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Worker's place on card - Popularity Question

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Well. If I make a mod, with one worker, and one promotion. Let's say the promotion is located in Mid Atlantic, a small promotion, with 20% popularity in Mid Atlantic. Then, I link the worker - lets say his name is Lenny - to the promotion with a contract, and I put Lenny's popularity in Mid Atlantic area 30%. Now, the fed has 20% popularity in Mid Atlantic.. And Lenny has 30% popularity in Mid Atlantic.. But why is he still in enchanment talent, if I want him to be a main eventer? So basically I want to know, how to adjust worker's place on the card, [B]with the editor, not in game[/B]. Sorry if asked before.
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its always relative to the other workers on the roster and the AI fils spaces from the bottem e.g enhancement talent towards the top. Plus unfortunatly at the moment the A.I takes a workers popularity for the entire Nation (Europe and UK being Nations in game) a promotion is based in and uses that to assign a push.
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