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How often does the Cornellverse website get updated? I've only just seen it for the first time and i think its a great idea. like the interviews with wrestlers etc. and i kinda wish there was more. I just wondered is there like an official diary/dynasty that the cornellverse website will follow.
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it gets updated when adam is able to do it...it has been said that there will be an update to catch up with the 2008 data probably in the first week of august... CANT WAIT....we should get to find out about DaVE closing and everything else. the SWF Election fiasco, etc. The cornellverse website is the main thing that got me into the cornellverse
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So is there a Diary or Dynasty that is kinda like the official Cornellverse one. SO you can read how these things unfold. Coz that would be cool as you could have your own games but also read how the creaters would run it too. I suppose the only problem there is that they would have to do it for every promotion in the game. Still it would be awesome reading
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[QUOTE=Gnrfan;464911]So is there a Diary or Dynasty that is kinda like the official Cornellverse one. SO you can read how these things unfold. Coz that would be cool as you could have your own games but also read how the creaters would run it too. I suppose the only problem there is that they would have to do it for every promotion in the game. Still it would be awesome reading[/QUOTE] So i take it thats a 'No' then?
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;465638]Do you guys mean the in game website or is there somthing I am am missing?[/QUOTE] I only fund our recently that there is a website designed for info on the database. Its quite interesting so its worth a look. [url]www.greydogsoftware.com/cornellverse[/url]
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