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Can we compete? (Jack Avatar new fed)

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Monday Night Mayham week 2 December 2008 darkmatch-Steve Flash, Frankie Perez, Kirk Jameson, California Love Machine and Nathaniel Ca$ino defeated Edward Cornell, Nelson Callum, Mark Smart, Cal Sanders and Mr. Lucha III in 15:02; Cal Sanders was eliminated first, then Mark Smart, then Edward Cornell, then Nelson Callum, and finally Mr. Lucha III. (California Love Machine seemed off his game tonight. Frankie Perez looked excellent out there. California Love Machine is improving in Technical skills. ) C- Mean Jean Cattley defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 10:07 by pinfall with a Mood Swing. B- Jay Chord defeated Greg Gauge in 9:46 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver. (It has gotten an initial D rating. ) C- Stevie Grayson defeated Matthew Gauge in 12:11 by pinfall. Stevie Grayson makes defence number 2 of his United States Champion title. (Stevie Grayson seemed off his game tonight. It has gotten an initial D- rating. Stevie Grayson and Matthew Gauge just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. ) D Jack Avatar defeated Art Reed in 19:59 by pinfall. Jack Avatar makes defence number 23 of his World Champion title. (It has gotten an initial E- rating. The match deserved better colour commentary. The performance of Jack Avatar stood out as being good. ) B- Final Rating C+ oh well got some new talent in and in heinsight i should have put the cattley newton match as the co main event. I like all 3 of the new guys though.
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Monday Night Mayham week 3 December 2008 darkmatch-JD Morgan, Kirk Jameson, Paul Steadyfast, Black Eagle and Frankie Perez defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Cameron Vessey, California Love Machine, Nathaniel Ca$ino and Mr. Lucha III in 14:35; Mr. Lucha III was eliminated first, then Nathaniel Ca$ino, then California Love Machine, then Cameron Vessey, and finally Bulldozer Brandon Smith. (Marty Papin and Reese Paige have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Remmington Remus and Reese Paige have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. JD Morgan is improving in Performance skills. Paul Steadyfast is improving in Performance skills. Nathaniel Ca$ino is improving in Technical skills. Nathaniel Ca$ino is improving in Performance skills. ) C Stevie Grayson defeated Greg Gauge in 11:47 by pinfall. Stevie Grayson makes defence number 3 of his United States Champion title. C- Mean Jean Cattley defeated Matthew Gauge in 11:39 by pinfall with a Mood Swing. B- Acid defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 11:53 by pinfall with an Acid Rain Bomb. B- Jack Avatar defeated Jay Chord in 15:35 by pinfall. Jack Avatar makes defence number 24 of his World Champion title. (The match deserved better colour commentary. Jack Avatar looked good out there. This match lifted the crowd. ) B- Final Rating B- C- was the worst match of the night hopefully I will be able to keep putting these together.
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PPV December 2008 darkmatch-Air Attack Weasel, American Elemental, Steve Flash, Madman Boone and Warren Technique defeated Ben Williams, Bob Casey, Cal Sanders, Mr. Lucha III and Nelson Callum in 15:16; Nelson Callum was eliminated first, then Bob Casey, then Ben Williams, then Cal Sanders, and finally Mr. Lucha III. (It has gotten an initial D rating. Ben Williams was visibly tiring toward the end. Marty Papin and Reese Paige have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Remmington Remus and Reese Paige have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Steve Flash looked good out there. Air Attack Weasel is improving in Technical skills. Bob Casey is improving in Performance skills. Cal Sanders is improving in Rumble skills. ) C- Nathaniel Ca$ino defeated Edward Cornell in 5:33 by pinfall with a Hard Eight. (Nathaniel Ca$ino and Edward Cornell have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match). D Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Mark Smart in 6:19 by pinfall with an Inverted Piledriver. (Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Mark Smart have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. Marty Papin and Reese Paige have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Remmington Remus and Reese Paige have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. ) C- Greg Gauge defeated Roderick Remus in 7:54 by submission with a Proton Lock. (Roderick Remus was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. Roderick Remus is improving in Technical skills. ) D California Love Machine defeated Matthew Gauge in 7:41 by pinfall with a LAX Departure. (California Love Machine is improving in Technical skills. ) D+ Davis Wayne Newton defeated Cameron Vessey in 8:23 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. (Marty Papin and Reese Paige have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Remmington Remus and Reese Paige have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together) C+ Jay Chord defeated Paul Steadyfast in 9:35 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver. (Marty Papin and Reese Paige have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Remmington Remus and Reese Paige have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. ) D+ Shawn Gonzalez defeated Art Reed in 11:48 by submission with a Latino Crab. (Shawn Gonzalez is improving in Flying skills. ) C+ Frankie Perez defeated Mean Jean Cattley in 11:32 by pinfall with a Perfect Parity. (The match suffered because of the lack of selling on display. ) B- Freddie Datsun defeated JD Morgan in 12:26 by pinfall with a Patriot Press. (Freddie Datsun and JD Morgan have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. The match deserved better colour commentary. Freddie Datsun is improving in Performance skills. JD Morgan is improving in Performance skills. ) B- Stevie Grayson defeated Black Eagle in 11:48 by pinfall. Stevie Grayson makes defence number 4 of his United States Champion title. (Black Eagle seemed off his game tonight. Stevie Grayson and Black Eagle have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. Marty Papin and Reese Paige have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Remmington Remus and Reese Paige have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. ) C Acid defeated Kirk Jameson in 11:51 by pinfall with an Acid Rain Bomb.(Acid and Kirk Jameson don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. ) C+ Jack Avatar defeated Jungle Jack in 19:36 by pinfall. Jack Avatar makes defence number 25 of his World Champion title. (The announcing job done by Reese Paige was pretty weak. The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. The match deserved better colour commentary. Jungle Jack is improving in Rumble skills. ) B- Final Rating C+ (darn it i really thought it was a B- show the poor chemistry on the acid jameson match really hurt)
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Monday Night Mayham week 4 December 2008 (going back to my old style, if you want to call it that) darkmatch-Roderick Remus, Cameron Vessey, Matthew Gauge, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, and Kirk Jameson over velocidad, Mr Lucha III, Edward Cornell, American Elemental, and Nathaniel Ca$ino. C- Steve Flash over Nelson Callum and Cal Sanders in a 3 way dance (the performance of Steve Flash stood out as being good, Nelson Callum is improving in Performance skills) D- US TITLE-Stevie Grayson over California Love Machine (California Love Machine was really off his game tonight) C- Jay Chord over Davis Wayne Newton C+ World Title-Jack Avatar over Greg Gauge B- Final Rating C+ would have liked a b- but that will come working on the younger talent to try to improve the roster overall for the next ppv
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Monday Night Mayham January week 1 2009 darkmatch-Bulldozer Brandan Smith, Cameron Vessey, California Love Machine, Greg Gauge and Matthew Gauge over Velocidad, Nelson Callum, Nathianel Ca$ino, Warren Technique and Mark Smart (California Love Machine seemed off his game tonight. Warren Technique is improving in Performance skills. Matthew Gauge is improving in Flying skills.) D+ Steve Flash over Mr Lucha III D Stevie Grayson over Roderick Remus (Roderick Remus was really off his game tonight. Roderick Remus is improving in Performance skills. ) D+ Jay Chord over American Elemental C Jack Avatar over Art Reed B- Overall Rating C+ darn i was hoping for better from Jay Chord and American Elemental match i guess AE needs to get more over.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Been trying to improve as a booker goofing around with other feds Monday Night Mayham week 2 January 2009 darkmatch Warren Technique, Mr Lucha III, Mark Smart, Nathinal Ca$ino, California Love Machine over Bob Casey, Nelson Callum, Cal Sanders, Ben Williams, and Velocidad (Cal Sanders is improving in Rumble skills. Warren Technique is improving in Performance skills. Mr. Lucha III is improving in Technical skills. Mr. Lucha III is improving in Performance skills. ) D- always nice to see multiple improvements. went with the night of 3 way fights Jay Chord over Matthew Gauge and Greg Gauge C+ Stevie Grayson over Black Eagle and Steve Flash C- Art Reed over JD Morgan and Paul Steadyfast C (JD Morgan improving in performance skills) Jack Avatar over Acid and Davis Wayne Newton B Overall B- (could have been alot worse considering i forgot what i was doing)
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Monday Night Mayham January week 3 2009 Darkmatch-Bulldozer Brandan Smith, Cameron Vessey, Greg Gauge, Matthew Gauge, and Kirk Jameson over Ben Williams, Cal Sanders, Nelson Callum, Velocidad, and Bob Casey (Matthew Gauge looked good out there. Cal Sanders is improving in Flying skills. Nelson Callum is improving in Performance skills.) D+ Steve Flash over American Elemantal and Air Attack Weseal (Air Attack Weseal is improving in rumble skills) C- JD Morgan over Stevie Grayson and Black Eagle (JD Morgan is improving in Performance skills. Black Eagle is improving in Technical skills.) D+ (ouch that was worse than i thought, Grayson complained about the loss but it in Morgan's contract for a midcard title and Grayson had the US title which was created for these contract clauses although i don't pay much attention to it) Mean Jean Cattley over Shawn Gonzales and Jay Chord C- Jack Avatar over Art Reed and Davis Wayne Newton (Art Reed seemed off his game tonight. Jack Avatar looked good out there. Art Reed is improving in Performance skills. ) B- another C+ show
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Monday Night Mayham week 4 January 2009 darkmatch-Madman Boone, Roderick Remus, Greg Gauge, Matthew Gauge, and Mr Lucha III over Ben Williams, Cal Sanders, Nelson Callum, Velocidad and Bob Casey (Greg Gauge was off his game, Matthew Gauge looked good out there. Madman Boone is improving in Rumble skills. Roderick Remus is improving in Technical skills) D+ Kirk Jameson over Davis Wayne Newton and Steve Flash C+ Mean Jean Cattley over Stevie Grayson and JD Morgan (Stevie Grayson is improving in Rumble skills. JD Morgan is improving in Performance skills. Mean Jean Cattley is improving in Flying skills) C- Jay Chord over Art Reed and Black Eagle C Jack Avatar over Frankie Perez and Shawn Gonzales B- Final Grade-C+
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TCW went Global. Wolf Hawkins is the champ leading the way. Acid signed a written deal with WLW figures my favorite guy even if they have him listed as 4th on franchise players. Looking at the franchise players 2 others Jungle Jack and Freddie Datsun hardly are usually not available to me. Monday Night Mayham week 1 Febuary 2009 darkmatch-Frankie Perez, JD Morgan, Kirk Jameson, Matthew Gague and Greg Gauge over Ben Williams, Bob Casey, Nelson Callum, Cal Sanders and Mark Smart (Ben Williams was visibly tiring toward the end. Frankie Perez looked good out there. JD Morgan is improving in Performance skills. Bob Casey is improving in Rumble skills. Cal Sanders is improving in Performance skills. Mark Smart is improving in Performance skills) C- Velocidad over Capitão Brasil Jr D- Nathaniel Ca$ino over Edward Cornell D Mr Lucha III over Acid C Stevie Grayson over Jay Chord and Davis Wayne Newton (Davis Wayne Newton is improving in Performance skills) C Jack Avatar over Mean Jean Cattley and American Elemental (American Elemental is improving in Technical skills) B Final Grade B- Well it looks like Cattley is ready to step into Acid's spot wish i could get more B matches out of the other guys hopefully soon. Wanted to get my enhancement talent some matches. (side note Cattley and Bulldozer Brandon smith have increased popularity and have putting on a couple C shows for maw in the main event getting a C+ rating maybe i will pit them against each other sometime down the road)
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Monday Night Mayham week 2 February 2009 darkmatch-american elemental, air attack weseal, bulldozer brandon smith, cameron vessey and california love machine over Bob Casey, Ben Williams, Cal Sanders, Nelson Callum, and Velocidad (Air Attack Weasel is improving in Flying skills. Cameron Vessey is improving in Performance skills. Ben Williams is improving in Technical skills. Velocidad is improving in Rumble skills) D+ (darn that was a misclick used to putting Cal Sanders in that fall guy stable i have wrestling twice now) Warren Technique over Cal Sanders E+ Mark Smart over Edward Cornell D Mr Lucha III over Steve Flash and Stevie Grayson (Stevie Grayson is improving in Technical skills) C Davis Wayne Newton over Black Eagle and JD Morgan (JD Morgan is improving in Performance skills) B- (nice grade there!) Jack Avatar over Frankie Perez and Art Reed (Art Reed is improving in Rumble skills) B Final Rating B- Nice to get a B- match and a B main event without using Mean Jean
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ARGH! It looks like i will be losing Matthew Gauge, Greg Gauge, and American Elemental in the near future. TCW have put on a couple C Shows with Tyson Baine being in the main event. They keep doing that and they will fall to cult again. SWF has been throwing in alot of C+ shows. Would be interesting to see 4 cult level feds in the USA. But unless either loses it top stars they can bounce back. Monday Night Mayham February week 3 2009 darkmatch-Madman Boone, Cameron Vessey, California Love Machine, Air Attack Weseal and Edward Cornell over Bob Casey, Ben Williams, Mark Smart, Nelson Callum and Velocidad ( Cameron Vessey is improving in Technical skills. Cameron Vessey is improving in Performance skills. Velocidad is improving in Performance skills) D Stevie Grayson over Kirk Jameson and Mr Lucha III C- Black Eagle over Shawn Gonzales and Mr Lucha III D+ (that was a misclick) Mean Jean Cattley over Art Reed and JD Morgan C+ (JD Morgan is improving in Performance skills. Mean Jean Cattley is improving in Performance skills) Jack Avatar over Frankie Perez and Jay Chord B Final Grade B-
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February PPV 2009 darkmatch-Cameron Vessey, California Love Machine, Roderick Remus, Madman Boone and Warren Technique over Ben Williams, Bob Casey, Mark Smart, Nelson Callum and Velocidad (Warren Technique is improving in Flying skills. Warren Technique is improving in Performance skills. Mark Smart is improving in Rumble skills. Nelson Callum is improving in Technical skills. ) D Air Attack Weasel over Capitão Brasil Jr E+ (bad chemistry) Edward Cornell over Cal Sanders D Mr Lucha III over Nathinal Ca$ino D+ Greg Gauge over Matthew Gauge and American Elemental C+ Steve Flash over Black Eagle and Bulldozer Brandon Smith B- ( Black Eagle is improving in Performance skills) Frankie Perez over JD Morgan B- (JD Morgan is improving in Performance skills. ) Jay Chord over Kirk Jameson C- Shawn Gonzales over Stevie Grayson and Paul Steadyfast D+ Freddie Datsun over Mean Jean Cattley and Jungle Jack C+ (needed to beat Mean Jean for the US Title although Mean Jean didn't complain i would rather have had him win) Jack Avatar over Art Reed and Davis Wayne Newton B- Final Grade B- got a couple nice B- matches in the middle too bad the Gonzales Grayson and Steadyfast was crap. I no longer get the message that a B- show is a success. I don't see me putting out consistant B shows anytime soon but who knows.
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Monday Night Mayham week 4 February 2009 darkmatch Madman Boone, Cameron Vessey, Bulldozer Brandon, Smith, California Love Machine, and Stevie Grayson over Ben Williams, Bob Casey, Mark Smart, Cal Sanders, and Velocidad. D+ (Mark Smart is improving in Technical skills) Jay Chord over Steve Flash and Davis Wayne Newton C Mean Jean Cattley over Black Eagle and Kirk Jameson C- (Mean Jean Cattley is improving in Rumble skills. Kirk Jameson is improving in Performance skills) Art Reed over Shawn Gonzales and JD Morgan C (JD Morgan is improving in Performance skills) (is it me or is JD Morgan like almost always improving) Jack Avatar over Frankie Perez and Paul Steadyfast B- (Steadyfast improving in performance skills) Steadyfast has chemistry with Avatar and seems to be unable to have a decent match with anyone but him. Final Rating B-
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Monday Night Mayham week 1 March 2009 darkmatch-Nathaniel Ca$ino, Warren Technique, Air Attack Weseal, Edward Cornell and Madman Boone over Bob Casey, Ben Williams, Mark Smart, Nelson Callum and Velocidad D- ( Edward Cornell is improving in Technical skills. Nelson Callum is improving in Flying skills. Mark Smart is improving in Flying skills. Ben Williams is improving in Rumble skills) Black Eagle over Capitão Brasil Jr C- Mr Lucha III over Cal Sanders D Bulldozer Brandon Smith over Roderick Remus D+ (oderick Remus is improving in Rumble skills) bad chemistry here Stevie Grayson over California Love Machine D+ (california love machine off his game) Steve Flash over Cameron Vessey C- Jack Avatar over Davis Wayne Newton and Paul Steadyfast B- overal rating C+ (our list of unavailble workers: Art Reed, American Elemental, Matthew Gauge, Greg Gauge, Champenge Lover, Freddie Datsun and Jungle Jack) I need to make use of other guys on the roster and we drop a grade when i make the effect to look at them.
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Monday Night Mayham week 2 March 2009 darkmatch- Air Attack Weseal, Warren Technique, CAlifornia Love Machine, Roderick Remus and Madman Boone over Bob Casey, Ben Williams, Capitão Brasil Jr, Mark Smart and Velocidad D (Warren Technique is improving in Technical skills. ) Edward Cornell over Nelson Callum D- Nathianel Ca$ino over Cal Sanders E+ Black Eagle over Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Mr Lucha III C- Mean Jean Cattley over Shawn Gonzales and Jay Chord C Jack Avatar over Jungle Jack and Art Reed C+ (Jungle Jack is improving in Rumble skills) Final Grade C argh i need to sort this roster some.(it has to be the wrestlers not my terrible booking skills)
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two new guys debuting tonight Shooter Sean Deeley and Harry Allen darkmatch-Jungle Jack, Stevie Grayson, Steve Flash, Black Eagle and Mr Lucha III over California Love Machine, Cameron Vessey, Roderick Remus, Warren Technique and Air Attack Weseal and in an wtf moment i noticed my main event opens the card: Jack Avatar over Paul Steadyfast and Shooter Sean Deeley B Art Reed over Frankie Perez and Harry Allen C Mean Jean Cattley over JD Morgan and Shawn Gonzales C+ (JD Morgan is improving in Performance skills) Jay Chord over Davis Wayne Newton and Kirk Jameson C+ final grade C+ (could have been worse but it should have been better)
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PPV March 2009 darkmatch-Warren Technique, Roderick Remus, Nathianel Ca$ino, Air Attack Weseal and Edward Cornell over Ben Williams, Bob Casey, Velocidad, Capitão Brasil Jr, and Mark Smart. D- (Air Attack Weasel is improving in Technical skills. Edward Cornell is improving in Performance skills. Velocidad is improving in Technical skills. Ben Williams is improving in Technical skills) Bulldozer Brandon Smith over Nelson Callum C- Black Eagle over Cal Sanders C Shawn Gonzales over Kirk Jameson and California Love Machine D+ Davis Wayne Newton over Mr Lucha III and Madman Boone C+ (Davis Wayne Newton is improving in Rumble skills. Mr. Lucha III is improving in Rumble skills. ) Freddie Datsun over Stevie Grayson and Cameron Vessey C- (Freddie Datsun is improving in Performance skills. Stevie Grayson is improving in Rumble skills. Cameron Vessey is improving in Performance skills) Jungle Jack over Harry Allen B- JD Morgan over Paul Steadyfast C- (JD Morgan is improving in Rumble skills. JD Morgan is improving in Performance skills.) just for the record i looked at JD Morgan and he isn't actually improving any noticeable difference he has the same grades as he did 15 months ago. Mean Jean Cattley over Shooter Sean Deeley B- Jay Chord over Frankie Perez B- (Frankie Perez is improving in Performance skills) Jack Avatar over Steve Flash B- Final Grade B- Well we had a few B- matches that were not the main event so things are slowly getting better.
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Monday Night Mayham week 4 March 2009 darkmatch-Stevie Grayson, Steve Flash, Kirk Jameson, Paul Steadyfast and Davis Wayne Newton over Ben Williams, Nelson Callum, Capitão Brasil Jr, Velocidad, and Bob Casey C- ( Davis Wayne Newton looked good out there. Nelson Callum is improving in Rumble skills) Art Reed over Harry Allen C (Harry Allen is improving in Technical skills) Mean Jean Cattley over Frankie Perez C+ (The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. Mean Jean Cattley is improving in Performance skills) Jay Chord over Jungle Jack B (Jay Chord and Jungle Jack have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. This match lifted the crowd. Jungle Jack is improving in Performance skills) Jack Avatar over Shooter Sean Deeley C+ (should have switched the last 2 match but who knew) overal grade C+
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Monday Night Mayham week 1 2009 darkmatch-JD Morgan, Stevie Grayson, Black Eagle, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, and Kirk Jameson over Edward Cornell, Bob Casey, Warren Technique, Nathianiel Ca$ino, and Roderick Remus C- Paul Steadyfast over Shawn Gonzales D Art Reed over Steve Flash C Jay Chord over Frankie Perez B- Jack Avatar over Davis Wayne Newton and Mean Jean Cattley B- Final Rating C+
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Monday Night Mayham week 2 April 2009 darkmatch-Davis Wayne Newton, Frankie Perez, Kirk Jameson, Shooter Sean Deeley and Stevie Grayson over Ben Williams, Cal Sanders, Bob Casey, Mark Smart and Velocidad C Mean Jean Cattley over California Love Machine C- Art Reed over Bulldozer Brandon Smith C+ Jay Chord over Mr Lucha III C Jack Avatar over Harry Allen B- Overall Rating C+
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Monday Night Mayham April week 3 2009 darkmatch#1 Ben Williams over Arthur Dexter Bradley E+ darkmatch#2 Black Eagle over Velocidad D Mean Jean Cattley over Mr Lucha III C Art Reed over Harry Allen C- Jay Chord over Bulldozer Brandon Smith B- Jack Avatar over Shooter Sean Deeley B- Overal Rating B- Not a bad show after a string of C+'s A possible signing that may allow us to take our shows to a new level.
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April 2009 PPV darkmatch-Air Attack Weseal, California Love Machine, Cameron Vessey, Madman Boone and Roderick Remus over Velocidad, Mark Smart, Cal Sanders, Bob Casey and Capitão Brasil Jr. D+ (Cameron Vessey is improving in Performance skills) Mr Lucha III over Arthur Dexter Bradley C- Shawn Gonzales over Paul Steadyfast D+ Kirk Jameson over Shooter Sean Deeley C+ Steve Flash over Stevie Grayson B- Mean Jean Cattley over Davis Wayne Newton B- Jungle Jack over Frankie Perez B Jay Chord over Black Eagle C Freddie Datsun over JD Morgan B Jack Avatar over Dan Stone Jr B- Final Rating B- Well i thought that main event would have gone over better. The Jay Chord and Black Eagle match was worse than i expected but the 2 B rated undermatches is nice. Our guys are getting better and more popular so that is progress even if i seem unable to put the matches in the proper order.
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On the importance scale we have moved ahead of USPW which allows us the Use of Freddie Datsun on Dan Stone jr. Monday Night Mayham week 4 April 2009 darkmatch-Paul Steadyfast, Madman Boone, Stevie Grayson, Steve Flash and Black Eagle over Bob Casey, Edward Cornell, Nathaniel Ca$ino, Nelson Callum, and Velocidad C- Art Reed over Matthew Gauge C+ Jungle Jack over Greg Gauge C+ Dan Stone Jr over Freddie Datsun B- Jack Avatar over American Elemental B overall Rating B- Not bad
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Monday Night Mayham week 1 May 2009 darkmatch-Roderick Remus, Cameron Vessey, Air Attack Weseal, California Love Machine, Steve Flash over Mark Smart, Ben Williams, Cal Sanders, Capito Brasil Jr, and Warren Technique D+ (Cameron Vessey is improving in Performance skills. Ben Williams is improving in Technical skills. Cal Sanders is improving in Performance skills. ) Mean Jean Cattley over Edward Cornell C+ Jay Chord over Harry Allen C Dan Stone Jr over Mr Lucha III B- Jack Avatar over Black Eagle B- ( Black Eagle is improving in Technical skills) final grade: B- I will keep taking these B-'s (i am also feeling good that it seems alot more of my guys can slide in and get decent graded matches but we still aren't good enough to go national)
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we bring in two new faces this month (i really need to get rid of some guys) darkmatch- Shawn Gonzales, Shooter Sean Deeley, Davis Wayne Newton, Kirk Jameson and Steve Flash over Capitão Brasil Jr, Velocidad, Mark Smart, Cal Sanders and Bob Casey C- (Capitão Brasil Jr is improving in Performance skills. Cal Sanders is improving in Technical skills) American Elemental over Arthur Dexter Bradley D+ (yuck) Matthew Gauge over Nigel Svensson C (Nigel Svensson is improving in Technical skills) very nice debut for Nigel Greg Gauge over Extraordinaire jr D+ (not such a great debut) Dan Stone Jr over Black Eagle C+ (that wasn't as good as i thought) Jack Avatar over Stevie Grayson B (that was better than i thought) overall grade B- unless i am missing something Black Eagle is the better worker over Stevie Grayson and they both have the same momentum maybe because Black Eagle is unhappy for getting into trouble after shows it is affecting his performance.
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