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Problem with Angles

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Read what James wrote - it doesn't matter in the least what their entertainment stats are like IF THEY HAVE LOW OVERNESS. Until you get the manager's overness up (and the wrestler's too) then they will get low ratings in angles. The rating of the angle will be based on the people involved's [U][B]overness,[/B] [/U]with their entertainment skills (assuming that they are rated on entertainment) as a modifier to the grade. Plus your product factors into it as well - a SE company will get better angle ratings (in general) than a pure wrestling company.
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Yes Overness is very important plus the type of angle in respect to the promotion. ANd the more pure wrestling it is the better an angle has to be for the fans not too take a crap on it. I say have the manager do match requests with your champ wich he denies wich wil build up the managers overness and skill (in dark time possibly) once his overness is in the C-, C range he can hold his own.
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