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Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (Cornellverse)

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#1 Contenders 4CS: Angel De Mexico vs Dean Daniels vs J.D Morgan vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] Undisputed Champioship (Open Challenge): [B]Da Power[/B] vs ???? Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY [/B](Allen & R!ot) vs Animal Magic Heat Magnets vs [B]Wave of Violence[/B] (Speed & Primus) Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Krusher) vs [B]Seriously Funny[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]vs Inky the Squid Boy [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] vs Jeremiah Moose [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/B]vs Joe Benning Pre-Show 4CS: [B]D.C Rayne [/B]vs Jared Johnson vs Leftie Wilkes v Island Boy Apollo
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Raza La Tapa ( which by the way is what Babelfish translated as Race to the Top, but when I translated it back to English, it came back as Race the Cover ! Believe me all the show names are like this :rolleyes:) will be posted up sometime tomorrow. Just got the main event to write up, was intending to post it up tonight but got distracted with doing something else.
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B][U]FCW Raza La Tapa[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Saturday June 12th 2010[/CENTER] [CENTER]Gynasium Aguada, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'000)- Sell Out !! [/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [I]Mainstream Hernandez is backstage with his valet Sara Silver and he has something to say, and I think you can all guess who is words will be directed to.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Bradford enough is enough. I don’t care if you or your hired goon want to hurt me, but lay off Sara.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] James, I can handle myself……[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Thing is Sara, I don’t think I could live with myself if that musclehead BBS hurt you. So I need to do something about.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] I don’t need protecting[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] When two scumbags like Bradford and Brandon will stop up nothing to take you away from me, then yes….yes you DO ![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] James, can’t you see they’re already hurting us.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] And that’s why they need to eliminated and here’s what I propose to do about it……..[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]Bradford next week, you and that goon of yours, against me and a partner of my choice ! If my team loses, I’ll walk from FCW ![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] James, what have you done… you said it yourself....they’ll stop at nothing…..[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:…..[/B]But…..but….this just……can’t go on any longer ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]We then go to a different part of the backstage area where Seriously Funny are playing a game of scrabble…surprisingly Oxii seems to be winning, but as the camera pans away, it shows a dictionary underneath Oxii’s chair.[/I] [B]Rating: E[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Quite possibly the most pointless and random segment in the history of FCW.[/FONT] [CENTER][FONT=Courier New]__________________________________________________________[/FONT][/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Match: 4CS: D.C Rayne vs Island Boy Apollo vs Jared Johnson vs Leftie Wilkes[/B][/LEFT] Not too bad for a pre-show ‘jobber’ match, with Jared Johnson looking particularly impressive, as the promising youngster picked up the win when he put Island Boy Apollo away with the Carolina Crossface. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Jared Johnson defeated D.C. Rayne, Island Boy Apollo and Leftie Wilkes in 5:57 when Jared Johnson defeated Island Boy Apollo by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Lisa Bowen comes out dressed in another barely there outfit, all for the purpose of giving out free merchandise.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][U][B]Main Show[/B][/U][/CENTER] The show begins with Da Power and his manager Carl Batch walking out to the ring to a chorus of boos from the fans. Batch and Power then pick up a couple of microphones from the announce table and head into the ring. [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ! Da Champ is in Da House[/COLOR] [I]Massive boos from the FCW fans who once adored the champion but now hate him with a passion.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Show da champ some damn respect fools[/COLOR] [I]More Boos and You Suck ! chants come the Wave of Violence pairs way.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power[/B]: Look I don’t have to put up with this crap, I got better things to do….just bring out the jabroni I’m gonna squash and lets be done with it.[/COLOR] [I]No response[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Seems like it’s gonna be a night off for you playa.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Damn right, and that’s the way it should be,…cos no one is worthy of challenging for MY bling.[/COLOR] [I]Just as Batch and Power are about to head back up the entrance ramp, Charles Rainier (oh yeah that’s me) comes out with a microphone in hand….[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] Hold it right there Power, I might not be the best candidate to challenge you for that belt, I may not have earned it but this is as they say an open challenge…..[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Yo ! This should be easy playa, damn fool from UNITY thinks he good enough to challenge for this belt.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] You see this the thing, I may not have earned the chance to challenge for this belt in your eyes, or in the eyes of the fans but as I said this is an opportunity for a guy like me, a guy who’s not quite broken through yet, a chance for me to prove myself against the best.[/COLOR] [I]Crowd not sure how to respond to Rainier’s slightly respectful attitude towards the hated champion.[/I] [COLOR=navy]Yes I said it,,,, against the best, because when it boils down to it…Power is still amongst the very best right here in FCW, despite the complete jack-ass he has become. But if you think I’m going to show Power respect when I enter that ring, any minute now….I’m going to show him little respect as I have every intention of taking the twin belts from him.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Well little man, I have little respect for you….you’re little more than a jobber and you’ll soon learn that taking up the challenge, will be the biggest mistake of your career.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Charles Rainier:[/B] Or it could just be the biggest embarrassment of yours ![/COLOR] [I]I then dropped my microphone and rushed towards the ring as the fans were about to be treated to an Undisputed Championship defence in the opening match.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Undisputed Championship: [/B] [B]Da Power w/Carl Batch vs Charles Rainier[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPowerWOV.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][B] vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesAvatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As I get up on the apron Power goes to knock me off but I slip under and then take the champion by surprise with a drop-kick. Power wobbles, leaning back against the ropes, I then nail him with another drop-kick, sending the hated W.O.V man over the top rope. With the adrenalin pumping, I then climbed up top…launching myself onto Power with a cross-body but he catches me mid-move, before slamming me against one of the guard-rails. Power then breaks up Graveson’s twenty count, before pummelling me with lefts and rights as I prop myself up against the guard-rail. Power then scoops me up and slams me back first against the floor. The Undisputed Champion then enters the ring and waits for Graveson to count me out. I get up with the count down to five and manage to make it up onto the apron, Power then drags me back into the ring, feeling that I’ll be worn down enough to finish me off inside the ring. He bodyslam’s me against the mat and then c0ckily covers me by just putting a foot on my chest….. But I manage to kick out, but Power is still in control and he flings me back first into the corner, the Undisputed Champion then comes rushing in, but I get the boots up. Power rushes in again and I get the boots up again. Power rushes in for a third time, this time I roll out of the corner and then as Power turns around I nail him with the RAINDROP (Dropsault)…….Power bounces back off the turnbuckle, before I take him off his feet with basement drop-kick. With Power down in the corner, I then go up top for a Moonsault. I come crashing down acoss the W.O.V man’s sternum……. One…… Two….. Thr….. Power kicks out but stays planted to the mat, and I decide to head up top again…..I come crashing down onto Power with a second moonsault !! One……. Two…… Thr…… Power manages to get the shoulder up again, much to the frustration of the fans in attendance. I pace around and after seeing Power still planted to the canvas, I decide that my best hope of putting him away is to head up top again and go for a third moonsault. But I went to the well once too many and Power was able to get the knees up. We both stumble up to our feet, before Power turns me inside out with a vicious clothesline. Power lets me stagger up to my knees once again, before dragging me up, levelling me with a fore-arm smash and then dumping me with the SAN JUAN IMPACT ! (Full Nelson Slam) One……. Two……. Thr…… No ! I got the shoulder up just in time to the disbelief of Power and Carl Batch on the outside. Power paced round the ring before dragging me back up to a vertical base. The hated champion then whipped me across the ring and levelled me with the roaring elbow, I then staggered into the Atomic Drop (as the fans let Power know what they think of him, with a ‘same old sh!t’ chant), the Spinebuster followed. Power then paused for a moment to mock the fans, who were jeering him before moving in to finish me off with the San Juan Rush, but his arrogance allowed some of my faculties to return, and I managed to block Power’s feared finisher by grabbing the leg and then taking the champion down with a leg-whip. I then took hold of the leg and put the champion in single leg Boston Crab ! Despite the fact that I had managed to catch Power off guard, by switching to a submission based offence, he was able to use his long reach to get to the ropes and force the rope-break. Power then tried to get in a cheap shot on the rope break, but I managed to duck under and then nail the W.O.V man with a roundhouse kick, that sent Power stumbling into the corner. I then went over to the opposite corner got up a head of steam and then drilled Power with a high impact running drop-kick, that saw the colossal champion fall to the mat, like a tree being felled. I then made the cover…… One……. Two….. Thr……. Carl Batch had managed to move Power’s boot on to the bottom rope. Incensed that Bret Graveson had missed this blatant piece of cheating, I argued with the referee but all this did was allow Power to recover and as I turned around, I got levelled with a roaring elbow that sent me down to the mat……Power wasting no time this time then drilled me with the San Juan Rush…… One….. Two….. Three !! This time the pinfall was academic, as the fans in the Gynasium Aguada, vigorously booed the outcome of the match, disappointed that the ‘turncoat’ Da Power has escaped with the belts once again. Considering that I was never going to be a legitimate threat, Power and myself actually managed to really get the fans into our match. One thing I am good at, is playing the underdog who might just pull it out of the bag and that’s what really helped make the match perhaps better than the fans expected it to be. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Da Power defeated Charles Rainier in 10:25 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Da Power retains the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Da Power and Carl Batch decide to take some time to soak in another successful title defence, the fans still letting them know exactly what they think of them.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] A video is shown to hype the Wave of Violence vs Heat Magnets match, basically this was to remind the fans of ADB’s surprise win in the Battle Royal at Marzo En Batalla and how Primus was non too pleased over that fact. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthurt Dexter Bradley) vs Wave of Violence (M.C Speed & Primus) w/ Carl Batch[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MattHocking.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ArthurDexterBradley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-WoV.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen_WOV31.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was pretty much standard tag team fare. Heat Magnets started out hot, as the put togther some slick double teams on M.C Speed, but a distraction from Carl Batch allowed Primus to come into the ring and turn the match round for Wave of Violence. Matt Hocking then got to play 'Spencer Marks' for a good few minutes, until the inevitable miscommunication allowed him to get the hot tag into Arthur Dexter Bradley. Bradley cleaned house with a missile drop-kick on Primus, an STO on Speed, another drop-kick to send Primus out of the ring and then a Cool Dee Tee on Speed. That should have brought the Heat Magnets victory but Speed managed to get his foot on the ropes. ADB then tagged Hocking back in and the pair were able to drill Speed into the mat with the 2 Hot 2 Handle, only for Primus to dive back in and make the save. Bret Graveson then tried to order Primus back to the corner, but the big man put up enough resistane for Carl Batch to sneak in....nail both of the Heat Magnets with a slapjack then place M.C Speed on top of Matt Hocking. Somehow Hocking managed to kick out, but ADB was then clotheslined out of the ring by Primus, before the former Tag Champions set up for and then finished Hocking off with the Gangsta Device. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Wave of Violence defeated Heat Magnets in 8:40 when Primus defeated Matt Hocking by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Joe Benning[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandon_alt4.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RegularJoe.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Benning gets in about ten second worth of strikes on BBS, who just shakes them off and then decks Benning with a single Lariat, from there it was all BBS who after a couple of suplexes then put FCW's resident jobber away for good with the Atomic Driller (Texas Piledriver). Total SQUASH ! [B][COLOR=red]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Joe Benning in 0:57 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [I]The man who brought BBS into FCW, Bradford Peverall then enters the ring to the jeers of the fans (though it's more of a mix of indifference and vitriol).[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Bradford Peverall:[/B] 'James' I heard your challenge earlier and quite frankly you must have completely lost all your senses, because why would any sane person but their livelyhood on the line, in a match against this guy (Peverall points towards BBS).....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Did you witness the way Brandon here, bulldozed his way the poor sap who dared get in the ring with him and you know what James that could be you, accept if you do get in the ring with Brandon, he wont be holding anything back. Go get your partner Mainstreamer, but they wont make any difference......because come next week whether you like it or not, it'll be the end of your FCW career.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Bradford Peverall w/ Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Jeremiah Moose[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandon_alt4.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JeremiahMoose.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Peverall stays in the ring for his up-coming match with Jeremiah Moose, as BBS rather ominously stays at ringside. Peverall started off full on confidence in this one , but was soon caught off guard by some quick kick and strike combinations from Jeremiah Moose. Moose then grew in confidence as he took Peverall completely off his game with arm-drags, roll-ups and drop-kicks. Peverall then managed to turn the match in his favour with some good old fashioned cheating but Moose was able to slip out of an attempt at the Totally Totalled before drilling the former Tag champion with an Enziguri. Seeing an opportunity to earn a big victory over an established member of the FCW roster Moose headed up top and was about to land the High Velocity Headbutt, but it was only a matter of time before BBS got involved, pushing Moose off the top, and sending the young cruiserweight crashing onto the mat. Peverall then cleaned up with the Rapid Eye Movement (series of jabs followed by a Discus Lariat) to pick up the expected victory. The fans were pretty apathetic towards this match, despite the fact that Moose put in his best work since he got here. The reasons for this are probably the fact that Moose has pretty much been a jobber since he came into FCW and despite playing the face here, he's pretty much wrestled as a heel in all his other matches. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Bradford Peverell defeated Jeremiah Moose in 7:37 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Peverall and BBS decide, that beating Moose isn't enough and they decide to further put the boots to the former CZCW prospect, but before too much damage can be done Mainstream Hernanded comes rushing out, the fans aren't really sure if he's making the save or he's just so fired up to get his hand on Peverall and/or BBS, he's decided to head out early before his scheduled match. Anyway for all Peverall's bravado earlier, both him and his oafish friend scarper. leaving Hernandez in the ring with Jeremiah Moose.[/I] [I]Jermiah Moose gets up, looks at Hernandez and thanks the Mainstreamer for saving his bacon, cementing his face turn, which the fans greet with a general air of apathy, because lets face it Moose was hardly succesful enough as a heel to warrant a high level of hatred in the first place.[/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Mainstream Hernandez w/ Sara Silver vs Inky the Squid Boy[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG]w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG][B] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_InkyTheSquid.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] With Peverall and BBS scarpered to the back, Sara Silver looking splendid in a low cut silver mini-dress comes out to support her boyfriend in his match against pesky Inky the Squid Boy. This one started with the usual Inky 'antics' which got the masked man the advantage but Hernandez was able to survive a series of sneaky roll-ups (one which included Inky, putting his feet on the ropes) and when Inky went for the Ink Splot, Hernandez was able to catch him mid move and somewhat awkwardly reverse it into a Pontiac to Home (Reverse STO). The Mainstreamer then went up top and made sure of victory with the Apparition #14 (Moonsault Leg-Drop). A very medicore match, on paper these two should have suited each other but for some reason they didn't seem to quite click with one another, making for a somewhat awkward bout. [B]Result: Mainstream Hernandez defeated Inky The Squid Boy in 6:42 by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: D [/B] [LEFT]____________________________________________________________[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Match #6: The Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & Soul Krusher) vs Seriously Funny (Eddie Howard & The Great Oxii)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyJackSheareralt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OxKreviazuk_alt31.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Anyone who went off to do anything else but stay behind and watch abomination of a tag match, made a wise choice. Even at just under five minutes it was too long. Basically the story of the match was that Seriously Funny were actually standing their ground against the Messiah's Circus. However the ring couldn't contain their crappy big man brawling and the match spilt to the outside. This played into the Circus hands, as Leper Messiah blew red mist into the face of The Great Oxxi, leaving Eddie Howard isolated in the ring with Soul Krusher. Leper Messiah then joined his tag partner to mercilessly (more for the fans than anything) put Eddie Howard away with the Gutwrench Lankyplex. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Messiahs Circus defeated Seriously Funny in 4:46 when Soul Krusher defeated Eddie Howard by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]A hype video for UNITY against Animal Magic told us that more Tag Team action was to follow, as UNITY make their first title defence as the Allen/R!ot pairing.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Tag Team Championship: [/B] [B]UNITY (Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs [/B] [B]Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Plenty of respect shown to one another by both teams at the beginning, as the match actually starts with handshakes between all four men. Fox Mask and Harry Allen start out, and it's all very civilised as they lock up and then engage in a spot of chain wrestling, the pace quickens for a bit with both almost catching the other off guard with flash pin attempts, until it ends in a stand off and both make the tag to their partners. Cougar and R!ot provide a more intriguing match up due to the clash of styles and it's R!ot's power that comes out on top as he is able to cut off the ring and eventually isolate Cougar in the UNITY corner. The UNITY pair work over Cougar in their corner (but it's all above board !) as Fox Mask looks on in frustration. At one point R!ot lifts Harry Allen up and suplexes his own tag partner onto Cougar, before making the cover.....at this point Fox Mask had finally had enough of watching and watiing, breaking up the pin attempt before being sent back to his corner. UNITY then went for a high/low attack on Cougar but their timing was off enough for Cougar to dive out of the way and cause an accidental collision between the tag champions. R!ot then hauled Cougar back, but the masked man was able to counter with a deep arm-drag before diving across and getting the tag into Fox Mask. The CZCW icon took R!ot down with a springboard missile drop-kick, before snapping off a spinning head-scissors on Harry Allen and then springing off the top-rope into a quebrada on Nicky R!ot....... Harry Allen dived across to make the save, which in turn drew Masked Cougar back into the ring. Things then got a little wild, as R!ot was able to recover and clothesline Fox Mask out of the ring only for Masked Cougar to drop-kick R!ot out of the ring on the opposite side. Cougar and Allen then looked ready to charge at one another, but instead avoided contact and made stereo dives to the opposite sides of the ring. Masked Cougar then re-entered the ring and climbed up top as he looked set to make another dive to the outside but Harry Allen then re-entered the ring and joined Cougar on the top turbuckle, however Fox Mask was soon joining, but just as the Animal Magic were about to send Harry Allen crashing into the ring Nicky R!ot re-entered , placed himself underneath everyone else and powerbombed Masked Cougar, at the same time Cougar was bringing Harry Allen in with a superplex....... All three men came crashing down, but Fox Mask had been able to stay on the top turbuckle........and he took full advantage by crashing down upon Nicky R!ot with a frogsplash ! One.... Two..... Thr...... R!ot powered out of the pin attempt, before taking control and placing Fox Mask onto his shoulders for a Death Valley Driver but Fox Mask started to fight out with elbows to the side of the head. R!ot then staggered over to the corner placing Fox Mask on the top turnbuckle but the CZCW mainstay was able to use that to his advantage taking Nicky R!ot down with a swinging DDT ! But before Fox Mask could make the cover, he was hauled back by Harry Allen and then dumped on his head with a bridging German Suplex....... One...... Two...... Masked Cougar dived over to make the save. Cougar and Allen then exchanged with the most intense exchange of strikes seen in the match thus far, as it seems like both champion and challenger realise what is as stake. Allen seems to gain the advantage, and goes for a drop-kick but Cougar ducks under, and then suddenly hits the Cougar Pounce out of nowhere ! One.......... Two...... Thr....... Harry Allen digs down and kicks out, saving the titles for his team, as R!ot is still trying to shake the cobwebs from his head. But it becomes a two on one situation as Fox Mask gets back up and the challengers plant Allen onto the mat with double flapjack. Harry Allen staggers to his feet and is then drilled with the LAST HUNT (Double Enziguri)....... One..... Two....... Thr....... NOOO !! Nicky R!ot comes in to make the save, but before he can turn the match back in UNITY's favour Animal Magic think quickly and send R!ot out of the ring with a double drop-kick. Before turning their attention back to Harry Allen. Cougar then places Allen upon his shoulders, as Fox Mask heads up..... could they be looking for the assisted Fox Flip Off DDT ?! But Harry Allen is able to block the attempt and instead belly to back suplexes Fox Mask off the top turbuckle whilst still on the shoulder of Masked Cougar. Both of them take a hard bump as Masked Cougar remains on his feet, it's a desperation move by Harry Allen and he's still vunerable as Masked Cougar realising that Allen is down moves in to go for the cover, but all of a sudden Nicky R!ot hit's the ring and he turns Masked Cougar inside out with the SUB POP BOP ! (Crooked Arm Lariat)..... R!ot goes for the cover , but referee Bret Graveson tells him that he's not the legal man....... Fox Mask staggers back to his feet, but R!ot sends him out of the ring with a clothesline, before turning his attention back to Masked Cougar, but then realising that he is not the legal man drags Harry Allen over to his corner, before officially tagging himself back into the match. But that allows Cougar to recover and rock R!ot with a kick combination, before bringing R!ot down to the mat with a spinning leg-sweep. Cougar then goes out onto the apron and goes for a springboard version of the HIGH RISE COUGAR POUNCE !, but the completely telegraphed the move as R!ot swats him out of mid-air. R!ot then lifts Cougar up into a vertical suplex as a now recovered Harry Allen climbs up top.... R!ot delays the suplex...and then Harry Allen comes flying off the top with a cross-body to add extra impact !!! R!ot then makes the cover........ One...... Two........ Fox Mask tries to come back in to make the save, but Harry Allen cuts him off...... Three !! UNITY makes a succesful first defence of the FCW Tag Team Championship !! Purely as an athletic contest, this was one of the best tag team matches FCW has ever put on, but it lacked the heat to take this up from being a good but ultimately unmemorable tag team match to being that break through Tag Team Title match I have been looking for. I truly believe if that one of these teams were not both upstanding babyfaces, then the D+ ceiling for Tag Title matches would have been broken. [B][COLOR=red]Result: UNITY. defeated Animal Magic in 11:22 when Nicky R!ot defeated Masked Cougar by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=purple]UNITY retain the FCW Tag Team titles.[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] The delayed vertical suplex/flying cross body combo is the new tag team finisher between R!ot and Allen, and will be referred to as the Limited Edition.[/FONT] [I]Animal Magic accepting that they were beaten by the better team on this occassion, shake the hands of the champions as a sign of respect, before all four men raise each others arms aloft......Babyface's United ![/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]We then get a hype video for the main event the Undisputed Contenders 4 Corner Survival, it's a simple video package that puts over the credentials of all four men in the match up and pretty much telling you the exact same thing, you could have read up in the pre-match press release on such revered wrestling news sites as Delorean Driver.com.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: Undisputed Championship Contenders 4CS: [/B] [B]Angel De Mexico vs Dean Daniels w/Lisa Bowen vs [/B] [B]J.D Morgan vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG][COLOR=white] _[/COLOR] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG][COLOR=white] [B]__[/B][/COLOR][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE=2]I knew I was pretty much putting all my eggs in one basket with the main event, it has to be really good to get a decent overall show grade, otherwise it would be two disappointing shows in a row. [/SIZE] The two masked high fliers Angel De Mexico and Ultimate Phoenix started things off, plenty of respect was shown between the two as they shook hands and then circled one another before locking up and going into the standard chain wrestling sequence to start. With neither one able to gain much of an advantage it ended in a stand off and both me went to tag out. Angel De Mexico was able to tag in J.D Morgan but when Phoenix went to tag in Daniels, the Peoples champ dropped off the apron refusing to tag in. Morgan being the wiley veteran that is stalked behind Phoenix and then levelled the masked man with a European Uppercut. Morgan then unleashed a flurry of strikes that backed Phoenix up into the corner before following in with a running version of a European Uppercut. Phoenix then staggered out of the corner and right into a snap suplex from Morgan.......Morgan held onto Phoenix and snapped off another suplex for a two count. But just as Morgan was about to follow up Dean Daniels made a blind tag, much to the annoyance of the former Undisputed Champion and with Phoenix still down, the Peoples Champion began to stomp away on the man he has not quite been able to get the better of in FCW. Daniels is relentless with a flurry of strikes, before lifting up a limp Phoenix onto his shoulders and then launching the masked man into the corner after the Human Roulette (Spinning Crucifix Toss). Phoenix then staggers out of the corner and is then levelled with a lariat from Daniels. Daniels then picks up Phoenix and the traps the arms, but before he can deliver the trapped knees, J.D Morgan sneaks into the ring and clubs Daniels from behind. Morgan is soom ordered back to his corner but the distraction is enough to force Daniels to relinquish his hold on Phoenix, who then manages to dig down enough energy to dive over and make a tag to Angel De Mexico, who takes Daniels by surprise with a springboard rana into an immediate pin attempt...... One....... Two..... Daniels kicks out, but as they get up Angel is still a step ahead as he takes Daniels off his feet firstly with an arm-drag and then with a spinning head-scissors that sends the People's Champ out of the ring, but just as Angel is about to launch himself over the top -rope Morgan sneaks into the ring and dumps the masked man with the HALF NELSON SUPLEX !! One...... Two...... Three ? But Brett Graveson had his eyes elsewhere, and seeing as all wrestling referee's brains seem to be in their trousers, you can only guess who he had his eyes fixed on. Lisa Bowen's ample charms were enough to save the match for her man , who took full advantage by clubbing Morgan from behind and then dumping the English veteran with a German Suplex...... One...... Two........ Morgan managed to get a shoulder up, but Daniels held on dumping Morgan with second German Suplex and then a third......... One...... Two....... Thr.......... Morgan kicked out again but Daniels remained in control, and looked set to set up for the trapped knees once again but Morgan had the move scouted and countered into a Hammerlock Divorce Court before locking on his feared CROSS ATLANTIC STRETCH......... Luckily for Daniels, intervention came from the most unlikely of sources as Ultimate Phoenix dived into make the save. Morgan then came charging at Phoenix but was taken down with a leg-sweep, before Phoenix followed up with a standing moonsault...... But Morgan got the knees up, winding the popular masked high flier. The former DaVE star then whipped Phoenix into the corner, followed up with a European Uppercut and then placed Phoenix on the top-rope, setting up for the Londo Bridge, but Phoenix managed to fight Morgan off and then went to reverse into a Tornado DDT, but then Morgan was able to block that and reverse that into a vertical suplex as he sent Phoenix crashing back to the mat back first...... One.... Two...... Angel De Mexico was able to make the save with a slingshot senton. Morgan then charged at the patriotic masked man but was sent out of the ring with an arm-drag.....before Phoenix got up and took Angel by surpise with a roundhouse kick. Angel De Mexico was back up though and tries to take Phoenix down with a kip up rana but the former CZCW and MPWF champion was able to block the attempt and reversed into FLAMING DRIVER !! One........... Two.......... Thr........... Dean Daniels dived back in to save the match , before clubbing Phoenix from behind and setting the masked man up for the Raise The Stakes (Cradle Piledriver) but Phoenix was able to slip out and then nail Daniels with an Enziguri, before planting the Peoples Champion onto the mat with a rolling cutter. Phoenix then headed up top, as he looked to put Daniels away and earn himseld a shot at the Undisputed Championship.......Phoenix then flew off the topr turnbuckle with the graceful Phoenix Firebird Splash....the arena went almost silent........ And groaned as Daniels was able to roll out of the way at the last split second.....Daniels then took full advantage by then drilling Phoenix into the canvas with the RAISE THE STAKES ! One........ Two............. Would Dean Daniels finally be getting that elusive victory over Ultimate Phoenix....... Thr.......... NO ! Daniels is denied by J.D Morgan. The two men who have both held gold in FCW, then go at it hammer and tongs with an intense exchange of strikes. Daniels seems to get the advantage and looks set to put Morgan on his feet back with a Lariat but the English veteran manages to block and then tags Daniels with a European Upper-cut before dumping Daniels with an overhead belly to belly supex but as Morgan rises back to his feet.....Angel De Mexico springs back into the ring to take Morgan down with a head-scissors...... But Morgan catches him mid-move and looks set to Powerbomb Angel, however Angel manages to counter the attempt into the AZTEC RANA ! One......... Two........... Three !!! Angel De Mexico causes a mild upset and earns himself another shot at Undisputed Championship, as Dean Daniels looks on in frustration, while Ultimate Phoenix recovers just that little too late from being dumped on his head with the Raise The Stakes. I put trust in these four to put on a stellar main event and they did just that by putting on a exciting fast paced affair, that also had enough time to get across a bit of storytelling with Dean Daniels budding rivalry with Ultimate Phoenix particularly coming the fore. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ángel De México defeated Dean Daniels, JD Morgan and Ultimate Phoenix in 17:40 when Ángel De México defeated JD Morgan by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Angel De Mexico looks set to celebrate his big victory, when Wave of Violence come out to spil the party, but before they can do too much damage to Angel, UNITY come out to make the save, this then triggers a massive brawl between Wave of Violence and UNITY, as the two factions who have had a rivalry with one another since last year, go at it once again.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The feeling after the show, is that we probably relied a little too much on the main event delivering the goods and that if any of the quartet involved in that match were to have an off night or if things didnt quite click in that match, then we probably would have been looking at the second disappointing show in a row.
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[CENTER][B][U]June in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] Raza La Tapa was a stellar enough show for June, though we need to start getting back to our form of a couple of months back, if we want to start kicking on. The last few shows have very much been holding pattern shows to help build up challengers to the Undisputed Championship. With Morgan defeating Angel in April, Phoenix then getting a pin on Da Power himself in May and Angel getting a win back over Morgan this month in the 4CS, all 3 have legitimate claims at another title shot. Though we seem to be stalled at the moment in terms of growth, the positive thing of only running one show a month at the moment is that we have managed to get back the money we lost in April. The plan is to stick for one show again next month, as we want some funds in reserve for August (which is always an expensive month due to bringing in the guest talent for the Rey De Reyes tournament) It was a key month of renegotiations over contracts with several key members of the roster putting pen to paper over new deals with Ultimate Phoenix, Angel De Mexico, Mainstream Hernandez, Nicky R!ot, Fox Mask and Soul Krusher (Billy Jack Shearer) all staying on. Several of the talents had slight pay rises in their contracts, but I felt it was worth giving them a little something extra, as most of the talent who resigned this month are involved in key storylines. Though to be honest I felt I might have made a mistake in re-signing Shearer, as he's on one of the top paid contracts in the promotion and his usefulness as a roster member may well be coming to and end, with the feeling that the Messiah's Circus may have run it's course. At-least with a PPA I can terminate it when I see fit, and maybe in the back of mind, I still feel he can bring something useful to the roster. Something I did back in the March review was take a look at our immediate Regional rivals in and around the U.S and I've decided it's something I'm going to have a close eye on each review, because though we have working agreements with several of these promotions, and don't have a hostile relationship with the one's we don't....it'll be worth keeping them eye on them, as most of our roster also work elsewhere and we have to make sure that if we're not the not top priority for them, we're at-least number two. 4C which is probably the least of our priorities to look at (but we do have a working relationship with them) put on their Best of the Best show this month. The overall show rating was a C and the main event was a C Rated Tag Team contest which saw Greg Black team up with Nate Johnson to defeat Joey Poison and Shane Nelson. The semi main event saw Philip LaGrenier make a succesful defence of his title over the departing Damian Carvill, in what was a C+ rated match. The other notable match saw Lee Rivera defeat Zeus Maximillion almost steal the show in the middle of the card with a C+ rated effort. Overall a solid show from the Canadians, though the general feeling is that the title match should have been the main event. CZCW are probably the leading Regional sized promotion in North America (if not the World) and have been for a good few years now and they proved that by putting on an excellent B- rated show with Surf Slam 2010. The main event saw Ultimate Phoenix team up with Donnie J to defeat James Hernandez and Matt Sparrow in an incredible tag match, that was rated a B on the Ryland scale and Harry Allen made a succesful defence of the Coastal Zone Title against Plague in a B- rated match in the semi main event slot. If truth be told with the quality CZCW put on every month, they should be trying to kick on and perhaps start looking to expand outside of their home region but their owner Cliff Anderson seems happy with the status quo and appears to have been happy with the level CZCW have been at for a number of years. Some people will say this a lack of ambition on his part, whilst others will say that Anderson is sensible to not reach try and over-stretch the resources of CZCW. Both sides of the argument make a strong case on one hand CZCW really should have grown to be more than a regional phenonenom but on the other hand several other companies have gone under because they over-stretched themselves and tried to 'run before the could walk'. It's worth keeping an eye on MHW (the up-starts from south of the border) as they have already grown to Regional Size, no doubt helped by the fact that all the established promotions have been very lax with sharing their talent with them and if they keep putting on shows like the B-rated Haga Frente El Hangman, their growth might well be one of rapid progress. Headlining the show was a special attraction Tag Team Ladder match, that saw Electrico and Gino Montero defeat Spanish Superfly and Magnifico, in what was a B rated effort. MPWF big show this month was Mundo Nueveo Valiente and to their credit they responded putting on a stellar show themselves with Spanish Superfly making a succesful defence of the Campeon de Mundo against Angel De Mexico in a B rated effort, with the strong main event helping the show to score an overall B- rating. MAW also put on a stellar show this month with All For One, that saw James Hernandez making a succesful defence of the Mid Atlantic Championship in a B- rated match, the rest of the show was pretty average but the strong main event was deemed good enough to bring it up to an overall rating of C+. NYCW also had a strong show this month as a consistent under-card (most of the matches were in an around the C grade) and a B- rated defence of the Empire Title from Steve Flash over Rick Sanders in the main event was enough for their Showtime! event to earn a B- rating, as they bounced back from what was a relatively poor C- show last month. PSW continue to lag behind everyone else in terms of quality, as their featured Attraction show was another disappointing D+ rated effort, headlined by a D+ rated defence of the PSW Championship from Johnny Martin over The Wolverine. PSW's seem to stem from the fact that their main event is basically a boys own club of past their sell by date East Coast War veterans, whilst the under-card is made up of journeymen and rookies that no one really cares about. Apart from PSW and 4C, all of the 'rival' promotions put on much stronger shows than us this month, so we really do need to start upping our game if we want to start pushing ahead of the likes of MAW and NYCW. [CENTER][B][U]June News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Worker Signings[/B] 4C snap up Hollywood Brett Starr and SWF alumnus Damian 'The Natural' Carvill. Tsutome Watnabe joins the refereeing team in 5SSW Katherine Goodlooks rejoins AAA, 10 months after her somewhat surpising departure from the Seattle based promotion. In possibly the most bizarrest move in all of wrestling, BSC have signed burly women's brawler Gorgon to their roster. Gorgon is just about the last women's wrestler you would think of joining a promotion more known for their 'wrestlers' wearing next to nothing, than wrestling itself. CGC have snapped up SWF's Zimmy Bumfhole and Akima Brave on PPA contracts, however with SWF recently returning to Global Size, these are likely to only be temporary signings for the De-Colt run promotion. Alex Braun joins CZCW commentary team, whilst the California based promotion also snaps up youngster Casey Valentine. Exodus 2010 make further additions to their initial roster, signing up young gaijin Arthur Dexter Bradley on a touring contract, referee Masami Aizawa and Gesshin Nishihara who joins as a road agent. Hinote Dojo sign former WEXVV Blood Brothers champion Matsudaira Morioka on a PPA contract. MAW are the latest promotion to take advantage of several of SWF's roster currently being on PPA contracts by signing Bart Biggz. Much like CGC's signings though, this could very likely end up as more of a one or two show deal, rather than as a long term investment. Another SWF'er is on his way to the independents to gain a bit more experience as Kid Toma joins NYCW on a PPA deal. Gaijin's Billy Russell, Oleg Dorosklov and Mohamed El Yaagoudi will all take part in PGHW's up-coming summer tour. While Tsuruyaki Kamachi joins on a developmental contract and will be asigned to Pro Wrestling SAISHO for the immediate future. ROF pick up promising youngster Wade Orson. Champagne Lover, Extraordinario Jr, Mr Lucha III and Nathaniel Ca$ino will all take part on yet another WLW tour. Why doesn't WLW just sign these guys permantly, as they seem to have taken part in just about every WLW tour since last year. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extend the contracts of several key workers including Jonathan Faust, Pitbull Brown, Stevie Stoat, Igor Ivanoff and road agent Colin 'The Steamroller' Chalke. 4C extend the contracts of Lightning Lomas, Slim V, Eric Blackley and commentator Ted Ross. 5SSW extend the contracts of Raku Makuda, Rei Chikamatsu and veteran referee Akikazu Miyagi. AAA extend the contracts of Suzue Katayama, Devils Daughter and retired wrestler Black Widow. A busy month of contract extensions of APW, as they seal D.O.A, Jimmy Stratosphere, Markus Rush, Maurice Jackson, Nathan Mackenzie, valet Stephanie Drucker and referee Virgil Mann to new deals. BHOTWG extend the exclusive written contracts of Ninja Shunji and Evererest. BSC extend the contracts of non competive talents Sienna DeVille and Sara Silver. CGC extend the contracts of Gigolo Jack Stein (Rodger Dodger) and Zeus Maximillion. CWWF extend the contracts of Eve Grunge and referee Andy Gordy. CZCW extend the contracts of Bulldozer Brandon Smith, James 'Mainstream' Hernandez and Brendan Idol, plus valets Jakki and Rita Charles. A busy month of negotiations of EWA, as the resign Frank De Pain, Herschel The Hammer, Robert Milano, White Knight, womens division star Anna-Ki and announcer Mark Stanford. It looks as though Matthew Keith has decided to settle in Japan after signing an exclusive written contract with the resurgent GCG and Japan's oldest promotion were given a further boost when one of their most popular home-grown stars Hiroyasu Gakusha put pen to paper on a new deal. Other's to sign exclusive written deals with GCG are Masutaro Kataoka, SUKI, Wasichi 'Fire-Fox' Inao and veteran announcer Masatoke Hori, though Hirokazau Yamanoue only re-signs on a PPA contract. Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deals of Henry Bennett, Taheji Konoe and announcer Hirokichi Hatakeda. INSPIRE extend the contracts of Billy Russell and Hirokumi Saito. MAW extend the contracts of James 'Mainstream' Hernandez, Oscar Golden, Riley McManus, referee Brett Graveson and announcer Marv Earnest. MOSC extend the contracts of Kevin Jones, Matthew 'Bruiser' Jackson and referee Scott Gregory. MPWF extend the contracts of Angel De Mexico, El Hijo Espada Roja, La Creatura Navidad, Ultra Spark Jr and referee Sebastian Cabrera. OLLIE extend the contracts of El Critico, El Leon, Phoenix III and Rafael Ruiz. It's still going to be PRIDE Koiso as he re-signs with PGHW with an exclusive written contract. PSW extend the contracts of The Wolverine and managers Nicole Kiss and Carl Batch. RIPW resign Brendan Idol, Assassin #2 (Ernie Turner), commentator Mayhem Midden and referee David Poker to PPA contracts. SOTBPW extend the contracts of El Demonio, Leon Joven, announcer Mateo Hidalgo, referee Guillermo 'Fast' Navarro and valet Jennifer Heat. SWF begin to re-sign some of their talent to written contracts after their return to the 'top' of the wrestling world, with veteran Enforcer Roberts, youngsters Aaron Andrews and Marshall Dillon, referee Darren Smith and managers The Guru and Farrah Hesketh all securing their futures with the SWF. Not the most exciting set of signings but Hesketh's signing is actually key, not for her on-screen role but for her role backstage, where she has surprised everyone with the way she has helped turn the SWF back round since she took over the Head-Booking duties from Peter Michaels. UEW extend the contracts of Haiti Voodude and road agent Nathaniel Pross. USPW extend the contracts of Jim 'Buy my Merchandise !' Force, Puerto Rican Power, Danny Rushmore, T-Rex and managers Sheik Mustafa and Captain USA. Toyokuni Hardcore signs on exclusively with WLW, while Eisaku Hoshino continues with his lucrative PPA arrangement. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Arthur T.Turtle and Genocide Agent become victims of budget cuts at 21CW as both see their contracts terminated by the Jeff Nova run promotion. Akima Brave and Bobby Thomas both depart from 4C. Referee Tsugihuru Odaka departs from 5SSW after signing an exclusive written contract with GCG. Farrah Hesketh departs from AAA after signing on exclusively with the SWF, while Alison Capone and (despite the return of her long term tag partner) Jessica Bunny also depart. Matthew Keith finishes up his commitments with BHOTWG, after deciding to sign on exclusively with rivals GCG. His final match for the promotion was a historic champion vs champion bout, between the Burning World Champion Seiji Kimbo and Keith himself, who currently holds the GCG World Championship. CGC also lose the services of Farrah Hesketh (as do CZCW), while Slim-V does not see his contract renewed, after he made little impact in the DeColt run promotion, despite the fact the recently won the tag titles with Trent Shaffer. Captain USA departs from CWWF. Wasichi Inao leaves Hinote Dojo and SAISHO, after signing exclusively with GCG and Masutaro Kataoka leaves INSPIRE for the same reason. Casey Valentine leaves MAW, deciding instead to concentrate on his commitments with both NYCW and CZCW. Zimmy Bumfole finishes up with NYCW, while veteran Wiley Steinway also departs from NYCW after he fails to come to an agreement on a contract extension. K'Lee Hawkins leaves ROF, after he fails to come to terms on a new contract. [B]Injuries[/B] Very quiet this month on the injury front, the most notable injury as that of OLLIE's Asesino De La Espada who sustained a percussive ankle stretch and even then he is expected to 'work through' the pain. [B]Retirements[/B] Veteran women's worker April Appleseed decided to hang up the boots at the Age of 37, mostly due to the lack of work coming her way. It's a slightly sad and disappointing end to the career of someone who was a cornerstone of NOTBPW's women's division between 2003 and 2006 (even winning the title on two occassions) but after her surprise release in 2006 her career has never been able to get back on track, with her only job offers coming from Japan with 5SSW where she was used as enhancement talent for a few tours. [B]Backstage Trouble *[/B] It appears that Joan Evans is non too pleased with the amorous advances of her EWA co-worker Gianfranco Morelli. [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note[/B] * In general i've stopped reporting on these sort of incidents, but when it's one that particularly amuses me, i'll report it.[/FONT] [B]Title Changes[/B] Wanda Fish made an immediate impact in her return to AAA, as he she took back the Femme Fatale title from Grace Harper, to win the championship for a record sixth time and end Harper's own 18 month long reign with the belt. The Best of the Super Juniors Cup took place in BHOTWG as The Awesome Kiyaru won the tournament for a record setting fifth time, after defeating surprise finalist Yoshii Shiomi in the final and seeing off White Samurai and Marihito Masuko in the first round and semi finals respectively. Others to take part in the tournament included Junior Champion Black Cobra (who surprisingly went out in the first round), Hyosuke Kokan, Harumi Okazawaya and Super Joshuya. The general consensus was that this years editions of the BOSJ Cup was one of the most disappointing in the tournament's history and despite Kiyaru winning the tournament yet again, they were trying too hard to try and get more exposure for some of the division's lesser lights, highlighted by the fact that star performers like Sensational Dragon and Elemental III were not even in the field and Black Cobra went out in the first round. Trent Shaffer and Slim V's reign with the CGC tag team titles is a short one, as they drop the belts in their first defence to The Soldiers of Fortune, with the Fate and Destiny version of the team winning the belts for a third time and the eigth time in total for original SOF member Fate. Shaffer made up for his disappontment of losing the tag straps by defeating Nate Johnson for the Canadian Championship. Despite the fact he signed on exclusively with GCG, Matthew Keith lost the GCG World Championship to fellow gaijin Jimmy Cox (who win the title for a second time), while Kimonobu Kuroki and new partner Roy Edison win the World Tag Team Titles, ending the half year long run of Ikina and Tayama. Masaaki Okazaki regained the King of Fighters title in INSPIRE from Tadiyuki Kikkawa. Okazaki will be hoping this reign will last longer than his first, which only lasted for one month. Vincente Romero became the new Nacional Champion in MHW ending the three month reign of inaugral champion Rafael Ruiz. The SAISHO Destiny Tag Team Titles have been left vacant following the departure of Wasichi Inao who held one half of the championship. El Fuerza became the Campeon de Mundo in SOTBPW for a third time, ending the three month reign of Marcos Flores, while Pirata Malvado regained the Campeon de Menor title from The Cannoball Kid, to begin a record setting sixth run with the belt. Zimmy Bumfhole is the shock new World Champion in USPW, after he defeats Colussus (Hells Bouncer) to end the big-man's half year long reign with the belt. It comes as a shock (to the smarks at least) because Bumfhole is expected to put pen to a written contract extension with the SWF.
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[CENTER][B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Delorean Driver.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B] [B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] FCW return to the Gynasium Aguada in San Juan on Saturday July 10th with their Lucha Dentro show, as Angel De Mexico challenges Da Power for the Undisputed Championship in the main event. This is Angel's second shot at the twin belts (his first coming back in February at Fuerzas de Gran Alcace) and he will be brimming with confidence after seeing off three of FCW's very best last month. Can Angel go one better this time, and overcome the seemingly unstoppable Da Power ? Dean Daniels has perhaps been arguably more dominate as the Peoples Champion, than Power has as Undisputed Champion. Where Power has often relied on intervention, Daniels has more often than not simply destroyed the opposition put in front of him, and it's no surprise that the FCW officials are now testing him with more than regular singles showdown's as he defends the title in a second three way match in three months, as he puts the belt on the line against both members of Animal Magic, however unlike his match against Hernandez and Peverall, this one will be competed under elimination rules. Can Fox Mask and Masked Cougar work together to help one another to the title or will the lure of singles gold possibly drive a wedge between the high flying pair ? The Tag Team Championship will also be on the line as UNITY face their old adversaries Wave of Violence, will Allen & R!ot continue to hold tag team gold or will the W.O.V pair of Speed and Primus regain the titles for the first time since December. There will be more tag team action as Bradford Peverall teams up with Bulldozer Brandon Smith, to take on former best friend turned bitter rival Mainstream Hernandez and a partner of Hernandez choice. In what must be seen as a moment of desperation to try and 'protect' Sara Silver from Peverall and BBS, the Mainstreamer has said he will quit FCW if he loses the match. Has Hernandez just signed up for his last match in Puerto Rico ? Both J.D Morgan and Ultimate Phoenix who came up short in earning a shot at the Undisputed Championship last month, will both be looking to get back on the winning track as they take on Jeremiah Moose and The Sensational Singh respectively and Island Boy Apollo gets a chance to showcase himself on the main show but is faced with the unenviable task of taking on the Messiah's Circus Soul Krusher. On the pre-show Seriously Funny take on Joe Benning and Leftie Wilkes and UNITY's Charles Rainier goes up against D.C Rayne. [I]Here's a full run down of the card for Lucha Dentro[/I] [CENTER][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][U]FCW Lucha Dentro[/U][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Saturday July 10th 2010[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2] [SIZE=2]at Gynasium Arriba in San Juan, Puerto Rico[/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Undisputed Championship: 'Representing Wave of Violence' Da Power vs Angel De Mexico[/CENTER] [CENTER]Peoples Championship: Dean Daniels vs 'Representing Animal Magic' Fox Mask vs 'Representing Animal Magic' Masked Cougar[/CENTER] [CENTER]Tag Team Championship: UNITY (Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs Wave of Violence (M.C Speed & Primus)[/CENTER] [CENTER]Bradford Peverall & Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Mainstream Hernandez & 'A Partner of his choice'[/CENTER] [CENTER][I]* If Hernandez team loses, he will leave FCW.[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER]J.D Morgan vs Jeremiah Moose[/CENTER] [CENTER]Ultimate Phoenix vs The Sensational Singh[/CENTER] [CENTER]'Representing The Messiah's Circus' Soul Krusher vs Island Boy Apollo[/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Courier New][B]Bonus Pre-Show Matches:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Charles Rainier vs D.C Rayne[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Seriously Funny (Howard & Oxii) vs Benning & Wilkes[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]____________________________________________________________[/FONT][/CENTER] [quote] [COLOR="Purple"] [LEFT][B]Predictions Form:[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U]FCW Lucha Dentro[/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] Da Power vs Angel De Mexico[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Peoples Championship:[/B] Dean Daniels vs Fox Mask vs Masked Cougar[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] UNITY (Allen & R!ot) vs Wave of Violence (Speed & Primus)[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Bradford Peverall & BBS vs Mainstream Hernandez & ???[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]J.D Morgan vs Jermiah Moose[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Ultimate Phoenix vs The Sensational Singh[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Soul Krusher vs Island Boy Apollo[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Charles Rainier vs D.C Rayne[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Seriously Funny vs Benning & Wilkes[/COLOR][/LEFT][/COLOR] [/quote]
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[B]FCW Lucha Dentro[/B] Undisputed Championship: Da Power vs [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] [I]I'm thinking of surprise flash pinfall here, and a huge post-match beatdown and torment of the new champion.[/I] Peoples Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Fox Mask vs Masked Cougar [I]Don't know. Seems like a filler to me. Elimination, huh? And this should be complex as it's one guy vs. two guys from the same. I know I'm gonna like the booking of this, no matter what the outcome is.[/I] Tag Team Championship: UNITY (Allen & R!ot) vs [B]Wave of Violence (Speed & Primus)[/B] [I]It's time.[/I] Bradford Peverall & BBS vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez & ???[/B] [I]Someone will get their debut win here.[/I] [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Jeremiah Moose [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs The Sensational Singh [B]Soul Krusher[/B] vs Island Boy Apollo [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs D.C Rayne [B]Seriously Funny[/B] vs Benning & Wilkes
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Predictions Form: FCW Lucha Dentro Undisputed Championship: [b]Da Power[/b] vs Angel De Mexico Angel ain't winning this unless Power has sold the company and been signed to the SWF to be Warlord Power. Peoples Championship: [b]Dean Daniels[/b] vs Fox Mask vs Masked Cougar Not time for Daniels to drop the belt, plus it's always fun for a tag team to cost each other singles glory. Tag Team Championship: UNITY (Allen & R!ot) vs Wave of Violence (Speed & Primus) DDQ, DCO, Schmozz ending Bradford Peverall & BBS vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez & ???[/B] Unless Hernandez got signed, there's no way he's losing. [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Jermiah Moose Squashy squash squash squash! [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs The Sensational Singh Same as above. [B]Soul Krusher[/B] vs Island Boy Apollo I'll be getting popcorn during this stretch of the show. Charles Rainier vs [B]D.C Rayne[/B] Goofy interference, plus you're the selfless booker. [B]Seriously Funny[/B] vs Benning & Wilkes Always take the tag team with the actual team name.
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Predictions Form: FCW Lucha Dentro Undisputed Championship: [B]Da Power [/B]vs Angel De Mexico Peoples Championship: Dean Daniels vs Fox Mask vs [B]Masked Cougar[/B] Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY[/B] (Allen & R!ot) vs Wave of Violence (Speed & Primus) Bradford Peverall & BBS vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez & ???[/B] [B] J.D Morgan [/B]vs Jermiah Moose [B]Ultimate Phoenix [/B]vs The Sensational Singh [B]Soul Krusher[/B] vs Island Boy Apollo [B]Charles Rainier [/B]vs D.C Rayne [B]Seriously Funny[/B] vs Benning & Wilkes
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Undisputed Championship: [b]Da Power[/b] vs Angel De Mexico [i]Not sure if Angel is over enough yet to take the title.[/i] Peoples Championship: [b]Dean Daniels[/b] vs Fox Mask vs Masked Cougar [i]Filler defense.[/i] Tag Team Championship: [b]UNITY (Allen & R!ot)[/b] vs Wave of Violence (Speed & Primus) [i]UNITY should get a decent run as champs this time.[/i] [b]Bradford Peverall & BBS[/b] vs Mainstream Hernandez & ??? [i]The suddenness of the "Hernandez quits" stip, especially when attached to a tag match, makes me think that Hernandez is on the way out the door.[/i] [b]J.D Morgan[/b] vs Jermiah Moose [i]Squash.[/i] [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] vs The Sensational Singh [i]I think Singh probably deserves a better push than the "jobber to the stars" role he's fallen into, but even so Phoenix should pick up the victory here.[/i] [b]Soul Krusher[/b] vs Island Boy Apollo [i]Squash.[/i] [b]Charles Rainier[/b] vs D.C Rayne [i]Gotta give the user character a few wins.[/i] [b]Seriously Funny[/b] vs Benning & Wilkes [i]Squash.[/i]
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FCW Lucha Dentro Undisputed Championship: [b]Da Power[/b] vs Angel De Mexico [i]Champ to retain just about here.[/i] Peoples Championship: [b]Dean Daniels[/b] vs Fox Mask vs Masked Cougar [i]And again.[/i] Tag Team Championship: UNITY (Allen & R!ot) vs [b]Wave of Violence (Speed & Primus)[/b] [i]Titles change hands here though[/i] [b]Bradford Peverall & BBS[/b] vs Mainstream Hernandez & ??? [i]Either Hernandez is on his way out, or the loss could make way for some kind of re-packaging. On the other hand his partner may be a new big-name signing, in which case they'll win[/i] [b]J.D Morgan[/b] vs Jermiah Moose [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] vs The Sensational Singh [b]Soul Krusher[/b] vs Island Boy Apollo [b]Charles Rainier[/b] vs D.C Rayne [b]Seriously Funny[/b] vs Benning & Wilkes
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Undisputed Championship: [B]Da Power[/B] vs Angel De Mexico Angel won't be the one to unseat 'Da powah' Peoples Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Fox Mask vs Masked Cougar The other two are good wrestlers bit haven't stood out enough to be singles champion Tag Team Championship: [B]UNITY (Allen & R!ot)[/B] vs Wave of Violence (Speed & Primus) WoV seem to be losing momentum. Bradford Peverall & BBS vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez & ???[/B] Erik Strong would make in game sense, but I am calling the return of Shawn Gonzalez [B]J.D Morgan[/B] vs Jermiah Moose [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs The Sensational Singh [B]Soul Krusher [/B]vs Island Boy Apollo [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs D.C Rayne obligatory squashes [B]Seriously Funny[/B] vs Benning & Wilkes one has a team name , the other is composed of fodder, no mystery here.
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Undisputed Championship: [b]Da Power[/b] vs Angel De Mexico Peoples Championship: [b]Dean Daniels[/b] vs Fox Mask vs Masked Cougar Tag Team Championship: [b]UNITY (Allen & R!ot)[/b] vs Wave of Violence (Speed & Primus) Bradford Peverall & BBS vs [b]Mainstream Hernandez & ???[/b] [b]J.D Morgan[/b] vs Jermiah Moose [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] vs The Sensational Singh [b]Soul Krusher[/b] vs Island Boy Apollo [b]Charles Rainier[/b] vs D.C Rayne [i]I hope you know I hated doing this...;)[/i] [b]Seriously Funny[/b] vs Benning & Wilkes
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Lucha Dentro[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Saturday July 10th 2010[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Gynasium Aguada, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 1'000)- Sell Out !! [/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [I]Mainstream Hernandez and Sara Silver are discussing something backstage when Jared Johnson walks over to them.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Jared Johnson:[/B] Hey James hear you're lookin for a tag partner tonight.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] I am, but you do know I can't be tagging with.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Jared Johnson:.....[/B]A rookie ? Look you were a rookie once, who just needed that big chance to show what he can really do....[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] But this match against Bradford, is like really important....[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Jared Johnson:[/B] I know that but think back when someone gave you your big break. I'm ready to prove that I belong and what better way than standing side by side with the guys I truly admire round here and standing up to bully's like Peverall and that oaf Brandon.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] I like your plucky attitude kid, but I'm not sure you're ready for this kind of battle.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Jared Johnson:[/B] When will I be ready ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] He seems keen to want to fight alongside you James[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] But this next match, it could be it for me. He's only a kid[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Jared Johnson:[/B] Stop calling me a kid, I'm ready to prove that I'm nobodies kid, let me go out there and prove it to you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] You DO realise how important this next match is to me....[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Jared Johnson[/B]: Of course I do, and that's why I'm asking you, I'm not here to take easy paychecks otherwise I'd be stuck wrestling on the pre-show month in month out.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] You seem very keen but,[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Jared Johnson:[/B] But what ? I don't see anyone else round here offering to be your partner[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] He's got a point James.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] OK, but if you let me down.....I hope you can forgive yourself.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Jared Johnson:[/B] Thank you, thank you.....I'll make the most of this opportunity.[/COLOR] [I]As Johnson leaves to get ready, Hernandez turns back to Sara Silver[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Oh god what have I just done, firstly I put my career on the line in a stupid tag match and now I've agreed to have some rookie as my partner....what the hell am I thinking these days.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Your thinking with your heart James, something Brad and that oafish friend of his don't have. I've got a good feeling abotu this Jared Kid.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] I hope your feelings right[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [B]Match #1: Seriously Funny (Eddie Howard & The Great Oxii) vs Joe Benning & Leftie Wilkes[/B] Apologies all round for making the fans having to endure this match for a second time in three shows (honestly must have blocked out memory of the first one). Surprisingly this one was marginally better but the desiginated job squad duo did what they did best once again, with Joe Benning falling to a Ten Ton Splash from The Great Oxii. The only notable bits in the match, are when Oxii is attempting to play to the crowd and Eddie Howard's on the apron shouting at him to try and put the match away, highlighting the dynamic between the goofy Oxii and the ultra serious Eddie Howard. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Seriously Funny defeated Joe Benning and Leftie Wilkes in 5:11 when The Great Oxii defeated Joe Benning by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B]Match #2: Charles Rainier vs D.C Rayne[/B] Some notably good chemistry between myself and D.C Rayne lifted this to be a fairly decent match, but there was only ever going to be one winner and that was me as I was able to eventually put away the former W.O.V member with the C.R Driver. I am pretty generous in putting guys over but occasionally I do have to win, to keep my overness at a respectable level and more than likely when his contract comes up for renewal again Rayne will probably be on his way out of FCW. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Charles Rainier defeated D.C. Rayne in 4:36 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]It's the favourite part of the show for every horny teenage boy in the audience. They say they're here for the wrestling but we all know there really here to see Lisa Bowen strutting her stuff in a scantily clad outfit, and she does not disappoint as he comes out wearning a laced up, low cut top that shows a considerable amount of cleavage, mini-skirt and knee high boots. [/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The main show begins in traditional fashion with Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch welcoming us to the show and to shill the main event title match between Da Power and Angel De Mexico.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Last month at Raza La Tapa Angel De Mexico beat out three of FCW's top talents in J.D Morgan, Ultimate Phoenix and Dean Daniels to earn another opportunity at the FCW Undisputed Championship[/COLOR]. [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] And like last time he'll come up short[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] If anyone's got the momentum on their side right now to dethrone Da Power it's the patriotic masked man.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Do you really think that this lightweight can topple Da Power ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Yes, yes I do and so do many others all around this arena, because perhaps no one has more heart and more desire burning inside of them than the masked man from Mexico. Da Power might have the size , he might have the 'support' of Wave of Violence but Angel De Mexico has spirit and he has the support of everyone willing him on to take the belts away from Da Power and return them to someone who will carry the title with dignity and honor.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #1: The Sensational Singh vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The match started with some basic chain wrestling with Phoenix coming out on top of the exchanges. This saw Singh then go out for a powder, but Phoenix wasn't going to let up, and kept the pressure on, diving to the outside with a no hands plancha, however Singh had that scouted and side-stepped out of the way. Phoenix was able to land on his feet but was then crotched from behind with a low blow. Singh then pitched Phoenix into the ring and dropped the bicep kiss elbow drop for a two count. The arrogant Indian then lifted Phoenix up and planted the popular masked man back onto the mat with a scoop lift powerslam, before flexing for the crowd and going for the bicep kiss elbow drop once again but Singh's arrogance got the better of him as Phoenix rolled out of the way and then took Singh down with a leg-whip. Phoenix then snapped off a standing moonsault for two count, before lifting Singh back up and planting the Indian into the mat with a neckbreaker. Phoenix then went up top and looked to finish Singh off with the Phoenix Firebird Splash but he was probably looking for a bit too early and Singh was able to get up, and bring Phoenix crashing back down to the mat with a belly to back superplex ! As both got up, it was Singh who took advantage with an eye-poke and then a hot-shot, dropping Phoenix throat first across the top-rope and then dumping the former CZCW and MPWF champion with a release German suplex as Phoenix rebounded back off the rope. However instead of going for the cover, Singh decided to lock on the Singh It Back (Figure Four), even though he hadn't been working over Phoenix legs and though the masked man was clearly in a bad way he was able to dig down enough energy and forced the rope break. Singh was able to keep advantage with a cheap-shot on the rope-break and he looked set to deliver the Simply Fabulous but then Phoenix drilled Singh into the canvas with the Flaming Driver out of nowhere and the flamboyant Indian was left stunned enough to not be able to respond to the sound of Bret Graveson's hand slapping the mat three times. A good opening contest, they didn't do anything really all that spectacular but they told a good story, particularly highlighting Singh as someone who can't quite get the job done. The stretch where Singh suddenly going for his version of the figure four when he probably should have just made a pin, makes no sense in terms of the match psychology but it makes alot of sense in the terms of his arrogant character and how his arrogance consistenly costs him matches. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ultimate Phoenix defeated The Sensational Singh in 8:35 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Mainstream Hernandez & Jared Johnson w/ Sara Silver vs [/B] [B]Bradford Peverall & Bulldozer Brandon Smith.[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JaredJohnson.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandon_alt4.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] The 'mystery' partner is probably a major let down for everyone, but I didn't actually say that Mainstream's partner would be someone making their debut ! :p This was pretty much basic tag team fair, with Hernandez and Johnson starting out hot, but soon enough Johnson found himself having to play face in peril and having to bump around for some hard hitting suplexes from Johnson. Somehow the youngster managed to hang in there and get the tag into Mainstream Hernandez, who cleaned house, sending BBS out of the ring and then nailing Peverall with a super-kick, before heading up top, but before he could seal the win with the Apparition #14, BBS came back in the ring and wacked a chair over the Mainstreamer's back....giving Bret Graveson no choice but to call for the DQ. This was basically there to add a bit more fuel (as it needed it) to the long running Peverall/Hernandez feud. Both Johnson's and BBS' involvement with the angle will become more important as it progresses. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mainstream Hernandez and Jared Johnson defeated Bradford Peverell and Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 8:21 when Bulldozer Brandon Smith was disqualified while fighting Mainstream Hernandez. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] After the match Peverall and BBS aren't done as they continue to lay into Hernandez and his young tag partner for the night Jared Johnson, until security are able to intervene and pull them off. [B]Rating: E[/B] [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: J.D Morgan vs Jeremiah Moose[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JeremiahMoose.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Non-descript extended squash match, with Morgan putting Moose away with relative ease after locking in the Cross Atlantic Stretch. I'm actually starting to see why Moose didn't make it past being job fodder in CZCW. He's competent but he's just so bland and if was to get repackaged, would he have the entertainment skills to pull off a more charismatic gimmick ? [B][COLOR=red]Result: JD Morgan defeated Jeremiah Moose in 5:41 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]We then see a hype video for the Tag Title match between long time rivals UNITY and Wave of Violence.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Tag Team Championship: [/B] [B]UNITY (Nicky R!ot & Harry Allen) vs [/B] [B]Wave of Violence (M.C Speed & Primus) w/ Carl Batch[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HarryAllen_Grunge1.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-WoV.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen_WOV31.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/CENTER] Surprisingy for two teams who intensely dislike each other, this one started out fairly civilized, with Speed & Allen starting things off. At one point it looked like Speed was going to get an early advantage for his team but Allen was able to counter a German suplex into one of his own and bring the W.O.V man over into his corner. The Tag champs then took over as Allen & R!ot combined on some neat double teams, the higlight of which was a military press assisted splash ! buy Speed hung in there and following a sneaky low blow on R!ot and a DDT on Harry Allen was able to get the tag into Primus, who dominated the former TCW star and speared R!ot off the ring apron, just as R!ot was about to make the save for his former partner. R!ot's prescence was enough for Harry Allen to kick out of the subsequent pin attempt but the current CZCW Champion soon found himself isolated in the W.O.V corner. What followed was the usual shenanighans of phantom tags, Batch getting involved as much as he could and taunting R!ot to try and save his partner. However Allen was able to avoid an attempt at the Rrruuuussshh!!! from Primus, with the big man charging into the ring-post shoulder first, Allen then nailed M.C Speed with a drop-kick and with the last bit of energy left dived over to get the tag into Nicky R!ot. R!ot then levelled Primus with a clothesline, before taking a charging M.C Speed over with a back-body drop.....Primus then got back up but was met with a stiff fore-arm from R!ot and then after an irish whip was taken back with the SUB POP BOP (Crooked Arm Lariat). That looked to have the match won but M.C Speed made the save and then took down R!ot with a chop block, before locking in the Deadly Heel Hook. Graveson told Speed he was not the legal man, and Speed let go of the hold but it was enough for Primus Allen to recover and then take R!ot down with a clotheslines, R!ot then got back up but was levelled with another clothesline. Primus then waited for R!ot to get up again, as he looked to break the UNITY man in half with a Rrruuusshh but Arthur Dexter Bradley of Heat Magnets had hopped over the guard-rail and nailed Primus in the back with a chair, causing the big man to fall flat on his face, and at the same time Matt Hocking had come out to confront M.C Speed which caught the attention of Bret Graveson (remember all wrestling referee's have the attention span of a goldfish, actually that's being quite harsh on the goldfish) . Nicky R!ot then got the tag into Harry Allen who flew off the top-rope and onto Primus with a flying fist drop, just as Primus was about to get up. This time Primus was down for good and UNITY had made their second succesful defence of the Tag Team Championship. Solid enough Tag Team match, nothing special but this wasn't supposed to steal the show, it was more there to help forward (along with the following post match angle) to help forward the Heat Magnets involvement with these two teams. [B][COLOR=red]Result: UNITY defeated Wave of Violence in 9:59 when Harry Allen defeated Primus by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=purple]UNITY retain the FCW Tag Team Championship Titles.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [I]UNITY see Heat Magnets standing on the entrance ramp, and the young duo tell the Tag champs that they 'owe them one' but UNITY tell them they didn't need their help and could have got the job done on their own. The two teams then stare each other out for a bit, but don't come to blows.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]Angel De Mexico is backstage warming up for what might be the biggest match of his career (Well in FCW at-least, he's probably had bigger one's in MPWF), knowing that he might not get another chance at the Undisputed Championship should he not get the job done this time round. He then turns to the hard camera and begins to give us his thoughts.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] Once again I have an opportunity to climb to the very top of FCW and clain the twin belts of the Undisputed Championship and once again standing in my way will be a man I once considered close friend and though I said I would get the job done last time out, I didn't but it took being nailed in the head with a slapjack by my former friends associate to deny me and even then I got back up to fight.......[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]That's because I will keep getting back up, there will be no quit, for this time Power you will have to literally break me to keep hold of the the twin belts, those twin belts you adore more than one of your children. But it is not YOUR championship and my drive, my passion to be the very best will take me to the very summit and after climbing over three of the very best FCW has to offer, you my old friend will be the final step to Angel De Mexico's ultimate glory ! [/COLOR] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Soul Krusher vs Island Boy Apollo[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyJackSheareralt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_IslandBoyApollo.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Most of the crowd, decided this was a good time to go to the toilet or go and get some Rice and Beans and the UNITY monster and the gimmicky jobber didn't disappoint with a snooze fest of a squash match that probably went two minutes too long. Krusher rather predictably picked up the win with the Dead Man Walking (Swinging Side Slam) [B][COLOR=red]Result: Soul Krusher defeated Island Boy Apollo in 3:51 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]A video then plays to play hype up the Peoples Championship three way betweeen Dean Daniels, Fox Mask and Masked Cougar, it serves more to put over Daniels as an unstoppable champion more than anything else. [/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Peoples Championship- [/B][B](Elimination Rules): [/B] [B]Dean Daniels w/ Lisa Bowen vs Fox Mask vs Masked Cougar[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG][B][COLOR=white] ______[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Any doubt about Animal Magic not working together were quickly answered when the pair both went after Dean Daniels as soon as the bell sounded. The first couple of minutes of the match saw the Animal Magic literally double team the Peoples Champion and it was more like a handicap match than a three way. But the champion was able to avoid an attempt at the Last Hunt, causing Animal Magic to collide with themselves before deciding to go for a powder. He then seemed to discuss something with Lisa Bowen, before heading up the entrance ramp with his manager in tow, leaving Cougar and Fox Mask in the ring by themselves. Realising that Daniels was no where in sight the two masked men circled each other, chain wrestled for a bit, had a stand off and then appeared to stop wrestling one another all together, either they had forgotten that the match was eliminaton rules or they're friendship is so strong they refuse to fight one another. Daniels who had come back out to hopefully observe the two maked masked tearing into one another, then got a rude awakening when Fox Mask, then leaped off the back off his tag partner to take Daniels down with a diving Splash. Cougar then helped Fox Mask bring Daniels into the ring and the masked pair went for double cover on the champion.... One..... Two..... Daniels kicked out. But the double teaming continued as Daniels was felled by the Animal Magic pair with an double Russian leg-sweep for another two count. Masked Cougar then took Daniels down with a rolling cutter, as Fox Mask sprung off the ropes into a quebrada, but once again Daniels was able to dig down and kick out. The masked pair then peppered Daniels with stereo kicks, before lifting the champion up and planting him onto the top-rope, both Fox Mask and Masked Cougar then followed Daniels up onto the turnbuckle as they looked to deliver what looked to be a top-rope/double-team variation of the Fox Flip Off DDT...... But realising the danger he was in Daniels, managed to fight both of the masked men off with back elbows and then in a rare moment of aerial prowess, the Peoples champ launched himself off the top-rope to take both members of Animal Magic down with a moosault press ! All three men then staggered up to their feet, and Fox Mask came charging at Daniels, but he was cut off by Daniels who then dumped the diminutive high flier with a Uranage Backbreaker followed by an overhead belly to belly suplex that sent Fox Mask hurtling out of the ring. Masked Cougar then tried to take Daniels by surprise with an Enziguri but the Peoples Champ saw it coming, caught the leg and then dumped Cougar with a leg-hook belly to back suplex........ One........ Two........ Masked Cougar kicked out , but Daniels remained in control, as he reeled off a trifecta of snap suplexes before, pulling a limp Cougar back up to a vertical base, trapping the arms and then unleashing the dreaded knee strikes !! But Fox Mask hopped back in the ring and nailed Daniels from behind with an Enziguri. Despite the fact the match was elimination rules, it was clear that Animal Magic were going to stick to a game plan, and that game plan was to eliminate the champion first. Masked Cougar (who had nothing left in the tank) then rolled out of the ring to try and recover, leaving Daniels and Fox Mask to go at it, but it was Fox Mask who was able to take control stunning the Peoples champ with a lighting fast combination of strikes and kicks, that had Daniels softened up enough for another attempt at the Fox Flip Off DDT. But as Fox Mask went for his version of the Shiranui again, Daniels was able to block and then crotch Fox Mask onto the top rope. Daniels then tries to bring Fox Mask back into the ring with a belly to back superplex, but as Daniels brought them back crashing back into the ring the CZCW icon was able to reverse the Superplex attempt mid-move into a FOX FLIP OFF DDT ! One..... Two...... Thr....... Lisa Bowen was there to put Dean Daniels foot on the rope and save the match. Graveson and Bowen then argued, before the referee had enough and told Bowen to leave the ringside area or Dean Daniels would be eliminated via disqualificaton but as this went on Daniels pulled some brass knucks out of his trunks and then as Fox Mask got up, the masked high flier was levelled with one punch from the Peoples Champion. Graveson then turned around to see Daniels covering Fox Mask...... One....... Two....... Thr............ Daniels was denied as Masked Cougar made the save with a springboard senton. Daniels then staggered up to his feet, but was taking down with a chop-block from Cougar, who then decided to head up top....... Daniels then staggered back up again and Cougar came flying off with the HIGH RISE COUGAR POUNCE !!! But Daniels countered with a lariat that turned Cougar inside out, with Fox Mask still out cold from the brass knuckles shot.....Daniels kept his focus on Cougar, before drilling Cougar into the mat with the RAISE THE STAKES (Cradle Piledriver)........ One......... Two........ Three !!! Masked Cougar had been eliminated from the match as Animal Magic's plan to eliminate Dean Daniels from the match first failed to come to fruition....... Elimination #1 Masked Cougar in 15:12 Daniels thinking he had the match sown up, then to the outside to pitch a 'lifeless' Fox Mask back into the ring, but as Daniels went for the cover, Fox Mask suddenly came alive and rolled Daniels up into a small package....... One...... Two...... Thr....... Daniels kicked out, but Fox Mask was able to cut off any attempt to regain control with a double stomp to the chest, followed by senton splash...... That brought another two count, as the masked man waited for Daniels to start getting backing up, before drilling the Peoples Champ with the FOX HUNTER (Shining Wizard, Enziguri) One......... Two........ Thr........ Daniels kicked out, Fox Mask then wondering what to do next then backed off and came charging in with another Fox Hunter, but his time Daniels sprung back up to his feet and cut Fox Mask off with an explosive lariat. Daniels then picked Fox Mask up, trapped the arms and started to unleash the dreaded knee strikes once again, but Fox Mask was able to slip out and then take Daniels by surprise wth a sunset flip !! One..... Two....... Daniels kicked out, and then as they got back up to their feet he drilled Fox Mask with a stiff fore-arm, before drilling Fox Mask into the mat with the RAISE THE STAKES ! (Just as he had done with Masked Cougar only minutes earlier)....... One........ Two........ Three !!! Despite the two on one odds for much of the match , Dean Daniels had managed to retain the Peoples Championship oncd again. A well wrestled but slightly odd match from a storyline perspective, as Daniels (a heel) had to fight much of the match as though he was in a handicap match, and it pretty much took the brass knuckle shot on Fox Mask to remind the fans exactly who the heel was in this match. Had the roles been reversed with a face champion, going up against a pair of heels, this could have been an even better match, as it was it was entertaining but the strange dynamic perhaps took a bit of heat away from the match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Dean Daniels defeated Fox Mask and Masked Cougar in 19:32; the order of elimination was Masked Cougar first, and finally Fox Mask. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Dean Daniels retains the FCW People's Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Da Power is backstage with Carl Batch, as they prepare to make their way to the ring for the Da Power's Undisputed Championship defence. Carl Batch then turns to the camera.....[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Da Champ's got nothing to say tonight, he'll do all his talkin' in da ring, when he goes out there and breaks that masked no-mark Angel De Mexico in two.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Da Power:[/B] Yeah Angel you said I'd have to break you to beat you, and I'll have no problem what so ever with doing that. By the end of the night, you'll be meeting all the other angels..... on a stretcher ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]A hype video then plays for the main event match between Da Power and Angel De Mexico.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Undisputed Championship: [/B] [B]Da Power w/ Carl Batch vs Angel De Mexico[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPowerWOV.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][B] vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Before Da Power can even get to the ring, Angel De Mexico wastes not time in getting the match on it's way but bowling into both Power and Batch with a tope con hilo. Angel De Mexico, then rolls into the ring, and then launches himself off the apron, onto Power with a moonsault, crashing down across the sternum of the champion. Angel De Mexico then got back in the ring and waited for Power to get back into the ring.... But as Bret Gravesons twenty count go to around sixteen, it suddenly dawned on a pump up Angel De Mexico, that he wasnt going to win the title on a count-out and he went back outside to drag the considerably big champion back up onto the ring apron. But Power was playing possum and he turned Angel inside out with a clothesline, that sent the masked man back into the ring. Da Power then stepped into the ring, and as Angel got back up......he was met with another clothesline, before Power went for a somewhat arrogant cover, that lead to a two count. But despite Angel's energetic start, Power was now in control of the match as he toyed withe the masked man, flinging Angel from pillar to post and occasionally going for the odd arrogant pin attempt in between. Power probably knew he wasn't going to put Angel away at this point, but he wanted to send a message, he wanted to 'humiliate' his former ally and one time occassional tag partner. But then Power went to the well once too often, as Angel got his feet up to block a corner splash and then take the champion down with a springboard arm-drag. Power got up to his feet but Angel continued to turn the momentum with a leg-sweep. Power staggered back up again but Angel was now stringing together offence as he nailed Power with a standing drop-kick, and then took Power back down to the mat with another leg-sweep and then springboardng off the top-rope into a quebrada. That brought Angel De Mexico a two count, who then decided to head up top, but Angel hadn't won Da Power down suffienctly enough and the big man was back up to his feet. However Angel dived off onto Da Power and applied the MEXICAN DEATH ! Armbar......... Angel had it synched in, but the champion was able to use his power advantage to counter the agony of the patriotic wrenching back on his arm and he was able to rise to his feet, and then using the strength in his good arm, Power-bomb Angel against the turbuckle. Angel then staggered out of the corner and stumbled right into an Atomic Full Nelson from Da Power, but the champions arm strength was weak and Angel De Mexico was able to slip out and then stun Da Power with an Enziguri, before going out onto the apron and taking the champion down with a springboard missile drop-kick !! Angel then kipped back up to his feet and immediately went for a cover on the felled champion...... One..... Two....... The champion powered out, and was then able to block a spin-kick from Angel, before drilling the masked man with a stiff fore-arm, before scooping Angel up onto his shoulders and turning the amtch back in his favour with a fireman's carry backbreaker. Da Power then waited for Angel to stagger up to his feet, before drilling Angel with a roaring elbow, Angel then staggered into an atomic drop and inevitably the spinebuster followed (which the fans equally predictable in their actions, greeted with a same old sh!t chant). Da Power then nailed Angel with the SAN JUAN RUSH !!! One...... Two....... Thr....... Nooo, two and nine tenths !!! Angel gets a shoulder up !! Power just stands there in absolute disbelief at what just happened, Angel De Mexico, kicked out of the four moves of doom ! Power the goes to console with Carl Batch, before turning his attention back to Angel, who remains rooted to the mat despite kicking out. Da Power then scoops Angel up, applies a Full Nelson and dumps Angel with a SAN JUAN IMPACT (Full Nelson Slam) but the masked man somehow manages to land on his feet and then nail Power with a drop-kick ! Power gets back up but Angel takes Power down with a chop-block. Angel decides to head up top again and sets up for a moonsault, but Power is back up and clubs Angel from behind. He places Angel in the Electric Chair Position !.......Big mistake from the champion, as Angel uses it to spike Power into the mat with the AZTEC RANA ! One........ Two....... Three Angel has this match won, but Brett Graveson is lying down face first on the mat, Carl Batch had tripped Graveson up to stumble into the path of the two competitors. Angel realising that that no ref has been counting his pin attempt, gets up and goes over to revive Brett Graveson but Primus appears out of nowhere and proverbially cuts Angel in half with a Rruuuuuusssshhhhh !!!! Primus then drags Power across, laying the champion on top of Angel, before leaving he ring as Batch revives Bret Graveson. A groggy Graveson then sees Power pinning Angel's shoulders to the mat and goes over count the pin attempt...... One....... Two......... Not like this ! Please no, this match deserves better than this Three Angel De Mexico has been screwed out of the Undisputed Championship ! Another strong title defence and Power is having a much stronger run as a heel, than he ever did as a face, simply because the often smaller babyfaces are able to bring better matches ou of him, than the monster heels he often had to face as a babyface champion. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Da Power defeated Ángel De México in 14:51 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Da Power retains the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Da Power then celebrates another succesful title defence, flanked by the rest of Wave of Violence, as the fans pepper the ring with trash, absolutely disgusted at the way Da Power has once again been able to keep hold of the Undisputed Championship. [/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [I]A step back in the right direction, as we produced our best show in a good few months. This one got back to basics, with a strong Undisputed Title defence main eventing, supported by a solid defence of the People's Title in the semi main event.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][U]July in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] The La Lucha Dentro show was a step back in the right direction in terms of show quality and we also made a profit for the third month in a row, which helps as we will be going back to two shows for next month. This is because the Rey De Reyes tournament returns at the end of the month and this year some of the wrestlers will need to qualifty for spots in the tournament. More than likely it'll be an expensive month, so we need to produce nothing less than our very best over the next few shows to make the investment worthwhile. It was another busy month of contract negotiations as Dean Daniels, Bradford Peverall, Joe Benning, Island Boy Apollo, Leftie Wilkes and Joe Benning all sign new contracts. Daniels and Peverall are the vital signings here, with Daniels probably now surpassing previous People's Champions and Peverall continuing his rivalry with Mainstream Hernandez. The other four are all what you would call 'jobbers' or to put in in polite terms enhancement talent. At the moment they're young, cheap and can provide a much needed win to a struggling mid-carder. If any of them tells me they are are un-happy with the situation I will let them go but at the moment they all seem content with just being able to perform on a regular basis, possibly because most of them perhaps Jeremiah Moose apart don't know any better. Time once again to take a look at what our nearest 'rivals' did this month. 4C put on Iron Man Challenge, with the match of the night being a C+ rated 30 minute iron man match between Philip La Grenier and Greg Black, strangely though that wasn't the main event deciding to go with a tag match between Joey Poison & Nate Johnson against Damian Carvill and Shane Nelson and though it was a solid contest (C Rated) it was disappointment coming after the LaGrenier- Black match, which all resulted in another C-Rated event for the Canadian promotion. The 2010 edition of CZCW's Battle On The Beach Event was a slight disappointment, given the high-standards the California promotion had recently been setting themselves.The semi main event tag match that saw Ultimate Phoenix team up with Donnie J to defeat Remmy Skye and James Hernandez was a CZCW MOTYC (B rated) but Harry Allen made a disappointing (C Rated) title defence against Whippy The Clown in the main event, which resulted in an overall C+ rating for the show. MHW put on another solid event in July, a C+ rated effort that was headlined by a B- rated tag match between Swarm I & Mexican Beast against Magnifico & Gino Montero. MHW appear to have the ambition to make themselves a viable fourth option in Mexico. MPWF have now risen to cult size and therefore I wont be keeping such a close eye on them, (more on that in the news and notes) and with a working agreement in place they shouldn't start poaching any of our talent, though the hope of the likes of Angel De Mexico, making us a priority over them appears to have been a bit of a pipe-dream. MAW's Forsaken saw James 'Mainstream Hernandez' retain the Mid Atlantic Championship against Hells Bouncer in a B- rated match (shocking as that may seem, but Bouncer to his credit has improved as worker since he left FCW, most notably building up his stamina levels to the point where his matches can last beyond five minutes before they become sloppy or full of rest holds), while veterans Steve Flash and Mean Jean Cattley put on a slightly disappointing C rated match in the semi main event, which led to an overall C+ rating for the show. After the excellent showtime event last month, NYCW's Gang Wars was seen as something of a disappointment, which was mostly due to some bizarre scheduling. Steve Flash made an excellent defence of the Empire Title against Kid Toma (B Rated) but for some reason the powers that be decided to put on a rather generic tag match between American Machine and Sgt West against Mean Jean Cattley & Rick Sanders in the main event. Despite all four men trying their 'best' they couldn't get the crowd into their contest (following the superb title match), resulting in a disatrous C- rated main event and an overall C rating for the show. PSW are actually getting worse, with their No Turning Back (perhaps aptly named, because if they carry on like they are they'll be No Turning Back from sinking) which earned an overall D rating on the back of a D Rated PSW Championship match between Johnny Martin and The Wolverine (the fans must be bored stiff of seeing these two go at it) and J.D Morgan phoned it in against Teddy Powell in a D rated semi main event. So looking at it overall we actually fared pretty well against the competition this month, as we raised our games whilst others like NYCW and to a certain extent CZCW saw a drop in quality this month. _______________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][U]July News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] Despite losing several of their big names over the past year, MPWF have managed to rise to Cult sized. A strategy of tourning all round Mexico, to try and increase their exposure outside of their home region (Northern Mexico) appears to have paid off and now they are back on a level playing field with OLLIE and SOTBPW, they might well be able to lure back some of the big names that left them. Meanwhile in Japan PGHW's Developmental affiliate SAISHO has risen to Regional Size. [B]Worker Signings[/B] 21CW have decided to bring back DJ Reason and Stefan Raynor, both of whom were let go for cost cutting reasons last year. It appears that Nova must see something in both of them, to give them a second chance with the promotion. To be fair to Reason, he was fairly succesful first time round and it was only over money that he left in the first place. Gaijin's Golden Delicious, Jana Marie Bowen, Kristabel Plum and Zoe Ammis will return to 5SSW once again for another tour with the worlds leading All Female promotion. AAA add BSC mainstay Charlize Angelle to their roster, whilst they also bring in retired wrestler Whistler, for whom it is believed will be used in some sort of 'on camera' role, such as a manager. APW, the only game in town when it comes to Australian wrestling add young up and comer Richie Fox to their roster. CGC add indy stalwart Black Eagle/Plague and rising Belgian born talent Hugh De Aske to their ranks. EWA add Aud D'Hoffryn to their womens division. Roy Edison commits himself to GCG with a written contract, while former BHOTWG prospect returns to a major Japanese promotion, since his realease from that company, as he also puts pen to paper with BHOTWG's oldest rivals. Edward Cornell, the cousin of arguably the most famous wrestler in the world, has signed for MOSC. With their recent rise to cult size MPWF went on a signing spree adding promising young talents Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, Hynotiq Jr , Mustang Blanco and El Serpiente Jr, plus the addition of an extra referee to their roster with Ref Benn (apparently Ref is her real first name !). However the most significant additions were the returns of star talents and former champions Soul Taker and El Bandito. With their recent rise to Regional size SAISHO add Sotatsu Sarumara and Totoya Munakata on PPA deals, whilst Danjuro Komatsu joins the announce booth. USPW snap up the notorious Big Smack Scott on a PPA contract, just how long he'll be there for remains to be seen as he also remains with SWF, who could decide to offer him a new written contract, as insane as that might sound. Sam Strong's Family Friendly promotion also pick up young powerhouse Ekuma The Hawaiian Strong Man. Nariaki Hitomi returns to major promotion, as WLW sign up the former BHOTWG star on a written contract. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extend the contracts of key roster members Joss Thompson and Rolling Johnny Stones. 4C extend the contracts of Zeus Maximillion and Jason Thunder 5SSW extend the contracts of Yuma Muruya, Yukiko Matsumura, announcer Kuniyoshi Chishu and retired legend Sensational Ogiwara. AAA extend the contracts of Grace Harper, Sara Marie York, Suzanne Brazzle and their own recently retired legend Catherine Quine. APW extend the contracts of three off their top stars Harry Simonsen, Swoop McCarthy and Debonair Dave Peterson. BHOTWG extend the written contracts of Kansuke Konda and announcer Mitsuhide Muro, while Eisaku Hoshino has his rolling PPA deal extended for another three months. BSC were busy as they kept hold off a considerable part of their roster with Britney Hollywood, Coco De La Soleil, Lindsay Sugar, Officer Goodhead, referee Heather Halo and road agent/head booker Marilyn Stardust all sticking with the T&A outfit. It was a fairly busy month for CGC as they resign Philip LaGrenier, Ash Campbell, Lee Rivera, Dirty Frank, road agent Ed Monton, referee Francis Long and manager Roger Rogers. CWWF extend the contract of their resident road agent Chance (the retired Soldier of Fortune). CZCW extend the contracts of Fox Mask, Harry Allen, Masked Cougar and Jackpot Jordan. EWA keep hold of current champion Bam Bam Johansson. GCG seal Namboku Makuda, Roku Sotomura, Shotaro Ikina, Julian Watson and Shunko Nakada to new written contracts, whilst Burning Takash!ta extends his PPA deal. Barry Griffin extends his PPA deal with Hinote Dojo. Burning Takash!ta also extends his contract with INSPIRE, while key gaijin's Raul Hughes and Mike Watson also stay with the MMA influenced promotion. MAW managed to keep hold of a fair bit of their roster, extending the contracts of Jefferson Stardust, Kirk Jameson, The Sensational Singh, Sgt. Bubba Lee West, Steve Flash and Mid Atlantic icon Mean Jean Cattley. MOSC extend the contracts of Carl Edwards and manager Mark Moore MPWF extend the contracts of Atlantis Jr, Hombre La Energia, Genio Verde and valet Gabriela Ortega. NOTBPW secure Art Reed and Gargantuan to new written contracts. NYCW extend the contracts of Whippy The Clown and valet Fern Hathaway. OLLIE extend the contracts of Phoenix II, Luis Montero Jr, valet Secreto and referee Benito Garcia. PSW extend the contracts of Tank Bradley, road agent Curt O'Malley and referee R.M Stones. RIPW extend the contracts of Lion Heart and potty mouthed midget manager Brains McGhee. ROF extend the contracts of Billy Robinson and Michael 'Razor Valentine' Moodie. SAISHO keep hold of experienced gaijins Dean Daniels, Stuart Ferdinand and Barry Griffin. SOTBPW extend the contracts of Rebelde Loco, Reaper Dante, Vincente Romero and Referee Ramirez. Atlas, Bear Bekowski, Chris Caulfield, Grandmaster Phunk, Greg Rayne,Lobster Warrior, Vengeance, Zimmy Bumfhole and manager Emma Chase all sign new written contracts, as they secure their futures with the SWF. UEW extend the contracts of Rahabad Lawal and referee Gary Garrett. USPW extend the contracts of Giant Redwood, womens division worker Nadia Snow and road agent Micky Starr. WLW secure Haru Kurofuji and Eguichi The Amazing to new written contracts. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Hugh De Aske departs from 4C, as he decides to concentrate on his commitments in the UK and with the bigger Canadian promotion of CGC. Zimmy Bumfhole and Aaron Andrews finish up their commitments with both CGC and USPW after they had signed written contracts with the SWF. Geena The Warrior Princess leaves EWA, fed up that the womens division never materialised to nothing more than exhibition matches. Nariaki Hitomi departs from Exodus 2010, after joining WLW, which was seen as something of an early blow to the small promotion as though Hitomi is not exactly a superstar, he was once of the most established names on their roster. Roku Sotmura leaves INSPIRE after signing an exclusive contract with GCG, whilst Haruhiro Tsumemasa is not offered and extension of his contract. Jay B, one half of former tag champs 'Hot Stuff' leaves MOSC after the fails to come to agreeement over a new contract with the Scottish based promotion. Little Bill Lebowksi leaves PSW, after he is not offered a contract extension. Despite the fact that SWF are now securing much of their talent to new written contracts they have made some cut-backs with Andre Jones, Shady K and somewhat surprisingly Akima Brave all released by the Sports Entertainment Giants. While Pat Deacon also departs after announcing that he would be retiring from the business. Beast Bantom departs from UEW, after the cannot come to terms on a new contract. Panda Mask II is released by WLW. [B]Injuries[/B] APW's Dingo Devine sustained ligament damage to his knee, that should keep him out of action for about a month, whilst NOTBPW's Principessa will be out of action for around ten weeks with a ruptured spleen. [B]Retirements[/B] Sakura Sada, the Joshi wrestler better known for her bird-themed entrance costume than for her wrestling has decided to quit the business at the relatively young age of 26. [B]Title Changes[/B] Pitbull Brown becomes the new UK Champion in 21CW, ending the half year reign of Adam Matravers. Devil's Daughter brought to an end the 15 month reign of Michelle Brendon to win the Top Contenders title in AAA. Lee Rivera ends the 14 month reign of Young Leo (Trent Shaffer) to become the new Hardcore champion in 4C. With the reigns of Shaffer and now Rivera it appears that 4C have moved the Hardcore belt away from being a 'brawlers' title and more emphasis put on big 'spots' involving tables, ladders etc. Fox Mask's dominant reign with the CZCW Xtreme title is brought to an end after nineteen months by Plague. Tasuku Shinozuka defeated the soon to depart Nariaki Hitomi to become the inaugral champion of Exodus 2010's top prize the Golden Crown, whilst owner Diamond Furusawa defeated Torch Nakaszawa to win their secondary singles belt the Silver Crown and Furusawa also teamed up with Shirai Yanagawa to win the Double Crown (Tag Team Championship). One of them being head booker and the other being the owner apparently had nothing to do with the winning the titles. The UK Wrecking Crew become the MOSC UK Tag Team Champions for a fourth time. The McWades won the NOTBPW Tag Team Titles for a record 7th time, ending the three month reign of The Scientists (David Wayne Newton and Derek Frost. It was memorable month for the Phoenix trio as Phoenix I finally got his hands on the Campeon de Universal for the first time and Phoenix II and III were able to claim the Campepn de Parejas. Bryan Vessey won the Historical Japan title in PGHW from fellow gaijin Alexander Robinson. Kimitida Yanagita teamed up with Gonnohyoe Kada to win the vacant SAISHO Destiny Tag Titles. Tyson Baine one half of the TCW Tag Team Champions added more gold round his waist when he added the TCW International Title, whilst Freddy Huggins defeated Fumihiro Ota to tie both Ota and Chance Fortune for All Action Title reigns with four a piece. Zimmy Bumhfole who signed a written contract with SWF was merely a transitional chamipion, as he dropped USPWs World Title in his first defence to James Justice, the second time the man formerly known as Liberty as held the title. Awesome Thunder won the Showstealer title in WLW for a third time, whilst Insane Machine won the Street fighting title but quickly lost it back to hardcore icon Ryu Kajahara.
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[CENTER][U][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][I]Delorean Driver.com[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U] [U][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][I]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] This month bring the third edition of FCW's Rey De Reyes event, and thsi year six of the spots will be up for grabs in qualifying matches, whilst the final four spots will be filled by last years winner J.D Morgan and three guest performers. The qualifying matches will take place on Saturday August 7th at the Camino De Reyes event, which will once again take place at the 'home of FCW' the Gynasium Aguada. The defending Rey De Reyes winner could be heading into the tournament as the Undisputed Champion, as Morgan has been given the go ahead to challenge Da Power for the twin belts in the main event of Camino De Reyes. Dean Daniels will also make a defence of the Peoples Championship, against one of the guest participants in the Rey De Reyes tournanment....WLW's The Tic ! The Tic may be small in stature but cannot be underestimated and those in the know, will be aware that the Tic has taken on and defeated Daniels in previous meetings between the two over in Japan. The Tag Titles will also be defended with UNITY putting the belts on the line against three of FCW's best teams in the form of old rivals Wave of Violence, the up-coming young duo of Heat Magnets and the exciting high fliers of Animal Magic in a four way elimination match. And that's not all, as well as the Tag Titles being on the line, the winning duo will also qualify for the Rey De Reyes tournament. The rest of the card will be rounded out with four other qualifying matches for the Rey De Reyes. Angel De Mexico who came so close to winning the Undisputed Championship last month at La Lucha Dentro takes on Bradford Peverall, Peverall's associate Bulldozer Brandon Smith takes on Eddie Howard, UNITY's Charles Rainier goes up against The Sensational Singh and finally two fan favourites collide as Mainstream Hernandez goes one on one with Ultimate Phoenix. The bonus pre-show matches will feature Inky the Squid Boy of the Messiah's Circus take on promising young talent Jared Johnson, whilst the plucky Leftie Wilkes has the uneviable task of going up against Inky's Messiah's Circus leader, the face painted psychopath Leper Messiah. [I]Here's a full run-down of the card for Camino De Reyes[/I] [CENTER][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][U]FCW Camino de Reyes[/U][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Saturday August 7th 2010[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]at Gynasium Arriba in San Juan, Puerto Rico[/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Wave of Violence'[/SIZE] Da Power vs J.D Morgan [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]People's Championship:[/B] Dean Daniels vs [SIZE=1]'From WLW'[/SIZE] The Tic [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]4-Way Elimination for the Tag Team Championship[/B] [B]and Rey De Reyes Qualification:[/B] UNITY (Harry Allen & Nicky R!ot) vs Wave of Violence (M.C Speed & Primus) vs Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley) vs Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask)[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Rey De Re Reyes Qualifiers:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs Ultimate Phoenix [/CENTER] [CENTER]Angel De Mexico vs Bradford Peverall[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing UNITY'[/SIZE] Charles Rainier vs The Sensational Singh[/CENTER] [CENTER]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Seriously Funny'[/SIZE] Eddie Howard[/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Courier New][B]Bonus Pre-Show Matches:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Inky The Squid Boy vs Jared Johnson[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Leper Messiah vs Leftie Wilkes[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]______________________________________________________[/FONT][/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][B][COLOR=purple]Predictions Form:[/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U][COLOR=purple]Camino De Reyes[/COLOR][/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Undisputed Championship: Da Power vs J.D Morgan[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]People's Championship: Dean Daniels vs The Tic[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=purple]4-Way Eliminator for Tag Team Championship/RDR Qualification:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=purple]UNITY vs Wave of Violence vs Heat Magnets vs Animal Magic [/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]RDR Qualifier:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs Ultimate Phoenix [/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]RDR Qualifier:[/B] Angel De Mexico vs Bradford Peverall[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]RDR Qualifier:[/B] Charles Rainier vs The Sensational Singh[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]RDR Qualifier:[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Eddie Howard[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Inky the Squid Boy vs Jared Johnson[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Leper Messiah vs Leftie Wilkes[/COLOR] [/LEFT] [/quote]
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Undisputed Championship: Da Power vs [B]J.D Morgan[/B] [i]Probably wrong, but I'm a Morgan mark[/i] People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs The Tic 4-Way Eliminator for Tag Team Championship/RDR Qualification: [B]UNITY[/B] vs Wave of Violence vs Heat Magnets vs Animal Magic RDR Qualifier: Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] RDR Qualifier: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Bradford Peverall RDR Qualifier: [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs The Sensational Singh RDR Qualifier: [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/B]vs Eddie Howard Inky the Squid Boy vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [B]Leper Messiah[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes
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[B] Camino De Reyes Undisputed Championship[/B]: [B]Da Power[/B] vs J.D Morgan JD winning this just doesn't feel right. So I'm going with the Power. [B]People's Championship: Dean Daniels[/B] vs The Tic [B]4-Way Eliminator for Tag Team Championship/RDR Qualification:[/B] [B]UNITY[/B] vs Wave of Violence vs Heat Magnets vs Animal Magic [B]RDR Qualifier:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [B]RDR Qualifier:[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Bradford Peverall [B]RDR Qualifier:[/B] Charles Rainier vs [B]The Sensational Singh[/B] [B]RDR Qualifier: Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs Eddie Howard Inky the Squid Boy vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [B] Leper Messiah[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes
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Camino De Reyes Undisputed Championship: Da Power vs [B]J.D Morgan[/B] [I]Dq when the rest of the Wave interferes and turns Morgan face[/I] People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs The Tic [I]The Tic, really? In WLW maybe but not FCW[/I] 4-Way Eliminator for Tag Team Championship/RDR Qualification: [B]UNITY[/B] vs Wave of Violence vs Heat Magnets vs Animal Magic [I]I think Morgan is your strongest singles challenger now, so your other two options R!oT and Allen will maintain the belts.[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix RDR Qualifier: Angel De Mexico vs [B]Bradford Peverall[/B] [I]so they can meet one more time[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Charles Rainier [/B]vs The Sensational Singh you've given yourself a minor push, Singh hasn't risen above lower card gateway. RDR Qualifier: [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs Eddie Howard BBS advances so he can face Mainstream in round two. Inky the Squid Boy vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [I]You're very high on Jared[/I] [B]Leper Messiah[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes [I]squash to keep the culties happy[/I]
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Undisputed Championship: [b]Da Power[/b] vs J.D Morgan People's Championship: [b]Dean Daniels[/b] vs The Tic 4-Way Eliminator for Tag Team Championship/RDR Qualification: [b]UNITY[/b] vs Wave of Violence vs Heat Magnets vs Animal Magic RDR Qualifier: Mainstream Hernandez vs [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] RDR Qualifier: [b]Angel De Mexico[/b] vs Bradford Peverall RDR Qualifier: Charles Rainier vs [b]The Sensational Singh[/b] RDR Qualifier: [b]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/b] vs Eddie Howard Inky the Squid Boy vs [b]Jared Johnson[/b] [b]Leper Messiah[/b] vs Leftie Wilkes
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Camino De Reyes Undisputed Championship: [b]Da Power[/b] vs J.D Morgan [i]I can see him retaining the belt for quite a while yet[/i] People's Championship: [b]Dean Daniels[/b] vs The Tic [i]Guest performers probably aren't going to win titles[/i] 4-Way Eliminator for Tag Team Championship/RDR Qualification: [b]UNITY[/b] vs Wave of Violence vs Heat Magnets vs Animal Magic RDR Qualifier: Mainstream Hernandez vs [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] RDR Qualifier: [b]Angel De Mexico[/b] vs Bradford Peverall RDR Qualifier: [b]Charles Rainier[/b] vs The Sensational Singh RDR Qualifier: [b]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/b] vs Eddie Howard Inky the Squid Boy vs [b]Jared Johnson[/b] [b]Leper Messiah[/b] vs Leftie Wilkes
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Undisputed Championship: [b]Da Powe[/b]r vs J.D Morgan Nah, Power's not going to drop the title back to Morgan People's Championship: [b]Dean Daniels[/b] vs The Tic Tic doesn't have a chance. 4-Way Eliminator for Tag Team Championship/RDR Qualification: [b]UNITY[/b] vs Wave of Violence vs Heat Magnets vs Animal Magic Wacky four-way to retain the titles, lead up to another one-on-one match RDR Qualifier: Mainstream Hernandez vs Ultimate Phoenix Double Pin. RDR Qualifier: [b]Angel De Mexico[/b] vs Bradford Peverall Keep the push strong. RDR Qualifier: Charles Rainier vs [b]The Sensational Singh[/b] WOV-ference. RDR Qualifier: [b]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/b] vs Eddie Howard SQUASH! Inky the Squid Boy vs [b]Jared Johnson[/b] Jared has a future, Inky doesn't. [b]Leper Messiah[/b] vs Leftie Wilkes Poor Leftie. He's going to die.
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Wow, I finally got caught up! I'm loving the story you're telling here, and the way you keep storylines bubbling across your shows despite a limited (quantity and to a degree quality) roster. I'm also enjoying your re-invention of Puerto Rican Power as the WOV's head and heartless villain. Now I'm caught up, you've got a definite reader in me. Camino De Reyes Undisputed Championship: [B]Da Power[/B] vs J.D Morgan People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs The Tic 4-Way Eliminator for Tag Team Championship/RDR Qualification: [B]UNITY[/B] vs Wave of Violence vs Heat Magnets vs Animal Magic RDR Qualifier: Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] RDR Qualifier: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Bradford Peverall RDR Qualifier: [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs The Sensational Singh RDR Qualifier: [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs Eddie Howard Inky the Squid Boy vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [B]Leper Messiah[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes
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Undisputed Championship: [B]Da Power[/B] vs J.D Morgan People's Championship: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs The Tic 4-Way Eliminator for Tag Team Championship/RDR Qualification: [B]UNITY[/B] vs Wave of Violence vs Heat Magnets vs Animal Magic RDR Qualifier: Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] RDR Qualifier: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Bradford Peverall RDR Qualifier: [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs The Sensational Singh RDR Qualifier: [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs Eddie Howard Inky the Squid Boy vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [B]Leper Messiah[/B] vs Leftie Wilkes
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