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Commonwealth Championship Wrestling: Breaking The Monopoly

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[B]McMinister Holdings Incorporated, Sydney Thursday, November, Week 3 3.55PM[/B] "So let me get this straight... You're buying up the entire wrestling scene. Every promotion is going to be absorbed into your APW project... But you can't afford to offer a contract to everyone who was working in those promotions." I said. "Precisely. I'm looking to bring the cream of the Australian crop into my promotion, I've already got the best from Adelaide Pro, Southern Hemisphere, Aussie Rules and now it's time for me to finish up with MWF. I already own the company. I'm the only one left." James J McMinister sat behind his desk, looking at me smugly. "But you haven't got the cream of the crop. What about The Comedian? He's the biggest star in the country. He carried ARW for years. Why isn't he on your dream roster?" I asked. "Mr Cameron, The Comedian is an overrated piece of garbage. I wouldn't even let him sit in the audience for one of my shows." "What about Mark Williams? Or Nick Charles? I heard they didn't get a call from you either." "Ah, of course. The fabled 'Click'. Your friends just don't have what it takes to be a part of my roster. But you on the other hand... You're one of MWF's top stars... Trained in Canada by the DeColts, you've wrestled all over the world. You could work anywhere in this country... But there's only one place you [I]can[/I] work. So, what's it going to be?" "You want my help in monopolizing the Aussie scene? You've got to be kidding. You can take your contract and stick it up your arse." I stood up from my chair and stormed out of his office. "You're making a huge mistake!" He shouted, as I slammed the door behind me. "Probably..." I muttered, as I left the building...
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[B]The Bended Elbow, Geelong Wednesday, November, Week 4 9.32PM[/B] I looked around the table at the people who had answered my calls and agreed to come down to my favourite bar, to discuss this situation... To my left, Leo "The Spartan" Spanos, a legend in Australia, possibly the biggest star we've ever known. The Greek immigrant wrestled all over the world, has a resume better than mine, he wrestled the greats in his day, Rip Chord, Sam Strong, Dan Stone. Of course, this was back when wrestling was in it's heyday Down Under, the days when we had TCW (Not Tommy Cornell's version, the original from the 70's and 80's). To my right, we had another legend, this one from across the Tasman. Jack Fitzpatrick is worshipped as a god in New Zealand, and has a huge measure of respect here too. In the 80's, he held the Auckland Pro Wrestling Championship an unmatched 9 times. He beat Rip Chord (via DQ) in an SWF Championship match, back when the Eisens were trying to cement the belt as a 'true' World title. And in Australia, he wrestled for TCW in the heel tag team the All Black Express, alongside... Sione Tialata, a 6'7", 200-odd kilo Maori. I've wrestled him a few times, he knows what he's doing, if nothing else. The Comedian rounded out our little group, like I said before, he's one of the biggest stars in the company today. "So I guess you've all got some idea of why I called you here today." I said. "It's that knob McMinister, isn't it?" The Comedian said. "That's exactly right. He's putting a lot of good people out of jobs with his monopoly. Something needs to be done." I said. "Bryan, what could you possibly be planning?" Leo asked. "Look, you guys know me. I'm a fighter. McMinister wants to be the only fish in this little pond? Well I'm looking to change that. He bought ARW last month, and last week, MWF went with it. He's basing APW out of Sydney, where he lives, which makes sense, they've got the best population to support it. But that leaves Melbourne free. Sure, we'll have to fight it out when we get too big for our respective cities, but until then, we've got time to build a real following. Sitting at this table are five of the best known wrestlers in the state, if not the country. If we can't carry a company, who can? What?" Everyone was staring at me after my speech. "You do realize Leo and I've been retired for over a decade?" Jack said. "I do. But I also know that you're what I need to make this legitimate. Jack, you worked for ARW and MWF as a road agent, we need someone to teach all these spot monkeys how to work a real match. I can't fight [I]everyone[/I]. Leo, you're gold on the mic, you're an out-and-out legend. Who better to be the acting commissioner of Commonwealth Championship Wrestling?" "You know kiddo, you might be on to something..." Jack said, sipping his beer thoughtfully. "I'm in. Let's take that prick McMinister down." The Comedian said. "I'm in too. I was going to fly back to Wellington now that I've got no indies to take bookings from." Sione said. "Me too. There's no getting out of this industry now, after being in it so long." Leo said. We all looked at Jack expectantly. "What the hell. I'm in." He said. "Then I propose a toast." I said, holding my glass in the air. "To CCW!" "CCW!" The others replied, raising their own glasses, before draining them. "Excuse me..." A massive hand tapped Sione on the shoulder. We all looked up to see the bouncer, a huge Maori bloke, looming over him. "What's up?" Sione asked. "Ummm... I was just wondering... Are you who I think you are?" The bouncer asked. "Yeah... I'm Sione Tialata." "Oh wow! My dad used to take me to see you wrestle in Wellington, and I saw a bunch of old tapes of you on the internet. You rocked in that tag team with... Oh my god..." The bouncer spotted Jack. "Always good to meet a fan... Although I haven't met one so young in decades... Are you even old enough to get into this place?" Jack asked. "Of course sir, I'm 18. Listen, I know it's unprofessional for me to ask, but can I get an autograph?" The bouncer asked. "I can do one better." I cut in. "How would you like a job... Uh, what was your name kid?" "Rodney. Rodney Sivivatu." "Well Rodney, you're a big boy, aren't you?" "Yes sir, I'm 6'11"." "Well, these gentlemen and I are about to start a new wrestling company, so we're looking for big guys like you. What do you say? Do you want to be a star?" "I don't know how to wrestle sir." "That's what these guys are for. We'll train you, free of charge. So long as you keep working for us." "Wow, that would be great! Where do I sign up?" "Here's my card, call me tomorrow and we'll work something out. I think you'd better get back to work though, your boss might get mad." "Of course. Thank you sir!" Rodney hurried away. "Now if only talent just fell out of the sky like that all the time." The Comedian said. "Between the five of us, we've worked with everyone in the country. We'll need to make some phone calls. I already have, that's why you're here, but now that you guys are involved, more people might answer my calls. Now here's my shortlist of guys..."
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Ok, a couple of notes before I go any further... My User Character is Bryan Cameron, a 27 year-old wrestler who formerly worked for the Melbourne Wrestling Federation. He began training locally, but decided to go to Canada to train in the Stone Dungeon... But was rejected. He instead went to the DeColt dojo, and learned his trade there. He spent a little time jobbing his ass off in Canada, before doing the same in the States and Japan, not to mention a little time in England, before heading to Australia and getting a job in the MWF, where he became a top star. I've expanded the Australian C-Verse a little, to include a couple of characters I made up. Everyone at that meeting, excluding the Comedian, has been added by me, as has the two guys mentioned in the meeting, Mark Williams and Nick Charles, who are guys who trained alongside Bryan Cameron in Australia, before he left, and who he's been friends with over the following years, forming a backstage clique, 'the Click'. The now-defunct Australian version of TCW is based on the real world's now defunct Australian version of WCW, which was in no way related to the later American WCW. [QUOTE=Wildfire1324;461690]Okay, now how believable can this be G? I mean what the heck do you know about Australia? :p[/QUOTE] I'm sure I can just make it up as I go along.
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