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A New Chapter in Professional Wrestling

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OOC: This diary will have a long backstory for two reasons. 1. I'm going through with an idea I have wanted to do for a long time and it requires awhile to get it going 2. There are no good real world present day mods that have been released and my hope is that one will be available by the time it is done. I know there are a lot of them being worked on and tweaked so it should work out well. The introductory story is written through the perspectives of two people. I will color code one in blue and one in red so that you can tell them apart. Their names will be revealed later. [COLOR=Blue]Two defining moments in 2008 would change wrestling history forever. They would take it into a new era, a new chapter. One event people had seen coming but maybe it came sooner than some would have expected. You could say it was a passing of the guard. The other would leave many with a sickening gut feeling of deja vu like watching your house burn down to the ground for the second time in only a few years.[/COLOR]
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Come Into My Office [COLOR=Blue]I'm standing outside of a building that I've seen many times before. In fact, I've spent my whole life around this place. Nothing about it particularly stood out this day but I would never enter into it wearing the same shoes. "Come in," said that familiar stern voice. I sat down and faced a man that many would consider intimidating. It was always funny to me that very few people really knew what this man was like. Sure they had seen him on television and maybe they had a certain opinion, and he was so convincing. I remember watching countless wrestlers step into his office time and time again, nervous, sweating, soft-spoken. No doubt any of them could have destroyed him in a real fight but they wouldn't dare even question him sitting eye to eye in his office. "I've got something very serious to tell you and I need to make sure you're ready," he said. I urged him to go on because by this point, I was ready for anything he would lay down before me. I've had to handle all sorts of crazy high-pressure situations and I didn't think that there were any new situations under the sun that I couldn't take on. [/COLOR]
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Hindsight is 20/20 [COLOR=Red]I've heard the saying hindsight is 20/20 countless numbers of times but never did that prove to be more true than just a few short months ago. When you run a big company, it's tough to keep tabs on everything going on. Also, I hated being micro-managed myself so why would I do it to others. I beat myself up about it every day though. I just know I could have done something different. I apologize for any runny ink on these pages but these days I tend to cry a lot. There was a man who worked for me, I don't even want to mention his name. He was an advisor of sorts. Talk about the blind leading the blind. I guess I sorta knew his motives weren't pure but he was always so good at seeing an opportunity and capitalizing on it. We were doing great. We were really starting to make some good money. Everything was trailing along fine. I was extremely happy with our success and I'm sure he was extremely happy with how full his pockets were getting. Greedy...sorry I'll restrain myself from profanity. [/COLOR]
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A Passing of the Guard [COLOR=Blue]I know I said that nothing rocked my boat anymore that he could have said, but I was wrong. I knew it would happen at some point but so soon? Seven words that left me shaking in my seat. "Son, the WWE is your ship now." Instantly, hundreds of questions raced through my mind and I think I almost tried to get them all out at once. "How, so soon, I don't know if I'm ready, what happened?" He just stared sternly into my eyes waiting for me to calm down before he spoke. He always did that never wasting a word on deaf ears. I think all it did was make me more nervous though but I knew I had to compose myself if this conversation was to go forward. I put on the best fake relaxed face I could and waited for my dad to continue. [/COLOR]
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The Letter [COLOR=Red]So I'm sitting one day in my office and I receive a letter from the Internal Revenue Service. I believe it read something similar to this... [I]Ms. Carter, Due to the conspicuous nature of some of the business expenses written off by your limited liability corporation, we are choosing to investigate Panda Energy, LLC with a full audit. We will require from you records from the past seven years in accordance with the attachment provided in this letter. [/I]I thought it was strange but I knew that companies got audited all the time. I also knew that we kept excellent records so without much worry, I submitted a request to my secretary to assemble and confer with the necessary parties to prepare a report and collection of everything the IRS had requested. [/COLOR]
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Greatness Thrust Upon Me [COLOR=Blue]"You're the one I want to continue running this company and following in my footsteps. Your mother and I have talked over this for many months now. We thought it best not to notify you until it was done because we knew you could handle it but we also knew you would try to overthink it too much if you knew in advance. We need you to be the one to continue the McMahon legacy and no one else can fill those shoes." Another saying I've heard is that some men are great and others have greatness thrust upon them. Here I was. I knew I was good but was I great? Would I be able to continue on the legacy of father of Sports Entertainment Vince McMahon? Those were my last thoughts because I knew my dad was right. If he was ready to step out then no one else could step in but me. I saw the contract on his desk now. Weird that I didn't see it when I first sat down. I didn't let myself think about it again. I knew what the right thing to do was whether I was ready or not. I didn't even want to read the contract. I simply signed on the dotted line. Wrote the date: 07/08/08. Shook my father's hand without a word and walked right out the door. [/COLOR]
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The Truth Comes Out [COLOR=Red]I know now that I shouldn't have been so careless. But what did I know then? I guess I was naive when it came to big business and how it operated. It was my prerogative to look over any records and tax information before any taxes were filed and I should have noticed that something wasn't right. Looking back, we seemed to have an abundance of money no matter what I did. I thought I was being conservative in how we were spending money but the IRS soon found out that there were in excess of $7 million of taxes that were not paid within a 12-year period (after further investigation). They had gone into fraudulent business expenses claimed by my wonderful employee of the month advisor. I can't believe that creep got away with it for so long and every year I would sign my name on the cover sheet to our tax report without a second thought. There was no way I would be able to understand all the tax jargon and he had paid a top tax attorney to file them for us, or so I thought.[/COLOR]
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Time to Process [COLOR=Blue]We really didn't have to say anything more in that conversation. My dad knew I would need some time to collect my thoughts and let it sink in that I was now in charge of the largest professional wrestling organization in the world. After a few weeks I thought I was ready. I knew I wouldn't be stepping into the day to day operations for another few weeks. My dad had rightly taken care of that because he knew I would need some time. But life was about to throw another wrench into the whole situation and I would be sitting at a dinner table with someone I never thought I would be. [/COLOR]
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30 Days of Freedom [COLOR=Red]Naturally, I was responsible. My name was on the dotted line. I knew I had been set up and there was nothing I could do. I also knew the only person with the pull to do it. I kicked and screamed and tried to get myself acquitted but my forehead had the words tax fraud written all over it. I was forced to shut down the company or sell it. I had 30 days of freedom before I would go to jail for 3 years. I decided after many failed attempts elsewhere to make a dinner arrangement that made my stomach turn. [/COLOR]
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Dinner For Two [COLOR=Red]I was nervous. I almost got up and left 3 times while waiting for him. I had a headache and I had been sleeping poorly the last few nights thinking about what it will be like spending what seems like an eternity in jail. Then he walked up and was very polite. He knew all the cards were in his favor but if he was gonna exploit my situation, he certainly had his poker face on. "Have a seat. Glad you could make it." [COLOR=Blue]"It's a pleasure to actually meet you in person. It's very rarely that you get to meet your competition face to face." [COLOR=Red]"I wish it were under better circumstances but I'm sure you have a good idea why I've asked you here. I'd rather not draw this out." [COLOR=Blue] Before I could answer, the waiter came by and asked me what I wanted to drink. After letting him know what I wanted I told him we would need a few minutes after he brought the drink back before we thought about food. "So you're wanting to sell TNA to me? I'm sure there is someone else you'd rather sell to than the people that have been your #1 competition?" [COLOR=Red]I was ready to break into tears again but I maintained my composure...barely. Nevertheless I'm sure he could read my emotions clearly all over my face. [COLOR=Blue]"Listen, I'm not my dad. I wasn't the one who coined the phrase ruthless aggression. I'm not here to make you feel any worse than you already do but I don't wanna listen to you cry either. If you wanna sell TNA then tell me the offer." [COLOR=Red]I did my best to not appear any weaker than I already did. I slid my offer across the table on a note hoping he wouldn't laugh. I was hurting and I was desperate and I really didn't care about the money. I just wanted enough to be able to live on once I got out of jail. My hopes for ever running another company were crushed. My ambition was and still is ripped out of me. Sorry, I digress. [COLOR=Blue]I looked at the number she had slid across the table to me and I couldn't believe it. A few million dollars and TNA along with all its contracted superstars would be mine. A smile broke out on my face and for the first time since that day in the office of my dad did I realize that I was no longer worried and nervous about being Chairman of the Board at World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., but instead I was excited and I couldn't hide that excitement. I'm sure it made Dixie feel even worse to see me happy but she had made her pool and now she would have to swim in it. [COLOR=Red]There were no long drawn out negotiations. There were no lawyers. We had a figure set in place. I excused myself because I couldn't even think about food. I'm guessing he had a nice meal by himself. Either way, I drove home promising myself I would forget that pro wrestling even existed and when I got out of jail I would move on to a simple life somewhere out of the public spotlight. Luckily for me, I had 3 years to think about what I wanted my new career to be. [COLOR=Blue]A few days later, the contract was drawn up and signed. Just like that, in a month's time I had become the owner of the two largest professional wrestling organizations in the USA if not the world.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
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A Dream Is Born [COLOR=Blue]I know I have a lot of decision making power in the palm of my hand. I know that pro wrestling fans were hoping to finally see someone give the E some competition and now I've crushed their hopes of that. First, they had WCW taken away from them along with ECW. Now, it's like they are watching their chances of a better wrestling product go down the drain. I know that TNA fans are mad at me and maybe some people will turn off wrestling from their TV sets forever, but I have an idea of what I want to do. It will turn the wrestling world on its feet if I can just execute it right. Maybe I'm naive to think this way. Maybe I'm not the business man my dad was, but what if I can actually make fans dreams come true? Will that end up biting me in the behind? I have to find out.[/COLOR]
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A Preview of Things to Come [B]OOC:[/B] On a few of the next segments, specific dates are not given on purpose. I am not at all sure when I will be starting the actual in TEW game part of the diary and so I want to leave myself the ability to start at any point that everything is finished in the backstory and a present day real world mod is available that I want to use. [B]Excerpt from RAW [/B] [I]Shane McMahon's entrance music and video play as he makes his way down to the ring. [/I][B]Cole: [/B]Well here he is, the recently announced new owner of the WWE, Shane McMahon. [B]King: [/B]Well Cole, we were told last week that he would be making a huge announcement. Let's see what he has to say. [I]The crowd is chanting "Shane-O-Mac, Shane-O-Mac" as he looks around the crowd with a microphone in hand. [/I][B]Shane McMahon: [/B]I'm no moron and I'm not gonna beat around the bush. Many of you have heard whether online or on television that I, Shane McMahon, have purchased Total Nonstop Action Wrestling and I know that there are many of you who have a sickening feeling of deja vu. It was only 7 short years ago that I purchased WCW right out from my father's nose. It's only been 2 short years that the WWE has been making a mockery of ECW. I'm sure many of you are rightly concerned that the same fate awaits TNA. [I]TNA chants explode from the crowd. I wonder if TNA fans were trying to get tickets to this event sensing an announcement about the fate of the company they love or if that many WWE fans really like TNA? [/I][B]Shane McMahon: [/B]I'm gonna be short and sweet on this one. In just a few weeks, I am planning to turn the world of professional wrestling on its head. I am planning to make a move that my dad, even with his grapefruit-sized balls didn't have the guts to make. And as far as TNA is concerned. TNA is not dead. In fact, TNA is gonna be more alive than its ever been! [I]Shane's music plays as he makes his way to the back with an on-fire crowd chanting "TNA" over and over. You can see Shane mouthing to the crowd "You want it? You got it!"[/I]
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A Title Hangs in the Balance [I]We take you to the closing moments of a WWE PPV where Triple H and Edge are fighting for the World Title. The referee is out and has been for a few minutes. [/I]Triple H lays his title belt on the ground. Edge is making way his way up. [B]JR: [/B]He's not going to...yes, a pedigree on the title belt! And the ref doesn't see a thing. Trips goes for the cover but there's no one to count it. Triple H gets mad and goes outside and begins to look for something under the ring. It takes him a little while but he finally pulls out a sledgehammer. [B]JR: [/B]The man is sadistic! He will try anything just to keep that title belt around his waist. [B]Foley: [/B]I remember the last time I got hit with that sledgehammer. It was what happened right after that that's a little fuzzy. Meanwhile, Edge is getting back up and sees the title belt that was used and picks it up. Triple H slides in the ring with the sledgehammer and sizes up Edge. As you are well expecting, both men hit each other in the head at the same time and both weapons go flying out of their hands as they fall conveniently with each one draping a hand over the other. The ref, although still groggy has gotten to his hands and knees at least and sees the situation. He counts the three and then is helped to the back by other officials. [B]JR: [/B]Do we have an official decision on who won? Both men had the hand over the other and I don't think the official was coherent enough to know who he counted down. [B]Foley: [/B]Yeah, I think he just a saw a hand on top of someone and counted it. Not sure if he'd be able to make a decision if we asked him. [B]JR: [/B]Well we are out of time for tonight. I guess we'll have to wait for an official decision on SmackDown! this friday night.
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This does hold quite a bit of promise, however, you're going to have to settle on a mod. If you don't like some things about all of the mods out there, I would suggest tweaking the one that is closest to what you want. Everyone seems to have their own preferences for the WWE (and to a lesser extent TNA). I for one will keep reading.
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Mod Choice The only reason I haven't picked a mod yet is that I still have a lot of building up to do before I actually start playing this in TEW and because all the released mods are still in beta. Once mods start coming out with full releases I'll be able to evaluate each one and pick the one i like the best.
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Who's the Champ? [I]Excerpt from the following SmackDown! Shane McMahon's music plays as he comes down to the ring to open the show. [/I][B]JR: [/B]Well here comes Shane McMahon. Maybe he can answer the question we've all had on our minds since this past Sunday. [B]Foley: [/B]Let's check this footage out for those who didn't see the Pay-Per-View. [I]A replay of last Sunday Night's Title Match ending between Triple H and Edge is shown. Shane McMahon stands in the ring with microphone in hand and a big smile on his face. He soaks up the reaction from the crowd. [/I][B]Shane: [/B]Last sunday night, as you all know, ended in controversy...and I know the question that everyone has on their mind. I can't tell you how many people have come up to me this week and asked who the champ was. Tonight, I've come down here to give you the answer...IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO THE CHAMP IS! [I]Shane is laughing and does a fist pump. [/I][B]Shane: [/B]I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do that. [I]Shane starts trying to do the People's Eyebrow but fails miserably at it. [/I][B]Shane: [/B]But in all seriousness, it really makes no difference whether Edge is the champion or whether Triple H is the champion because tonight sets in motion what I told you was coming. Tonight opens the door for a total change in the WWE. Tonight wets the ink on the pen that I will use to write the Shane McMahon legacy into the history books...and it all begins with the vacating of every title in the WWE. In fact, you may never see some of these titles again. If there is one thing I've realized in my years being backstage in the WWE it's that no matter what you do, somebody gets pissed off, so if that's you tonight, I believe that Vince McMahon started a club for you a few years ago. Of course if you want more information, you should ask JR, he's gotten to be a part of that club on multiple occasions. [I]The camera cuts to the announcer's table where JR is shaking his head in shame. Foley puts his arm around JR. [/I][B]Foley: [/B]Nothing like reliving past memories, huh? [I]The action switches back to Shane in the ring. [/I][B]Shane: [/B]With that said, I am also vacating the brands. As of right now, there are no RAW superstars. There are no SmackDown! superstars. There are no ECW superstars...and...there are no TNA superstars! But it's not gonna stay that way for long because WWE will soon be having a full roster draft to determine who will be on which of the now four WWE brands! [i]Commercial[/i]
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And So It Begins... [I]After the commercial... [/I][B]Shane McMahon: [/B]I bet you are all wondering how this is all gonna go down. Well I've assigned a General Manager to oversee each brand and be the decision maker for that brand in the draft, but you see there's a little twist. In the past, GMs had trouble relating to the wrestlers because many of them had never stepped into the ring themselves. Therefore...all four GMs are current or past wrestlers. The first of which is none other than the man sitting in the colour commentary position right now. Ladies and gentlemen, your new GM of E-C-W....Mick Foley!!!! [B]JR: [/B]What!? [B]Foley: [/B]Gotta go kiddos. [I]Foley's music hits as he leaves the commentary position and makes his way to the ring. The crowd is going nuts and chanting E-C-W. Foley milks the reaction for all it's worth before talking. [/I][B]Foley: [/B]Well it's nice to know that there are a bunch of ECW fans right here in Huntington, WV! [I]Crowd goes nuts again...of course. [/I][B]Foley: [/B]All I gotta say is that Shane-o and I are on the same page when it comes to ECW. For the past two years, I've watched something I loved get turned into something I hated. I've seen ECW, the company that pioneered hardcore wrestling in America become more of a joke than an Al Snow vs Steve Blackman classic. [I]Foley smiles and gives the thumbs up.[/I] [B]Foley:[/B] So, with the permission of Shane McMahon, I am taking ECW back to what it stood for. [I]ECW chant breaks out before Foley can get the next word out. [/I][B]Foley: [/B]But don't get me wrong, this isn't gonna be some throwback to the old ECW trying to recreate some past glory. This is gonna be a new ECW but with a restored attitude of extreme, anything goes, blood, guts, and violence. Have a nice day!
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