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Workers morale resetting over new year?

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I didn't want to post this in the tech forum because I'm not sure wether this is a bug of just a coincident in my game. I've had three workers (Remo, Brandon James and a ref) beeing unhappy with my decisions. They have all been unhappy for several months, but now (Monday, week 1 of February 2009, i forgot to check morales in January..) I just saw that they are all happy again. Have anyone else experienced that worker morals reset over new years or will it jump back to normal after some time, and that that just happened to be now, for all three workers, in my game? (BTW, I just supended Remo - which he accepted - so that might be the reason for him being happy again, but I haven't had any incidents with the other two recently)
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I'm assuming after a certain period of time that workers will 'forget' about incidents that riled them. So for example, if you fined Brandon James for causing a backstage fight, his morale may drop and he may be 'unhappy with some of your recent decisions'. Providing nothing else happens inbetween, say 6 months down the line he will 'forget' about this incident and his morale will return to normal. It would most probably just be coincidence that these three all had thier morale reset at/around the same time. This would be my understanding, and it may well be completely off the mark.
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