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Build Up To Wrestlemania 25

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[B][I][U]Build Up to Wrestle Mania 25[/U][/I][/B] [FONT="Arial"]The name is John Mercer. Hello there. This is my story on how I lead the largest promotion... The World Wrestling Federation, Er I mean, Entertainment to the grand daddy of them all pay per views WrestleMania 25. As an avid fan since the early 90's, I had some great knowledge, I graduated from Michigan University in 2002 with a degree in creative writing, mostly screenplay action. You might of seen some of my movies, I'm mostly SCFI. In fact that's how I got picked up with the WWE. Before ECW ever debuted and the promotion was shipping it out, SCFI agreed to the contract under one stipulation, a writer from the SCFI had to be on the booking staff from their company at all times in order to keep it SCFI enough. I was the poor soul who got booked. Yes, I came up with all the lame gimmicks, and did I know they were lame? Yes. Paul Heyman agreed with me "I was in a **** position." When Paul left the company and bookers came and saw as Vince McMahon pleased one thing was sure. I was still there, and I was upset. SCFI most of wanted me to get fired. The times were changing. Dusty Rhodes came down and actually started making the program better considering our show was the worst brand out there, I wouldn't of even got a job with XPW if it was still around. I used to help Juvi do the JUVI JUICE Promos... Just kidding. So there I am with my contract with SCFI coming to its final month. Finally my contract was up, and I only had to work for ECW a couple more weeks. I had many production companies coming up to me asking me for my screenplays and since my contract allowed me to work with other companies I could do that. Than the WWE came up to me and offered me a job. The WWE offering me a job? After the **** job I did in ECW? No way. Vince McMahon came to an ECW taping and talked to me and said and I quote "You did a decent job. I know ECW sucks, but hey the fans like it. Kind of. But look ECW is merging with Smackdown or Raw, I'm not quite sure, I want you part of it, and your head writer until Wrestle Mania." said Vince. "Why until then?" I asked. "Stephanie, will reclaim that position as head writer." Vince said. Wait a second, I was going to be head writer? "Head writer?" I asked. "Yeah. You sign the contract, about one year, its May, so I'll sign you for a whole year, five hundred thousand dollars for one year. How does that sound? And if you earn over a certain amount of money per pay per view, I'll let you have a bonus." said Vince. "Really?" I couldn't believe this. "Yeah, well we need something fresh. With TNA and Paul Heymans new organization WCWF opening. We will need some new fresh storylines, kind of like when WCW started kicking our ass. So you in or what?" asked Vince. "Yes but one last thing..." Vince took over. "But what? Good deal isn't it. Wait your screenplays, how about this. You let the WWE produce them?" asked Vince. " No offense but ..." I was saying. "Alright, you can send them else where I won't stop you. But the contract will be waiting for you to sign, before you start any new programs finish the old ones." said Vince. So there it was. I wasn't really paying attention at what was going on with the storylines anyway, I just helped write the screenplay for the show and gave in some ideas. What was even occuring with Raw and Smackdown? Oh well, I'll make something up.[/FONT] [B]* First diary since EWR, and its just a rehash of a bunch of pay per views with storylines I did leading up to the grand daddy of them all. So read if you want, it will have no weekly tv shows, but I will add in the description some events that occured on RAW, HEAT, SD, ECW[/B]
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First thing is first. I had no idea what was going on. Arn Anderson just informed minutes before my first show which was Raw on June 1st that each brand was going to have their own pay per view each month, besides for a few select pay per views. Arn gave me my schedule. [B][I][CENTER]June – Night of champions July –Great American Bash for Smackdown and Fully Loaded for RAW August – Summer Slam for both brands September – Unforgiven for Smackdown and September Smash for Raw October – No Mercy for Smackdown and Cyber Sunday for Raw November – Survivor Series for both December – Armageddon for Smackdown and Buried Alive for Raw January – The Royal Rumble for both February – The Final Stand for Raw and No Way Out for Smackdown March – Wrestle Mania[/CENTER][/I][/B] Safe to say I had my hands full. And I had to come up with some quick stuff to finish up the programs already in place so I could do my own stuff. [B]Night of Champions Card[/B] WWE Championship – John Cena Vs John Bradshaw Layfield © WWE World Heavyweight Championship – Umaga Vs Edge © ECW World Heavyweight Title – Mark Henry Vs Kane © WWE Intercontinental Title – Carlito Vs Shelton Benjamin Vs Mr. Kennedy Vs Matt Hardy © World Tag Team Titles – Ted Dibiase Jr. and DH Smith Vs Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes © Shawn Michaels Vs Mystery Opponent Jeff Hardy Vs MVP CM Punk Vs William Regal Don’t worry folks; I’ll explain everything and just why it happened next, and how everything came about. *Rate the card if you want. It’s already been run and I will be updating soon.
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[U][B]Night of Champions Build Up To Results[/B][/U] [B][U]CM Punk Vs William Regal[/U][/B][I]*So I was told CM PUNK is the next big thing. And from the couple of times I talked to him, he seemed like a good guy. He wasn’t really doing anything, so I decided to move him to Raw, when Vince gave me the green light during the draft. Once again the draft wasn’t my idea. So Regal was suspended for drugs, big deal to me he was back. [/I] Regal and Punk I wanted to make it simple, two guys who both were good wrestlers going at it, for one reason, to see who the best is. That simple. [U][B]Jeff Hardy Vs MVP[/B][/U] [I]*My goal for this feud was to help build up Jeff Hardy. I remember earlier in the year he was huge until he got in trouble. So what a way to build him up that beat MVP. I’m not really a MVP fan, so who cares. I would never let him know that though. I had big plans for Hardy so it started here.[/I] MVP brutally attacked Matt Hardy earlier in the month. Jeff Hardy ran on a Smackdown when MVP was in a match and cost hit he match, and then used a chair to lay him out and BOOM twist of fate through a table. The two kept battling with even Mr. Kennedy helping MVP out with the fight against the Hardy’s. It ended up with The Hardy’s losing in a tag team bout right before Night of Champions to MVP and Kennedy. [B][U]Shawn Michaels Vs Mystery Opponent[/U][/B] [I]*I was told that they wanted to re-debut a monster and after I was told who it was, I figured this was the best way. Plus, I couldn’t stand Jericho and Michael’s feud so I quickly put the axe on that once I had Lance Cade beat up Jericho. Originally it was going to be Michaels and Bryan Danielson against Lance Cade and Jericho but Vince didn’t like that idea, because Danielson was an unknown and just signed. Oh well to that. This new storyline was going great.[/I] Michaels was on Raw one night and helped Jericho score a win fall after Lance Cade should have clearly won the title. What a swerve it was. Cade the bad guy is now the good guy, and Jericho and Michael align. Sort of. Next week HBK gave Jericho the sweet chin music and while going to leave the glass shattered and Stone Cold Steve Austin returned as the sheriff once again. (VINCE MCMAHONS AND PATT PATTERSONS IDEA NOT MINE!) With that it became Austin against McMahon again but this time different. HBK holds a vendetta against Austin for the stunner he gave him that night, and the fact that HBK finally told Austin it was him to retired him back in 1998 because of that botched stunner. (ONLY THING I COULD THINK OF. I KNOW IT DIDN’T MAKE SENSE!) So the war was on. HBK was fully heel and teaming with Vince McMahon to help take on Austin. [B][U]World Tag Team Titles – Ted Dibiase Jr. and DH Smith Vs Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes[/U][/B] [I]*Well this is where bad communication went. Vince forgot to tell me they wanted Cody Rhodes a heel, so I thought how cool would it be for Dibiase and Smith to form a heel tag team of the next generation stars. Oh well.[/I] Dibiase and Smith beat JTG and SHAD for a shot at the titles. That’s it. [B][U]WWE United States Title – Carlito Vs Shelton Benjamin Vs Mr. Kennedy Vs Matt Hardy[/U][/B] [I]*I had no say in this. Stephanie wanted it to happen but I could pick the winner. I figured alright, Hardy needs a push as does that little girl screamer Carlito. Shelton was boring to me and Kennedy, I just couldn’t put my finger on it, but he wasn’t ready.[/I] Regular match, couldn’t do much about it, I had no idea about the build up to this. [B][U]WWE Intercontinental Title – Lance Cade Vs Chris Jericho[/U][/B] [I]*So this match was just thrown together because of the storyline, but it really didn’t make any sense.[/I] Cade wanted a rematch after what happened when HBK interfered and well Jericho granted him his wish because he believed in “the right thing” Jericho slowly turned face, but more of a heel, kind of like how he would insult Stephanie McMahon during the Invasion era. Still face more than ever though! [B][U]ECW World Heavyweight Title – Mark Henry Vs Kane[/U][/B] [I]*Dusty Rhodes made me do it. End of story.[/I] [B][U]WWE World Heavyweight Title – Umaga Vs Edge[/U][/B] [I]*With Undertaker out till the pay per view, I was told to let Umaga or the Great Khali face him. I could care less.[/I] Umaga and Edge kept taking each other on in brawls throughout the arena, no good build up. But oh well, It wasn’t up to me really. The following pay per view was all mine. [B][U]WWE Championship – John Cena Vs JBL[/U][/B] [I]*I’m a big fan of JBL but Cena not so much. Vince wanted Cena, I wanted JBL, and well I really didn’t want either one to be champion. So Vince said I had to flip a coin. Great, that would make everything else from this point harder.[/I] Brawls and many tag team matches which involved Cena and his stable with JTG and SHAD and also JBL hung out with DH SMITH and TED DIBIASE and boom there was history. Honestly this was the buildup. This pay per view was going to suck, and the only match I figured would be good was the main event. Hopefully the surprise will be good because man I could use one. Oh and Triple H was actually suspended for getting caught on steroids. Great no Triple H till two weeks before the Great American Bash.
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[B][U]Night Of Champions Results[/U][/B] Ah so the night was finally here, and I could choose who won the match. Without Vince McMahon telling me otherwise, he did tell me keep HBK and Undertaker doing well though. I liked both of them so it didn’t matter, if he would of said that about Batista than dam I was in trouble. [U]CM Punk Vs William Regal[/U] Result – Punk over Regal in clean fashion. Went good and the fans started to think more of Punk, so I came to a conclusion he should use his money in the bank tonight or soon. [U]Jeff Hardy Vs MVP[/U] Result – Jeff Hardy cleanly over MVP and it turned out to be a fantastic match, but with a mystery attack at the end left Hardy out cold in the ring. Who did it? [U]Shawn Michaels Vs Mystery [/U] Result – Psycho Sid came back and man what a match it was. Shawn and Sid pulled the highest rated match of the night in, and was pure awesome. Shawn took home the win with the help of Kevin Nash and X-Pac coming out to form the Corp Inc. stable with Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon going against Austin. [U]World Tag Team Titles – Ted Dibiase Jr. and DH Smith Vs Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes[/U] Result – Ted Dibiase Jr. and DH Smith win and nothing more to it. [U]WWE United States Title – Carlito Vs Shelton Benjamin Vs Mr. Kennedy Vs Matt Hardy[/U] Result – I had Hardy retain, but Carlito is the new challenger. WWE Intercontinental – Lance Cade Vs Chris Jericho Result – There was no way in hell I could let Cade win the belt. Instead back to jobber city for him. Jericho I have no plans for. So I figured why not just keep him in the loop with him working with younger talent and still letting him hold the title. He didn’t mind. [U]ECW World Heavyweight Title – Mark Henry Vs Kane[/U] Result – Mark Henry won the title yes, I’m a Kane fan but I have nothing for him. So he will just float around the mid card for awhile until something comes up. As For Henry, the debuting masked superstar FIERCE (Christopher Daniels) attacked Henry after the match and will be his new competitor. [U]WWE World Heavyweight Title – Umaga Vs Edge[/U] Result – Edge claimed the belt and said anybody who else thinks they can step in the ring with him to come on out. Than R-V-D reappeared and the challenge was there. [U]WWE Heavyweight Title – John Cena Vs J-B-L[/U] Result – JBL by cheating and after the match JBL brought out his newest partner to his Generation Stable, Ron Killings. CM PUNK then made it clear that at Fully Loaded he was cashing in his title shot against JBL. So the build up was already set up for the next two pay per views.
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[FONT="Arial"]So there I was with one pay per view down. And about eight left, or so. I don’t really recall anything from that time period in detail because I was so busy. In fact it’s a good thing I wrote this all in my old notebook from Michigan University next to all the girls I used to date. As you could see I didn’t really care on what matches just a good product. Actually that didn’t matter either, since I was getting my movies made into production. So I came up with the Great American Bash, and I wanted it to lead up into my next pay per view SUMMERSLAM. So as time went on Vince McMahon decided to bring in Randy Savage as an announcer. Always liked him, but when I suggested Hulk Hogan as the other announcer Vince got upset and said no. Oh well. I just wanted to job Hogan out. [/FONT] [B][U]Great American Bash Card (Smackdown Only)[/U][/B] ECW Heavyweight Championship – Finlay Vs Mark Henry © Vs Fierce (Christopher Daniels) For Kelly Kelly’s Managing Rights – Mr. Kennedy Vs Gregory Helms Tag Team Championship – Ryder and Hawkins Vs John Morrison and The Miz © MVP Vs The Undertaker United States Title – Carlito Vs Shelton Benjamin Vs Matt Hardy © Psycho Sid Vs Umaga Number One Contender for World Title – Jeff Hardy Vs Triple H World Heavyweight Championship – Rob Van Dam Vs Edge © That was my card. Not huge, but I didn’t have much to work with. Vince decided to get the show going better I was able to hire who ever I wanted, but I had to get Vince McMahon to sign off on it. I hired some young talent but decided they were not worth putting on the card. Some of the names were Chris Hero, Bryan Danielson, and some other kid. I forgot his name it was like Super Dragon but I figured I’d change his name to Kennedy McMahon in effort to get him over. Didn’t work. Also I hired AJ STYLES from TNA. They just picked up DOMINO from us, so oh well. I’ll explain just how everything came about soon in this Great American Bash card.
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Alright, so the build up to Great American Bash. As a child I remember some of the classic Bashes like when Macho Man Randy Savage and Sid battled it out and Nash was involved and then Hulk Hogan came back in the yellow and red. 2000 I think it was. 1990 was good too but it wasn’t classic as Savage and Sid. So here is what storylines I produced for the Great American Bash. [U]ECW Championship – Finlay Vs Mark Henry Vs Fierce (Christopher Daniels)[/U] [I]*Basically Finlay was added to this match because it felt empty , so I had him challenge Henry and than Henry accepted, Henry being dumb forgot he already had the match with Fierce, so then it was made into a triple threat match. It didn’t help that D’Lo Brown beat him the Smackdown before and Mark Henry is currently in a storyline where his character is severely depressed because he’s never been able to make it to Wrestle Mania main event. [/I] My ideas for this is simple, Henry is horrible, Finlay is good but just not my type of wrestler to push, while Christopher Daniels is fantastic. I’m enjoying his work but he is quite over yet with the audience so I’m not quite sure what to do with him totally yet. [U]For Kelly Kelly’s Managing – Mr. Kennedy Vs Gregory Helms[/U] [I]*Kennedy went on a couple dates, while Helms was helping her in her matches against Victoria. Helms asked her if she wanted to go on a date and found out Kennedy was already making her tap out. So Helms decided he would fight Kennedy for her heart.[/I] Honestly, I just wanted to get some good television with Kelly appearing naked in almost every segment. [U]Tag Team Titles – Ryder and Hawkins Vs Miz and John Morrison[/U] [I]*No build up, just Miz and Morrison performing acts of stupidity toward everyone and thinking their great.[/I] I really enjoy the Miz and Morrison tag team, just lack of other teams hurts their chances of doing great. I recently recalled Mike Mondo and Nick Nemeth from FCW, and gave them the FRAT BOYS Gimmick calling them Frat Boy Mike and Frat Boy Nick. Overall they are doing well, and I’m teaming up Evan Bourne and Chris Harris as a team called Road Rage. Nowhere near ready but their chemistry as a tag team is great! [U]MVP Vs The Undertaker[/U] [I]*MVP claimed how he should be in the main event, and how he hasn’t been able to prove himself quite yet. The Undertaker answered the challenge and began to show up at his matches and taunt him. Undertaker is slowly transforming back into his Bad Ass Undertaker days.[/I] The Undertaker gimmick while great, doesn’t fit the current times, so he will be going back to the bad ass, that way I can actually make him do something cool and he can give us those lame promo’s again that get the fans going. [U]United States Title Match – Carlito Vs Shelton Benjamin Vs Matt Hardy[/U] [I]*Once again Matt Hardy and Carlito are at each others throats by trying to cost each other matches but both seem to come out on top. The only problem is that Vicki Guerrero wait scratch that Shane McMahon fired her, decided it was best if Carlito and Matt Hardy want to fight each other, they have to wait and prove themselves worthy. So unless Shelton Benjamin wins, Shane McMahon decided it was best to have Carlito and Matt Hardy at SummerSlam unless Benjamin wins.[/I] I like Benjamin I really do. Yet, he bothers me, and Carlito is great too but I just don’t see Main Event quality in him, but great United States title reigns could be in him, Hardy on the other hand I just want to get the title off of him so he can go on to better things but yet that might be impossible. [U] Psycho Sid Vs Umaga[/U] [I]*Sid is the best big man on Smackdown and wants to prove it. Umaga wants a shot after his tag team partner the Great Khali went down with injury after being power bombed through a table by Sid.[/I] Sid is the man of the company for sure. I’m going to make him the front runner of the company. [U]Jeff Hardy Vs Triple H[/U] [I]*Last month when Hardy was attacked after Night of Champions it was Triple H. Triple H wants the shot at the championship and the only man left is Hardy. Triple H thinks Hardy is just a simple little man, but Hardy has one thing Triple H forgot about, Heart.[/I] Triple H shouldn’t of taken steroids end of story. [U]WWE Championship – Rob Van Dam Vs Edge[/U] [I]*After Edge accepted the challenge it was on, each encounter these two face has been boiling up as the match is a ladder match for the title. RVD and Edge are slowly becoming more irate with each with each day that passes and at the Bash it will all be let out.[/I] I like RVD and I like Edge, I think both could be champions, but RVD Vs Triple H? Nah that couldn’t be good, could it? RVD Vs Jeff Hardy at Summer Slam wow that could be awesome, or Edge Vs Triple H, I don’t know if that happened before but that could be a great brawl. Edge Vs Jeff Hardy? Hmm… TLC match maybe? [B]Overall the card is solid with some decent build up. I’m still waiting for most of the my contracts with other wrestlers that are free agents to be signed. Hopefully everything is done soon because man oh man I have some great ideas. I think I care about the company now. Well not really I only have to do decent until Wrestle Mania to get a one million dollar bonus if my pay per view rates are all higher than last years![/B]
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