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WCW 98- Putting Heart Back into the Business

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[B][I][CENTER][SIZE="7"]WCW 1998[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/RevolutionHellCowboy/logo_old_wcw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/I][/B] [I][B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Putting the Heart Back into the Business![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/I] “Greenslade, I don’t care what you do…I’m telling you that your going to show up in Washington DC or else…” From there Mikey Greenslade hears a “Click” from the other end of the line. The man speaking to him was none other than EZ E, Eric Bischoff himself. “Prick…” Mikey replies obviously after Bischoff had already hung up on him. From there Mikey rested his forehead on his hands before looking up at the clock in the hotel room. 12:02 AM. “I’m getting really sick of this ****…” Mikey then lies on his back and glares up at the ceiling of his hotel room. He thinks about how nobody in the wrestling business even really knows who he is and pondering why Bischoff won’t just get off his ass and let him get away from the wrestling business that is WCW. Mikey starts to think back to how he got into the business. He was a very small indy wrestler who wrestled down in Florida. It was obvious that he was never going to make it as a professional wrestler, but his love for the business kept him competing whenever he got the chance. Of course, down in Florida due to the fact that he still had to work for a living his wrestling career became more of a hobby. However, his love for the sport seemed more than that. Each week Mikey would watch the Monday Night Wars. Monday Night Raw vs. Nitro following the huge New World Order angle after the now famous Bash at the Beach. It was exciting to him. A Matter of fact it was more exciting then most everything that was going around him. Including his own little wrestling career. Anyways, in the latter part of 1997 World Championship Wrestling were down in Florida, and somehow after some great persuading Mikey got his buddy who worked for the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach to let him help set up for the show. Of course he wasn’t doing anything too specific, but he was there as the superstars he had grown to love over the last several years arrived one by one to the arena. It was great Mikey was getting a chance to see his idols up close and personal. Actually, it ended up getting a little too personal. While trying to buy a coke from a vending machine in the hallway Mikey notices that Scott Hall was making his way towards him. It was no secret that Hall was not a member of he sobriety Hall of fame, and this particular instance broadcasted his true colors. As Hall stumbled his way down the hallway with a few girls Mikey yelled…”Hey, Chico” Mikey was met with no response, so he walked over into the middle of the hallway almost blocking the way through and again he yelled. “Hey Chico….” This time he got Hall’s attention only because he was blocking his way. Hal glared at the 21 year old kid and ****ed his head to the side before grabbing the toothpick from his ear and tossing it in Mikey’s face. This was obvious a ploy to get a rise out of the girls he was walking with. Oh, and boy it did. Mikey didn’t mind it either, he took it as a joke and then afterwards went to speak to Hall yet again. “Hey man, I was wondering if I could get an autograph…” Hall looked at Mikey and then just shook his head before mocking him. “Hey..I was wondering if I could…blah blah blah.” From there Scott Hall proceeded to on shoving Mikey out of the way. Unfortunately for Mikey though, Hall shoved him into a pole and Mikey hit his head. He feel to the floor almost unconscious. As Mikey was coming to he heard another familiar voice as someone seemed to be helping him up to his feet. “You alright Pal? I have to apologize for Scott, I don’t know if you know his reputation, but he may have had too much to drink.” Mikey stood to his feet training to get back to reality when he noticed that the man speaking to him was WCW President Eric Bischoff. Already looking like an idiot after the fall Mikey decided to try and play it cool acting as if Bischoff wasn’t a big deal. “No, its cool its cool.” Bischoff stared at the kid for a second before speaking. “Are you sure? I mean I’m not going to get information on a lawsuit later right?” Bischoff winked. However, for some reason Mikey could feel a little serious behind it. For a split second Mikey decided to toy with Bischoff. “Well, now that you mention it…” Before Mikey could say anything else Bischoff cut in again. “Well, before you go any further..juding by what happened with Hall you’re a big wrestling fan. Fortunately for you I just fired my assistant and for just tonight I’m looking for someone to run some errands for me. You think you can handle the job? I mean, you could meet some of the guys…” …and that was the first day of Mikey’s New life. From that point on he back Eric Bischoff’s slave. At first everything was peaches and crèame. Mikey was meeting all his idols, even hanging out with them at nights. However, as times passed and Mikey saw how things worked behind the scenes his love for Professional Wrestling slowly started to phase out. It wasn’t because he didn’t like the product. Hell, he had a chance to watch the WWF’s stuff and it was great. Now, it was because over the last six months Eric Bischoff, his own boss, along with the politics in WCW had turned the New World Order, an angle that made wrestling as popular as it was, into something of a joke. At this point in time Mikey sat back and watched as the New World Order became two different identies still away from WCW. What the hell was that? N.W.O Hollywood…The Wolfpack…still got WCW…Raven’s FLOCK….and what was seemingly becoming the demise of Mikey’s favorite wrestler of all time Bret Hart. Mikey’s job with WCW working for Bischoff was giving him the chance to see WCW from the inside. Unfortunately, that was not a pretty place. Not at all. The only thing that Mikey enjoyed lately as that in the last few months Bischoff realized that he had something more than assistant qualities. He was actually halfway decent when it came to ideas. Well, some ideas. A matter of fact, it was Mikey’s idea to have the Best of Seven Series between Booker T and Chris Benoit…and not to mention Mikey was sorta behind Bischoff giving Jericho the chance to roll with some of his own ideas. Would Bischoff tell you this? HELL NO. This is one of the things Mikey was burnt out about. However, it seemed that just as he had done so many other times in the past Mikey was going to bite the bullet and show up in Washington DC for the June 01 edition of Nitro. There he would most likely be forces to see as Bischoff and the WCW backstage politics along with Kevin Nash shoved two versions of the New World Order Down our throats yet again. The everlasting story of Sting and whether or not he would align himself with Hollywood, WCW, or the Wolfpac. Of course all this would happen only after nearly one half hour of interviews and backstage segments not even close to anything resembling wrestling. A show that he once enjoyed watching, a show built on the blood, sweat, tears, and hearts of each worker involved had turned into a circus of politics, money, and power. At this point in time it seemed that would never change. This was World Championship Wrestling the company MikeyG used to love to watch. Now as a member of the staff, he’d grown to hate it. However, maybe his hatred was only because of the fact that he worked under Bischoff. Hell, everyone worked under Bischoff though. As Mikey glares over at his clock again and notices that it now reads 12:12 he takes in a deep breathe and then closes his eyes knowing that tomorrow was going to be another horrible day. Another horrible day of bad booking and a watered down New World Order… What MikeyG didn’t know is that June 01, 98 was going to be the start of his new life. Respect, Power, and love for World Championship Wrestling would all be restored to his heart by this time tomorrow night. MikeyG was in for one hell of a day…
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[B][I][CENTER][SIZE="7"]WCW 1998[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/RevolutionHellCowboy/logo_old_wcw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/I][/B] [I][B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Putting the Heart Back into the Business![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/I] “Whats your name again?” For the third time in a row the security guard outside the MCI Arena in Washington D.C. asked Mikey for his name. Obviously there was some kind of mishap with the list of the night. Either that or his loving boss Eric Bischoff forgot to put his name on the list. Then again, this wouldn’t be the first time. Hell, this wouldn’t even be the fifth time this had happened. “I’m really sorry sir, but since your name isn’t on the list….” As the security guard continues Mikey slams his hands down on the steering wheel obviously upset. However, just as he is about to put his car in reverse a familiar face walks up to the security guard. “Is there a problem here.” Steve Borden, the guy who portrays Sting on television speaks to the guard. “Well, Mr. Borden…this guy claims to be a member of the crew but…” “Ah, that’s Bischoff’s little helper. He’s cool let him in.” Sting winks at Mikey as the guard motions for him to pull forward. Mikey looks in his rear view mirror as the security guard asks Sting for an autograph following the mishap. “Wow, Sting. I’ve been here six months and that is about as much as I’ve talked to the guy. Hell, at least he knows I work here I guess.” Mikey speaks to himself and for a second he feels good about himself. Sting, one of his favorite performers of all time recognized him. For a second his mind was cleared of all the bullcrap and drama. That was until he stepped out of his car and noticed five different limos lined up in the back for different entrances tonight. “Five different limos? A little repetitive don’t you think?” It was the small things about the writing that sometimes irritated Mikey. Everyone knew that the wrestlers didn’t really arrive in limos, hell, not even the most popular ones. Anyways, tonight Mikey wasn’t going to let something like the limos backstage get to him. He was here tonight to do one thing and one thing only… QUIT. That’s right. Last night lying in his bed MikeyG decided that he has had enough. No longer was he going to let his small involvement with World Championship Wrestling ruin his love for the business. He thought maybe if he got away from the politics he could love the product once again. Then again, with this crap they were doing lately he probably might have to stick to the World Wrestling Federation. Besides, Bischoff was paying him next to nothing so quitting would definitely not hurt his finances. So, from there MikeyG was on his way. Instead of grabbing his bags and briefcase like usual Mikey left his stuff in the car. He stormed through the arena towards Bischoff’s office. On his way to see Bischoff, Mikey passed several workers backstage. Paul Wight…Juvi Guerrerra, Rey Mysterio Jr, and Eddie Guerrerro were all standing somewhere backstage. None of them acknowledging the presence of Mikey then again why would they Bischoff never gave him the chance to truly get to know anyone. Mikey passed all those superstars however, it was when he passed Chris Jericho that he became most frustrated. Chris was oblivious the fact that Mikey was sorta behind the fact that he had been on a roll lately. It was Mikey that pushed Bischoff to let Jericho run with some of the material had been using lately. Jericho didn’t even know who Mikey was, however, it wasn’t Chris’ fault. MikeyG was definitely a Chris Jericho fan and it hurt him to see that he had not even been given a chance to mingle with the guy in these six months. Oh well, it was over now. Mikey was on his way to get out of this hell hole. After what seemed to be the longest two minutes of his life MikeyG finally arrived at Bischoff’s office. Out of anger instead of knocking Mikey stormed through the door and yelled as soon as the door flew open. “Eric…I’m sick of this crap around here. You let me do nothing and then you take credit for ideas you do get from me. I know I was nobody when you found me in that hallway, but I don’t care. Working under you is doing nothing but hurting my morale….That’s right you’re an A-HOLE AND I QUIT!” MikeyG stared at the back of the huge leather chair that Bischoff sits in. He waited for Bischoff to turn around and either yell at him or laugh in his face. However, moments passed and…NOTHING. After about a minute Mikey storms over the desk and turns around the chair himself to see that it was… EMPTY! So much for Mikey finally getting the guts to stand up to his boss. Instead, he just made a fool of himself. At least there was nobody else there to see it. This wasn’t over. Mikey just had to find Bischoff and give him a piece of his mind once and for all. And that time would come…very soon. MikeyG stormed out of the office, however, right as he exited he was stopped by J.J. Dillon outside. “Michael!” J.J. stopped Mikey in his tracks. Mikey and JJ actually worked together a lot. Believe it or not Dillon at this point was secretly another Bischoff errand boy backstage. Mikey HATED the fact that JJ called him Michael, but that was not important at this time. “Yea?” “Eric and Terry are running late…he said he was going to Fed Ex the plans for tonight’s show to his office. He said for you to get them organized as you always do and get them to everyone just as if he was here.” JJ responded. One of Mikey’s main job’s was to get a copy of the “script” to everyone important. The wrestlers would get it later, but Bischoff would hand off material for Mikey to give to the important people. The announcers, and the big political players like Nash and Flair for instance. However, this would be the first time that Bischoff wasn’t physically there to tell Mikey to do these things. Mikey stood there for a second and thought about the fact that he didn’t even plan on working tonight at all. He thought about just telling Dillon to go screw himself and leave him there to do the errand boy work. That is exactly what he decided to do… “You know what JJ? Tell Bischoff…” Just as he started to spoke, he had an Epiphany almost as if a light bulb had gone off over his head. “Yea?” JJ asked. “Tell Bischoff sure thing. I’ll do what I ALWAYS DO!” From there JJ nodded and walked away. In a matter of seconds Mikey was back in Bischoff’s office with the show plans opened at the desk. His eyes widened as he read through everything. He knew he wasn’t supposed to, but hey when the boss is away the employees will play. After reading through everything Mikey ponders to himself for a few minutes. He then opens up the top drawer of Bischoff office and there he notices two things. White Out and a Pen A huge evil-like smile is plastered across MikeyG’s face as he speaks… “This may very well be my last night with World Championship Wrestling, but it’s a night Eric Bischoff with NEVER FORGET!” Hopefully Mikey Greenslade knew what he was getting himself into…
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[B][I][CENTER][SIZE="7"]WCW 1998[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/RevolutionHellCowboy/logo_old_wcw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/I][/B] [I][B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Putting the Heart Back into the Business![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/I] “Sorry guys…it just ain’t happening tonight.” Mikey speaks to himself as he picks up the white-out and covers up the information regarding the opener for tonight’s show. Bischoff had Jerry Flynn squaring off against Earnest the Cat Miller as the first contest, however, Mikey decided to delete the match-up altogether as there was really no point except to build Miller’s character which Mikey felt was a bore-fest anyways. As Mikey puts the white-out over the information he starts to have a sudden change of heart. Could there be legal consequences to his actions? What was Bischoff going to do once he found out what had happened? Hell, would Bischoff show up before Nitro went on the air? Usually, Bischoff had Mikey hand out the paperwork about four hours before showtime. At this time it was only noon, therefore, he figures Bischoff wasn’t going to make it to the building before three or hell maybe not even before Showtime. Therefore, Mikey decided that he’d make a few changes to the script. Nothing TOO MAJOR…and then leave the arena before the show goes live. That way he wasn’t there for Bischoff to tear into him after he found out what happened. Next, as he skimmed through the script Mikey noticed the use of all the limos he saw outside. In a matter of moments, the limos were gone. At least as far as the show was concerned. He’d still use one limo, but not the three that were originally written into the show. The opener…the limos…that was just the beginning. From there MikeyG took a second and got a drink out of Eric’s personal fridge. He walked over to Bischoff’s office door and grabbed the sign on the door knob and flipped it over. So it read do not disturb. From there…MikeyG slammed the door and got back to work. He sat down at the desk and for the next two hours studied the script for tonight’s show in Washington D.C. and made some changes. Before continuing Mikey looked over at Bischoff expensive clock. 12:43 From there it was back to work. White-out…and then the pen….over and over again these were his two favorite new tools. He worked hard and fast as he revised everything he thought could use just a little change without ruining storylines and big plans Bischoff already had. Instead he added a little more insight on certain things that he thought he could make better. After working his butt off he glared back over at the clock. 2:56 “Oh crap.” It was obvious that MikeyG was running out of time. It takes hours and hour to make a full script which is another reason he decided to just make a few little adjustments. Plus, Bischoff could arrive at any time and he didn't want Bischoff to know that anything out of the ordinary was happening. Mikey then made a few little adjustments and quickly got everything ready and copied to be delivered to everyone who was supposed to get a copy. From there it was off to his normal job. After he delivered the script though it was out the door for MIKEYG.
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[I][SIZE="2"]After what happened between N.W.O Hollywood and the newly formed Wolfpac there is no telling what will happen on Nitro. Will Sting join his best friend Lex Lugar to join forces with Kevin Nash and the Wolfpac? Or does Eric Bischoff and Hogan have some way to lure the Stinger to the New World Order? Either way WCW officials have promised that Sting will show the World exactly where he stands this Monday Night. Also this Monday we will see match number four between Chris Benoit and Booker T in their best of seven series. Will Booker T be able to even up the odds and get a victory over his foe? Or will Benoit be able to clinch two victories in a row putting him up 3-1 against Booker T. Goldberg will also be in action as he continues to plow through WCW Superstars one by one. Konnan has promised that he has some things to say to Goldberg this Monday as well so it seems the undefeated beat of World Championship Wrestling may have a lot on his plate. ALL THIS AND MUCH MUCH MORE as Bret Hart, Macho Man, the rest of the New World Order and Wolfpac will all be LIVE at the MCI center. There is no telling what is going to happen in DC.[/SIZE][/I] [B][I][U]Confirmed Matches:[/U] Booker T vs. Chris Benoit (Best of Seven Series- Benoit currently leads 2-1) Fit Finlay vs. Eddie Guerrero (Television Title Match) Alex Wright vs. Chavo Guerrero Goldberg vs. La Parka Plus, rumors have it that Lex Lugar has a HUGE Tag Team Main Event Challenge For N.W.O Hollywood
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[B]Booker T[/B] vs. Chris Benoit (Best of Seven Series- Benoit currently leads 2-1) - [I]With these series tournaments I like to see it kept close...and I think Booker will level it out[/I] Fit Finlay vs. [B]Eddie Guerrero [/B] (Television Title Match) - [I]Eddie has what it takes to beat Finlay[/I] Alex Wright vs. [B]Chavo Guerrero [/B] - [I]I can't stand Wright and would hate to see him beat Chavo![/I] [B]Goldberg[/B] vs. La Parka - [I]The streak continues![/I]
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[B]Booker T[/B] vs. Chris Benoit (Best of Seven Series- Benoit currently leads 2-1) Fit Finlay vs. [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] (Television Title Match) Alex Wright vs. [B]Chavo Guerrero [/B] [B]Goldberg[/B] vs. La Parka [B]Lex Lugar and Sting[/B] vs.The NWO.
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[I][SIZE="2"]After what happened between N.W.O Hollywood and the newly formed Wolfpac there is no telling what will happen on Nitro. Will Sting join his best friend Lex Lugar to join forces with Kevin Nash and the Wolfpac? Or does Eric Bischoff and Hogan have some way to lure the Stinger to the New World Order? Either way WCW officials have promised that Sting will show the World exactly where he stands this Monday Night. Also this Monday we will see match number four between Chris Benoit and Booker T in their best of seven series. Will Booker T be able to even up the odds and get a victory over his foe? Or will Benoit be able to clinch two victories in a row putting him up 3-1 against Booker T. Goldberg will also be in action as he continues to plow through WCW Superstars one by one. Konnan has promised that he has some things to say to Goldberg this Monday as well so it seems the undefeated beat of World Championship Wrestling may have a lot on his plate. ALL THIS AND MUCH MUCH MORE as Bret Hart, Macho Man, the rest of the New World Order and Wolfpac will all be LIVE at the MCI center. There is no telling what is going to happen in DC.[/SIZE][/I] [B][I][U]Confirmed Matches:[/U] Booker T vs. Chris Benoit (Best of Seven Series- Benoit currently leads 2-1) Fit Finlay vs. Eddie Guerrero (Television Title Match) Alex Wright vs. Chavo Guerrero Goldberg vs. La Parka Plus, rumors have it that Lex Lugar has a HUGE Tag Team Main Event Challenge For N.W.O Hollywood
[/I][/B][/QUOTE] Great start, I'm looking forward to this brudda. Picks Booker T - strikes back to make it 2-2, I recall this series and loved it. From there I believe Booker went onto beat Fit Finlay for the TV Title? Eddie Guerrero - I want to see Eddie on the box every show, I guess though Fit Finlay probably needs it more but I'm an Eddie fan and the TV Title is one that's easily transferred on free to air. Chavo Guerrero - Alex Wright could be something, if booked right though Goldberg - poor La Parka :-( But who doesn't love the Chairman? nWo Hollywood (I'm picking Hart and perhaps Hennig?) to go over Luger and possibly Sting or maybe Diamond Dallas Page (God don't make it the Ultimate Warrior ahahaha) in a cheap finish
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Confirmed Matches: Booker T vs. Chris Benoit (Best of Seven Series- Benoit currently leads 2-1) Booker will tie it up because I dont think he could ever come back from a 3-1 deficit and ussually best of sevens go the distance. Fit Finlay vs. Eddie Guerrero (Television Title Match) Eddie Guerrero for the win! Alex Wright vs. Chavo Guerrero I guess Chavo. Depends if Alex Wright is dancing well. Goldberg vs. La Parka Can anyone really guess La Parka? Plus, rumors have it that Lex Lugar has a HUGE Tag Team Main Event Challenge For N.W.O Hollywood Gonna Be Luger and Sting vs Savage and Hogan Maybe??? Diary is looking great man, getting ready for the show.
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I think it's kind of funny that everyone thinks that it would be weird to put Benoit over 3-1...I'm basing thing of reality for a lot of things and in the REAL world back in this era in WCW Benoit did go 3-1:) Not saying I'm doing that just funny that everyone thinks it'd be out there. Then again, a lot of times WCW was OUT THERE! I want to thank everyone for the early feedback hopefully you are all still around after the first show;) Thank again. Hopefully I'll get the show up Monday like originally planned.
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I am not saying its, "Out there", what I am saying is that I cannot see Booker T winning two in a row against Chris Benoit, considering the fact that they are not even in the same league...maybe over wise but other than that, not even close.
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Bad new guys. Yesterday I was having abdominal pain and four hours after arriving at the emergency room I found out my apendix needed removed. So an hour later I was under the knife. Anyways, if I'm feeling ok tomarrow I will still post Nitro (I already have it half written), but no telling how I'll be feeling once my medine wears down. Anyways, this is not over. Just a LITTLE DELAYED. Hopefully I'll be better sooner than later. Thanks for your support;)
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[I][B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]LIVE FROM MCI CENTER IN WASHINGTON DC! June 01,1998[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/I] [CENTER]Monday Nitro opens up with a bang with it's usual fireworks display and the Nitro Girls dancing at the top of the entrance ramp. The fans at the MCI Center in Washington DC are going crazy as the camera pans the arena. Signs like "Hogan for President" "Goldberg 1000-0" and "NWO 4 Life" are shown in the arena. Following a quick start up dance from the Nitro girls the announcers Tony, Mikey Tenay, and Zybsko all hype Sting before introducing a very nicely put together video package highlighting Sting's career and more specifically his current status on the WCW roster. Is he with WCW? NWO Hollywood? Or Maybe the newly formed Wolfpac? [IMG]http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/7315/stingalt03mj7.jpg[/IMG] Hopefully, Sting will give some answers tonight. The video concludes with an old piece with Sting in the rafters with the crow on his shoulder. ----------- [IMG]http://www.wrestling-history.de/nWoLogoRed.gif[/IMG] Straight from the Sting package cameras cut backstage where the NWO Wolfpack have just arrived at the arena. Lex Lugar, Randy Savage, Kevin Nash, and Rick Rude are all making their way down the hallway backstage. They joke back and forth a bit as they seem to be heading towards the ringside area. ----------- [I]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/I] [IMG]http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/4779/ravenalt02gf8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/1364/perrysaturngg9.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/3536/roccorockmf0.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/6743/johnnygrungerp1.jpg[/IMG] [B]THE FLOCK (Raven & Saturn) VS PUBLIC ENEMY (Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge)[/B] As cameras cut back from the break Raven is sitting in his usual position in the corner as fans are ready for Nitro's opening contest. Once the referee finally gets things started it seems as if Saturn would start things off against Rocco Rock. During the entire duration of this match-up Raven stays seated in the corner of the ring. Somehow Saturn manages to hold both members of Public Enemy off though and just as it seems Saturn was ready to make the cover following a T-Bone suplex Raven stands up and tags himself in. He enters the ring plans Rock with a DDT and takes the win himself. Saturn does not seem happy that Raven stole the victory. [B]Winners: THE FLOCK[/B] Following the bout Raven returns to his usual seat in the corner. He says that he is somewhat happy that Saturn decided that he and Saturn decided to put their past problems behind them and tag tonight. However, more importantly he wanted to let Saturn know that the ENTIRE FLOCK were back together again. From there every member of the Flock including Kidman, Reese, Sick Boy, Lodi, and Riggs made their way down to the ringside area. As they celebrated Saturn looked less than pleased and still seemed angry with Raven for stealing his victory earlier. [I]COMMERCIAL BREAK "SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM!" "WCWWRESTLING.COM" "WCW Great American Bash!"[/I] [IMG]http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/3104/alexwrightalt02kv5.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/9277/chavoguerrerojralt02wq0.jpg[/IMG] [B]Alex Wright vs Chavo Guerrerro Jr.[/B] Following the break Alex Wright danced his way down to the ringside area where Chavo was already in the ring. The bell sounded and the two young stars started off with some great back and forth action. Just when it seemed that this match was starting to get going though, Chavo quickly stole the victory by reversing a German suplex with a school boy and a hand full of tights. Chavo seemed to be showing a little more of his true colors here. [B]Winner: Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/B] Following the match Chavo got on the stick and said a few words about his "Uncle Eddie". Chavo said he knows that he is no longer under Eddie's control, but regardless of that fact he's ready to show Eddie who the true Guerrero warrior was. He then challenges Eddie to a match at the pay per view and then tosses the mic down. ------------- [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/61/Nwo_Logo.JPG[/IMG] Backstage a huge black stretch limo pulls into the parking lot. The driver gets out an opens to back door to reveal ..yea you guessed in The New World Order Hollywood style. Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, and The Giant all exit the limo with huge smiles on their face. Bischoff tells Hogan "Your the Man" and points at the ICON drawing a big smile from him. From there they enter the MCI center to a chorus of boos. ------------ Inside the building however the "other" NWO seem to have more important things on their mind. While Hollywood's faction is relaxing and showing up late the Wolfpack are already in the ring with a microphone. Lugar, Nash, Savage, and Rick Rude play a little game of pass the mic around. Lugar is on the mic first. He says that over the course of his career he has made many friends and enemies in the wrestling business. However, nobody has stuck by his side like Sting. He said that tonight he extends the offer yet again to the Stinger and that hopefully by the end of the show we will know where Sting's loyalty lies. Next, Lugar says that while Sting is very important tonight there is another reason he is out there tonight. From there he passes the mic to Nash. Nash says that the Wolfpack are out there to make a little challenge. He says "NWO Hollywood...We'll take two of our Soldiers....How about you send out two of yours?" From there he goes on to belittle the NWO Hollywood faction saying that they probably won't have the guts to meet he and Lugar in the ring tonight. Regardless of the fact he says that whether Hogan and Bischoff likes it or not...The NWO Wolfpack are just TOO SWEET! [I]COMMERCIAL BREAK "CASTROL" "SLIM JIM TAKE 2" "WCW STARRCADE VHS"[/I] [IMG]http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/1826/konnanalt01wi1.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7587/lennylaneaw9.jpg[/IMG] [B]Konnan VS Lenny Lane[/B] Following the commercial break we are back to the ring for some action. Konnan and Lenny Lane go at it in a match that turns out to be pretty sloppy. Both men don't seem to be on their game tonight. Lenny gets a little offensive in the beginning with some running right hand and then a few basic wrestling holds. However, his hip tosses and a snap suplex was no match to Konnan and his Tequila Sunrise. Lane tapped out which was no surprise to the fans at ringside. [B]Winner: Konnan[/B] Following the bout K-Dawg gets on the mic. He says that the Wolfpack are "ROWDY ROWDY AND BOWTY BOWTY" then after rambling on in Spanish for about a minute he translated for the American audience. He says that his buddy Hennig is laid up on the shelf for a while so after a short meeting earlier today they decided that K-Dawg was going to take care of Hennig's light work. Therefore, Konnan makes a challenge to GOLDBERG for the upcoming Great American Bash Pay Per View. He said he knows Goldberg may not have the cahones to accept, but as far as right now...The Challenge is out there. ---------------- From there we get a recap of the Chavo Guerrero Jr. challenge to Eddie Guerrerro earlier tonight. As the replay comes to an end Eddie is already in the ring and the Television Champion Fit Finlay is walking down the aisle ready for battle. [B]WCW TELEVISION TITLE MATCH [IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/8652/davefinlayaj4.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/1041/eddieguerreroalt04ne2.jpg[/IMG] Fit Finlay (Champion) VS Eddie Guerrerro (Challenger)[/B] As soon as the bell rang these two competitors were on top of one another. Eddie Guerrerro tried to use some of his mat wrestling skills to start things off but Finlay quickly made it a point to show Eddie that he grew up a brawler. Eventually, Eddie was forced to fight back, and FIGHT is just what he did. A matter of fact a few minutes into the bout Eddie ducked a closed fist and then connected with two of his own before sending Finlay over the top rope with a dropkick. Eddie then scaled the top rope and came crashing down on Finaly on the outside. Unfortunatley though, Finlay was able to kick Eddie in the gut on the way down which made for a BRUTAL VISUAL. Eddie came crashing down to the mat hard and Finlay tossed him back in the ring to finish him off. It wasn't easy though, as Eddie somehow managed to grab Finlay in a roll-up, but only managed a two count. Just as the two men were ready to continue their battle, Chavo Guerrerro made his way to the ringside area. He got up on the apron and distracted his uncle, but in a way he also awarded his uncle the victory. Finlay sent his knee to the back of Guerrerro as Eddie was distracted by Chavo. This caused Eddie to crash into Chavo and forced the referee to award the match to Eddie by DQ. Finlay was mad, but due to him still having the TV Title he got over it quickly. [B]Winner: (Via DQ) Eddie Guerrerro[/B] After the match Chavo quickly slid into the ring and helped his uncle Eddie to his feet. As Eddie stood there dumbfounded at what in the world Chavo was doing Chavo just gave Eddie a round of applause from his victory. Eddie just stood there shaking his head at his nephew before dropping to the mat and rolling out of the ring. The Guerrerro saga was definatley getting interesting. ---------------- With Eddie still looking confused in the ring camera's cut to a Pre-taped Chris Jericho segment. Jericho seems to be making his way around Washington DC, claiming his case about being "screwed" out of the WCW Cruiserweight Champion. Jericho walks in front of the Supreme court with a sign that says "Conspiracy Victim", he is then seen in front of the Pentagon, and finally outside the gates of the white house all holding the same sign. It's obvious that Jericho wants another shot against Dean Malenko for the Cruiserweight Title. It's also obvious from this segment that Jericho is a GENIOUS! [IMG]http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/1590/juventudguerreraus9.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/8351/chrisjerichoalt06gj1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Juventude Guerrerra vs Chris Jericho[/B] Back in the ring, Chris Jericho and Juvi are ready for battle. They lock up and then start some great back and forth action. Juvi actually takes control early and tosses Jericho in the corner with a head scissors takeover. From there, Jericho is hit and sent across the ring with a flying dropkick. After falling out of the ring Jericho is sent to the ground after Juvi connceted with a perfectly times suicide dive. The fans at ringside are going nuts. The two cruiserweights take things back in the ring and start to slow things down a bit. This is when Jericho takes control of the match. Later after avoiding a flying crossbody from Juvi on the top rope Jericho connects with the Lionsault for a quick two count. After some more great back and forth cruiserweight action including a Frankensteiner from Juvi and a monkey flip into the corner by Jericho..the end seems to be near. Juvi connects with another version on the dropkick and then goes for it once more. However, somehow Jericho manages to grab Juvi's leg and snap in his version on the Liontamer. From there, that is all she wrote for Juvi Guerrera. [B]Winner: Chris Jericho[/B] Following the match, Jericho grabs the stick. He says that he is sick and tired of the way that "Joe Joe Dillion" has been avoiding his phone calls and Jericho then promises that sooner than later not only will get another shot at Dean Malenko. But he will become the best cruiserweight champion that World Championship Wrestling will ever..."EEEEEEEEEEEVER" have again. [I]-COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/I] [I]SLIIM JIM WCW POWER PLANT GREAT AMERICAN BASH[/I] As cameras return to the MCI CENTER in Washington DC the fans are on their feet as a recap video of Booker T vs Chris Benoit plays over the Turner-Tron. The clip shows Booker T's big first win over Benoit just one week ago on Nitro. Next, it shows clips from their second match where Benoit manages to pull away with the clean cut victory. Last but not least, a third clip is shown from this past Saturday's WCW Saturday Night. Being that most of the WCW fans didn't see this match the announcers spoke more in depth and somehow yet again Benoit managed to one-up his opponent by getting the victory. That Benoit up 2-1 on Booker T in their Best of Seven Series. Will Booker T manage to tie things up tonight? Or Will Benoit go for the four win sweep following only one loss to the Booker Man? In a matter of moments...we will find out. [IMG]http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/426/bookertalt04so5.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/4736/chrisbenoitalt02hf3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Booker T VS Chris Benoit ( Best of Seven Series- Benoit Currently Leads 2-1)[/B] As cameras cut back to the ringside area Booker T and Chris Benoit are already in their respective corners. As the bell ring neither man is able to get the one up on the other as a series of chain wrestling holds start things off. It is obvious Booker T was struggling to keep up early on, but at the same time he didn't let Benoit gain the full advantage either. Through the entirety of the bout the two men went back and forth. Benoit managed to connect with a few German suplexes, and even some arm bar submissions, but then Booker T shot back with a swifty side kick and he even connected with a Harlem Hangover...however, somehow Benoit manages to kick out. Following the kick out though, Booker T brought Benoit back to his feet ready to send him overheard with a suplex. Benoit thought differently. He blocked the attempt by Booker T and sent him over with a snap suplex instead. From there he motioned that he would be going up top for the Diving Headbutt. And there it was...WAIT...while Benoit was still on top Stevie Ray made his way down to the ringside area. He really did nothing but get Benoit's attention. However, that seemed to be enough. With Benoit being distracted Booker T managed to jump to his feet and connect with a variation of the Side kick with Benoit still up top. Benoit fell to the mat and Booker T made the cover. [B]Winner: Booker T (Puts the Series at 2 Wins a Piece)[/B] Booker T didn't seem too happy with his brother's ringside appearence however it seems that the two settled their differences before going backstage. -------------------- As Booker T makes his way backstage we see that Mean Gene Okerland is at the top of the entrance ramp with the Macho Man Randy Savage and Liz. Macho Man says that he has a sour taste in his mouth about the upcoming Tag Team match against Hogan and Hart at the Great American Bash coming up in a few weeks. [IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7223/randysavagealt06lq2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/8782/roddypiperiq4.jpg[/IMG] From there Piper's music hit and Piper comes out from the backstage area hyped up more than ever. Piper says that if Savage has a problem with him they need to settle it right now. Piper is going nuts...he screams into the mic that if Savage thinks Hart is on his side then he has a screw loose because Bret Hart has other things to worry about. Like NWO Hollywood and the fact that even tonight he has never worn a NWO shirt? Coincidence? Piper thinks not! Piper says if Savage wants to run like a scared Puppy then they can call off the match but.... Savage cuts in. He says the match is on Brother. However, following their bout with NWO Hollywood Savage wants he and Piper to go ONE on ONE. Piper agrees and then the two men stand face to face as the camera cuts back to the ringside area where Riggs from the FLOCK has jumped the guard rail and entered the ring. --------------- [IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/3363/scottyantonjl8.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7889/diamonddallaspagealt01lc7.jpg[/IMG] [B]Riggs VS Diamond Dallas Page[/B] DDP's music hits and the fans go nuts as he runs down the aisle. Before entering the ring though he stops over at the area where Raven is sitting and does his little "FEEL THE BANG" motion. Raven stands up but doesn't leave his seat. As DDP jumps up on the ring apron and does a little more taunting Riggs comes from behind with a charging knee that sends him plummeting into the guard rail below. Raven gets a kick out of this and every member of the flock taunt the fallen DDP. From there Riggs grabs DDP and sends him back into the ring. However, moment later DDP ducks a right hand and then..BANG out of NOWHERE DIAMOND CUTTER..1..2....3....Riggs is out. [B]Winner: DDP[/B] From there, Page jumps the guard rail on the opposite side of the ring as Raven and exits through the screaming crowd. [I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK-[/I] Following the break we see Goldberg backstage. He breaks a lock room door with his forehead before security walks him to the ringside area. He enters the main area of the MCI Arena to a HUGE audience applause, as would be expected for Goldberg of course. And then slowly makes his way to the ring. [IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7910/laparklb7.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/909/billgoldbergcz8.jpg[/IMG] [B]La Parka VS Goldberg[/B] WCW's self appointed "Chairman" La Parka actually had his chair in the ring when Goldberg entered. He teased that he would hit Goldberg with the chair, but then Goldberg dared him to. La Parka wasn't scared. He blasted Goldberg with the steel chair across the face, however, Goldberg just stumbled backwards and then shook it off. He looked angrier then ever. He grabbed the chair from La Parka and then connected with a sidekick. From there La Parka was one Spear and Jackhammer away from the three count. Unfortunatley Goldberg's entrance lasted longer than the match. [B]Winner: Goldberg [/B] Following the bout Goldberg looked into the camera and said "Konnan...YOUR NEXT!" --------------- Just after Goldberg exited the ringside area the all too familiar NWO Hollywood music blasted over the PA system.. N...N...NEW WORLD ORDER... 4...LIFE.... [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/61/Nwo_Logo.JPG[/IMG] As Hogan, Bischoff, Hart, and The Giant made their way down the ringside area the fans started to boo. The NWO just ate up the heat like a sack of potatoes. They loved being hated and there was nothing anyone could do about it. After entering the ring EZ E Eric Bischoff grabbed the stick first. He said.." that first off all he would just like to let everyone know that the GOD of Professional Wrestling...Hollywood Hulk Hogan was standing right there in the ring next to him. Therefore, he would appreciate a little respect.". Of course this drew a lot more response from the crowd at ringside. Bischoff then said ..."of course though...we can't forget about the two other...HUGE HUGE HUGE names in the wrestling world. The Giant and Bret Hart. A matter of fact Bischoff continues...Hart and The Giant will be wrestling those two losers from the Wolfpack tonight." From there Bischoff passed the mic to Hart. Bret said in so many more words that tonight he and the Giant were going to destroy the Wolfpack. He said don't forget about The Great American Bash though, because tonight's tag match will be nothing compared to what he and Hogan will do to Piper and Macho Man at the Pay Per View. Next, it was Hogan's turn. Hogan says that .."tonight he is going to take the night off from being in the ring and watch as two of his boys take out Nash and Lugar. However, Hogan dares Sting to get involved". He says .."if and when Sting makes his way to the ring tonight he is going to make a choice once and for all. He said Sting is either...WITH US...or AGAINST US...PERIOD". Hogan says.." if Sting decides that he is against us...then both he and that Coward Randy Savage are going to be met with the same fate"...He says that .."both of them will be lying on their back as the big Leg comes crashing down atop them brother!" Then for a quick second. Hogan gives the mic to the Giant. The Giant tosses out his cigar to make one simple statement. "TONIGHT...KEVIN NASH...YOU ARE GOING TO GET CHOKESLAMMED STRAIGHT TO HELL!" From there the NWO Wolfpack music blasts over the PA System and Nash and Lugar make their way to the ringside area. [IMG]http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/BlueCage/BretHart.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/6157/paulwightalt03ia6.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/2924/kevinnashalt01qs4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/703/lexlugeralt01er5.jpg[/IMG] [B][B]NWO HOLLYWOOD (Bret Hart & The Giant w/ Hogan & Bischoff) vs NWO WOLFPACK (Lugar & Nash)[/B][/B] Lugar and Nash slide right into the ring. However, the NWO Hollywood retreat for a second. They regroup in the corner and wait until they are ready to re-enter the ring. Each time they act as if they are going to re-enter, Lugar or Nash motions as if they are going to go after them and both Hart and The Giant respecitvely jump back down to the floor. Eventually, though, all four men enter the ring and Bischoff and Hogan look on from the outside. The Giant starts things off with Lex Lugar. Giant's huge size advantage lets him take control of the match early. He starts things off very slow with some huge thunderous right hands coming down across the chest of Lugar in NWO Hollywood's corner. Big Show then tags in Hart who keeps Lugar on their side of the ring cutting the ring in half. Hart takes down Lugar with a couple of abdominal drops and then goes for the first cover of the match, however, he only gets a two count. Following the near fall, Giant makes the tag back in. He grabs Lugar and lifts him over his head in the military press position. Giant looks down at Hogan who motions for him to send him crashing down to the mat. He does just that and then places a foot over Lugar for a ****y pinfall attempt. 1.....2....Another kickout. As The Giant pinned Lugar he taunted Nash in the other corner. Just as Nash went to enter the ring, The referee went after him which allowed Hart to jump in the ring and he and Giant connected with a double suplex on Lugar. Hart stayed in the ring on the NWO Hollywood side of things and grabbed Lugar's leg. He twisted it over and over again in a leg grapevine type manuever. He then grabbed Lugar's knee and sorta flipped fowards trying to pop his knee out of place. All this as Nash just watched on from the opposite side of the ring. NWO Hollywood was loving every second of it. Again, Giant made the tag back inside. He grabs Lugar's hair and tossed him like rag doll across the ring. HIS FIRST MISTAKE. Lugar actually flew far enough across the ring where he was able to tag in Kevin Nash. Nash was on first. He came in the ring and ducked a right hand by the Giant and then hit the ropes and came back with a Big Boot that sent the big man into the ropes where he fell between the top and middle rope and ended up outside the ring. This allowed Hart to hit Nash from behind. However, Nash just shrugged it off and turned around. Hart backed off, but Nash managed to grab him by the head and toss him in the corner. He connected with several elbows to the chin, and then knees to the midsection. That is however, until Hogan grabbed Nash's leg from the outside. Hogan's interference allowed The Giant to re-enter the ring and grab Nash from behind. He pulled Nash to the middle of the ring and then sent him to the mat with a thunderous clubbing blow over his upperback. Next, the Giant dropped a leg atop Nash and went for another cover. However, only a two count yet again. Next, the Giant went to whip Nash into the corner, however, Big Sexy Reversed and sent Giant running back into his own corner. This allowed Nash to make the tag into the know recovered Lex Lugar. The fans went nuts as Lugar entered the ring and sent The Giant down with a huge forearm. Lugar then sent Bret Hart flying off the ring apron with a similar forearm smash. Lugar was on fire. He motioned for the TORTURE RACK. The fans were going nuts. On the other side of the ring NWO Member Vincent and Eric Bischoff had Nash's attention. Vincent smacked Nash with a steel chair and then he and Bischoff held the big man down to watch as Hogan entered the ring behind Lugar. Inside the ring, Lugar was ready to put the big Giant up on his shoulders for the Torture Rack. However, as he went for it Hogan hit the referee with a right hand from behind. Lugar did manage to get The Giant up in the Rack, but only for a second because as he turned around Hogan connected with a BIG BOOT to the face. Lugar dropped the Giant and then collapsed in the middle of the ring. Hollywood then bounced off the ropes as the be attempting the BIG LEG DROP OF DOOM. However, just as he hit the ropes...Sting's music hit and the lights dimmed. Sting dropped down from the ceiling and was standing right in Hogan's way blocking him from doing the Leg Drop. Hogan just stared at Sting wondering what he was going to do. Hollywood's eyes were HUGE as he didn't know what to expect. He just stared at Sting for a second, and Sting did the UNTHINKABLE. He took of his overcoat to show the world that he was wearing an NWO BLACK AND WHITE SHIRT! Sting and Hogan smiled at one another and then Hogan went in for a huge. However, Sting had other idea. He snuck behind Hogan quickly and dropped him with a SCORPION DEATH DROP! He pushed Hogan out of the ring and then placed Lugar atop the GIANT and got the referees attention.... 1.....2.......3.... [B]Winners: THE WOLFPACK![/B] Following the sounding of the Bell Sting stood tall in the ring. Now with Kevin Nash and Lex Lugar. Lugar, who had finally come back to conciousness noticed that Sting was now wearing an [U]NWO black and white shirt[/U]. However, Sting shook his head and ripped off the shirt. Under it he was wearing an [U]NWO WOLFPACK SHIRT[/U]! The fans were going nuts. Kevin Nash and Lex Lugar both has huge smiles plastered on their faces. However, Sting wasn't done yet. His huge smile turned upside down before ripping off the Wolfpack shirt...under the WOLFPACK shirt Sting was wearing an [U]old World Championship Wrestling Shirt[/U]...Sting then MOUTHED.... [IMG]http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/7315/stingalt03mj7.jpg[/IMG] [I][B]"STINGER IS W...C......W"[/B][/I] From there...Sting grabbed the bungie that he came down on and strapped it to his back yet again. He then went back up into the rafters from where he came leaving everyone in the arena dumbfounded about what just happened. Nash...Lugar....Hogan...Hart...Giant...Big Show...all just stared as Sting ascended back up into the rafters. [I]"Well, folks, it looks like Sting has told the world where his loyalty lies...it lies where it has always lied...World Championship Wrestling...PERIOD!"[/I] With Tony's final comments Nitro fades to black with both New World Order groups stil staring up into the rafters. [/CENTER] [QUOTE]OVERALL SHOW RATING: B- Attendance: 2,137 (Picked Small Arena on Accident) Quick Results: The Flock def Public Enemy Chavo def Alex Wright Konnan def Lenny Lane Eddie Guerrerro def Fit Finlay via DQ Jericho def Juvi Booker T def Benoit evening up the Best of Seven to 2-2 Goldberg def La Parka DDP def Riggs Wolfpack (Lugar and Nash) def NWO Hollywood (Hart & Giant) [I]In other notes... The Flock reunited. Chavo challenged Eddie for GAB. Konnan challenged Goldberg for GAB taking Hennig's place. Roddy Piper vs Macho Man will take place after the tag Match at Great American Bash. Sting aligned himself not with NWO Hollywood...not with NWO Wolfpack...but with WCW.[/I] [/QUOTE]
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[B][I][CENTER][SIZE="7"]WCW 1998[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/RevolutionHellCowboy/logo_old_wcw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/I][/B] [I][B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Putting the Heart Back into the Business![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/I] RING.....RING.....RING! MikeyG rolled over from his hotel room bed to see that his phone was ringing. Nobody knew where he was staying so for a second, he figured he'd ignore the ringing. Last night was the best night of Mikey's professional career. Although he quit his job he went out with a BLAZE of glory to say the least. Last night's Monday Nitro did not go as planned. That was because MikeyG changed the script, and obviously since Bischoff and Hogan arrived very late in the day they didn't realize the changes had been made. As Mikey sat and watched Nitro...the show he pretty much controlled for the night...a smile was plastered across his face. The biggest change of the script? Sting not joining either NWO group! That's right...at the end of last night's Nitro Sting was supposed to join the NWO Wolfpack, however, Mikey had different plans. Althought everything would probably change back to normal on tonight's Thunder at least for one night Mikey seemed like he had all the power in the world. And well...all the feedback coming from the show...his show...seemed to be positive. RING....RING....RING! Yet again the phone rang next to him on the night stand. Mikey thought again about not answering the phone but the deafening ringing was getting to him. Afterall he did get pretty tipsy last night while watching Nitro. Therefore after he could avoid the ringing no longer he picked up the phone. "WHAT!?!?" MikeyG screamed into the phone. "Is this Michael?" Oh no. Only one person called him that. That one person? J.J. Dillon.... "Yea, whats up J.J.?" "Da' Boss wants to know what time your gonna get your ASS up here today. Your running late!" Huh? MikeyG thought to himself for a second. Was Dillon being serious? Is there some chance that Bischoff didn't notice all the changes? NO WAY, Bischoff wrote the original show. MikeyG couldn't figure out what as going on. However, at the same time he didn't know what to say. "Um, tell him I'm on my way...." 'CLICK' That was it. Now it was decision time. What in the hell has he gotten himself into? Did Bischoff just want him to show up so he could personally fire him? Or maybe Bischoff wanted to take legal action due to MikeyG making the changes in the show? There were so many questions running through Mikey's head but for some reason something was telling him to get ready and head out. "Well...Whats the WORST that can happen?" From there MikeyG started to get dressed, he was about to embark on the scariest plane ride of his life. Destination? Peoria, Illinois, the sight of the WCW Thunder Tapings.
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Well, it wasn't a [B]WWF[/B] show, but... ;) No, seriously, good job. This was when I really started to get turned off by WCW, once the nWo split in two and Sting joined. The fact that you kept Sting loyal to WCW is awesome and makes more sense than him joining any version of the nWo ever did. I look forward to seeing you right the wrongs that the morons that were running WCW made. You're off to a good start.
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[QUOTE=NakedRedneck;457825]Well, it wasn't a [B]WWF[/B] show, but... ;) No, seriously, good job. This was when I really started to get turned off by WCW, once the nWo split in two and Sting joined. The fact that you kept Sting loyal to WCW is awesome and makes more sense than him joining any version of the nWo ever did. I look forward to seeing you right the wrongs that the morons that were running WCW made. You're off to a good start.[/QUOTE] It was a weird time. WCW totally missed the boat on the nWo. They had to lose eventually and WCW didn't get it. Sting selling out WCW? BLAH! I marked for it at the time because I didn't understand it as much as I do now, but what a total dumb move that was. WCW made WCW an afterthought.
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[B][I][CENTER][SIZE="7"]WCW 1998[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/RevolutionHellCowboy/logo_old_wcw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/I][/B] [I][B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Putting the Heart Back into the Business![/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/I] "WCW President Eric Bischoff" Those were the words plastered on the door in front of him. That's right. MikeyG had made it to Peoria, Illinois. However, at this point he didn't know what was going to happen. Openening the door in front of him was going to prove to be one of the scariest things of his well Professional Wrestling career...his career....as BISCHOFF's ASSISTANT? Oh come on. As he thinks of the joke that his wrestling career has come to he decides to barge into Bischoff's office. "Well, I'm here...." MikeyG blurts out as soon as the doors open. However, Bischoff has his huge chair turned towards the window and away from the door. He seems to be on the phone with....somebody. With Eric on the phone MikeyG had no other options but to sit and listen in on the conversation. "...I understand Ted...but...OH COME ON! Seriously? He's just a little snot nosed punk. He's a NOBODY! COME ON! ......" After the rambling Eric is forced to listen in on what the person on the other line is saying. After about two minutes it seems as if the man on the other line just hung up on Bischoff. "DAMNIT TED!" Bischoff then turns around in his chair and notices that MikeyG is standing there. Bischoff stands out of his chair and walks over to MIKEYG and get in his face. He goes pretty much nose to nose with the young worker and then starts screaming at the top of his lungs. " WHO IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!?" Mikey goes to answer but Bischoff cuts him off. "Shut your mouth. You ungreatful piece of dog crap. I brought you into this company off the streets. You were a nobody. I gave you a job. I gave you a chance to meet the guys in the back who you only dreamed of meeting before that. I DID THAT MIKEY....I DID!" Mikey tries to speak yet agian. " I SAID DON'T SPEAK! Listen to me and listen cloesly...if YOU EVER go BEHIND my back again not only will you be fired. But you'll be handcuffed and taken to jail. Do you realize what you did is illegal?" Mikey goes to answer him, but yet again Bischoff continues to scream. " I SAID ILLEGAL! Not to mention you changed the ENTIRE direction of the main angle of this show! Sting was supposed to be WOLFPACK! Do you understand that?" Mikey doesn't speak as he is sure Bischoff is going to cut him off. " Well....?" Bischoff actually waits for Mikey to speak this time. " I know...I know...so just turn him Wolfpack tonight? Your the boss...you can do what you want. I was just fed up with this crap...FINISHED...so I figured I'd go out with a bang." Bischoff laughs before shaking his head and then getting in Mikey's face again. "Go out with a bang? HA! Oh, your going out with a bang alright....." Mikey took that as he was being fired. So therefore, he made his way towards the door. It was over. Afterall the screaming and yelling from Bischoff it was over. After this long trip to Illinois, it was OVER. However, Mikey didn't care. He didn't have to worry about Bischoff any longer. As Mikey went to exit the room though, Bischoff spoke once again. "Where in the hell do you think you are going?" Mikey hesitated for a second and then just looked up at Bischoff who continued. "Do you think you can just pull that stunt you did and then just walk out on me like that? HELL NO! Do you realize how much buzz your little stunt caused around here? It got all the way up to Turner himself. Do you know what that means you ungreatful piece of crap?" Mikey just looked at him awaiting his response. " The OLD MAN Ted Turner....oh I can't even believe I'm saying this...he want...ugh...he wants YOU to continue to work with me. Only, instead of my assistant he says that you get to overview each and every script before it is passed out to everyone. He says to give you a little leway and see what you can do for WCW." Mikey's EYES lit up like the fourth of July. He still was unable to speak as Bischoff continued. " Do you know what that means? NOTHING! It means that I'm still your boss and I still says what goes around here...for starters...you know the stuff your doing with JERICHO? It's OVER. Jericho's OVER. If you continue to Push Jericho like you've been wanting....not only will you be fired, but I'll fire him too! You got that? Not only that...but no matter what you do Hollywood is King...Understand? That is how things are going to be run around here. PERIOD! I'll let you do a little writing and we'll see how things go. I'm still king Sh*t around here though. You got that you little weasel?" Mikey nodded. "NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY OFFICE. GET THE THUNDER PAPERWORK FROM JJ....." Mikey exited the room and both Bischoff and Mikey stood on opposite side's of Bischoff's door. On one side Bischoff shook his head and said... " DAMNIT, what have I gotten myself into!?!" However, on the other side of the door. " HOLY CRAP! I'm going to put some HEART back into this company." From there MikeyG was off.
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[I][B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]LIVE FROM Peoria ILLINOIS!! June 04,1998[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B][/I]
[I][SIZE="2"]Monday on Nitro Sting showed that his loyalty lied where it has always lied...that is World Championship Wrestling. This week on Thunder the WCW Booking Committee promises that we'll get an update on the Sting situation? What does that mean? You'll have to tune in to find out. Both NWO Factions will be at Thunder as well. Both have promised to respond appropriatly to the happenings regarding Sting on Monday? What will Luger and the NWO Wolfpack have to say? How about NWO Hollywood and the man who is actually Tag Team Champions with the Stinger, The Giant? One thing is for sure Sting definatley is turning WCW upside down yet again. All this plus Goldberg in action, Booker T vs Chris Benoit 5, and some great cruiserweight action. This is going to be a Thunder you do NOT want to miss! .[/SIZE][/I] [B][I][U]Confirmed Matches:[/U] Booker T vs. Chris Benoit (Best of Seven Series- Series Tie at 2-2) Alex Wright vs. Eddie Guerrero Perry Saturn vs Glacier Goldberg vs. Hugh Morris Plus, it seems that The Giant is telling people he will be defending the Tag Titles?
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Confirmed Matches: Booker T vs. Chris Benoit (Best of Seven Series- Series Tie at 2-2) Booker T, it'll cause great drama when Benoit comes back from 3-2 deficit. Alex Wright vs. Eddie Guerrero I'd be shocked if Alex Wright one this one Perry Saturn vs Glacier Perry Saturn will win Goldberg vs. Hugh Morris Goldbergs going to squash him, and thats no laughing matter.
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