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Advanced Booking on the day of the event or several days before?

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It's an accurate way to recreate a weekly TV show, and it doesn't penalize me for not laying things out weeks in advance, so I guess I don't see the beef. Should a monday night TV show get **** ratings because the pay per view the night before didn't give it time to advance book? In terms of TV buys and pay per view purchases, where advance booking has a significant effect, it's not unreasonable that people wouldn't make their purchase or watch the show without seeing what was scheduled for that night. I know I don't make the decision to watch a show weeks in advance. Should advance booking weeks in advance give me a bigger gate? Yeah, that'd be great, but right now, that's not how the game works (just try bringing your promotion to Japan; you could have a match-up between two huge Japanese stars and still draw under a thousand people). But, since advance booking is primarily for selling to casual fans or people on the fence who take notice and say "hey, that looks like a good match," and then watch it on TV, it does its job.
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