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[CENTER][B]GAMMA 1 : Oblivion[/B] LW CHAMPIONSHIP Sean Morrison vs. Marcus Speed HW CHAMPIONSHIP Lefter Oktay vs. Raul Hughes Jack Humphreys vs. Joe Hinchcliffe MW CHAMPIONSHIP Buddy Garner vs. Matthew Dean Fernando Amaro vs. Maarten De Vries Alan Kendall vs. Nathan Chambers Darren Southall vs. Duane Weatherly [/CENTER]
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[CENTER]GAMMA 1 : Oblivion Darren Southall vs. Duane Weatherly Round 1 Weatherly starts brightly by throwing some looping punches. Defended well by Southall. They circle, throwing tentative jabs. Southall goes for a single leg and puts Weatherly on the floor, but he is up very quickly, preventing Southall from getting on top. Weatherly definitely seems to want to keep this standing. Southall hits a nice jab, avoids a counter left hook, then comes in low and takes down Weatherly again. This time Weatherly isn't able to get up, and has to pull guard. Times ticking away though, Southall will have to hurry to finish. He goes for an armbar, but Weatherly defends. Southall tries to slip past to get side control, but Weatherly just about manages to keep guard. A second attempt works though, and Southall has the side. Two big elbows land, and Weatherly seems in trouble. Southall goes for the kimura, but can't quite get it. The time expires before he can try again, and the referee separates them. The 1st round ends. Blurcat.com gives that one to Southall by 10-9. Round 2 Southall misses with a right hand, and leaves himself open to a left hook. Southall goes down, although replays confirm that it was a stumble, Weatherly was a few inches away from connecting with that left. Weatherly tries to quickly mount Southall to capitalise, but is out-maneuvered almost immediately and Southall slips out and gets his back! Weatherly tries to fight out of it, but Southall keeps position well. Hard shot to the ribs by Southall. Can he capitalise on this great position though? He tries to apply a choke hold, but Weatherly defends it. However, in doing so, he leaves his left arm exposed, and Southall is able to float over and trap it inbetween his legs. Southall falls forward and pulls, forcing Weatherly to tap out rather than have his arm hyper-extended. Official time of the armbar submission is 0:53 of the second. WINNER BY SUBMISSION (Arm-Bar) : Darren "The Specialist" Southall Alan Kendall vs. Nathan Chambers Round 1 Chambers isn't hanging around, right from the start Kendall is forced onto the back foot by four hard shots, although none of them get through the gloves. Kendall circles, steps in, then unloads a combination of punches, but Chambers weaves out of the way and scores with a beauty of a right hand, glancing above the right eye. That was some lovely counter punching from Chambers, the timing had to be perfect and it was. Kendall is looking a bit frustrated, and uncorks a ragged-looking uppercut that missed by several inches. Chambers really should have taken advantage of that mistake, Kendall was wide open for a moment there. Chambers hits a high kick, catching Kendall on the shoulder. Jab from Kendall finds the mark, but it didn't have much power behind it as he was leaning backward too much. Chambers fires off a couple of straight punches in response, but only finds gloves. They clinch, and the fight enters a lull. Kendall scores with a knee from the clinch, it landed around the hip area of Chambers, who responds with a couple of shots to the ribs. The time runs out with them still clinched though. The 1st round ends. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Chambers. Round 2 The fighters touch gloves, then circle. Chambers throws a low kick, but it was without any conviction, it seemed designed more to keep Kendall from coming inside. Chambers works an angle, then comes in with a one-two combination, Kendall responds with a crisp uppercut that wasn't far off from connecting. Chambers backs off slightly, maybe a bit relieved not to have taken that one on the chin. Neither fighter appears to be looking for any sort of takedown or grapple, this is all about the striking. Kendall circles and throws a series of high jabs, but Chambers blocked them with ease, using the gloves. Chambers fakes a high kick, then storms in with a wild looking right hand and a series of body shots. Kendall covers up and rides out the storm, clinching to stop any further blows. It was a nice attack from Chambers though, best action of the round. They stay clinched for a while, exchanging occasional punches to the ribs, then are separated by the referee. It looks like this round is going to the judges though, as there's only a few seconds remaining. Chambers throws a leg kick that connects, albeit without too much force, and the round is done. The second round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Chambers. Round 3 Right hand from Kendall was thrown with power, but bounced off the gloves of Chambers. Kendall follows up by coming in close, but Chambers is ready with a straight right hand that glances off the side of the head. Chambers throws a nice combination of punches, but Kendall was out of range and untroubled. Chambers comes in quick, just as Kendall throws a wild high kick. The kick connects, crunching into the temple, and Chambers is out cold, falling painfully face-first to the floor. Kendall's wild kick wins the match with a knock out. The official time is 1:53. WINNER BY KO : Alan "Flash" Kendall Maarten De Vries vs. Fernando Amaro Round 1 Amaro seems to be growing in confidence over the past thirty seconds. He has just come up with four good separate straight rights, although I don't think any of them did too much damage. He moves in for another, but takes a wicked kick from De Vries. Amaro looks wobbly, and his hands drop. De Vries sees it, and comes in with a solid right hand that drops Amaro to the mat. De Vries follows up with more punches, and the referee has to get in there and stop it, Amaro was not defending himself properly. I think it's the kick that did the most damage, it seemed to scramble his brains. De Vries wins via first round TKO at 1:34. WINNER BY TKO : Maarten "The Executioner" De Vries Buddy Garner vs. Matthew Dean for The GAMMA Middleweight Championship Round 1 Dean is the first to score a meaningful blow, tagging Garner with a jab to the cheek. Garner uses a nice straight left to return fire. Dean comes in to work the body, but Garner saw it coming and uses a quick takedown to put Dean onto the floor, falling into guard. Garner stands into a half-crouching position, dragging Dean's guard with him. Dean reaches up, parries away a couple of strikes, and tries to grab an arm to apply an armbar to. Garner knocks the attempt away and nails a hard shot to the ribs before reaching over and trying to nail a downward punch to the chin. Dean blocks it. Garner floats over and gets into side control. Dean scrambles to try and get back up, but is too close to the ropes, which works against him. Garner lays in a couple of punches to the chest to soften Dean up, then tries to move up and isolate one of the arms. Dean makes sure to bring his body around to give him as much protection as possible. It works, as Garner can't get either arm isolated properly. Garner changes tactics and tries to get into crucifix position. Dean fights it for as long as he possibly can, but eventually gets caught. The length of struggle is, in itself, a good defence though, as the round ends before Garner can do anything with the position he has achieved, which will frustrate him enormously. The round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Garner. Round 2 They circle to begin the round. Dean throws two short jabs, then a long-range looping right hand. Garner had to be on his toes to get out of the way, and does. Dean goes to follow up, and narrowly avoids walking right into a right cross. He bobs underneath it, then comes in fast with a right hand. Garner parries it with his gloves, then shoots in and scores with a nice takedown. Dean tries to sprawl, but was too late and can only pull guard as he crash-lands to the ground. Garner doggedly tries to pass guard, but Dean keeps him at bay. The referee tells them that he wants to see more in the way of action or he'll stand them up. Not much of an incentive for Dean to do anything, but it does inspire Garner to throw a couple of hard punches, albeit ones that are easily parried by the gloves of Dean. Garner manages to work past Dean's right leg, but gets caught in half guard before he can get the mount that he was looking for. The fight once again slows right down, with Dean's tenacious defence frustrating Garner. Dean sucks Garner into a clinch, and even tries a cheeky guillotine. Garner pushes him away though, and nails a beauty of a right hand to the cheek in response. I don't think Dean will be trying that move again for a while. Garner grabs an arm and tries to twist it backward to create some torque. Dean uses his free arm to grab his own wrist, preventing that from happening. The time expires without anything further of note happening. End of the round. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Garner. Round 3 Fast start by Garner, who has thrown three crisp jabs in the first twenty seconds, although none of them got past the gloves. Dean circles, drawing a lunge from Garner, allowing him to score with a nice low kick to the front leg. Garner ignores that and darts in for a takedown, but only ends up holding one leg, Dean hopping on the other to remain vertical. Garner tries to push forward to complete the takedown, but Dean manages to pull them all the way back to the ropes before ultimately going down. That's a much better position to be in though, he has his corner right there, and can use the ropes to effectively cut off any form of attack to the left hand side of his body. Garner has one leg trapped between Dean's, and is struggling to get it free. He throws a couple of punches, none of them doing much damage, and then tries to work on one of the arms. It might be a kimura that he looking for. Dean defends it well, without fully escaping it, Garner can't really do a lot with it due to how much he is having to stretch to apply it, due to his leg being trapped. Dean suddenly releases the leg and scrambles up, looking to take Garner's back. Garner was ready for it though, and blocks it by pinning a half-standing Dean up against the ropes. It's a precarious position for both fighters. Dean throws a couple of short-range punches. Garner gets a leg in and trips Dean, putting him back on the ground, albeit this time in full guard. It was a nice escape attempt from Dean, at least he can take heart from the fact that it resulted in a better defensive position. Time is running out, it looks like this round will end with them in this position. End of the round. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Garner. Round 4 The round begins with Dean taking the iniative, coming in quickly with a straight right and a leg kick. Garner replies with a snap jab and a wild left that misses by a long way. Dean goes for the takedown, but Garner sprawls. Dean tries to power through, but Garner uses that against him and turns it into a takedown of his own. They're quite close to the ropes, which may help Dean defend this. Garner is in guard. He throws a couple of half-hearted jabs, then tries to pass, but Dean isn't allowing it. Dean pulls Garner in tight, locking up both his arms. Garner pulls free and again tries to pass guard. This has turned into a bit of a stalemate, the referee may be thinking of standing them up if nothing happens soon. Garner tries a big right hand, which Dean defends well. He has quite a high guard, Garner has to be wary not to fall into a triangle when leaning in like that. Dean once again drags Garner down into a clinch, and this time even tries to work a guillotine, but Garner easily deals with it and hands out two solid right hands to the ribs along the way. We're back to Garner trying to pass guard. Dean tries to throw a big punch and almost hands an armbar to Garner, but he realises the danger in time and manages to recover. The referee finally gets them back to their feet due to the lack of progress that has been made. Garner scores with a jab, then a second. Dean goes for a sweeping kick to the right knee, but it isn't fast enough and gives Garner enough time to take him down again. Garner quickly goes to pass guard, looking for side control, but Dean once again defends it. It looks like a frustrating round will end with them on the ground, and almost certainly has to go to Garner on points due to him being the aggressor and getting two takedowns in. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Garner. Round 5 Tentative start, neither fighter is willing to commit yet. Garner fires off a jab, but it was easily blocked. Dean fakes a kick, then comes in hard and fast with a takedown, sending Garner to the floor. The momentum causes Dean to almost go completely over the top though, and Garner is able to flip him to the side and end up on top, in the guard position. Garner tries to pass guard, but Dean doesn't allow it. Dean throws a couple of punches, but they're parried away. He breaks his guard to bring a leg across and try to kick Garner in the face, but it's a mistake as Garner pushes the leg aside and gets side control. Garner pushes them closer to the ropes, near his own corner so that they can give him instructions. Following what they say, Garner throws some heavy blows to the unprotected stomach of Dean, then tries to isolate the closest arm. Dean frantically tries to stop that happening, but does indeed give it up. He does manage to roll to the side, giving himself some good leverage and preventing Garner from extending the arm. Garner continues trying to apply an armbar, but Dean is not allowing it. Eventually Garner turns and tries to get a crucifix position instead. Dean fights that off too. The round ends with Garner still doggedly trying to get an armbar submission, and Dean tenaciously stopping it. End of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Garner. The judges scores are unanimous, and give a score of 50-45 to Buddy Garner. Buddy Garner is now the GAMMA Middleweight champion. WINNER AND NEW GAMMA MW CHAMPION BY UNANIMOUS DECISION (50-45x3) : Buddy Garner Jack Humphreys vs. Joe Hinchcliffe Round 1 They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. An uppercut misses its mark from Hinchcliffe, providing the first moment of real action. Humphreys hits a nice combination of body shots to set up a big right hook, but Hinchcliffe side-stepped to safety. A few punches get thrown, but there's a lack of real action to talk about. Humphreys is being slightly the more aggressive, but neither fighter is really going for it. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. The referee separates them, but the time is ticking away and this round looks like it's going to the judges. The round ends. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Humphreys. Round 2 Dull first sixty seconds to the round, as neither fighter looks willing to commit much to attack. They're both looking for angles to come in from, but they're constantly countering each other. A crisp jab from Humphreys that almost found its way through the guard is the sole highlight as we reach the minute mark. An exchange of punches goes nowhere, and they fall into a clinch. The referee separates them when nothing happens. Hinchcliffe ducks out of the way of a punch, then back steps quickly, just in time to avoid the uppercut that was coming. Better from Humphreys, although no damage has actually been done yet. They come together, both throwing punches. Humphreys gets a nice clean shot in, and Hinchcliffe stumbles backwards and falls to the floor. Humphreys is on top of him quickly, and unloads with two more big punches, both connect solidly. The referee jumps in and pulls him away before a third is thrown, this match is over by TKO. Replays show the referee may have been slightly early. The official time of the TKO is 2:40 of round 2. WINNER BY TKO : Jack "The Show Stopper" Humphreys Raul Hughes vs. Lefter Oktay for the GAMMA Heavyweight Championship Round 1 They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. An uppercut misses its mark from Oktay, providing the first moment of real action. Hughes hits a nice combination of body shots to set up a big right hook, but Oktay side-stepped to safety. A few punches get thrown, but there's a lack of real action to talk about. Hughes is being slightly the more aggressive, but neither fighter is really going for it. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. The referee separates them, but the time is ticking away and this round looks like it's going to the judges. The first round is over. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Hughes. Round 2 The fighters touch gloves, then circle. Hughes throws a low kick, but it was without any conviction, it seemed designed more to keep Oktay from coming inside. Hughes works an angle, then comes in with a one-two combination, Oktay responds with a crisp uppercut that wasn't far off from connecting. Hughes backs off slightly, maybe a bit relieved not to have taken that one on the chin. Neither fighter appears to be looking for any sort of takedown or grapple, this is all about the striking. Oktay circles and throws a series of high jabs, but Hughes blocked them with ease, using the gloves. Hughes fakes a high kick, then storms in with a wild looking right hand and a series of body shots. Oktay covers up and rides out the storm, clinching to stop any further blows. It was a nice attack from Hughes though, best action of the round. They stay clinched for a while, exchanging occasional punches to the ribs, then are separated by the referee. It looks like this round is going to the judges though, as there's only a few seconds remaining. Hughes throws a leg kick that connects, albeit without too much force, and the round is done. The round ends. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Hughes. Round 3 The two competitors start slowly, circling and looking for an opening. Oktay fakes shooting in for a takedown, but Hughes didn't buy it for a second. In comes Oktay from an angle to the right, but Hughes had it covered all the way, and not only easily steps out of the way of the attempted right hand, but manages to score with a solid right hand to the side of the head. Oktay felt that, and is forced to cover up quickly as Hughes steps in quickly and unloads with a flurry of powerful blows, looking to capitalise on the earlier strike. Oktay is forced back against the ropes, but to his credit, he did a good job defending those strikes and didn't seem to take any significant damage. Hughes doesn't get in too close, realising that it would likely mean getting caught in a clinch, so he stands slightly back instead and throws some low kicks and looping punches. Oktay responds by throwing out some straight jabs, but neither fighter is really doing any damage to their opponent. Hughes clearly grows tired of the wait, and moves in to hit a body blow. It connects, but Oktay is quick to tie him up in a clinch. That lasts quite a while, until the referee gets in there and breaks them up, telling them to fight. Hughes looks for an opening. Hughes scores with a stiff jab, and bobs and weaves to avoid all three of the rapid-fire punches that come back from Oktay. Nicely done. Oktay, realising that he is losing this round, comes forward with a sense of urgency, throwing right hands to put Hughes on the back foot. Hughes handles it well though, refusing to let Oktay get an angle, and using some nice counter punches to the body to further cement the fact that this round is going to him on points. Time expires with Oktay throwing increasingly desperate punches. End of round 3. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Hughes. Round 4 Oktay hits some tentative punches, then comes in fast and forces Hughes to back up against the ropes, where they clinch. Oktay hits a nice body shot, but takes two short punches to the side of the head in return. Hughes tries a trip, but it doesn't go anywhere. They separate, with Oktay having to stay sharp to avoid a scorching right hand from Hughes. They exchange punches. Oktay hits a nice jab just above the left eye, but takes a hard punch to the cheek at the same time. Oktay momentarily loses his footing and drops his hands, that shot having really rung his bell. Hughes shoots off another right hand to capitalise, and this time it's the killer blow, Oktay falls back and crash-lands on the floor, he was out cold from the instant that punch hit. A knock out victory for Hughes. Hughes wins via knock out at 4:39 of the fourth round. Raul Hughes successfully retains the GAMMA Heavyweight title. WINNER BY KO : Raul "The Demolition Expert" Hughes Sean Morrison vs. Marcus Speed for the GAMMA Lightweight Championship Round 1 Speed and Morrison circle to start. Morrison throws a couple of looping punches, neither hitting, while Speed sits back, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Morrison comes in closer, looking to unload with a right hand; that misses, and it allows Speed to slip a nice jab in, catching Morrison just underneath the right eye. Speed comes in and scores with a straight left, then bounces a right hand off the body. Morrison misses with a right cross, then backs off. Speed stalks him, forcing Morrison back up against the ropes. Speed doesn't rush in, instead standing back and throwing the occasional punch. Morrison throws a big left hand in response, but it misses by quite a margin. Speed pounces, hitting lefts and rights. Morrison covers up from the first two punches, then clinches up to prevent any more coming in. They're up against the ropes, Speed in the dominant position. They remain that way as the time ticks down. Speed throws the occasional knee, but can't really do much with his arms tied up like that. The referee finally tells them to break, and they return to the center. That clinch ate up a lot of time though. Morrison comes in hard and fast, bobbing and weaving, and throws a couple of big shots. Speed parries them with his gloves and scores with a well-executed counter punch, hitting just above the eye. They come in close again, throwing punches, but wind up clinched again. The time expires with them like that, and that round will definitely go down in Speed's favour. The round ends. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Speed. Round 2 Tentative start to the round, the fighters are circling. Morrison throws out a couple of range-finding jabs, but they aren't anything that will trouble Speed. Kick to the thigh from Speed, but it lacked power. They tangle near the ropes, and the referee has to come in and pull them apart. They clinch. Speed gets in a nice knee, but a second attempt sees him swept to the ground. Speed landed hard with Morrison right on top of him, it looks like he got winded. Morrison hits three big punches to the face, and Speed is rocked. Morrison gets an arm, locks in a kimura, and Speed has no alternative but to tap out. The official time is 1:56. Sean Morrison retains the GAMMA Lightweight title. WINNER BY SUBMISSION (Kimura) : Sean "The Man With No Nickname" Morrison Post-Show Fight of the Night : Nathan Chambers/Alan Kendall Knockout of the Night : Alan Kendall Submission of the Night : Darren Southall Upset of the Night : Raul Hughes over Lefter Oktay Performance of the Night : Buddy Garner [/CENTER]
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Post Show Conference and Rankings after GAMMA 1 -Jack Humphreys says that he is ready for a rematch with Julio Regueiro to get his title back, President Blurcat says that if he wins a few more he will get that shot -When Buddy Garner was asked who he thought was in line for the title, he thought Maarten De Vries because of his recking of Fernando Amaro -Next Event will Be GAMMA 2 : Overdrive RANKINGS : HEAVYWEIGHT : [LIST=1] [*]James Foster [*]Rick Stanley [*]Gunnar Nilsson [*]Stratos Papaioannou [*]Harry Milne [*]Raul Hughes [*]Tim Boyer [*]Garry McSweegan [*]Tony McCall [*]Stafford Alois [/LIST] LIGHT-HEAVYWEIGHT : [LIST=1] [*]Anthony LeToussier [*]Zvonimir Asanovic [*]JJ Reid [*]George Laurent [*]Christopher Sharp [*]Aleksei Chekhov [*]Ricky Heath [*]Curt Kitson [*]Bryan Van Den Hauwe [*]Lenny McFadden [/LIST] MIDDLEWEIGHT : [LIST=1] [*]Maarten De Vries [*]Dan Halvorsen [*]Greg Atteveld [*]Jim Carpenter [*]Andrew Rush [*]Fernando Amaro [*]Davis Spyrou [*]Buddy Garner [*]Bixente Fontaine [*]Carl Ratcliffe [/LIST] WELTERWEIGHT : [LIST=1] [*]Jack Humphreys [*]Ichisake Miyagi [*]Doug Hansen [*]Geoff Cahill [*]Lukas Mellberg [*]Alan Kendall [*]Julio Regueiro [*]Peter Bracewell [*]Simon Vine [*]Noach Van Der Capellan [/LIST] LIGHTWEIGHT : [LIST=1] [*]Sean Morrison [*]Mario de Souza [*]Giovani Silva [*]Jason Dalglish [*]Charles Stiles [*]Jackson Gray [*]Gustavo Bautista [*]Beau Gorshin [*]Brandon Sugar [*]Kenny Magilton III [/LIST]
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[B][CENTER]GAMMA 2 : Overdrive[/B] LHW CHAMPIONSHIP Zvonimir Asanovic vs. Anthony LeToussier WW CHAMPIONSHIP Julio Regueiro vs. Ichisake Miyagi Harry Milne vs. Stratos Papaioannou James Foster vs. Don Norman Mugur Boc vs. Rick Stanley Owen Hyde vs. Ashley Ballard Christopher Sharp vs. Aleksei Chekhov Alex Cole vs. Lloyd McAllister Agustin Gonzalez vs. Keith Plaice [/CENTER]
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[CENTER]GAMMA 2 : Overdrive Agustin Gonzalez vs. Keith Plaice Round 1 Gonzalez throws a low kick early on, although it missed. Plaice flicks out a couple of jabs, trying to work an angle. He steps in to throw a body shot but gets caught with a left hook. Plaice stumbles backwards, falling on his ass, stunned. Gonzalez charges in and throws a knock out powered right hand, but Plaice parries it and brings his legs around Gonzalez's waist to pull guard. Gonzalez tries to work free from the guard, but can't. Plaice reaches up to try and bring Gonzalez down into a clinch, but the attempt gets swatted away. Gonzalez fires off a couple of punches, leaning forward to get some leverage, and Plaice is forced to cover up. Gonzalez switches and starts firing off some rapid-fire shots to the chest, Plaice deals with it by pulling the guard tighter and punching upward. Gonzalez looks like he is happy to sit there and throw punches at his leisure, with no real effort to pass guard. Plaice occasionally tries to roll his hips to get free, but it may be that he has realised that this round is beyond saving, and is just making sure that he doesn't put himself into a position to be knocked out or submitted by trying to escape. Indeed, time ticks away with nothing breaking the pattern of occasional strikes and defensive positioning. End of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Gonzalez by 10-9. Round 2 Plaice comes out fast, but gets hit with a counter right hand strike when he throws a left hand which was too high. Gonzalez moves in and hits a nice body shot before they clinch. Plaice gets in a short, sharp jab to the side of the head, it looked to hit right on the ear. Gonzalez didn't like that, and scores with two knee strikes and a punch to the cheek. They break apart. Gonzalez swings and hits a nice right hand. Plaice fires off a series of sharp jabs, all hitting gloves. He throws out a looping left, but gets tagged with a punch to the jaw and stumbles to the ground! Gonzalez dives in to finish him off, but he scrambles back up quickly and they end up facing off on their feet again. Replays show that the punch barely connected, it was more of a stumble on Plaice's part than anything else. It might not look that way to the judges though. Gonzalez looks more confident after that, and puts together a nice chain of strikes, ending with a scathing low kick that catches Plaice on the outside of the calf. He definitely felt that. Time is running out; Gonzalez will probably take this round on the judges' score cards, primarily due to that one dubious knock down. The second round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Gonzalez. Round 3 Tentative start, neither fighter is willing to commit yet. Gonzalez fires off a jab, but it was easily blocked. Plaice fakes a kick, then comes in hard and fast with a takedown, sending Gonzalez to the floor. The momentum causes Plaice to almost go completely over the top though, and Gonzalez is able to flip him to the side and end up on top, in the guard position. Gonzalez fires off a couple of tentative punches, testing out the guard of Plaice. Gonzalez tries to pass the guard, but can't, Plaice isn't going to let him get a better position, as he knows that Gonzalez will start raining down punches. Gonzalez tries a big right hand, but it's easily defended. Plaice gets a punch of his own in, but it didn't connect properly. Gonzalez again tries to get past the guard, but again is foiled. It's turned into a bit of a stalemate, although the referee probably won't stand them up as long as the punches continue to flow. Gonzalez fakes an elbow before trying to pass the guard for a third time, and briefly has side mount, but Plaice fought it hard and gets back to guard within seconds. Butterfly guard by Plaice, and Gonzalez is having trouble generating any attacking threat. He'll probably win the round as he has been more aggressive, but Plaice has defended the danger well. The round ends. Blurcat.com gives that one to Gonzalez by 10-9. All three judges give a score of 30-27 to Agustín Gonzalez. WINNER BY UNANIMOUS DECISION (30-27x3) : Agustin "Latino Wild Cat" Gonzalez Lloyd McAllister vs. Alex Cole Round 1 Cole comes out quick and immediately starts pressing McAllister back toward the ropes. Cole tries to use the position to his advantage, pinning McAllister in to prevent him from moving freely, but the exchange of punches that follows is clearly won by McAllister, who catches Cole with a wicked right cross during the flurry of blows. Cole tries again, but McAllister is looking sharp and parries away any dangerous shot, getting in a few crisp jabs of his own along the way. Cole finally backs off, realising that this isn't working. McAllister is showing superior ability with his hands, they're fast and accurate, Cole isn't able to cope with them at close quarters, being made to look slow and ragged in comparison. Cole switches to using raking right hands and looping punches, keeping McAllister back, but its effectiveness is limited as Cole's punches are easily parried away, and McAllister can still hit the occasional right hand. The round ends with that being the pattern. McAllister has used his better punching technique and hand speed to confound Cole, and has controlled this round almost entirely. The first round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to McAllister. Round 2 Cole throws the first punch of the round, a high searching jab that didn't carry a great deal of threat with it. McAllister throws a one-two combination in return, neither connecting, then steps in and delivers a hard kick to the outside of the thigh. Cole steps back, throwing a right hand as he does to buy himself space. They circle, then move in again to exchange strikes, neither fighter getting a clear advantage. They come together again and the same result. It has become something of a stalemate at the moment. They come together to exchange strikes for the third time, and this time they wind up in a clinch. McAllister hits a knee to the ribs. A couple of shots to the back from Cole. They struggle all the way back, with Cole ending up backed up against the ropes. McAllister hits another knee, but there wasn't much power behind it. Cole stomps downward onto his foot. Cole manages to reverse their positions, but that only lasts about thirty seconds before it gets reversed once more. McAllister gets an arm free and tries to throw a big shot to the cheek, Cole ducks under it and gets the arm back under control. The referee finally breaks them up, and we're back to where we started. Cole tries a high kick to start, but McAllister saw it coming and easily avoids it. They come back together in the center, and it's McAllister who gets the first sustained attack of the round, hitting two hard body shots and a jab that caught Cole on the nose. Cole hits a straight right, enough to stop McAllister from following up any further. The time expires with them standing. Not a great round for either of them or the crowd, it was very scrappy. The round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to McAllister. Round 3 Slow start to the round, nearly a minute has gone by without anything but a few jabs finding gloves. Cole comes in, looking for a grapple it seems, but takes a powerful kick just above the left hip. McAllister really put some venom into that strike. Cole backs off, clearly stung. McAllister is the one advancing now, using a left hand jab to lead. He steps forward and fires off a big kick, aimed at the head. Cole ducks and moves out of range, but that was clearly intended to be a match-ender, McAllister was going for the knock out. It's pretty clear that he thinks that kicks are going to do the job in this round, and it has to be said that Cole is looking to have a hard time countering them. On top of that, the threat of the kicks is keeping Cole from getting in too close. McAllister stalks Cole, throwing the occasional high right hand, perhaps range-finding. Cole is circling, seeking an opening of some kind. He moves in from the left and is quick enough to get into the clinch without taking any shots. McAllister hits a knee, but takes one right back. The kicks aren't a danger from this position, that's for sure. McAllister squirms free, but foolishly lost his concentration for a second and took a hard right hand above the eye in the process. Silly mistake. Cole comes in, looking more confident now, and gets in a couple of right hands and a lovely hook to the body. McAllister tags him with a jab though, and then hits another fearsome kick to the same spot above the left hip. And another! Cole backs off, and a huge red mark has appeared in that spot. McAllister advances and throws another head kick, but it is mostly blocked by the hands of Cole. The round is drawing to a close, and those kicks have certainly proved massively effective for McAllister. The third round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to McAllister. Lloyd McAllister wins, with a score of 30-27 from two judges, 29-28 from the other. WINNER BY UNANIMOUS DECISION (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) : Lloyd "The K.O. Kid" McAllister Christopher Sharp vs. Aleksei Chekhov Round 1 They exchange punches. Sharp hits a nice jab just above the left eye, but takes a hard punch to the cheek at the same time. Sharp momentarily loses his footing and drops his hands, that shot having really rung his bell. Chekhov shoots off another right hand to capitalise, and this time it's the killer blow, Sharp falls back and crash-lands on the floor, he was out cold from the instant that punch hit. A knock out victory for Chekhov. Chekhov wins via knock out at 0:27 of the first round. WINNER BY KO : Aleksei "Fists of Death" Chekhov Ashley Ballard vs. Owen Hyde Round 1 Ballard leads with the right hand to set up a low kick, Hyde deals with it well. They clinch, but only for a few seconds before it gets broken. Both throw stiff jabs at the same time, neither connects properly. Back to the clinch. It has been a disjointed start to the round, the flow hasn't quite developed properly. Hyde uses a knee to the ribs before backing Ballard up against the ropes. Right hand from Ballard connects though, that was well timed. Hyde breaks the clinch and backs off. That was sloppy on his part, Ballard was basically gifted a free shot. Three quick jabs from Hyde sting the gloves, then a crashing hook to the body finds its mark. Good recovery. Ballard fires off a low kick again, but it's well wide. Ballard throws a couple of scorching jabs; neither hit, but it forces Hyde to back pedal all the way back to the ropes. Ballard follows in and throws a stinging kick to the ribs. Hyde tries to catch it, but couldn't. Hyde throws a right hand to try and catch Ballard coming in, but it's wide of the mark. Ballard throws a head kick, and it's a beauty, landing flush to the cheek. It was delivered with enormous power, and Hyde drops to the floor immediately, he is out cold. The referee stops Ballard from following up, it's all over. The official time of the knock out is 4:56 of round 1. WINNER BY KO : Ashley "The Tiger" Ballard Rick Stanley vs. Mugur Boc Round 1 The fighters touch gloves, then circle. Stanley throws a low kick, but it was without any conviction, it seemed designed more to keep Boc from coming inside. Stanley works an angle, then comes in with a one-two combination, Boc responds with a crisp uppercut that wasn't far off from connecting. Stanley backs off slightly, maybe a bit relieved not to have taken that one on the chin. Neither fighter appears to be looking for any sort of takedown or grapple, this is all about the striking. Boc circles and throws a series of high jabs, but Stanley blocked them with ease, using the gloves. Stanley fakes a high kick, then storms in with a wild looking right hand and a series of body shots. Boc covers up and rides out the storm, clinching to stop any further blows. It was a nice attack from Stanley though, best action of the round. They stay clinched for a while, exchanging occasional punches to the ribs, then are separated by the referee. It looks like this round is going to the judges though, as there's only a few seconds remaining. Stanley throws a leg kick that connects, albeit without too much force, and the round is done. The round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Stanley. Round 2 Stanley leads with the right hand to set up a low kick, Boc deals with it well. They clinch, but only for a few seconds before it gets broken. Both throw stiff jabs at the same time, neither connects properly. Back to the clinch. It has been a disjointed start to the round, the flow hasn't quite developed properly. Boc uses a knee to the ribs before backing Stanley up against the ropes. Right hand from Stanley connects though, that was well timed. Boc breaks the clinch and backs off. That was sloppy on his part, Stanley was basically gifted a free shot. Three quick jabs from Boc sting the gloves, then a crashing hook to the body finds its mark. Good recovery. Stanley fires off a low kick again, but it's well wide. Boc gets in close enough to grapple with Stanley. They struggle, and a wayward right hand from Stanley gives Boc the opportunity to pick him up onto his shoulder. Boc turns to the center, and with the crowd willing him on, he runs forward and plants Stanley with a monsterous slam! Stanley pulls guard, but not before taking a nasty punch to the face. Boc fights his way out into half guard. Big clubbing blow from Boc, Stanley dealt with it well. Boc half-stands, his right leg still trapped between Stanley's, and starts unloading with a barrage of bombing right hands. Stanley takes one right to the jaw, then another smashes hard into his nose. More devastating punches rain down, and the referee pulls Boc off, preventing Stanley from taking any more damage. Boc wins via 2nd round TKO with the official time being 3:49. WINNER BY TKO : Mugur "The Crusher" Boc James Foster vs. Don Norman Round 1 Slow start; nearly a full minute of circling, occasional fakes, and long-range jabs. Neither fighter is creating much. Foster works an angle, but takes a low kick to the shin when he advances. They clinch, and end up with Norman backed up against the ropes. Foster gets a couple of right hands to the body, but his attempts at knee strikes are deflected by Norman, who uses his legs well to defend. Foster pulls free and takes a step back, then powers in a right hand. Norman gets out the way, ducks under a second right hand, and backs up to the center. Foster follows, and we're back to circling. Uninspiring action so far, they've both been fairly devoid of inspiration. Foster hits a couple of right hands, both hitting gloves, then a left hand to the body that connected. That was the best shot of the round so far. Norman tags him with a flicked jab to the cheek, but it had virtually no power on it. Norman leans in to a looping left, but it puts him off balance and it's only at the last second that he gets his chin out of the way of a vicious right cross that comes back. If that had hit, we may have had a knock out. Time runs out with them standing, circling again. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Foster. Round 2 Tentative start to the round, the fighters are circling. Norman throws out a couple of range-finding jabs, but they aren't anything that will trouble Foster. Kick to the thigh from Foster, but it lacked power. Norman narrowly misses a right cross. Foster clinches with Norman and pushes him back against the ropes. Norman gets in a knee, but a second attempt gets caught. Foster uses that for leverage, and with only one leg remaining, Norman has no base left with which to stop Foster drilling him with a big slam! Norman landed hard, but pulled guard, and will be thankful that he landed next to the ropes, which can be used to his advantage. Foster moves from the guard and gets side control. He is trying for the mount, but Norman is defending it. There's a small lull as Foster continues to try and get the mount. There it is, Norman finally couldn't stop it. Foster starts firing off punches, and Norman has nowhere to go. A big elbow gets through. A right hand lands on the nose of Norman. The referee is watching intently, I don't think he's going to let this go much longer unless Norman can come up with some answers. Foster hits another big elbow. And another. The referee leaps in, it's over! The official time is 1:07. WINNER BY TKO : James "The King of Ground And Pound" Foster Harry Milne vs. Stratos Papaioannou Round 1 Milne scores the first meaningful blow of the round, hitting a powerful overhand right that thumped past the gloves. Papaioannou shakes it off though, and scores with a nice low kick to the outside of the thigh. He steps in to throw some strikes, but Milne moves to a new angle and scores with a series of jabs. Papaioannou turns and swings a heavy right hand, but Milne goes underneath it and hits a wicked kick to the gut. That exchange really showed the difference between the two fighters; Milne looks light on his feet and very agile, Papaioannou looks slow and sluggish by comparison. Papaioannou will need to find a way to nullify Milne's footwork, perhaps by getting in close, as he has been picked apart for the first half of this round. Milne darts in again, and gets in a nice flurry. Papaioannou manages to hit a crisp jab in return, but one of Milne's punches caught him above the eye, leaving a mark, so he came off the worse from that exchange. The round ends without any further big strikes happening, Milne controlling the round with his superior movement. End of round 1. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Milne. Round 2 The fighters come together right in the center. Papaioannou throws out a jab, but Milne bobs out of the way and uses a right hand to glance a blow off the side of the ribs in response. Milne works an angle and storms in suddenly with three crisp jabs and a looping overhand punch, Papaioannou covered up quickly but at least one of the jabs hit home. Milne is making Papaioannou look sluggish in comparison, such is the speed and crispness with which he is delivering strikes. Papaioannou hits a low kick before back-pedalling to avoid a clubbing blow. They tangle near the ropes, and the referee has to come in and pull them apart. They meet in the center to exchange a flurry of strikes that gets the crowd on their feet. Milne got slightly the better of it, he definitely snuck through a right hand that rocked Papaioannou slightly. Papaioannou initiates a clinch, and the action grinds to a halt. Papaioannou looks out of ideas, he is being repeatedly lured into these exchange of strikes, but Milne is clearly winning them. Papaioannou needs to find some way to deal with them. Not much time left in this round. The referee separates them. Milne tries a speculative high kick, but Papaioannou saw it coming and was well out of range by the time it came. Papaioannou tries to work an angle, but Milne is having none of it and fires off a straight right hand to keep him from stepping in. Comfortable round for Milne, he will probably be disappointed not to have done more damage given his dominance of the striking in this round. The round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Milne. Round 3 Papaioannou starts brightly by throwing some looping punches. Defended well by Milne. They circle, throwing tentative jabs. Milne goes for a single leg and puts Papaioannou on the floor, but he is up very quickly, preventing Milne from getting on top. Papaioannou definitely seems to want to keep this standing. Milne hits a nice jab, avoids a counter left hook, then comes in low and takes down Papaioannou again. This time Papaioannou isn't able to get up, and has to pull guard. Times ticking away though, Milne will have to hurry to finish. He goes for an armbar, but Papaioannou defends. Milne tries to slip past to get side control, but Papaioannou just about manages to keep guard. A second attempt works though, and Milne has the side. Two big elbows land, and Papaioannou seems in trouble. Milne goes for the kimura, but can't quite get it. The time expires before he can try again, and the referee separates them. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Milne. Harry Milne wins the match, getting a score of 30-27 from all three judges. WINNER BY UNANIMOUS DECISION (30-27x3) : Harry "The Bulldog" Milne Julio Regueiro vs. Ichisake Miyagi for the GAMMA Welterweight Championship Round 1 Fast start by Regueiro, who has thrown three crisp jabs in the first twenty seconds, although none of them got past the gloves. Miyagi circles, drawing a lunge from Regueiro, allowing him to score with a nice low kick to the front leg. Regueiro ignores that and darts in for a takedown, but only ends up holding one leg, Miyagi hopping on the other to remain vertical. Regueiro tries to push forward to complete the takedown, but Miyagi manages to pull them all the way back to the ropes before ultimately going down. That's a much better position to be in though, he has his corner right there, and can use the ropes to effectively cut off any form of attack to the left hand side of his body. Regueiro has one leg trapped between Miyagi's, and is struggling to get it free. He throws a couple of punches, none of them doing much damage, and then tries to work on one of the arms. It might be a kimura that he looking for. Miyagi defends it well, without fully escaping it, Regueiro can't really do a lot with it due to how much he is having to stretch to apply it, due to his leg being trapped. Miyagi suddenly releases the leg and scrambles up, looking to take Regueiro's back. Regueiro was ready for it though, and blocks it by pinning a half-standing Miyagi up against the ropes. It's a precarious position for both fighters. Miyagi throws a couple of short-range punches. Regueiro gets a leg in and trips Miyagi, putting him back on the ground, albeit this time in full guard. It was a nice escape attempt from Miyagi, at least he can take heart from the fact that it resulted in a better defensive position. Time is running out, it looks like this round will end with them in this position. The round ends. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Regueiro. Round 2 Regueiro is quickest out, and comes at Miyagi with a series of jabs and straight punches. Miyagi covered up well, and I don't think anything got through. Miyagi hits a body shot, but it didn't connect solidly. They get in close, and it's Regueiro who takes it to the ground. Miyagi pulls guard. There's a lull, as Regueiro tries to pass, and Miyagi defends it. Punches get thrown every so often, but it's really a stalemate at the moment. Miyagi almost gets a guillotine, but it's blocked and almost leads to a kimura for Regueiro, but that too goes nowhere. The referee stands them up, but the time is almost over. End of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Regueiro by 10-9. Round 3 Regueiro pushes Miyagi back against the ropes, and is able to use that as a set up to taking Miyagi down the mat, landing in side control. Miyagi tries to scramble into a better position, but Regueiro grabs an arm and tries to lock a hold in. Miyagi bucks him over, and manages to wind up on top, but Regueiro still has the arm, and now has his legs wrapped around it. Miyagi hits a flurry of left hands to the back and thighs of Regueiro, who is almost upside down now. It's no good though, as Miyagi cannot get his arm free, and as soon as Regueiro starts to sink the hold in fully, there's no choice but to tap out. Official time of the armbar submission is 0:54 of the third. Julio Regueiro successfully retains the GAMMA Welterweight title. WINNER BY SUBMISSION (Arm-Bar) : Julio "Spanish Silk" Regueiro Zvonimir Asanovic vs. Anthony LeToussier for the GAMMA Light-Heavyweight Championship Round 1 The two fighters touch gloves as the round begins. LeToussier starts brightly, throwing out a series of jabs and raking punches, but Asanovic is too light on his feet and avoids all of them. Asanovic steps in and hits a lovely overhand right, then a low kick to the outside of the thigh. LeToussier throws a vicious right cross, but Asanovic goes under it and catches LeToussier with a scathing left hand to the gut. The next few minutes follow a very similar pattern; Asanovic using his excellent movement to 'hit and run', coming in from a variety of angles to score with crisp punches, dodging out of the way of LeToussier's counters. LeToussier is being made to look sluggish by comparison, and the amount of punches that Asanovic has landed in comparison to him is becoming huge. None of them have been particularly big punches, certainly nothing likely to end a fight, but the sheer number of them must be hurting LeToussier. LeToussier finally hits a meaningful blow, catching Asanovic coming in with a low kick. Asanovic still gets a crisp jab in though, and is back out of range before LeToussier can apply a second strike. The round comes to an end with Asanovic having dominated. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Asanovic. Round 2 The round starts slowly, with both fighters circling, tentatively throwing out the occasional jab. LeToussier is the first to make a positive move, stepping in to throw a right hand, although he probably wishes that he hadn't, as Asanovic picks him off with a crisp jab to the cheek. LeToussier throws a wild punch as a counter, but Asanovic ducks and backs off out of range. They meet again in the center for an exchange of punches. LeToussier gets a clubbing blow to the side of the head in, but takes a hard shot to the stomach in return. The early pattern seems to be that LeToussier is looking for big punches, Asanovic is happy to avoid them and use quick counter punches instead. They clinch up, and LeToussier manages to back Asanovic up against the ropes. LeToussier takes a half step backward and throws a big right hand to the head, but Asanovic ducks under at the last second, scores with a pair of punches to the gut, then darts out of trouble before LeToussier can unload. LeToussier may need to think about changing tactics, Asanovic is looking far sharper in these striking battles, and is beginning to control the pace and tempo of the round. LeToussier fakes a right hand, then shoots out a low kick, catching Asanovic on the thigh. Asanovic presses forward for the first time, getting in close and using a couple of jabs to the body. LeToussier gets a nice left hook in, glancing off the gloves, and then clinches up. Time ticks away and the round ends just a few seconds after the referee separates them. The second round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Asanovic. Round 3 They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. An uppercut misses its mark from LeToussier, providing the first moment of real action. Asanovic hits a nice combination of body shots to set up a big right hook, but LeToussier side-stepped to safety. A few punches get thrown, but there's a lack of real action to talk about. Asanovic is being slightly the more aggressive, but neither fighter is really going for it. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. The referee separates them, but the time is ticking away and this round looks like it's going to the judges. End of round 3. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Asanovic. Round 4 The fighters touch gloves, then circle. Asanovic throws a low kick, but it was without any conviction, it seemed designed more to keep LeToussier from coming inside. Asanovic works an angle, then comes in with a one-two combination, LeToussier responds with a crisp uppercut that wasn't far off from connecting. Asanovic backs off slightly, maybe a bit relieved not to have taken that one on the chin. Neither fighter appears to be looking for any sort of takedown or grapple, this is all about the striking. LeToussier circles and throws a series of high jabs, but Asanovic blocked them with ease, using the gloves. Asanovic fakes a high kick, then storms in with a wild looking right hand and a series of body shots. LeToussier covers up and rides out the storm, clinching to stop any further blows. It was a nice attack from Asanovic though, best action of the round. They stay clinched for a while, exchanging occasional punches to the ribs, then are separated by the referee. It looks like this round is going to the judges though, as there's only a few seconds remaining. Asanovic throws a leg kick that connects, albeit without too much force, and the round is done. End of round 4. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Asanovic. Round 5 Asanovic starts fast, firing off several crisp jabs that keep LeToussier on the back foot. A solid left hits gloves, but it's really just a set-up for Asanovic to step in and use an uppercut. Not sure how much of it caught LeToussier, but certainly enough to to make him grab a clinch to stop any further punishment. Great start to the round from Asanovic, it has been total domination so far. The clinch is broken, and the two fighters exchange some long range jabs that are easily avoided. LeToussier is looking a little lost so far, Asanovic is controlling this round by virtue of his crisp accurate punches and higher aggression levels. About thirty seconds pass without any contact, and the crowd become a little restless. Asanovic leads with the left, then moves in and gets in a wicked right hand that grazes the cheek. LeToussier was fortunate there, if that had landed properly it would have been over. LeToussier comes back with a leg kick to set up a one-two combination, but the round is coming to a close and it's going to be too little too late. The one bright spot for LeToussier is that although Asanovic clearly won the round, he didn't actually turn that dominance into any sort of real damage. The fifth round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Asanovic. All three judges give a score of 50-45 to Zvonimir Asanovic. Zvonimir Asanovic retains the GAMMA Light Heavyweight title. WINNER BY UNANIMOUS DECISION (50-45x3) : Zvonimir "The Croatian Sensation" Asanovic Post Show News Fight of the Night : Zvonimir Asanovic/Anthony LeToussier Submission of the Night : Julio Regueiro Knockout of the Night : Ashley Ballard Upset of the Night : Mugur Boc over Rick Stanley Performance of the Night : Aleksei Chekhov [/CENTER]
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Rankings after GAMMA 2 HEAVYWEIGHT : [LIST=1] [*]James Foster (=) [*]Harry Milne (+3) [*]Gunnar Nilsson (=) [*]Raul Hughes (+2) [*]Tim Boyer (+2) [*]Garry McSweegan (+2) [*]Tony McCall (+2) [*]Stafford Alois (+2) [*]Rick Stanley (-7) [*]Stratos Papaioannou (-6) [/LIST] LIGHT-HEAVYWEIGHT : [LIST=1] [*]Zvonimir Asanovic (+1) [*]Aleksei Chekhov (+4) [*]JJ Reid (=) [*]George Laurent (=) [*]Anthony LeToussier (-4) [*]Ricky Heath (+1) [*]Curt Kitson (+1) [*]Lenny McFadden (+2) [*]Bryan Van Den Hauwe (=) [*]Elgar (NEW!) [/LIST] MIDDLEWEIGHTS : [LIST=1] [*]Maarten De Vries (=) [*]Dan Halvorsen (=) [*]Greg Atteveld (=) [*]Jim Carpenter (=) [*]Andrew Rush (=) [*]Fernando Amaro (=) [*]Davis Spyrou (=) [*]Buddy Garner (=) [*]Bixente Fontaine (=) [*]Carl Ratcliffe (=) [/LIST] WELTERWEIGHTS : [LIST=1] [*]Jack Humphreys (=) [*]Julio Regueiro (+5) [*]Doug Hansen (=) [*]Geoff Cahill (=) [*]Lukas Mellberg (=) [*]Alan Kendall (=) [*]Peter Bracewell (+1) [*]Simon Vine (+1) [*]Noach Van Der Capellan (+1) [*]Dominykas Jankovic (NEW!) [/LIST] LIGHTWEIGHTS : [LIST=1] [*]Sean Morrison (=) [*]Mario de Souza (=) [*]Giovani Silva (=) [*]Jason Dalglish (=) [*]Charles Stiles (=) [*]Jackson Gray (=) [*]Gustavo Bautista (=) [*]Beau Gorshin (=) [*]Brandon Sugar (=) [*]Kenny Magilton III (=) [/LIST]
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