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Is bigger always better?......in regards to TV networks of course :)

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Ratings link to finance, as the more people who are watching, the more advertising revenue and the like you can get. Having huge ratings are not the be all and end all, as they don't allow you to "hurt" your opposition, that is done via National battles. The best strategy is to get a network of an appropriate size for the promotion, so that you're getting the most advertising revenue without risking getting kicked off the air at the first sign of trouble.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;462743]On the same note is it better to have a prime time slot with say a big network or a evening/late evening slot with a huge network ratings wise? (playing as one the national feds)[/QUOTE] I am almost certain that the former would give you better ratings, but it depends on what type of programming you are competing against. Generally prime time features the strongest programming on TV networks - so if you're going head to head with the highest rated show on TV then you can expect your ratings to take a hit.
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