31.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A short but solid match, that saw Singh control the early going, by keeping the powerful Eddie Howard grounded , but the former Natural Storm man weathered the early storm and he began to asert himself using his simple but effective power offence (generic clotheslines, powerslams and suplexes). Despite the fact that Singh had told Oxii to just sit by the announce table and do nothing, the flamboyant one's personal genie could see that his 'master' was in trouble and when Eddie Howard whipped Singh into the ropes setting up for the Powerline....Oxii took a swing, but Howard ducked under and Oxii ended up creaming Singh with a hard right. Howard then clotheslined Oxii off the apron, and picked up a dazed Singh, sending the flamboyant Indian crashing back down to the mat with the Natural Ending (Release Powerbomb) to pick up the victory and to continue the frustration for Singh. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Eddie Howard defeated The Sensational Singh in 5:51 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]As Singh shakes the cobwebs from his head he goes over to The Great Oxii....verbally barracking his personal genie with lines like 'I told you to just sit there and do nothing, 'Personal genie ?, personal curse more like' and 'I'm a joke because of YOU !' Singh is getting increasingly more frustrated that Oxii is just ignoring his verbal insults, when Singh slaps Oxii across the face ' Maybe you'll understand this a bit more you big fat dumb lummox' .[/I] [I]Singh fires in another slap, he then goes for another but this time Oxii grabs Singhs hand, squeezing on it and forcing Singh down to his knees. Oxii then lifts Singh back up before rocking his 'master' with a hard right, he then puts a dazed Singh into the Power-bomb position, before sloppily powerbombing Singh onto the floor....to the cheers of about the thirty fans in the arena who actually care that Oxii has finally stood up for himself.[/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Oxii's face turn was a complete success. The idea to turn Oxii face actually came from the reaction many of the readers of this diary had to the character. Had the reaction been more of a universal hatred for the Oxii character, I may have had him been a more effective enforcer at the beginning but ultimately be driven out of the promotion. With the Oxii gimmick, he's still a frankly atrocious wrestler but he seems to have found his niche as a sort of 'Bobby Dempsey' style loveable loser[/FONT]. [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Bradford Peverall then walks out to the entrance ramp, the crowd are in anticipation to hear who he will be choosing as Mainstream Hernandez's opponent in the first of the 'Totally Einstein- Pick Your Poison Challenges'[/I] [COLOR=purple][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] Well 'James' wasn't that nice of Sara she's willing to forgive me and would like to see us 'settle our differences in a civilized manor' Awww isn't that sweet, she wants us to all be friends again and let bygones be bygones as they say......[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Well that's all well and good but I'm not willing to be so forgiving just yet. I mean why should I forgive and forget what you did James ?[/COLOR] [I]Crowd start booing Bradford Peverall before he starts up again....[/I] [COLOR=purple]Boo me all you like, but I'm not the one in the wrong here, you see my so called friend is a selfish jerk. When I got my hands onto my gold in FCW, it was the first title win of my career and I had every faith that me and 'James' would go on to be great Tag Team Champions....I mean we were a great team we could have beaten all comers but 'James' had his eyes elsewhere, he took his eyes of the ball, leaving ME to take the fall and suffer the consequences for his actions.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Quite simply Mainstreamer, old mate, the only way I might forgive you is if you are suffering the same pain I am feeling inside right now, the pain I have felt ever since you left me for dead as the Tag Titles slipped out of our grasp, and who better to make you suffer pain than....SOUL KRUSHER !![/COLOR] [I]Soul Krusher then comes out onto the entrance ramp, looking menacing as ever while Bradford Peverall has a wry smile on his face, looking pleased with his choice to go up against Mainstream Hernandez.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Totally Einstein Pick Your Poison Challenge: [/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez vs Soul Krusher[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyJackSheareralt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Hernandez shows no fear though as runs down the entrance ramp, charging at the monstrous Soul Krusher, but the Messiah's Circus Member, just swats the Mainstreamer down to the mat. Soul Krusher then lifts Hernandez up and bodyslams Hernandez down to the mat, he then goes for the cover but decides to lift Hernandez up at two, obviously not satisfied that he has not dished out enough punishment. Krusher lifts Hernandez back to his feet, before whipping the former Peoples and Tag Champion hard into the corner and following in with a body avalanche, squashing Hernandez between himself and the turnbuckle. Hernandez then staggers out of the corner, into a Mongolian Chop from Krusher, that just send Hernandez crumbling back down to the mat. Krusher goes for the cover, but Hernanez digs down and kicks out. That seems to anger Krusher, who just rains down some hammering blows, before lifting Hernandez up into position for the Dead Man Walking (Swinging Side Slam) but Hernandez realising that he has to start fighting back to survive, manages to losen Krusher's grip with a flurry of elbows to the side of Krusher's head. Krusher then launches forward but Hernandez snaps the big man's head back with a desperation super-kick..... Krusher stays on his feet, but Hernandez catches Krusher with another super-kick, Krusher falls to his knees......Hernandez then fires in a third super-kick !! and both Krusher and Hernandez slump to the mat...... Hernandez then scrambled across to make the cover..... One...... Two......... Thr......... Krusher powered out of the pin attempt emphatically and then rocked Hernandez with a clubbing blow, the Messiah's Circus Monster then grabbed Hernandez and put him into the bear hug he calls the Life Drainer)....but Hernandez rained down a flurry of elbows to the top of Soul Krushers head. With Krusher staggered Hernandez then went fired in some low kicks to the legs of Soul Krusher, to unbalance the big man, before heading up top.....Hernandez then flew off as he tried to take Krusher down with a flying cross body, but the big man caught Hernandez, before dumping the Mainstreamer out of the ring with a fall away slam. Hernandez seemed to take bad landing, and referee Bret Graveson started a twenty count, trying his best to keep Soul Krusher at bay, who was keen to dish out more punishment to Hernandez. Hernandez eventually got back to his feet at count of eight, but just as it looked like he was going to get back in the ring, he though better of it and headed back up the entrance ramp 'mouthing back to Krusher, my issue's aren't with you !' Apart from the slightly screwy finish, this was a solid big man- little contest that further helped to put over Krusher as a destructive monster. From those wondering about why Hernandez as a face would take the easy way out (the countout loss), the reasoning would be, is that he would rather be at 100 per cent to face Bradford Peverall next month, than continue to fight a brave but ultimately damaging fight against Soul Krusher. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Soul Krusher defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 8:40 by count out. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]We then go backstage where J.D Morgan is sitting in his dressing room getting ready for his Undisputed Title defence against Puerto Rican Power, he then turns to the camera and begin to speak.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]J.D Morgan:[/B] Last month I showed that the seemingly unstoppable Puerto Rican Power, could be stopped and that is why I...J.D Morgan now sit on top of the FCW mountain but I've been hearing some mealy mouthed naysayers saying that I only won the Undisputed Championship because of help from those clowns The Messiah's Circus.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Well J.D Morgan doesn't need any help from ANYONE, because I am the Dean of Submissions. Just ask old Power himself, how I became the top dog.....he passed out to the Cross Atlantic Stretch and Power you may be desperate to win back these twin belts, but once I get you in that Cross Atlantic Stretch again, and mark my words I will...you'll be passing out again or perhaps this time you'll have the sense to do yourself a big favour, accept that I'm the better man and tap out.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Tag Team Championship: [/B] [B]Wave of Violence (Primus & M.C Speed) w/ Carl Batch vs[/B] [B]Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen_WOV31.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-WoV.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHocking.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ArthurDexterBradley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Our first title match of the night saw Wave of Violence put the Tag belts on the line against Heat Magnets. In a rare occurence in FCW, this was a heel versus heel match with the crowd not really knowing who to cheer for. On one side you have the thugs of W.OV and on the other side you have the smarmy young duo of Heat Magnets, who have recently associated themselves with the now universally disliked Bradford Peverall. They went through the motions a bit at the start, tagging in and out with neither team really gaining much of an advantage, until Heat Magnets were able to isolate M.C Speed in their corner. The Magnets then put together some slick double teams, including a double team flapjack and a falling double knee-backbreaker (Hocking) followed by a slingshot senton (ADB), but they were unable to put Speed away, and a distraction from Carl Batch, allowed Primus to come into the ring and 'regain the advantage' for W.O.V. Matt Hocking suddenly found himself isolated in the W.O.V corner, where the tag champs worked him over with less flashy but equally as effective offence as they looked to wear Hocking down, to the point that Speed locked on the Gang Sign (Cross Arm Breaker) to try and earn the submission victory but Hocking to his credit dug down and force the rope break. Speed the tried to drill Hocking with the W.O.V Spike, but Hocking blocked the attempt and then sent Speed over the top rope with a back body drop. Primus then came into the ring but Hocking ducked moved out of the way of the charging 'rookie monster' and Primus ended up charging right into the turnbuckle. Hocking then dived over to make the tag into ADB, who then charged into the back of Primus with a jumping knee strike, before springing off the top rope and planting Primus into the mat with a bull-dog. Speed dove in to make their corner, which drew Hocking back into the ring, leading to all four men brawling in the ring. W.O.V seemed to take control but a miscommunication on a dosey-do was followed by the Heat Magnets, dropping both of the Tag Champions out of the ring. The Magnets then put their bodies on the line, as they crashed into Primus and Speed with stereo flying cross-bodies. ADB then brought a dazed M.C Speed into the ring , lifted Speed up into the suplex, before dropping Speed stomach first onto the top-rope and spiking Speed with the Cool-Dee-Tee....... ADB, then went for the cover ........... One..... Two..... Thr.......... Primus dove in to make the save, before taking down Matt Hocking with a running Shoulder Tackle, Primus then took ADB over with a release belly to belly suplex that sent ADB tumbling out of the ring, before placing a winded Hocking onto his shoulders into the Electric Chair Postion, as M.C Speed climbed to the top turnbuckle........... GANSTA DEVICE !! (Flying Knee Strike Doomsday Device) And after that it was academic as W.O.V made another succesful defence of the FCW Tag Team Championship. This was actually a solid match, with Heat Magnets putting in a good showing. However it lacked heat due to both teams being heels and full blown heels at that. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Wave of Violence defeated Heat Magnets in 9:06 when Primus defeated Matt Hocking by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Wave of Violence retain the FCW Tag Team titles.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]The Jumbotron then flickers on, displaying a familiar Blue Mask....it then says in big blue letters 'The Phoenix shall rise again' ....before moving onto a highlights video package of Ultimate Phoenix in FCW. It then finished with 'Ultimate Phoenix returns November 2009'[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] Well Phoenix wasn't really away all that long. But this time it's different, I've signed him on full time. I'll go into more detail about Phoenix signing in the news and notes post. [/FONT] [CENTER][FONT=Courier New]__________________________________________________________[/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: People's Championship:[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico vs Stevie Grayson vs Dino Bravo w/Lisa Bowen[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_StevieGrayson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels-Alt1.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Championship match number two as Angel De Mexico puts the Peoples Championship on the line against Dino Bravo and Stevie Grayson. Grayson and Angel De Mexico quickly decide to team up in the early going, using Dino Bravo as a punching bag...... Funny moment as Bravo fed up of being on the receiving end goes to walk out of the ring, but Grayson pulls him back, spins Bravo round lands another hay-maker and Bravo staggers into a spinning heel kick from Angel De Mexico. Angel then drops down for the cover, but Grayson pulls him off, and then goes to steal the pin for himself.... Angel doesn't like that and the champion and the challenger start to get in each others faces....they go nose to nose, but Bravo sneaks up behind Angel and takes down the champion with a La Magistral Cradle One....... Two.......... Grayson breaks it up by stomping on Bravo......Grayson and Angel go nose to nose again....Grayson goes for a fore-arm but Angel ducks under and lands a spin-kick but Grayson stays on his feet and comes back with a running boot. Angel stumbles backwards and Grayson nails a drop-kick that sends the champion out of the ring........ But Bravo is back up and he dumps Grayson with a German Suplex.......... One........... Two........... Grayson kicks out, Bravo then lifts a dazed Grayson up and looks to set up for the Raise The Stakes, but Angel is back in rocking Bravo with a springboard fore-arm. Grayson then rolls out of the ring to take a breather, as Angel follows in to take a staggered Bravo down with an arm-drag. Angel then crashes down onto Bravo with a standing moonsault....... One......... Two......... Bravo kicks out and starts to fight his way back to his feet, but is planted back down to the mat with a leg-whip from the champion and Angel heads up top, but Grayson is back up on the apron and he cuts Angel off. They begin to duke it out on the top turnbuckle, Bravo is now back up...... and he also climbs up the turbuckle....it all leads to a tower of doom spot with Angel taking the worst of the fall....... Dino Bravo is the first to stagger back to his feet and he goes right over to Angel De Mexico. Bravo lifts a dazed Angel up and spikes the champion into the mat with the Raise The Stakes (Cradle Piledriver)...... But Stevie Grayson then takes Bravo by suprise with a roll-up....... One.......... Two........... Three !!! Stevie Grayson is the new Peoples Champion !! Angel De Mexico and Dino Bravo worked their socks off to make this three way title match at least decent, as Grayson is still trying to work off the ring-rust, yet it was Grayson who came away with the title. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Stevie Grayson defeated Ángel De México and Dino Bravo in 8:45 when Stevie Grayson defeated Dino Bravo by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=gray]Stevie Grayson wins the FCW People's Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] So why have I take the belt off a very solid champion in Angel and put it on someone who's still trying to work off his ring-rust ? The simple answer, is that I was stupid enough to promise Grayson a mid-card title run to someone with seemingly endless ring rust. [/FONT] [I]Stevie Grayson receives the People's Championship and is about to celebrate, when an incensed Dino Bravo sneaks up from behind and dumps Grayson on his head with a German Suplex, Bravo then picks up the belt, before nailing Grayson in the face with the belt and dumps it onto the chest of the new Peoples Champion...he then says ' No one takes the piss out of Dean Daniels'.....the second time he has called out his real name after a vicious attack on one of his opponents.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]_________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]We then go to the backstage area, where Harry Allen is about to cut a promo, despite not being scheduled for a match tonight.......[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Harry Allen:[/B] Bradford, you and Mainstream were two of the guys here in FCW I felt UNITY, myself included are on the same wavelength with, but though we're still cool with the Mainstreamer, we ain't cool with you. Your actions of late have been nothing short of incomprehensible. [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]I don't think even W.O.V would go as low as hitting a woman and when the friend you turned your back on, due to your jealousy approached me to take you on in the pick your Poison Challenge, I was more than happy to oblige. You see I may not be the biggest,baddest guy out there but I've been around the block and what you will learn Bradders is a lesson in humility.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 6: Totally Einstein Pick Your Poison Challenge: [/B] [B]Bradford Peverall vs Harry Allen[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] So the second of the TE Pick Your Poison Challenges was set as it would be Harry Allen of UNITY taking on Bradford Peverall. They make a tentative start as they circle each other, Peverall then rather predictably goes for a European Uppercut but Harry Allen has it scouted and the UNITY man side-steps out of the way, before nailing Peverall with a spin kick. Peverall bounces back off the ropes and walks right into a drop-kick from Allen. Harry Allen plants Peverall face first into the mat with a drop toe hold and follows in with basement drop-kick. That earns Allen a two count, who then lifts Peverall back up to a vertical base but Peverall sneaks in a thumb to the eye, before rocking Harry Allen with a European Uppercut. Peverall then follows up with rapid lefts and rights, leading to Allen being out on his feet...to add insult to injury Peverall lightly slaps Allen across the face, before the UNITY man drops to the mat following the onslaught. Peverall then drops to the mat and goes for the cover. But the cover is too c0cky and weak, as Peverall fails to hook the leg. Peverall then taunts Harry Allen to get up, Allen staggers back to his feet, and Peverall goes to put Allen back down with a big boot, but the former TCW star, grabs the leg and sends Peverall down to the mat with a Dragon Screw Leg-Whip. Peverall gets back up, but he is now hobbled and Harry Allen takes immediate advantage by firing in a basement drop-kick to the right knee of Peverall. Peverall then collapses to the mat, as Harry Allen heads up top. Peverall staggers up again but Allen is a step ahead, and he spikes Peverall into the mat with a Tornado DDT..... One.......... Two.......... Peverall kicks out and gets back to his feet, but Allen stuns him with a jawbreaker, before the UNITY man fires in another drop-kick to the damaged knee of Peverall. Allen then rollls Peverall up....... One...... Two...... Peverall kicks out, but he remains planted to the mat and Harry Allen heads up top. The UNITY man then comes flying off with the Flying Fist Drop but Peverall gets the knees up into the gut of Harry Allen, causing Allen to become winded. Referee Bret Graveson started a twenty count, as both tried to recover, Allen from being winded, Peverall from the damage he taken to his knees. Peverall was the first up , as he tried to get some feeling back into his right leg. Allen then staggered up, but Peverall took control with a couple of clubbing blows to the back, before whipping Allen into the ropes and nailing the former TCW star with a European Uppercut. Allen then staggered back towards Peverall who then drove Allen into the canvas with the Totally Totalled (Twisting Inverted Brainbuster)....... One........... Two.......... Thr........... To Bradford Peverall's astonishment Harry Allen got a shoulder up just in time, Peverall then lifted Harry Allen up and started to tee off with lefts and right, the former Tag Champion then went to rebound off the ropes to set up some momentum for a Discus Lariat..... But all of a sudden Peverall as tripped up........... [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=darkslategray]By Sara Silver !![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Peverall then stumbles towards Harry Allen who delivers a boot to the mid-section that has Peverall doubled over......Allen then placed his leg over the neck of Peverall, before driving the former Totally Einstein man face first into the mat with an Overdrive (Dane O'Hara called this new finisher the Rocker-Dropper). One........ Two.......... Three !! And with that Bradford Peverall had been denied a momentum building victory going into his grudge match next month with Mainstream Hernandez. A solid match, I was hoping for a little better, but perhaps given both of their overness and skil levels. I shouldn't have expected anything more than a decent but not great encounter. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Harry Allen defeated Bradford Peverell in 10:49 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]We then go backstage where Puerto Rican Power is getting ready for his match with J.D Morgan, where he is hoping to regain the Undisputed Championship, he then turns to the camera and starts to cut a promo....[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Puerto Rican Power:[/B] It's now been over a month since you beat me for the twin belts J.D Morgan and though I could use the excuse that I would still be champion were it not for the Messiah's Circus but I'm not going to. ..You did something no one else could in FCW you beat ME in the middle of that ring....I passed out to your Cross Atlantic Stretch.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]But don't think that will happen again, because that loss has only made me stronger, more determined to win back the title on put on the map in FCW and when I say it's MY title, it's because I am the one who put the Undisputed Championship on the map, I am the one who unified the Puerto Rican Championship with the FCW Championship, I am the one who proudly carried the twin belts for nine months.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]Morgan you may be a great wrestler, but with the will of the Puerto Rican People behind me, I will reclaim what is mine. Because I have the ..............[/COLOR] [I]The crowd join in on the next bit, though there are some sections of the crowd who aren't joining in so enthusiastically as usual.[/I] [COLOR=navy]POWER !!![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]A video is the shown to further hype up the rematch showdown between Puerto Rican Power and J.D Morgan. It shows Morgan beating Power for the title at Anniversario, some of Powers more memorable title defences and Morgans first title defence against Ultimate Phoenix.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 7: FCW Undisputed Championship: [/B] [B]J.D Morgan vs Puerto Rican Power[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Last time out Morgan tried to match strength with Power at the start of the match, so he goes on the offensive with a flurry of European Uppercuts (I need to book Morgan vs Peverall- battle of the European Uppercuts !) but Power just shakes them off and comes right back with some fore-arm smashes. In fact the opening few minutes are a bit of what you would call a slobberknocker with them trading blows but neither man giving an inch. Eventually Power seems to take control whipping Morgan into the ropes then dropping the English veteran with a running clothesline. Power then scoops Morgan up and slams the champion back down to the mat with bodyslam, before dropping down to make the cover............. One........ Two....... Morgan kicks out. Power then lifts Morgan back up a vertical base firing in some fore-arm smashes before lifting Morgan back up and whipping Morgan into the corner, Power then follows in with a big boot into the corner and Morgan slumps down to the mat, as Power drops down to make another cover............ One..... Two........ Morgan managed to save himself by stretching a foot out underneath the ring-rope, but it was all Puerto Rican Power, as the champion just couldn't get any sort of foothold into the match. Power was so confident he was about to put Morgan away that he whipped the English veteran against the ropes and set up for the first step in the four moves of doom the roaring elbow, but Morgan had it scouted ducking under, then taking Power by surprise with an elbow shot to the back of the head..... That seemed to daze Power enough for Morgan to apply a hammerlock and then drive the Puerto Rican icon into the mat with the Hammerlock Divorce Court. Morgan then dropped down to the mat, applying a stretch plum to slow the pace down and to try and wear down Power at the same time. Power then started to rise back to work his way out of the hold, but Morgan sensed that Power was stirring and he rained down a series of elbow shots, before switching it up into the CROSS ATLANTIC STRETCH !! But Power hadn't been signifcantly weakened enough and the Puerto Rican Icon managed to make it over to the ropes... J.D Morgan then seemed to take control on the rope-break with a boot to the mid-section, before setting up for another Hammerlock Divorce Court but this time Power, literally Powered out of the Hammerlock and the stunned Morgan with an Atomic Drop before planting the champion into the mat with a Spinebuster..... Power then waited for Morgan to start rising to his feet, before drilling Morgan in the head with the SAN JUAN RUSH !! One....... Two......... Thr...... Power would have to do more, if he wanted the 'twin belts' back. Power paced around as he contemplated his next move. He then lifted Morgan back up to a vertical base, before whipping the English veteran into the ropes and setting up for a roaring elbow, but Morgan sidestepped out of the way...however this time it was Power who had faked out Morgan as the English Veteran spun right into a Full Nelson Morgan knew what was coming though, and the fought his way out with some elbows to the mid section.....Power then went to re-apply the Full Nelson but Morgan fired back some more elbows, before making a standing switch and then dumping Power onto his head with a Half Nelson Suplex !!! Morgan then immediately floated over into the CROSS ATLANTIC STRETCH !! and this time he had it locked on right in the middle of the ring....... Power tried his best to make it over the to the ropes and force the rope break, but just as it looked like he might get there, Morgan rained down some elbows, and pulled Power back in, before re-applying the hold. Power made another big effort to get to the ropes, but this time Morgan grabbed the other arm of Power, before stomping the Puerto Rican Icon back down to the mat and re-applying the Cross Atlantic Stretch. Morgan was in total control and Power had nowhere to go.... But Puerto Rican Power wasn't going to give in and he refused to tap, but try as he might he just couldn't get to the ropes and he started to fade....... Graveson checked on Power, lifting the hand of the Puerto Rican Icon.... It dropped down..... Graveson took another look.... Still no response from the clearly fading Power...... One more look from Graveson....... Power was out, and Graveson called for the bell...... J.D Morgan was once again able to make Puerto Power pass out to the Cross Atlantic Stretch, this time to retain the title. Very good main event, with Power really passing the torch here (for the time being) to Morgan, as being the man to beat in FCW. It wasn't the most high paced of matches but they told a good story, playing off their previous match and prior knowledge of one another's move-sets. [B][COLOR=red]Result: J.D Morgan defeated Puerto Rican Power in 14:48 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]JD Morgan retains the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]J.D Morgan then celebrates in his understated manner his accomplishment of retaining the Undisputed Championship. But as he walks back up the entrance ramp with the 'twin belts' the defeated Puerto Rican Power rolls back into the ring with a microphone on his hand.....[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Puerto Rican Power:[/B] That's twice now I've been beaten, Puerto Rican Power doesn't get beaten. But Maybe that's it, maybe I just don't have the Power anymore......that is why I'm done. I'm done with FCW, in fact I'm done with wrestling all together.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]It's clear that I just don't 'have it' anymore. For those who have got behind me over the years and carried me to victory, thank you, without you I couldn't have achieved what I had achieved, but I no longer have the fight to carry on, the Power has been drained out of me.....I am done. [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]I leave this ring with my head held high, I leave knowing that I did my best, I leave a legacy that will always say that Puerto Rican Power was the first ever Undisputed Champion in FCW.....I can leave with my pride in tact, but I have nothing left.[/COLOR] [I]Power then drops down the microphone, and heads up the entrance ramp of the 'home of FCW' in front on of 1000 shocked fans, who really don't know how to react to this bombshell of an announcement.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The shows seemed to have settled into the pattern now of a solid but unspectacular under-card with matches mostly round the D range, with perhaps the odd match breaking into C territory and then lifted by a very stellar main event rated at B- on the Ryland Scale. And what do you the fans, make of Puerto Rican Power, the man who near enough dominated FCW for it's first two years of existance 'retiring' ?
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Who'da thunk Soul Krusher would become your MVP. Seriously. JD Morgan is great, but Soul Krusher is adding a lovely boost to your undercard that is due mainly to his overness but still, he deserves some props. ANd so I was wrong about the hotshotting from Morgan to Phoenix, apparently I was a couple of months early. Finally, Huzzah for Oxii! I don't know where he goes but keeping around should be fun.
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[CENTER][B][U]October in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] In terms of the shows we put on October was a succesful month, with two stellar shows carried by two great title defences from J.D Morgan against Ultimate Phoenix and Puerto Rican Power. However running two shows in the month, again meant that we lost money (so it's back to just one show for next month, to recupe the losses). If we could run a bigger venue than the Gynasium Aguada, then it might be viable to switch to two shows on a monthly basis, but the poor economy resulting in the wrestling industry being in the toilet, means that right now we should be grateful for the loyal 1000 or so fans that do turn up at the doors every night. The poor economy is also a reason we wont be pursuing getting a T.V Show for the forseeable future as that would be extra costs, we currently cannot afford. Right now our current growth model, is a steady one and having to produce a regular weekly T.V Show could do more harm than good at this stage. On a positive note Ultimate Phoenix (who had become a fan favorite during his two guest stints) is joining us full time. After I had heard he had decide not to resign with MPWF, we offered him a contract and to a pleasant surprise he agreed to sign on....negotiations were suprisingly easy too, with Phoenix agreeing to the contract we had offered straight away. Theoretically I could have signed Phoenix to a full time contract earlier, as he was only on a PPA for CZCW and MPWF, but I tend to not like bringing in workers that have major commitments to other companies and with MPWF having a T.V Show, Phoenix's priorities at the time were with the Mexican promotion. Another welcome addiiton to the roster this month is that of Indy favourite Fox Mask, best known for his work in CZCW. For the forseeable future he will be working in the Tag Division alongside Masked Cougar (who is familar from working with in CZCW) as the team of Animal Magic. It is hoped that the high flying pair can add a bit more depth to our Tag ranks. Leaving the promotion this month are El Hijo Del Zonk (who failed to 'toughen up' enough) for Mr Lopez (Puerto Rican Power's) liking and Roderick Remus. I was going to re-sign Remus, despite the fact that his ring-rust still hadn't worn off but for the capactity we were going to use him for, he was asking for too much money. With Dragon Del Arco Iris also set to leave at the beginning of next month, we have already got in contact with several new talents to fill the gaps on the roster. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]October News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] The big news in the wrestling world right now is the sudden downturn in fortunes for the SWF, after several months of mediore shows the Sports Entertainment giants have fallen from Global to Cult Size. SWF are still arguably more popular in foreign markerts, but it's now clear that TCW have overtaken them on home soil. Many are now predicting that Peter Michaels will lose the book at SWF, as Richard Eisen will look to ring the changes and look to win back fans that have become disillushioned with SWF over the past year. [B]Worker Signings[/B] 21CW have added promising newcomer, Hugh De Aske to their roster. 4C have added RIPW's Raphael and yet another CGC worker in Bobby Thomas to their ranks. Gemmei Oonishi fresh out of wrestling school, has signed on with top Joshi promotion 5SSW. BHOTWG have called up Hachigoro Maeda (the former Cyber Fighter 3000) from Hinote Dojo. Greg Black (formerly Groucho Bling) who surprisingly left SWF last month (perhaps he saw the writing on the wall) has returned to his native Canada, where he has signed on with the De-Colt's CGC promotion. Black has returned to his real name, as the Groucho Bling name is a registered trademark of the SWF. CWWF have boosted their roster with the additions of USPW womens division mainstay Cherry Bomb, as well as Eve Grunge and Viv Jacobs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith has turned up in CZCW. Could be a good signing for the IWC's favourite promotion, as he is the sort of power wrestler that is athletic enough to match up well with CZCW's roster of flashy high fliers. EWA have given Jake Panic a chance to establish himself in one of Europe's leading promotions. James 'Mainstream' Hernandez has returned to MAW, adding the promotion where he made his name to his commitments with FCW and CZCW. Former Campeon de Lucha, Inca Jr has returned to MPWF. Inca Jr left MPWF in controversial fashion, walking out on the promotion, after he was told that he was going to lose the title. However it seems that hostilities have thawed enough that MPWF are willing to let Inca Jr return. It's a situation that shows a desperation by both parties, Inca Jr is desperate for work with one of Mexico's top promotions again, after neither OLLIE nor SOTBPW decided to pick him up and MPWF who have been losing their top talent of late are now in the situation where they would consider bringing back Inca Jr. PGHW have pretty much decided to go with working with their already stellar roster for their upcoming winter tour but they have decided to invite back Shooter Sean Deeley and Mohamed El Yaagoudi for another go round. Kirk Jameson the current RIPW Champion, has signed on with USPW. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] It was a busy month for 21CW as they extended the contracts of Arthur T.Turtle, Chuck Frisby, Daniel Black Francis, Genocide Agent, Igor Ivanoff, Joey Beauchamp, Leo Price and valet Phoebe Plumridge. Terry Smith will be staying on as the 'voice of 4C'. 55SW extend the contracts of Kiko Sakakibara and Megumi Nakijima. AAA have extended the contracts of Alison Capone, Dharma Gregg, Jen Neptune, Jessica Bunny and Wendy Anderson. APW extend the contracts of Boo Smithson, Cole Taylor and Rick Stantz BHOTWG re-sign Junior Division legend Elemental and young lion Taro Shionoya to written contracts. While Silver Shark and Eisaku Hoshino sign extensions to their PPA contracts. BSC extend the contracts of Alison Capone, Charlizze Angelle and Sprite. CGC were kept busy behind the scenes with no less than 9 workers re-signing with the Canadian promotion, key amongst them being Dan DaLay. The others to re-sign are Assasin #2 (Ernie Turner), Brendan Idol, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Jerry Martin, Slim V, Zeus Maximillion, Road Agent Larry Wood and announcer Jerome Turner. CWWF extended the contract of some non competive talent, as valet Persephone and color commentator Captain USA stay on with Tamara McFly's promotion. CZCW extend the contracts of veteran Donnie J and valet Jakki. EWA extend the contracts of Gianfranco Morelli, Herschel The Hammer, Jed High, his valet Simona Cox and womens division workers Anna Ki and Jeri Behr. GCG extended the contracts of road agent Yoshifusa Maeda and referee Tsugihuru Odaka. While Burning 'EXILE' Takash!ta comes to agreement on another short term contract. Hinote Dojo made a key contract extension, when they kept hold of current All Japan champion Henry Bennett. INSPIRE extended the contract of Kimitada Yanagita. MAW extended the contracts of Madman Boone, Casey Valentine, valet Kristen Pearce and manager Ernest Forthdyke-Hume. MOSC extended the contract of buxom valet Emma Evans. MPWF came to agreement on contract extensions for Apprentica Jr and commentator Teadoro Nieto. Owen Love, Harrison Hash and long time announcer Tommy London all sign new exclusive written contracts with NOTBPW. NYCW extend the contracts of American Machine, Rick Sanders, Wiley Steinway and manager Herb Stately. OLLIE extend the contracts of El Leon, Swarm II and much derided color commentator Lorenzo Blanco. PGHW seal promising youngster Bussho Makiguchi to a new written contract. PSW extend the contracts of J.D Morgan, Ash Campbell, The Punisher and valet Nicole Kiss. Ash Campbell also see's his PPA contract extended by RIPW, who also re-sign announcer Rob L Miskovksy to a new contract. ROF extend the contracts of Don Henderson, current head booker Harley Neill, K'Lee Hawkins, Menace and road agent Donny Damage. SAISHO extend the contract of Hitomaro Suzuki. SOTBPW extend the contracts of Axxis Jr, Marcos Flores, Leon Joven, Verdugo Estupendo (formerly Torque) and announcer Mateo Hidalago. SWF secure up-coming talent John Greed and Bear Bekowski to new written contracts, as well as commentary team member Ana Garcia and referees Shane Stones and Ric Young. It's interesting to note that the SWF offered these contracts before their drop to Cult Size. TCW sealed Wolf Hawkins, Clark Alexander and referees Sam Sparrow and Eugene Williams to new written contracts. UEW extend the contracts of Luis Figo Manico, Nathaniel Pross, Christopher Lister, announcer Lawrence Young and valet Vita. USPW extend the contracts of Pete the Hillbilly, authority figure Commissioner Doom, valet Seduction and womens division worker Stephanie Wade. Emerald Angel as expected signed a new written contract with WLW. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Former 'World' Champion Red Dragon is another one of the old guard to be shuffled out of 21CW. Kashmir Singh, who was working under the Mr Electricity gimmick has decided not to resign with 4C, deciding instead to concentrate on his commitment with both FCW and NYCW, where he wrestles as The Sensational Singh. CWWF were rocked by the departures of Raven Nightfall, Gorgon and Tracy Brendon. While referee Sam Sparrow also leaves following his decision to re-sign with TCW on ane exclusive basis. Nightfall and Gorgon have decided to concentrate on their commitments elsewhere, but the departure of Brendon is a strange one, as she left AAA and she now finds herself without regular employment. Joey Poison has left CZCW, deciding instead to concentrate on his career in Canada where he works for both 4C and NOTBPW. INSPIRE were dealt a blow, when the could not come to an agreement on a new contract with Marat Khoklov. It appears that Khoklov thinks he is now bigger than the MMA influenced promotion. 'Shooter' Sean Deeley leaves MAW, after he gets an opportunity to work with PGHW on their next tour, while referee Eugene William also departs having re-signed exclusively with TCW. MPWF were dealt a blow when two time Campeon de Herencia Ultimate Phoenix, decided not to sign a contract extension with the ailing Mexican promotion. Kalu Owusu has left UEW, with the African deciding that the long journeys between Europe and Japan (where he works for INSPIRE) were becoming too much. [B]Injuries[/B] Leon Joven who had just re-signed a new contract with SOTBPW broke his ankle, whilst working a Six Man Tag match. It is thought though that the break was a clean one, and that he should make a reasonably quick recovery, with doctors advising him to spend about a month and half out of the ring. INSPIRE's Willie York sustained a Hernia and will be out of action for just over a month. [B]Retirements[/B] 'Old Leathery Face' Mario Serrano commentated on a wrestling match for one final time. Serrano had been part of the MPWF announce team since the 1980's and it's another blow to MPWF ( currently lagging behind both OLLIE and SOTBPW) , who must now find a replacment for the 'voice of MPWF'. Lee Wright best known for his work in Japan, where he formed one of the dominant gajiin heel tag teams with Raymond Diaz has decided to hang up the wrestling boots for good. The 51 year old, who had been termed a 'grizzled veteran' ever since he hit his 30's, had an impressive five seperate Glory Crown Tag reigns with Diaz as 'Team Strength Rush' and they sealed their place as the most dominant team in PGHW's history by also winning the Elite Tag Series on three occassions. [B]Backstage Trouble[/B] It appears that Jed High has little time for EWA announcer Mark Stanford. Rumour has it that the falling out, is due to the fact that Stanford has been trying to 'hit' on High's girlfriend and valet Simona Cox. [B]Title Changes[/B] Stevie Stoat ended the 10 month reign of Pitbull Brown to become the World Champion in 21CW. Lanny Williams became the new Australian Champion in APW. Alison Capone ended the near year long reign of Sister Beth Mercy, to become BSC's Queen of the Ring for a second time. The big news coming out of Japan is that Shimedzu has been rewarded for years of loyalty to BHOTWG by upsetting Kinnojo Horri for the Burning World Championship. Though Shimedzu is the more experienced wrestler, he was primarily seen as a Tag wrestler, despite increasingly moving back into singles competion over the past year. The Burnimg Junior Championship also changed hands again with Silver Shark's brief reign being ended by Sensational Dragon, who becomes a champion for a third time. Many are tipping Dragon (who is still only 24) to eventually break Optimus' record 9 Title reigns with the Junior belt. The Openweight Title also changed hands with Mitsunari Fugunaga capturing his first championship. The EWA European Title finally changed hands as White Knights 22 Month long reign was brought to an end by Jed High. Masaaki Okazaki defeated Marat Khoklov in the first match of INSPIRE's new tour, to become the King of the Fighters for the first time. Khoklov did not manage a single defence this time, but the reason for the title being hot-shotted to the INSPIRE loyalist, were soon known as Khoklov had not agreed to resign with INSPIRE. The match itself also felt very flat with many in the crowd knowing that Khoklov was on his way out of the promotion. Another Title that had to be quickly hot-shotted to someone was the Campeon de Herencia de Mundo in MPWF, as Ultimate Phoenix dropped the title on his way out of MPWF to El Bandito, who becomes the top dog in MPWF for a third time. Unlike the Okazaki-Khoklov match in INSPIRE this was still a great match. Varones Americanos (Genio Verde & Hombre La Energia) dominant reign with the Campeon de Parejas was brought to an end by the recently formed duo of Ancient Forces (Atlantis Jr and Snap Dragon). The Cannoball Kid could only muster one solitary defence of the Campeon de Menor title in SOTBPW as Pirata Malvado regained 'his' belt. With a record 5 reigns Pirata can certainly lay claim to being the 'greatest Campeon de Menor' in SOTBPW history. John 'Human Arsenal' Anderson claimed his first singles gold in TCW, as he ended American Buffalo's half year long reign of the International Title. The Television title changed hands in USPW as Jumbo Jackson became a two time champion, ending the half year long reign of Colussus (formerly Hells Bouncer). The Womenst title also changed hands as Cherry Bomb, became the champion for a record third time. Dark Eagle became the Streetfighting champion for a second time in WLW, whilst the Tap Out Title also changed hands with Ketsueki Karasu also becoming a two time champion.
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[QUOTE]Other News Lady Melissa the former pornstar known as Melissa Melon's, did not do her chances of getting a regular pay day on the wrestling circuit any good, when she as caught in possession of hard drugs. Apparently Melissa was driving erratically near Santa Fe in New Mexico, and was stopped by police for a routine DUI, however they also found a bag of methaphetamines, a small bag of crack cocaine and some paraphinalia used for smoking crack in her car. [/QUOTE] Is that twice in two months for Melissa to get caught with drugs? Or did this just get recycled somehow?
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