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WCW 2008:A southern Flair

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After Wrestlemania 24 Ric Flair had thoughts of returning to the wrestling buisness but not in the WWE.So he and unknown partner bought WCW off of Vince Mcmahon.Him and Flair also signed OVW to be their sister company.They also signed big names from the indys,TNA and WWE.Such as CM Punk,Cody Rhodes,Kurt Angle,AJ Styles and many more.They also finished by getting a time slot on MTV2. Photobucket
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WCW 1.[COLOR="Blue"]Ted Dibiase Jr[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"]2.Paul Burchill[/COLOR] Photobucket 3.[COLOR="blue"]Kofi Kingston[/COLOR] Photobucket 4.[COLOR="Red"]Matt Sydal[/COLOR] Photobucket 5.[COLOR="Blue"]Mike Dibiase[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Red"]6.CM Punk[/COLOR] Photobucket 7.[COLOR="blue"]Cody Rhodes[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]8.DH Smith[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"]9.Teddy Hart[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"]10.TJ Wilson[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Red"]11.Tyson Dux[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Red"]12.Natayla Neidhart[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"]13.Afa Jr[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"]14.Solo Snuka[/COLOR] Photobucket 15.[COLOR="blue"]Wagner Brown[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Red"]16.RVD-WCW Champion[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"]17.Bobby Lashley[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"]18.AJ Styles-WCW United States[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"]19.Daniel Puder[/COLOR] Photobucket 20.[COLOR="Red"]Chris Hero[/COLOR] Photobucket 21.[COLOR="red"]Ryan O'Reily[/COLOR] Photobucket 22.[COLOR="red"]Krissy Vaine[/COLOR] Photobucket 23.[COLOR="red"]KC James[/COLOR] Photobucket 24.[COLOR="red"]Kassidy James[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"]25.Scott Colton[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Red"]26.Reid Flair[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"]27.Rod Strong[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"]28.Jimmy Jacobs[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="blue"]29.Tyler Black[/COLOR] Photobucket 30.[COLOR="Blue"]Dan Rodman[/COLOR] Photobucket 31.[COLOR="Red"]Muhammed Hassan[/COLOR] Photobucket 32.[COLOR="red"]Shawn Daviari[/COLOR] 33.[COLOR="Blue"]Kevin Thorn[/COLOR] Photobucket 34.[COLOR="blue"]Cybrus[/COLOR] 35.[COLOR="Blue"]Hybrid[/COLOR] 36.[COLOR="blue"]Joey Superstar[/COLOR] Photobucket 37.[COLOR="blue"]Marina Santos[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]38.Test[/COLOR] Photobucket 39.[COLOR="Red"]Nick Dinsmore[/COLOR] Photobucket 40.[COLOR="Blue"]Marcus Corvan[/COLOR] Photobucket 41.[COLOR="blue"]Stacy Keiblier[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]42.Siaki Miavia-WCW Televison Champion[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Red"]43.Kurt Angle[/COLOR] Photobucket 44.[COLOR="blue"]Chris Harris[/COLOR] Photobucket 45.[COLOR="Red"]Ron Killings[/COLOR] Photobucket 46.[COLOR="Blue"]Rave[/COLOR] Photobucket 47.[COLOR="Red"]Joey Muraco[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]48.Brooke Adams[/COLOR] Photobucket 49.[COLOR="Blue"]Austin Aries[/COLOR] Photobucket 50.[COLOR="blue"]Lacey Von Erich[/COLOR] Photobucket 51.[COLOR="Red"]Wesley Davin[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]52.The Hurricane-WCW Cruiserweight Champion[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Red"]53.Joe Henning[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Red"]54.Amy Henning[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"]55.Johnny Fairplay[/COLOR] Photobucket 56.[COLOR="Blue"]Brandon Thomaseli[/COLOR] Photobucket 57.[COLOR="blue"]Vito Thomaseli[/COLOR] 58.[COLOR="blue"]Sal Thomaseli[/COLOR] Photobucket 59.[COLOR="Red"]Chris Moore[/COLOR] Photobucket 60.[COLOR="red"]Antonio[/COLOR] Photobucket 61.[COLOR="red"]Romeo[/COLOR] Photobucket 62.[COLOR="red"]Alexis Roucka[/COLOR] Photobucket 63.[COLOR="Blue"]Naruki Doi[/COLOR] Photobucket 64.[COLOR="Blue"]Masato Yoshino[/COLOR] Photobucket 65.[COLOR="Red"]Carly Colon[/COLOR] Photobucket 66.[COLOR="Blue"]Eddie Colon[/COLOR] Photobucket 67.[COLOR="red"]Alex Koslov[/COLOR] Photobucket 68.[COLOR="Red"]Doug Williams[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Red"]69.Brody Butcher[/COLOR] Photobucket 70.[COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Romero[/COLOR] Photobucket 71.[COLOR="blue"]Ricky Reyes[/COLOR] Photobucket 72.[COLOR="blue"]Donovan Morgan[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Red"]73.Trent Acid-WCW Tag Champion[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"]74.Johnny Kashmere-WCW Tag Champion[/COLOR] Photobucket 75.[COLOR="Red"]Chris Daniels[/COLOR] Photobucket 76.[COLOR="red"]Red Mysterio[/COLOR] Photobucket 77.[COLOR="red"]Ki Low[/COLOR] Photobucket 78.[COLOR="Blue"]Idol Stevens[/COLOR] Photobucket 79.[COLOR="Red"]Mike Quackenbash[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]80.Karl Anderson[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"]81.Joey Magnum[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Red"]82.Abyss-WCW Hardcore Champion[/COLOR] Photobucket 83.[COLOR="Red"]Chris Sabin[/COLOR] Photobucket 84.[COLOR="red"]Alex Shelly[/COLOR] Photobucket 85.[COLOR="Blue"]Mark Briscoe[/COLOR] Photobucket 86.[COLOR="blue"]Jay Briscoe[/COLOR] Photobucket 87.[COLOR="Red"]Lollipop[/COLOR] 88.[COLOR="Red"]Jack Evans[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"]89.Bob Sapp[/COLOR] Photobucket 90.[COLOR="red"]Larry Sweeney[/COLOR] Photobucket 91.[COLOR="Blue"]Ricky Ortiz[/COLOR] 92.[COLOR="Red"]Chet Douglas[/COLOR] Photobucket 93.[COLOR="red"]Angelina Love[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"]94.Matt Bentley[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"]95.Melissa Anderson-WCW Women's Champion[/COLOR] Photobucket 96.[COLOR="Blue"]A1[/COLOR] 97.[COLOR="blue"]Trinity[/COLOR] 98.[COLOR="Red"]Eric Perez[/COLOR] Photobucket 99.[COLOR="red"]Joey"Kaos"Munoz[/COLOR] 100.[COLOR="Blue"]Arick Cannon[/COLOR] Photobucket 101.[COLOR="blue"]Lacey[/COLOR] Photobucket 102.[COLOR="blue"]Sara Ray[/COLOR] 103.[COLOR="blue"]Ariel Martinez[/COLOR] Photobucket 104.[COLOR="blue"]Lita[/COLOR] Photobucket 105.[COLOR="Red"]Trish Stratus[/COLOR] Photobucket 106.[COLOR="Blue"]Kristal[/COLOR] Photobucket 107.[COLOR="Red"]Trevor Rhodes[/COLOR] Photobucket 108.[COLOR="Blue"]Robert Thomas Jr[/COLOR] Photobucket 109.[COLOR="Red"]Rey Bucanero[/COLOR] 110.[COLOR="Blue"]Bryan Danielson[/COLOR] 111.[COLOR="Red"]Paul London[/COLOR] Photobucket 114.[COLOR="Blue"]Kenny Doane[/COLOR] Photobucket 115.[COLOR="Red"]Venus[/COLOR] Photobucket 116.[COLOR="Blue"]Rene Dupree[/COLOR] Photobucket 117.[COLOR="Red"]Jake Hager[/COLOR] Photobucket 118.[COLOR="red"]Nick Metro[/COLOR] Photobucket 119.[COLOR="red"]Lisa Marie Varon[/COLOR] Photobucket 120.[COLOR="Blue"]Claudio Cash[/COLOR] Photobucket Announcers [COLOR="blue"]Jon Coachman[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="blue"]Josh Matthews[/COLOR] Photobucket Letcia Cline [COLOR="Red"]Scott Hudson[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"]Todd Grisham[/COLOR] Photobucket GM's [COLOR="Red"]Ric Flair[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Paul Heyman[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Red=Nitro[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Blue=Thunder[/COLOR] As you also see Ric Flair has selected pre determined champions.
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[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]Confirmed for WCW Nitro[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][CENTER] from the Palace of Auburn Hills,Detriot Michigan [SIZE="5"][CENTER]Ric Flair will open Nitro with a special announcement.[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Alex Shelly vs.Teddy Hart[/SIZE] Will the "Next Gen Hart" prevail or will the hometown boy reign supreme. [SIZE="4"]The Canadian Bulldogs vs.The Million Dollar Brothers[/SIZE] Will the rough and tough Canadians dominate or will Techinal Brothers shock the world. [SIZE="4"]Daniel Puder challenge[/SIZE] Who will accept Daniel Puder's challenge. [/CENTER] [CENTER]Number one Contender's match for WCW World Heavyweight title. [SIZE="4"]Kurt Angle vs.Ron Killings[/SIZE] Will the Truth prevail or will the olymipc gold medal get another shot at heavyweight gold.[/CENTER] [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"]WCW Nitro from the Palace of Auburn Hills,Detriot Michigan Attendance:10,0000[/SIZE][/CENTER] [B]Coachman:[/B]Hi,live from the palace of Auburn Hills in Detriot Michigan were WCW takes place tonight [B]Matthews:[/B]And we have a stacked card for you tonight,As we have The next Gen Hart,Teddy Hart debut against Alex Shelly.We also have a Daniel Puder open challenge,We also will have a word with Johnny Fairplay. [B]Coachman:[/B]Let's get to the ring were Ric Flair is standing by. [B]Flair:[/B]Tonight starts a new era of WCW,as me and my assisant GM will bulid WCW to the top of the food chain.You might be asking "Naitch who is this assistant GM" he is the man that bulit ECW,he also was a great commentator and Business.He is PAUL HEYMAN!!!! (Heyman to an isane pop from the crowd) [B]Coachman:[/B]Oh My God the Naitch and Heyman working together as partners. [B]Matthews:[/B]Brings back memories of when Vince and Naitch became partners in the WWE. [B]Heyman:[/B]Thanks Naitch for that great introduction I'm here because I'm sick of Vince Mcmahon and Dixie Carter's bull****.giving you the fans nothing but garbage and it's time for a change.Also me and Ric will have a draft on Thunder why you might ask because were having a brand extension where I'll take control of Thunder while Naitch takes control of Nitro. ([B]Flair and Heyman leave together as we go to commercial)[/B] we come back with Alex Shelly getting into the ring with a huge ovation. Teddy Hart then receives mega heat from the crowd [B]Alex Shelly vs.Teddy Hart[/B] This match was a match know as an aerial assault the end came when Teddy caught Shelly as he came off the top rope.hitting a ddt for 3 at 5:10. Winner:Teddy Hart (Post match hart asks for a mic as he adresses the crowd [B]Hart:[/B]As you've just seen The Gen Hart is all that I said I would be.Because I have my Uncle Brett's Execution skills,my Uncle Owen's Tenacitiy an Love for this business. Were in the back where we Stacy leaving a lockerroom a few minutes later Joey Superstar exited the same lockerroom. We go to the GM's office where we see Muhammed Hassan and Daviari complaining to Ric Flair. [B]Hassan:[/B]Mr Flair why am I not on the card tonight are you trying to discriminate against me an my people. [B]Flair:[/B]No not at all Hassan that is why tonight you have a match against "The Monster"Abyss. Muhammed Hassan comes out to immense heat Abyss receives a small pop. [B]Muhammed Hassan/Daviari vs.Abyss[/B] Hassan tries but he can't succed as Abyss hit the black hole slam for 3 at 6:25 Winner:Abyss (post match Hassan gets out of the ring upset about his loss) We go to the back where Johnny Fairplay is standing by. [B]Fairplay:[/B]Next week you will all be amazed as The Beast states his claim to become WCW World Champion. The Canadian Bulldogs are standing by with Letcia Cline. [B]Cline:[/B]Tonight you guys take on the Million Dollar Brothers what are your thoughts.to [B]Smith:[/B]Well first I would like to congratulate my cousin Teddy for a great win tonight. [B]Smith:[/B]Now to the matter at hand,Million Dollar Brothers you are going to the feel the pain me and TJ have in store for you guys. The Canadian Bulldogs receive a very mute response The Million Dollar Brothers receive a nasty heat [B]The Canadian Bulldogs vs.The Million Dollar Brothers[/B] The Bulldogs rough style against the Million Dollar Brothers technical prowless,the Bulldogs win as DH Smith hit a running powerslam for 3 at 12:55 Winner:The Canadian Bulldogs We go to the back where we see Natayla Neidhart talking to Lisa Marie Varon [B]Neidhart:[/B]Trish Stratus thinks she is everything great to women's wrestling well she is not. [B]Neidhart:[/B]I mean she faced a bunch of supermodels and bimbos who can't wrestle. (Just as she finished that sentence,Trish Stratus walked behind her) [B]Stratus:[/B]What did you say about me? [B]Neidhart:[/B]i said you are a no talent big bireasted bimbo that can't wrestle. (A Cat Fight ensues as Trish and Natayla have to be sepreated by WCW officals. Daniel Puder is in the ring with a microphone [B]Puder:[/B]I'm here to issue an open challenge to any piece of scum in the back. [B]Puder:[/B]If the can beat me they will win 1 billion dollars. (Kenny Doane music as he flys down to the ring) [B]Daniel Puder challenge Daniel Puder vs.Kenny Doane[/B] Puder puts on a submisson exibition finshing Doane with an anklelock at 3:10 Winner:Daniel Puder We go to the back where Letcia Cline is standing by with Kurt Angle [B]Cline:[/B]Kurt tonight you take on Ron Killings to determine the number one contender for Rob Van Dam World Title,what are your thoughts. [B]Angle:[/B]my thoughts,my thoughts!,my thoughts are that Ric Flair should of gave me the world title and I'll prove it by destroying Killings tonight. Kurt Angle receives Nasty heat from the crowd Ron Killings receives a good pop from the crowd. [B]Kurt Angle vs.Ron Killings[/B] this match is pretty even until Kurt hits a low blow on Killings only to hit a Angle Slam for 3. Winner:Kurt Angle (post match while Angle is celebrating the lights go out when they come back on Bob Sapp is in the ring and he signals to Angle 'your next" As the show fades to black)
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The First Offical WCW Draft [QUOTE] Nitro selects RVD Photobucket Thunder selects Bobby Lashley Photobucket Nitro selects CM Punk Photobucket Thunder selects AJ Styles Photobucket Nitro selects Reid Flair Photobucket Thunder selects Bob Sapp Photobucket Nitro selects Kurt Angle Photobucket Thunder selects Afa Jr Photobucket Nitro selects The Backseat Boys Photobucket and Photobucket Thunder selects Hell's Angels Photobucket and Photobucket Nitro selects Abyss Photobucket Thunder selects Melissa Anderson Photobucket Nitro selects Siaki Miavia Photobucket Thunder selects Matt Bentley Photobucket Nitro selects The Hurricane Photobucket Thunder selects Paul Burchill Photobucket Nitro selects Natayla Neidhart Photobucket Thunder selects Test Photobucket Nitro selects Joe Henning Photobucket Thunder selects Solo Snuka Photobucket [/QUOTE]
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As you did ask, I have had a look at your diary. To be honest, it's not to my taste. I say this because a) I like a bit more detail in diaries, I enjoy really trying to understand what a writer is trying to say, how they envision a character etc and b) there are so many unanswered questions, there's no real clarification on why any of this is happening. If you're going to go for an alternate universe scenario (and well within your rights to do so) I'd like to see a bit of reasoning as to how exactly it came to be alternate. For example... [LIST] [*]Why would CM Punk, Kofi Kingston etc want to jump from WWE to WCW? [*]How did they get out of their contracts and straight in to another roster? [*]Why did Flair want to restart WCW? [*]Why did Vince want to sell? [*]Why would the likes of Kurt Angle and AJ Styles leave TNA for WCW? [*]Why was Kurt Angle picked two after Reid Flair in the draft? [*]Why were the champions pre-selected? [*]Why did Heyman join WCW? I know you said he was fed up of WWE and TNA but there was no detail to that, why he was so fed up he felt the need to merely be a character for the wrestling company he hated the most? [/LIST] I hope you don't mind me being honest and telling you what I think, and it's not a criticism for the point of criticising you. I've genuinely read everything you've had to offer and this is my constructive opinion on what you're doing because you asked. If you look at the best writers on here- Nevermore, Tristram, Outlaw etc there are reasons for why they are doing things. If something is left unexplained it is to get you to think about it and usually the reader has a load of theories as to why this, this and this happened. It's not just open without explanation and that's it. I hope you take this feedback as it was meant and appreciate that I've done as you asked (read it) and told you what I honestly thought.
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keef, man, don't bother with this. He'll get bored of this one by the end of the week and then start again with another one, and another. Just watch - he'll now post and say "No im stickin with dis 1" which is what he's always said. Search for the post history of Adeezy62 if you don't believe me. This is badly written, non-TEW spunkings that really have no place here. I don't care if other diaries haven't used TEW before - this is the TEW2008 Dynasty forum and you are not using the game, so take it elsewhere.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;465181]I don't care if other diaries haven't used TEW before - this is the TEW2008 Dynasty forum and you are not using the game, so take it elsewhere.[/QUOTE] I just wrote out a whole response but deleted it before I posted it because I don't want an argument. All I'll say is I don't agree with this at all. What you say there has nothing to do with this diary, it is about people who do non-TEW diaries. And as an author of a non-TEW diary, I don't appreciate anyone writing it off without trying it and telling me where I can and can't post.
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You are disappointing. Why you feel a non TEW diary belongs within a specific TEW 2008 diary forum is beyond me, but okay you continue perpetuating this ridiculous cycle. Also I was bringing up my dislike of these diaries within this post as again he tried to hide it until he was asked about it. Take my advice - don't bother with this thread. He will abandon it again soon and then start up yet another WCW wankfest. It's just not worth your time.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;465191]You are disappointing. Why you feel a non TEW diary belongs within a specific TEW 2008 diary forum is beyond me, but okay you continue perpetuating this ridiculous cycle.[/QUOTE] So where would you suggest non-TEW diaries go? In the Special Dynasty Forum that no-one looks in? I don't have the motivation to write a diary no-one will read so what do you think, I shouldn't do one? I've got a few diaries, won a few awards for it and really put in an awful lot of effort and I'm quite proud of what I've done. Out of interest, what is this "ridiculous cycle"? And why am I disappointing? You can say whatever you want about it being a comment about his diary but what you said was broad about non-TEW diaries as a whole. As someone who has never hid the fact that it is no longer a TEW diary (it was until the game got wiped from computer) but who puts in a lot of effort and have done for a diary that started over a year ago (admittedly with a few long breaks in it) why shouldn't I be allowed to post in here?
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;465200]Wow... attitude... So where would you suggest non-TEW diaries go? In the Special Dynasty Forum that no-one looks in? I don't have the motivation to write a diary no-one will read so what do you think, I shouldn't do one? I've got a few diaries, won a few awards for it and really put in an awful lot of effort and I'm quite proud of what I've done. Out of interest, what is this "ridiculous cycle"? And why am I disappointing?[/QUOTE] Disappointing because you were blinkered by the fact you write a non-TEW diary to realise how much of a problem this Mattitude/Adeezy guy is. You've won awards, good for you. I certainly haven't. But really can you honestly say that this, the TEW 2008 forum, is the right place to put them? Take it to EWR or somewhere like that - or ask for a seperate non-TEW forum here. Can you honestly hand on heart say that your diary should go in this section? It's up to you, I have read over your diary briefly and it seems well written and well done. But it's not TEW so it shouldn't go in this forum. I guess I'm just a stickler for organisation. edit: I didn't notice your thing about how it used to be TEW. That type of thing is fine - I lost my diary to a computer crash too and I know how gutting it is. It's diaries like this that are pure fiction from the start that I have the issue with.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;465204]Disappointing because you were blinkered by the fact you write a non-TEW diary to realise how much of a problem this Mattitude/Adeezy guy is. You've won awards, good for you. I certainly haven't. But really can you honestly say that this, the TEW 2008 forum, is the right place to put them? Take it to EWR or somewhere like that - or ask for a seperate non-TEW forum here. Can you honestly hand on heart say that your diary should go in this section? It's up to you, I have read over your diary briefly and it seems well written and well done. But it's not TEW so it shouldn't go in this forum. I guess I'm just a stickler for organisation.[/QUOTE] I actually don't think we should be having this discussion on here. I'll PM you so we can discuss it there because there's no point in doing it in such a public place and constantly posting in the TEW diaries section.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;465176] [LIST] [*]Why would CM Punk, Kofi Kingston etc want to jump from WWE to WCW?-due to the lack of a push both guys were getting before the WWE Draft. [*]How did they get out of their contracts and straight in to another roster?-They both asked for their releases to get away from Hunter and from their words "his Political Bull****. [*]Why did Flair want to restart WCW-Due to he retired from the business [*]Why did Vince want to sell?-Vince used it as curiosity for Flair and his partner did to the business. [*]Why would the likes of Kurt Angle and AJ Styles leave TNA for WCW-Styles felt his character in TNA was acting to childish and he was sick of Russo's lack of booking skills,Angle due to he wants to be the top guy of the company. [*]Why was Kurt Angle picked two after Reid Flair in the draft?-well personally he it goes I wanted the Flair Family on the same brand to start a new breed of Horsemen [*]Why were the champions pre-selected?-To develop early rivalries in WCW [*]Why did Heyman join WCW? I know you said he was fed up of WWE and TNA but there was no detail to that, why he was so fed up he felt the need to merely be a character for the wrestling company he hated the most?-In all actually Keefy If you look in history he hated Bischoff and him and Flair both don't like Bischoff [/LIST] [/QUOTE] There you go Keefy.
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[QUOTE=MattitudeV2;465370]There you go Keefy.[/QUOTE] Mate, I think he means (and I agree) to include this sort of detail as commonplace. The point of reading a diary is to be immersed in the environment that is created. ...and Rathen. I had a slight run in with you before and bit my tongue. I shall do so again. Just note that no one in this community has given you the right to cast ill-informed aspersions upon the efforts of others. May I suggest that you perhaps find something more constructive to do with your time? What's genuinely disappointing is when people are too blinkered to even include a level of common courtesy in their post. It's not too hard when you think about it. I hear you just graduated from University; it's such a shame you didn't learn some basic manners when you were there. EDIT: No hard feelings (at least on my part); just try and tone the hostility down. It is so woefully unnecessary. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]Confirmed for WCW Thunder[/SIZE][/COLOR][QUOTE] [CENTER]from the Q,Cleveland Ohio [SIZE="6"] Paul Heyman has some huge announcements to start Thunder!!!![/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Melissa Anderson and Matt Bentley vs.AJ Styles and Lita[/SIZE][/CENTER]Will the ****y Bentley and his bodyguard who is also Women's Champion show a thing to the The US Champion and Lita. [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Paul Burchill vs.Eddie Colon[/SIZE][/CENTER] Will the rough tough Brit regin supreme or will the Blazing Puetro Rican make his claim for a title shot. [CENTER][SIZE="5"]The Havanna Pitbulls vs.Hell's Angels[/SIZE][/CENTER] Will the fiery Cubans stop the Guardians of Hell. [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay vs.Arick Cannon[/SIZE][/CENTER] Will the Beast have a sucessful debut on Thunder or will the smaller Cannon shock the world. [SIZE="5"][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Bobby Lashley vs.Dan Rodman[/SIZE][/CENTER][/SIZE] will the "Big Deal" seal of one of the greatest deals of all time or will Lashley reign supreme. [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;465191]You are disappointing. Why you feel a non TEW diary belongs within a specific TEW 2008 diary forum is beyond me, but okay you continue perpetuating this ridiculous cycle. Also I was bringing up my dislike of these diaries within this post as again he tried to hide it until he was asked about it. Take my advice - don't bother with this thread. He will abandon it again soon and then start up yet another WCW wankfest. It's just not worth your time.[/QUOTE] Go figure I still haven't left this dynasty alone also this means your theory is wrong.
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