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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/SIZE][/B] [B]Starting Roster[/B] [B]Main Eventers[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Eric Eisen Remo Runaway Train (The Guru) Vengeance[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Christian Faith Jack Bruce Steve Frehley [/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Brandon James (EmmaChase) Joe Sexy Rich Money Squeeky McClean[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Enygma Groucho Bling Lobster Warrior[/COLOR] [B]Midcarders[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Big Smack Scott Enforcer Roberts Frederique Antonio Garcia Kurt Laramee Marc DuBois[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Brett Biggz (Jessie) Elmo Bensen Jack Giedroyc (Dawn The Cheerleader) Robbie Retro Valiant[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul Huntingdon[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Bart Biggz (Jessie) Kid Toma (BJ O’Neil) Randy Bumfhole Zimmy Bumfhole[/COLOR] [B]Openers [/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Knuckles Shady K[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Akima Brave (BJ O’Neil)[/COLOR] [B]Enhancement Talent[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Andre Jones[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Greg Rayne[/COLOR] [B]Managers [/B] BJ O’Neil Dawn The Cheerleader Jessie The Guru [B]Announcers[/B] Duane Fry Jerry Eisen Peter Michaels [B]Color Commentator[/B] Ana Garcia Emma Chase [B] Refs[/B] Darren Smith Ric Young Shane Stones [B]Road Agents[/B] Chief Two Eagles Pat Decon Richard Eisen [SIZE="5"][B]Tag Teams:[/B][/SIZE] Death Row (Knuckles, Shady K) High Concept (Elmo and Groucho) Sexual Aggression (Joe Sexy, Angry Gilmore) The Almighty Dollar (Remo, Rich Money) The Amazing Bumfholes The Biggz Boyz The Pain Alliance (Kurt Laramee, Big Smack Scott) The Samoan Wildboyz (Toma, Brave) [SIZE="5"][B]Titles:[/B][/SIZE] [B]SWF North American:[/B] Rich Money [B]SWF Shooting Star: [/B]Marc DuBois [B]SWF World Tag Team:[/B] The Amazing Bumfholes [B]SWF World Heavyweight:[/B] Jack Bruce[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]The Business Side[/SIZE][/B] [B]Schedule: [/B](All PPV’s have been pushed back to the 4th Sunday of each month) Jan: SWF When Hell Freezes Over Feb: SWF Nothing To Lose Mar: SWF Awesome Impact April: SWF The World Is Watching May: SWF Master Of Puppets June: SWF Times Of Trouble July: SWF The Supreme Challenge Aug: SWF Welcome To The Jungle Sep: SWF Under Control Oct: SWF Let The Games Begin Nov: SWF Break The Wind Dec: SWF Christmas Clash [SIZE="4"][B]Owner Goals: [/B][/SIZE] [B]Critical[/B] SWF can not fall from the #1 promotion, 23 months, 3 weeks [B]High[/B] Enygma much have reached at least D+ grade momentum by 17 months, 3 weeks Christian Faith must be kept above B- pop in America in 17 months, 3 weeks [B]Average[/B] Cannot hire anyone with less then a C- in resilience or Athletic Ability [B]Promotion Pacts:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]RIPW – Development [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]TCW – War[/COLOR] [B]Backstage:[/B] Angry Gilmore and Christian Faith are locker room leaders The Guru is on his way to becoming a locker room leader Kid Toma is a positive influence Big Smack Scott is usually involved in most backstage problems Brandon James can be a problem once in a while, as can Richard Eisen. Akima Brave, Peter Michaels and Remo cause arguments because of their attitudes. [B]Development[/B] Atlas Bear Bekowski Cheetah Boy Emmy Hannah Potter John Greed Lassan Makutsi Marshall Dillon Nevada Nuclear [I][SIZE="1"]One person from development has been called up and might work the first show… WHO? I don’t know. =)*[/SIZE][/I] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Magenta"]Preview for SWF Supreme TV[/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE] This first SWF Supreme TV of the year is here, and the promotion will look to start the new year off with the same big bang that 2007 ended with. Tonight the bigger, badder, even angrier Runaway Train will be in the building. Ever since losing his title Train has been destroying anything and everything in his path, will that continue tonight? Who will even try to stop this monster? SWF rookie of the year, Valiant will be in for his biggest test ever when he takes on Squeekiy McClean who is coming into the new year with some great ambitions of his own. Will Valiant be able to stop the ten match winning streak or will he become "just another number". The only way to find out is to watch SWF Supreme TV tonight! Also scheduled to appear: James Brandon Jack Bruce High Concept and much, much more! Live on C.A.N.N [SIZE="1"]Nah, it's not him, I know everyone was going to think it was him, that's the only reason I wrote that =)[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]SWF Supreme TV[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Death Row is in the ring as the show starts as Greg Rayne comes down and promises the world a mystery partner. The partner turns out to be a mysterious person, it’s The Outrageous Arona and he gets 0 pop from the crowd as he is not known. Oh well it’s my first show! I tried. Bet you weren’t expecting that. Anyways the match is an uneventful one with Death Row picking up the victory when Arona was holding Knuckles for Rayne to hit a cross body but Knuckles ducked and Arona was hit. Death Row are the victors! In an angle that is sure to suck as much as the match does, The Outrageous Arona attacks Greg Rayne and leaves him a bloody messy. He keeps screaming “I never lose, I never lose”. Heel turn on his first show! Paul Huntington was the lucky fellow who got to follow the crap that just went on, don’t worry folks, you haven’t seen the last of Arona! Anyways his opponent was the bigger stronger, “Fresher” if you will Lobster Warrior. That is one big Lobster, does anyone have a guess on the price of a Lobster who weighs that much? Huntington tries his best but that isn’t good enough as he is easily disposed of. We cut to the back to see Greg Rayne getting put into the back of an ambulance when all of a sudden The Guru and Runaway Train come out of nowhere. Train feels the urge to beat something up and he choose Rayne, he pummels the poor rookie with rights and lefts before tipping the stretcher over. The Guru is in the background encouraging this. Children; it is time for bed. The most popular man on the roster made his way to the ring next, no, not Jack Bruce, none other then Robbie Retro. He comes down doing his disco dance driving all the ladies wild. His opponent on the evening is Kurt Laramee. This is a back and forth match that didn’t really see much of anything. Retro gets the victory only because Laramee goes to the outside and grabs a chair. The man has been in SWF for how long? He still doesn’t understand that this isn’t DAVE? Big Smack Scott made his way down to the ring and challenged any tag team to come out here and fight him. He said he has hand picked his partner and he is sure he can with even the worthless piece of crap partner he has. His opponents are High Concept, another big hit with the fans, could they be a big hit in the ring? Scott was NOT lying about his partner, it was Andre Jones. Poor ‘Dre, he didn’t even get tagged in, not once. It didn’t matter anyways Big Smack Scott was able to do what he promised and single handedly beat High Concept. Well it was sort of single handedly. Kurt came down to the ring and attacked Elmo causing Groucho to turn attention away for once second. That was enough. Zimmy Bumfhole came out next and had a shot at the SWF Shooting Star Title, which seemed like a good thing. But it wasn’t as the champion is the ultra talented Marc DuBois who had very little problem making Zimmy tap out. It wasn’t his first defense of the title but it was his first of the year causing the announcer to say it was his first! Next was a hype video for Jack Bruce, they documented his rise through the ranks until he finally got his title. Next the announcers talked about the 3 people who last week complained that they were the real number one contender, Remo, Jack Bruce and Brandon James. Peter Michaels says that starting next week each one of those 3 men will face each other and who ever has the most wins will get the title shot at SWF When Hell Freezes Over. Runaway Train took on Jack Giedroyc in the next bout, if this was about who’s manager was hotter then it would have been a run away victory but it’s not and that sucks for Jack. Jack didn’t do too bad as he was able to get some offense in but in the end Train was just too much. After the match it looked as if Runaway was going to attack Dawn but fortunately he didn’t. For her sake and the sake of my eyes. Squeeky McClean took on Valiant in the next match, this one was the longest one of the night lasting 14 minutes! That is 12 minutes of in ring time! The two battled hard and gave it all they got. Valiant was able to pull off the surprise upset with a quick roll up. Up next was a very interesting video featuring Sexually Aggression. Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore were dressed up in suits and said that since Gilmore has been out they’ve been following the stock market and making a ton of money. They said they will be back soon and they already have a contract for the tag titles as soon as Gilmore is ready. Brandon James came out with the beautiful Emma Chase, they gave an interview saying how James shouldn’t have to prove himself but he will destroy Remo and Christian Faith if that what it takes to get him a fight. Chase tells the loser he is fighting next to come on down. It’s Enygma and he didn’t stand a chance. Brandon destroys Enygma finishing him off with not one but two Brandon Bomb Drops. The show goes off the air. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]Road Agent Notes:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Tag Match = [COLOR="Red"]D- [/COLOR][/B] [B]The Outrageous Arona turn was horrible. Arona has switched to man on a mission gimmick = [COLOR="Red"]E- rating[/COLOR] [/B] [B]Lobster Warrior vs. Hutingdon = [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]The Train Attacks = [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] Train and Guru have excellent chemistry Retro vs. Laramee = [COLOR="Red"]D+[/COLOR] The have pretty good chemistry Scott Challenge = [COLOR="Red"]B-[/COLOR] Tag Match 2 = [COLOR="Red"]D+ [/COLOR] Fans don’t want Big Smack Scott in the ring Marc DuBois vs. Zimmy = [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] The World Title Picture = [COLOR="Red"]B+[/COLOR] Train vs. Giedroyc = [COLOR="Red"]C+ [/COLOR]Train/Guru excellent chemistry. Dawn/Jack awkard pairing Valiant vs. Squeeky = [COLOR="Red"]B-[/COLOR] Sexual Aggression Vid = [COLOR="Red"]B-[/COLOR] Brandon James Hype = [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] Emma helped him James vs. Enygma = [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] Chase did good work at ringside.[/B] [SIZE="5"][B]Final Rating[/B] = [COLOR="Red"]C [/COLOR] [/SIZE][I]Used Greg Rayne too much[/I] [B]My notes:[/B] [I]Yes I know it was a weak show wit the roster that I have available to me but I am just trying to get a good feel and set a few things up for the diary. I am sorry about the "BIG" call up but hey I think I'm going to like his character. For those of you who don't know he is a alter ego of Cheetah Boy. Hope you had fun reading and hope you read some more. Thank you![/I] comments/critiques and such are always welcome. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]Emails, News, and Notes:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]-[/B] The roster is too small, we are looking amateurish because we only have 35 active wrestlers and we should have 39. [B]-[/B] The rating for the first SWF Supreme TV of the new year on C.A.N.N has pulled in a 3.03 rating. [B]-[/B] Big Cat Brandon was the focal point of a backstage incident last night when he pulled a mean-spirited prank on Lobster Warrior. SWF management has given a stern warning to Brandon. He responded with “.. you made your point loud and clear.” Only time will tell if he was being sarcastic or not. [B]-[/B] Frederique Antonio Garcia gave a radio interview this week where we pronounced that he enjoyed working against guys bigger then him. [B]-[/B] SWF Supreme TV drew a 0.08 rating on UK Broadcasting Secondary this week. [B]-[/B] SWF has made some signings including a big time manager, a new tag team, sl and several veterans from around the world, as well as many prospects to compete in RIPW. [B]-[/B] Ray Kingman, Manuel Prieto and Luis Montero have been added to the backstage staff. [B]-[/B] 3 of the wrestlers signed to go to development have reported; they are Rockin’ Ryan Turner, Stan “The Man” Manna and Evil Spirit. [B]-[/B] Anyone else who signed will not be able to start for one week, when we find out more news we will pass it along to you. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]SWF Supreme TV Preview[/SIZE][/B] [QUOTE] Last week on SWF Supreme TV we saw the debut of The Outrageous Arona, who teamed up with and then blooded Greg Rayne putting him out of action. This week Arona will be taking on a completely different opponent when he fights Jack Giedoryc How will Arona fair against an opponent that knows he is coming? Also last week we saw the first big upset of the year when Valiant ended Squeeky McClean’s winning streak. This week Squeeky has asked for microphone time to confront Valiant. What kind of harsh words will Mr. Straight Edge have for the youngster? After the bombshell dropped last week that the 3 main contenders for the World Title will have to compete one on one until one man is able to compete, we will have Remo taking on Christian Faith in the first match of the 3 match series. You can bet, who ever loses this one is pretty much out of it. Runaway Train’s destruction continued last week and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better for the rest of the SWF roster. This week The Guru has hand selected Bart Biggz to face off against his machine. Is Bart up to the challenge? The only way to find out is to tune into SWF Supreme TV, tonight! Also scheduled to appear: Jack Bruce Rich Money And Vengenace All this and much, much, more only on SWF Supreme TV.[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Green"]SWF Supreme TV[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] The shows starts off with Big Smack Scott standing in the middle of the ring, he introduces himself and then introduces the man that he will be protecting from now on The Outrageous Arona. He says that any body who has a problem with Arona has a problem with him. After a huge segment like that we had to go to commercial but when we come back Andre Jones is in the ring awaiting an opponent. His opponent is none other then Lobster Warrior. Lobster once again makes quick work of his inferior opponent, this time picking up the victory with the Shell Fish Shock. We go to the back after that where Arona does his best to cut a promo against Jack Giedroyc. I never thought I’d say this but thank God for Big Smack Scott who did his best to help. Who would of thought that the match between the two was next? Well it was and Jack Giedroyc kicked the little scrawny ass of Arona from start to finish but it wasn’t enough because Big Smack Scott interfered allowing The Outrageous Arona to get the outrageous victory. After the match Big Smack Scott and The Outrageous Arona put the boots to Jack, I know it’s only the 5th segment but I can already tell that I’m going to get a road agent note saying I used Arona too much. Squeeky McClean comes down to the ring and talks about his first lost in months, the breaking of his winning streak and about the man he lost to Valiant. He invites Valiant to come down to the ring to speak with him. When Valiant gets there Squeeky shocks the world and says that he is proud of him and just wants to shake his hand. The two shake hands and Squeeky offers to have a best of 7 series with Valiant that Valiant accepts and will take place next week. I cringe at the thought as I remember the new rules that don’t let people fight more then 3 or 4 times or whatever. SCREWED. Vengeance makes quick work of Akima Brave in the next bout, nothing worth noting in this one. Just a pure good old 3 minute ass whipping. Death Row took on High Concept in the next match, a match in which Groucho Bling had complete control of when he tagged in Elmo Bensen is was another story though as he was defeated by Knuckles and Shady K who have to put together a 2 match win streak to start the year! Christian Faith gives an interview where he talks about beating Remo tonight and then beating Brandon James, and then becoming SWF World Champion once again! He reminds his fans that you “gotta keep the Faith”. Yet another squash match took place this time it was Brandon James beating the crap out of Brett Biggz, he does what he can but it’s not enough. Robbie Retro took on Rich Money in the next fight, the two men split the offense and both seemed to be in control at different points of the match. Robbie Retro hit the murder on the dance floor and Money was able to kick out. Rich then was able to hit his patented Money In The Bank! But Robbie kicked out of that, the end wasn’t until a simple running body slam by Robbie Retro put Rich Money down for the count! It was a non-title match but Retro will get a title shot at the Pay Per View thanks to the victory! Runaway Train beats Bart Biggz before the match as he was making his way down to the ring, officials came out to break up the massacre but The Guru wouldn’t leave until the match was started. When the match was started Train hit two train wrecks before making the pinfall on his fallen foe. The Main Event was next and what a main event it was, two of the best wrestler in the world today went head to head when Christian Faith took the loss at the hands of Remo. Both men put all that they had into the match and the fans had no idea who was going to win but in the end Remo was the one with his hands raised. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Road Agent Notes:[/SIZE][/B] Scott and Arona = [B]D[/B] Lobster vs. Jones = [B]C+[/B] Lobster Warrior looked good out there Arona interview = [B]D [/B]Scott helped Arona vs. Jack = [B]D+[/B] Scott and Dawn did good work. Jack stood out. Jack and Dawn have 0 chemistry Beat down = [B]C-[/B] Dawn and Jack throw each others timing off Squeeky and Valiant = [B]C+[/B] Vegeance and Brave = [B]C+[/B] Vegeneance looked good out there Death Row vs. High Concept = [B]D+[/B] Faith interview = [B]B+[/B] James vs. Biggz = [B]C[/B] Chase did good work Retro vs. Rich = [B]C+[/B] Train Beatdown = [B]B+[/B] Train Match = [B]C[/B] Remo vs. Faith [B]B[/B] [B]Final Rating C[/B] Used Arona and Brave too much, and the fans feel there are no hot storylines[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]Email, News and Notes[/COLOR][/B] - SWF Supreme TV got a 3.06 rating on C.A.N.N this week. - Remo pulled a prank on Jack Giedroyc last night that almost lead to a fight, management pulled the riot act and Remo said he would try to never let it happen again. - Three matches have been announced for SWF When Hell Freezes Over they are The Outrageous Arona vs. Greg Rayne, Robbie Retro vs. Rich Money for the title and Big Smack Scott will take on Jack Giedroyc. Plus either Christian Faith, Remo or Brandon James will go on to face Jack Bruce. - SWF got a 0.08 rating for Supreme TV on UK Broadcasting Secondary. - Bradford Peverell, Christian Price, and Daniel Black Francis have been sent down to development after signing contracts with SWF. Daniel didn’t seem to happy about the decision but SWF still sent him down. - Knuckles and Shady K have moved up into the midcard. - RIPW Held their show yesterday and it featured many SWF Prospects, the show went as follows: Kentucky Bill defeated Daniel Black Francis Justin Sensitive defeated Bear Bekowski Christian Price defeated Evil Spirit ANGLE: A Brawl between Darryl Devine and Nevada Nuclear Lassana Makutsi defeated Marshall Dillon Rockin’ Ryan defeated Atlas Bradford Peverell defeated John Greed Darryl Devine defeated Stan Manna Neveda Nuclear retained the RIPW Championship over Brandon Idol. Devine was the star of the show. [/CENTER]
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So are you trying to get fired or something? Two really cringe-worthy shows in a row and a bunch of water-treading to allow you to force a worker down the fan's throats because he's so "Outrageous"? I know SWF diaries need something to stand out, but if you can't at least turn around the show quality, the game isn't going to end things for you pretty quickly.
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Um thanks for the encouragement, or maybe that was advice? I don't know, well anyways I like the way this diary is going thus far and I'm sorry that it isn't up to your standards. Hopefully I can improve with the next show and you will keep reading. Thanks. [CENTER][B]SWF Supreme TV Preview[/B] Last week on SWF Supreme TV we saw the start of the 3 matches that will decide who goes on to face Jack Bruce for the SWF World Heavyweight Title. Remo came away victorious with a victory over Christian Faith, this week if he can defeat Brandon James he will automatically clinch his spot in the title match. Can he do it? Not if Emma Chase has something to do about it! Also last week we saw a surprising show of sportsmanship when Squeeky McClean gave proper due to the young Valiant, tonight they battle once again this time in the first of a best of 7 series to decide who is the better wrestler. Can lightning strike twice or will the veteran dispose of the youngster? Frederique Antonio Garcia will be making his first appearance of the year and he claims to of have found the perfect tag team partner, al though he isn’t giving any names. Tonight he and his tag team partner take on Bart and Brett Biggz who last week were both humiliated and refuse to let that be there legacy. Do The Biggz have what it takes? A New Tag Team The Constables, Dean and Dallas McWade will make their debut on Supreme TV, their opponents are none other then High Concept. Can Groucho Bling and Elmo Bensen break out their reason funk? Or will The Constables debut in fine form. (Don’t know what a constable is? Look it up, I did!) After defeating Jack Giedroyc last week with help from his new body guard, The Outrageous Arona will be in action. Rumor has it that Greg Rayne is out of the hospital and looking for Arona, are the rumors true? A more important question is does Rayne know about Big Smack Scott? Japanese high flying legend, Bairei Yasujiro will be making his debut tonight and his opponent has been talking all week how he plans on out flying the legend. His opponent is none other then the ruthless ****y Eric Eisen. What will happen with the two high flyers meet face to face? There is only one way to find out and that is to watch SWF Supreme TV tonight[/CENTER]
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