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TCW - Failure is not an Option....Or is it?

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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][U]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tues Week 2 Jan 2009[/U][/B][/SIZE] In Mid South, USA, Attendance 5000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Clark Alexander[/B][/COLOR] to retain the [B]TCW World Title[/B] after 6 minutes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C-.[/SIZE][/B] Well not exactly an auspicious start to Rick’s title reign – was hoping for a lot better than this knowing they had good chemistry, but I guess the crowd didn’t buy into such a soft first defence. Rick wins very easily. As [B][COLOR="blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B] leaves up the ramp after a small celebration, he is confronted by the menacing figure of [B][COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine.[/COLOR][/B] They stop a few yards apart, but before they come to blows, they are separated by several other wrestlers –[B][COLOR="Blue"] Koshiro Ino, Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B],[B][COLOR="Red"] Freddy Huggins, Davis Newton.[/COLOR][/B] Also there are [B][COLOR="Blue"]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="Red"]Ronnie V Pain,[/COLOR][/B] who DO, for some reason, come to blows. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Continuing the theme of Baine seeming to have a problem with the new champ, and the Mainstream / RVP bit leads into… [B][COLOR="Blue"]Mainstream Hernandez [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="red"][B]Ronnie V Pain [/B][/COLOR]with an Apparition #14 after 6 minutes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] Ronnie is old and untalented – but has some overness to share! And Mainstream gets his bit tonight! [B][COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] is in his private locker room, when there is a knock on the door. It opens to reveal [B][COLOR="Red"]The Machines [/COLOR][/B]and Wolf invites them in. He then asks them if they are happy in the Syndicate, and tells them that he knows they always had his back, and if they ever decide that they are fed up with being [COLOR="red"][B]Tommy Cornell’s[/B][/COLOR] lackeys, then they always have a friend in him. The Machines say that they are still waiting to see what decision Tommy is going to make about the trouble that [B][COLOR="red"]The Keith Brothers[/COLOR][/B] have been causing, but that they may just take Wolf up on his offer if things go pear shaped in that area. Wolf nods and wishes them luck. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] Wolf is trying to recruit some backup – from within Cornell’s camp! [B][COLOR="Blue"]RDJ [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] in 8 minutes, when [B][COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover [/COLOR][/B]catches Jay Chord with ‘accidental’ interference, allowing RDJ to hit the Southern Justice. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] A fairly average match, and this week it is Champagne Lover’s turn to cost Jay a match (Jay having cost Lover a loss to Rocky last week). He does appear to be at ringside to help Jay, but some ‘mistiming’ sees RDJ gain the upper hand and finish things off fairly easily after that. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jason Azaria [/COLOR][/B]and [B][COLOR="red"]Nemesis[/COLOR][/B] stand in the ring, where Jason asks Nemesis about his problems with [B][COLOR="blue"]Eddie Peak,[/COLOR][/B] and why he cost himself the match last week with the chair shot? Nemesis starts to answer, but then takes a chair shot to the back from Eddie Peak, who stands over him, growling and flexing his muscles. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] This feud is not over by a long shot. [B][COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR][/B] draws with [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach [/COLOR][/B]to retain the [B]International Title[/B] when the 15 minutes time limit expires. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] Sammy gets another shot at Troy’s title tonight, and it is only the constraints of TV scheduling that appear to stop him taking the win. He is in control, and is just about to cinch in the Bach on your Back, when the bell ends the match as a draw. For once the heel gets screwed by a time limit! [B][COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert[/COLOR][/B] is immediately out to the top of the ramp, and announces that this battle is not finished tonight – it will be [B][COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR][/B] v [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] once again at Malice in Wonderland, for the International Title. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Phil rights the ‘wrong’ of Sammy not getting the win tonight, as he gives him another chance in 2 ½ weeks time. [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Gino Montero [/B][/COLOR]in 14 minutes with help from [B][COLOR="red"]Sam Keith.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] If ever there was a chance for the young Mexican to upset the former champion, it was probably tonight. Tommy looked out of sorts and nervous, clearly expecting some interference from Wolf Hawkins, but none came. But by the time he realised that, Gino had built up a head of steam, and it was only the veteran cunning of Sam Keith at ringside that might have saved Tommy from an embarrassing defeat. After the bell, [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B] grabs a microphone and addresses [B][COLOR="red"]Nemesis,[/COLOR][/B] telling him to make a world title rematch for him with [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rick Law [/COLOR][/B]for Malice in Wonderland. Nemesis grins and says it will be his pleasure to give Tommy his rightful chance to bring the gold back where it belongs. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Yet another world title match between Law and Cornell is now set – but this time, Tommy needs a clean win to get the belt – will that make anything different? [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]OVERALL RATING = B+.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]TV Ratings = 1.92 and 0.18.[/B] In [B]SWF, Shady K [/B]becomes the new [B]North American[/B] champ, as he beats [B]Squeeky McClean.[/B] It’s a short reign as he loses the belt to [B]Joe Sexy[/B] on his first defence! [B]Principessa[/B], who has looked like becoming a breakout star in 5SSW, despite only being there on development, has torn her rotator cuff and is out for a year. This also costs her and [B]Katherine Goodlooks[/B] the Tag Titles. We re-signed [B]Gino Montero[/B] to a lucrative new contract, while [B]Greg Keith[/B] signs a PPA deal with [B]RIPW,[/B] which is a little worrying. [B]Amber Allen[/B] also signs another development deal, as does [B]Clark Alexander,[/B] though he was very awkward about it, claiming that I was trying to underpay him in relation to his peers. [B]Sammy Bach [/B]goes on the radio once again and says that he likes working the opening match of the night – I get the message Sammy! [B][U][SIZE="4"]Matches announced for Week 3 January 2009:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Scout[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]John Anderson[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Tyson Baine [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Brent Hill [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Genghis Rahn [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Death Monkey [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR]
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[B]Sammy Bach[/B] v Scout [I]Bach's got an International Title shot coming up, so he needs the win more. The New Wave guys seem to be getting the booked as being 'dominant' when together, but being Jobbers to the Stars when they go it alone.[/I] [B]John Anderson[/B] v Joey Minnesota [I]This could honestly go either way, seeing as the Machines got back on the winning track two shows ago, i'll go for Anderson to pull off the win.[/I] [B]Tyson Baine[/B] v Aaron Andrews [I]Squash [/I] [B]Brent Hill[/B] v Rocky Golden [I]Machines are back on the winning track, and you don't seem particularly invested in Rocky Golden. [/I] Genghis Rahn v [B]Frankie Perez[/B] [I]Rahn's still here, when does his contract run out ?[/I] [B]Death Monkey[/B] v Steve Flash [I]Flash's call of duty is to be a veteran jobber, a talented veteran jobber but still a veteran jobber.[/I]
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First let me catch up with a couple of questions: [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;494141][COLOR=black][B]Rick Law (c)[/B] v Clark Alexander (for the TCW World Title)[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=black]I suppose Clark's only getting a shot here, as Law is a babyface 'fighting champion' so even those not really worthy of World Title contention get their chance. [/COLOR][/I][/QUOTE] I knew from house shows that they had good chemistry, so I thought I might get a solid rating out of them, while giving Rick an easy first defence. Given the C- rating - I was wrong! :p [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;494513]Genghis Rahn v [B]Frankie Perez[/B] [I]Rahn's still here, when does his contract run out ?[/I][/QUOTE] Near the end of July. The funny thing, given how much he has been jobbed (and will continue to be!) is that he is still (at the beginning of the year) my 10th most popular heel. Anyway - on with this week's show: [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tues Week 3 Jan 2009[/SIZE][/U][/B] In Mid West, USA, Attendance [/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]John Anderson[/COLOR][/B] in 10 minutes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Despite them not clicking this is a great way to open the night. The match is full of interference – as both [COLOR="red"][B]The Keith Brothers[/B][/COLOR] attack John Anderson, who is then protected by his partner, [COLOR="red"][B]Brent Hill,[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR="red"][B]Johnny Bloodstone[/B][/COLOR] takes the opportunity to get some cheap shots in on Joey Minnesota before the PPV too. Joey eventually wins it with an Empire Spiral. [B][COLOR="red"]Brent Hill[/COLOR][/B] joins [COLOR="red"][B]John Anderson[/B][/COLOR] and they challenge [B][COLOR="red"]the Keith Brothers[/COLOR][/B] to face them once again at the PPV – telling them they have had enough of their constant involvement in matters that don’t concern them. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] No real surprise that these two teams will face off once again. [B][COLOR="red"]Tyson Baine [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] in 5 minutes with a Hades Bomb. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] These two have good chemistry – in this case, that means Aaron sells all of Tyson’s dominating offence nicely! The world champion, [B][COLOR="blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B], comes out and challenges [B][COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR][/B] to face him next week on Total Wrestling – instead of constantly attacking him from behind. Baine points to Law’s title belt and agrees – so long as the title is up for grabs. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Law has got plenty of challenges ahead as champ, and can therefore do with getting the possibility of being sneak attacked out of the way. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="red"]Genghis Rahn.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] Another match in Rahn’s jobbing career! [B][COLOR="blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Brent Hill[/COLOR][/B] by DQ. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] A nice surprise – great chemistry, and it makes for a nice match, which ends when Rocky Golden is ambushed by both [B][COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="red"][B]Jay Chord,[/B][/COLOR] causing the DQ. [B][COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert[/COLOR][/B] comes out and tells [COLOR="red"][B]Champagne Lover[/B][/COLOR] and [B][COLOR="red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] that if they both want a piece of [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR][/B] so much – then they both get to fight him, in a triple threat match. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Given that both Jay and Lover have cost each other matches recently, there won’t be any love lost between them either. [B][COLOR="Red"]Death Monkey[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] The debut of the scary Death Monkey tonight, and he immediately makes a big impression, dismantling Steve Flash from the first bell, till he puts the veteran out of his misery with a Tumbling Monkey. [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]Scout [/COLOR][/B]by submission. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] The match didn’t flow very well, which is a slight surprise given that Bach normally does his own matches nicely. Anyway, the challenger for the International Title gets a good win, although he does have a small assist from [B][COLOR="red"]Lead Belly[/COLOR][/B], who jumps Scout at one point – obviously the DWB are fed up with being ignored, and want another chance to face the New Wave soon. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR][/B] comes out and starts bad mouthing [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach,[/COLOR][/B] before he is interrupted by [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell,[/COLOR][/B] who tells him that he has arranged a warm up match for Troy next week – against him! Troy freaks out, as Sammy and Tommy high five each other, before Sammy leaves first. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Looks like Troy will go into his match with Sammy after a very tough fight with Tommy next week. But before [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B] can leave too, he is blindsided by [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins,[/COLOR][/B] who gets in a flurry of punches on his former boss, before being pulled away by a horde of other wrestlers, including [COLOR="blue"][B]Aaron Andrews, American Elemental[/B][/COLOR], [B][COLOR="Red"]Rhino Umaga, The Keith Brothers [/COLOR][/B]and [B][COLOR="red"]Davis Newton.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Continues their feud, with Wolf getting the upper hand tonight. [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING = B-.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]TV Ratings = 1.89 and 0.18.[/B] A disappointing show overall – but I was kind of expecting it, given the lack of stand-out matches. In [B]5SSW, Katharine Goodlooks [/B]changes partner to regain the tag titles, winning back the title that she and [B]Principessa[/B] recently vacated, with [B]Umeko Hotta.[/B] [B]Amber Allen[/B] wins the [B]5SSW World Title[/B], defeating [B]Sensational Ogiwara[/B] in an [COLOR="Blue"][B]A-[/B][/COLOR]rated match. [B][U][SIZE="5"]Matches announced for Week 4 January:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Rick Law (c)[/COLOR] [B](for the TCW World Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover and Jay Chord [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Rocky Golden and RDJ[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Matt Keith [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Edd Stone[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] A somewhat more stacked line up this week as we build towards Malice in Wonderland 2009.
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[B]Tommy Cornell[/B] v Troy Tornado [I]Seeing as Tommy's no longer World Champion this wont be building Troy as a World Title contender, instead this will be a match where Bach can strengthen his hand for challenger of Tornado's International belt.[/I] Tyson Baine v [B]Rick Law (c)[/B] (for the TCW World Title) [I]Can't see you ever putting the big belt on Baine, who to use a McMahonverse equivalent...plays the Kane role of consistent 'Monster' Threat but not someone you're going to put the Title on.[/I] Champagne Lover and Jay Chord v [B]Rocky Golden and RDJ[/B] [I]Don't think it's quite time yet for the two brash young guns to go over a team that has someone the calibre of RDJ.[/I] Matt Keith v [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] [I]Hawkins is in the World Title mix, where as Keith is a mid-card tag teamer[/I] [B]Edd Stone[/B] v Steve Flash The always willing Flash puts another young talent over.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tues Week 4 Jan 2009[/SIZE][/U][/B] In Great Lakes, USA, Attendance 5000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]Nemesis [/COLOR][/B]opens the show in the ring – he calls out [B][COLOR="Blue"]Eddie Peak [/COLOR][/B]and says that he has never been one to go down the route of cheap shots on people (the crowd boo at such obvious hypocrisy) and so he demands to face Eddie once more – next week on Total Wrestling – but this time in a hardcore match. Eddie tells him he’s on – but that Nemesis should remember this isn’t DAVE, and it isn’t 2000 – it’s TCW and 2009, and that Eddie is now the main man – not Nemesis. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] We have another match between the two ex DAVE fighters – let’s hope it lives up to the first one! [B][COLOR="blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine [/COLOR][/B]by DQ to retain the [B]TCW World Title.[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] The announcers claim that this match is up first because there is no chance of controlling the two men backstage for the duration of the show. In reality, it’s cos I wasn’t hopeful of getting a good rating – but I’m happy to be proved wrong. Neither man sells the other’s offence at all, and Baine quickly gets frustrated and uses Law’s title belt as a weapon – getting himself immediately DQ-ed! The attack doesn’t stop there, and although [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B] fights back against [B][COLOR="red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR][/B], it is only when [B][COLOR="blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B] runs out to help fight the monster off, that order is restored. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Law takes a bit of a beating from Baine – will this affect his performance against Cornell on Sunday? [B][COLOR="Red"]Edd Stone[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash [/COLOR][/B]with a handful of tights. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D.[/SIZE][/B] The announcers say that the winner of this match will get to face[B][COLOR="Blue"] Gino Montero[/COLOR][/B] on Sunday for the [B]All Action Title[/B], and it turns out to be Edd Stone – he is off his game and Steve can’t really cover for his sloppy mistakes, but he makes no mistake at the finish, nearly pulling Flash’s trunks right down – I’m sure the network won’t be too happy at the sight of a 40+ year old arse on TV!!! [B][COLOR="red"]Jay Chord [/COLOR][/B]and [B][COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover [/COLOR][/B]are arguing backstage – with both telling the other that they better not cost them a win over [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR][/B] on Sunday. [B][COLOR="Red"]Nemesis,[/COLOR][/B] at the announce table, grabs a mic, and yells via the big screen, that they had better sort their differences out very quickly, given that tonight they team up to face Rocky Golden – and his tag team partner – [B][COLOR="Blue"]RDJ![/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] The two c0cky youngsters v Rocky and Ricky – can they co-exist? [B][COLOR="blue"]RDJ and Rocky Golden[/COLOR][/B] defeat [B][COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover and Jay Chord, [/COLOR][/B]when RDJ hits Jay with a Southern Justice. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] RDJ has been complaining about how often he has to do the job recently, so although he isn’t really part of this feud (yet!?) he takes the win, and leaves who might win at the PPV up in the air. Lover probably comes out of the match looking the best, but he can’t save his partner from defeat. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins [/COLOR][/B]comes to the ring for his match with [COLOR="red"][B]Matt Keith[/B][/COLOR], saying that he is going to wipe the floor with Sam’s son tonight – as a way of getting some little measure of revenge for The Keith Brothers’ part in his split from the Syndicate. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Wolf obviously wants to prove a point to Tommy Cornell, by taking out one of the young men who will potentially replace him in the Syndicate. [B][COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Matt Keith,[/COLOR][/B] despite [B][COLOR="red"]Greg Keith’s[/COLOR][/B] best efforts to interfere. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] A good match, but there was only ever one winner, even with Greg’s interference. [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]takes the mic before his match, and addresses [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B] – telling him that he hopes that he isn’t too badly injured from his beating earlier – but that either way, the title is returning to The Syndicate on Sunday. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A*.[/SIZE][/B] A somewhat tongue in cheek promo from Tommy – as if he cares in the least about Law’s well being! [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR][/B] with a Guilt Trip after 16 minutes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] And a great ending to the night, as Tommy and Troy do battle. With Troy facing [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] in 5 days time, it is no surprise that Sammy gets involved as well, but it is only for a few seconds before the referee sends him back to the back. Tommy is too good though – and goes into his PPV title match on a high. As soon as the bell rings though, [COLOR="red"][B]Sammy Bach[/B][/COLOR] is back out to the ring, where he, [COLOR="red"][B]Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith[/B][/COLOR] go to work on [B][COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado,[/COLOR][/B] trying to soften the International champion up before the title fight on Sunday. But then out charges [COLOR="blue"][B]Wolf Hawkins[/B][/COLOR], closely followed by [B][COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR][/B], to even up the numbers, and Tommy leads the Syndicate to the back, not wanting to fight fairly as usual. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Wolf continues to be a thorn in the Syndicate’s side, and is joined tonight by Gino. [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]OVERALL RATING = B+.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]TV Ratings = 1.99 and 0.19. [/B] [B]Eddie Peak[/B] gets into another incident backstage, this time with [B]Guide[/B]. I call him in and ask how many times he is going to behave like this? I give him a final chance, next time he will be suspended. In major [B]SWF [/B]news, [B]Jack Bruce [/B]finally drops the [B]SWF World Title [/B]to [B]Enygma[/B] in a triple threat match also involving [B]Enforcer Roberts![/B] He’s held it for 17 months, making 21 defences. Over in [B]MAW, Jack Marlowe [/B]wins the [B]Rip Chord Invitational[/B], beating their champion, [B]Giant Tana[/B] in the final. All three of Jack’s matches were the equal best of the night – with Tana, plus Texas Pete and Jay Darkness (Danny Fonzarelli) in the first two rounds (C+). [B][U][SIZE="5"]Matches announced for Malice in Wonderland PPV, Sunday Week 4 January 2009:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Blue"]Rick Law (c)[/COLOR] [B](for the TCW World Title)[/B] Rick finally beat Tommy for the title last month, thanks to Wolf Hawkins' interference. Can he retain the title tonight, and will Wolf have any influence on the result again? [COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado (c)[/COLOR] [B](for the International Title)[/B] Sammy feels that he has been robbed of winning this title after nearly beating Troy recently. Will this belt change hands, or will the champ keep his gold? [COLOR="red"]The Dirty White Boys[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]The New Wave (c) v The Dudes[/COLOR] [B](for the Tag Titles)[/B] With the more obvious challengers (The Machines and The Keith Brothers) fighting each other, it appears the New Wave have a relatively straighforward defence here. But in a triple threat match, anything can happen. [COLOR="red"]Edd Stone[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero (c) [/COLOR] [B](for the All Action Title)[/B] Edd earned his title shot this week by beating Steve Flash. Gino is a different opponent though - much younger and full of confidence. Will the party animal end Gino's party earlier than expected? [COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR] Johnny tried to take a shortcut to victory over RDJ at last month's PPV, but Joey came to RDJ's aid. Johnny didn't like that, and this match is the result. Both men are looking to move up the rankings, and a win for either here would certainly do that - which will prevail? [COLOR="red"]The Machines v The Keith Brothers[/COLOR] Sam's boys want to be part of the Syndicate - and the Machines are the ones whose places are under threat. The Machines have come out on top so far, but Greg and Matt are gaining experience and skill with every match - will tonight be when they come of age? [COLOR="red"]Jay Chord v Champagne Lover [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR] Both Jay and Lover have had recent battles with Rocky Golden, but in nearly every one, the other man has interfered, and the results have been a mixed bag. Will they be able to work together to overcome Rocky, or will they turn on each other? [QUOTE] [B][U]Quick Picks[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Blue"]Rick Law (c)[/COLOR] [B](for the TCW World Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado (c)[/COLOR] [B](for the International Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]The Dirty White Boys[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]The New Wave (c) v The Dudes[/COLOR] [B](for the Tag Titles)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Edd Stone[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero (c) [/COLOR] [B](for the All Action Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The Machines v The Keith Brothers[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jay Chord v Champagne Lover [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] All predictions and comments are welcome. :)
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[B]Tommy Cornell[/B] v Rick Law (c) (for the TCW World Title) [I]I know Wolf interfered last month, but I see him intefering again, resulting in a DQ win for Cornell (which of course means Cornell doesn't get the belt)...this in turn will set up a 3-way between Law, Cornell and Hawkins for the title next month. [/I] [B]Sammy Bach[/B] v Troy Tornado (c) (for the International Title) [I]Tornado's solid run as International champ comes to an end, as the Syndicate at-least get some gold back into the fold.[/I] The Dirty White Boys v [B]The New Wave (c)[/B] v The Dudes (for the Tag Titles) [I]Neither of the two challenging teams will bring New Waves run as the Tag champs to an end. The team who does that will be whoever comes out on top of the Keith's/Machines feud.[/I] Edd Stone v [B]Gino Montero (c)[/B] (for the All Action Title) [I]You'd have to have been out on the Party Trail with Edd himself, to take the title off one of the brightest young talents on your roster in Montero and put it on an inconistant/unreliable flake like Edd.[/I] Johnny Bloodstone v [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] [I]It's likely that one of these could well challenge for the International belt next, so seeing as I went with Bach to that win that belt, I'll go with the face here in Minnesota.[/I] The Machines v [B]The Keith Brothers[/B] [I]Machines won last time out, so the Keiths win this time round, with the obvious way to settle things being a rubber match (possibly with a gimmick) next month.[/I] Jay Chord v [B]Champagne Lover v[/B] Rocky Golden [I]Not bad for a filler match, on what I feel is a pretty stacked card. Could honestly go any of the three ways, so personal preference for this one.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TCW Malice in Wonderland [COLOR="Red"]PPV,[/COLOR] Sunday Week 4 Jan 2009[/SIZE][/U][/B] In South West, USA, Attendance 15000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"]The Machines[/COLOR][/B] defeat [COLOR="red"][B]The Keith Brothers[/B][/COLOR] by DQ, when [B][COLOR="red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR][/B] helps his sons illegally. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] Once again this matchup puts Sam Keith in an awkward position, given that he is the manager of both pairs. But he eventually reveals his loyalties, as he grabs Brent Hill as The Machine climbs to the top rope, and crotches him on the ropes. The referee clearly sees this as illegal interference and DQ’s the brothers, as Sam protests that he wasn’t doing anything! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] is backstage and he laughs at [COLOR="red"][B]The Keith Brothers[/B][/COLOR] suffering another loss – and promises that [COLOR="red"][B]Greg Keith[/B][/COLOR] will lose once again on Tuesday on Total Wrestling, when he faces the showstopper, Wolf Hawkins. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Wolf beat Matt this week – he moves onto the other (slightly better?) brother in two days time. [B][COLOR="blue"]The New Wave[/COLOR][/B] defeat [B][COLOR="Red"]The Dirty White Boys [/COLOR][/B]and [B][COLOR="blue"]The Dudes[/COLOR][/B] to retain the [B]Tag Titles.[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] Just a match to have a tag title defence on the show – I’ve almost forgotten about the division (apart from the Machines/Keiths feud) recently. So the other two teams get a rare PPV outing, but unsurprisingly aren’t able to take the New Wave’s belts, although they put up a good fight. Their past history perhaps means that they concentrate on each other a little too much, and Guide pins Mainstream for the win in the end. A spooky promo comes next – it is the newcomer to TCW, [COLOR="Red"][B]Death Monkey,[/B][/COLOR] who promises death and destruction to anyone who stands in his way (OOC: think Undertaker promos from the graveyard) [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] He’s averagely well known, but not yet the best talker in the world, but given his class in the ring, I want to change that, and soon! [B][COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="red"]Jay Chord.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] These three have had problems recently, and they go at it from the first bell. Jay Chord is first to be eliminated, as Rocky Golden makes the pin, but in turn, Rocky tastes defeat, when Lover low blows him and makes the winning pin. If both Rocky and Lover had been on their game, this could have been so much better! Backstage, [B][COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR][/B] attacks [COLOR="blue"][B]Joey Minnesota[/B][/COLOR], presumably as a message to keep out of his way, after Joey got involved in Baine’s attack on Rick Law last week. [B][COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone,[/COLOR][/B] ever the opportunist, joins in against his opponent for the night, and they leave Joey in a heap on the concrete. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Joey, who has a hard enough task to beat Johnny anyway, has just had his job made even harder by this attack. [B][COLOR="red"]Edd Stone[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR][/B] to win the [B]All Action Title,[/B] when [B][COLOR="Red"]Sam Keith [/COLOR][/B]interfered and cost Gino the title. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] A shock defeat for the young Mexican here, as Edd Stone becomes the new champion. Gino looked in control until Sam Keith sneaks out and turns the match on its head. [OOC: Gino had become far too over for this belt - so needed to drop it in order to move on.] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Gino Montero [/COLOR][/B]rolls out of the ring and confronts [B][COLOR="red"]Sam Keith,[/COLOR][/B] who tells Gino that he made a big mistake on Tuesday getting involved in Syndicate business after the Tornado/Bach match – and this was just a warning to mind his own business – he doesn’t want to make an enemy of the Syndicate. Gino says that Sam has just made this personal by costing him his title – and he wants Sam in the ring on Tuesday – if he is still man enough? Sam nods, and promises to teach Gino some respect for his elders. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] Gino doesn’t back down from the veteran, and they will go one on one on our next TV show. [B][COLOR="Red"]Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Joey Minnesota[/B][/COLOR] with a Bloodstone Mutilation. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] A great match between these two, and this could be a taste of future world title matches. Joey is clearly hampered from his earlier beating, and is on the back foot for much of the match, but he is a fighter, and gives it his all. However, Johnny is also a very impressive athlete and comes out on top despite Joey’s best efforts. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Eddie Peak,[/COLOR][/B] who doesn’t have a match tonight, gives a scary promo about what he is going to do to [COLOR="red"][B]Nemesis[/B][/COLOR] on Tuesday when they meet in their hardcore match. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Given that that match is on TV – I think I had better have a word with Eddie and make sure that he doesn’t follow through with everything – I think the censors would have a fit at some of his more extreme suggestions!! [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Troy Tornado [/B][/COLOR]by countout after [COLOR="red"][B]Death Monkey[/B][/COLOR] attacks Troy on the outside. Troy retains the [B]International Title.[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] I took the risk of a 4th match in 6 months between these two, and although it’s not a great match, it doesn’t set off any of the penalties. As usual it is a fairly even match, until Sammy throws Troy outside. Seeing Death Monkey running down the ramp, Sammy tries to gain an advantage, by distracting the referee to allow Monkey to whale away on the champion. As Monkey leaves though, the referee turns round and starts the 10 count on Troy. Sammy rolls out of the side of the ring to go and bring Troy back inside, but he in turn is surprised by the emergence of [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins [/COLOR][/B]through the crowd, who hits his former Syndicate colleague with the Full Moon Rising, to stop him getting to Troy. Wolf rolls Sammy into the ring as the countout on Troy finishes, making sure that although Sammy takes the win, he doesn’t win the title. When he recovers, [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] is furious at having been denied the title, and races backstage to [COLOR="red"][B]Phil Vibert’s[/B][/COLOR] office, where he yells at Phil that there is a double standard occurring here – that he, Sammy, was stripped of his title when he had a couple of unlucky countout / DQ losses – and now Troy keeps escaping with his belt by doing the same – and yet nothing is done. Phil says he will look into it – and tells Sammy to get out of his office. Sammy leans in close and tells Phil that he better – or else! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A*.[/SIZE][/B] Although Sammy has a point – Phil is not generally influenced by The Syndicate – Sammy should have complained to Nemesis instead! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rick Law [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B] with a Long Arm of the Law to retain the [B]TCW World Title.[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Not quite the standard of their battles early last year, but still a good end to the night. Tommy Cornell will blame [COLOR="blue"][B]Wolf Hawkins [/B][/COLOR]for this loss, as he seems to get distracted by Wolf strolling down to ringside, although there is never any physical contact between the two men. Law takes advantage of this to hit his finisher and retain his title. An angry[B][COLOR="Red"] Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]jumps out of the ring and chases a laughing [COLOR="blue"][B]Wolf Hawkins[/B][/COLOR] up the ramp. He jumps Wolf at the top, and they struggle briefly until they are pulled apart by [COLOR="red"][B]The Machines, The Keith Brothers, Sam Keith [/B][/COLOR]and [COLOR="blue"][B]Gino Montero[/B][/COLOR] – and the eight men seem to split into two rival camps – with Tommy backed by the three Keiths, and Wolf having the support of Gino and The Machines. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A*.[/SIZE][/B] The Machines are drifting further away from the rest of the Syndicate, as they seem to be supporting Wolf more than their boss, Tommy. [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]OVERALL RATING = B+.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]PPV Buy Rate = 2.75.[/B] In surprising news, [B]CWWF[/B] is founded this month – by [B]Marc Speed![/B] [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] defeats [B]Jack Marlowe[/B] to take the[B] CZCW [/B]title. Thanks again to Tigerkinney for his predictions - you win a Gino Montero action figure to make up for the disappointment of his title loss!! [B][U][SIZE="5"]Matches announced for Week 1 Feb 2009:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Death Monkey[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Rick Law (c)[/COLOR] [B](for the TCW World Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Nemesis[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Eddie Peak[/COLOR] [B](in a hardcore match)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Greg Keith[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jay Chord [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tues Week 1 Feb 2009[/SIZE][/U][/B] In Mid Atlantic, USA, Attendance 7289[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota [/COLOR][/B]comes to the ring and talks to the crowd, apologizing for losing to [B][COLOR="Red"]Johnny Bloodstone [/COLOR][/B]at the PPV, but saying that it was the sneak attack by Johnny and [B][COLOR="red"]Tyson Baine [/COLOR][/B]that caused the loss, and he is determined to revenge that result at this months PPV – if Johnny is man enough to face him fairly. Bloodstone comes out and says that all’s fair in love and war – and he is quite happy to beat the hell out of Joey once more. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] This could be a great feud, so let’s keep it going for now. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="red"]Greg Keith[/COLOR][/B], despite [B][COLOR="red"]Matt Keith [/COLOR][/B]helping his brother. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Wolf continues his revenge mission against The Syndicate and their associates, and he makes it wins against both of the Keith boys here. Once again, the other brother tries to help, but can’t influence the result. As [B][COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins [/COLOR][/B]celebrates the win, both the [B][COLOR="Red"]Keith Brothers[/COLOR][/B] attack him at the same time, and with the extra man, plus the element of surprise, they get the upper hand, leaving Wolf down on the mat, not moving. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] The Keiths are trying to get into Tommy Cornell’s good books – and beating Wolf up is a great way to go. [B][COLOR="red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR][/B] in 8 minutes with a Cradle Piledriver. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D.[/SIZE][/B] Unfortunately they don’t click – now that’s a surprise with Steve Flash in this game! Jay is out to reverse a few losses last month, and Flash hasn’t been in the best of form either. Jay takes the win, and will be looking at Rocky Golden after this once again. [B][COLOR="Red"]Sam Keith [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero [/COLOR][/B]with the Proton Lock, after blatantly cheating. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] A good match despite Gino being off his game. Gino controls most of the match, but Sam uses every dirty trick in the book to set up the Proton Lock – from which no-one escapes. [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] bursts into [COLOR="red"][B]Phil Vibert’s [/B][/COLOR]office and repeats his claims to get [B][COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado [/COLOR][/B]stripped of the [B]International Title[/B]. Phil tells him that isn’t possible but says that he has looked at Sammy’s recent record and thinks that he is better suited to challenging for a different belt – so he gives Sammy the choice – does he want to face Troy once more for the International Title, or does he want to face [B][COLOR="blue"]Rick Law [/COLOR][/B]for the [B]World Title[/B], given that [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]has already booked himself a match against [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins?[/COLOR][/B] Sammy is surprised – and decides (obviously) that he will challenge Rick Law at the next PPV. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Sammy is far too over for a secondary title (even though I have actually made the International Title a main event belt) – so he now moves into the top tier of TCW. [B][COLOR="blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Death Monkey[/COLOR][/B] in 11 minutes to retain the [B]TCW World Title.[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] The newcomer gets to challenge immediately for the World Title, but despite his huge potential, he is never going to win it tonight – Law makes a good, but routine defence. [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]now talks about [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins, [/COLOR][/B]calling him every name under the sun, from traitor, to backstabber etc. He reminds Wolf that he is living on borrowed time – he may be able to beat the Keith Brothers, but Tommy is a different proposition. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A*.[/SIZE][/B] Hypes up the main event for the PPV some more – let’s just hope it lives up to my (high) expectation of it! [B][COLOR="Red"]Nemesis[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]Eddie Peak[/COLOR][/B] in a hardcore match. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] Hugely disappointing – I guess my crowds really don’t like hardcore matches! Eddie fights extremely hard – but Nemesis gets the win tonight, due to the assistance of most of the Syndicate – [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell, Sammy Bach [/COLOR][/B]and [B][COLOR="red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR][/B] all help him out, given that the referee can do nothing to control them in this type of match. And when the match finishes, [COLOR="red"][B]Sam Keith[/B][/COLOR] directs the other three – [B][COLOR="red"]Nemesis, Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]and [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] to destroy [B][COLOR="Blue"]Eddie Peak [/COLOR][/B]some more. Peak is taking some awful punishment, when the cavalry eventually arrives in the shape of [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law [/B][/COLOR]and [B][COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins,[/COLOR][/B] to chase the Syndicate away. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Law and Wolf get involved with their PPV opponents – and I’m sure that Eddie will respond to Nemesis’ actions too. [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="5"]OVERALL RATING = B-.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [B]TV Ratings = 1.89 and 0.18.[/B] Well getting that show wrong nearly costs me my international status – gotta be careful again now! And what’s more, [B]Eddie Peak[/B] and [B]Sammy Bach[/B] come to blows backstage – apparently Eddie felt that Sammy was being somewhat over zealous in the beating that he received at the end of the show, and the two men had to be held apart for real backstage. Despite Eddie being on a last warning, I can see his point this time, but remind him that these things happen – and after all – has he never gone slightly over the top while dishing out a ‘beating’ on TV? He’s still extremely unhappy with everything though. [B]Tamara McFly [/B]becomes the head booker of [B]CWWF.[/B] Signed a deal to show Total Wrestling in Mexico. Extended my deal in Canada for a further 3 seasons, and also set up a B show (finally) to air on a Thursday, in USA. [B][U][SIZE="5"]Matches announced for Week 2, Feb 2009:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]RDJ[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Brent Hill [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Edd Stone (c)[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR] [B](for the All Action Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Ronnie V Pain [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR]
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[I]Shame about the Nemesis/Peak match not working out for you, I guess you'll be avoiding hardcore from now on ?[/I] [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] v RDJ [I]Cornell's still going to be in the World Title mix and his feud with Hawkins is now heating up, RDJ on the other hand looks as if he's gradually being transitioned into the gate-keeper to the main event type role.[/I] Brent Hill v [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] [I]Minnesota's getting a more focused push[/I] Edd Stone (c) v [B]Gino Montero[/B] (for the All Action Title) [I]You said that Gino's too good for this belt already, so Gino will win but by some way that Edd keeps the title, like Edd deciding to take some Chicken**** heel count out, lets take a powder on purpose loss.[/I] [B]Champagne Lover[/B] v Rocky Golden You don't seem all that into Rocky, and Lover's just better regardless. Ronnie V Pain v [B]Frankie Perez[/B] [I]Pain continues to job to the young talent[/I]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tues Week 2 Feb 2009[/SIZE][/U][/B] In New England, USA, Attendance 7206[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring and calls out [B][COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover.[/COLOR][/B] He berates him for using a low blow to defeat him at Malice in Wonderland, and challenges Lover to meet him fairly tonight. Lover laughs and tells Rocky that it doesn’t matter when or where they meet – he will always be the better looking, fitter, more attractive and definitely more intelligent man – not to mention the better wrestler, and therefore he will be glad to take Rocky apart once more. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] Gives Rocky a chance for some revenge – although he did beat Lover last month – so perhaps it’s the rubber match? [B][COLOR="Blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="red"][B]Edd Stone[/B][/COLOR] when [B][COLOR="red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR][/B] attacks Gino. Edd retains the [B]All Action Title.[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] Gino has his mandatory rematch tonight, and although he gets some measure of revenge, since he wins the match, Sam Keith’s interference costs him the title once again. Edd was once again off his game – if he keeps doing that, it could be a short reign with the belt! [B][COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Ronnie V Pain. [/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C-.[/SIZE][/B] Another in the series of matches where the older members of the roster pass the baton to younger better fighters – and Ronnie didn’t even complain about doing the job – unlike some I could mention! Shame he was off his game though, as this might have been a fairly decent match otherwise. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Koshiro Ino [/COLOR][/B]approaches [COLOR="red"][B]Phil Vibert[/B][/COLOR] backstage and says that he hasn’t had much to do since he beat Tyson Baine several weeks ago, and given that Phil moved Sammy Bach away from challenging for the [B]International Title[/B] last week, he was wondering if he could have the next shot at [COLOR="blue"][B]Troy Tornado[/B][/COLOR]. Suddenly the lights start flickering and [B][COLOR="Red"]Death Monkey [/COLOR][/B]walks into shot, and he states that he wants a shot too. Phil shivers and tells them to sort it out in the ring next week – the winner of Koshiro Ino v Death Monkey will face Troy next. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] And so a no 1 contenders match is set for a week’s time. [B][COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Golden [/COLOR][/B]following interference from [COLOR="red"][B]Jay Chord.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] It’s a good match between these two – Lover using his technique to try and overcomes the size and power of Rocky. Like their match a few weeks ago, the end comes with interference from Jay Chord – but unlike that match when Jay cost Lover the win, tonight it’s Rocky who comes off worst. [B][COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert[/COLOR][/B] is now accosted by [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ,[/B][/COLOR] who has been notable by his absence for the past few weeks. He tells Phil that he wants [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]once again – now that Tommy no longer has the title, he has a few scores to settle with the leader of the Syndicate. Phil shrugs and agrees to the match – tonight! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] RDJ has patiently waited to get another chance to face Tommy – and takes an early opportunity now. [B][COLOR="red"]Brent Hill[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B] with a King of the Hill. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] When I saw this finish, I was confused – I’m sure I told the guys that Joey was to go over – oh well! It’s a really nice match anyhow – but right now I’m slightly at a loss to give a storyline as to why it ended like this! The World Champion, [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law[/B][/COLOR], comes out to great cheers, and he says that he is excited to face someone else apart from Tommy Cornell for the title, and he looks forward to beating another member of the all-powerful Syndicate, when he faces [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] at The War to Settle the Score in just over 2 weeks. But, he says, the title is going nowhere. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A*.[/SIZE][/B] Law is unbelievably popular right now – and Sammy is catching fast! [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B] defeats[B][COLOR="Blue"] RDJ [/COLOR][/B]when [B][COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] tries to hit Tommy with the Full Moon Rising, but nails RDJ instead. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Not as good as their matches last year, but still solid all the same. RDJ wants to finally get a win over Tommy, but is cost that chance when Wolf levels him with the Full Moon Rising, and Tommy locks in the Guilt Trip. [B][COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins [/COLOR][/B]rolls back into the ring and he and [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]go nose to nose. But as is now usual, the locker room empties to keep the two former friends apart – foremost in this role, as usual, are [COLOR="red"][B]The Machines [/B][/COLOR]and [B][COLOR="red"]The Keith Brothers,[/COLOR][/B] along with [B][COLOR="red"]Death Monkey[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="red"]Sam Keith.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Can’t beat these momentum boosting angles! [B][COLOR="red"][SIZE="5"]OVERALL RATING = B.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]TV Ratings = 1.95 and 0.19.[/B] [B]Scout [/B]re-signs on much improved terms. [B]American Elemental [/B]and [B]Primus Allen[/B] also re-sign. [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;495817][I]Shame about the Nemesis/Peak match not working out for you, I guess you'll be avoiding hardcore from now on ?[/I][/QUOTE] Yeah - not gonna try that again in a hurry! [QUOTE]Brent Hill v [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] [I]Minnesota's getting a more focused push[/I][/QUOTE] Your pick was correct (like all your other ones this time) but I must have been rushing when I booked the match, and forgot to change the name of the winner over from Brent to Joey. Given that I'm a couple of months ahead actually playing the game, it's funny how one simple mistake like this can affect the fortunes of the two wrestlers in ways that I was never expecting / planning. That'll probably give you a clue as to what picks to make when either of these two have matches in the near future! [B][U][SIZE="5"]Matches announced for Week 3 February 2009:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado (c) [/COLOR] [B](for the International Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Death Monkey [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Koshiro Ino [/COLOR] [B](International title No 1 contenders match)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Eddie Peak[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The Keith Brothers [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR] [B](in a handicap match)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Genghis Rahn[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR]
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Johnny Bloodstone v [B]Troy Tornado (c[/B]) (for the International Title) [I]Should be a good match but with no build, Tornado should retain.[/I] [B]Death Monkey [/B]v Koshiro Ino (International title No 1 contenders match) [I]Should be a pretty even hard-hitting contest. Seeing as the champ is face, and monkey is heel I think Monkey takes the win.[/I] Sam Keith v [B]Eddie Peak[/B] [I]Keith's a (supposedly retired) jobber to the stars these days.[/I] The Keith Brothers v [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] (in a handicap match) [I]Not a good day at the office for the Keith family, as Sam's son's just aren't over enough to derail Hawkins momentum.[/I] Genghis Rahn v [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [I]Genghis has been on job duty for months now.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tues Week 3 Feb 2009[/SIZE][/U][/B] In North West, USA, Attendance 5000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]The Keith Brothers[/COLOR][/B] in 10 minutes in a handicap match. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] After Wolf has beaten the two brothers individually, he takes them both on at once tonight – and comes out victorious. Let’s be honest – in both the ‘singles’ matches, the non-competing brother was very involved anyway – so he is used to fighting both of them! [B][COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR][/B] comes down to the ring and runs down [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B], asking why he has to face him again, having beaten him last month, and also with Joey having lost to [B][COLOR="Red"]Brent Hill[/COLOR][/B] last week. Joey comes out and says that everyone is allowed one slip up – and he is going to make sure that Johnny slips up both tonight in his match, and also at the PPV when he will beat Johnny. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] With that loss last week, Joey took quite a hit to both his overness and momentum – but I still wasn’t expecting quite this lack of reaction to this segment! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="red"][B]Genghis Rahn.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] Their good chemistry makes this relatively good (for Rahn!) but his jobbing tour continues. Don’t worry Genghis – there’s only 5 months left on your contract – you can go somewhere else and get a few wins then! [B][COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR][/B] comes out and tells everyone that [B][COLOR="Red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR][/B] has really got under his skin – having now cost him the All Action title on two separate occasions, plus having cheated to win their match two weeks ago. He mocks Sam, saying that obviously old age has caught up with him – the Sam Keith he looked up to as a kid would have been able to get the job done without cheating. Sam comes out and tells Gino that he can beat him with one hand tied behind his back – so Gino dares him to prove it (metaphorically) – at The War to Settle the Score, an offer that Sam accepts angrily. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] Gino gets a rematch – but will Sam outwit him yet again? [B][COLOR="Blue"]Koshiro Ino[/COLOR][/B] draws with [COLOR="red"][B]Death Monkey[/B][/COLOR] when the referee DQ’s both men for refusing to obey his commands. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] This match is to decide who faces [COLOR="blue"][B]Troy Tornado[/B][/COLOR] at the PPV, and it is a very good match, as Death Monkey is quickly becoming a go-to guy for impressive matches. The ending leaves the question of who gets the title shot up in the air. Stay tuned for Phil’s decision next week! [B][COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR][/B] comes out and says that he was going to discuss the [B]International Title [/B]match at the PPV – but since he doesn’t yet know who his opponent will be, he will talk about tonight’s defence instead – where he meets [B][COLOR="Red"]Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR][/B]. He says that Bloodstone is a great fighter – but has a definite attitude problem – and he intends to beat some of that out of the Canadian tonight. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] Another slightly low rating – maybe it’s Johnny that is the problem? [B][COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="red"][B]Johnny Bloodstone[/B][/COLOR] to retain the [B]International Title[/B] in 13 minutes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] A solid enough match, but perhaps Troy has half an eye on the PPV already. He is struggling a touch, when [COLOR="blue"][B]Joey Minnesota[/B][/COLOR] strolls down to ringside and engages Johnny in a war of words about their future match, and this allows Troy to focus and eventually end things with the Star Maker. [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] now gets to talk about his first ever world title shot, against [B][COLOR="blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B], at the PPV, and he finally gets the crowd going tonight, generating plenty of heel heat as he puts down Rick Law throughout, ending by claiming that The Syndicate will not only regain the gold in his match, but will put away the thorn in their side, when [COLOR="red"][B]Tommy Cornell [/B][/COLOR]destroys ‘that ungrateful whining kid’ as he describes [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Sammy knows how to fire up the crowd, and this show needs it so far – if the main event doesn’t deliver, I think I’m going to drop to cult again very shortly. [B][COLOR="blue"]Eddie Peak[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Sam Keith,[/COLOR][/B] despite [COLOR="red"][B]Nemesis[/B][/COLOR] trying to help Sam throughout. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] It’s a solid match – but is it enough? Eddie hasn’t really performed that last couple of shows that he has been asked to headline, and Sam is getting on a bit now, so… Eddie gets some momentum back after his loss to Nemesis a couple of weeks ago – especially as he has to fend off his…err…nemesis during the match. As [B][COLOR="red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="red"]Nemesis[/COLOR][/B] look to attack [B][COLOR="Blue"]Eddie Peak[/COLOR][/B] after the bell, Eddie is joined from the crowd by [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law[/B][/COLOR] and [B][COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins.[/COLOR][/B] Wolf grabs a mic, as Nemesis and Sam Keith back up the ramp, and he challenges [COLOR="red"][B]Nemesis[/B][/COLOR], along with [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell and Sammy Bach,[/COLOR][/B] to face him, Eddie and Rick next week, in a six man tag match. Tommy and Sammy come out to join the two veterans and they accept, telling the faces that they aren’t going to make it to the PPV after next week. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] A good way to end the show – and we have a huge main event for next week set! [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]OVERALL RATING = B.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]TV Ratings = 1.93 and 0.19.[/B] Yet another incident involving [B]Eddie Peak[/B] is reported to me – this time involving [B]Jason Azaria[/B]. Much as I want to just let it go, since he’s already mad at me, and he’s involved in that main event that was just set up for next week, I now have no choice but to suspend Eddie for a month. All the advertising for the match is changed, and [B]Gino Montero[/B] is substituted for Eddie, given his problems with the Syndicate at the moment. His blowoff singles match with Nemesis will have to wait a few weeks as well! Let's just hope that a few weeks without pay will change his attitude somewhat. [B]Principessa[/B] is flown back to USA for surgery on her rotator cuff - did I mention she had hurt herself badly fighting for 5SSW? The surgery goes well and she is expected to be back a couple of months earlier than planned – although it will still be nearly the end of the year before she can fight again. But she can still give out T-shirts on our B show when it starts! [B][U][SIZE="5"]Matches announced for Week 4 Feb 2009:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell, Nemesis and Sammy Bach [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins, Rick Law and Gino Montero[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Matt Keith[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado (c)[/COLOR] [B] (for the International Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]John Anderson [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]RDJ[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jay Chord [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Freddy Huggins[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR]
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[B]Tommy Cornell, Nemesis and Sammy Bach[/B] v Wolf Hawkins, Rick Law and Gino Montero [I]Could honestly go either way, but I think the heels take this[/I] Matt Keith v [B]Troy Tornado (c)[/B] (for the International Title) [I]Routine T.V defence for Troy and some valuable experience for one of the Keith brothers[/I] [B]John Anderson[/B] v RDJ [I]While think you're trying to push Anderson, and RDJ has kind of stalled. I still think you want to keep RDJ relatively strong, and as Anderson's beef is with Minnesota, I think Joey gets involved and costs him the match.[/I] Jay Chord v [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] [I]I get the feeling from your comments, that your 'mistake' with having Hill go over Minnesota a few shows back, may have had irreversible damaging effects on Minnesota's push. Still despite that I'd expect Minnesota to go over Chord here.[/I] Freddy Huggins v [B]Steve Flash[/B] [I]A rare sighting of the lesser spotted Freddy Huggins, Huggin's is so lesser spotted that I think Mr Bad Chemistry himself might well pick up a win.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;496898][B]John Anderson[/B] v RDJ [I]While think you're trying to push Anderson, and RDJ has kind of stalled. I still think you want to keep RDJ relatively strong, and as Anderson's beef is with Minnesota, I think Joey gets involved and costs him the match.[/I][/QUOTE] Unless I've got myself confused, I think you are here - I reckon you've got your John's mixed up - it's Bloodstone that is feuding with Joey! Anderson is still feuding with The Keiths. [QUOTE]Freddy Huggins v [B]Steve Flash[/B] A rare sighting of the lesser spotted Freddy Huggins[/QUOTE] I had to LOL at that remark! [QUOTE=pack4life69;496947]I dont post much on the forums but I just wanted to say that this is most entertaining dynasty I've read and keep up the good work. I have a 11 month TCW game going and i like to compare it with what I'm doing.[/QUOTE] Thankyou - I appreciate the comment, and hope I can keep it going. In fact: [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tues Week 4 Feb 2009[/SIZE][/U][/B] In South East, USA, Attendance 6879[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] Slightly disappointing opener tonight, as two talented men meet and produce only an average match. Joey picks up a win to give him a boost going into his match with [B][COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR][/B] on Sunday, and this is despite Johnny’s best efforts to cost him another match, as he attacks Joey constantly. However, this is somewhat evened out by [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Golden’s [/COLOR][/B]presence at ringside too, as he has unfinished business with Jay Chord at the PPV as well. [OOC: Yeah, Joey has been hurt by the loss, but as you pointed out TK, not enough to lose to Jay here!] Backstage, we see [B][COLOR="Red"]Death Monkey[/COLOR][/B] attacking [B][COLOR="blue"]Koshiro Ino[/COLOR][/B], and he is joined in this attack by [B][COLOR="red"]Tyson Baine,[/COLOR][/B] who is always eager to hurt Ino. The Japanese star is left down and out on the floor. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Monkey and Baine work over the man that has just as legitimate a claim to face [B][COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR][/B] as Monkey does. [B][COLOR="Red"]Freddy Huggins[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash,[/COLOR][/B] when [COLOR="red"][B]Laura Huggins[/B][/COLOR] interferes to earn her brother a rare victory! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C-.[/SIZE][/B] Indeed – it’s not only a (very) rare victory, it’s just a rare appearance on a main show at all for Freddy – and he makes the most of the chance, by beating the veteran, with help from his sister. I'm now trying to think of a daft gimmick that the lesser spotted Huggins family can use. Any thoughts? :p [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="red"][B]Sam Keith[/B][/COLOR] are backstage, standing in between the two warring teams of [B][COLOR="red"]The Machines[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="red"]The Keith Brothers[/COLOR][/B]. Tommy tells both teams that he wants to see how they get on individually on Sunday against each other – and that his final decision about who will remain, or join, the Syndicate, will be determined by those results. It will be [B]John Anderson v Matt Keith [/B]and [B]Brent Hill v Greg Keith.[/B] He also says that he is looking at John and Matt’s matches tonight for some clues as well. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] So it’s not going to be another Machines v Keiths tag match at the PPV – they will face off in singles action instead. [B][COLOR="Blue"]RDJ[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="red"]John Anderson,[/COLOR][/B] when [B][COLOR="Red"]Greg Keith [/COLOR][/B]distracts Anderson. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] An excellent match, as the "Human Arsenal" faces the former TCW champ, RDJ. Anderson is more than holding his own throughout, but allows himself to be distracted by Greg Keith at the wrong moment, and this costs him the match, RDJ hitting the Southern Justice for the win. We cut to [B][COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert’s [/COLOR][/B]office where he is working. Suddenly, [B][COLOR="red"]Death Monkey[/COLOR][/B] just seems to materialize in front of him, and tells Phil that apparently [B][COLOR="Blue"]Koshiro Ino[/COLOR][/B] met an unfortunate ‘accident’ earlier, and has been sidelined from wrestling by the medics for a week. Therefore Death Monkey claims to be the sole contender for [B][COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado’s[/COLOR][/B] [B]International Title[/B], and demands that Phil makes the match official. Phil, who looks somewhat shaken at Monkey’s sudden, and spooky, appearance, reluctantly agrees to sanction the match. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Monkey’s ‘accidental’ attack has done the trick – it’s put Ino out of the title picture and earned him a shot at a title very quickly. [B][COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Matt Keith[/COLOR][/B] despite [B][COLOR="red"]Greg Keith [/COLOR][/B]helping his brother. Troy retains the [B]International Title[/B] once more. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Great chemistry helped this one enormously, and gets the crowd buzzing. Troy goes into the match with Death Monkey on a high, and Matt Keith must have impressed Tommy Cornell immensely with his performance here. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law [/B][/COLOR]come out to the ring, where [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell, Nemesis and Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] are waiting for their six-man tag match. They tell their opponents that [B]Eddie Peak [/B]has no-showed tonight for the match, which they are not happy about – but that they have found a replacement – and that is [B][COLOR="Blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR][/B]. The Syndicate start laughing at this, now expecting an easy victory. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Having booked the match to include Eddie last week, his suspension has left a hole – and it is filled by the talented Mexican, who gets to main event the show - and for the spectators who don't read the internet dirt sheets telling of Eddie's suspension, this explains the change in personel. [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell, Sammy Bach and Nemesis [/COLOR][/B]defeat [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law, Wolf Hawkins and Gino Montero[/B][/COLOR], when Sammy Bach forces Gino to submit to the Bach on your Back, after Gino is attacked by his PPV opponent, [COLOR="red"][B]Sam Keith.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] So nearly the match that I wanted, but not quite. Tommy avoids Wolf throughout, but with Sam Keith’s presence at ringside, The Syndicate still have more than enough people to fight the faces. Indeed, it is Sam that costs Gino the chance of a win, as Gino gets double teamed by Sam and Sammy, and has to tap to Sammy’s submission finisher. [B][COLOR="red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR][/B] grabs a microphone after the match, and he is joined by [COLOR="red"][B]Tommy Cornell and Sammy Bach [/B][/COLOR]as they taunt the three men that they will meet individually at the PPV – [B][COLOR="Blue"]Gino Montero, Wolf Hawkins and Rick Law [/COLOR][/B]– about this loss tonight – and that it will be three more defeats for them on Sunday. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Nemesis isn’t needed for this bit – as he now can’t renew his rivalry with Eddie Peak for a while – so the others hype up the PPV matches. [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]OVERALL RATING = B+.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]TV Ratings = 1.96 and 0.19.[/B] Well, it’s a B+, but it can only just be one! [B]Seiji Jimbo[/B] gave a radio interview where he said that he had formed an unlikely friendship with [B]Lead Belly[/B] – ooiii Seiji – stop breaking kayfabe – you’re a face and Lead is a heel - not only that - you're going to be feuding with the DWB over the next few months on (mostly) the B show! [B][U]Matches announced for The War to Settle the Score [COLOR="red"]PPV,[/COLOR] Sunday Week 4 Feb 2009:[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR] Possibly the most anticipated match in TCW history, it's been two months since Wolf's face turn and interference in Tommy's loss to Rick Law cost his former boss the World Title. Can Wolf show that he was right all along - that Tommy was justifiably scared to face Wolf for the title, or will Tommy put the young upstart in his place? [COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Rick Law (c)[/COLOR] [B](for the TCW World Title)[/B] In all the to-do around the Cornell/Hawkins match, the World Title match at this PPV has been overshadowed. Rick Law has beaten Tommy Cornell twice to get to this point, but now goes up against a man who will be looking to bring the World Title back to the Syndicate. It may be Sammy's first world title shot, but Rick had better not relax and under-estimate the high flying Bach. [COLOR="red"]Death Monkey [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado (c)[/COLOR] [B](for the International Title)[/B] The long standing champion, Tornado faces the newcomer to TCW, Death Monkey, and the strange, spooky one has made a big impact since his arrival. He took out the other potential challenger in Koshiro Ino last week with help from Tyson Baine, but will he be able to wrest the title away from Troy? [COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR] These two have been feuding for a while now, generally with Johnny managing to come out on top, one way or the other. Can Joey turn his fortunes around and shock the former NOTBPW champ? [COLOR="red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR] Another rivalry where Sam has been in charge so far. But Gino is gaining experience every week, and if he can avoid falling prey to Sam's veteran cheating tactics, he could shock Keith with a victory. [COLOR="red"]Greg Keith [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Red"]Brent Hill[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Matt Keith [/COLOR]v [COLOR="red"]John Anderson[/COLOR] These two matches were set by Tommy Cornell this week to help decide the possible future make up of the Syndicate. The Machines have edged their tag matches so far, but not as convincingly as you might expect against two kids. Will they finally shake off the challenge of the Keith Brothers, or will one (or both) of them be defeated here? [COLOR="red"]Jay Chord [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR] Rocky has had problems with both Champagne Lover and Jay Chord the past few months. Jay has generally come out on the losing side, mostly through Lover's influence, will this continue tonight, or will he step up to the plate and show that Rocky really is just a talentless hoss? Predictions and comments are most welcome. Thankyou all for reading. Quick Picks: [QUOTE][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Rick Law (c)[/COLOR] [B](for the TCW World Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Death Monkey [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado (c)[/COLOR] [B](for the International Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Greg Keith [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Red"]Brent Hill[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Matt Keith [/COLOR]v [COLOR="red"]John Anderson[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jay Chord [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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Tommy Cornell v Wolf Hawkins [B](Time Limit Draw- Old school !)[/B] [I]Can't honestly decide on this one, I think Hawkins will ultimately win the feud, otherwise it won't be worth it, but I can't see him winning the first match, on the other hand it might hurt the momentum he's built up by dropping the first contest. As they've both got the Stamina levels to go long, I'm going to call this one as good old fashioned (30 min ?) time limit draw. [/I] Sammy Bach v [B]Rick Law (c) [/B](for the TCW World Title) [I]Stranger things have happened, but I just don't see Bach being the one of end Law's World Title run.[/I] Death Monkey v [B]Troy Tornado (c)[/B] (for the International Title) [I]Ino gets some revenge by denying Death Monkey the International Title, to furthe build their feud. Tornado's also putting together a nice run with this belt now. [/I] [B]Johnny Bloodstone[/B] v Joey Minnesota [I]One booking error and someone's push is heading for the toilet and that's the push of Joey Minnesota, sorry Joey but you're now stuck in mid-card limbo for all eternity.[/I] Sam Keith v [B]Gino Montero[/B] [I]The so not retired Sam Keith, is there to do one thing and that's to put up-coming stars over......there's one thing you can say about good old Sam, and that he's a real team player.[/I] [B]Greg Keith[/B] v Brent Hil Matt Keith v [B]John Anderson[/B] [I]Could be the other way round, but I see these teams splitting these pair of singles matches.[/I] [B]Jay Chord[/B] v Rocky Golden [I]Chord puts this feud to bed, maybe it's time to move Rocky down to the B-Show and bring up the lesser spotted Huggins in his place.[/I] __________________________________________________________ Just a suggestion, it would be interesting to see the results of the B-Show just to see what's happening with some of your much un-used (on the A-Show) lower carders, even if it's just a very brief recap of the results with a match grade. Something like this............ [B]TCW- Lesser Spotted:[/B] Freddy Huggins bt Ronnie V Pain (D) Edd Stone bt Aaron Andrews (D+) Brent Hill bt Steve Flash (C+)
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;497637]Just a suggestion, it would be interesting to see the results of the B-Show just to see what's happening with some of your much un-used (on the A-Show) lower carders, even if it's just a very brief recap of the results with a match grade. Something like this............ [B]TCW- Lesser Spotted:[/B] Freddy Huggins bt Ronnie V Pain (D) Edd Stone bt Aaron Andrews (D+) Brent Hill bt Steve Flash (C+)[/QUOTE] The B-show (called (unimaginatively) The Future) doesn't go to air until March - but it will get a write up each week, since most of the stories in the All Action division, the Women's division, and even some of the other stories, will be progressed on that show rather than the main show. And jeez - you're expecting Brent Hill to carry Steve Flash to a chemistry-destroyed C+ match? I know Brent's good but..... ;)
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TCW The War to Settle the Score [COLOR="Red"]PPV[/COLOR], Sunday Week 4 Feb 2009[/SIZE][/U][/B] In South West, USA, Attendance 15000 (Sold Out!)[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jason Azaria[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR="red"][B]Nemesis[/B][/COLOR] welcome everyone to the show and remind the audience that tonight’s main event is between [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]and his former protégé, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B], who is described by Nemesis as a ‘snake’, much to Jason’s disgust. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Gives the crowd an immediate reminder of the huge grudge match later on in the show. [B][COLOR="blue"]Shawn Doakes[/COLOR][/B] interviews the veteran, [B][COLOR="Red"]Sam Keith,[/COLOR][/B] about his match tonight against the teenager, [COLOR="blue"][B]Gino Montero.[/B][/COLOR] Sam tells him that he beat Gino a few weeks ago, and that wrestling is more about the whole package, than about fancy gymnastic moves. Shawn cheekily asks if the whole package includes cheating, at which point Sam just tells him to shut the hell up, and he stalks off to the ring. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] Sam gets the chance to run his mouth before his match – well he is technically a manager nowadays – so he gets to talk here! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Gino Montero [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="red"][B]Sam Keith[/B][/COLOR] with a Montero Press after 11 minutes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] And that’s the way to start a PPV. The match pans out pretty much as the pre match interview hinted – Gino hitting lots of high-risk offence, while Sam tries to slow things down and take any cheap shots that he can. But the referee is aware of what Sam is trying, and is on him quickly whenever he does try any illegal tactics, and this allows Gino to pick up an excellent win over a former world champion. As [B][COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR][/B] starts to celebrate, [B][COLOR="Red"]Nemesis[/COLOR][/B] gets up from the announce table and taking a mic, he tells Gino that one win means nothing – you have to prove over many matches, many years, that you are a star. Gino replies that he is willing to prove that any time that Nemesis dares step into the ring with him. Slightly surprised at the youngster’s boldness, Nemesis agrees to face Gino on Total Wrestling next week. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] With [B]Eddie Peak[/B] suspended, Nemesis has someone else to fight now. [B][COLOR="red"]Brent Hill[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="red"][B]Greg Keith[/B][/COLOR] with a King of the Hill. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] Brent Hill keeps up his winning record against the Keiths as he schools young Greg, and it is round 1 to the Machines as the four men try to prove their worth to the Syndicate. [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] is preparing for his [B]World Title [/B]challenge against [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B], and he has a few words for the champ, telling him that he should be prepared for a war – he may not be as big as Rick, but he is going to leave it all out there to bring some gold back to the Syndicate tonight. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Sammy is gold on the mic, and he gets some great (heel) reactions to his promo. [B][COLOR="blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord, [/COLOR][/B]when [B][COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover [/COLOR][/B]nails Rocky over the head, causing a DQ. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] Not a great match, and it ends suddenly with Lover’s appearance and interference. When [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR][/B] comes to, and is told what happened, he grabs a mic and confronts [B][COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover,[/COLOR][/B] who tells Rocky that he is simply better than him, and that his actions tonight prove that – Jay and Rocky fight for 10 minutes with no conclusion looking imminent, but as soon as Lover appears, he finishes the match. Rocky says that Lover will have every chance to finish another match on Tuesday as he demands a rubber match between them on our TV show, where he will destroy Lover once and for all. Lover agrees, laughing at Rocky’s optimism at the result! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] Rocky is fed up with having two opponents all the time – about time that he and Lover finally sorted things out. It’s the [B]International Champion[/B], [B][COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado’s[/COLOR][/B] turn to speak now. He tells [B][COLOR="Red"]Death Monkey[/COLOR][/B] that his methods of getting the 1 on 1 title shot are totally out of order, and he wishes [B][COLOR="Blue"]Koshiro Ino [/COLOR][/B]a swift return to the ring. He goes on to promise that such attacks will not result in a title change tonight. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] A very confident promo from Troy, as he heads into another title defence. [B][COLOR="red"]Matt Keith[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]John Anderson[/COLOR][/B] by DQ. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] Matt proves tougher to put away for John, than Greg did for Brent Hill, and Anderson gets more and more frustrated at the resilience of the youngster. Eventually this spills over and he resorts to smashing the announcers’ monitor over Matt’s head, at which point the referee calls for the bell. [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]comes out to the ring along with [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B]. He tells the crowd that Sammy has now been officially named as the no 2 man in the Syndicate. He then addresses the [B][COLOR="red"]Keith Brothers[/COLOR][/B], telling them that he has been very impressed with them, despite the fact that they have generally been on the losing end of most of their matches. However, he says, that will soon change, as he is offering them the chance to be part of the Syndicate. Matt and Greg glance at each other and accept the offer. Tommy then goes on to say that the future of [B][COLOR="red"]The Machines[/COLOR][/B] will be announced on Tuesday. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] So the Syndicate has expanded to include Sam’s boys. But where does that leave Brent Hill and John Anderson? [B][COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="red"]Death Monkey[/COLOR][/B] to retain the [B]International Title[/B] when [B][COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR][/B] attacks Troy, resulting in another DQ. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] Superb match, even though apparently they struggled a bit with the psychology during the match. Back and forth it went, with both men getting near falls, until Tyson Baine lumbers down to the ring, and while Death Monkey keeps the referee occupied, he hits a Hades Bomb on Troy. But then Baine seems to lose focus on helping Monkey, and just sees red, wanting to hurt Tornado. He goes for another Hades Bomb, but this time the referee notices the attack and ends the match in Troy’s favour. But the bell cannot stop the attack, and [COLOR="Blue"][B]Troy Tornado [/B][/COLOR]suffers further attacks from both [B][COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine [/COLOR][/B]and [B][COLOR="red"]Death Monkey[/COLOR][/B], when to cheers from the crowd, the tag champions, [B][COLOR="Blue"]The New Wave [/COLOR][/B]race out from the back to chase Troy’s attackers away. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Scout and Guide make the save, but why are they even here, given they don’t have a match tonight? [B][COLOR="Red"]Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR][/B] cuts a promo on his opponent tonight, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota.[/COLOR][/B] He tells Joey that he beat him last month and he should expect exactly the same tonight. He ends by telling Joey that he is not in his league, and to quit now before he gets badly hurt. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] A better promo tonight from Johnny, as he belittles Joey. It’s now the World Champion, [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law[/B][/COLOR], who gets to talk. He says that he is glad to have a new challenge in [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B], but that Sammy shouldn’t get his hopes up – the title is going nowhere. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A*.[/SIZE][/B] Law is insanely popular – let’s just hope his wrestling is as impressive tonight! [B][COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B] by submission after [B][COLOR="Red"]Floyd Goldworthy [/COLOR][/B] (Johnny's manager, in case you'd forgotten) costs Joey a possible win by nailing him from behind with a chair. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] It’s a good solid match, but just not spectacular. Joey looks to be building a head of steam when Floyd’s chair shot changes the course of the match. Johnny locks in the Bloodstone Mutilation to pick up another dubious win over Joey. [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B] is now talking about [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins,[/COLOR][/B] calling him an ungrateful little ********. (censored by the PPV carrier!) He promises to put Wolf back in his place tonight, and make him regret turning on the Syndicate. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] A solid promo from Tommy, but not as good as he has done at times before – perhaps he is focusing on Wolf so much that his mind isn’t on talking? [B][COLOR="blue"]Rick Law [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach [/COLOR][/B]to retain the [B]TCW World Title [/B]with a Long Arm of the Law after 20 minutes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Again they get the psychology note, and that possibly drags the rating down a little. Sammy gives it his all, as promised, but Law keeps the belt with a resounding finish. The final promo of the night comes from [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B], who tells [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B] that he is finally free of the oppression of the Syndicate, and that will show tonight as he proves who really was the star of the show. He tells Tommy that his panic at Wolf possibly challenging him for the title is understandable, given that Wolf is the better wrestler, and the future of TCW. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A*.[/SIZE][/B] Fantastic, forceful promo from Wolf, who is clearly pumped up for their main event. [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] with the Guilt Trip after interference from [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B]. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] And the match doesn’t live up to the hype. Jason and the announce team can’t keep up, and perhaps the intensity of the match stops it being a classic. It’s all very even throughout, and Sammy is needed to tip the scales in Tommy’s favour, causing his predecessor as Tommy’s number 2 to fall to the Guilt Trip. As Sammy returns to the back, job done successfully, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins [/COLOR][/B]faces off once again to [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B], and they take a swing at each other. But out of the crowd jump [B][COLOR="red"]The Machines[/COLOR][/B], and inevitably [B][COLOR="red"]The Keith Brothers[/COLOR][/B] soon appear to face off with them. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="red"]Jay Chord [/COLOR][/B]also come out – for some unknown reason? [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A*.[/SIZE][/B] Another brawl between Tommy and Wolf (plus supporters) to close the show – one that started so well, and tailed off a little at the end. [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]OVERALL RATING = B+.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]PPV Buy Rate = 2.45. [/B] I decided to end the parent / child relationships with [B]5SSW[/B] (now that all my female workers are back with me in preparation for our B show) and [B]BSC[/B] (who I never actually sent anyone to). [B]Taddiyuki Kikkawa[/B] regains the [B]King of Fighters Title [/B]in [B]INSPIRE[/B] from [B]Raul Hughes.[/B] Well since Tigerkinney is the only predictor this month, he gets to select the merchandise of his choice as his prize for winning all the contests! [B][U][SIZE="5"]Matches announced for Week 1 March 2009:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Total Wrestling:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Nemesis[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado (c) [/COLOR] [B](for the International Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Brent Hill [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Matt Keith v John Anderson[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="4"]The Future (B Show):[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Edd Stone (c) [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental[/COLOR] [B](for the All Action Title)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Amber Allen[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle [/COLOR] [B](Womens Title tournament 1st round)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Katherine Goodlooks[/COLOR] [B](Womens Title tournament 1st round)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Davis Newton and Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]The Dudes[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Bulldozer [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Seiji Jimbo[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR]
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Don't know where my old prediction nemesis Hyde Hill has disappeared to ? :p What sort of merchandise do you have on offer ? T-Shirts, Posters, video's, bobbleheads ? I've noticed Wanda Fish is on the roster, so can I have a Wanda Fish poster. [B]Total Wrestling:[/B] Nemesis v [B]Gino Montero[/B] [I]Nemesis' only steps back in the ring to do one thing these days and that's to 'put some one over' which is just a nicer way of saying, he's doing the job.[/I] Tyson Baine v [B]Troy Tornado (c)[/B] (for the International Title) [I]So we've sparked up this feud again. Tornado to win via DQ....Baine to deliver another beat-down aftewards, can see this heading towards some sort of Last Man Standing stip, to finally blow things of between these two.[/I] [B]Brent Hill[/B] v Joey Minnesota [I]Brent's on something of a roll, and all because of a booking error, while Minnesota is now in a slump.[/I] Matt Keith v [B]John Anderson[/B] [I]Sam helps out, but it backfires and he gets caught, meaning that Anderson picks up the DQ win[/I] Jay Chord v [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] [I]Hawkins only lost to Tommy, because of Bach but he can't afford to lose this match and he should beat Chord comfortably.[/I] [B]Champagne Lover[/B] v Rocky Golden [I]Lover puts this one to bed with a clean victory and Golden moves down to mostly working the B-Show.[/I] [B]The Future (B Show):[/B] Edd Stone (c) v [B]American Elemental[/B] (for the All Action Title) [I]I don't see Edd holding the belt for too longer, but I don't see it changing hands on the B-Show, so he sneak by with a win here. Saying that I don't even think he'll win, he'll retain by being counted out. [/I] Amber Allen v [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] (Womens Title tournament 1st round) [I]Brazzles more experienced[/I] [B]Wanda Fish[/B] v Katherine Goodlooks (Womens Title tournament 1st round) [I]Fish is in a whole different league[/I] Davis Newton and Kirk Jameson v[B] The Dudes[/B] [I]The Dudes are a little more established[/I] [B]Bulldozer[/B] v Seiji Jimbo [I]Same with Bulldozer[/I] Casey Valentine v [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Ditto for Andrews, though it wouldn't surprise me if one these matches go the way of one of the 'newcomers'[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;498829]Don't know where my old prediction nemesis Hyde Hill has disappeared to ? :p What sort of merchandise do you have on offer ? T-Shirts, Posters, video's, bobbleheads ? I've noticed Wanda Fish is on the roster, so can I have a Wanda Fish poster. [/QUOTE] Yeah Hyde is conspicuous by his absence recently. The Wanda Fish poster is on its way to you - signed with lots of love by the lady herself! :D On with the show: [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][U]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tues Week 1 March 2009[/U][/SIZE][/B] In Tri State, USA, Attendance 7943[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Jay Chord [/COLOR][/B]in 9 minutes with a Full Moon Rising. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] A nice opener to get Wolf back on track after losing to Tommy on Sunday, and he duly disposes of Jay Chord. It is notable for the lack of interference from the Syndicate – perhaps Tommy doesn’t feel they have anything to worry about from Wolf anymore? Speaking of [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B] – he is out the back, and addresses the crowd. He says that [B][COLOR="red"]The Machines [/COLOR][/B]have got to prove they are worthy of being part of the Syndicate tonight – and therefore [B][COLOR="red"]Brent Hill[/COLOR][/B] will have to face [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota,[/COLOR][/B] and beat him again, to prove that his win last month wasn’t a fluke. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Brent gets a tough test to prove his worth – but who will John Anderson have to face? [B][COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Tyson Baine[/COLOR][/B] to retain the [B]International Title,[/B] despite interference from [B][COLOR="red"]Death Monkey.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] These two meet tonight for Troy’s title, and it is their first meeting since last March. Their awkward chemistry stops it being a great match, but given that I knew about that, it is good for what it’s there for. Troy avoids Baine’s attacks for the most part, and even the assistance of Death Monkey can’t stop Tyson falling to the Star Maker. And just like at the PPV, [COLOR="red"][B]Death Monkey and Tyson Baine[/B][/COLOR] don’t take kindly to the defeat, and they double team [B][COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado[/COLOR][/B], until once again, [COLOR="blue"][B]The New Wave [/B][/COLOR]make the save. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] And we look to be heading for some kind of showdown between the New Wave and the strange alliance of Death Monkey and Tyson Baine. [B][COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR][/B] with a Champagne Sunrise. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] And the decider between these two – with both having one singles victory over the other in recent weeks. Hardly surprising that it is Lover who emerges victorious, as he is definitely more the future of this company than Rocky is! [B][COLOR="red"]Nemesis[/COLOR][/B] climbs into the ring and runs down [B][COLOR="Blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR][/B] just like he did at the PPV. Gino comes out to respond and another argument brews between the two before their match later tonight, as to whether Gino deserves respect for his accomplishments in the past year, or whether he can only earn that over many years like Nemesis. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Just hyping up the main event for tonight a little more. [B][COLOR="red"]Matt Keith[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="Red"][B]John Anderson[/B][/COLOR] with a Proton Lock after [COLOR="red"][B]Sam Keith[/B][/COLOR] interferes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] And the answer to whom Anderson needs to beat tonight to remain in the Syndicate is answered. He gets a chance at revenge on Matt Keith, but can’t take that chance, as Sam Keith again comes down firmly on his son’s side. [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]comes out to a furious [B][COLOR="red"]John Anderson [/COLOR][/B]and tells him that he has blown it – he is out of the Syndicate. Anderson faces off with Tommy, and tells his former boss that he doesn’t care any more, and that he was sick of constantly doing Tommy’s dirty work anyway. Tommy tells him that that was all he was good for, at which point Anderson challenges Tommy to put up or shut up – next week in the ring. Tommy is amused by this challenge – but accepts, telling Anderson that it will the final nail in his coffin. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] And so we have another member leaving the Syndicate – this time not by choice (like Wolf) but being kicked out in favour of the younger pairing of the Keith Brothers. [B][COLOR="red"]Brent Hill [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR][/B] with a King of the Hill after 13 minutes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Brent Hill looks to have kept his place in the Syndicate as he repeats his shock victory over Joey Minnesota from a few weeks ago. [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]and [B][COLOR="red"]The Keith Brothers [/COLOR][/B]come out to join [COLOR="red"][B]Brent Hill [/B][/COLOR]in the ring, where they congratulate him on his performance, and Tommy goes on to explain how the Syndicate will work from now on – he is obviously still in charge, with [COLOR="red"][B]Sammy Bach[/B][/COLOR] as the no 2. The Keiths will be targeting the tag titles, while Brent Hill will be the enforcer of the group, with [COLOR="red"][B]Sam Keith [/B][/COLOR]as the manager. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] The slightly re-vamped Syndicate (minus Sammy) gives a show of unity. But then their little back slapping jolly ends when [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins [/COLOR][/B]appears at the top of the ramp and tells [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]that things aren’t over between them – Tommy cheating to win at the PPV doesn’t sit well with Wolf, and he is wants Cornell again at the end of the month – but this time there is to be no interference. Tommy laughs and tells Wolf that isn’t going to happen. Wolf says that he will see about that – this is not the end of the matter. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Will Wolf get another chance to beat Tommy, or not? [COLOR="red"][B]Nemesis[/B] [/COLOR]defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR][/B] with his feet on the ropes. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Gino always performs, and tonight he and Nemesis put on a good match, despite their totally different styles. In the end it is perhaps Nemesis’ experience (and his cheating!) that prevails as he uses the ropes to assist a pinfall for the victory. [OOC - while your comments were totally right that Nemesis is there to put the kids over, Tigerkinney, he does need to win against them as well in order to be still thought of as a threat, instead of a washed up colour commentator! Besides - although this feud with Gino will continue, he still has Eddie Peak to face once Eddie returns from suspension :)] In an attempt to cheer up the crowd after a heel dominated show, the World Champion, [B][COLOR="blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B], comes out and reminds everyone how he beat [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach [/COLOR][/B]on Sunday. He goes on to issue an open challenge for anyone to face him for his title at the next PPV, saying that he fears no one and predicting another successful title defence. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Rick gets a nice pop to close the show – but who will step up to his challenge? [COLOR="red"][B][SIZE="5"]OVERALL RATING = B+.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [B]TV Ratings = 1.90 (USA), 0.20 (Canada) and 0.15 (Mex).[/B] [B][U]And now for the premiere of our B Show:[/U][/B] [CENTER][B][U][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="5"]TCW The Future Thurs Week 1 March 2009[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] In Mid Atlantic, USA, Attendance 1319[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert[/COLOR][/B] welcomes everyone to the premiere of [B]The Future[/B], and tells the crowd that an eight-woman tournament this month will crown the first ever[B] TCW Women’s Champion [/B]at the next PPV. Tonight we see the first match in that tournament, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR][/B] v [COLOR="red"][B]Amber Allen[/B][/COLOR]. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] Tried to use Phil's star power (he's pretty much at 100% everywhere in North America) to boost the opening segment, but as yet, the girls aren't at all known in USA. Now if this was in Japan, there would be a much greater interest, after their impressive work in 5SSW. [B][COLOR="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Amber Allen[/COLOR][/B] with a Miracle Connection. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C.[/SIZE][/B] Great match given their overness (or lack of it!), with Suzanne advancing to the semis. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] I can't remember whether I ever mentioned that Aaron had literally NO momentum at the start of the game - hence why he has really not featured as you might expect in a TCW diary. But working against other youngsters with far less overness will hopefully boost his momentum up somewhat, and make him a viable threat in a few months time. [B][COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert [/COLOR][/B]comes back out to announce tonight’s second tournament match – it is [COLOR="red"][B]Wanda Fish[/B][/COLOR] v [B][COLOR="Blue"]Katherine Goodlooks.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C-.[/SIZE][/B] Wanda is slightly better known than most of the other women, and she's a great fighter too - hence... [B][COLOR="Red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]Kat Goodlooks[/COLOR][/B] with a Dish of the Day. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] Not as good a match as the first women's one, since they don’t click. Wanda will now face Suzanne in the semis in two weeks time. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Shawn Doakes[/COLOR][/B] interviews [COLOR="blue"][B]Steve Flash,[/B][/COLOR] who says how happy he is to finally be part of the big leagues, and now he is going to show all the kids that age is no barrier to success. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D-.[/SIZE][/B] The only barrier to Steve’s future success is his lack of charisma, which will stop him being re-signed if it doesn’t improve rapidly before his contract runs out! [B][COLOR="Red"]Bulldozer[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]Seiji Jimbo [/COLOR][/B]with a Dozer Driver. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C-.[/SIZE][/B] Good big man v good small man - you do the maths! [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Dudes[/COLOR][/B] give a promo about how good they are, and how they are going to dominate The Future, before moving back into the top division of TCW to take out the tag titles. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C+.[/SIZE][/B] Excellent promo from these two. [B][COLOR="blue"]The Dudes[/COLOR][/B] defeat [B][COLOR="Red"]Davis Newton and Kirk Jameson.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] The match doesn’t quite live up to the promo, but the Dudes back up their words with a win nevertheless! The All Action champion, [COLOR="red"][B]Edd Stone[/B][/COLOR] gives a c0cky promo about his title defence tonight against [B][COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental[/COLOR][/B], calling it a foregone conclusion. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] Wow - that's some promo from Edd! [B][COLOR="Red"]Edd Stone [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]American Elemental[/COLOR][/B] by using the ropes for leverage to retain the [B]All Action Title.[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C-.[/SIZE][/B] A solid enough title defence, and Edd reminds the viewers that he is prepared to do anything to keep the belt as he cheats to win. [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="5"]OVERALL RATING = C-.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]TV Rating = 0.14.[/B] Ended the working relationship with [B]NOTBPW[/B] – at least for the moment! [B]Greg Keith[/B] is offered a touring contract with [B]WLW[/B] - which might have something to do with my decision! [B]Optimus[/B] regains the[B] BHOTWG Junior Title [/B]– for the tenth time! And so our first B show goes fairly smoothly - the rating is unimportant, but even with that in mind, I still want the regular viewer to have some stories to follow - the first of which is the Women's Title tournament this month. [B][U][SIZE="5"]Matches announced for Week 2 March 2009:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE="5"]TOTAL WRESTLING:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell v Human Arsenal[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Greg Keith[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Rick Law (c)[/COLOR] (for the TCW World Title) [COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Guide[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Champagne Lover [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]RDJ[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Koshiro Ino[/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="5"]THE FUTURE:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="blue"]Raven Nightfall v Jaime Quine [/COLOR] [B](Women's Title Tournament 1st round)[/B] [COLOR="red"]Agent 69[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Joanne Rodriguez [/COLOR] [B](Women's Title Tournament 1st round)[/B] [COLOR="red"]The Dirty White Boys [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Clark Alexander and Chance Fortune[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"The Lesser Spotted" Freddy Huggins[/COLOR] v [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Primus Allen [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett [/COLOR]v [COLOR="blue"]Teddy Powell[/COLOR]
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[I]That C for the Suzanne Brazzle- Amber Allen match must have come as a pleasant surprise, I suspect that expectations were low for that one but it turned out to be the match of the night on the B-Show. [/I] [B][U][SIZE=5]TOTAL WRESTLING:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR=black][B]Tommy Cornell[/B] v Human Arsenal[/COLOR] [I]Cornell wins with a bit of help from the rest of the syndicate, they'll then deliver a beat-down on Arsenal that will turn the former syndicate man face. Actually an attempted beat-down with Arsenal fighting back would be cooler.[/I] [COLOR=black] Greg Keith v [B]Rick Law (c)[/B] (for the TCW World Title) [I]Law's not going to drop the World Title to one of Tommy's lackeys.[/I] [B]Sammy Bach[/B] v Guide [I]Bach's the new Wolf Hawkins, so as the Syndicates No.2, he should be kept strong with plenty of wins.[/I] Champagne Lover v [B]RDJ[/B] [I]Now Lover's finally done with Rocky, maybe he can start moving up the card, however I think RDJ's still a few rungs up the ladder than where Lover will be aiming for next. [/I] [B]Johnny Bloodstone[/B] v Koshiro Ino [I]Bloodstone seems to be have slightly more momentum behind him than Ino, a win for either man could help either man's claims for a shot at the International Title. [/I] [B][U][SIZE=5]THE FUTURE:[/SIZE][/U][/B] Raven Nightfall v [B]Jaime Quine[/B] (Women's Title Tournament 1st round) [I]The wrestling in this could be terrible for all I care, as I'll be watching this regardless, as these two fine ladies are HOT ! As for the match itself, Raven Nightfall has the experience edge, so I'll expect her to advance.[/I] Agent 69 v [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] (Women's Title Tournament 1st round) [I]Got to go with J-Ro. She edges Agent 69 in the looks department and is also the far better wrestler. Pretty good womens division you've managed to put together.[/I] [B]The Dirty White Boys[/B] v Clark Alexander and Chance Fortune [I]DWB are at least and established tag team, while Clark and Chance appear to be two random jobbers thrown together.[/I] [B]"The Lesser Spotted" Freddy Huggins[/B] v Steve Gumble [I]Be interesting to see how you can work the Lesser Spotted thing as a gimmick, but he definately should go over Gumble. [/I] Primus Allen v [B]Steve Flash[/B] [I]Primus could be a built as a dominant monster heel on the B-show but I don't see him going over Flash at this point in time. What's the reckoning this match gets ruined by bad chemistry.[/I] [B]Jacob Jett[/B] v Teddy Powell [I]Coin flip, I think Jett has more potential, so I'll go with him.[/I] [/COLOR]
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TOTAL WRESTLING: [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] v Human Arsenal Greg Keith v [B]Rick Law[/B] (c) (for the TCW World Title) [B]Sammy Bach[/B] v Guide Champagne Lover v [B]RDJ[/B] [B]Johnny Bloodstone[/B] v Koshiro Ino THE FUTURE: Raven Nightfall v [B]Jaime Quine[/B] (Women's Title Tournament 1st round) Agent 69 v [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] (Women's Title Tournament 1st round) [B]The Dirty White Boys[/B] v Clark Alexander and Chance Fortune [B]"The Lesser Spotted" Freddy Huggins[/B] v Steve Gumble [B]Primus Allen[/B] v Steve Flash [B]Jacob Jett[/B] v Teddy Powell
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This diary is too good not to predict :D TOTAL WRESTLING: Tommy Cornell v [B]Human Arsenal[/B] [I]- DQ[/I] Greg Keith v [B]Rick Law[/B] (c) (for the TCW World Title) [B]Sammy Bach[/B] v Guide Champagne Lover v [B]RDJ[/B] [B]Johnny Bloodstone[/B] v Koshiro Ino THE FUTURE: Raven Nightfall v [B]Jaime Quine[/B] (Women's Title Tournament 1st round) Agent 69 v [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] (Women's Title Tournament 1st round) [B]The Dirty White Boys[/B] v Clark Alexander and Chance Fortune [B]"The Lesser Spotted" Freddy Huggins[/B] v Steve Gumble [B]Primus Allen[/B] v Steve Flash Jacob Jett v [B]Teddy Powell[/B]
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Welcome to predicting, Astyn and Azzmartin. Let's see how you got on: [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tues Week 2 March 2009[/SIZE][/U][/B] In Mid South, USA, Attendance 8916[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] is attacking his opponent for the night, [B][COLOR="Blue"]Guide[/COLOR][/B], backstage. In total control, Sammy glances round and sees [B][COLOR="Red"]John Anderson[/COLOR][/B] walking past. He yells at Anderson to come and help him take out the New Wave member. Anderson comes over…and grabs Sammy and violently suplexes him into some backstage equipment. He leans over the fallen Bach, and hisses that Sammy can’t order him around any more – and nor can Tommy Cornell. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] And [B][COLOR="Blue"]John Anderson’s[/COLOR][/B] face turn goes very nicely, as he ignores the chance to attack Guide, his long-term tag rival, and instead takes out his former Syndicate ally, Sammy Bach. [B][COLOR="Red"]The Keith Brothers[/COLOR][/B] enter [COLOR="red"][B]Phil Vibert’s [/B][/COLOR]office and demand a tag title match against the[B][COLOR="Blue"] New Wave[/COLOR][/B] at the next PPV, saying that they have removed the Machines from contention and therefore they are the rightful challengers. Phil tells them to go away, that he is busy, and he will let them know next week whether they get the title shot. He also tells Greg to get out to the ring – as his singles match is next! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Greg and Matt don’t waste any time in pressing their claims to a title shot. [B][COLOR="blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Greg Keith[/COLOR][/B] to retain the [B]TCW World Title.[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] And Greg’s match can’t be a bigger test as he gets a shot at Rick’s title. Unfortunately they don’t click, but given this is the opening match of the night, that’s not a huge problem. Law makes a fairly routine defence of his crown. [B][COLOR="red"]Sam Keith,[/COLOR][/B] who was at ringside with his son for his match, is joined in the ring by [COLOR="red"][B]Nemesis,[/B][/COLOR] and they have a good laugh about Nemesis beating [B][COLOR="Blue"]Gino Montero [/COLOR][/B]last week, and how “us veterans” are better than these snotty nosed youngsters. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] Has Gino bitten off more than he can chew taking on both of these two former champs? [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Guide[/B][/COLOR] with a Bach on your Back. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] A funny match this one – Sammy was off his game, they have good chemistry, the match lacked psychology, and both are still feeling the effects of what happened backstage earlier! Still it ended up fairly good, and Sammy emerges victorious to further his claims for another shot at Rick Law’s title. After the bell, [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach[/COLOR][/B] refuses to release the submission hold, and things are looking extremely bleak for [B][COLOR="Blue"]Guide [/COLOR][/B]when [COLOR="Red"][B]Death Monkey and Tyson Baine [/B][/COLOR]run out and start stomping on him, getting some revenge for The New Wave stopping them destroying Troy Tornado recently. But Guide’s partner, [COLOR="blue"][B]Scout [/B][/COLOR]is quickly out to try to help, and when [B][COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado [/COLOR][/B]also emerges from the back, the heels beat a hasty retreat. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Furthering the potential feuds between all these men in one segment. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Gino Montero [/COLOR][/B]now comes out and asks [COLOR="red"][B]Sam Keith[/B][/COLOR] exactly how he feels that he got one over on Gino last week? Sam appears and responds that his old friend did the job for him – at which point Gino laughs and says that that sounds about right – since Sam can’t get the job done himself! When Sam disputes this, Gino tells him to prove it, once and for all, by the two of them having a deciding match at the PPV. Sam agrees. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B-.[/SIZE][/B] Sam seems to drag these segment ratings down a bit at the moment, but anyway – we have another match arranged for Just Another Day PPV. [B][COLOR="blue"]RDJ [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Champagne Lover[/COLOR][/B] with a Southern Justice. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] A very good match here, as RDJ is trying to re-establish himself as a viable top contender, and Champagne Lover is trying to move onwards and upwards from his feud with Rocky Golden. Lover is in control for large portions of the match, but RDJ mounts his usual fightback near the end, and picks up an excellent victory. We cut to a pre-recorded video. The scene is in what appears to be a graveyard, and there is smoke billowing around. [COLOR="red"][B]Death Monkey [/B][/COLOR]appears and talks in a whisper about spreading death and destruction to everyone in TCW, starting with [B][COLOR="Blue"]Troy Tornado [/COLOR][/B]and his [B]International Title[/B]. He goes on to say that [B][COLOR="Red"]The Angel of Death[/COLOR][/B] will ensure that destruction, and as he says this, the monstrous figure of Tyson Baine appears, flexing his muscles – they will create Hell on Earth! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] And the connection between the two is finally admitted openly – the Death Monkey and the Angel of Death (the new/old name for Tyson Baine) forming a spooky stable/tag team, with Troy Tornado as their first official target. [B][COLOR="red"]Johnny Bloodstone [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Blue"]Koshiro Ino[/COLOR][/B] with a Bloodstone Mutilation. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B.[/SIZE][/B] Ino’s return from the injuries caused by [B][COLOR="Red"]Hell on Earth[/COLOR][/B] is not a happy one, as Bloodstone pushes his claims for some kind of title shot with a straightforward victory. [B][COLOR="red"]Phil Vibert [/COLOR][/B]is walking backstage when [B][COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR][/B] appears and demands another shot at [COLOR="red"][B]Tommy Cornell[/B][/COLOR]. Before Phil can reply, [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach [/COLOR][/B]also appears and says that HE should get another shot at [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law[/B][/COLOR]. They start arguing, and Phil eventually settles things by making a match for next week between them, with the winner of that match getting the match that he wants. However – the loser does NOT get their desired match! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A*.[/SIZE][/B] So Wolf will face Sammy next week – if Wolf wins he faces Tommy at the PPV, and Sammy misses out, but if Sammy wins, then he not only gets another World Title shot, but also keeps Wolf away from Tommy. [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]Human Arsenal[/COLOR][/B] with the Guilt Trip, after interference from [B][COLOR="red"]Sammy Bach.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating B+.[/SIZE][/B] They have great chemistry, and this could possibly have been brilliant if I hadn’t jobbed Arsenal for the last couple of weeks (ie lost overness and momentum). John Anderson has given up the shades and suit image that he had in the Syndicate and has gone back to his old Human Arsenal persona now, and he takes the fight to Cornell throughout. Tommy is no slouch himself, but is certainly not the dominant figure we normally expect, and it takes some assistance from Sammy Bach to completely swing the match in his favour, as he puts away the challenge from his former associate. [B][COLOR="red"]Tommy Cornell [/COLOR][/B]grabs the mic and tells [B][COLOR="Blue"]Human Arsenal[/COLOR][/B] that three consecutive losses just proves that his decision to expel Arsenal from the Syndicate was the right one, and that only winners are part of his group. He is interrupted by [B][COLOR="blue"]Wolf Hawkins,[/COLOR][/B] who asks where all the gold in TCW is these days – that’s right – none of it is held by the Syndicate anymore! Tommy drops his mic and charges up the ramp at Wolf, and they struggle briefly before security can part them. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating A.[/SIZE][/B] Whether or not Wolf beats Sammy Bach next week – his feud with Tommy is far from over, judging by this. [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]OVERALL RATING = B.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]TV Ratings = 1.96, 0.20 and 0.14.[/B] Over in [B]PGHW, [/B]we have the first [B][COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR][/B] match of 2009 – [B]Kunomasu and Vessey defeat Team Dynasty 2000[/B]. Signed [B]Mitch Naess [/B]on a PPA deal – I’ve been getting the occasional note about[B] Jason Azaria’s [/B]announcing not being up to standard in our main events. [B]James Justice[/B] regains the [B]USPW World Title [/B]from [B]Bruce the Giant [/B]– given that Bruce has turned down their recent contract offer, that is hardly surprising! Bruce also takes a loss before leaving USPW to [B]Colossus (Hells Bouncer)![/B] [CENTER][B][U][COLOR="blue"][SIZE="5"]TCW The Future Thurs Week 2 March 2009[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] In New England, USA, Attendance 1477[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="blue"]Raven Nightfall [/COLOR][/B]defeats [COLOR="blue"][B]Jaime Quine.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D-.[/SIZE][/B] Raven moves into the semis of the women’s tournament - Jaime is very much jobber material at the moment, whereas Raven at least does have a bit of a cult following in the USA already. [B][COLOR="blue"]Randall Hopkirk [/COLOR][/B]hypes his new client, [COLOR="Blue"][B]Steve Flash’s[/B][/COLOR] match tonight against [B][COLOR="Red"]Primus Allen.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating E.[/SIZE][/B] Not great – but I’m determined to try and improve Flash’s charisma if I can, so I can re-sign him – I’ve put him with Randall (who retired from in ring competition a few weeks ago) as he is a better talker than Jasmine Saunders (Flash's previous manager) is. The crowd doesn’t care! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR][/B] defeats [COLOR="red"][B]Primus Allen.[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D-.[/SIZE][/B] At 8 minutes long, the crowd though Flash should have won more easily – but Primus fought hard - and there was no bad chemistry! [B][COLOR="blue"]J-Ro [/COLOR][/B]defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Agent 69.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D.[/SIZE][/B] And J-Ro is the final semi finalist – she will face Raven in the semis - well there was never much doubt about that was there? [B][COLOR="red"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR][/B] comes to the ring to talk about her semi final next week against [B][COLOR="Blue"]Suzanne Brazzle[/COLOR][/B]. After hearing a few of Wanda’s insults, Suzanne comes out and things get physical – but their match is set! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] It’s the best bit of the night so far – a catfight is always good for ratings lol. [B][COLOR="blue"]Teddy Powell[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="Red"]Jacob Jett.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating E+.[/SIZE][/B] Wow – well they don’t click, but that still doesn’t explain the pure awfulness of this match. Nuff said! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Mitch Naess,[/COLOR][/B] our new announcer, introduces the four losing quarter finalists in the women’s tournament, in a bikini contest. [COLOR="blue"][B]Jaime Quine [/B][/COLOR]is announced as the winner, defeating [COLOR="Red"][B]Amber Allen, Agent 69 [/B][/COLOR]and [B][COLOR="Blue"]Kat Goodlooks.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] None of these girls are well known, but hopefully I can get them all more popular – both through their matches, and from their looks! :p [B][COLOR="Red"]Freddy Huggins[/COLOR][/B] defeats [B][COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] Both are looking to impress enough to get a shot at the All Action Title – Freddy advances his cause more than Steve does. And I'm still trying to think of a legitimate "lesser spotted" gimmick Why does my mind keep thinking of bird spotters - have him come out with the silly hat and a whistle? :eek: [B][COLOR="red"]The Dirty White Boys[/COLOR][/B] approach [B][COLOR="Blue"]Shawn Doakes[/COLOR][/B] at the announce desk. They say they understand he is the GM of the Future brand, and as such they want him to speak to [B][COLOR="Red"]Phil Vibert[/COLOR][/B] and get them onto the All Stars brand, so they can fight for the tag titles. Shawn says he will have a word. [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D+.[/SIZE][/B] Well if you were the 160lb Shawn – would you refuse the two 300lb+ bikers' request? ;) [B][COLOR="red"]The DWB[/COLOR][/B] defeat [B][COLOR="Blue"]Clark Alexander and Chance Fortune.[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Rating D.[/SIZE][/B] The DWB put forward their case in the ring as well as to Shawn, with an easy win. [B][COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews[/COLOR][/B] comes out and challenges [B][COLOR="Red"]Edd Stone[/COLOR][/B] to defend his title against him next week here on The Future. Edd comes out and accepts, saying that there is a good reason why Aaron is a FORMER champ – and that’s cos he wasn’t good enough to hold the title! [B][SIZE="4"]Rating C-.[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="5"]OVERALL RATING = D+.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]TV Rating = 0.13.[/B] I signed Greg Keith to an exclusive contract - I don't want him overworked! In [B]PGHW, Yoshimi Mushashibo [/B]wins the [B]Elite Series [/B]for the 3rd time, beating [B]Buddy Garner[/B] in the final. Also winning a tournament for the 3rd time are the [B]Stone Siblings[/B], who win the [B]Ed Henson Memorial Tag Tournament in NOTBPW[/B], beating the [B]McWades[/B] in the finals. Re-signed [B]Seiji Jimbo. [/B] Immediately after the Elite Series PPV, [B]PGHW[/B] put on two more [COLOR="blue"][B]A*[/B][/COLOR] matches in the same show – as [B]Mushashibo[/B] defeats [B]Garner [/B]once again, and [B]Mito Miwa [/B]beats [B]Bryan Vessey.[/B] Signed [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] away from BHOTWG - after their fall to cult last year, he was only on a PPA deal, and will make an excellent addition to our lower card - but in a move that will shock Tigerkinney, he will become a fairly bland babyface (at least to start with, while he is learning to speak English!) [B][U]Predictions contest:[/U][/B] Tigerkinney: 5/5 + 4/6 = 9/11 Astyn: 5/5 + 3/6 = 8/11 AzzMartin: 4/5 + 4/6 = 8/11 So Tiger retains his predictions crown - for now! Since I've gotta go out now - the matches for the next show will be posted later today.
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