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WCW: A New Era

Guest Ransik

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Guest Ransik
[SIZE="4"][B][U]BACKSTORY[/U][/B][/SIZE] With the WWF gaining ground fast with their new brand of stars, WCW President Eric Bischoff has been trying to rehash his wildly successful New World Order by splitting the group into two separate entities to battle for control over WCW. For several weeks the Wolfpac has been trying to recruit WCW's franchise Sting to the side of the red and black while Hogan's black and white nWo is defiant that Sting will join them. But while this power struggle is going on, does anyone in either the WCW or the nWo foresee what is on the horizon? [SIZE="4"][B][U]DIARY INFO[/U][/B][/SIZE] -This is using the June 1998 mod. -I will not be writing up heavily detailed shows, the matches will be to the point and the angles and storylines will be straightforward. While I love doing Diaries... everyone gets the gist of the show without pages and pages of filler, I see no need of having 3 page matches to get my point across, nor do I have the time or energy for it. -Rosters are all the same as they are in the mod. -I set up the WCW Power Plant as a Development Territory with one weekly event. Their popularity is set in the South East at 8%... everything else is 0%. -The Power Plant Titles are the National Title which is Main Event.... the P.P. National Tag Titles which is Midcard.... and the Inter-City Title which is Lower Card.
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Guest Ransik
[SIZE="5"][B][U]WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING NEWS[/U][/B][/SIZE] -Word going around the WCW locker room is that there is a new management team set in place, which has been in the works for weeks. While WCW is white hot at this current time, several complaints from WCW employees have been filed to Turner Broadcasting. Several of the talent, ranging from wrestlers to managers and announcers, have grown tired of the political games that plague WCW. The WCW President Eric Bischoff was covertly placed under the microscope the last few months, and will now try to not only put a stop to Bischoff's large pay-offs, but to keep the locker room under control so that WCW does not plunge into chaos. Bischoff is no longer the only one in charge... and now answers to a new boss... as he has been demoted to WCW's Vice President. There is no official word on his replacement, but check back for further news on this matter! -The two factions of the New World Order may be ready to feud, but sources say the new management team is far from impressed from seeing nWo beatdowns every single week and a Main Event on every television broadcast that ends in a DQ. The ratings don't lie... and the fans are starting to turn away from this 2 year old formula. -In a shocking move, WCW has begun a new drug testing policy which will start tonight after Nitro. Turner Broadcasting has noted the recent drug related deaths in pro-wrestling, and has sent word down following each televised broadcast a random selection of workers will be tested for any form of illegal substance. Lighter banned substances found in wrestlers will result in much more leniency than harder drugs and steroids, but will also find the employee handed a pink slip if they refuse to change their ways.There are two categories; soft & hard substances. Both of these categories fall under their own punishments and neither set will cross paths. For example... if a worker is busted for use of pot... they will start Step 1 of Soft Drug Use. If 5 months later they are busted with steroids in their system, they start Step 1 of Hard Drug Use. The following is a list of punishments that will be dealt out to an employee who tests negative under the new policy; [B][U]SOFT DRUG USE[/U][/B] (IE banned medicinal supplements as well as light drugs such as pot) 1. A friendly reminder 2. $25,000 fine 3. $50,000 fine 4. 30 day suspension 5. 60 day suspension 6. Termination of contract [B][U]HARD DRUG USE[/U][/B] (includes steroids and mind-bending drugs such as crack... etc) 1. $50,000 fine 2. $100,000 fine 3. 30 Day Suspension 4. 60 Day Suspension 5. Termination of Contract [SIZE="5"][B][U]WCW POWER PLANT NEWS[/U][/B][/SIZE] -Greg "Hammer Valentine has been sent down to the Plant to train the talent. -The Sarge has been down to the Plant to train the talent. -Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat has been contacted by WCW to become a trainer for the Power Plant. -During this week's WCW programming... management will be observing the talent and assigning talent to the Power Plant to brush up on their necessary skills.
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Guest Ransik
[b][u][size=4]WCW MONDAY NITRO[/b][/u][/size] Monday, Week 1, June 1998 Attendance: 14,110 [b]DARK MATCH:[/b] Scott Steiner defeated Glacier with the Steiner Recliner 1. [b]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/b] defeated Alex Wright in a fast-paced opener. Rey won the match at 5:51 with a top rope Hurricarana. 2. [b]The Faces of Fear[/b] defeated Public Enemy in 4:40. PE had minimal offense... Meng and Barbarian dominated until Meng locked the Tongan Death Grip on Grunge for the win. Backstage we see the WCW World Tag Team Champions [b][i]The Giant & Sting[/b][/i] arguing. The Giant is trying to shove a black and white t-shirt over to Sting, but Sting keeps throwing it back in the big man's face. The Giant finally gets angered, but Sting shoves his bat in the mammoth chest of Giant, and tells him he'll find out his answer later tonight. 3. [b]Dean Malenko[/b] defeated Juventud Guerrera in 7:28 to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship. Juvi seemed distracted and the match had quite a few bad spots in it, but Malenko managed to save face and ended the match with the Texas Cloverleaf and submission victory. 4. [b]Chris Jericho & Eddy Guerrero[/b] defeated Chris Benoit & Steve "Mongo" McMichael in 7:54. The match moved really slow when Mongo was involved, but Benoit definitely got the match to liven up when ever he was involved. Guerrero managed to secure the pinfall on Mongo after getting his feet on the ropes in a roll-up to secure the tainted victory. After the match Jericho & Guerrero mocked the Horsemen from the stage with fake tears. 5. WCW United States [b]Bill Goldberg[/b] defeated WCW TV Champion Fit Finlay in a Non-Title Match in 5:49. Finlay showed the most promise against Goldberg to date by managing to ground the US Champ with several holds, but eventually a spear and Jackhammer later brought Goldberg to 97-0. We come back from commercial to find the WCW World Heavyweight Champion [b][i]Hollywood Hogan[/i][/b] in the ring. Hogan runs up and down the acheivements of the nWo, and then mocks Kevin Nash for making a "wanna be kiddie group with a bad color scheme." This brings Kevin Nash out to the ring but before he can attack Hogan, The Disciple gets in his way, and while Nash drops him with a Jacknife Powerbomb... Hogan makes his escape. 6. [b]Diamond Dallas Page[/b] defeats Wrath in a terrible performance to end Wrath's long running winning streak. DDP tried his hardest to get Wrath into a groove but he continually was off-timed, and the match was seemingly rushed to a halt as a quick Diamond Cutter later secured DDP the win. 7. [b]Raven[/b] defeated Rick Steiner with the Evenflow DDT in 7:14. Rick Steiner definitely had the crowd on his side, but distractions from The Flock led to Raven catching the older Steiner off guard for the win. 8. [b]The Giant[/b] defeated Lord Steven Regal in 4:38 with a Chokeslam. Regal was unable to utilize his regular holds on The Giant, and was quickly disposed of. After the bout The Giant took the nWo shirt he offered Sting earlier in the night and left it on the announcer's table, and told them to find Sting. In the locker room area we see [b][i]The British Bulldog[/i][/b] on a phone call. As he speaks, [b][i]"Macho Man" Randy Savage[/i][/b] burts into the room and demands to know where Bret Hart is. Bulldog hangs up on his call and assures Savage that Hart will be back soon. Savage says he has a message he'd like to send to Hart and then viciously assaults the England native. Savage bounces Bulldog's head off the lockers several times before throwing him to the floor and kicking him for good measure. Savage tells Bulldog he wants Hart in the ring tonight and he'd better deliver the message. 9. [b]Kevin Nash[/b] with The Wolfpac defeated Booker T. in 6:55. This match grabbed a few "boring chants" from the crowd as the two wrestler's styled really did not seem to match at all. Booker T. was paranoid about The Wolfpac's presence at ringside, and his lack of focus led to him taking a Jacknife from Nash for "Big Sexy" to score the win. 10. [b]Bret "Hitman" Hart[/b] defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage in 13:57. Hart wasted no time in getting to the ring and ran Savage around ringside for several minutes before the match finally got into the ring. After several back and forth interactions, Savage seemed to have things well in hand but after jamming his knee dropping The Big Elbow on Bret and being unabale to make the cover... Bret managed to come back and lock Savage into the Sharpshooter to pick up the submission win. As soon as the match ended.... [b][i]Sting[/b][/i] appeared on the entry way with his trench coat zipped up. He watched as Luger and Konnan helped Savage to the backstage area, and then stood staring at Bret Hart. Hart shrugged his shoulders in response, and then Sting pointed to the tron with his bat. An office was shown with "WCW President" on a plaque. [b]A mysterious voice[/b] shrouded by electronic make over came from behind the office chair which was facing away from the camera. The voice said Eric Bischoff had caused so much turmoil in WCW with his nWo that Turner executives have hereby demoted him to Vice President. Bischoff will be answering to his new boss starting next Monday night. As it pertains to the 2 nWo's... times are changing along with the pecking order. The final battle for control between WCW and the nWo's will be finished and one group will be in full control. Hollywood Hogan leads his side.... Kevin Nash leads his.... and Sting will be the leader for WCW! The images on the tron disappear, and Sting takes off his trench coat to reveal a WCW logo shirt on underneath it! Hart nods approvingly and applauds while the crowd goes crazy... and Nitro goes off the air. OVERALL RATING: B
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Guest Ransik
Thanks guys! Onto the Tuesday morning news... [SIZE="5"][B][U]WCW.com NEWS REPORT[/U][/B][/SIZE] -Fans have been pouring letters into WCW.com since last night, completely buzzed over the dramatic changes that took place last night on Nitro! Rumors are already running around on just who could possibly be behind the mysterious black leather office chair... the man who claims to be turning WCW back into full control over the two nWo factions! Who is this man? When did Turner executives approach him? How long has this been going on? -WCW has been working feverishly on a way to climax the WCW vs. nWo feud... and has come up with quite the innovative idea... something taken directly from Japan. Word is this coming Monday night we'll all find out just how it will all go down! -Speaking of our new management team, they were busy last night meeting and greeting the WCW talent before, during, and after Nitro in order to establish the direction they want to head in. One thing became very apparent during the meet-and-greets.... the WCW roster is HEAVILY overloaded! Even with 5 1/2 hours of WCW TV being produced each week... the WCW roster nears 100 active wrestlers, and there will be a heavy scouting period done over the next several weeks to trim it down. Of course... WCW is also looking into hiring new talent but it's very apparent the bloated roster hired by Bischoff needs some heavy work done on it. -After their performances last night on Nitro... 3 workers have been immediately sent down to the Power Plant in an effort to improve their ring skills. The new management was shaking their heads in disappointment, but is hoping that some work in Atlanta can help. [b]Steve McMichael, Wrath, and Glacier[/b] have all reported to Atlanta... and management has also sent half a dozen other workers into development, but those names have yet to be released. -Not even 24 hours after the new WCW Drug Policy has been in effect... we have our charter member to the club. [b]Scott Steiner[/b] was busted this morning with steroids in his system, and has been introduced to Step 1 of the Hard Drug Policy.... a $50,000 fine. Steiner was said to be irate and was almost suspended due to his actions upon hearing the news as he trashed an office on his way out. I wouldn't heavily expect a push for "Big Poppa Pump".... sorry to disappoint all you Scott Steiner fans!
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Guest Ransik
[b][u][size=5][color=blue]WCW THUNDER[/b][/u][/size][/color] Thursday, Week 1, June 1998 Attendance: 2,000 [b]DARK MATCH:[/b] Psychosis defeated Kaz Hayashi with the Guillotine Legdrop. [b]1. Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/b] defeated Marty Jannetty with a Tornado DDT in 4:44. [b]2. Perry Saturn[/b] defeated Hugh Morrus in 5:38 with the DVD after Morrus failed to hit No Laughing Matter. A video recap is shown of the events on Nitro, an we then cut to see the nWo Hollywood limo pull up outside. [b]Hollywood Hogan, Scott Hall, & Scott Steiner[/b] exit the limo... while we see [b]The Wolfpac[/b] enter the opposite side of the building. We cut away yet again.... and we see [b]Sting & Bret Hart[/b] enter the arena, each carrying baseball bats. [b]3. Fit Finlay[/b] defeated Rick Martel in 5:51 to retain the WCW TV Title. Martel was out to win his 2nd reign as TV Champion but Finlay was able to counter a Quebec Crab attempt into a small package to pick up the win. [b]4. Chris Jericho & Eddy Guerrero[/b] defeated The Faces of Fear in 7:25. Meng & Barbarian dominated most of the match, but miscommunication caused Barbarian to hit the Kick of Fear on Meng, and Jericho quickly rolled up Meng to pick up the win. [b]5. The Giant[/b] defeated Konnan in 3:29. Giant mocked The Wolfpac by giving off the Wolfpac hand sign before hitting Konnan with a Jacknife Powerbomb... and mocked Kevin Nash after covering Konnan with one foot. After a commercial break we see [b]Kevin Nash[/b] backstage. He shoves Okerlund out of the way and says if The Giant wants to play mind games he's messing with the master. He took the very best out of nWo Hollywood to create The Wolfpac and the dominant group is going to survive the cat and mouse game. If The Giant wants to send a message, than he'll send one tonight against Scott Steiner and The Giant can personally deliver the message to Hogan! [b]6. Bill Goldberg[/b] defeated Ultimo Dragon in 8:42 to retain the WCW US Title. Ultimo was able to move much faster than Goldberg and kept a hit-and-run tactic going. How ever when Ultimo tried a cross body from the top he was caught with a spear, and Goldberg nailed the Jackhammer to go to 98-0. [b]7. Kevin Nash[/b] defeated Scott Steiner in 9:27. The match went back and forth for some time until Scott Hall walked down the ramp and began taunting his former long time friend and tag team partner. Steiner tried to take advantage and rush Nash, but walked into a side slam. Nash then delviered his promised message, and delivered a Chokeslam to Scott Steiner to pick up the win. In the back we see [b]Sting[/b] being assaulted by [b]Rick Rude & Randy Savage.[/b] They've managed to catch Sting by surprise and are using his baseball bat to dismantle him. This goes on for quite some time while everyone wonders where Bret Hart is, but is shocked when Wolfpac member [b]Lex Luger[/b] rushes in and breaks things up. Savage & Rude argue with Luger while Sting manages to get away. [b]8. Chris Benoit[/b] defeated Raven in 13:50. This long running feud between the two brought out the best in both men and they put on a star performance tonight. As Benoit hit his rolling Germans on Raven, The Flock ran out to help, but Benoit managed to toss Raven into them and connected with a Dragon Suplex to pick up the win. A pre-recorded video plays next, where our new mysterious and unseen [b]WCW President[/b] announces to the world that this coming Monday on Nitro, the "final solution" will be presented! The final "bash" between WCW and the nWo is on it's way and there can only be one winner! [b]9. Hollywood Hogan[/b] defeated The British Bulldog to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. During the contest the Bulldog managed to get several near falls on Hogan, but while Hogan was hoisted up for the Running Powerslam his feet connected with referee Nick Patrick's face. While Bulldog checked on the ref, Hogan dug a plastic bag out of his boots containing powder and threw it into the unsuspecting face of the Bulldog, then added insult to injury by slamming him and hitting the Legdrop to pick up the win and retain the Title. OVERALL RATING: C+
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Guest Ransik
Hahaha, in a comedy Diary, McGuyver would be the perfect solution cause as well all know... he can fix and get out of ANY situation! I did have the new President picked out... but that person has been failing and doing poorly on his segments for what ever reason, so it might be a mystery longer than I first thought. :-(
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Guest Ransik
[quote][B][U][SIZE="4"][color=green]WCW SATURDAY NIGHT REPORT[/SIZE][/U][/B][/color] Saturday, Week 1, June 1998 1. The Disco Knights defeated Villano V & The Renegade. 2. Jim "Anvil" Neidhart defeated Norman Smiley. 3. Ray Traylor defeated Prince Iaukea. -Chris Jericho & Eddy Guerrero spoke on how they will capitalize on the tension between Tag Champs Sting & The Giant. 4. Juvi Guerrera/Chavo Jr./La Parka defeated Super Calo/El Dandy/Hector Garza Jr. 5. Ultimo Dragon defeated Silver King. -A video is shown from when Thunder went off the air of British Bulldog attacking Macho Man in the back. 6. Steven Regal & WCW TV Champ Fit Finlay defeated Public Enemy. 7. Goldberg retained the US Title over The Barbarian... streak is 99-0. -A video is shown recapping the events on Nitro & Thunder between WCW, nWo Hollywood, and nWo Wolfpac. 8. Dean Malenko defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship. 9. Diamond Dallas Page & Chris Benoit defeated Lex Luger & Konnan. OVERALL RATING: C+[/quote] [B][U][SIZE="5"] WCW.com NEWS REPORT[/SIZE][/U][/B] -WCW is proud to announce that it has signed a brand-new PPV deal with Access Toryumon! The deal was made earlier this week, which will now broadcast WCW PPV's internationally throughout Japan & Mexico. Rumor has it the deal was made due to WCW's extensive use of Mexican and Japanese superstars in the organization, and we will be proud to show the world what has made WCW #1! -The first releases to tone down the ever-growing roster of WCW have taken place, as [b]Barry Horowitz & Jerry Tuite[/b] were released from the company on Friday morning. Both men were worknig on verbal deals with WCW and due to their absence of TV the last several weeks were cut from the roster. -[b]Hollywood Hogan[/b] made headlines Friday morning around the US, as after Thunder he was leaving the arena and got into quite the heated argument with a fan waiting for autographs. Reportedly the WCW World Champion ignored the fan completely and heated words were exchanged, and security had to step in and stop Hollywood from physically assaulting the fan. WCW Management is incredibly displeased with this situation as Hogan is supposed to be the centerpiece of the company right now with the World Championship in his posession. Hogan was fined $10,000 for this incident, and further punishment could be on the way! -The WCW Power Plant received it's fair share of workers this week, with a reported 10 or more on the way this coming week. Management is FAR from impressed on the lack of in ring work on a huge portion of the roster, and it makes them even more unhappy what Eric Bischoff contracted them for on top of that! Management wants an equal share of talent both in the ring as well as what a worker brings to the table to draw fans in with their charisma. Without the skills in the ring to back up their running mouths... it just doesn't make sense why the fans would buy into them. The following workers are now confirmed to have reported to the WCW Power Plant; -The Disciple -Horace Hogan -Hammer -Reese -Vincent -Riggs -Kendall Windham -Brian Knobbs -Brian Adams [B][U][color=red]MONDAY NITRO PREVIEW[/U][/B][/color] -There will be a huge announcement by our mysterious new WCW President on what is being called "the final battle" between WCW and the nWo's. Also we will hear an announcement concerning the WCW World Tag Team Titles, as Champions [b]Sting & The Giant[/b] are FAR from friends! -After a hectic week in WCW, the Best of 7 Series between [b]Chris Benoit & Booker T[/b] will continue, as Benoit is ahead 2-1. Will Benoit make it 3-1 or will Booker tie the series? -[b]Goldberg[/b] will have his toughest challenge to date as he places the WCW US Title on the line against [b]Scott Steiner.[/b] Will the streak reach 100-0.... or will Steiner finally be the one to step up and end the undefeated streak? -After a hectic week of torment.... both being attacked by Savage and falling short of winning the WCW Title... [b]British Bulldog[/b] will step into the ring with [b]Randy Savage[/b] this coming Monday night! Will the bad luck streak of Bulldog continue or will the England native finally get a measure of revenge? -An historic Main Event will take place as for the first time ever... Bret Hart & Hollywood Hogan will be in the ring together at the same time! But wait folks... this will be a tag team affair, as [b]Hollywood Hogan & The Giant[/b] team up to take on [b]Bret Hart & Sting.[/b] With the WCW Tag Team Champions on opposite sides, will things explode even further? FAST PREVIEW -#4 in the Best of 7 Series: CHRIS BENOIT vs. BOOKER T. -WCW US Championship: GOLDBERG (C) vs. SCOTT STEINER -"MACHO MAN" RANDY SAVAGE vs. THE BRITISH BULLDOG -HOLLYWOOD HOGAN & THE GIANT vs. STING & BRET "HITMAN" HART
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-#4 in the Best of 7 Series: CHRIS BENOIT vs. BOOKER T. Winner: Booker T -WCW US Championship: GOLDBERG (C) vs. SCOTT STEINER Winner: Goldberg but by some sort of interference or DQ or something. -"MACHO MAN" RANDY SAVAGE vs. THE BRITISH BULLDOG Winner: The Macho Man! -HOLLYWOOD HOGAN & THE GIANT vs. STING & BRET "HITMAN" HART Winners: Hollywood and The Giant. WCW can not prevail against the clutches of the NwO!
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Guest Ransik
[U][B][SIZE="5"][color=red]WCW MONDAY NITRO[/color][/SIZE][/B][/U] Monday, Week 2, June 1998 [quote]Nitro begins with the usual fireworks display, but the arena goes dark... only for the office of our [b]WCW President[/b] to appear on the tron. We see only a shadow cast on the wall as the office chair is still turned away from the camera, and are told of the Final Battle. Our WCW Prez says the final battle for control over WCW will span the next 6 weeks, and will end at Bash at the Beach where it all began 2 years ago! The three factions; WCW.... nWo Hollywood.... and nWo Wolfpac will each have a team of 5 individuals who will work over a point system in matches taking place on all TV shows from now until Bash at the Beach, the team with the most points at the end of the Bash will obtain full control over WCW! Any time a combination of these 15 individuals are in a match, the outcome will be awarded with points... any match involving a Championship will double the points for the winner. and are judged as follows; SINGLE WRESTLER MATCHES are awarded with 1 point. These consist of 1 on 1... 3 Way Dances... 4 Way Dances... and so on. TAG TEAM MATCHES are awarded with 2 points. These consist of 2 on 2..... 3 Way Tag Team.... 4 Way Tag Team... and so on. 6 MAN TAG TEAM MATCHES are awarded with 3 points. Obviously 3 on 3 on 3 fall into this category. 8 MAN TAGS are awarded 4 points. There will not be any 5 on 5, and neither will there be any 5 on 5 on 5 bouts. ALL CHAMPIONSHIP BOUTS are awarded double the points to the winnnig team. Since the Wolfpac only have 4 members at the moment with [b]Curt Hennig[/b] nursing an injury... a compromise has been made to make sure everything runs fairly. As WCW President, 4 members will be locked into place for each team right now... each team captain will have the pleasure of recruiting a 5th member of their own choosing. [b]Kevin Nash[/b] will lead the Wolfpac..... [b]Hollywood Hogan[/b] will of course lead nWo Hollywood..... and [b]Sting[/b] will lead Team WCW. By the end of tonight... all teams MUST be finalized or they will forfeit their 5th spot! The teams are as follows; TEAM WCW 1. Sting 2. Bret "Hitman" Hart 3. Diamond Dallas Page 4. Goldberg 5. ???? TEAM nWo HOLLYWOOD 1. Hollywood Hogan 2. Scott Hall 3. The Giant 4. Scott Steiner 5. Raven TEAM nWo WOLFPAC 1. Kevin Nash 2. "Macho Man" Randy Savage 3. Lex Luger 4. Konnan 5. ???? The points system is in effect IMMEDIATELY. Our mysterious Prez concludes by saying happy hunting, and let the Final Battle for WCW begin![/quote] [b]1. Booker T. vs. Chris Benoit ended in a no contest[/b] in the Best of 7 Series match #4 in 12:04. The action went back and forth for several minutes and had the crowd split in half, and just as it appeared that Booker T. was going to walk away from the match with the tying victory... Scott Hall & The Giant hit the ring and attacked both men, forcing the referee to throw the match out. Benoit was leveled with a Chokeslam... and Booker with the Outsider's Edge... and the nWo Hollywood members said it's time to listen to the World Champion! [quote]This brought [b]Hollywood Hogan,[/b] the reigning WCW World Heavyweight Champion to the ring. Hogan ran down the idea of The Final Battle... saying for 2 years the nWo has already swallowed up WCW and left it laying by the side of the road to die. But if games are needed to prove Hollywood to be the front-runner than so be it. Hogan said he wanted the nastiest, meanest spirited individual with enough gall to come take the nWo shirt off his back to join the winnning team! The camera points at the entry way for some time, and then another spots [b]Raven[/b] hopping the guard rail, leaving The Flock sitting in disbelief in the front row! Raven rolls in the ring and stares down Hall, then looks up at The Giant... and then sticks his arms out and throws his back. Hogan applauds... then pulls the shirt off his back and hands it to Raven! The Flock begin to hit the ring, but The Giant and Hall dispatch of them while Raven ties his new Black & White colors around his waist as we fade to commercial.[/quote] [b]2. "Ice Man" Dean Malenko[/b] defeated Juventud Guerrera & Chavo Guerrero Jr. in a 3 Way Dance to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship in 7:27 after pinning Chavo with a sit-out Tiger Bomb. [b]3. Kevin Nash & Lex Luger[/b] defeated Chris Jericho & Eddie Guerrero in 9:32 when Luger forced Eddy to submit to the Torture Rack. After the bout Nash offered a Wolfpac shirt to both men and begged them to fight over it. Just as Jericho & Eddy were getting set to fight over it... Nash pulled it away and laughed in their faces and walked off with Luger high-fiving each other while the two irate Cruiserweights fumed in the ring at being duped. [b]4. Goldberg[/b] defeated Scott Steiner in 6:47 to retain the WCW United States Championship to move to 100-0. Steiner was able to pummel Goldberg down to the mat and lock on the Steiner Recliner, but just as Goldberg looked to be fading away an adrenaline rush hit him and he managed to break loose and hit the spear and Jackhammer for the win. This also awards 2 points to WCW for the Final Battle victory as this was a Title Match. [quote]In the back we see [b]Sting, Bret Hart & DDP[/b] staring at a bulletin board filled with pictures of WCW talent. After scanning them... DDP walks over and grabs Raven's picture, and we see him walk off only to hear a toilet flush several seconds later. DDP walks back out and says he put Raven's picture where it belongs as Hart tries very hard to hide his rising laughter. A knock comes to the door, and in comes [b]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/b] He makes his visit straight-forward and says he wants to be on Team WCW. DDP pats him on the shoulder and says it's a kind offer, but they need someone who can at least fit the height requirement to ride Space Mountain... which sends Hart into a bigger laughing fit. Mysterio takes exception to this and says everyone remembers what the nWo has done to WCW, and everyone remembers the night that Kevin Nash tossed him like a lawn dart into the side of the production truck. He may be little but there is no one they'll find with a more personal vendetta against the nWo than Rey Mysterio. Sting agrees, and says a fight is never about the size of the person physically, but the size of the fight within. He shakes the hand of Mysterio and welcomes him into Team WCW! DDP apologizes, and then excuses himself, saying he has some business to take care of.[/quote] [b]5. Diamond Dallas Page[/b] defeated Konnan in 9:08 with the Diamond Cutter. This match flowed beautifully, and by the end both men came out of this match looking incredible as the Final Battle has sparked life into everyone involved. This match gave WCW another point... bringing their shut-out lead thus far to 3 points. [b]6. Raven[/b] defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. with the Evenflow DDT in 9:53. Mysterio had Raven beat several times but somehow Raven was always able to get a shoulder up at the last second. In the end an attempted springboard crossbody was met with a dropkick from Raven, and he connected with the Evenflow to get the win and put nWo Hollywood on the board. After the match, a very disappointed Mysterio left ringside with his head down. [quote]Backstage, [b]Kevin Nash & The Wolfpac[/b] were all arguing. Nash was pissed they've not gotten on the Board yet, but he has a plan. He whispers it to his group... and Savage becomes completely irate. Nash then begs him back over and continues whispering... and Savage nods his head in approval. Savage then heads out for his match with the Bulldog.[/quote] [b]7. Randy Savage[/b] defeated British Bulldog in 11:10. The string of bad luck continued for Davey Boy tonight as he put on a valiant effort and very good showing with Savage, but Macho Man was able to pick up the win with The Big Elbow. After the match, Nash entered the ring and grabbed the mic, and said he was offering Bulldog the final spot on Team Wolfpac. Bulldog refused, saying his loyalties lie with WCW. Nash then laid into Bulldog verbally... saying last week when Savage lost his temper and attacked him, neither Sting or his brother-in-law Bret Hart was there to save him, and if he joined The Wolfpac all his bad luck the last couple weeks would disappear! Bulldog thought for several moments... then extended his arm out and shook Nash's hand. [b]Bulldog joins Team Wolfpac![/b] Nash concluded by saying with this gesture of friendship he has also pulled a fast one on WCW... as since this match was Team Wolfpac vs. Team Wolfpac... they get a point! [b]8. Bret Hart & Sting[/b] defeated Hollywood Hogan & The Giant in 12:48. Hogan stayed away from Hart the entire match, refusing to even acknowledge Bret's existasnce at all! This led to The Giant being worn out physically as he was forced to carry the entire load of the match as Sting & Hart used this to their advantage, keeping Hart in the match as much as possible. As the momentum kept moving in their favor, Hart started chasing Hogan around ringside which caused The Giant to lose his focus, and Sting leapt on his back with a sleeper. As The Giant faded, Sting landed on his feet and hit the Scorpion Death Drop to pick up the win and put Team WCW waaaaay ahead in the Final Battle. OVERALL RATING: B+ [quote] [B][U][SIZE="4"]FINAL BATTLE STANDINGS[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]WCW[/B]: 5 pts [B]nWo Hollywood[/B]: 1 pts. [B]nWo Wolfpac[/B]: 1 pts.[/quote]
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I really like the concept of this point system. I beleive WCW will win considering IMO their 5 man look a whole lot better than everyone elses. They Have Goldberg who you know is going to rack up some points, Bret Hart, Sting, DDP, and Mysterio is probably the weak link but thats ok.
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Point system is interesting. I like your no nosense form of writing. Just say how it its all that is really all it needs to be. Still keeping with some of WCW's stories of 98...Benoit/Booker T...Wolfpack vs NWO Hollywood...it'll be interesting to how things go.
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Guest Ransik
Thanks guys! I'm REALLY hoping I can stick with this Diary (any time I get into a Diary my comp crashes) and I've already booked out the end to Bash at the Beach! I know you asked if I changed my booking plans if I'd reveal the original one, Chad, and I will reveal it... cause it sucks! Haha! The original plan was for Roddy Piper to be behind the office chair, out to destroy Hollywood Hogan.... who's rise to fame halted Piper from ever becoming World Champion. HOW EVER.... I came up with a finish to this angle so damn good that I'm amazed I was the one to think of it. Planning out the point system to match my idea is going to be tricky cause no way am I even gonna try and book 22 shows into the future to get it perfect... but it oughta work. I picked someone no one will ever suspect in a million years! Anyway, onto the Tuesday morning news; [U][B][SIZE="5"][color=green]WCW.com REPORT[/SIZE][/B][/U][/color] Tuesday, Week 2, June 1998 -Anarchy is the only way to describe what went on backstage during last night's Nitro broadcast. We're being told that before Nitro went on the air, [b]Scott Steiner[/b] was telling anyone who would listen that his recent fine for testing positive on steroid use was pretty convenient, and how none of the top guys have even been tested yet... and specifically pointed out how [b]Lex Luger[/b] could be fired in a week's time if someone would bother testing him. News of this reached The Total Package... who went and found Scott Steiner. The two exchanged words while several officials and wrestlers tried to calm the situation down, but Luger managed to get a shot in on Steiner and put him on the floor. WCW officials have fined both men $25,000 for this incident... and one has to wonder if Scott Steiner will even make any money this year the way he's headed. -Speaking of the WCW Drug Policy... we have another winner in our "random lottery of fun" as has been dubbed by the boys in the back. [b]Juventud Guerrera[/b] tested positive for cocaine in his system this weekend after WCW Saturday Night, and has received the $50,000 fine, which has also put him on Step 1 of the Hard Drug Policy. Juvi was said to be none too pleased of this, and has shown no interest in toning it down or getting clean. -Due to the interference of nWo Hollywood last night on Nitro... Match #4 in the Best of 7 Series between [b]Chris Benoit & Booker T.[/b] resulted in a No Contest. This match will NOT be redone... and is considered a tie. In the event this series ends in a 3-3 tie by the final bell of Match #7... a Sudden Death fall will occur to determine the winner. -Following last week's PPV report... WCW is proud to announce that [b]Canal Indigo[/b] has inked a 1 year deal with WCW to air PPV's in Canada! While this company only airs to roughly 50% of Canada, WCW will no doubt stretch their brand of superior wrestling further than before! -[b]Mike Enos & Wayne Bloom,[/b] undercard talent on the WCW roster were released from their contracts this weekend. WCW officials wanted both men to spend a month down in The Power Plant to be repackaged for a new gimmick as well as tone up on some skills & both men refused... and were given their walking papers as a result. -In [b]Power Plant[/b] news, a half dozen workers were sent down to Atlanta this weekend to tone up on some skills... and are as follows; -Steve Armstrong -Bobby Blaze -Jerry Flynn -Jim Duggan -Lodi -The Renegade Many in WCW were quite surprised to hear "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan was sent down to train, but he has becoming much slower and basic in recent months and this is... like with everyone else... is not a punishment... but an effort to improve Duggan's ring skills in an effort to make him a more useful member of our roster. Official word on [b]The Final Battle[/b] has been sent out in more detail this morning by our mysterious new WCW President; [quote][B][U]THE FINAL BATTLE NOTES[/U][/B] -Matches between the three 5 man teams will take place on all TV broadcasts as well as the next 2 PPVs... where it all ends at Bash at the Beach. -Participants in The Final Battle will have regular matches that do not pertain to the Tournament. -Due to what happened on Nitro... no longer will any points be rewarded for team members facing each other in the event this occurs again in the next 6 weeks. Nash found an unnoticed loophole which will not be of use again.[/quote] -Five HUGE matches have been signed as of this morning for the upcoming [b]Great American Bash,[/b] which will take place in 13 days. 4 of these matches pertain to The Final Battle, while the other is of course... a slot held open if The Best of 7 reaches the final match... and are announced as follows; [quote][B][U][SIZE="4"]GREAT AMERICAN BASH ANNOUNCED MATCHES[/SIZE][/U][/B] 13 days away! [B][U]MAIN EVENT[/U][/B] WCW vs. WOLFPAC vs. nWO HOLLYWOOD WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Sting vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. "Hollywood" Hogan (c) BATTLE OF THE GIANTS The Giant vs. "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash WCW UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP Scott Hall vs. Goldberg (c) "Total Package" Lex Luger & Konnan vs. Diamond Dallas Page & Rey Mysterio Jr. BEST OF 7 SERIES FINAL BOUT (Only if needed) Booker T. vs. "Canadian Crippler" Chris Benoit[/quote]
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It doesn't really need to be repeated, but I'm a fan of anything that's constructively geared towards WCW's lineage. Heh, I reckon it's funny though Hacksaw's gone down to the PowerPlant, hate to say it but he was never the bee's knees in the ring and I don't know if he could improve at this stage. I hope Nash wins at GAB, the "Big Sexy" "The Giant Killer" angle was not used properly enough in real life in my view.
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Guest Ransik
[B][U][SIZE="5"][color=blue]WCW THUNDER[/SIZE][/U][/B][/color] Thursday, Week 2, June 1998 Attendance: 10,000 [U]DARK MATCH:[/U] Psychosis & Damien defeated Johnny Swinger & Kaz Hayashi. [B]1. Ultimo Dragon & Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/B] defeated Juventud Guerrera & Silver King in 6:39. Great technical wrestling mixed with high-flying in this opener. In the end Ultimo was able to lock in the submission win with the Dragon Sleeper on Juventud. [B]2. Fit Finlay[/B] defeated Hugh Morrus to retain the WCW TV Championship in 6:22. Morrus showed some impressive ability here the fans never knew he had as he kept up with Finlay through all the holds and counters, but the TV Champ was successful in defending his Title after reversed a powerbomb attempt into a sunset flip to pick up the win. [B]3. Perry Saturn & Ray Traylor[/B] defeated The Boogie Knights in 4:38.Saturn & Traylor seemed to work okay together in this match, but nothing too spectacular and the fans weren't very into it. In the end both Wright & Disco were showing off to the crowd by dancing, thinking they had the match won, when Disco turned around and walked into the Traylor Slam and got pinned while Saturn dumped Wright to the floor. [quote]Backstage we see WCW's Team Captain [B]Sting & Bret Hart.[/B] They're going over the matches for tonight's show featuring The Final Battle as well as individual matches involving the competitors. Hart drags 2 chairs over in front of a very large TV set in their locker room and tells Sting tonight they're going to watch and study everyone in the nWo factions so they can find weaknesses. Sting then starts to mention [B]British Bulldog's[/B] jump to the Wolfpac, when Bret cuts him off and tells him not to worry about it, and he'll do what he has to do to keep WCW alive. Tonight Bret will pick up another point for WCW when he battles Scott Hall in the Main Event... and if he has to lock up with his brother-in-law down the road than so be it.[/quote] [B]4. The British Bulldog[/B] defeated Marty Jannetty in 5:54. This match didn't go off very well as Jannetty and Bulldog's different styles just didn't mesh well together, and they botched several spots during the bout. In the end Jannetty went for an ax-handle from the middle rope, but Bulldog caught him in a bear hug than quickly hoisted him up and hit the Running Powerslam to get the victory. [B]5. Goldberg[/B] defeated Bobby Eaton in 5:28 to retain the US Title. This was another match that didn't seem to go off rather well as Eaton's technical skills threw Goldberg off and he was unable to provide smooth counters and thus the crowd started to get on his case. How ever when Goldberg hit the spear & Jackhammer to go to 101-0... all was forgiven. [B]6. Konnan[/B] defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. in 7:46. Two of Mexico's most popular stars clashed in this Final Battle contest and did not disappoint. Konnan kept himself into the brawling scheme but was unable to keep up with the high speed of WCW's team underdog. Mysterio got a near fall with a victory roll but this left him open, and Konnan was able to kick out and quickly lock in the Tequila Sunrise to get the win and the point for the Wolfpac. [quote]After a break we see Wolfpac leader [B]Kevin Nash & Konnan[/B] talking about the Wolfpac victory over WCW. The two part ways and Nash heads in the opposite direction of Konnan, and several seconds later Nash turns a corner and walks into a huge right hand from [B]The Giant![/B] Caught off guard, Nash cannot fight back and his knocked around several times off walls and equipment. They end up near production equipment and The Giant sets up Nash for a Jacknife Powerbomb... mocking the Wolfpac leader... when we see Konnan burst onto the scene with security, breaking up what could've been a serious injury to Big Sexy.[/quote] [B]7. Raven & The Giant[/B] defeated The Faces of Fear in 6:39. The former Dungeon members squared off in this contest, and Meng & Barbarian were able to isolate The Giant from Raven for several minutes and wear him down with strong headbutts and double teams. Eventually Giant fired back with headbutts of his own and managed to get the tag to Raven caught several elbows to his opponents, and after a big boot sent Meng to the arena floor, Giant his another on Barbarian who walked into the Evenflow DDT from Raven. [B]8. Booker T. & Chris Benoit[/B] defeated Chris Jericho & Eddy Guerrero in 15:04. This was by far the best contest of the night and featured what most consider the top 4 future megastars of this industry. The action was almost hard to follow through the counters, holds and maneuvers and the crowd ate it all up. Jericho & Eddy kept a distinct advantage through most of the bout by not only cheating, but due to that Benoit & Booker were obviously not getting along due to their Best of 7 Series. They almost lost the match when they got into a shoving contest and Booker walked away from the match, which led to Benoit being trapped in the Lion Tamer... but Booker had a change of heart and ran in to break it up. In the end they won the match after Booker hit the Scissors Kick on Jericho to score the pinfall while Benoit had Guerrero trapped on the floor in the Crippler Crossface. [quote]Backstage we see [B]Diamond Dallas Page[/B] talking to his lovely wife Kimberly when nWo Hollywood leader... and WCW World Heavyweight Champion... [B]Hollywood Hogan[/B] walked up! The two stared each other down, and Hogan said he was only here to talk. Page then made the inside joke of telling Hogan he might want to go pick on a fan for better conversation. Miffed... Hogan said that WCW was never going to survive this Final Battle and that DDP would be much better off coming over to the winning side and join the black and white. DDP said that he looked much better in black and blue and if Hogan didn't get to stepping that he'd have the physical markings to match Page's jacket! An angered Hogan then told Page to put his money where his mouth is... while he can't defend the WCW Title until the GAB... he can certainly teach DDP a lesson this coming Monday on Nitro. Page nodded his head... and said Hogan would feel the BANG just like all his cronies have.[/quote] [B]9. "The Total Package" Lex Luger[/B] defeated Scott Steiner in 8:06. One has to wonder just how many people Steiner had to piss off to get this run of losses! The incredible thing about this match that none of the fans ever expected was that this was one of the best matches WCW had seen out of these two in years! Their respective styles meshed beautifully in this contest and everything went right in one after the other. Back and forth the two battled with Steiner gaining the distinct advantage, wearing down Luger. Luger's super-human endurance kicked in and he was able to counter off Steiner's offense and a few forearms later Scott found himself in the Torture Rack tapping out. The fans applauded the match and the Wolfpac win in this Final Battle bout. [B]10. Bret "Hitman" Hart[/B] defeated Scott Hall in 13:10. This match was just..... not good. Hall didn't seem to care less he was among a sold-out crowd much less on TV in front of millions and just seemed to be goofing off instead of taking a ring general like Bret Hart seriously. Halfway through the match Hart was clearly frustrated and began to noticably keep Hall trapped in several holds to get him to smarten up. The match almost turned into a fist-fight, and was ended quickly with Hart trapping Hall in an inside cradle to pick up the win for WCW in The Final Battle. [B][U]OVERALL RATING: B-[/U][/B] [quote][B][U][SIZE="4"]THE FINAL BATTLE STANDINGS[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]WCW:[/B] 6 pts [B]nWo Hollywood:[/B] 1 pts. [B]nWo Wolfpac:[/B] 3 pts.[/quote]
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Guest Ransik
[B][U][SIZE="5"]WCW.com WRESTLING REPORT[/SIZE][/U][/B] [quote][B][U][SIZE="4"][color=green]WCW SATURDAY NIGHT[/color][/SIZE][/U][/B] Saturday, Week 2, June 1998 1. The Public Enemy defeated The Armstrong Brothers with the Drive By. 2. Bobby Eaton defeated Kidman with the Alabama Jam. 3. Mortis defeated Norman Smiley with the Flatliner. 4. Dean Malenko & newcomer Christian Cage defeated Silver King & La Parka when Malenko pinned Calo with a tiger bomb. Cage turned on Malenko after the match. 5. Lord Steven Regal & The Boogie Knights defeated Stevie Ray, Hugh Morrus & Jim Neidhart when Regal forced Stevie Ray to tap to the Regal Stretch. 6. Eddie Guerrero defeated Rick Steiner thanks to help from Chris Jericho. 7. Goldberg defeated Saturn to retain the WCW US Championship and go to 102-0. 8. Scott Hall & Scott Steiner defeated British Bulldog & Konnan when Hall pinned Konnan with the Outsider's Edge in a Final Battle match. OVERALL RATING: C+[/quote] [quote][B][U]FINAL BATTLE STANDINGS[/U][/B] WCW: 6 pts nWo Hollywood: 5 pts. nWo Wolfpac: 3 pts.[/quote] -The wrestling world is deeply saddened to report that two legends of the business passed away early Saturday morning in what is being called a "freak accident. [b]Michael "Hawk" Hegstrand & Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka[/b] were involved in a vehicle wreck after a WWF House Show. Hegstrand had competed the night before while Snuka was visiting friends backstage and the two reportedly stayed behind and partied most of the night with several individuals not yet known to police. What is being reported is that around 3am on Saturday morning, Hegstrand & Snuka hit the road to go to the next WWF event. What has been pieced together so far is that both men were under the influence of drugs, as several were found among the wreckage. No one knows what happened or why it happened... whether or not Hawk... who was driving... fell asleep... but the car slammed into a guardrail and the vehicle crashed into nearby woods. Over the years, Road Warrior Hawk & Jimmy Snuka helped mold professional wrestling into what it is today. There is no word as of yet as to what the WWF will be doing as a tribute this coming Monday night to the lives of these two men, and there is also yet no word about what WCW has planned either. -[b]"Flyboy" Rocco Rock[/b] recently failed a WCW Drug Policy test. Early results say Rock had several drugs in his system, and as a result, WCW has started him on Step 1 of the Hard Drug Policy. Rocco Rock was fined $50,000 and was said to be very cooperative with management and promised to kick the habit. -Due to what has happened this past weekend... WCW has publically stated that this coming Monday night before, during, and after Nitro.... [b]ALL[/b] WCW employees will undergo extensive and comprehensive drug tests. No one wants to see another tragedy like this take place, and hopes are this round of tests will help individuals before nothing can be done to help them. -Several of WCW's Power Plant talent were released after this past week's show. Several of the wrestlers took it upon themselves to take a microphone during intermission to the show and run down WCW for sending them to development. Management was said to be furious and immediately got on the horn to officials... who the next morning sent these individuals their walking papers. [b]Bobby Blaze, The Renegade, The Disciple & Vincent[/b] were these 4 individuals... and are as of now terminated from both WCW and the Power Plant. -WCW also parted ways with [b]John Nord.[/b] Nord hasn't appeared on WCW television in months and there was reportedly no work for him, and was granted his release upon his asking. -[b]"The Cat" Ernest Miller[/b] was sent down to The Power Plant this morning in order to fill the void of the now released talent. Several independent talent were also signed over the weekend to report to The Power Plant which include BCW's [b]Rhino Richards.[/b] No other names were given. -WCW has signed a HUGE match for this coming Monday night. The WCW Tag Team Championship have been in limbo since Sting started flying the WCW colors for good... and with points in The Final Battle of utmost importance... have ordered both [b]Sting & The Giant[/b] to select partners of their choosing from their respective teams to do battle Monday night to crown undisputed WCW Tag Team Champions! -WCW has announced 5 new acquisitions to the roster... 2 men signed away from ECW and 2 men signed away from the WWF. [b]Mike Awesome[/b] signed a Developmental deal with WCW earlier this week, as he was said to have grown tired of Paul Heyman's late checks. [b]Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy[/b] were signed away from the WWF as well, which is said to have incredibly angered WWF management as well as Vince McMahon. The Hardys were set to debut on WWF television in the coming weeks to add more to their tag team division, but had yet to sign a contract with the company as they had been in the Funkin' Dojo training. Several WCW wrestlers who are friends with the brothers showed WCW officials tapes from their OMEGA Indy company... and management immediately faxed them both contracts. Matt & Jeff will spend time in The Power Plant to ready them for their TV debut. -In what is being considered two huge signings... WCW has signed [b]Val Venis[/b] away from the WWF as well as [b]Lance Storm[/b] away from ECW. Sean "Val Venis" Morley had recently debuted on WWF television and was also working for the CMLL company in Mexico. WCW sent the feelers out after learning that Morley was very upset with WWF management after laying out a plan to have him "castrated" on live TV later in the summer, and WCW offered him a deal he couldn't refuse. Lance Storm's signing is causing waves (and not good ones.) Paul Heyman was said to be condemning WCW for signing away 1/2 of his ECW Tag Team Champions. Storm was working on a handshake with Paul Heyman, and WCW management had been under pressure from ECW alumni such as Chris Benoit, Eddy Guerrero, Dean Malenko & Chris Jericho to sign Storm to the company. No one knows what Storm's role will be in the company, but after watching his matches the past few weeks on Hardcore TV... they were more than convinced this young man could help cement WCW as the top promotion in the world! -Finally in the news department... WCW officials are said to be almost ready to wash their hands with the WCW World Heavyweight Champion [b]Hollywood Hogan.[/b] Hogan has been a nuisance the past few weeks and was fined last week for attacking a fan.... and this week he has been in hot water for causing a fight with [b]Perry Saturn![/b] WCW had recently forced the top stars to start sharing locker rooms with the rest of the roster... as for some time the top stars had pissed and moaned about having their own private locker rooms. Hogan reportedly made several comments to WCW undercard talent and reportedly told Saturn; "I'm amazed you were able to lace your own boots while in the presence of the icon." Saturn immediately retaliated and had to be pulled off Hogan. Saturn was not put in the hot seat for this incident... how ever Hogan was fined $20,000. With The Final Battle going on... Hogan seems to be rather confident that he can do what ever he feels like... but management is reported to be readying Hogan's pink slip immediately after Bash at the Beach in 5 weeks if he doesn't change his tune and work with everyone else. [quote][B][U][SIZE="4"]WCW MONDAY NITRO PREVIEW[/SIZE][/U][/B] NON-TITLE MATCH: Diamond Dallas Page vs. Hollywood Hogan WCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Sting & ???? vs. The Giant & ???? MATCH #5 in THE BEST OF 7 SERIES: Chris Benoit vs. Booker T. WCW US CHAMPIONSHIP: Lex Luger vs. Goldberg (c)[/quote]
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Guest Ransik
[B][U][SIZE="5"][color=red]WCW MONDAY NITRO[/SIZE][/U][/B][/color] Monday, Week 3, June 1998 Attendance: 14,258 [B]DARK MATCH:[/B] Mortis defeated Christian Cage with the Flatliner [B][I]WCW Nitro came on the air with a tribute to the late Road Warrior Hawk & the late "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka.[/I][/B] [B]1. Chavo Gueerero Jr. & Ultimo Dragon[/B] defeated Kidman & Juventud Guerrera in 7:58. A hot opener saw the Cruiserweights do what hey do best, and that's set the mood for the show with fast-paced action. Problems with Juvi & Kidman allowed Chavo to pick up the win on Kidman with the Tornado DDT. The entire match saw Juvi ordering Kidman around before Kidman got sick of it and dropkicked Juvi from the ring, only to walk into Chavo. [B]2. Eddie Guerrero & Chris Jericho[/B] won a 4 Way Dance dedicated to the memory of Road Warrior Hawk against Public Enemy, The Faces of Fear, and Steven Regal & Fit Finlay in 7:51. The action was non-stop the moment the bell rang as the referee was never really able to maintain any kind of order to the bout. Towards the end of the bout Johnny Grunge & Rocco Rock set up tables on all 4 sides of the ring. They managed to put The Barbarian through one with the Drive By. Meng was then taken out with a double flapjack through another table when he tried to help his partner. As The PE celebrated the attack, Jericho dove on both men with a suicide dive and Regal exited the ring to execute punishment on Grunge. In the ring Finlay had Eddy hoisted for the Tombstone, but the referee was trying to get everyone back into the ring and Guerrero raked the eyes of the WCW TV Champion and then hit a low blow followed by the Frog Splash to get the win. [quote]We cut to the back where [B]Sting[/B] is arguing with [B]Lex Luger.[/B] Luger is verbally running Sting up and down the wall for not joining The Wolfpac and told him he was lucky that he saved him from Savage a couple weeks ago on Thunder because the way Sting is acting now he'd never do it again. Sting gets into The Total Package's face and tells him he doesn't need anyone to fight his battles for him. Sting told Luger they both picked their sides and if Lex can't live with it than maybe Sting will just have to do something about it! Sting says tonight he's bringing the WCW Tag Team Titles over the home turf and he doesn't need to worry about any of this! Luger then says he and Bret Hart have no chance of winning the way Sting has led his team... and Sting corrects Luger and says he's chosen [B]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] as his partner tonight to take on The Giant and his partner for the gold! Sting knows he can trust Mysterio and history shows that he can't trust Luger. Luger then shoves Sting... and Sting quickly pushes his bat into the chest of Luger and tells him not to do anything he's going to regret. Frustrated, Luger storms off while Sting shakes his head in disbelief.[/quote] [B]3. "Ice Man" Dean Malenko[/B] defeated Psychosis to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship in 6:34. The fans were solidly behind Malenko during this match and tried to rally him against Psychosis who came within inches of winning the Title for the first time with a senton from the second rope. Malenko tried several times to fight back but the momentum was on the side of the challenger, but things came to a screeching halt when Psychosis tried to hit Malenko with a super-gour buster... but Malenko was able to block it and to the shock of the crowd hit his tiger bomb from the top rope to secure the pinfall and retain the Title! [B]4. Booker T.[/B] defeated Chris Benoit in match #5 in the Best of 7 Series in 9:55. Yet another huge battle between these two men for a chance to become the WCW TV Champion. Both men seemed to keep an extra eye out for any unwanted guests due to the No Contest they had last week thanks to nWo Hollywood, but a great match kept the fans on the edge of their seats. In the end Benoit went up to the top for the Diving Headbutt, but Booker was able to crotch him on the 3rd rope. Benoit fell to the mat and doubled over and was quickly met by the Scissors Kick from Booker to pick up the win and tie the Series at 2-2. [B]5. Scott Hall[/B] defeated Konnan in a Final Battle match in 4:48. Konnan managed a few offensive maneuvers on Hall, but Scott clipped K-Dawg's knee early in the match and Konnan was unsuccessful in getting back to an offensive line. Hall kept working on the leg until Konnan could no longer stand & then hit a fallaway slam and The Outsider's Edge to pick up a point for nWo Hollywood. [quote]After a break we see [B]Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] prepping for tonight's Main Event against the nWo. Up walks [B]The Giant...[/B] whom Mysterio stands only to his chest. The Giant sarcastically laughs as loud and long as he can... before saying this has to be the biggest joke anyone's ever played on him. He's eaten a pig for dinner bigger than Mysterio before. Rey fires back that he's full of surprises, and says if he's underestimated tonight he'll pull off the biggest upset in WCW history. The Giant shrugs... then says he might want to take that up with his partner. In walks [B]Scott Steiner[/B] behind Mysterio, who is oblivious to this. Mysterio said he didn't care who he picked tonight and no one was going to push WCW around any longer. Steiner then clubbed Mysterio from behind and Giant hoisted him up and slammed him into the ceiling before tossing him to the floor. The nWo members then walked away as Mysterio rolled in agony on the floor.[/quote] [B] 6. "Macho Man" Randy Savage[/B] defeated Raven in a Raven's Rules Match.... also a Final Battle bout.... in 8:52. Raven held his own in this match which surprised most of the fans in attendance, several times coming close to picking up a quick win over the former WCW World Champion. Ever the veteran though, Savage was able to escape defeat several times before slowly wearing down Raven with several jabs and clotheslines. Raven brought a chair into the fray and delivered a drop-toe hold which stopped Macho Man in his tracks, but Raven quickly got ****y and was slammed onto the chair by a recovering Savage. Randy then put the chair on top of Raven's chest and hit The Big Elbow to pick up the win, seemingly injuring himself in the process. [B]7. Goldberg[/B] defeated Lex Luger in a Final Battle bout to retain the WCW US Championship in 9:55. Goldberg was severly tested in this match as he was up against a man as strong if not stronger than he is. Luger was able to ground Goldberg for most of the bout and was seemingly pleased with the way he was easily powering down the undefeated cult icon. Goldberg bounded back and his a press slam onto Luger and set up for the spear... when Konnan hit the ring and tried to get Goldberg's attention. Luger then tried a sneak attack, but Goldberg side-stepped it and Luger was shoved into Konnan. Goldberg then quickly hit the Jackhammer to retain the Title and go to 103-0 and score 2 points for WCW. [quote]After a break, [B]The British Bulldog[/B] came down to the ring with the black and red shirt on, and said everyone's been wanting to know why he joined The Wolfpac in the Final Battle for control of WCW. It's quite simple... Bulldog risked everything by following Bret Hart to WCW and as soon as Bret arrived... he forgot all about his brother-in-law. For months Bulldog has been on his own while Bret is admired and revered by all the fans. Kevin Nash offered him a chance for acceptance and to join a team of the elite... and he took it. This brought [B]Bret Hart[/B] out to the ring, who tried talking some sense into The Bulldog. Bulldog seemed to listen to reason... and told Bret that it's nothing personal right now, as he wants to cement his name in history and get back to the greatness he once acheived up north. The two then shook hands, but as soon as Bret turned his back, Bulldog assaulted The Hitman. After holding Bret up in a vertical suplex for an incredible 17 seconds... Bulldog nailed Hart with the Running Powerslam and then draped his Wolfpac shirt over Bret's face before leaving.[/quote] [B]8. Hollywood Hogan[/B] defeated Diamond Dallas Page in a Final Battle.... Non-Title Match in 12:28. The crowd was solidly behind the former US Champ in this bout agains the reigning WCW Champion. Page began the match with a flurrly of rights and lefts, but Hogan quickly snuck in the back door with an eye rake and took control. For several minutes Hogan knocked DDP down and talked smack to him the whole time... saying he could never be on Hogan's level. DDP slowly fought his way back to his feet and caught Hogan with a spinning clothesline and signaled for the Diamond Cutter... when Scott Hall ran down to the ring and hopped on the apron. The referee ordered Hall to the back... and from the crowd came Raven, who snuck into the ring and his Page with a low blow. Raven then held up DDP while Hogan connected with a big boot... and Raven rolled out as Hogan hit the Legdrop. Hall then dropped down, and the ref turned around to make the 3 count and award the match and a point for the nWo Hollywood. [B]9. The Giant & Scott Steiner[/B] defeated Sting & Rey Mysterio Jr. [B][I]to become the Undisputed WCW Tag Team Champions[/I][/B] in a Final Battle bout in 11:10. An injured Mysterio stayed on the apron for most of the match while Sting was forced to go it alone against two men much larger than he was... but the numbers game kept him from getting the win on several instances. Sting was able to lock on the sleeper... a maneuver he used a couple weeks earlier to defeat The Giant... but he was ready this time and backed Sting into the corner to break it. The beatdown continued until Sting was able to finally get a tag to Mysterio, who to the shock of the crowd was able to keep the MUCH larger Steiner & Giant fighting for control. They eventually started overwhelming him and he was too injured to get caught... so he tagged out to Sting, but was hit from behind by The Giant with a savate kick. Sting was too tired to continue the 2 on 1... and was caught attempting a Stinger Splash by the waiting hand of The Giant, who drilled him with the Chokeslam to pick up the win. The nWo celebrated with the WCW Tag Team Titles as Nitro went off the air... and a much needed 4 points put the nWo Hollywood in the lead. [B][U]OVERALL RATING: B-[/U][/B] [quote][B][U]THE FINAL BATTLE STANDINGS[/U][/B] [B]nWo Hollywood:[/B] 9 pts. [B]WCW:[/B] 8 pts [B]nWo Wolfpac:[/B] 4 pts.[/quote]
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Guest Ransik
Well all... I'm going to finish up moving tomorrow and I have no clue how long I'll be without Internet... or to paraphrase... how long MY computer will be without Internet. I'll still be checking around GDS the next few days but without access on this computer it'll be hard to get Diary results up. So anyway, thought I'd let the.... 3 fans know. If anyone feels like offering up feedback for the shows so far... what they like/don't like, etc... feel free. Thanks!
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