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I cant think of a catchy name for my diary so i'll call it simply my diary. It's the first day on the job for the new WWE Head Booker and as he walks into his office he is receiving fax after fax from hisbrand new machine. the first fax he picks up says WWE Franchise Players. the top five on the list are Shawn Michaels, Triple H, John Cena, Chris Jericho and Randy Orton. He reads alittle more about them before simply saying "interesting"
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After a quick cup of coffee the new WWE head booker picks up the next fax which is all about Next Big Things. It is about which stars the creative team think have a big future. first on the list is Kenny Dykstra, next is mickie james, third is ted dibiase folowed by hsi tag team champioship partner cody rhodes and last on the list is DH Smith. again this news is greeted by the words "interesting"
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as the new wwe head booker is about to go out for another cup of coffee he decides to take the next fax with him to read on the way to the coffee machine. the third fax is all about hot prospects. the first person on the list much like the last list is kenny dykstra, 2nd is current wwe womans champion mickie james, 3rd on the list is DH Smith, next is 1 half of the tag team champions ted dibiase and 5th on the list is Brian Kendrick. the new head booker says "man this kenny dykstra must have some talent #1on the last 2 faxes."
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the next fax picked up by the new WWE head booker is headlined Talk The Talk. his reply to reading the headline is "these guys are the loadmouths of the company" the first name on the list is John Cena, followed by Ric Flair, 3rd on the list is the new wwe head bookers boss Vince McMahon followed by Triple H and last on the list is Chris Jericho. he puts down the piece of paper and does'nt say a word
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