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Help needed - WWF '91.

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Hi guys, I'm a huge fan of Adam Ryland's work, EWR, WMMA, TEW - totally awesome games, they took a lot of my time, and probably will take even more... I'm opening a new topic even though I know there are topics about hints and tips how to play TEW 08... Still, after reading them, I can't really put on a good show, even though I have some good and some great workers. I'm playing a 1991 mod, with WWF, I signed a huge load of already popular guys, plus many future stars like Christian, Edge, RVD... Still, whatever I do, my guys tend to lose momentum and overness, and don't even get me started on shows... I try my best, and I get E+, D- at best... And I'm the number 1 promotion in the world, I have the truly best workers in terms of popularity, and skill... It is really turning bad for me, I run shows only in Mexico because there my popularity is like D... I'm too scared to run shows in Tri-State where I have A* popularity, 'coz when I put an E show there I will surely lose huge amounts of popularity... So basically this topic is a little bit for me to cry about how rubbish I am, but the main reason I opened this topic is the fact that I need help, and quickly. I have 3 brands, 4 shows [3 major ones, one B show] some of my workers still have B momentum or higher [mostly guys who I didn't use much, so they hadn't had chance to lose the momentum...] and some highly skilled guys who are completely unknown [RVD, Steve Austin, William Regal... they are all in my fed, they are all young, great, and they have like 0 popularity...] Plus my owner, Vince M. [anybody knows who he is? ;)] doesn't let me change my product one bit, so I must have a 60 % match ratio on TV shows, when I'd like a 70 %... Anyway, any help is appreciated, any tips, any hints, if You have no problems playing the game, or even if You have some problems, but You know something that could help me - please let me know. The game is awesome, but really hard for me, and even after reading the tips thread here, and the game help file, I don't do well... Please don't close this topic, I hope it will help me become a better player, and I think it might help other people too. If You need anymore info, like screens of people's abilities, shows, anything that could be useful - let me know. Best wishes to all of You great GDS forum users ;)
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Hi, Just have to say, comparing this post to the one by Verbalcody is just priceless !! Anyway, I have similar problems with the real world mods (although I have found I am enjoying the cornellverse more than the real world mods so far). Maybe starting with a smaller promotion before jumping in with the wwf may help ? I always find that taking on such a big task is overwhelming to say the least. Don't recall off hand what the alternatives are though.
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[QUOTE=makarok;462253] Just have to say, comparing this post to the one by Verbalcody is just priceless !! [/QUOTE] I hope You mean the good way, I tried to be as specific as I could, and also polite... As for trying to play with a promotion of a lesser size I'll definetely try that, but as for now I want to continue with this game, I got into it, it's just so hard...
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What are your workers' popularities like in Mexico? If they're as low as your fed's, then you're probably not going to get very good ratings - assuming WWF is set up to rate more on popularity than performance, which I'd imagine is the case. Also, remember that with a 60% match ratio, you can book anything between 50% and 70% matches. I don't claim to be any good at booking WWF style feds, but I'd imagine some hype videos and confrontations featuring your main eventers - especially guys who are still on high momentum - should help.
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I don't play real world mods very often, so I can't give direct advice on how to succeed in the 1991 mod with the WWF. However, my general advice would be to look at the 2008 diary section of this forum and read through some of the 1991 diaries that are out there. Some of these guys seem to get good grades, so it might be good to see how they're formating their shows and how and who they are using in angles and in matches.
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It seems to me that the problem is obviously that you're running shows in Mexico. Your workers aren't over there. Also, the WWF in 1991 can't really support three brands, in my opinion. You need a lot more stars, and having them spread among three brands will drag down the grades of each brand. Best to just have 1 brand, and probably 1 A show.
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The most important guys are over all over the world, so if Hogan and Jake Roberts get a D- in an angle, when they are A* and A in popularity there, something must be wrong... Probably it's me, that's why I'm asking. [quote]However, my general advice would be to look at the 2008 diary section of this forum and read through some of the 1991 diaries that are out there. Some of these guys seem to get good grades, so it might be good to see how they're formating their shows and how and who they are using in angles and in matches.[/quote] Yeah, I've seen them, and they have grades like B or higher in almost every match... I don't know how are they doing it, maybe they could write it here? Maybe it's something with, I don't know, Road Agent notes? I almost always use keep strong, work the crowd, open match... Thanks for all the replies I got, if anyone knows how to help me, please write here. If You need any more info about my game, just ask.
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I don't know what your doing wrong. I'm playing as WCW 91 and I'm getting A and B+ shows all the time. You say you got 60% match ratio, well to me that means have a couple of big time matches thrown in with some highly rated promo's and angles. With the likes of Hogan, Savage, Warrior you should have no problem getting this thing hot.
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Are we talking about the Filling the Coliseum mod? Just checking as I'm intrigued by what you're doing wrong and was going to start a game with WWF to see how I got on, but figured I may as well make sure it's the same mod.
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Next question - is it to do with the shortness of your shows, as the four TV shows they start off with are all 1 1/2 hours or less - only 1/2 hour for some. Can you post a past card with ratings so we can see how it was booked? No need for RA notes or anything but just the matches and angles in the order they happened with the ratings they got? Are you getting any feedback about using people too much, or anything?
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[QUOTE=Jaded;462317]Are we talking about the Filling the Coliseum mod? [/QUOTE] Yes, it is. And my shows are: 3 A Shows [one for every brand] - 90 minutes every show 1 B Show [no brand extension, jobbers and lower carders from every brand] - 60 minutes Here is one of my cards, the best one yet: [url]http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/7863/23797301ae4.jpg[/url] [url]http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/1210/61562720ra9.jpg[/url] As You can see I try my best to do well, but I don't... Here are my ongoing storylines [Arkadiusz is my created character]: [url]http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/6183/82944503wn5.jpg[/url] Can someone help me, or You need more info? Best wishes.
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Yup - you barely have ANYONE at high overness in Mexico - half a dozen guys at C- or over, none of whom were in that show (unless they were in the battle royal.) Book it in the States and I'm guessing you'll get a much better reaction.
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As far as the match ratio is concerned, you can book 70% matches with match ratio set at 60% [the game gives you a leeway of 10%]. Also, never underestimate the importance of highly rated angles in an entertainement based fed like the WWF. Its MUCH easier to get people over by working long angles [6 minutes or more] than by wrestling matches, because in my experience, in entertainment based feds angles generally tend to get higher ratings than matches. Also, remember that an angle will count towards the final grade of a show ONLY if its 6 minutes or longer, whereas even the shortest match will count towards the final grade of a show. Are you keeping the "perfect show theory" in mind? Basically you've to book in a series of "peaks and valleys" - that is every hot segment should be followed by a less anticipated segment to cool down the crowd. This should be built up in such a way that your main event is the best[ie, highest rated] segment of your show. Also, remember that the final show rating is heavily biased towards the last few segments - so concentrate on making the last 3 or 4 segments of your show the strongest - by only using your most over workers.
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So You guys are sure that I won't rapidly lose popularity by putting for example similar matches in USA? I'm afraid that I will fall to Cult if I pull an E show somewhere in USA :/ Thanks for all the tips, if You have any more, let me know :)
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Your shows won't be "E" in the US. You're losing popularity in the US by televising "E" shows right now. However, I'm not sure how successful your brand split can be in the US. At the very least, you SHOULD be able to put on B- shows with the default roster and stay at National. However, I think the brand split might push your shows into the C/C+ area and possibly push you down to cult.
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Oh, I'll try to put the best shows to not let that happen... Also, now that You helped me with one thing, here's another - when I [hopefully] get straight A's in America and Canada, and I want to have better popularity in Mexico, what can I do to achieve it?
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get one of your shows to broadcast in mexico plus ppv coverege for mexico. And yes your main fault is 1 Putting shows in Mexico with guys with low overness there 2 too many shows splitting the quality and overness of the roster too much 3 when switching back to 1 show go for less but better rated storylines.
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Thanks guys, You're the best! And I'm going to be the best in this game, too :) I'm getting better and better, I decided not to end the brand split - my wrestlers will get more TV exposure with the split. My first show after I took Your advice was B-, it's a huge jump from those E's I was used to... Plus, 2 segments actually got me an A, which I'm very proud of :] Now my game will be a little bit easier, I just need to have more popular guys in my fed, as in WWF popularity is rated before skill, and I have a lot [and I mean a lot] of talented guys with F's in the whole game world... So now my mission is to develop them to a level that would allow me to have them on TV shows without a massive drop in grades... What would be better [I have a B show, so I'm gonna try to do something on it] to develop popularity: put guys I want to be popular in matches against jobbers, or for example midcarders that I don't like? Common sense tells me that second theory would be better, but I'd like to ask for Your opinion, as You guys certainly know the game better than I do :] Once again, thanks for help, and hope to get an answer to the question above :) PS. One more question, before I forget: is there any chance I'll be allowed to change my product, even a little? Currently Vinnie doesn't let me do this, will he eventually, or I'm stuck with it forever?
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just wanted to chime in and say another reason your shows and angles tanked was because they speak a language in mexico that hogan and jake the snake are not familiar with, they call it spanish or something idk :P. So keep in mind that if you put an angle on where one (let alone all) of the workers involved can't speak the language of the people he's trying to entertain then it's going to tank no matter how popular they are. The only exception might be the Ultimate Warrior, no one understands what he's talking about no matter what language it's in. And as far as Vinnie cuttin you some slack, not much of a chance on that one. Although you could always (forgive my sin oh gods of honest gameplay) use the editor :O
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[QUOTE=WeeMan;462783]Thanks, but I don't want to cheat, it would kill all the enjoyment of the game, thanks for the language hint though. If someone knows the answer to my developing question, let me know.[/QUOTE] Well workers gain pop by being in highly rated segments, so putting them in matches with midcarders and the like should be better for them, but I'd be careful about jobing the midcarders to them though. You don't want to ruin something you have now for something that may never be. Personally I have found the absolute best way to get people over is to keep them around people who are over. It sounds simple, and honestly is. If you want to push a certain guy on your B show then put him in a couple of angles with one of your top guys, nothing much, but it will go very far after a couple of shows topped with wins over lesser opponents. Oh and if you book two matches at the end of the show something along the lines of this model Main eventer vs Uppermid Main eventer vs Uppermid/Mid It'll help the show rating as it is HEAVILY influenced by the last two segements.
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