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How do I know if I have a star?

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Hey guys. Coming at ya with a probably stupid question here.. but how do I know if I've "struck gold" so to speak.. Booking FCW at the moment in April, 2009. Lost DWN, Jay Chord, Kirk Jameson amongst others.. Hired BBS, Primus Allen, Nate Casino.. How do I know if any of these are "worth" keeping? Sorry for my badly worded question though..
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Well you can track their progress of their stats progression over the months. Also, their star quality stat is a good indication of how high they can go - I think Casino and Primus Allen both have pretty decent star quality if I remember correctly. If you want to 'cheat' you can see their potential stat in the editor.
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yeah, I usually hire DWN and Jay Chord as soon as possible.. Guess I'll just have to start pushing Primus and Casino more with wins then. Currently have Casino tagging with Sammy The Shark as Ca$h & Cards.
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You dont really know as potential in terms of skills and destiny in terms of overness are a bit random. Your creative meeting helps hot prospects will im prove their skills plenty and next big things have a very very high destiny. Also watch how fast or slow their skills or overness improves. Guys with lower destiny need like 4 B class matches to get an extra grade of overness guys with high destiny just need the one as extreme example. Guys with High Star Quality and or Charisma and to lesser extent menace and or sex apeal are generally high on potential and or destiny.
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[QUOTE=LFC_chris;456836]Well you can track their progress of their stats progression over the months. Also, their star quality stat is a good indication of how high they can go - I think Casino and Primus Allen both have pretty decent star quality if I remember correctly. If you want to 'cheat' you can see their potential stat in the editor.[/QUOTE] Not always. It's not visible in the in-game editor, and most guys are random in the pre-game editor except for certain individuals.
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